Interconnect (Digital Communication)
Interconnect (Digital Communication)
Interconnect (Digital Communication)
Preface xi
What is Digital Communication? 1
Introduction to Facebook
Constructing Self Using Facebook 48
Facebook Profile and Facebook Page 48
Introduction to LinkedIn
da 65
Constructing Self Using Linkedln 1AMS 67
Strategies to Attract Recruiters 72
Keywords and Where to Put Them 73
LinkedIn and CV: A Comparison 75
LinkedIn vs Facebook
Introduction to Instagram ioggh g h p 85
Types of Accounts 86
Trolling on Instagram 92
Uses of Instagram 95
Features of Instagram 96
Significance of Video Scripting
51pi 155
How to Write a Video Script
JourneyAW 156
Video Creation to Publication: A Vlogs
Vlog Etiquette
ggn o st 160
g 161
agal 163
anssod goi164
Previous Year's Question Paper, Delhi University
quotd gi167
" To hone skills for online communication and provide interpersonal skills required
in the digital world.
To effectively present themselves in personal and professional capacities using online
By studying this course, students will be able to understand and learn globally
emerging forms of digital communication in English and effectively communicate
in their everyday contexts, be it in social or professional situations.
Digital communication is the same old communication that now owns a smartphone.
All the rules of good communication apply to digital communication. The 7 Cs of
communication-that your message should be clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent,
complete, and courteous--are as much the cardinal rules for digital communication as
they are for any other kind of communication.
If youwish to express yourself to your friends or need to convey an idea to your
peers, or make a presentation at your workplace, you will need to be equipped with the
basic tools of communication. You might be the brightest person with the most brilliant
ideas but if you do not have the skill to communicate them, you are no better than the
person who has no ideas worth conveying. Add to the 7 Cs the three magic words-
thank you, please, and sorry-andyou will make more friends, annoy fewer people and
get your work done with ease.
The value of good communication skills cannot be emphasised enough. The ability
to convey amessage exactly as you intend is a high skill and valued in all areas of
life, be it personal or professional. With the boom in technology, communication
has moved to digital platforms and along with the skills of communication, we now
require a thorough understanding of the digital media as well. This book is designed to
help you do just that-master the art of digital communication. All of us are familiar
with most mediums of digital communication but are we using them well? Just as all
of us use language but only some of us are good communicators, similarly, all of us
are familiar with various forms of digital communication, such as email, Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp, etc., but onlya few can use these tools to communicate effectively.
"The world used to be a simpler place, is an adage that we often hear. One only
had to communicate with a few people-immediate family and friends, and colleagues.
But with the world shrinking to it into the palm of one's hand, thanks to the digital
eution, the contours of life have changed. We are now communicating with peonl
in different time zones. And we use various mediums to do this-a meeting via Co
Meet, an international conterence sitting at home via Zoom, a video call with
oveNcas fiend via WhatsApp. The possibilities are infinite and the usage is endles
Because we are living in aworld that is fast getting digitised, it is imperative that we
learn to navigate our way through this world.
As has been said earlier, all the rules of good communication apply to digital
commumication. Add to that an understanding of the technicalities of the digital
platform or medium that you are using and you are an effective communicator in todav's
world. While most of us are very pleased with the convenience and the speed of the
communication process in the digital world, there are many who warn us about the
dangers of this digital revolution. Issues of privacy, psychological ramifcations of living
ones lite in a virtualworld, decreasing attention spans, and increasing loneliness amidst
of hundreds and thousands of friends/followers, are some of the concerns that have been
raised by educators and mental health experts. While it is unavoidable to not be a part
of the digital world, it helps to be aware of the pitfalls and to exercise caution. It has
also been noticed that the digital platform lends itself very easily to abusive behaviour:.
The impersonality of the screen makes it easier for people to be rude to each other
lt is important to remember that good manners never go out of fashion, whether we
communicate verbally or through digitalplatforms. The golden rule of communication is
to speak unto others as you want them to speak unto you. And we would have written
this in all caps had it not been for the fact that we would have appeared rude in doing so.
With this book, we hope to be able to make you good communicators in the
digital world. We understand that all of you are familiar with the tools of digital
communication and have been using these tools actively for some time. But as teachers
of English language and communication, we have noticed that the learners could use
some guidance to improve themselves. With Covid, the reliance of the teaching-learning
process on digital tools increased manifold. While digital technology proved to be a
godsend during those difficult times, it was also noticed that communication throug
digital means led to miscommunication and friction, For instance, more and more
students now rely on WhatsApp to communicate with teachers. And almost all teachers
have been shocked and dismayed by the impolite ways in which students communicate
The students, on the other hand, have no clue about what they do that irritates the
PREFACE || xiii
teachers so much. Another example that readily comes to mind is of students sending
assignmentsvia email. The assignments go to spam because the email ID of the student
is' or, and the student believes that
the teacher has missed evaluatingher/his assignment and given a zero. This causes stress
not only for the student but also the teacher who has to look everywhere to locate the
assignment. And a medium that was used to save time and effort ends up wasting more
time and energy. That is the result of students using the tools of digital communication
without learning how to use them. The need for training in the field of this new and
indispensable means of communication was felt acutely in the English department. With
this need in mind and an aim to make the students adept at using the tools of digital
communication,this course was introduced. We hope that this book willnot only be a
useful resource for teachers but willalso help the learners navigate the brave new world
of digital communication and master it.
Kuntal Tamang
Shilpa B.S.L
Vishakha Kardam
Ranjana Nagar
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WHAT Digital digital
digital as It
and of
way we access, exchange and use information. With technology becoming more m
orientated and user-friendly, individuals at all levels have beconme more digitally
and have started using technology in newer ways and in an ever-increasing literate
areas of their lives. By 2020, more than half of the worlds population had become active
internet users. From social media to online shopping, from web applications
remote working to on-demandentertainment services, these systems have largely reshab allowing
the functioning of our everyday life. These systems maximise the effectiveness of share
resources, build reliable solutions for individual users, and facilitate communication :
multiple aspects of our lives.
These developments have led to an enormous amount of data being created in the digital
space, propelling today's society into what is called the Information Age. To survive and s.
thrive in this Information Age, it is imperative that we become digitally literate. However.
inthe digitised world, it is not just the content but also the medium of communication
that holds significance. As media theorist Marshall McLuhan put it, the medium is the
message". It is here that it becomes important to understand Media Richness Theory.
MRT compares all types of communication in their abilities to convey messages.
When we speak about how rich a source of communication is, we are referring to
how much information is being transferred from the sender to the receiver. According
to this theory proposed by Richard L. Daft and Robert H. Lengel, different media or
forms of communication have diferent levels of richness in the information that they
provide. MRT, also known as Information Richness Theory, helps us choose the form of
communication most suited to convey our message. Les rich forms of communication
such as text messages and written letters do not contain the kind of information that can
be conveyed through rich media such as video conferencing or face-to-face interaction.
As the form of media becomes richer, the receiver has more cues to interpret the message
such as voice inflection, facial expression, hand gestures, body language, etc. Each form
of communication has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages and its important
for us to understand these so that we may use the medium best suited to convey ou
message most effectively. The need to select the appropriate medium arisesimmediate
from i
context of the message being conveyed. If the message is urgent and requires Organised
feedback, then we must use the richest form of medium. For instance, you have
aseminar in your institution and have invited a prominent personality to deliver the
keynote. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the seminar has to be cancelled at the last
minute. You have to inform the keynote speaker just two hours before the scheduled time
about the cancellation. What form of communication will you employ to ensure that the
speaker gets the information? Will you send an email, a text message, or will youmake
a phone call? Let's take another example. You have designed your organisation's annual
report and wish to get feedback from your colleagues before you submit the report.
It is a forty-page report with graphs and tables. Will you call a meeting and read out
the report to get feedback or will you print out the entire report and make copies for
everyone and have it couriered to all of them or will you send an email to everyone
with the report attached?
According to MRT, the following is the descending order of media in terms of
richness: face-to-face, video systems, audio systems, text systems. These are also called
very rich, somewhat rich, lean, very lean mediums.
While we might feel that the richer the media the better, this
is not entirely
direct communication which does not involve uncertainty and hence does nottrue. For
discussion, the leaner the media the better. For instance, when outlining require
rules in a memo to allemployees, we want lean media that get to the point set-in-stone
additional details that might complicate things. But when we have to discusSwithout ay
that is equivocal and does not have a straight or clear solution, we need rich
instance, when ateam needs to finalise points for a client presentation, we medi
a. Fo
media. Rich media adds context to asituation and leads to nuanced need rich
and well-informed
decision making. Selecting the appropriate medium to deliver the message is
effective communication in the digital world. crucial to
Digitisation has impacted the world in a big way and India aspires to become a
trillion-dollar digital economy by 2025. But, as per the Multiple Indicator Survey (MIS
report of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) released in March 2023, the maiorin
of respondents in the 15-29 age group reported an inability to do
Published in The Print, the survey pointed out that 73% lack routine basic computer tasks
email skills su
as adding an attachment. Such finding are
the IT Hub of the world. The 15-29 age dismaying given Indias aspiration to become
group represents more than a quarter of Indias
population, around 27.5 percent. The lack of ICT skills in this young
population, as indicated by the survey, does not bode well for the future working-age
many in an increasingly digitised world. prospects of
It is with the intent of equipping the
young generation with all the
communication skills required in this rapidly digitising world that thistechnological and
curriculum has
been developed. While technology is the base on which the
architecture of the digital
world rests, it is the linguistic and communicative skills that are
the building blocks of
this world. This book is designed to help you in
mediums of communication that have become intrinsic understanding the nuances of digital
to our lives. Each chapter is
devoted to a specific mode of digital
communication-Email, Facebook, Linkedln,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Blogs, and Vlogs. The chapters are independent of each other
and may be gone through in any order. Exercises, activities, fun facts and
questions in each chapter are meant to not only enhance your understanding of the toplc
but also contribute towards a comprehensive continuous evaluation as per the
of the UGCF (Undergraduate Curriculum Framework 2022) in guidelines
keeping with the National
Education Policy 2020. The appendix at the end of the book provides information 2nou
the new platforms of social media that have become popular in recent times. Also
included is the previous year's question paper of Delhi University.
Email, or Electronic mail, is one of the most popular forms of digital communication.
It is amode where people exchange messages, computer-stored documents and graphics
using the internet. Email was first introduced in 1971 when Ray Tomlinson, a computer
programmer, found a way of transmitting messages between computer systems on the
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)-which eventually became
the modern internet.
Email has grown to be a vital medium of communication in the last five decades and
has remained so despite the rise of other digital channels. The reasons for its popularity
are many. It has become one of the most universally used digital channels. According
to the figures released by Radicati, a Technology Market Research Firm, there are 3.9
Dillion active email users worldwide as estimated in early 2019. That is more than a
glarter of the world's total population using emails. Further, emails have come to be
Fig. 1. The two ARPANET computers Fig. 2. Ray Tomlinson, the computer
between which the first email was programmer who invented emails.
inform about new launches. It is considered one of the most effective digital marketing
for every $1 you spend
on email marketing.
(Onisend 2022)
Email lends validity: It's common in the professional world to hear people say "Put
it in an email". Just as in the offline world nothing is final until it is written, in the
new business world, nothing is official unless it is communicated through the official
channel of email.
Email is a gateway to the digital world: As part of this globalised and digitalised
world, an email ID is an essential identity of a person or a company. Whether it
is for hunting jobs or accessing social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn
or Instagram, you need an email ID. Similarly, aprofessional email address lends a
sense of credibility to any business.
Email as atime-waster/work detractor: Sending and receiving emails can lead to.
lot of wasted time and effort. It can distract employees from completing a criticl
job. According to an article, "Death by Information Overload" published by Harvard
Business Review, people took an average of twenty-five minutes to return to awork
task after an email interruption. The article also quotes the results of a survey of
2300 Intel company employees, revealing how they perceived one-third of the email
messages received to be unnecessary.
Information Overload: People tend to send irrelevant messages such as junk mal
bad jokes, chain letters, or irrelevant memos (e.g. the casual use of "cc or "Reply
all"). Going through such unwanted emails is a waste of employees productive time
EMAIL || 13
Not suited for complex and sensitive messages: People overestimate their ability to
communicate via email. An email is typically suited for routine messaging. Even when
email is used for marketing, effective messaging involves simple and clear messages.
Emails must be avoided for complex messages.
Overdependency on emails: There is atendency in our workplaces to be overdependent
on email for communication. Email is only one of the many communication channels
available. The other popular mediums are face-to-face communication, telephone, instant
messaging and intranet. Depending on the nature and urgency of the message, one
must choose an appropriate channel. If it is an urgent message and a quick one, then
possibly a telephone call works better than an email. Similarly, when communicating
complex messages involving negotiation or elaborate discussion, or conveying bad
news, emails cannot replace face-to-face communication.
Read the following case of Twitter's global vice president of policy, Sinead McSweeney
and answer the questions that follow.
On November 16, Twitter sent an email to its employees to make a choice--to work
the company under new, stricter rules or resign. The email asked employees to
click on
yes if they "want to be part of the new Twiter" and 'no' to resign. Twitter's global wie
president of policy, Sinead McSweeney, did not click on yes due to alack of clarity Over
several issues, including her contractual entitlements. As she ignored the November 16
email, Twitter locked her access to internal IT systems, emails and the Dublin office. She
claimed Twitter humiliated her as if she was never a part of the company. McSweenev
received an email confirming her "voluntary resignation" on November 18th. She sought
an injunction telling the court that she has not technically resigned from her position
by not responding
to a genericemail authorised by Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk.
The court asked Twitter to reinstate her access to 1witter's system
as if she's still a part of the company. However, this does not mean
she is a full-time worker, and McSweeney will have to renegotiate
her position.?
Discussion Questions
1. What are McSweeney's arguments against her voluntary resignation'?
2. What do you think of Twitter's use of emails to fire people?
Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail are some of the popular email domains. Regardless of the
domain you use, for the sake of usability, there are certain common features standardised
in an email interface. These features are:
1. To: This is where the email address/es of the primary recipient/s must be placed. Ensure that
the email addresses are error-free as any error will result in the failure of enmail transmision.
1DHO EMAIL || 15
2. Cc: This is an abbreviation for "Carbon Copy". If you wish to send a copy of your email
tosomeone other than the primary recipient, youmust place his/her email address here.
3. Bcc: This is an abbreviation for "Blind Carbon Copy" When you place an email address
in this field, you are sending a copy of your email to his/her email address without
revealing this to either the primary recipient or the person to whom you have sent the Cc.
4. Subject: This field is to announce the content of the message, preferably in a single
line text. One should attempt to write a subject line which gives the reader a clear
idea of what the message is about. A well-written subject line grabs the reader's
attention,encouraging him/her to attend to the email as required. Amessages without
a subject line is treated as unprofessional and is usually dumped as unimportant.
5. Composition: The message you write is placed here. Creating awell-written message
is an important skillin the modern workplace. How to write an email is dealt with
in a later section.
6. Attachment: Using this feature, you may attach a document or a multimedia file that
you wish to send to the recipient.
New Message
1. Subject Line: Every email, whether formal or informal, should have ashort subjec
line which specifies the content of the email.
2. Salutation: Much like traditional letters,emails also most often begin with a
EMAIL || 17
Depending on the context and your relationship with the recipient, you may choose
to use an appropriate salutation:
i. Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs Ipshita: Highly formal and mostly used at first acquaintance.
ii. Dear Ipshita: Less formal than the above. This reflects some sort of familiarity
between the sender and the receiver.
ii. Hi/Hello Ipshita: Informal way of referring to a colleague with whom you work
regularly or are in the same team. In certain multinational companies, this may be
the company's practice. It is always good to learn or observe the norms followed
in your company/organisation in order to understand how formal/informal you
are expected to be with your colleagues while writing to them.
iv. Start without any salutation: This is usually done in a long thread of communication
where, after starting the chain of communication, you may sometimes skip
3. Opening Sentence: As emails are meant to be direct, particularly the routine ones,
the opening sentence should explain the purpose of writing the message.
i. "I am writing to..": Usually, this phrase is considered to be a formal way of
stating the purpose of your email.
ii. "Just a quick note to..': This phrase appears in informal email
messages to
announce the reason for writing the message.
4. Conclusion: An email message is a popular means of professional communication
because of its result-orientedness. In the conclusion one must clearly spell out the
action that is desired from the recipient of the message. This action could range
from noting information to sending an acknowledgement or an important document,
seeking answers for an enquiry or confirming orders. The concluding paragraph must
clearly mention the action that is expected.
i. Examples of formal conclusions: Look forward to hearing from you, I look forward
to meeting you at the venue, Kindly acknowledge receipt of the documents, Please
confirm the delivery of the order.
i. Examples of informal conclusions: Hope to hear from you soon, See you at the
venue, Just let me know when the delivery is done.
5. Closing: The language in closing also ranges from very formal to informal.
i. Sincerely: Highly formal and seldom used in emails
ii. Thank you/Thanks in advance: Use them when you desire to express your gratitude,
particularly when you are asking something from the recipient.
ii. Regards/Best wishes: Most commonly used semi-formal phrases.
iv. Cheers/Best/All the best/Bye: Informal and a friendly way of closing an email.
It shows certain familiarity between the sender and the receiver of the email.
Read the following jumbled paragraphs and rearrange them to make two emails. One
formal and the other informal.
ix. Regards,
x. Hi Gabriel,
How're you?
Xl. SubJ·ect Line: Meeting plans!
xii. Bye, Ravi
Formal Email:
•• e • •. • • • • • e • •. • • e • • • •
e e. e e • • • • • • • • • • • f t
f f f I I I f f ■ f I f f I • • e e e e e e • e e e e e e • • e e e e e
e e f • e e e e e • e e o e • e • • • • •
..................... ..............................................................................
f f • I e • o e f o • f o f
...................... ................. ........ .... ... .. .. ... .. .... ............. ........ ...... ....... ..........
.. .. ..
f f f f f f ff ■ f f f f f f f
f ff ff f ff ff f ff ff ff ff f ff . f ff f ff f f f f ff f f ■ f f e f ff f e f f ff • f ff ff f f f ff f f f ff ■ f f f f ff f
............................................................................................ ......
f f f f f f t f f f f I f • f f f I I f t
....................... .. ......... .................... ....... ............... ......... . ................... ......... .
.... ......................................................... ...................... .. ....... ..........................
Informal Email:
........................................................................................... ..................
... ..................................... ........ ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ... .. . . .. . .. ... .... ... .. .. ...... .. .....
........................................ ... ... .. .... . .. .. . ..... .. . . . .. .. .. . ...... .... .. .... .... . . ... .... .. ..
...................................... ...... .. ....... .. .. ... . .. ....... ........ .. ... .... ...... .. .... ..... .... ...
............................... ..................................... .......... ... ...... ......... .... ... .. ...........
.................................................................................................... ..............
······ ······ ······ ······ ···· ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ · ····· ······
······ ······ ······ ····· ····· ····· ·····
•- -- -· •- --- •
~ ~
•~ ' '
- I
• Colloquial Phrases: When people use informal language, they use the language used
in everyday parlance, i.e. the language used in casual conversation. For example,
How're you? or See ya soon or See you soon.
• Simpler Vocabulary: The words used in informal emails are usually simpler than in
the formal emails.
Formal To To To To To
inform request enquire verify assist
• Abbreviations: Abbreviations such as Rd for road, info for information; use of symbols
such as &, % are also commonly seen in informal messages. However, there are some
standard abbreviations like as soon as possible (asap),for your information (FYI) which
are common to both formal and informal emails.
• Emoticons and Emojis: Use of emoticons and emojis to convey emotions is more
commonly accepted in an informal email than in a formal one. Emoticons are
essentially textual portrayals of a writer's moods or facial expressions in the form of
icons like :) or >:<. Emojis are small digital images to convey the writer's emotion
such as @ (slightly smiling face), (.oJ (slightly frowning face), ~ (beaming face
with a grin) and U (laughing face with tears of happiness).
22 11 INl l.RCONNI.CT
•- - -•EXERCISE•- - - •
To To he 'fo To get Ok To To be
tll\SW l'r sorry help have free put
1. To arr::u1ge: ..... ..... ..... ..... . 10. To reserve: ................... ..
2. To assist: ..... ..... ... .......... .. 11. To request: ...... ...... ...... . ..
4. Convenient: ..... ..... ..... , .... . 13. To repair: ...... ...... .... .... .
EMAIL 11 23
_ Use phrases from the previous exercise to complete the email below. Use formal
register. Change the tense as required.
I am \\Titing .. ......... ... ... (1) you to send me the price list of the new men's accessory
range introduced by your company. We are glad ................ (2) you that we have recently
added an accessory section to our retail men's wear shops and ................ (3) many
requests for your products' accessories from our clients.
I was wondering if we could ........... ..... (4) a meeting to assist us with the knowledge
of your new products. The coming Friday, 29 March, is ................ (5) for us.
As I am travelling for a week from today, please ................ (6) my secretary, Mr. Riju
Gupta. to................ (7) if the above appointment suits you.
7. EOl): ....... ....... ....... .... , ....... ..... . 18. FYR: ..................................... .
8. E0~1 : ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ... . 19. NYR: ....... ....... .. ... ..... . ..
9. F)"' I: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .... . 20. NYR'f: ....... ....... ...... ...... .
10.GlF : ....... . ....... . ....... ....... ....... . . 21.PFA: ....... ....... ....... ... .... ....... .. ..
11. NRN : ... ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... . 22. YIN: ....... ....... ....... ..... .. ..
···· ·····
4. l\tatch the phrase in column A with its equivalent in colum
n B. The first has been
done for you.
7. Should I. .. ? ( ) g.
I was wondering if you could.··
EMAIL 11 25
s. Replace the italicized formal phrases with the informal ones from the box below.
i. With reference to order number VB121 received on 2nd March, we are pleased
to inform you that we have sufficient stock of laptop bags for immediate delivery.
However, we want to bring to your kind notice that you have not specified your
preferences with regard to the colour and size of the bags. Request you to let us
know your exact requirements at the earliest as the products are in huge demand
and we may soon run out of stock. You may feel free to contact us for any further
you to just note ... ; Re ... ; We're happy to let you know... ; you haven't said anything
about. .. ; get in touch; But; Please tell us; asap; any more help
■ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t • t t t t t t I I • t I t I t I f t t I t ft t If t t t t t t t I I I t t t t I t t I t I t I t I t t t t I t t t t t t ♦ t t t I t t • t t t t • t • t t I • t • ♦
It It t t I It ft t t ff t t t f f t t ff t I f t ft I f f t t f t t I I t t I I t t t f t t I t I t • • • • • • • • • • • e e e I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O O • • • 1
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If I If f. ff ff I I I. I If I I ■ I I f • • I ■ I I I ■ I I I ■ I I t I I I I I I I I I I I
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ii. Thank you for tlie email received on 5 March 2023, inquiring the availability of oU
convention hall as a venue for your international conference to be held in the rnon r
of October. ive are gla,l to irrform you that our convention hall is available on t~h
said dates. Reg,irdirrg yoi,r c1ucry about the charges of the hall, it is necessary for :
to know your buffet requirements for breakfast and lunch. We would be grateful 14i
one of your representatives visit us to discuss the selection of menu and subsequent?
the venue charges. Lookirrg forward to your reply. y
we need to know; We,re delighted to share; Thanks for the email of 5 March 2023-
Re; Could ... ?; Eagerly awaiting your response.
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• A professional email address which reflects your first and last name is useful. This
will help people identify your email ID easily. Avoid using email addresses that look
immature such as or y~u
may choose to have them for personal use but may refrain from using · them ,or
. th
professional use. Many students use unprofessional IDs to submit eir . assignme n
, ,,i
EMAIL 11 27
nnJ they end up In the spam folder of the examiner, creating a situation in which
the student believes that she/he has not been awarded marks whereas the examiner
not rl•(c:iveJ the assignment. To avoid such and similar other incidents, create
an JD that dm•s not look like a fake one.
• Always indudc a subject line in your email that will help people determine the
contl·nt of your message and help them decide the action to be taken.
• Emails must be thoroughly proofread before sending. Although there are inbuilt
spell checkers un<l grammar corrections, it is still important to cross-check emails
for spelling, grammar and other important details to avoid giving a sloppy image of
your professional self.
• While sending attachments, ensure that the document you intend to send is rightly
attached. Also, mention the list of attachments in the body of the mail so that the
recipient knows what to expect in the attachment.
• It is always good to add the recipient's email address after you have composed the
message. This will help you avoid accidentally sending incomplete/unedited emails.
• Cross-check the recipient's address to ensure that the email goes to the desired person
and that there is no failure of delivery.
• Use simple and classic fonts in business emails. To ensure maximum readability and
accessibility, the font size should be eleven or twelve.
• The tone should be polite and courteous to people across cultures, communities
and genders.
• Use the "Reply-All" button sparingly. Ensure that the information you are sending
is indeed required by all before hitting that button.
•- - • EXERCISE • - - •
Subject .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. . SubJ'ect .. .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .. .
Just a qukk note to check the status of Could you please share the new HR
the project progression. I need the info policy guidelines asap? Our department
for the meeting tomorrow. needs to see them. Thx.
• • f • f • e • • • f e • f • f e e • • • • e
f f • e f I f I I f I I I I
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I f f I I 9 9 I t e e I • I I t t I t I t t t t • • • •
I ff I f f • I f e I I I I ♦ a I I
·----· ·- -- -•
EMAIL 11 29
, Don't use office email addresses to send persona
l emails. Remember that your office
can always monitor them.
, Don't write an email when angry. By writing an
email in anger, you not only escalate
the matter but also leave a permanent proof of you
r anger on the email. Whenever
there are differences, it is better to resolve them face
-to-face rather than using emails.
, Don't use all capitals in an email message. Bes
ides being hard on the eyes, it is
interpreted as shouting at the recipient.
, Don't write lengthy emails. It is good to keep you
r business emails concise and clear.
• Don't ignore important email messages. Respond
as soon as possible to avoid looking
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EMAIL 11 31
,-- Vt.·rsion I
Version 2
Subjcd: Prmlud informntion Suhjcl'l: Rct111c.•st for ,,rotlm:t lnformution
of M072 I, the ruJ(gcd lal,lt'ls
In your reply email, begin with the questions to which you have positive answers. Rather
than responding negatively to other questions, show the customer that what you are
offering is better than what they asked for. Let us see the reply to the letter:
You will notice that the reply begins by answering the customer with a feature that
positively fits her stated need of storage. Despite some of the other answers being negative,
the email starts with what is positive in its reply. It answers all questions using positive
language and pointing out the benefits of each feature. It uses paragraphs to answer each
question because each question requires an elaborate answer. It gives important product
information and closes on a forward-looking note.
i 1.
You, along with your four friends, want to attend an Excel training programme
I run by a training centre called "Computer for Students': Write an email seeking
l information on the duration, timings and fee structure of the course. Also,
I~ request for the brochure to know the details of the course syllabus. Since it is
fiye students who wish to join the course, ask for a 10% discount on the fees.
2. You are at "Computer for Students" training centre that runs the Excel course.
Respond to the enquiry letter by the student with regard to the duration, timings,
, dates of the course. Send the brochure and politely refuse the discount request.
'---------- ······-·························································································· · - -- - ····-···· ······-·············--·-···------
Another kind of routine email commonly written in the business context is making and
confirming arrangements/appointments. Let us learn how to write these email messages
through the following exercise. Note how each email states the time, date and the day
dearly while fixing appointments. In addition, seeking and giving confirmation is an
important part of fixing appointments.
Savi wants to fix a meeting with Varsha and Sam. She writes an email to both of them.
The schedule seems to suit Varsha but not Sam. Write the three emails to learn how to
schedule, accept and renegotiate a time by using the phrases/clauses from the boxes given.
a. Email-I
[)ear Savi,
1a like........................... our meeting on Wednesday.
...... ....•. ... ... ... ... . . ... I'll bring finalised details of the conference with
me .
............................this Wednesday.
c. Email-3
Sall'S email is another important email whkh you must lc.irn to write. In this kin<l of crnail
the ,hil'f goal of the sender is to move the readers from an uninterested or even antagonisti~
position to being an interested audience. To achieve this, you may keep in min<l the foll<>wing:
• Knowing your readers before writing a sales letter is critical for its success. Keepi ng the
demographic information such as age, education background, culture an<l geographical
location is vital for framing an effective sales email. Similarly, psychographic information
such as personal preference, social leanings and personal values helps you to frame
your sales email more effectively.
• In sales emails, unlike the routine ones, an indirect method is usually followed by
first preparing the readers to receive your sales message before making a sales pitch.
For example, a company may establish their credentials as a specialist of their field
before asking investors to put their money into their brand. Or, they highlight the
product features before asking customers to buy it.
• Use the age old method of AIDA: (Catch Attention, Develop Interest, Create Desire
and Call for Action):
• Attention: Create your email with an opening/starting that catches the attention
of your audience.
• Interest: Develop the interest of your audience by talking about the various product
features. Give details of the various certifications and validations from product users.
• Desire: Elaborate on the product's features to make them see how it will help
them in their real life. Mould your language to show the usefulness of the product
you are asking them to buy.
• Action: End the email by telling the receivers what action you expect of them.
Should they click a form to register, make payment or make a call!
EMAIL 11 37
Catching Attention
The email captures
attention with a slogan
and a photo.
Developing Interest
I\ I I, <l\ll I<> I Ill I \ \ I l l \
The text highlights their
credibility by talking about
1 ,.,,,l 11.1, .11,,,1\, l1.1d .1 h1g 11np.1'-1 011 0111 li,l·,. \\l·
the long lineage of food in
lit' l1l·1,,,.,~ (JIii t.1111,lit·, 'l'I \l' l1.1,,kt·1· ,t.111tl
the family and also suggests
1,,,,,ilt, 111 lli.,d.111d .111d h.,1,4,,·-..1 lruit t, 0111 t.,nn-.. in
the problem of traditional
j 1 1, ill
noodles, thus creating an
interest in an alternative
\.\, '-l,111, · ,I 11111111 It) lt'ill\l'lll tll\.' lll·l11.itt\1-.. \,1.111 product.
111,11,.111 lo,11.f.., ''l' lo,c..· \\ilh .added lllllr-iti 1111 _ ()ur
11. I, ,I l rt·.lll· ., bt.'llt·r ln,l.1111r,tJlh.·111h.11 1n.ikt·,
•'ll 1,~·l :...:.,~·.tl ,,hilc._· t.1,t11l;..!. .1, dcl1l1n11-.. .,, \Oll
Creating Desire for
the Product
11 ,111, t,11 111111111~ ll-..1111 0111 111i,,1011 to 1.· l n l · ,
11 1011d
It tells about the features of
their product. It highlights
nutrition and taste which are
.-,., 100",
the most important USP of a
food product.
I i
• The first email from space was sent in 1991 by the STS-43 Atlantis crew. They
used Apple's early AppleLink software on a Macintosh Portable. The message reads:
'Hello Earth! Greetings from the STS-43 Crew. This is the first AppleLink
from space. Having a GREAT time. Wish you were here ... send cryo and
RCS! Hasta la vista, baby. . . we'll be back:
• Did you know that the term "spam" originated from a Monty Python sketch?
In the sketch a group of Vikings repeatedly chant the word "spam" which led
to the term being used to describe unsolicited email messages.
• The first documented use of an emoticon in an email can be traced back to 1979.
Scott Fahlman, a computer scientist, suggested using:-) to indicate jokes and :-(
for serious content. These symbols eventually evolved into the emojis we use today.
• Email attachments have come a long way, but in the early days, there were
strict limitations on file sizes. The maximum size for an email attachment in
the early days was just 1-2 megabytes, whereas nowadays, it's common to send
attachments several gigabytes in size.
• The use of the@ symbol in email addresses can be traced back to its meaning as "at"
or "located at." Ray Tomlinson decided to use it to separate the recipient's name from
the domain name, and it has become an integral part of email addresses ever since.
• In different languages, the @ symbol is referred to by various names. .For
instance, in Spanish, it's called "arroba:• in French, it's "arobase;' and in Italian,
it's "chiocciola," which means "snail" due to its appearance.
1. Hemp, Paul. "Death by Information Overload:' Harvard Business Review, September 2009
2 Petrosyan. Ani. "Global spam volume:' Statista, 8 March 2023,
3. Sengupta. Abhilc. "Elon Musk fired her over an email, now court forces Twitter to give herjob
back.• India Today, 1 December 2022,
Ruhi is clc.'arly upset today. She has many disapproving comments on her Facebook
k\f the latest photo she has posted of herself in her new haircut. Many of her
fk-cbook friends-who run into hundreds-have given negative comments telling
her how unattractive her new haircut is. One Facebook comment says, "How
tfflible! Could you not have afforded a better hair stylist?" Another one reads, ''A
1'ig suits better than the new hair cuti» Ruhi is affected by these negative comments
and is feeling low. Is Ruhi right in the way she is reacting to/using her Facebook?
Facebook is an American company that is considered one of the world's leading social
media platforms. It was founded by Mark Zukerberg in February 2004 essentially as a
social networking site for students of Harvard University. Gaining a lot of popularity at
Harvard, soon the site was opened up for other elite universities in the Boston region to
cmnect with one another. It attracted the venture capitalist, Peter Thiel, to invest in the
firm and the platform had more than a million registered users by the end of the year.
1he big innovation in the platform came in September 2006, when Facebook added
daefellur!of'News Feed' which provided its users with a continuous up-to-date summary
• tlaeir friends' posts and updates. This revolutionised the way people kept in touch with
dlcir friends and their lives. Again in 2006, Facebook introduced the feature to allow
people to share content in terms of photos, videos and posts on their Facebook profiles.
la 2007, Facebook started its first mobile site which made the platform accessible for
their cellphones. It helped them to grow the number of users exponentially.
11.e ,-. is important as it attracted a large investment from Microsoft. It was also the
,_ "'-en Sheryl Sandberg joined the company. She was instrumental in shaping e
Deihl panel
ed a ro fe In fuelHn, riots, says
f acebook play
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ku se d to fuel riots
Fig. 2. Faceboo
A whistleblower has f
revealed to the Observer how Cambrid A
d b'll' . R b ge na
1yt1ca- a com
d by the hedge un 1 1ona1re o ert Mercer, and head d t h . pany
owne d e a t e time by Trum '
dviser Steve Bannon-use personal information taken w'th h . . ps
key a . . l out aut onsation in
20 14 to bmld a system that could profile individual US vote . d
ear1y 1· d 1· . I d . rs, in or er to target
with persona 1se po 1tlca a vertlsements. Christopher Wy]· h
them . ' ie, w o worked with
cademic to obtam the data, told the Observer: ccWe exploited F k h
an a , . ace6oo to arvest
millions of peoples profiles. And bmlt models to exploit what we knew about them and
target their inner demons. That was the basis the entire company was built on."
Documents seen by the Observer, and confirmed by a Facebook statement, show
that by late 2015 the company had found out that information had been harvested on
an unprecedented scale. However, at the time Facebook failed to alert users and took
only limited steps to recover and secure the private information of more than so million
indhiduals. The data was collected through an app called thisisyourdigitallife, built by
academic Aleksandr Kogan. Through his company Global Science Research (GSR), in
collaboration with Cambridge Analytica, hundreds of thousands of users were paid
to take a personality test and agreed to have their data collected for academic use.
However, the app also collected the information of the test-takers' Facebook
friends, leading to the accumulation of a data pool tens of millions-strong.
Facebook's "platform policy" allowed only collection of friends' data to
improve user experience in the app and barred it being sold on or used
for advertising. The discovery of the unprecedented data harvesting, and
the use to which it was put, raises urgent questions about Facebook's
role in targeting voters in the US presidential election. 1
Dilcauion Questions
I. What does data harvesting mean?
2. How did Cambridge Analytica harvest millions of Facebook profiles of US voters to
inffuence their voting choice?
3. What were the shortcomings in the response of Facebook when they l_e~rnt of such ~
data breach? What consequences did Facebook iace d tO 1·ts lackada1s1cal response.
4· Diecuu the ethical implications of data breach and harves ting information.
5• Wlaat privacy protection features does Facebook Ofti toda in the aftermath of such
er Y
'lltlncte of data breach?
Among the various profiles you create online, Facebook is certainly one of the most
common. As mentioned earlier, Facebook offers a digital space for both individuals and
businesses to create their online presence.
When individuals use digital space on the Facebook platform to share their personal
information, then that is called a Facebook Profile. It allows you to share your photos,
stories and daily updates directly with your friends. It also enables you to comment on
your friends' posts, photos and activities which they share on their personal profile pages.
On the other hand, when businesses create an online presence for their companies, brands,
services and products, it is called a Facebook Page. It helps companies collect reviews
and share updates such as new launches and new products. It is a place for businesses
to connect with people of their profession such as their clients, suppliers and customers.
The essential difference between a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page is that the
former is to keep in touch with your friends and family on a day-to-day basis while the
. intendcd for professional and business use. The two thus serve d'ffi
latter 15_ ful to keep the two separate. I crent purposes
·tis use
and 1
you ereate a Facebook Profile1 there are different fields where y
\\'hen ersonal information. You may
choose to share your photos (profileou can s are
your P. re) create a cartoon self of picture and
~~N, your self (Avatar), describe yourself in
co' bri f
racters (bi'o), choose to show your current town, workplace, school or unie·ve- 101
cha and relationship status on your Facebo •ty
rsi ,
hornetown ok Profile.
In addition, you can access another m-. .
bmlt template to present detailed informa
urself. If you click on the i\bout' tab tion
on the Homepage, you can add more
~l,ollt :o n about yourself in dif
ferent categories-Overview, Work and
~Contact and basic info, Family and relationshi education , Places
ps, Details about you and Life events .
n- , you can create your o~line Facebo~k
self. On
connect with friends by sharmg photos, videos, pos ce you have your profile, you can
ts among many other things.
Pllcll lved
,. ., and rtlltionlhlp1
•- - -• EXERCISE • - - - •
Complete the Profile Sheet below and share it with five friends. Ask them wh
impression they gather about you based on the small snippets of information at
have shared in the Profile sheet.
I l
My Friends Call Me
I ~
My Birthday My Favourite Subjects
l I I I
My Favourite Book/s
My Favourite Movie/s
My Favourite Food
urite Quote
MY favo
M family .
Yth 's Name/Profession
rvto er
her's Name/Profession
Siblings if any
I want to grow up to be
• Topics of general interest and impor tant news: News or information of collecti
interest and importance also attract people's attention. In fact, according to
survey? a third of US adults (36%) visit Facebook for their regular news update
So, posting latest news is a great way to engage with people.
• Questions: Asking questions that invite responses is also a good idea for a post.
you watch Top Gun Maverick? Which is your favourite, the original or its sequel?
Where can you find the ultimate butter paneer/chicken in North Delhi? What
your fa,-ourite hang-out places near your college? Questions like these always
people talking and can make your post popular.
• Stories: Good stories are an all time favourite. Personal, motivational or humor
stories when told well, always work.
• .Memes: Meme is defined by Oxford Language Dictionary as "an image, video, piece
text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by interne
users, often "ith slight variations~ They are popular on Facebook.
\\~ile creating a post for your personal profile, there are no hard rules to follow
the basic rules of propriety and communication. Since personal posts target friends
family, you may think of your Facebook as a place to give updates on your
life events
and issues that are on top of your mind. How you give them is your choice
. You may
just post a picture, a question, a one-liner or a long descriptive passage. Your
and family members are going to like it the way you post it.
FACtBOOI( 11 53
, J)i\"u~s
•. · y,n1r 1:w,n1rltc nwmc on Fill'l'lmok. Why do y<,tl ti · k •t .
1111 1 went
........................ ... ,,, .....,
tf ~'\lU a Fal'l•hook p~ofi~c, then you can create a Facchook Page. ·rhe procc,~ of
"·rratin~ a FJl'l'hook Page is simple.
I.,~ in to your pl·rsonal facchook account. Click on 1'ages' tab from the drop<lown 1
nu·nu. sdc,t 'Create Page.' 111is will take you to the page creation process. Choo\c the
~rt of page you want to create. Faccbook offers several options such as Busincc.;s or
Brand. Community or Public Figure, Entertainment, and more. Select the category that
best fits your page's purpose.
Once you create the new Page, you may proceed to name and brand the page the
-,.•ay )'Oil desire. Such Facebook Pages are specifically meant for businesses, brands and
public figures to share their stories with their followers.
Writing for the Facebook Business Page is not the same as writing for Personal Pages.
You may keep in mind the following points to create a successful Faccbook post for
your FB page.
• Have a dear purpose: Do you intend to give information (tell), persuade people to
do something (sell) or entertain your customer or engage with them on a particular
topic? Once clear about the goal, you may write the post to achieve it.
• Le. ii more: Processing information online is more strenuous than in print. Write
in chunks• i.e. short paragraphs, of a few words (30 words as per some good web
Writing manuals) for easy online read.
Titan e
25 "'I at 18:03 · 0 .
Somettrnes fashion can
be tun a tricky. Tel us if you see • Pink
~. -~- "'
/ '
• Prioritise: In online writing, people want to access all the important information at
the top of the page/Facebook post rather than scroll down for information. Many web
writing experts believe that following a tadpole structure is a useful strategy-where
the 'meat' or the critical pieces of information are in the head and the 'extras' are
in the tail. This ensures readers' interest and that they do not entirely skip the post
Tail: Extras
Head: Critical Information
Fig. 5. 1he Tadpole Structure.
. g straight to the point, using direct and plain language sh t
e· Gotn . . h
anS°a g · ents are all helpf ' P
ul m onhne writing because readers a ft rases
, L ief statem ' . .
and br h e short-attention span. re o en m a
nd av
hurrY a c . C . d
·se but -ple te iniormatlon: ompames, aca emic institution s and b .
• con''0 nee van·ous events, fests, conferences and product launches through th •
ann° e1r posts
facebook pages. While giving such infor. mation, cover all the important as t
on •here, when, why and how to give readers complete informatio pee s
like what, ~ n.
. d' Content: Combine various media elements to make the
Multune ia . . message more
• . . d accessible to different types of audie nces.
efle,uve an
~ \ Conference Alerts
-=~ 16 \~dl ~h ~
0Jte :
- , ' 1 r, f., p r i I 7 O2 3
pI )(_ (;.
Fig. 6. ln this post by Conference Alerts, note how all the queries
are answered in the first line of the text- Wha t, where and when.
;,.;• ~,.
..........:~ ~ ..
, .,
• Accept a friend request from people whom you know. It is considered courteous to
respond promptly to friends requests rather than keeping them waiting.
• Don't send someone a friend request when you barely know them. They may not
be sure of adding you. Sending too many friend requests may also lead to people
rejecting your requests and some even marking them as spam.
• Respond to people who have commented on your post. A simple 'Thank You' or an
emoticon could suffice.
• If there is a Facebook Post on which you have an opinion, it is good to engage in
a healthy discussion. However, during such discussions remember that although the
platform is digital, people are real. So keep your tone respectful even when you disagree.
• Avoid impulsive removal of people from the friend's list.
• Do not spread misinformation. If you are sharing a post that somebody has posted.
doing a quick fact-check or a Google search will ensure that you are not spreading
• If any of your friends have shared a false story/news, you may also Iea\'e a link in
the comment's section of the post for him/her to fact-check the story.
• Do not post indecent photographs. It is both inappropriate and unsafe.
• Ifyou are sharing group photos where you and your friends are there, seek their perrni55ioO
before tagging them to the photos u they can be viewed by their friends/family toO·
• If you have a friend's uncomplimentary photo, avoid posting it or tagging hirn,_he;
in your post as he/she may not want that photo online. Do unto others as ~•ou "aJl
them to do unto you.
- .('(' m.l limits \)ll hf•W , .. ttc.'n )'\\U c.,n r,. st. •"'\\id \)\'c.•r r •t '
a:h I h(',, . • I. L 0 ~ Ill~.
lnh.•~sti, ~
.\ith,~.. . ,·ut n....._.,,.,~ .it a cc.'rt.111l anh.'n·" 1s Pc.'tkr th u, s , ,,,,., . ,... · '~
• ,,w.I 111('.lll .~ -..utin~ Jc.·t.u., s ,,.•. }'\'Ur 11k.
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··'--.iring sensitive inf,,rn,.itio n onlinc.... Sh.uin~ sc.•nsitin~ int~\rnnti ,,, . .
. . .. • \ '- ,\ll n~,\ It\
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· 1-Y-al implh.'1ltions. So. at as hoth a n1attc.•r of ethkalitv un,l k,, ,lit,· t " .J
"'&' • • ~· • ') a,·,,,
shaJing sensiti\·~ inforn,atao n.
a.I tlae tollowing two excerpts. an interview of En1ma \\'atson with Alvss.i lt1ikv
(publi.,hed in Elle) and an article by Nikol.iy Nikolov and answer the quc..•sti,,ns that '
&, Z Watson has T"·itter. J,rst,igra,n. and Facebook aet-ou,its like ,n()st ft'tlp/c:. Rut
111111, ~ her posts are soldy foc.--used 011 ht·r work dnd al°ti,·ism. She: ,ldil,a,itdy
w!I L Mr lfflonal life out of it.
~ n s for doing so.. Emma \\'atson says,
• aq,e,, conscious line between wh< is public and "'h&it is pri,.•,lft'. anJ ~J,~t
+-.-, . ne maintain a c~rtain degree ofs&Jnity bt·causc: fon-ing pc.'t'fl.: ..·c.·,~,r '"
....._:__ -L · t J ·•tr,,., mt as J
-r-wavn on uosolutely n,erything about me " ·ou /J _1us 'u ✓ c..
. ll dangerous is curatio n. What does cu .
thinks espec1a y t Curati on is t h e act of fi na·mg and shratio. n
But the practice, Watson . , . ar1n
f . I media? Conten .
mean in the context o soc1a . c. llowers to increas e ones onlme popul .g
fi r the onhne 10 ar1h,
excellent relevant content o t only becaus e peop1e steal content fram .,.
, . t be dangerous no
Watson believes curation o . I dia interesting, but also because th
. F bOok/other soc1a me . ey are
others to make their ace. their own es se
• b t Ives to be posted onlme. She says,
more focused on presenting
ratinu yourselffor that momen. t you're going
. .h ng people now cU, · ,:, . .
J notice so much wit you , . tO be on your social media, which is gaing to
th t picture thats going
to have to ta k·e a oif likes . h. h . ing to rank you in a certain way, which is,.
. br w zc is go
get a cert am num e , ' . . t ad of living.... And your whole life becomes how
k · , 1·k you re posturing ms e
you n~w, ,ts ~ ~... if h0 w something feels. And there's such an emptiness in that.
somethmg looks mstead o
_ . She further adds, ''At the point when my self-worth is really
~j wrapped up in that and not in my own sense of how I. think I'm
; :g doing and how something feels to me, then I really think you're
ci: • in trouble.'"3
Discussion Questions
J. What do you think of Emma's decision to keep her private life out of
social media?
3. Have you come across people posting little details of their life on social media? What
does it tel1 you about them? Do you condon e such behav iour-w hy or why not?
4. List down two things that you can learn from Emma's social media strategy
This is the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but in the world of social media and fake
news. Have you met every single friend you have on Facebo ok in real life? We all kno;
the buic· ruJes about keepmg · frien
· p hotos and posts private and carefully vetting
requem. But things can get complicated. And danger ous.
4. Research and discuss the legal frameworks of Right to Privacy and its current
provisions in India.
• Divya Narendra, Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss, all fellow Harvard
students of Mark Zuckerberg, sued him for allegedly stealing their idea.
• After 4 years of fight, Zuckerberg paid Divya Narendra and the Winklevoss
brothers $65 million.
• People are most active on Facebook at 8 a.m. & 10 p.m.
• 39'6 of users actively follow brands offering giveaways, contests, and offers on
their pages.
• A Pew Research Center survey found that 75% of women use Facebook,
compared with only 63% of men.
.f. List some of the aspects to be kept in mind while creating a post for a Facebook page.
5. What are some of the Facebook etiquettes?
~01£5 . "
adr, CaroIe, and Emma. Graham-Ha
. . rrison. Revealed:
,, 50 million Facebo k fil
o pro es
1. c,d"-alled for Cambridge Analytica m maJor data breach. The Guardian, 17 March htt ·//
haf"iest 2018 , ps.
. 1..f'pJUlsM. . d F b 1.,,
b1t.•1 .. .. 10 facts about Amencans an ace oo~ Pew Research Center, 1 June
raJllrch John. 2021·
i G ; . . .
httpd pe "Not Even Hermione Is Impervious to the Soul-Destroymg Power of Social
3. Bail~,.~~ February 2017,
·ikolov.~, Niko1ay. "He fooled an entire nation with a fake0Facebook profile. Then I tracked him
t ~ ' ·--L-LJe February 2018, s.
do-,i Mll5flUV ' 26
- Jason Miller
l.inktdin is a social networking platform created in 2002. The founders, Reid Hoffman,
Konstantin Guericlce, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Allen Blue and Eric Ly, created the platform to enable
professionals to connect, network and showcase their skills and experiences. It provides
1 digital space for individuals and organisations to establish
and maintain professional
relationships, search for job opportunities and promote their products and services.
On Linkedln, users can create a profile that highlights their education, work experience,
skills and accomplishments. They can also connect with other professionals in their induStry
or field. Join groups, share content and participate in discussions. Linkedln also offers a
range of features such as job postings, company pages and premium subscriptions for users
to acceaa additional tools and features. It also provides plethora of educational courses.
li..1.-~. has . JO . b seek nd businesses to find
-.ccun become a critical tool for recrmters, ers a . d
and cnn........ . d arket their pro ucts
:11.. d --...~ , With the right talent, establish brand awareness an m th go-to
w· 'd
1th over 700 million users worldwt e, L'10 k
din has become e
.--~ 6 b
1 rands.
or professionals to manage their careers and bm t e h ir persona
joh opportunitic.·s.
• Givt rmmincn,e to your brands: Linkedln provides an opportunity for individuals
to build their personal brand and showcase their skills and experience to a wider
aud,rnce. Users can create a profile highlighting their achievements, education and
work txpcricn,e. which can help them stand out in a crowded job market.
• learning and development/promote your skill set: Linkedln Learning is an online
learning rlatform that provides access to thousands of courses and training materials.
This can help users develop new skills and enhance their knowledge in various fields.
• Job Opportunities: Linkedln is a valuable resource for job seekers as it allows them
to search and apply for jobs directly on the platform. Many employers also use
Linkedln to search for potential candidates and post job vacancies. As a result, job
t.eekers have a high chance of getting the position they want.
They use keywords such as educational qualification, skills and years of experience
to find J)O'Sible contenders whom they contact through email IDs and other contact
information. Also, many companies and institutions place advertisements on Linkedln
inviting people to send their resumes and CVs for job openings.
• Showcue your knowledge and skills: With Linkedln, you can showcase your ;
knowledge, your abilities, your core strengths and your ideas. Recruiters look at i
your recommendations, relationships and examples of previous situations where you I
brought value. Therefore, it's crucial to request reviews, provide excellent sen~ce 10 1
th<>ie you've worked with and watch out for positive recommendations as all of th ~se
will help demonstrate to potential employers what you have to offer.
• Euy titting and wide publicity: Other advantages of Linkedln include vast and large
Job lutJnp, publicity and ease of resume update.
s· Like any other social networking platform , Linked! n 1s
and scam • . . . prone to
spaJil ms Users may receive unsolicited messages and connec f10n requests
and sea ·
spaJll they don't know and some of these messages may be fraud 1
froJll peop1e u ent.
cerns and risk of identity theft: Linkedln collects and stores a 1ot 0 f
riva'Y con . . . .
P rsona1data from its users, including their work history, education and con nee t·10ns.
~is has raised concern~ about privacy and ~ata security, especially after the platform
suffered a data breach 1n 2021. Theft of pnvate data may result in identity theft.
nsive premium packages: While Linkedln is free to use, some of its features,
Expe as job postings and premium
' such . · payment. This may be a
memb ersh.1ps, reqmre
barrier for some users, especially those who are unemployed or on a tight budget.
, ruae-consuming: Time consumption is one of Linkedln's main flaws. The amount of
time required to master its effective utilization is a lot. In contrast to other websites,
using Linkedln effectively requires you to be prepared to sacrifice some of your
valuable time regularly.
Despite the demerits, Linkedln has become a professional necessity.
to be able to leverage the benefits of Linkedln, you must have a Linkedln
F-c,r you
prmile. Creating a Linkedln profile is easy. For this you may either go to the Linkedln
website or the Linkedln application on your mobile phone. Click 'Join Now' and then,
you can proceed to add your basic details such as your name, email ID and password.
~ JIIII have a Linkedln account, you can create your Linkedln profile.
Fig. 1. Sample Linkedln profile of Aman Gupta, co-founder of
• Patents: Any patents which you have either applied for or received.
• Projects: Mention the projects you have completed or are working on here.
• Test Scores: Any test score of significance can be put in here. Your JEE, CAT, TOEFL, etc.
Note: It is not necessary that you should complete all the sections listed on the Linkedln
page. You fill in the ones that pertain to you and you have certificates for and leave the
other sections.
m:::,E DJ
t::!Jm?!tm llc::J
AlhneerGrover • Self~
!\nut'l :,..i.,. o.,.:n1. !'ld1~
G) Indian lnstitu«i al T~chnology,
Slw1l Ill 1at Sluon o1 Stlll1I Tri lndil.
~ MO 111d CO • Foundlr It BhlrltPII.
~Hlldot New ..._ltPCJ.
Built GrolM bulinttl out• CFO IRliled USS 170 ,m.
HNded Corp 0.Vf• Ama lndil ILid .., ■ of Mallhlk.
w.tllc••••••lllnki nl17Ywll10Dell ltUSllllnTrwact ian-...
. . Mm1d•111
Mamae arth
Tanya Bahl fm
. liop voice 2022 I SRCC I Mamae arth I LI Creato r
unkedln • Shri Ram College of Comme rce
AC(:elerator Program
New Delhi, Delhi, India .
SJK follower s . 500+ connec tions
Join to follow
1belie¥e that words have the power
to inspire and that's exactly what I aim to do with the content that I
l and power packed one-
cnate. I like to pan down my though ts on college life, experie nces in genera
,_,._ of the 200 people selected for the Initial cohort of the Linkedl n Creator Acceler ator Prog_ram
I have collabo rated with compan ies
: . - - •- aleo • pan of the Linked ln for Creato rs Progra m.
....::: •id. Qua, Storl for articles , intervie ws and have also taken a session on conten t creation
far'-v . JMC.
......... •Id.ta forward to • collabo ration, feet free to drop me a messag e!
• Keywords: Keywords are essentially common words or phrases which recruiters USe
while searching for potential candidates. They play a significant role in finding your
Linkedln profile. For instance, if a recruiter is looking for an accountant, she will put
in the word: 'M.Com with specialisation in accountancy; fresher, Delhi University:
She will see profiles of potential recruits who have used these keywords in their
profiles. After fetching these profiles, the recruiter contacts the candidates via email.
Knowing the keywords that are critical for your field is the first step towards creating
a successful Linkedln profile.
• High level of detail: Potential recruiters look for important details in your profile
such as the skills you possess, the internships you undertook, who you worked for,
the job titles you held/hold, etc. Just as in a CV, these details help a recruiter know
if your career is progressing in a specific field.
• Position Titles: Specific job titles are among popular keywords. Exam
Content Creator~ "Income Tax Auditor" etc.
To learn the top keyw~rds for your Linkedln profile, you must look at job
. t·ons that you aspire to get. From there, you may determine the k
descnp 1 eywords
ld feature in your profile.
that sh0 U
Where should I put my Keywords?
1he best places to naturally integrate these top keywords in your Linkedln Profile
are the following:
, Headline: Your headline is the first thing a recruiter will see when they look
at your profile. Ensure that you do not waste this valuable space by only
mentioning your current position/title and company. A good Linkedln headline
includes relevant keywords to catch the recruiter's eye and make them want
to see more of your profile.
, About section/summary: Your i\bout' section is the most important section of
your Linkedln profile. It's also an easy place to include keywords. While writing
your professional life story here, you must include your major accomplishments,
your skills and certifications. It is a good idea to list 6-8 core competency skills
so that any recruiter looking for them can find your profile.
If you are not currently employed, you should list your desired position titles so
that your profile can be fetched by the system when those positions are searched for.
It is important to keep the content relevant. Do not be unrealistic; also do
not exaggerate. Too much content is not the purpose, relevant and meaningful
content is the cornerstone of a good i\bout' section.
• Experience section: Many Linkedln users neglect this section. As a matter of
fact, this is a great space to highlight your expertise. You can fit in keywo rds
here bv, opt'1m1smg
. . your position titles.
You should not change or make-up your official job titles i.e., calling yourself
a 'Content Head' when you were only a 'Technical Writer: However, you may
include areas that you were in-charge of.
There's no limit to the number of job experiences you can include here. You
may go back to older positions if you wish to include strong keywords through
• Skills section: Linkedln offers as many as 50 slots for you to fill in your
skills. Typically, skills can be of two types: technical/hard skills and soft skills.
Technical skills are specific skills gained through training, for example, Java,
accounting, auditing, copywriting, editing, etc. Soft skills are the skills that
help the candidate to apply the technical skills more productively. For instance,
presentation skills, team work, analytical abilities, problem-solving, etc.
There is no harm in mentioning every skill you possess. But do not stretch
the truth-on ly list a skill for which you can provide an example while being
interviewed. Include different keywords (and their synonyms) of your expertise
to increase the chances of your profile getting fetched in a search enpc.
For example, if you have worked as an editor for a jownal, include all, .i.
words related to the process of editing such as revising, editing. ~
proofreading, etc. Some experts advise to employ different forms of the ume
word, for example- revise, revision, revising. Similarly, use words like~
research thesis, etc. for optimising your chances. This is particulady ~
for people looking for a job opening using Linkedln .
Further, focus on hard skills first and then on the soft akiU.
going to be searching for 'eye for detail'; rather they would lie fint
hard skills such as 'Editing:
• - - - • EXERCISE • - - - •
I. Familiarise yourself with Linkedln profiles by reading five profiles of people
working in your field. Identify the following from their profiles.
I I It I I I I I I I I I. I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I t I I I I f I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I
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... ..... ... ...................... .. ..................... ..................... ..................... .... ~.
Companies they work/have worked for
............. ............................................................................................
···· ···· ········· ···················· ···················· ··········•·······•· ···················
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After this exercise, identify keywords which are most comffMlllr ,.._.....,
Linkedln profiles in your field.
.... ·····································································································
······ ·················································· ·····················································
'lls do you currently possess? List them below.
Whats k1
···························································································· ·· ··············...
2. You are an undergraduate student. You are in the phase of acquiring your skills
and qualifications. Imagine what your Linkedln profile would look like after your
graduation and your first job. Use the following pointers:
.............................................................................................................. .
······································································································· .. .... ..
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What qualifications, including your degrees, field of study and any relevant coursework
would you have?
' ..............................................................................................................
I I • o • • I • • • • • I O • • t O I
I I.• It I t t t •. t I It. I I It •• t t ft I It. I I I • t •• I I I I • t It t t I I •• It I • • • I •• I I. I• •I . I I I • I • • I I I I I t • I • I• I• t t •
List your work expe rienc e-job title and specific responsibi
e O O O e O O O o
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♦ ♦ O O O t O O f I O I O O I I
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o o o O o o o o o O O O o o o o O o
O O •
Add any relevant skills, languages, certifications, or awar
. . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . ........ ...... ... ..... ................. . ....... . .... .. ....
. ......... ........................
. . . . .. .. . . .. ... ... . .. .. .. . . ... . ... .... ...... ... ........... ..... ... ........
................... ................. .
. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ........ ................... ..... ....... ...... .....
................ .. ... .......... .. .
. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. ..... ... . .. .. ... ... ... . ... . .. .. .. . ..... .. .. ... . .........
........... .. . .... ...... . . .. .
. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . . ... ... ... ....... ... .. ............. .. . .. . .. ... ...
... ... ... .............................
do you thin k is the most
3. There are three profile pictures below. Which phot o
appropriate to be posted on the Linkedln profile and why?
...................................................................................................... ...
...... ..... . .... .. .. .............. ........... . .. ... - ........... ....... .•.... •.••• ...•.. ..•••
....,, .....
....... ... ... .................. ..... ...................... ...······ ······ ······ ······ ·····--···•,-•··
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You have learnt to create profiles on both Linkedln and Facebook. Let us now understand
the difference between the two.
• Networking Opportunit ies: Linkedln provides users with a range of tools and features
to connect with other professiona ls such as groups, company pages and advanced
search options. Facebook also allows users to connect but it continues to be primarily
for personal connection s.
• Profile Informatio n: Linkedln profiles are designed to showcase professiona l experience,
skills and education. Facebook profiles are more personal and can include a wider
range of informatio n such as hobbies, interests and personal relationship s.
Linkedln allows its users to create Linkedln posts and articles through which you can
share information and knowledge. The chief difference between them is their length. A
post is shorter than an article.
While writing either of them, first identify your target audience. Are you writing
to your industry peers, potential clients, or potential employers? Consider why you
:ant to reach out to them. Is it to give informatio n or knowledge ? If it is knowledge ,
t en choose a topic that is relevant to your audience. This could be a current industry
trend a d
• new pro uct or service or a personal experience that you want to share. Then,
create a strong headline which is clear, concise and attention grabbing. It should give
proceed t0
an ide a of you r pos t/ar ticl e and encourage the m to rea d it. Then,
rea.der s
le, cov erin g the ma in poi nts of you r top ic in accordance with their
wn te you r po st/artic
fes sio nal and con ver sat ion al ton e; avoid ind ust ry jar gon or excessively
len gth . Use a pro visuals and
cal lan gua ge. Aft er wri ting , car efu lly pro ofr ead you r pos t/ar ticl e, add
tec hni
t has hta gs (us ual ly I -3 has hta gs) to rea ch ou t to a large audience.
inc orp ora te relevan
Finally, p ublish it.
Co mmen t
dln pos t and arti cle s, you can als o po st a com me nt on the various
In add itio n to the Li nke
d on Lin ked ln. Thi s can ser ve as a me ans to net wo rk with people from
pos ts you rea cuss points of
field. Wh en you ask me ani ngf ul questions, give app rec iati on and dis
yo ur sional.
t you are keenly following a profes
disagreements politel y, it shows tha
nts. While
ln gives you an opp ort uni ty to frame messages to specific recipie
Linked nal
et you r rec ipi ent wit h his /he r nam e. This hel ps to establish a ~
doing so, first gre , introduce
inc rea ses cha nce s of yo ur messages get tin g rea d. Always
en, sta te the rea son for ~ tlae
connec tio n and
me nti on com mo n int ere sts . Th
yourself and briefly
kno ws the purpose of yo ur
message dea rly so tha t the recipient lbesr pt
ice, net wo rki ng opp ort uni ties or pot ent ial collabora tio n. Re meml1er.
ipient and the sea4er. So, woJIKl;l-'11
only when the y serve bot h the rec
reaching ou~ do not focus onl y on
what you want but l1so
n. You may ll v t~
is going to get from this collaboratio
In the end, sign off politely.
pla tfo rm , so it is
Linkedln is a professional networking
He re are som e ti~
formal language in your interactions.
on Linkedln:
r sional: Use formal and professional language in your profile, posts messages
Be pro1es . . . '
• and comments. Avoid slang, abbreviations and emotlcons.
. roper grammar and spelling: Make sure to proofread your writing for errors in
• Lse P .
grammar and spelling._Poorly written content can reflect poorly on your professionalism
and attention to detail.
• Avoid jargon and acronyms: While it is important to showcase your expertise and
knowledge, avoid using industry jargon and acronyms that may not be understood
, e,·en·one.
b,· ,
• Be dear and concise: Get to the point and communicate your message clearly and
concisely. Avoid long and complex sentences.
• Focus on benefits and value: When describing your skills and experiences, focus on
the benefits and value you bring to potential employers or clients.
• Be positive» professional and respectful: Avoid negative or controversial language
and maintain a positive and professional tone in your communications.
• Customise your language: Adapt your language to the audience you are communicating
with. For example, if you are applying for a job, tailor your language to the job
description and company culture. This shows that you have taken time to understand
their situation and are offering something of value.
• Share valuable content: When sharing posts or articles, make sure they provide
value to your network. This can include industry news, thought leadership, or tips
and advice.
5. \\Trite a message on Linkedln to an eminent person in your field and ask her
for career advice.
' - - -- - - - - - · - · · ·····························-······················································ · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . J
l. What is Linkedln?
Reena is an undergraduate student who has an active social life. She likes going
out -y.;th her friends and posting pictures on her lnstagram profile. She is also
interested in trying out new recipes and can often be found scrolling through her
Instagram feed looking for the perfect recipe as per her mood and taste. She also
likes to keep herself updated with the latest stories of her favourite Bollywood stars
by follo-Y.;ng them on lnstagram. She can't imagine going a day without instagram
as it helps her in staying connected with her friends and family through the updates
they share. It has become her go to app whenever she is bored or has free time.
Instagram is a picture and video sharing app designed by Kevin Systrom and ~1ichel
Krieger. The name "Instagram" is formed by combining the words "instant camera" and
"telegram': ~either Systrom nor Krieger had any formal training in computer science,
but Systrom learned to code while working at Nextstop. He eventually created an app
called Burbn, inspired by his love for fine whiskies and bourbons. Users of the Burbn
app could check in, post their plans and share photos. Although location-based check-in
apps were popular at the time, Burbn's photo-sharing feature was quite unique. Systrom
then worked together with Krieger to create an app that focused on photographs taken
on mobile devices and named it lnstagram. It took them only eight weeks to develop
Instagram. It was released on 6th October 2010 and the app gained about 25,000 users
in one day. The app's primary aim from the beginning was to display images, chiefly
taken on mobile devices.
lnstagram is an app that people use to connect with friends, share what they're up to
or to see what's new from all over the world. It gives people space to express themselves
openly and to share moments from their daily life. Anyone who is 13 years or older can
• Sharing and collecting photos, short videos and information has become easier.
• Personal account
• Business account
• Creator account
Choosing the right account is crucial to ensure that the online activities align
purpose of the account. Let us discuss the three types of accounts in detail.
'V'\N\ ll !7
. This typ of account is th
... , a regular account for personal use e
e most preferred
1111:- lli
d to co nn ect an d share po sts with f. d fami1y.
. ·e an1.l is use nen s and
It Gtn be set to private or public at
any time , unlike a creator or a b ·
• usmess account.
This ensures that the account holders decide who t the·
ge s access to Ir content, thus
a,·oiJing chances of harassment.
to creator or business account
, The user has an option to switch
, The users can add a link to their
trict acc ess to som e of the ir con tent by creating a Close Friends
, The users can res
t sha red wi th this gro up is no t acc essible by people who are not
group. The conten
included in the list.
al accou nt can be lin ked to the use r's Facebook account as well.
• A person
The users can reques t for the ir acc ount to be verified if it is set to public.
The users do no t get any ins igh t or analytics related to their account.
t details.
• The users cannot share their contac
nt is sui table for tho se wh o do not want to grow their account as
Thus, a personal accou for users who juSt want
the ir con ten t. It is ideal
a business and do not want to monetize
frie nds by sharin g and int era cting with posts and messages.
to stay connected with their
• Keep your account private to avoid any unwanted attention from unknown users.
• If your aim is not to grow your follower count, do not accept 'follow' requests
from people you do not know.
• Do not share any sensitive information in your posts or stories that can be
used against you.
• Remember, anything that is posted online can never be retrieved from the
internet. Share your pictures wisely and use hashtags judiciously.
• With a business account, you can access Creator Studio whidl allows
advanced analytics and insights into the performance of your c:oatem
reach, impressions, engagements and more.
• You have access to targeted ads where you can select precisely ~
or advertisements according to interests, location or demogr pill■
• These accounts also allow for customer support via direct messaging
accounts so that queries can be addressed quickly and efficiently with
nt sh ou ld use for ma l an d polite language for communica
• A business accou
with its intended audjence.
ou ld foc us on the pr od uc t or activity they deal with.
• A business account sh lower count
n fro m its go al mi gh t ad versely impact it in terms of fol
De viatio
and engagement.
laints should be swift an d po
• Responses to queri es or comp
ou ld be mi nd ful of en ga gin g in only authentic activities
• Business accounts sh
in tai n cu sto me rs' tru st in their sen'ices or products.
to ma
m cu sto me r's fee ds or me ssages in the na me of promo
• Do no t spa
• You can manage and generate promotions with this profile. One can also schedule
ads with this type of account.
• Users can request account verification. Verification lends authenticity to accounts and
helps users to find real accounts of people, brands or businesses and distinguishes
them from fake accounts.
• To better manage your direct messages and engagement with your followers, you
may set up quick replies and direct message filters.
• This account also gives you access to Creator Studio. Creator Studio enables users to
manage their Instagram account on desktop website. It alJows you to manage your
posts, schedule content, monetize your content or to gain insights into the analytics
of your account.
• It also provides access to branded content tools and partnership ads, enabling the
user to display paid partnerships properly.
• This account is more suited to the needs of an influencer who may want to
monetize her content.
• Once you opt for a creator account, you cannot go back to a personal account.
• Creator accounts may invite unwanted attention in the form of trolling. As
a content creator, one should understand the difference between trolling and
constructive criticism.
• Cyber bullying through comments or DM's may also need to be dealt with.
Public Public
or Public
X label
-- -
- ----- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -
x Creators can
tag brands diNctly
from their posts
ANALYTICS X lncNOMd Insights on
follc>-rs and posts
Read the two excerpts below and discuss the questions that follow:
3. Although anyone can be trolled, how are certain genders targeted specifically through
troJling? Can trolling also be gender-specific?
· In the above instance, what kind of response do you think was given to the troll?
· What are the different ways of dealing with trolls?
Instagram recently announce d that creators can enable the addition of a moderator
during live streaming sessions who can report and turn off comments and remove
viewers.... "Leaving negative comments or trolling a creator on a livestream is like
putting them on the spot and expecting them to react. Enabling a moderator will help
in making your live (streaming) a safe space;' said Dhruv Bisht and Shubham Singh,
creators of Instagram channel Funyaasi, which has 102,000 followers and does live
streaming sessions twice a month.
Pranav Panpalia, founder of OpraahFx, an influencer marketin g platform, added that
receiving awkward direct messages and comments on posts is still controllable. "One can
delete them. But it used to get extremely awkward when a troll army used to attack a
creator on live streams-t here's nothing they could do;• he said.
Anand Nair, cofounder at 4am Worldwide, said trolls have always been
4. How does trolling on comment s differ from that during a live stream?
Ii Create an acco unt on Insta gram . Follow your friends and explo
re the application.
Share your experience with the class.
L - - - - -- ·-................................................................................................................................-······--···········--·-··--· -···- ------ -
• A notable feature of Instagram is that you can create multiple accounts without
logging out. This enables you to run separate accounts for personal and professional
use from the sam e device.
• Instagram also offers features such as Stories which allow users to post temporary
photos or videos which last up to 24 hours before disappearing. This feature fosters
engagement because of its unique nature compared to regular posts which remain
on your page until removed manually by you.
• Following: Users are able to follow other profiles and keep up with their posts or
• Explore: Discover content from accounts you don't follow by searching topics
hashtags. Relevant keywords can lead you to topics, content and creators
your interests.
• Liking and Commenting: These are the two ways of engaging with an
post. One can Like a post by pressing the heart icon below the pictute or'
may also comment by tapping on i\dd Comment
• Save Posts: Instagram allows you to save someone's posts while vie ·
your feed. Saving a post ensures you won,t lose it among all the other , -
feed. It also helps you categorise and create collecttons.
Select a photo/s. Type the caption. Use Hashtags and tag your friend
s. Add your location.
Experiment with emojis. Spread the word about the post on other
social media platforms.
ds where the
Instagram Reels are short, entertaining videos of up to 90 secon creato
. Reels can use photo s and videos along \Vi rs
or businesses engage with their audie nce.
e conte nt. Reels are very popu lar on lnsta gram .
music to creat
s which appear at the t
Story is a feature that allows users to post photos and video
of their followers' feeds for up to 24 hours. These Stories can
include everything fro:
text, images, GIFs, polls, music fragments, audio labels and
Hash tags
by the # sign. It becomes
A hashtag is a string of letters, numbers and/o r emoji preceded
such as Instagram, Twitter
a link when used in hashtag-friendly places aroun d the web,
it more discoverable.
and Facebook. They are used to categorise content and make
d with the same hashtag.
Hashtags are clickable and the link includes all content tagge
s you to follow
In addition to adding hashtags to your posts, Instagram also allow
great tools for discovering
hashtags to find content related to your interests. They serve as
can also use hashtags to
new content you love and sharing it with people you like. You
or project, you can use
group your own content. If you're starting a specific campaign
ags should be included
your own hashtag to tie all related posts together. Relevant hasht
in your caption, they may
in your caption. If someone searches for a hashtag you used
come across your post as well as the others that used the same
__ ............................·-·························..········............................................__
appropriate hasbtags,
Create a post about your day on Instagram. Use filters and
•- - - -• UXEH<:ISE •- - - - •
you I'""·tc·J .,the following pkturcH on your Jn-.tagram
,ropriatc huPthtag~ for each picture.
account. Write a Caption
811 J t11rcc 01 1
....................... ... ....... . ..... . .. . .. ...
......... ............... .... ........ ... ..... .. . .
. . - -·
............................... ......... ................ ..... ... . ....... ........ ........................ .
.............................................. .... .. . . ..... . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . ...... ... ............. .
............................................................. .. .... .. ................................... .
oive crc:Jit to the original OWlll'f of the post even if you have Ol'l'll given
Always r
' . ·s,·'ln to re-use it. Sharing othl'rs' work ns your own is mornily lncorrel'. t an<l
pcrn11~. ' .
• punishJble otk1Kl'.
, If you are rc:posting someone's photo, do not edit it without thdr permission.
, Always be polite anJ kinJ while commenting on someone's post or responding to
comments on your post.
, Try to limit the number of posts you share in a day and do not spam others' feeds.
, When using hashtags, try to limit their number in a post. Less is more.
, While using a business or creator account, it is considered rude to ignore messages
and comments. Do engage with your followers regularly.
, Ignoring your bio is not a good practice. A well written and structured bio may
work in your favour.
, Make your posts accessible and appropriate for all age groups for maximising your
• Do not be ignorant and lazy. Typing errors and other mistakes in your content should
be avoided. Always proofread before posting anything.
• Avoid misuse of hashtags. Not using hashtags might aftcct businc:ss and creator
accounts adversely but using too many hashtags might be an impediment in gaining
PO~ 11'.\<,
B \C h:<,ROl '.\()
\'l· RBf..\C,I
Fig. 2-5. Pictorial represent ation of the Do's and Don'ts to follow on Instagram.
• - - - • EXERCISE • - - - •
onal and creator accounts can access insights and account analytics.
only pers
v. rn Feed contains posts from accounts you follow sug t d
. Jnstagra fi d . . ' ges e posts and ads
vt• from businesses that you may n mterestmg and relevant.
ii. The maximum number of hashtags you can use in one post is .. .. .......... .... ..... .
• The first photo ever posted on lnstagram was by the co-founder, @kevin, on
July 16, 2010. The photo is a picture of a dog.
• You can include up to 30 hashtags in a single post.
• Selfies are one of the most uploaded photos on lnstagram. As of December
2016, there were over 282 million selfies on Instagram.
I. v\That is Instagram
n, 22 Febnwy
gr am wh o said, "I wa nn a reproduce you." £times.i
J. "Samantha slays troJJ
on Insta
2022, https://bit.Jy/3VtFsRG experts
les: Cr ea tors co unt on Instagram's moderator tool,
l troub
2. Farooqui, Maryam. "Trol 17 March 2022, https://bit.Jy/41
rease." M on ey Co ntrol,
Hvestreams may inc ent Problem." The Atlantic, 15
October 201
am Ha s a M assive Ha ras sm
3. Lorenz, Taylor. "Instagr Vt7EEv.
- _____ .. _- - -·- -
h a ts A p p P ro te c ts a n d S e c u re s
Your P ri v a te M e s s a
. yo ur p,fvat• meN88" or ,_ . your ca
WhataApp ca nn ot ..
W ha ta Ap pc an no tlN
WhataApp do e• no t
ke ep your lhaNd looatlon an
log• of who everyone la ,.. ,., ,., . OM FaoebDok
,.. ... .gln g or callln
t Wtw19Appgroupe
WhatsApp do es no
ur oontacta rwmafnprtvm.
,,, .,. yo
with Fa ce bo ok .
m ost prefer red m ea ns to connect with people al
WhatsApp has emerged
as the be
a few de merits of using the app which should
world. However, there ar
along with its merits.
• It facilitates global co
Th e app do es not feat ure any advertisements.
w nloa d and use, mak ing it accessible to all.
• It is free to do
ir. the possibility for doing online business or promoting an exciting business
It o11ers
• with a business account.
. emination of false information is a major challenge.
• It has fostered more dependence on virtual connections rather than direct human
• Content shared on WhatsApp is not censored, thus making it unsafe particularly
when used with malicious intent.
• WhatsApp feature of sending money to contacts increases the possibility of financial
• WhatsApp can become addictive. Its use should be supervised specially with younger users.
In the past few years, WhatsApp has emerged as a popular app not only for personal use
but for business communicatio n as well. The accounts on WhatsApp are of two types:
• Personal Account: We as individual users typically use personal WhatsApp account,
intended for our personal communicatio n. The application is simple, reliable and
accessible across mobile and desktop, even on slow connections, with no subscription fees.
• Business Account: A business account is intended for businesses and organisations
wanting to communicate with customers. Business accounts have to be set up through
WhatsApp business app. Its features are designed to help businesses have a business
presence on WhatsApp, communicate more efficiently with customers and help grow
one's business.
Common Features
Some of the common ,eatures
r. .
of a personal and business account are as follows:
• Private mes.uoi · ·
--,,-ng: vAOur personal messages and calls to fnends and family are end-to-end
encrypted. No one outside of your chats, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.
• Sharing: A user can share information with others in the form of audi 0 note •
recordmg, documents, location and contact. ' Yide0
• Simple and secure connections: All you need is your phone number. Tuer .15
requirement of a uscrname or login ID. You can view in your contact list w~0 no
WhatsApp and connect with them. uses
• Voice and video calls: You can make secure video and voice calls with up to 8 p
for free. Your mobile phone's internet service can be used to make calls. eople
• Group chats: It is easier to stay in touch with all of your friends and family at the
same time by adding them to a group. This allows everyone to communicate With
each other at the same time with ease.
• Group voice call: WhatsApp allows its users to communicate with others in group
through voice call. This feature lets its users connect with up to 32 people in a sin~e
voice call.
• Group Video Call: Group video call is a feature offered by WhatsApp that allows its
users to communicate with up to 8 people in a single video call.
• WhatsApp Status: Status allows you to share text, photos, video and GIF updates
that disappear after 24 hours. You can choose to share status posts with all JOII
contacts or just selected ones.
• Business profile: You can create a profile for your business to help your cust
valuable information about you, like your website, location, or contact infi
• Run both whatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business: You can use both
Business and WhatsApp Messenger on the same phone, but each app
own unique phone number.
___ ._
When using WhatsApp Business, one should be mindful of the way one communicates
with the customers. The language used should be polite and welcoming. Use of inform
tone and subliminal messages should be avoided. If a query is received within the workin
hours specified by the account, a prompt response should be provided to generate positive
feedback from the customers.
With WhatsApp becoming the most popular messaging platform with approximately
2000 million active monthly users as on October 2021 according to Statista-even more
than its parent platform Facebook (now Meta) -it has led to a new way of using language.
WhatsApp uses three very distinct registers of language-formal, informal ao<l intimate.
It is useful to understand the appropriate register to use. For this, we should be able to
112 11 INTERCONNECT tJ1e Cl..'nh.'Xt c.'f tht (om·~rs.ition-is it with our customers, our teachers. our frien
family mt?mbers, l'r with a( ds,
The l.1I1•,-u~1~,_e
~ ~
one u--es
while mes...-;a~in~
.. o
people on \\'hatsApp can tell a lot aL
the familiJ..rity 1'~twc..~n r c.'. ('l'k having the (onv~rsation. Formal tone is used when )"Ou
inter.i(t "ith pn"'rle whl)tn you Jc.) not know very wdl. This tone is also used while
t..tlking tc..) dJers and seniors. Howen~r, wh~n one communicates \\ith friends and peers,
then the langu.1gt shifts h.,wards an informal tone and abbreviation, emojis and GIFs
can also be used. Follc.,. wing is a table differentiating the formal usage from the informal.
Formal langua~e~
Informal Language
\\'batsApp Lingo
. . ns
bbrevtat10 are a com mon
part of Wha tsAp p lingo for the sake of b ·t Wh·
• A rev1 y. ile
few are quite com mon hke ASAP, LOL, WYD , there are man y abbrevi· t· Th
a . table lists some of them . a tons. e
• Emojis also add or explain the emotion behind the idea being stated. Foll .
a list of a fe w emojis used often on WhatsApp: 1
ng ~ °"'
A few popular emojis and their mean ings.
© Slightly happy
~ Smile
{'J) Thinking face
(0 Rage/Anger
~ Heart eyes
,~ ....
~ Star struck
• - - - • EXERCISE • - - - •
I. Following are a few formal and informal messages that are using an inaccurate
register of language. Rewrite the messages using the correct register. The first has
been done for you.
We do not know what happened to your product. Call the delivery man.
Correct response: The product has been dispatched from our warehOUlli
contact the delivery associate for further information.
.2. Choose an emoji from the list that is appropriate to convey the messages below:
a.JI b.u ~
c. ._-, d. • e.~ f. @
i. It's really cold today.
i\'. I'm really late for the exam. I hope I'm allowed to write the exam.
vi. You mean to say that I get to enjoy the summer break and she will work on the
project without any holiday?
We are very grateful to have you as a member of our team and we wish to contin
see you thrive within our organisation. ue to
Best regards,
........ .. ..... .. .. ......... ................. ........................................................... ·····
............................................. ............................................................ ....
... . .. . ..... ... . . . ............... ............. .. ...... .. .... .. . . ........... . . ........ ... .................······
o O O O O o O O O O O O O • 0 0 0 ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o O • 0 0 o o I O o O I
o O O O O O o O O O I O o O o o o o o O O o ♦ 0 • ♦ • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o • 0 0 0 0 0
0 ♦ 0 0 ♦ o • 0 0 o o o o o O O o O O O O o O O O
. . .. ... .. .... ... . ... . . .... ... . ........ . . .... .. ............ . ... ............. .. .. .... ........... ......... ......... ..
· · - -- - -'"'1.II
- - - - - - - · - · · ····-···············..···············- ········································- ············'- -- - ·-··-··········--········
WhatsApp is a familiar messaging app for most of the students. Most of tlae
users have a personal account on the app. However, we all have been conta~
by business accounts on WhatsApp. Have you ever received a message from •
business account? If yes, how did you know it was a business account? o·
how a business account is different from a personal account.
·- ---- - ----- - ------ --····-·----·---·-·--'-- --.•
Voice messaging on WhatsApp gives the app an edge over other messaging
feature is useful for people who find texting difficult.
Send a voice note to your classmate telling him/her about the upcoming examination
schedule posted on the college notice board.
There are two ways to send or share documents on WhatsApp. It can be done either by
sharing it as an attachment or by sharing the document from the source, i.e. when the
document is open in word or pdf format.
Things to keep in mind when sending a document on WhatsApp:
• The document should be appropriately named.
• Do not send any sensitive information that could be misused.
• If sharing in an official group, check whether the document is relevant for the group.
If not, consider sharing it on a personal message.
• Wh .
Do en sharing an official document, ensure its authenticity before sending it across.
not share any document containing false, unverified or misleading information.
• Yau
can also password protect files that carry important or confidential information.
Never share your password when giving your phone for repairs .
Use WbatsApp Web only on personal computer.
• Keep your chats password protected.
• Be careful when it comes to intimate chats. Ensure the chats are secure at both ends.
• Group chats are most vulnerable, so be careful and treat them like a public platform.
• When selling/giving away your old device, encrypt files and then do a factory reset.
........... . . ....................·••···············-··················--··········-····--··---
Create a group. Add a few people from your contact list to the group. Start a
group video call.
WhatsApp has emerged as a popular and easy to use means of connecting with people.
It gives its users great ease while performing various activities through the features it
provides. While using WhatsApp, a user needs to keep in mind a few rules so as not
to offend or displease the people they are communicatin g with. Here's a list of a few
points to follow while using the app:
• Respect privacy: Don't forward a message or photo without the sender's permission.
• ~se respectful language: Refrain from using profanity, sarcasm, or aggressive language
in your messages.
• Be mindful of cultural sensitivities: Be aware that there are cultural differences in
how people communicate in different countries and regions. Respond appropriately.
• keep it brief: Don't send long messages unless absolutely necessary.
• Respect boundari es: If you are communi cating with someone at a formal level, respect
their privacy and refrain from messaging them after their work hours.
• Avoid using full stops: Using full stops is considere d rude and aggressive in the
world of ,vhatsAp p. Also use emojis and abbreviations carefully.
Read receipts refer to the two blue tick marks next to a sent message indicating to
the sender that the message has been read by the receiver. This feature was launchecl
in 2014. Prior to this, one tick mark would indicate the message has been
while two grey ticks would indicate the successful delivery of the message. H
\\'hatsApp also gives its users the option to turn the read receipts off, as this
can create a menace if the sender is impatien t to receive a reply to their
In our daily lives, the read receipts can be stressful in many situations. SOlmt■
students send messages to teachers at odd hours, late at night or too early
day, enquirin g about the lecture timings. At times, the teachers read the
but are unable to reply because they're engaged with some work or ......_..
the time is not appropria te to send messages to students. However, when
see the blue ticks they start pestering the teacher without realising ~
expect a reply from their friends at 10 or 11 pm but the same is not
commun icating with teachers. Such incidents have become quite c
post-pand emic world
. the pandemic, the line between work and leisure was bl urrcd as ever on
·ng frotn home. Teachers may have responded to mess.1ges f Y e
•JS work' . rom students
" . dd hours. However, m the post-pandemic world , messaging .
Juring o someone
·d f their work hours should not be made a general t·
outs• e o prac ice.
even if you see the blue ticks next to the message you sent to someone
. th 'nl time to respond. Do not pester them to respond 1·mm cd'1ate1y. '
S'"e t:
\ I I
Read the excerpt below and discuss the questions that follow.
\\'hatsApp found itself in a massive controversy over the past few weeks as certain
media outlets began to feature "leaked" chats in their reports about an alleged drugs
scandal involving top Bollywood celebrities. While the media outlets' access to the chats
provided much fodder for social media humour, there were concerns about the security
of conversations conducted on WhatsApp.
gaining traction online, WhatsApp issued a
Ii] As the concerns started
--~'Iii • statement saying the platform is secure and encouraged users to practise
habits that would prevent third parties from potentially accessing their
• messages. 1
a-11ae,un 1. How can you ensure protection of your messages on WhatsApp?
2. Do such incidents work as a cautionary tale hinting at the possible
leakage and misuse of our private data?
t ted on social media?
3. Are you and your information ever full Y pro ec
17 2 11 '', " l'c.o , ,, " Gr
According to a report by the Wall Str~et Journal, one in three smartphones in India
run out of space because of an outpounng of greetings-ran ging from "Good morning,
have I nice day, god bless you, to happy Weekends." The report added that "many like
nothing better than to begin the day by sending greetings from their phones. Starting
before sunrise and reaching a crescendo before 8 am, internet newbies post millions of
good-morning images to friends, family and strangers':
The most accessible of all social networking apps, and the most popular, WhatsApp
boasts of an incredibly loyal Indian audience ·with over 200 million monthly active users.
But as more and more Indians are getting hold of smartphones and joining the internet,
the demand (and the supply) of pictures and posts with flowers, or a laughing toddler,
or the rising sun in the background with a glittering text that precedes some unknown
motivational quote is spreading like a plague, and until December last year, there was
only so much we could do about it.
Many are of the opinion that consistent good morning messages force them to mute
tbe chat and sometimes important messages get drowned among the unimportant ones.
But an unassuming good morning text often brings with it a very pertinent responsibility
at the receiver's end- to reply.
ho What do you mean "why do you send good morning messages?" a 58-year-old
so:ernaker retorts with visible frustration. "To stay in touch': she adds. "When I wis~
eone I good morning I assume it brings a smile to his or her face. At leaSt ats
thc case With ' f h d ,,
me. I feel happy when someone cares to greet me at the start O t e ay.
"I think it's a daily ritual. My mother sends me a picture of Lord Krishna everyda w·
a message '.Aaj ka din achha jaaye'. (Hope your day goes well), Good morning," sa:S a
year oJd Assistant Manager who Jives in a different state than his mother. "I understand t~S
sentiment, but Jet's face it, it's annoying. I neither have the time, nor the wi1lingness to rep;
or even download the image everyday. She thinks it makes relations better. I disagree," he says.
But a retired govt. servant Jiving away from his six brothers seems to have a different
opinion. "Thanks to WhatsApp, I am able to connect with my family. We didn't have this
opportunity five years ago. A good morning message tells them that I am here. It improves
relations and brings us closer. Seems like the only way now that we are so physicaUy apart"
[!l'-~r-:,•[!] But the menace, if it can so be called, is not limited to family greeting
- . . . . . . famiJy. "Random broadcast messages with unsightly flowers and ug]y fonts
~?:..•_;.°' ·
greeting me in t h e mornmg · extremely bh
1s ·
ot ersome. Sometlmes, these
[!] . · are from people I never interacted with even once. People I have worked
Read the full with but never known personally;' a 30-year-old businesswoman told
article here. Outlook. "But I do wonder if it's something only Indians do': she quips.2
Discussion Question
I. What are the reasons behind sending a good morning message? Why does it sometimes
become 'bothersome'?
2. What can be done to bridge the gap between the varying opinions people hflle f/1/1
'good morning' messages?
3. What is the best way to deal with this issue of good morning messages?
WhatsApp, the world's largest messaging platform, with 200 million users in
rolled out the 'Share Joy, Not Rumours' campaign as part of a eo1rnprdld-,
to educate Indians about the dangers of fake news and spurious forwanled
WhatsApp's three 60-second video ads focused on ordinary people teack-,
close to them how they can avoid becoming propagators of fake news.
rt1 new ad campaign comes in the wa
111e ke of demands from th
to regulate the spre~d of poten e government
tially violence-inducing messa ging. The
Indian government issued the
platform two notices over its
.. curb the spread of fake news in failure to
2018 after roughly 20 people we
--- in mob attacks incited by false re killed
1tead thefull
information distributed on the
platform.3 messaging
artidt here.
. Questions
~~~ the need for WhatsApp to launc
1. h 'Share Joy, Not Rumours' ad
campaign ?
u ever experienc
2. Have yo ed the problem of fake news?
3. ..,.., ways of tackling the menace of fake news.
• - - - • EXERCISE • - - -
t w·nte True
or False against each statemen
l WhatsApp is primarily a messa
ging app.
ii. Melllbersh·1 ~ .
P ,ee 1s required to create an acc t
oun on WhatsApp.
! 1. WhatsApp has become synonymous with messaging. List a few things to keep
i in min d while communicating with your frie
nds, teachers and strangers. \ \nat
l is the difference in the ways you communicat
e with them?
l· 2 One tends to send messages to one's frien
ds and family members at any time
\ . of the day. However one should exercise
restraint while communicating in
\ formal situations. List a few practices to follo
w while communicating in a
· formaUprofessional situation on WhatsApp.
jL•- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- --
• Koum chose the name WhatsApp because it sounded like "what's up~
• The average WhatsApp user on Android spends 38 minutes per day on the app.
1 Messages on WhatsApp can contain up to 4096 characters per message.
• You can post up to 30 photos and videos simultaneously using the WhatsApp
Status feature.
• Toe amount that was charged for WhatsApp acquisition in 2014 is higher than
some of the top global companies. For instance, NASA is worth 17 billion
dollars, while WhatsApp was sold for 19 billion US dollars.
• WhatsApp is valued more than the GDP of countries like Jamaica, Iceland
and North Korea.
• WhatsApp never sold advertisements. And till now zero ads have appeared on
the app. As it was built to provide pure messaging experience.
i. 'What is WhatsApp?
ii. What is the difference between a personal and a business account on WhatsApp?
ect ,,.. fs½•
"How di d lea ked Bollywood 'drug chats' aff ua
1. Mihindukulasuriya,
Regin a.
20, http s:/ /b itl y/ 41kr2rb . · r~ ~
1h e Pr int, 8 Oc to be r 20
y jump."
downloads saw 25,000/da ge s? Th ey Are Injurious To Your ~
M or ning ' M es sa
e Up To 'Good
2. "Did You Again Wak 20 18 , bt tp s:/ lb itl y/410TPOO.
ok , 23 Janu ary
Health, Here's Why." Outlo ac e, \VhatsApps new ad cam
In dia's fak e ne ws m en
wake of
3. Upadhyay, Toyoja. "In quity , l O De cem ber 2018, https:/ /bitJy/Z~q :~
rumours~• ETBr an dE
users to 'share joy and not
"Don't focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing
a blog that is great for your readers".
-Brian Clark
Raman has two passions in life-history and food. Recently, he discovered that his
Jove for food and his interest in history are brought together in his fascination for
how recipes have evolved over centuries to become the food that we eat daily. He
has started a food-history blog where he shares recipes of his favourite foods along
\\~th the history of their evolution. His blog also discusses various cusines and how
they reflect a community's culture. Through the blog, he has made connections
~th many foodies who share his interest. Many people also express gratitude to
him for introducing them to a fresh perspective on culinary culture. However, his
blog's popularity has dwindled and he has realised he needs to improve his style.
In this competitive environment, what can he do to engage and retain his readers?
A blog is a type of website or online platform where people can share their thoughts,
opinions, experiences and information on different topics. It's often an informal and
personal online journal or diary where the author or blogger (the person who writes the
content) can connect with her/his readers by sharing stories, ideas, photos and videos.
Biogs can cover various themes such as fashion, food, travel, technology, politics, sports,
entertainment and many more. Biogs usually allow others to comment on the posts and
create a dialogue around the topic being discussed.
Biogs have been around since the late 1990s but it wasn't until the early 2000s that they
::took off. by Justin Hall started in 1994 is usually considered the beginning of
New ;.n blog and Justin Hall is stated as "the founding Father of personal blogging" by The
1-, ;;:::- magazine (December 14, 2004). It was only after the creation of platforms
and Live]ourna/ that blogging became a social platform for common people.
Initially, biogs were personal onlin~ journals sha~ed with a small communityoffri
However, as more people started creating blogs their focus began to shift tow d Ctlds.
. . . . . Th fi ar s shar'1ng
opmions on various topics and commenting on current events. e rst maJ·or
. . use of th·
platform in the field of politics was seen during the 2004 US presidential electio lS
soon became a popular way for people to share their thoughts and ideas Withn. Blogs
.h d Others
Businesses too started using biogs to connect wit customers an promote their bran ·
However, the popularity of blogs have declined with the rise of other social Ill ~-
platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Nonetheless, biogs still remain an important edia
of the online landscape. Today, biogs are used for ev~rything from personal expre::
to marketing and business promotion, and they continue to evolve.
• Blogging can help to improve a website's search engine rankings. By creating valuable
content and using targeted keywords, bloggers can increase their visibility on search
engines like Google which can drive more traffic to their site.
• We all have interests and talents that we need to share with the wod4.
are a skilled software engineer, musician, chef, or digital matkaiDa
may help you showcase your abilities.
• Educational biogs: These biogs are designed to educat~ readers on a specific sub·
or topi c. 11,ey can range from tutorials and how-to gmdes to academic research :
• Entertain ment biogs: TI1ese biogs provide content related to movies, books T
· en tTh
. ey may me'I u ed · ·interview ,v
shows and other forms of entertamm 5 and
• Food biogs: These biogs focus on recipes, cooking techniques and food-related topics.
TI1ey may be written by professional chefs, food bloggers, or home cooks.
• Health and wellness biogs: These biogs cover topics related to fitness, nutrition,
mental health and self-care. They provide tips, advice and resources for maintaining
a healthy lifestyle.
• Photograp hy biogs: These biogs showcase high-quality photography and offer tips
and tutorials for aspiring photographers. They can cover a wide range of subjects,
including landscape, portrait and wildlife photography.
• Call-to-Action: A blog should have a clear call-to -action at the end of the post, aski
readers to engage in some way. This could be subscribing to the blog' commenr
on the post or sharing it on social media.
and style ri
Blogging can be a productive activity if attention is given to the process
writing. Every blogger has her own unique way of writing however certain
points may be kept in mind while creating a blog:
• Write a catchy and interesting headline.
• Use simple, clear and concise language.
n<,t understand .
von't use complicated jargon or technical terms that readc:n may
• er attribution.
pon't plagiari~ or copy content from other ~ources without prop
• way.
pon't create content that is offcn~ive or discriminatory in any
• rs from your content
• Don't use too man y pop- ups or ads as it may di!,tract reade
can harm your reputation
• [)on't ignore comments or feedback from readers; this
and credibility as a blogger.
Dessert for Two: The Easi est From Trib al Lands: 2 Unique Art
ClJocolate 1fousse You'll Ever Mak e Form s Inve nted by Indi an Tribes
1 his one cut s the time down hy a lot
anJ is n.·ally nothing more than whipped
(,ond art is a traditional for..,.
g,,nitehc. No rggs nc1.•1.IL•d. It even cut s "' of
ou t the extra step of whipping the crea m painting that originated in the G<>nct
So, while it's not the most traditional tribe of Madhya Pradesh, India. 1he
recipe out there, it still embodies the Gonds are one of the largest indigtnOUs
same flavour anJ texture of a much communities in India, and their a" ia
more complil.:atcJ mousse. characterized by intricate patterns and
designs based on nature and mythology.
The art form primarily uses natural
colors made from charcoal, leaves,
and flowers. The Gond paintings arc
often created on walls, floors, and other
surfaces as a form of decoration, and
are also done on paper and canvas for
commercial purposes. The paintings
often depict deities, birds, animals, and
trees in a stylized and intricate manner.
Gond art has gained recognitioG,,;
popularity in recent years, and
Gond artists have gained
international acclaim for
The art form has also
for modern products su
home decor, and fashion
Fed free to add berries if you choose and other twigs, and natural dy
or omit them. \\'hatevcr you do, don't be used. Turmeric, flour, vegea t bles
be in a rush to eat this. S.wour each leaves and oil were used to d . '
bite. It's tot.lily worth it to slow down .
brilliant colours to make fasci·n at1ng
and enjoy your dessert. You deserve it! frescoes on floors and walls, 1n · a
Credits: Photos and recipe by language created by the Bhils, to convey
LinJst')' Rose Johnson for Design Mom. 2 their experiences.3
Discussion Questions
2. Look at the titles and comment on how apt and e,apgina they IN.
3. Analyse the tone of the biogs and discuss how it ~ f> the
each blog.
--~~~····-····•"'··············•·"'········· ...................................................................................1
r; ,4c11v1TY I
·,.l,l Do you have a fav~urite blog? Thin~ about ~hy it is your favourite. Is it the 1:.:
• Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages.
• There are about 70 million posts being published each month by WordPress
I. Wbat1s 1
2. blog? Name any five kinds of biogs.
What-~~.....--, components of a blog and why are they important.?
\\'hat are the things one needs to keep in mind while writing a blog?
h·e three ad,·antages and disadvantages of blogging.
4. G
\\ nat is SEO and how does it help in the creation of a blog?
l. Jingala, !\'eha, and Debasree Basu. "Evolution of News Writing:' Media and Communication
eds. Guntasha K. Tulsi and Nidhi Madan. Worldview Publications, 2022.
J. Blair, Gabrielle. "Dessert For Two: Fluffy Lemon Pudding:' DesignMom, 27 April 2023, httpsi
2 .Me.Meraki •From Tribal Lands: 5 Unique Art Forms Invented by Indian Tribes:' Linkedln, 1
April 2023, https://biLly/3VrhkPO.
Shruti. an An:hitect, has always enjoyed travelling. She lo,·es to e:q,Iore c~-
anJ ()Wing to her fabulous skills \\;th the camera, she takes on the ro!e o:-
family rhott,gr.ipher and ,;deogr apher on all family vacations.. One~ she "-au:hec
a tew tr.n-d vlogs while plannin g a vacation and loved how the ,·loggers Old~e
the destination seem more interest ing and colourful by narratin g their persoc. i
experien(es. \Vith her love for travel and photography, she realised that she too
coulJ become a tra,·el vlogger and share her e~-periences and insights "ith others.
The idea inspired her and she started research on how to become a ,-logger.
A \ 1og. short for •video blog': is a type of blog that uses ,;deo as the primary coment
medium. \ logs typically consist of a series of ,ideos, posted on a regular bas~ in wbdi
tht creator shares her/his thought s, experiences, or daily acti,itic!S ";th Llie au6en.:e.
\'logs can cover a "ide range of topics, such as travel, food, fashion. beauty. to:hn'-,!0-~·
and more.
\'logs can ~ created by individuals or groups and are often shareJ on ,iJn.l-~ .uir.g
i>litlonns like YouTube. Depend ing on the creator's goals and resour(es, lhey may ~
Pn>duced in a casual, informal or professional style. \ logs an! unome m~
h L -~ · ·;.., ..,,.
J-~· •
•n recent ,ears. Iead.1ng to man}' creators b u1·1J·mg Iarge 11'olI·,v".....;,.,~--s
1 ~Ying Ci
rorn their conten t
• \ logging can be revenue generating: A vlog that succeeds in getting a large number
of ,;ews and subscribers attracts advertisements and sponsored content, paving the
way for generating revenue for its content creators. Today, there are a number rl
¥loggers who have made vlogging their careers.
• Helps hone technical skills: Creating vlogs and uploading requires skills such •
video making and editing, an understanding of lighting, camera, comrnunicatim
and storytelling. Maintaining a vlog also demands discipline and consistency. It alto
entails team work.
• Improves confidence: Vlogs enable a vlogger to voice her thoughts, ideas and opioial
publicly. It entails public speaking as you try to reach out and explain your poilll •
view to your audience. This exercise not only helps boost your confidence W ..,
makes you learn about the subject/s on which you make your videos.
VLOGS 11 147
.· -e the launch of Youtube in 2005 , the platf orm has grow n to be the seco nd
. . .
Erer s!Ol largest YouTube
. •ted site in the worl d. Acco rding to Statlsta, India has the
m(1St \lSl
. ·e in the worl d with appr oxim ately 467 milli on activ
e users as of January
~3. The United States follows, with arou nd 246 milli
on YouTube viewers and
10 on YouTube.
Brazil cames third with 142 milli on users watc hing cont ent
\fith India ha,·ing a large Youtube following, it is not surp
risin g that there are
some wry successful Youtube vlog gers in India who have
mad e Youtube conte nt
India is difficult, for
creation their careers. Com pilin g a list of top vloggers in
You tube popularity.
reasons oflack of a definitive list and the vary ing natu re of their
popu lar vloggers
~e\'ertheless, here is a smal l and a subje ctive comp ilatio n of some
in different fields of the coun try.
vatio nal spea ker who
• Sandeep Maheshwari (San deep Semi nars ): He is a moti
ube channel.
inspires people throu gh his moti vatio nal videos on his Yout
also runs a YouTube
• Sourav Joshi (Saurav Joshi Arts ): He is a sketc h artis t who
channel where he posts his artw ork for the worl d to see and
.. i.ut:,c1ti. ha~ maJ c them not only earn from their chan-'
,0111111 u111-1y. 'l li•·ir
ha, rai,'-·J tll(·m to the .. tatu,; of bei ng ffOdal influcnccn.
, .•.. .
Who i• your favourite vlogger? Why do you watch her/his vlog?
... ... ·-·" ............................................ .,,..................,.......,..................,,..,.................., ...........................................................,, .. .,................ -
in1 1 ou t of ori ~h rnl i«.k as: Vlo gg ing is usually dl'pcnd c·nt on one or a
,nn " ~ re of er,ca t·mg content
1:,ur of r,
,, in «.li' vidl'O c..Tl'nt ors . Co nll 'nl• crc..·ators undc..·r the pressu
• ~ ,1 1 tt,1 • ,
ou t of i«.kas. lh cy live in n1or t a1 ,ear
sim ply run
· u1 Iv 0111 hit
rt•~ .,r . u ,rl' at1. vl' .
blo rk or
digital worl<l.
.· ,\) su hs aih crs nn J \'ll' WS lll nn u1 Kc rta in
tlf 1tll'ill c,
ltu res : Co nt inu o,u s h~m t for co nte nt can transform people
• ft~r of bt.,·oming contl'll~ vu and grief. Not only do people
on ot hl'I ' pco ~~lc s pn :ac y
t,, ""'nk'llt vulttll'l'S, pr~ ')'l ll~
also ns k their own life to get
video content.
Jisn•~,,rJ oth l'f pc..'(lp ks pn v,K y hu t
logical, an on lin e psy cho log ica l portal, in the ir web article
Oakland Psycho s reasons which it
'\\' hy Youtubers are Pr on e to De pre ssi on ?' lists variou
nd s as cau ses for ma kin g yo utu be rs pro ne to depression. Am
co nte ones are
s, so me of the most pro mi ne nt
the ma ny rea son s the art icl e list
listed below:
rso na : Pro jec tin g a lively an d an energetic self before the camera
• ProJecting a fake pe nds of
the au die nc e cre ate s a fal se pe rso na of themselves in the mi
to engage with
vin g liv ed in thi s im ag ine d au gm en ted reality of themselves,
the content creators. Ha
real of lite.
Ibey may be ill eq uip pe d to de al wi th
more you
s, mo re pre ssu re: Th e mo re you gain on Youtube, the
• Mare auc:-ce bri ng s
co me suc ces sfu l, ins tea d of enjoying th e
fear losing it all. A vlogger wh o has be
news of celet, ..
Discussion Que stion
1 Wha t is the psychological cost of vlogging? Disc uss som e
. of the str t .
with the stress. a~~~~
Two tragic events, one that happ ened at the beginning of 2022
and the
othe r at the end, high light the rise of a pryi ng and free-for-all
seek ing socie ty. On 30 Dece mbe r, Rishabh Pant, India's star wicketbrfC
[!]1iir.. . and batter, survived a car crash . Afte r the early morning acciclcal.
Read the full
article here.
of an injur ed Pant start ed bein g shar ed on social media. Even 1
of his X-ray went viral. Soon , the images were being broa
channels as well. In anot her such incid ent, just befo re the dem
ise of India's ·
Lata Mangeshkar, pictures and vide os of her hosp ital stay went
The need to know abou t the priva te lives of celebrities has
now crosad-
Human curiosity is now turn ed into voye uris m-w here some
one's pain and
become cheap ente rtain men t for mass cons ump tion.
This trend of publishing vide os and clips of celebrities in di5
treSS •
br~ader phenomenon of a popu latio n wiel ding milli ons of
trying to document everything arou nd them . In addi tion
stretch the lim1•ts • the mallllllllll!
10 orde r to get eyeballs.
VLOGS 11 151
Fig. I. Cha_r~ed remains of cricketer Rishabh Pant's car after it collided with a
road divider on the Delhi-Dehradun highway in Roorkee. Photo: PTI
· -
.-' '.
___ 4 -
. _?.
- . --..;
. .- .
Discussion Questions
I. Discuss people's obsession with video-making and its implications in cases of distress.
With great power comes great responsibility. Individuals who have a pla~~
audience have a responsibility to act ethically. Vloggers who gain a large
become influences must adhere to a set of moral principles and be mindful ol tlaf
they have on their followers.
Influencers should be honest and transparent with their audienc;cf
affiliations, sponsorships and endorsements. They should disclose any
have with brands, products, or services they promote. and should - •
or misleading statements.
a 1I
VLOGS 11 153
There are many types of vlogs and creators may choose to focus on one or several topics
depending on their interests and expertise. Here are some examples of different types
of vlogs:
• Personal Vlogs: These are vlogs in which the creator shares their personal experiences,
thoughts and daily activities with their audience. Personal vlogs often have a casual and
informal style and can cover a wide range of topics. e.g. Prajakta Koli (MostlySane)
• Travel Vlogs: These are vlogs that document a creator's travels, often highlighting
different destinations, cultures and experiences. Travel vlogs may include tips and
recommendations for other travellers. e.g. Tanya Khanijow (Tanya Khanijow)
• ~ Vlogs: These are vlogs that focus on food, including cooking, baking and try~ng
dilerent types of cuisine. Food vlogs may also include restaurant reviews, recipe
lutoriais and food challenges. e.g Dassana Amit (vegrecipcsofin<lia)
• Fashion a nd Beauty \'logs; These are vlogs that focus on fashion and beauty t .
. op,cs
suc!l a.s makeup tutorials., fashion hauls and product reviews. For e.g., Shreya J . '
• Gaming \ l ogs: These are vlogs in which the creator plays and discusses video garn
c ::en rro,iding commentary and reactions to gameplay. Gaming vlogs may also include
ga..-ne re,ie~-~ walkthroughs and tutorials. For e.g., Nischay Malhan (Live Insaan).
• Educational \ logs: These are vlogs that aim to educate viewers on a specific topic, such
as ~-:ence, history, or language learning. Educational vlogs may include animations,
C:.:s~r-ations and other visual aids to help explain complex concepts. For e.g., Periwinkle
• ColfaboratiYe \ logs: These are vlogs in which two or more creators work together
t0 create contenL Collaborative vlogs may include challenges, interviews, or other
ty;'o of shared contenL For e.g., Kenny Sebastian (Simple Ken)
If you are a ~-logger or, in other words, a video content creator, the first question that
,·ou would probably grapple with is-should there be a script for a vlog. The aJIS1la'
is a dear yes. Any kind of content. whether a movie, television serial, intervi~ ~
frr,grarnme, n·ent show or a successful vlog has a script behind it. If you intend to he
a ,,v~er, being able to create a video script would be a basic skill for you.
A "' is a document that charts out what will happen in the vlog. It is a sheet . .
g .,;.i~ ~-c,u about how to begin the vlog, how to proceed with the main messap • -
d-..j,cf content, the turn of thought and the points which you would make. .._
and n:pfanations you would bring and finally how to conclude your vloS-
A Kript saves you from any unexpected turn of events. It gives you a
a.'1.d an aMuranu of the purpose of the message you wish to deli~
<Agan1.1oe the thoughb and structure them into a compelli111
.u,ry. It givn you a iC1lSC of preparednea and helps you aVGici
KCOnd in the video is significant. Unneceuary word 6Uen U. --•
can be avoided by having a good script to make every second of ...
VLOGS 11 155
• Create a meanin gful eye-cat ching title for your video: Choosin g a title may seem
simple and a mundan e exercise for creating content . But it is best not to underva lue
its importance. Having a good title with a focus on having appropr iate keywords
is critical to having your videos identifie d by the search engines. Poor titles with
excellent content may go unnotic ed and turn out to be useless as search engines
may fail to fetch the video.
• Research and prepare the message keeping in view your target audiences: Start
drafting the content /messag e/story you want to convey in your vlog. Do the research,
gather ideas, organise them into a compel ling narrative structur e. While preparing
your video draft, pay special attentio n to whom the video intends to address. Are they
children or teenagers? Are they parents or academicians? What is their educational
backgroun~ preferred language of commu nication and their level of underst anding
of a topic? Make sure that the video you intend to create is going to add value to
your target audience.
• Develop your voice: Voice in a vlog does not refer to the physical voice. It means
the kind of persona you want to create for the viewers/ consum ers of your vlog. For
developing a voice, you must choose how you would want to commu nicate with
your audience. Do you wish to talk to them as a casual jester cracking jokes or do
you want to talk like an expert? Do you want to give your opinion as an optimis t or
11 critic? Do you intend people to rememb er you as a logical and a fact-ori ented
Pffson or as a passionate enthusiast? Every vlogger has to develop a voice of his
or her own through which he or she must commu nicate the message. People get
booked on to the vlogs as much for the voice of the vlogger as it is for the content.
• •dr •
~• ch, . . of scripting) and use relevant tags to help Dfllllf"JI
your vloa, Share it on soda) media to reach..4,.__.
1-- - . . that CNatt-..
ouC to
Be authentic and genuine: Your audience will connect with you more if you're honest
and true to yourself.
Engage with your audience: Encourage comments and feedback and respond to
them in a timely and respectful manner. However, during such engagement, you
may face trollers passing inappropriate comments. Tackling trollers involves learning
to be immune to such comments, flagging them as inappropriate and deleting the
unnecessary comments and even blocking such unsocial elements.
Use good lighting and audio: Make sure your viewers can see and hear you clearly.
Be creative: Experiment with different editing techniques, music and visual effects
to make your vlogs more engaging.
Vlogs are a powertul tool tor communication, They are considered authentic as the
creator connects directly witth the audience while sharing the content. The naturalness
and authenticity of vlogging inspires trust and contidence of the audience and
better communication,
1. Compare the following travel vlogs and identity how the two cater to different
kìnds of audiences.
a. TravelingMonday
b. visa2explore
2. Create a vlog of 3to 5 minutes along with the script. Post it on your Youtube
channel and share it with your friends.
The most subscribed vlogger on You'Tube is PewDiePie, with over 110 million
subscribers as of 2021.
and vlog.
Differentiate between a blog
Enumerate the steps in the creation of
a vlog.
3. What are
the aspects to be kept in mind while vlogging in public places?
favourite and why?
What are the different kinds of vlogs? Which is your
5, What are the features of a good script for a vlog?
When it comes to communication on Slack, there are certain points that need to be
kept in mind. Use clear and concise language in your messages to avoid confusion and
misunderstandings. Always communicate with respect and professionalism, even when
discussing sensitive or difficult topics. When replying to a message, use threads to keep
the conversation organized and easy tofollow. Use reactionssuch as thumbs up or heart
to acknowledge messages or show appreciation. Use emojis and GIFs to add personality
channel or
tO your messages and lighten the mood. Share information relevant to the
dIscussion to keep everyone informed and up to date. Follow any guidelines or rules set
Dy the channel owner to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Avoid sending multiple messages or repeating the same message unnecessarily. Don't
Onensive language or discriminatory words that can offend or alienate others. Avoid
channel. Don't
sharing personal information that is not relevant to the conversation or
it can
PS ashave come across as shouting or aggression. Never ignore messages, even
if you don't an immediate response. Acknowledge the message and let the person
know you will get back to them. Avoid using passive-aggressive language or making
snide understand something, don't be afraid to
ask forremarks in your messages. If you don't
clarification to avoid misunderstandings.
Signal is a private messaging program that allows users to privately send text
VOIce calls, images and videos. The app employs end-to-end encryption to make
hat only the sender and receiver have access to the messages'
content, making it an
attractive option among those worried about their privacy.
Signal is free to use and can be downloaded on both Android and iOS
In addition to encryption, the software includes several other handy features, such as
the option to set vanishing that delete themselves after a certain length of
ine and
the ability to make encrypted audio and video conversations. Overall, Signal
regarded as a safe and dependable messaging tool for those who wish to keep their
discussions private and secure.
Attempt ANY three from the section. Each question carries ten marks
Q1. What features would you keep in mind when yoou use the following media to
communicate? Write short notes on any two of the following:
a. Digital Communication-Meaning and Importance
b. Podcast as a digital platform
c. Intranet
Q2. You have been invited as a plenary speaker on the topic Environment
Consciousness in India' under the TEDx program of the University of Delbi.
Write an emaildeclining or accepting the invitation for the same.
Q3. Enumerate 5 social media etiquettes that you need to follow while posting/
communicating on social media.
Q4. Expand any five of the following abbreviations commonly used in text messages:
Q5. List three advantages of Instant Messaging, such as WhatsApp, over email.
Attempt ANY three from the section. Each question carries twenty marks.
Q6. You are working for an NGO that works for treatment and rehabilitation of
large fund to
underprivileged people. This
reach out
year your NGO hopes to raise a You have
to the needy people in the interior parts of the country.