Windows Server On Azure The Ultimate Guide
Windows Server On Azure The Ultimate Guide
Windows Server On Azure The Ultimate Guide
E-book Series
Windows Server
on Azure
The ultimate guide
Table of contents 2
Introduction 3
08 / Getting started 24
Resources 26
Introduction 3
Give your This guide shows you how you can use
your Windows Server expertise to give
your organization a boost in the age of
cloud computing, addressing these topics
a boost in the
and others:
for Windows Server workloads?
the opportunity to grow and leverage
your existing skill sets by architecting,
migrating, and managing software in
the cloud.
60% of enterprise IT 81% of IT decision makers believe it is 90% of IT decision makers who
infrastructure spending will be very important for their cloud provider hold the previous belief, also
allocated to public cloud.1 to have a deep understanding of their feel Microsoft understands the
industry-specific business needs.1 business needs of their industry.1
Part of moving to the cloud is understanding the technology, but you also have to consider
business and organizational impacts. Typical stages organizations go through include:
Stage Impact
Cloud IT organization begins to learn about various categories of cloud computing services such as
experimentation Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service.
Opportunistic cloud IT organization begins to actively migrate workloads to the cloud to meet new business
Cloud first Default assumption is that cloud services will fulfill the majority of the computing needs.
to Azure
System Center to simplify configuration
and operations management.
your own pace, you can bring your Windows Server and
SQL Server licenses to Azure using Azure
skills, familiar
The most trusted cloud
Take advantage of multi-layered security
tools, and
across physical datacenters, infrastructure,
and operations and Microsoft’s $1 billion
annual investment in security. Benefit
from 8,500 cybersecurity experts and
active monitoring that helps protect your
Cloud innovation
Take advantage of features only in
Azure that can help you accelerate the
modernization of your infrastructure.
Windows Server licenses with Software for older versions eventually ends.
Assurance to save on virtual machines As you may know, end of life is coming
(VMs) in Azure. For each Windows Server for Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2.
license, Microsoft will cover the cost of Extended support for those versions
ends on October 10, 2023, which means
the operating system on up to two VMs in
no more security updates.
Azure, while you pay only base compute
costs. If you are running Datacenter Free security updates in Azure
Edition, you can continue to use the Customers can migrate apps to Azure
license on-premises while you add two Virtual Machines and get Extended
Security Updates free for three years
VMs in Azure at a discount. If you use
after end of support.
Standard Edition licenses, on the other
hand, you can use each license only in one Upgrade on-premises
place—either on-premises or in Azure. The If you cannot upgrade on-premises
exception is Dual Use Rights, on a onetime servers before end of support, get peace
of mind by buying Extended Security
basis, for up to 180 days, to allow you to
Updates for your servers running
migrate the same workloads to Azure.
Windows Server or SQL Server 2012
savings, use this online calculator. Whether Protect Windows Server 2008
you want to enable a hybrid cloud model workloads in Azure
or move completely tothe cloud, Azure- Extended Security Updates for Windows
only offers help youmaximize the value Server 2008 and 2008 R2 ends on
of integrated partner solutions. These
easy-to-deploy, built-in protections
maximize security, reduce complexity,
and free up operational resources for
more critical functions.
Improve your security posture Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps you
Complementing the security built into assess, secure, and defend:
the operating system is Microsoft
• Assess the security of your machines
Defender for Cloud. Defender for Cloud
and networks continuously using
is an extended threat detection and
built-in security assessments. A
response (XDR) solution. It provides
secure score helps you benchmark
comprehensive coverage for workloads
your security posture.
running in Azure, other cloud platforms,
and your datacenter, and offers a unified • Improve your posture with
dashboard for visibility across your customized recommendations that
digital estate. prioritize hardening tasks to secure
and harden resources. For many
When you activate Defender for Cloud, a
recommendations, Defender for
monitoring agent deploys automatically
Cloud offers a “Fix” button that
into Azure Virtual Machines (VMs).
automates implementation.
Defender for Cloud begins assessing the
security state of your VMs, networks, • Defend against malicious attacks
applications, and data. For on-premises by detecting and resolving threats.
virtual machines, you need to manually Enable alerts for display in the Azure
deploy the agent. portal, for streaming to other IT
solutions, and for delivery by email.
Microsoft analytics engines analyze the
data and synthesize it with machine Defender for Cloud integrates with
learning. Then, Defender for Cloud Microsoft Sentinel and other security
provides recommendations and threat information and event management
alerts to help you address vulnerabilities (SIEM) solutions. It also integrates with
or anomalous activity. security orchestration, automation, and
response (SOAR) solutions.
Azure and Windows Server— 13
industry-leading security
your datacenter
Beyond efficiency and reliability,
extending your datacenter to the cloud
provides an opportunity to enhance and
extend IT offerings. Most organizations
begin with small steps: quickly start up
some VMs on Azure for DevTest, migrate
simple workloads, or develop some
cloud-aware apps, for example.
Administrators and developers can get Modernize apps from your datacenter
started by adopting innovative Azure Modernize Linux and Windows .NET apps
services that support hybrid operations. on-premises and deploy them anywhere,
with Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) on
• Bring Azure security and services to
Azure Stack HCI.
hybrid environments.
The solution simplifies on-premises
• Simplify IT management.
implementation of the popular AKS
• Modernize apps from your datacenter. orchestrator, which automates running
containerized applications at scale. Use
• Manage Windows Server in Azure familiar tools, gain consistency and
Virtual Machines. built-in security, and extend to Azure
Bring Azure security and services to with hybrid capabilities.
hybrid environments Integration with Azure Arc enables you
Azure Arc helps you convert Windows to automatically deploy applications
Servers into Azure resources, making it and connect on-premises applications
easy to organize, govern, and secure to Azure services, such as Azure Policy
Windows Server machines along with and Azure Monitor.
Linux servers, SQL Server, and Kubernetes
clusters across datacenters and the edge. Manage Windows Server in Azure VMs
After you use Arc to enroll your Windows One of the fastest ways to extend to the
Servers, you can easily integrate with cloud is with Windows Admin Center,
powerful Azure Services, including a free download available with your
Microsoft Defender for Cloud, discussed Windows Server license. Windows Admin
in the previous section of this book. Center enables you to easily connect to
Azure for monitoring, storage, backup,
Simplify IT management disaster recovery, and more. Windows
Simply point and click with Azure Admin Center is also available in the
Automanage to automate operations and Azure portal (preview) to help you
apply consistent best practices across the manage the Windows Server OS running
entire lifecycle of Windows Server and in Azure VMs seamlessly and at a
Linux virtual machines, on-premises or in granular level.
Azure. Benefit from additional capabilities
only with your Azure virtual machines,
such as Hotpatch, and deploy security
updates without having to reboot.
Bring cloud innovation to your datacenter 16
Azure services
Category Services
Compute Virtual Machines, VM Scale Sets, Batch, Service Fabric, Containers, and more
Load Balancer, VPN Gateway, Azure DNS, Content Delivery Network, Azure DDoS Protection,
and more
Storage Blob, Queue, File, Disk, Data Lake, StorSimple, Backup, Site Recovery
Mobile Apps, API Management, Media Services, Notification Hubs, Streaming, Content Protection,
Web and mobile
and more
Containers Container Registry and Instances, Azure Container Service, Container Instances, Batch, App Service
SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL and PostgresSQL, Data Warehouse, Stretch Database,
and more
Stream Analytics, Data Lake Analytics, Power BI Embedded, Log Analytics, Custom Speech Service,
Data and analytics
and more
AI and cognitive Machine Learning, Bot Service, Cognitive Services, Computer Vision API, Speech Services, and more
Internet of IoT Hub and Edge, Time Series Insights, Stream Analytics, Notification and Event Hubs, and more
Things (IoT)
Enterprise Service Bus, StorSimple, SQL Server Stretch Database, Data Catalog, Data Factory, Event Grid,
integration and more
Security and Key Vault, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Entra ID, Active Directory
identity B2C and Domain Services, Multi-Factor Authentication
Developer tools Visual Studio Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, Application Insights, API Management
Monitoring and Azure portal, Azure mobile app, Resource Manager, Automation, Scheduler, Service Health, and more
What to do first: migrate or extend? 17
or extend?
regions around the world, Azure achieves
99.95 percent availability, along with 24/7
support and continual health monitoring.
What to do first: migrate or extend? 18
Migrate and modernize try Azure for free. You can set up your own
“sandbox” to experiment with Azure free
To assure a successful migration, it’s for 12 months. Deployment guides and
important to fully evaluate your current technical whitepapers, based on hundreds of
datacenter environment using a discovery real-life migrations, will walk you through the
process. Some of the questions you’ll want process, so you can experience a successful
to ask include: first migration and build from that.
• Which applications can migrate to Azure
and which should remain on-premises?
Azure Storage Migration Service
• What about the services that the
The Azure Storage Migration Service makes
applications depend on? Can they be
it easier to migrate storage to Windows
split across on-premises and the cloud?
Server or to Azure. If you have a server (or
• What will the impact be on the network? multiple servers) that you want to migrate
to newer hardware or virtual machines,
• What databases do the applications Storage Migration Service can help you:
depend on and where should they be • Inventory multiple servers and their data.
• Rapidly transfer files, file shares,and
• How will a migration to Azure impact security configuration from the source
Customer story
When massive data volumes made datacenters too expensive for Sentara Healthcare, the
not-for-profit organization decided to move its data to Microsoft Azure. The organization,
which runs 12 hospitals in Virginia and northeastern North Carolina, wanted a modern
platform it could use to connect doctors, patients, and data in a single portal.
Sentara subsequently migrated its mixed Windows Server and Linux environment. The
organization achieved substantial savings by minimizing licensing costs with Azure Hybrid
Benefit, right-sizing applications, and reducing infrastructure overhead. So far, Sentara has
updated and moved 200 out of 400 business applications, and it will continue to run a hybrid
cloud environment as it migrates the remaining 200 applications.
The table on this page lists some of the ways Sentara and other organizations have used
the Azure services to migrate workloads, applications, virtual machines, and data to Azure.
For more information about migration to Azure, see
Use cases
Discover: Catalog existing To understand what, when, and how applications should be moved, it’s important to
applications and identify create a complete catalog of applications managed by IT. Use Azure Migrate or other
migration candidates. tools to assess current computing environment, identify what can be moved, and
understand costs.
Discover: Catalog current data Use Data Migration Assistant to catalog the existing data environment, identify
environment prior to migration. compatibility issues, and suggest performance and reliability improvements.
Migrate: Shift VMs and Azure Site Recovery offers one-click failover and replication of applications and
workloads to Azure. workloads from Windows Server, Linux and VMware machines. Automation reduces
time and complexity of migration tasks.
Migrate: Shift data and Database Migration Service migrates existing on-premises SQL Server, Oracle, and
databases to Azure. MySQL databases to Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Managed Instance or
SQL Server on Azure virtual machines.
Modernize: Lift and shift Improve your DevOps operations for your dev/test/production environment. Make
existing .NET applications your application cloud DevOps-ready. Containers remove friction caused by application
by optimizing deployments dependencies when you deploy in multiple stages.
with Windows containers.
Optimize: Manage your cloud Azure Cost Management + Billing provides granular, real-time visibility into cloud
spend with transparency and consumption, cost, and performance.
What to do first: migrate or extend? 21
Assure business Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery increase Reduce disaster recovery infrastructure by
continuity and data compliance, reduce complexity, and lower costs. paying for only the compute, storage, and
protection. They replicate on-premises virtual machines to network needed in Azure with software as
Azure and orchestrate failover and failback. a service–no need to purchase hardware.
Onboard faster, because the capability is
built into Azure.
Manage a diverse System Center simplifies deployment, Gain visibility into the health, performance,
hybrid cloud configuration, management, and monitoring and utilization of your applications,
environment. of your infrastructure and virtualized workloads, and infrastructure. Proactively
datacenter. Use Azure monitoring and analytics find and fix issues before they impact
to collect, correlate, and search your systems your users.
and application data across Azure and
on-premises servers.
Quickly establish Use Azure Virtual Machines to simplify and Give your developers freedom and speed
dev and test speed the process of running a dev-test to develop in Azure, then deploy where
environments. environment. Spin up as many virtual machines needed. Choose Linux or Unix. Use your
as you need, network them, and allocate to own virtual machine image or download a
your developers. certified pre-configured image. Use your
preferred coding language natively.
Extend on-premises With Azure File Sync, you can deliver Leverage Azure as centralized storage for
file servers to the consistent file share performance for users less frequently used file server data while
cloud. whether they work locally or remotely. turning your local Windows server into
a high-performance cache for frequently
used file data.
Unite identity and Use Microsoft Entra ID to manage users and Enable single sign-on to simplify access
access management secure access to on-premises and cloud to thousands of cloud applications across
across on-premises information. Extend Active Directory and any multiple devices. Protect sensitive data
directory and Azure. other on-premises directory to Microsoft Entra ID. and apps with multi-factor authentication.
Archive on-premises Azure Blob storage stores from hundreds to Cloud snapshots provide off-site data
data to Azure. billions of objects in hot, cool, or archive tiers, protection. With cloud storage, no
depending on how often data access is needed. secondary datacenter is needed. Reduce
Use StorSimple to automatically archive inactive capacity purchases and infrastructure
primary data from on-premises to the cloud for maintenance.
effortless capacity expansion.
Trust Azure for your mission-critical 22
applications and data
Trust Azure
With Azure, you can simplify app and data
protection with cost-effective (built-in or
for your
third party) backup and disaster recovery
solutions, supported by highly available
infrastructure. You can scale applications
automatically and consistently, without
compromising on performance. You can
efficiently run core applications with a
choice of consumption models, and you
Get up to speed on Azure services with If you get lost, don’t worry
Microsoft Learn and Pluralsight, two emember, serves as the central
complementary learning platforms to point for all of Microsoft’s core Azure
help you get recognized and take the information, including documentation,
next step in your career courses. Check training, and code samples.
out Microsoft Learn for instructor-led or
self-paced interactive training and for Azure sales specialists are here to help
hands-on learning, and go to Pluralsight Whether you’re evaluating the cloud,
for videos, skills assessments, and more. deploying your first service, or migrating
applications and infrastructure to the
New to the cloud? Azure fundamentals cloud, our Azure sales specialists are here
is a six-part series in Microsoft Learn to answer your questions and help you
that teaches you basic cloud concepts, get started. Get in touch with one here.
provides a streamlined overview of many
Azure services, and guides you with
hands-on exercises to deploy your very
first services for free.
IT Admin role
Windows Server on Azure
Azure Learning Paths for all types of IT Pros
Azure Administrator training
Get started with Azure
Cloud migration and modernization resources
Dev-Test role
Get started guide for Azure developers
Azure languages and frameworks
Azure .NET training
Azure Node.js training
Azure code samples
All roles
All core Azure information
Azure pricing calculator
Azure TCO calculator
Azure pricing
Azure services
Azure training
Azure documentation
Azure partners
Free Azure account