SSRN Id1020397
SSRN Id1020397
SSRN Id1020397
John A. Rothchild
Wayne State University Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series
No. 07-32
October 9, 2007
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John A. Rothchild
Abstract: This essay serves to introduce students to the institutions of the democratic
constitution of ancient Athens, during its flowering in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE.
Its principal purpose is to enable students to compare the Athenian democracy with the
system established by the U.S. Constitution. It will serve equally well to meet the needs
of anyone who is interested in the Athenian democracy for its own sake. The essay
assumes no prior background knowledge about the Athenian system.
The Athenian democracy is worthy of study if for no other reason than that it was the
inspiration for modern democratic systems. The ancient system takes on added interest
from the standpoint of comparative constitutional law. Many of the institutions of the
Athenian democracy seem quite peculiar to us moderns, and some of them strike us as
downright bizarre. Yet the goals of those who designed that system were very similar to
the goals of the designers of modern constitutional democracies: establishment of a
system in which political power resided with the people, in which government officials
had enough power to be able to discharge their functions, and in which official power
was effectively constrained so that it did not devolve into tyranny.
The essay has several features that enhance its pedagogical mission. The expository
portion is followed by a set of review questions that help the student test her
comprehension, and a set of discussion questions meant to facilitate classroom
discussion. A glossary of Greek terms used in the essay is also included.
Introduction to the Athenian Democracy
of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE
John A. Rothchild*
Associate Professor of Law
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Acknowledgements.......................................................... 3
I. Introduction ................................................................. 4
II. Time period and cultural context................................. 4
III. Geography and demographics .................................... 5
IV. Just enough history ................................................... 6
A. History on the ground .............................................. 6
B. Constitutional history .............................................. 9
V. Structure of the Athenian democracy ........................ 13
A. Citizenship and the franchise................................. 13
B. The Council of 500................................................. 15
1. Membership and pay........................................... 15
2. Administration of Council meetings..................... 15
3. Functions of the Council ..................................... 16
C. The Assembly ........................................................ 17
1. Membership, attendance, and pay....................... 17
2. Frequency of meetings ........................................ 17
3. Procedure ........................................................... 18
The image of the Monument of the Eponymous Heroes at
p. 20 is by W.B. Dinsmoor Jr., and appears in Mabel Lang,
Socrates in the Agora (Am. Sch. of Class. Studies at Athens
1978). The image of the voting tokens at p. 27 appears in
Mabel Lang, The Athenian Citizen (Am. Sch. of Class. Studies
at Athens 1987). Both images are used with permission of
the American School of Classical Studies at Athens,
The image of the kleroteria at p. 23 is from Sterling Dow,
Aristotle, the Kleroteria, and the Courts, Harv. Stud. in Class.
Phil., vol. 50 (1939), pp. 1-34. It is used with permission of
the Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
This essay provides background information about the
democratic constitution of Athens in the fifth and fourth cen-
turies BCE, with the aim of facilitating a comparison of that
system with the government established by the U.S. Consti-
The Athenian democracy is the world’s oldest well-
documented democratic polity, and as such has served as an
inspiration, and cautionary tale, for the designers of all sub-
sequent democracies. It is inspirational because it empow-
ered citizens to an extent that is virtually unique among sys-
tems of government that the world has known. It is a cau-
tionary tale because, in the view of many observers, its radi-
cally direct form of democracy led to excesses and is in any
event not scalable to the large populations and geographical
extent of modern nations.
The text above refers to the Athenian “constitution.” The
term is used here in the older sense, meaning the way that a
government is constituted. There was in Athens no written
constitution along the lines of the U.S. Constitution. The
Athenian constitution, like the unwritten constitution of
modern England, was a collection of customs, laws, institu-
tions, and understandings, which were never reduced to a
single document.
2 The Persians were bent on revenge against the Athenians who, in the
490s BCE, had supported a revolt by Greek cities in Asia Minor against
their Persian overlords. The revolt included the burning of Sardis, a Per-
sian provincial capital.
The Athenian system of government went through several
stages on the way to the mature form of democracy it
reached in the fifth century BCE.
Monarchy. According to legend, Athens was governed by a
series of kings from the earliest times, starting with King Ce-
crops (half man, half snake) in the sixteenth century BCE. At
some early date, possibly in the eleventh century BCE, the
functions that had previously been exercised by a single king
were divided among three officials: the Archon, the King Ar-
chon, and the Polemarch. At some later time, perhaps in the
mid-seventh century, six thesmothetai were added to the
other three, so that there were nine archons altogether.
These nine officials were the forerunners of the officials hold-
ing the same titles under the later democratic system.4
The reforms of Solon. Solon was ap-
pointed by the Athenians in 594 BCE
to reform the laws so as to moderate
the strife between the wealthy and the
poorer classes. He instituted some po-
litical and legal changes that were a
step towards democracy. He created a
Council of 400, with 100 members from
each of the four tribes. The Council
acted as a counterweight against the
Solon Areopagos,5 an aristocratic body with
origins predating Solon, and the ar-
chons. Solon gave citizens a right to appeal from a decision
of a magistrate to the law court, which meant that the aris-
tocratic magistrates were for the first time accountable to the
4 On the role of the archons during the democracy, see below at p. 30.
5 On the role of the Areopagos during the democracy, see below at p.
willing for him to govern, since he won over the former by his hospitality
and the latter by his assistance in their private affairs, and was good-
natured to both.” Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 16. This work, whose title is usually
translated as “The Constitution of the Athenians,” is attributed to Aris-
totle, but may have been written by his students. It is a principal source
of information about the Athenian democracy.
8 On the role of the Council during the democracy, see below at p. 15.
9 The word “political” derives from the Greek “politēs,” meaning “citi-
zen,” or literally “one who is a member of the polis.” The root meaning of
“political” is therefore that which concerns the affairs of the polis.
The Assembly was the ultimate repository of legislative au-
The Assembly normally met about forty times a year, four
times in each prytany. During each prytany there would be
one general session, called the Principal Assembly, and three
other meetings. Particular topics of discussion were assigned
to particular meetings. For example, according to Aristotle,
in the Principal Assembly
the people have to ratify the continuance of the magistrates
in office, if they are performing their duties properly, and to
consider the supply of corn and the defense of the country.
On this day, too, impeachments are introduced by those who
wish to do so, the lists of property confiscated by the state
are read, and also applications for inheritances and wards of
state, so that nothing may pass unclaimed without the cog-
nizance of any person concerned.16
Additional meetings could be scheduled as required. For ex-
ample, in 427 BCE, during the Peloponnesian War, the As-
15 The pay was originally one obol per day, which rose to three obols
by 393 BCE, and 1 or 1½ drachmas by the 320s (there were six obols in
a drachma). By comparison, at the end of the fifth century a laborer
earned one drachma a day, and in the fourth century 1½ drachmas. By
the end of the fourth century, a skilled laborer could earn 2½ drachmas.
The level of pay for attending meetings of the Assembly was thus not
munificent—something like working at Wal-Mart for minimum wage to-
16 Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 45.4.
Assembly meetings were presided over by a group of ten
officials, which changed each day, and were selected by lot
so that there would be a representative from each of the ten
The agenda of each meeting was published in advance by
the Council of 500. The agenda consisted of the motions that
would be introduced at the meeting. The motions were of two
types. There were specific motions, which consisted of bills
that were proposed for enactment, and open motions, which
were issues for discussion but not including a recommenda-
tion. A specific motion would be read out to the Assembly,
and then immediately voted upon. If the vote was unani-
mous, it would be enacted. If there was at least one vote op-
posed, there would be discussion, during which participants
could offer amendments or alternatives, followed by a final
vote. The open motions would likewise be read, and would be
discussed and voted upon.
the order. A galley was dispatched with all speed, attempting to overtake
the ship that had been sent the day before to deliver the order containing
the death sentence. The rowers ate their meals while rowing to save time,
and, spurred on by the promise of rewards from the ambassadors if they
arrived in time, reached Mytilene just after the death sentence had been
proclaimed but before it was carried out. Thuc. 3.49.
18 Plato has Socrates make such a request in his own defense speech
before a jury court: “And I must beg of you to grant me one favor, which
is this—If you hear me using the same words in my defense which I have
been in the habit of using, and which most of you may have heard in the
agora, and at the tables of the money-changers, or anywhere else, I
would ask you not to be surprised at this, and not to interrupt me.” Plat.,
Apol. 17c-17d.
19 Aeschin. 3.36. A forensic oration is a speech written for delivery by
trates, and was called the Heliaea. After those reforms, when
the court became open to many types of lawsuits, the Heli-
aea was reconstituted as a group of jury courts, each of
which sat to hear individual cases. There may have been up
to ten jury courts in session on any given day.
At the beginning of each year 6,000 jurors were enrolled
from among those who volunteered, probably 600 from each
tribe.23 Jurors had to be male citizens at least 30 years old,
not subject to disfranchisement, and not in debt to the state.
Pay for jurors was introduced around 450 BCE upon the
motion of Pericles. Initially set at two obols per day, in the
420s the pay was raised to three obols, at which level it re-
mained through the end of the democracy. Payment at this
level would not have been very attractive to those with other
employment opportunities.24 Aristophanes’ comedy The
Wasps (written 422 BCE), which centers around an elderly
Athenian who is addicted to jury service, suggests that ju-
rors were drawn exclusively from the ranks of the indigent
elderly. Other evidence suggests that the jury pool also in-
cluded men who were well-off (and so did not care about the
lar trial), and some of judges (they were the ultimate authority as to the
24 On comparative levels of pay, see p. 17, n.15, above.
pay), as well as farmers in the off season, but that those en-
gaged in trade or in the crafts were underrepresented.
There was no appeal from the judgment of a jury court.
The jury, like the Assembly, was considered to represent the
entire demos: this is indicated by the fact that litigants ad-
dressing a jury routinely use the second person plural,
“you,” when referring to an action taken by the Assembly.
Thus in one case, a defendant charged with homicide for kill-
ing a man he caught in flagrante delicto with his wife de-
fended on the ground that the law permitted, and even re-
quired, extrajudicial execution in such a circumstance. The
defendant explained to the court that the man had offered to
pay him compensation in lieu of suffering death, but the de-
fendant declined the offer:
But I would not agree to his proposed penalty, as I held that
our city’s law should have higher authority; and I obtained
that satisfaction which you deemed most just when you im-
posed it on those who adopt such courses.25
Since the jury represented the demos, there was no higher
authority to which to appeal.
Almost all cases were initiated by private parties, not by a
public prosecutor, including those involving serious crimes
like murder. Some types of cases could be brought only by
the victim; others, by any citizen.
Litigation was initiated when the plaintiff served a sum-
mons on the defendant, before witnesses. The summons
called upon the defendant to appear before a magistrate on a
specified date. At this initial meeting, the plaintiff would pre-
sent his charge. If the magistrate accepted the charge, he
would set a date for a preliminary hearing, called anakrisis.
The Athenian trial consisted primarily of the speeches
given by the litigants and witness statements read by the
court clerk. The plaintiff spoke first, and then the defendant.
Speeches were nearly always delivered by the litigants them-
selves. There was no possibility of having one’s speech pre-
sented by a professional, though in some circumstances,
such as if the litigant were young or inexperienced, a close
friend or relative could deliver a supporting speech.
Although litigants generally delivered their own speeches,
the speech could be written by somebody else. Professional
speech writers, called “logographers,” were skilled in writing
trial speeches and knew what rhetorical strategies were most
likely to persuade an Athenian jury. Nevertheless, speeches
were delivered in the first person, and a litigant never made
reference to the fact that he had not written the speech. It is
not known whether speeches were read out in court, or were
recited from memory.
Prior to about 380 BCE witness testimony was presented
orally. After that time, witnesses no longer gave live testi-
mony in court. Instead, a litigant prepared a written witness
statement in advance of the trial. The court clerk read the
statement at the point in the litigant’s speech when it was
called for, and the witness affirmed that the testimony was
Adult male citizens, resident aliens, and freedmen could
be witnesses. It appears, however, that women and children
could not offer testimony. Slaves were permitted to testify,
but only if the testimony were taken under torture. The
(rather dubious) rationale for this rule was that a slave be-
longing to the litigant was unlikely to testify against his mas-
ter, unless the punishment for lying was greater than the
punishment that he would expect from his master.
Trials in ancient Athens had to be completed within one
day. The litigants’ speeches were limited to a certain length
of time, the same for each side, and were timed using a wa-
ter clock called a klepsudra.
The presiding magistrate was not like a modern-day judge.
First, the magistrates were laymen, selected by lot to serve in
the position for a single year, without any specific training or
legal knowledge. Second, the magistrate could not dismiss a
case on legal grounds or set out the issues to be decided by
the jury. Also, a magistrate did not hear objections or stop
litigants from introducing irrelevant material at trial.
In the fourth century BCE, jurors delivered their votes by
dropping bronze voting tokens into voting urns. Each juror
had two voting tokens, one with a hollow tube through the
The Council of the Areopagos—the name means “Hill of
Mars,” and designates the location where it met—consisted
of all archons who had completed their term of office. In con-
trast to all other officeholders, who were limited to a one-
In pre-democratic times, the Areopagos had broad-ranging
authority in Athens. According to Aristotle, the Areopagos
was then “guardian of the laws, and kept watch over the
magistrates to see that they executed their offices in accor-
dance with the laws.”30
After the reforms of Ephialtes in the mid-fifth century,
which stripped the (undemocratic) Areopagos of most of its
authorities, the principal duty of the Areopagos was to try
cases of intentional homicide. This body also heard cases of
assault and wounding, and those involving certain types of
In addition to holding trials, the Areopagos could be called
upon, by either the Council or the Assembly, to conduct an
investigation into a possible offense and make a report
(called apophasis31) of its findings. Based on the report, the
Assembly might decide that the subject of the investigation
should be prosecuted. If so, it passed a decree setting out
the details of the trial. The apophasis procedure was most
often used to investigate the conduct of public officials.
“Magistrate” is the usual translation of the term that is
used to designate a range of public officials. All magistrates
held some sort of judicial function, such as introducing
cases into court, and presiding over trials. Magistrates could
also impose fines of up to 50 drachmas for violation of laws
within their jurisdiction. For example, the Eponymous Ar-
chon, a magistrate who was responsible for organizing the
The board of magistrates called The Eleven were primarily
executive officers, in charge of the prisons and executions.
They also had some judicial functions. If a person was
caught in the act of engaging in certain types of crimes, in-
cluding theft, kidnapping, burglary, and pickpocketing, he
could be brought before the Eleven; and if he admitted his
guilt, the Eleven could summarily execute him, without a
trial. (This seems like an excellent occasion on which to take
the Fifth.) If he claimed innocence, he was entitled to a trial
before a jury court, with the Eleven presiding.
There were five astynomoi for Athens, and five for Piraeus
(the port of Athens). They were responsible for cleanliness
and order in the streets. They enforced miscellaneous regula-
tions, such as the rules that flute girls may not be hired for
more than two drachmas, that dung collectors may not de-
posit dung within ten stades of the city wall, and that a
householder may not build over the street. They also col-
lected dead bodies from the streets.
brotherless woman whose father has died and who has no male issue. An
heiress could be “claimed” in marriage by a male relative, as a means of
keeping property in the family.
36 A “liturgy” was a service performed by a wealthy individual, at his
own expense, for the benefit of the public. Each year a number of indi-
viduals (perhaps one hundred each year) would be appointed to perform
such services. Common types of liturgies were funding a dramatic per-
formance, and outfitting a warship.
The agoranomoi (five for Athens, and five for Piraeus) su-
pervised commercial activity in the marketplace (the agora).
They dealt with false advertising, sale of adulterated goods,
public order in the agora, and possibly price regulation.
Other more specialized officials regulated the retail grain
trade, the wholesale grain trade, and weights and measures
in the marketplace.
Any citizen selected by lot or election to a public office had
to undergo dokimasia (“examination” or “scrutiny”) before
taking office. This was an examination for the formal qualifi-
cations for office, such as citizenship, age, and whether the
candidate had held the office previously so as to be ineligible.
For most magistrates, dokimasia was conducted by a jury
court, presided over by one of the thesmothetai. Those se-
lected as archons and Councilors had first to undergo doki-
masia by the Council. Aristotle’s reconstruction of the ques-
tions asked in a dokimasia is as follows:
When they are examined, they are asked, first, “Who is your
father, and of what deme? who is your father’s father? who is
your mother? who is your mother’s father, and of what
deme?” Then the candidate is asked whether he possesses an
ancestral Apollo and a household Zeus, and where their
sanctuaries are; next if he possesses a family tomb, and
where; then if he treats his parents well, and pays his taxes,
and has served on the required military expeditions.37
Anybody who wished could make an accusation against
the candidate, who could speak in his own defense. The jury
or Council then voted to accept or reject him. If the candi-
date was rejected, he did not incur any punishment, but was
merely excluded from the office.
Eisangelia was a sort of impeachment procedure, which
was used principally against public officials.38 It could be
At the first (Principal) meeting of the Assembly each pry-
tany, there was a vote on whether public officials were per-
forming their duties well, in a procedure called epikheirotonia
(“voting by a show of hands”). If the vote went against an of-
ficial, he was provisionally deposed from office, and he would
be tried before a jury court. If convicted, he would be re-
moved from the position, and might be fined, as was Pericles
in 430 BCE. If acquitted, the official would return to his of-
Euthyna was an examination of a public official that oc-
curred after he completed his term of office. It was applied to
all magistrates and the Council members, but not to jurors.
The examination consisted of two stages. First, there was
a review of the official’s handling of public money, to uncover
crimes such as embezzlement, accepting bribes, or causing
demos, and against any citizen who tried to overthrow the democracy.
39 On euthyna, see below on this page.
In the mid-fourth century, the apophasis procedure was
introduced to allow the Areopagos to investigate possible of-
fenses. The Assembly could refer a matter to the Areopagos
for investigation, or the Areopagos could commence an in-
vestigation on its own initiative. The Areopagos made a re-
port (apophasis) of its findings to the Assembly, which would
decide whether a person should be prosecuted. If so, the As-
sembly passed a decree setting out the details of the trial.
The apophasis procedure could be used against both pri-
vate citizens and public officials. The best known example of
the use of this procedure was in the Harpalos affair, when it
led to the trial and conviction of the orator Demosthenes for
accepting a bribe from the treasurer of Alexander the Great.
40These were distinct from the logistai selected from the Council
members, discussed above at p. 16, who had a different function.
Agora — The heart of Athens, the agora was a sort of market
square that provided a location where goods could be bought and
sold as well as a place for political and philosophical debates.
Agoranomoi — A group of magistrates who were responsible
for supervising commercial activity in the agora.
Apophasis (“report”) — A procedure under which the Areopa-
gos conducted an investigation of a public matter, and delivered a
report that might lead to a prosecution.
Archon (“leader” or “ruler”) — One of The Nine Archons, magis-
trates who exercised certain judicial and executive duties under
the democracy. They consisted of the Eponymous Archon (aka the
Archon), the King Archon, the Polemarch, and six thesmothetai.
Areopagos (“Hill of Mars”) — A body consisting of all archons
who had completed their term of office. Members served for life.
The Areopagos had limited functions under the democracy, but
exercised much greater powers under the pre-democratic systems.
Assembly — The Athenian legislative body, consisting of all
adult male citizens who were not subject to disfranchisement.
Astynomoi — A group of magistrates who were responsible for
cleanliness and order in the streets.
Attica — The territory within which Athens was situated.
Classical period — The period of Athenian history that ran
from 490 BCE (the first Persian invasion of Greece) until 323 BCE
(death of Alexander the Great). During this period the Athenian
democracy flourished, and Athens was at the height of its accom-
Cleisthenes — An Athenian reformer who, in 507 BCE, took a
major step toward establishment of the democracy by reorganizing
the political structure so as to reduce the power of aristocratic
elements of society.
Council of 400 — The Council created by Solon.
Council of 500 — The Council created by Cleisthenes, which
replaced Solon’s Council of 400. It functioned throughout the pe-
ther 35 or 36 days.
Solon — An upper-class Athenian, appointed by the Athenians
in 594 BCE to reform the laws so as to moderate the strife be-
tween the wealthy and the poorer classes.
Strategoi (“generals”) — The chief military commanders of Ath-
ens. Ten were elected each year, one from each of the tribes.
Thesmothetai (“those who establish the laws”) — The six offi-
cials who, together with the Eponymous Archon, the King Archon,
and the Polemarch, made up the Nine Archons.
Thirty Tyrants — The brutal oligarchy that Sparta installed in
Athens in 404 BCE after Sparta’s victory in the Peloponnesian
War. The oligarchy gave way to a restored democracy within a
Tribes, ten — The ten subdivisions of the Athenian population,
established by Cleisthenes in 507 BCE, and serving as political
units for various purposes under the democracy.