BiologyB1bhigher-A Q10p
BiologyB1bhigher-A Q10p
BiologyB1bhigher-A Q10p
Q1.On a rocky shore, when the tide goes in and out, organisms are exposed to the air for
different amounts of time.
(a) On hot, windy days when the tide is out the concentration of the salt solution in rock
pools may become very high.
What term is used to describe organisms that can survive in severe conditions such
as very high concentrations of salt solution?
(i) Which two types of periwinkle are likely to compete with each other to the
greatest extent?
(iii) The small periwinkle can survive much nearer to the high tide level than the
flat periwinkle.
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Suggest two reasons why the flat periwinkle cannot survive near to the high
tide level.
(Total 5 marks)
The sand gazelle lives in the Arabian Desert where temperatures often reach 45 °C.
(a) The sand gazelle feeds only at dawn and at dusk. At other times it stays in the
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(b) During the dry season, the sand gazelle’s liver and heart shrink in size. This
reduces the amount of oxygen that the body needs.
Suggest how needing less oxygen helps the animal to conserve water.
(Total 4 marks)
Table 1 shows:
(a) Look at the data for the three countries. Estimate which country has the greatest
proportion of its area suitable as a habitat for squirrels.
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(b) The maps show the distribution of grey squirrels and red squirrels in England,
Scotland and Wales.
Image under Crown Copyright and courtesy of Pepper & Patterson, 2001. Contains public sector information licensed
under the Open Government Licence v1.0
Scientists suggested that the distribution of grey squirrels and red squirrels is linked
to the type of trees in woodlands.
(i) The information for England and Scotland supports this suggestion.
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In most parts of the UK the population of grey squirrels is increasing, but the
population of red squirrels is decreasing.
Suggest why.
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(Total 7 marks)
Q4. The diagram shows the annual energy flow through 1 m2 of a habitat.
(a) Calculate the percentage of the energy absorbed by the grass from sunlight that is
transferred to the frog.
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Answer ....................................................... %
(b) All of the energy the grass absorbs from the sun is eventually lost to the
(c) Food chains are usually not more than five organisms long.
Explain why.
To gain full marks you must use data from the diagram.
Explain how.
(Total 8 marks)
Grass by By Catarina Carvalho from Lisboa, Portugal (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.
Grasshopper by I, Daniel Schwen [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons. Frog by Brian
Gratwicke (Pickerel Frog) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons. Heron by Glen Fergus (Own work, Otago
Peninsula, New Zealand) [CC-BY-SA-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons.
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Q5. A gardener pulled up weeds and used them to start a compost heap. The compost
heap soon became colonised by large numbers of earthworms and slugs. The gardener
then noticed a hedgehog rooting through the compost heap, eating the earthworms and
slugs. Every so often the hedgehog stopped to scratch itself. This was because it had
large numbers of fleas which fed by sucking the hedgehog’s blood.
(a) Use only information from the passage to answer the following.
(b) Gardeners put plant material onto compost heaps so that it will decay. They then
put the decayed compost onto soil where they are growing their plants.
Give three conditions which are needed for plant material to decay rapidly.
1 .....................................................................
2 .....................................................................
3 .....................................................................
(Total 5 marks)
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X .....................................................................
Y .....................................................................
(c) In tropical rainforests process X is much faster than in most other habitats.
Suggest why.
(Total 7 marks)
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Q7. Scientists have found the following food web in the cold Antarctic Ocean.
Some scientists argue that this could lead to a decrease in the numbers of squid
and penguins.
Others argue that the numbers of squid and penguins will stay the same.
(b) The following information is about the biomass of the organisms in one of the food
chains in the web.
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(c) Explain, as fully as you can, why the conversion of shrimp biomass into cod
biomass is more efficient than that of cod biomass into seal biomass in the cold
Antarctic Ocean.
(d) Boats from many countries fish the Antarctic Ocean. The cod are being overfished.
If the numbers of cod are to increase, the population must be carefully managed.
(i) Suggest two control measures which would prevent a further drop in
(ii) Suggest why one of your control measures would be difficult to put into
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(Total 11 marks)
Q8. Chickens are kept as farm animals to produce food. Free-range chickens are allowed
to feed in a large space outside. The diagram shows how energy supplied in food to a
free-range chicken is transferred.
(b) Some farmers use the battery method. They keep large numbers of chickens in a
small indoor space. The food yield from these chickens is higher than that from
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free-range chickens. Explain why, as fully as you can.
(Total 5 marks)
Graph 1 shows how the populations of the plankton change through the year in the
seas around the UK.
Graph 1
(a) Basking sharks eat animal plankton. Basking sharks grow up to 8 metres long.
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Look at the diagram and Graph 1.
Which is the correct shape for the pyramid of biomass to show the relationship
plant plankton, animal plankton and basking sharks, in June?
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Graph 2 shows changes in some of the conditions in the upper layers of the sea around
the UK.
(b) The population of plant plankton increases between February and April.
(c) The population of animal plankton changes between April and July.
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(d) The concentration of mineral ions changes between February and December.
(Total 8 marks)
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