Mckinley Observation 3
Mckinley Observation 3
Mckinley Observation 3
5-PS1-3 Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their
Crosscutting Concepts
Standard units are used to measure and describe physical quantities such as weight, time,
temperature, and volume. (5-PS1-2), (5-PS1-3)
Student will be able to measure the Students will complete a worksheet and measure
volume of various objects using water the volume of objects.
Students will read and measure the volume of an
object in an graduated cylinder.
Graduated cylinder White board
Irregular objects Smart board
Lesson Beginning:
The students will be asked to take out their science notebooks and begin responding to
the Do Now. The students will have five minutes to answer the Do Now.
Do Now: Yesterday the class explored measuring the volume of irregular objects. On the board
are a mixed up list of steps for the algorithm to measure the volume of irregular objects.
Reorganize the list to place them in order and explain why each step is necessary. Make sure you
define any key vocabulary terms.
After five minutes are up, students will be asked to turn and talk to someone their table
partner about what they wrote. Students will have 2-3 minutes to share what they wrote and
make any changes of addition they need to include. After 2-3 minutes , I will call the attention of
the class and begin to review the step by step process with the class.
Instructional Plan:
I will call the attention of the class (Attention Grabber: Give me Five) and we will review
the do now. I will ask students to present their first step in their step by step algorithm. I will
have them explain why they chose that step and why it was needed. I will then call on different
students for each step. Students should have reasons to why each step was necessary for
measuring the volume of the object.
After we have reviewed the Do Now, students will work independently to complete an
quiz to reading a graduated cylinder. Students will have the remaining time in the period to work
on the quiz. As the students work on their assessment, I will call on groups of students to
complete the hands on part of the assessment. Students will come to the round table to read
graduated cylinders and find the volume of an object. After students have done so, they will go
back to their seat and finish their assessment.
● Group seating are arranged to have a mix of high and low level students, therefore
grouping of students allow them to work in heterogeneous pairings/groups.
● ELL’s have a Spanish/English glossary to help them in translating words.
● Students will complete a Brain Break before the exit ticket.
After the students finish their assessment, we will review the hands on portion of the
quiz. I will call on students to use the algorithm from the do now to show each step they used for
measuring the volume of the object. We will review the answer and then the students will be
asked to pack up and prepare for dismissal.