Admitted Batch 2008 -2009
(UG courses)
May 2008
A.P. State Council of Higher Education
Biochemistry 2 of 21
2. Prof. M S K Prasad
Department of Biochemistry,
Kakatiya University, Warangal.
3. Prof. K. Thyagaraju
Department of Biochemistry,
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
Second year: Subject Hrs per week
1. Core1-III 3
2. Core1-IV 3
3. Core2-III 3
4. Core2-IV 3
5. Core3-III 3
6. Core3-IV 3
7. Core1-lab III 3
8. Core1-lab IV 3
9. Core2-lab III 3
10. Core2-lab IV 3
11. Core3-lab III 3
12. Core3-lab IV 3
13. Foundation course 3
Total 39
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Course Structure
First Year Marks
Theory – Paper-I: Biomolecules and Enzymology 100
Unit-I : Carbohydrates and Lipids
Unit-II : Amino acids, Peptides and Proteins
Unit-III : Nucleic acids and Porphyrins
Unit-IV : Enzymology
Practicals – Paper-I: Qualitative Analysis and Enzymology 50
(i) 1st Year: Mathematics for Biology Students / Biology for Mathematics Students
(ii) 2nd Year: Environmental Studies.
(iii) 3rd Year: Computational Science (Biostatistics, Bioinformatics).
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1st Year Theory – Paper-I : Biomolecules and Enzymology
120 hrs
(4 hrs/week)
Lipids: Classification, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, structure and properties of fats and
oils (acid, saponificition and iodine values, rancidity). General properties and structures of
phospholipids, sphingolipids and cholesterol. Prostaglandins- structure and biological role of
PGD2,PGE2 and PGF2 . Lipoproteins: Types and functions
Amino Acids: Classification, structure, stereochemistry, chemical reactions of amino acids due to
carbonyl and amino groups. Titration curve of glycine and pK values. Essential and non-essential
amino acids, non-protein amino acids. Peptide bond - nature and conformation. Naturally
occurring peptides – glutathione, enkephalin.
Proteins: Classification based on solubility, shape and function. Determination of amino acid
composition of proteins. General properties of proteins, denaturation and renaturation of proteins.
Structural organization of proteins- primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures (Eg.
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin), forces stabilizing the structure of protein. Outlines of protein
Nature of nucleic acids. Structure of purines and pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides. Stability
and formation of phosphodiester linkages. Effect of acids, alkali and nucleases on DNA and
RNA. Structure of Nucleic acids- Watson-Crick DNA double helix structure, introduction to
circular DNA, super coiling, helix to random coil transition, denaturation of nucleic acids-
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hyperchromic effect, Tm-values and their significance. Reassociation kinetics, cot curves and
their significance. Types of RNA and DNA .
Factors affecting the catalysis- substrate concentration, pH, temperature. Michaelis - Menten
equation for uni-substrate reaction (derivation not necessary), significance of KM and Vmax.
Enzyme inhibition- irreversible and reversible, types of reversible inhibitions- competitive and
List of experiments:
2nd Year Theory – Paper-II: Metabolism and Biochemical Techniques 120 hrs
(4 hrs/week)
Energy transformations in the living system, Free energy concept. Exergonic and endergonic
reactions. High energy compounds. Phosphate group transfer potential. Substrate level
Ultra structure of mitochondria. Electron transport chain and carriers involved. Oxidative
phosphorylation, theories of oxidative phosphorylation- Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory.
Fo F1- ATPase. Inhibitors of respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation, uncouplers.
Formation of reactive oxygen species and their disposal through enzymatic reactions.
Ultra structure of chloroplast, Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
Catabolism of fatty acids (β- oxidation) with even and odd number of carbon atoms, Ketogenesis,
de novo synthesis of fatty acids, elongation of fatty acids in mitochondria and microsomes,
Biosynthesis and degradation of triacylglycerol and lecithin. Biosynthesis of cholesterol.
Biosynthesis and regulation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, de novo and salvage pathways.
Catabolism of purines and pyrimidines. Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides- ribonucleotide
reductase and thymidylate synthase and their significance. Disorders of nucleotide metabolism-
Gout, Lesch- Nyhan syndrome.
Electrophoresis- principles and applications of paper, polyacrylamide (native and SDS) and
agarose gel electrophoresis.
Tracer techniques: Radio isotopes, units of radio activity, half life, β and γ- emitters, use of
radioactive isotopes in biology.
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List of Experiments:
3rd Year Theory – Paper-III: Physiology, Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology
90 hrs
(3 hrs/week)
Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Composition of blood and
coagulation of blood. Hemoglobin and transport of gases in blood (oxygen and CO2).
Heart- structure of the heart, cardiac cycle, cardiac factors controlling blood pressure.
Balanced diet. Calorific values of foods and their determination by bomb calorimeter. BMR and
factors affecting it. Specific dynamic action of foods. Energy requirements and recommended
dietary allowance (RDA) for children, adults, pregnant and lactating women. Sources of complete
and incomplete proteins. Biological value of proteins. Role of essential fatty acids in human
nutrition. Malnutrition- Kwashiorkar, Marasmus and PEM.
Vitamins- sources, structure, biochemical roles, deficiency disorders of water and fat soluble
vitamins. Introduction to neutraceutical and functional foods. Bulk and trace elements-Ca, Mg,
Fe, I, Cu, Mo, Zn, Se and F. Obesity and starvation.
Plasma proteins in health and disease. Disorders of blood coagulation (haemophilia). Types of
anemias, haemoglobinopathies-sickle cell anemia and thalassemias.
Structure and functions of the liver. Liver diseases-jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis. Liver function
tests- conjugated and total bilurubin in serum, albumin: globulin ratio, hippuric acid and
bromsulphthalein tests. Serum enzymes in liver diseases- SGPT, GGT and alkaline phosphatase.
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Organization of immune system. Organs and cells of immune system. Innate and acquired
immunity. Cell mediated and humoral immunity (T- and B- cells). Classification of
immunoglobulins, structure of IgG. Epitopes / antigenic determinants. Concept of haptens.
Adjuvants. Theories of antibody formation- clonal selection theory. Monoclonal antibodies.
List of Experiments:
3rd Year Theory – Paper-IV: Microbiology and Molecular Biology 90 hrs
(3 hrs/week)
Structure and composition of viruses. One-step growth and determination of plaque forming units
(PFU). Isolation and cultivation of bacterial plaques. Lytic and lysogenic life cycle of λ phage.
TMV, Retro viruses- HIV. Prions and Mycoplasma.
Protein synthesis- activation of amino acids (aminoacyl t-RNA synthetases). Ribosome structure.
Initiation, elongation and termination of protein synthesis. Post- translational modifications-
signal hypothesis. Inhibitors of protein synthesis.
Regulation of prokaryotic gene expression- induction and repression. Lac operon, catabolite
repression. Tryptophan operon and attenuation.
Outlines of cloning strategies. DNA sequencing- Maxam Gilbert and Sanger’s methods. Tools of
r-DNA technology: Enzymes- Restriction endonucleases, ligase, phosphatases, reverse
transcriptase, polynucleotide kinases, terminal transferase nucleases-S 1 and RNAase H.
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Restriction mapping. Cloning vectors- Plasmids, Ti plasmids, Cosmids, λ phages, shuttle vectors,
expression vectors. Host- E.coli, Sacchromyces cereviciae, Agrobacterium tumifaciens.
Construction of c-DNA and genomic libraries. Isolation and sequencing of cloned genes- colony
hybridization, nucleic acid hybridization, hybrid released translation (HRT) and hybrid arrested
and released translation (HART) using reporter genes [β- galactosidases, green fluorescent
proteins (GFP)].
Applications of gene cloning- production of insulin and human growth hormone, production of Bt
cotton and edible vaccines.
90 hrs
(3 hrs/week)
List of Experiments:
General Biochemistry
Biochemical Techniques
1. Protein Biochemistry & Biotechnology- Walsh. John Wiley & Sons Press.
2. Molecular Biology of Cell- Alberts, B. Bray, D. Lewis, J. Raff, M. Roberts, K.
and Watson, J. D. Garland Publishing.
3. Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology: A Guide for teachers- Helen and Massey.
ASM Press.
4. Genes VIII – Lewin. B, Oxford University Press .
5. Molecular Biology- Freifelder. D. Naroasa Pub. House
6. Molecular Biology of the Gene- Watson. J.D., Baker, T.A, Bell, S.P.,Gann.A,
Levine, M. and Losick.R, Pearson Education.
7. Molecular Biotechnology- Glick, B. R. and Pasternak, J. J. ASM Press
8. Principles of Gene Manipulation: An Introduction to GE- Old, R. V. and
Primrose, S. B. Blackwell Sci. Pub.
9. A Textbook of Biotechnology-Dubey, R. C. S. Chand & Co.
10. Gene Biotechnology- Jogdand. Himalaya Pub. House.
11. Introduction to Biotechnology: An Agricultural Revolution-Herren. Thomson
12. Molecular Cell Biology- Lodish, H., Berk, A., Matsudaira, P., Kaiser, C. A.,
Krieger, M. Scott M. P., Zipursky, S. L. and Darnell, J. Freeman & Co.
Practical Biochemistry:
Practical Microbiology:
1. Lab Ref A Hand book of Recipes, Reagents and Other Reference Tools for Use
at the Bench- (ed) Roskams, J. and Rodgers, L.- I.K International Pvt. Ltd, New