Feu Unity 3 D Lesson 4
Feu Unity 3 D Lesson 4
Feu Unity 3 D Lesson 4
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This marks the start of the development of our game, “The Game”, a zombie-shooter in a third-
person, chase camera style view.
The object of this course is centered on programming, so we'll be making use of ready-made art
assets instead of making our own. For example, the player and zombie characters you see in the
screenshot above are freely available from the Unity Asset Store.
In this lesson, we'll concentrate on the first thing: making a player character that walks and responds
to user input.
Make a new empty project. Name the project folder, “TheGame”.
The Stage
First, we need a floor for our character to walk on. Make a new cube (GameObject > Create Other >
Cube). Position it at (0, 0, 0). Scale it as (50, 1, 50) so it appears flat.
Name our cube “Ground”.
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Let's add light. Choose GameObject > Create Other > Directional Light. Rotate it as (30, -30, 0).
Let's use a good texture for the ground. In our Lesson Assets folder, you'll find an image named “Dark
concrete diffuse.png”, together with a “Dark concrete normal.png”. Copy them both to your Project.
Folder Organization
Now would be a good time to lay down some rules on folder organization. Unity doesn't impose any
rules for making your folders, but it has some special properties on some situations. (We don't need
to worry about those yet).
We'll lay down our own rules so our files don't get messed up.
In your Project View, create a folder named “TheGame”. This will be our top-level folder where all
assets specific to our game will be stored.
Inside “TheGame”, make a folder named “Textures”. Move the two dark concrete images in there.
Select your Ground material. Assign the “Dark concrete diffuse” texture to the Ground material. Set
the Tiling property to 10 in both x and y.
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Now let's assign this Ground material to our cube. Select the Cube from the Hierarchy View. You'll
see a Mesh Renderer component. Expand its Materials property. Drag the Ground material from the
Project view into the Element 0, replacing the Default-Diffuse that's currently assigned there.
We'll change the shader to take advantage of the so-called “normal” image (the other image we
imported). Change the shader to use “Bumped Diffuse”. Assign the “Dark concrete normal” image to
the second texture slot that's currently empty.
You'll see it says the texture is not marked as a normal map. Just click on the button that says “Fix
You'll also have to change the Tiling property for the normal map to 10 in both x and y.
As a result, you'll see the texture “pop out” more because of the normal map.
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Character Controller. You'll be warned with a message saying the capsule collider has to be replaced.
Go ahead and click “Replace”.
Now we'll create a script for the player. In the “TheGame” folder, make a new folder named “Scripts”.
This will be where all our script files reside. Inside the “Scripts” folder, make a new C# file. Name it
Select the Player game object. Drag the PlayerMovement script from the Project View into the empty
area in the Inspector. The Player should now have the PlayerMovement script component.
Now let's add some code.
14 // Update is called once per frame
15 void Update()
16 {
17 h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
18 }
19 }
Don't worry about the variable being public. We'll be removing it later. The reason we have that
variable public right now is so you could see its value in the Inspector.
Select your player game object. Run the game. Hold either the left or right arrow keys. Take a look at
the Inspector. You should see the value of H change from 0.0 to 1.0 or -1.0 depending on which key
you pressed. You can also use the A and D keys.
This is how we retrieve player input. Input.GetAxis gives us a value from -1.0 to 1.0 depending on the
kind of user input that we want. The “Horizontal” string that we specify is, by default, for the left and
right movement.
To move our character, we need to call on the help of our Character Controller component. And we
need to get a handle, or a reference, to our Character Controller component. Line 6 creates a variable
where we will store the handle to our existing Character Controller component.
We initialize it with a value in our Start function. This is important. Don't use the constructor for
classes that inherit from MonoBehaviour, or it will mess up with Unity's way of doing things.
GetComponent is a function provided for us by MonoBehaviour. It allows us to get a handle on an
existing component. Remember we added a Character Controller to our Player game object in the
Unity Editor. We're just accessing that here.
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We're making use of Input.GetAxis to detect user input. We use “Horizontal” for left and right
movement, and “Vertical” for forward and backward movement. Then we're feeding that value into a
temporary Vector3 variable.
Vector3 is a struct that holds x, y, z values. Vector3 is what we use to hold position values, rotation
values, scale values, and so on. We use it here so its easier to compute our movement code.
The “Horizontal” user input goes into the X coordinate, and the “Vertical” user input goes into the Z
coordinate. The Y coordinate is left at zero, since we don't want our player to move up and down; he
doesn't fly.
Look at line 18. The Move function of our Character Controller is what causes our game object to
move. And we're passing the Vector3 to that Move function. So, in effect, we are now moving our
game object from user input.
If you play the game, you can now move your player with the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the
WASD keys.
Modulate By Framerate
Now recall its not a good idea to just use constant values. We need to
modulate the speed by the computer's frame rate. Change line 18 to
18 _controller.Move(direction * Time.deltaTime);
Recall in your early Science lectures that speed = distance over time.
Well in this case we are getting distance, which is speed multiplied by Illustration 1: You may
time. And that is exactly what we're doing here. The direction variable remember this from your early
Science lectures.
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Now we're multiplying each of our direction x, y, z values by a single number. So, in this code, our
-1.0 to 1.0 range becomes -5.0 to 5.0. We're now moving our player by 5 meters per second. Recall
that in Physics, velocity is speed with direction. If you look at line 21, that's exactly what we're doing
11 [SerializeField]
12 float _jumpSpeed = 20.0f;
14 [SerializeField]
15 float _gravity = 1.0f;
17 float _yVelocity = 0.0f;
19 // Use this for initialization
20 void Start()
21 {
22 _controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
23 }
25 // Update is called once per frame
26 void Update()
27 {
28 Vector3 direction = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
29 Vector3 velocity = direction * _moveSpeed;
31 if (_controller.isGrounded)
32 {
33 if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
34 {
35 _yVelocity = _jumpSpeed;
36 }
37 }
38 else
39 {
40 _yVelocity -= _gravity;
41 }
43 velocity.y = _yVelocity;
45 _controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);
46 }
47 }
We got a few new variables that we can tweak: “_jumpSpeed” controls how high we can jump, and
“_gravity” controls how fast we fall. The “_yVelocity” variable records our current Y velocity. Its the
variable that we modify when jumping or falling.
In line 31, the isGrounded detects whether our Character Controller is on the ground. Its only then
that we allow the player to jump.
In line 33, Input.GetButtonDown detects whether we pressed a button. The string “Jump”, by default,
is assigned to the spacebar. So when you press the spacebar, our Y velocity is suddenly set to the
value of our jump speed (line 35). This causes the player to jump.
Line 40 gets called if he's not on the ground (if he's afloat). In that case, we reduce his Y velocity to
simulate gravity. Eventually it'll be a negative value, which causes our player to fall down when he's in
the air.
The value of “_yVelocity” is eventually fed into our Move function (line 43 and line 45). Remember its
the Move function that actually does the moving.
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In Conclusion...
You've gotten through the basics of converting user input into something your game can use: you've
made a game object respond to keyboard controls.
You also learned a little about file organization in your project.
In the next lesson, we'll be making code to control the camera with the mouse, so the player can look
around better.