Draft PDD Jalung Remondo

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Presented to
Mulawarman University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Bachelor Degree in English Language Education Program







Jalung Remondo. 2023. Video Material Development On Procedural Text Lesson

For Junior High School In Ninth Grade Level. Thesis. English
Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Mulawarman University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd.
(2) Anjar Dwi Astuti, S.S., M.Hum.

Video material are now being used not only in everyday social activities but
also as an alternative media for teaching English as a foreign language in
education and in general.This study is aimed: to describe how the video of the
procedural text lesson for ninth grade of Junior High School is developed. This
study used the Research and Development (R&D) type of research by Borg and
Gall (2003: 570-572) research method which has five steps in the development
procedure: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) material collecting, (4) assembly, (5)
testing. The validators of this study were twelve students of 9th grade bahasa
Inggris SMP Negeri 30 Samarinda, an English teacher from SMP Negeri 30
Samarinda and an English teacher from SMP Negeri 27 Samarinda. Questionnaire
was used as instrument for this study. The result showed that procedural text
learning video learning media is feasible as an alternative to procedural text
learning video media. The percentage given by the English teacher of SMP Negeri
27 Samarinda was 80% in the appropriate category and the English teacher of
SMP Negeri 30 Samarinda were 85% in the appropriate category. As for the
students obtained a percentage of 75% with an appropriat category. Based on the
results of the media feasibility assessment as a whole, the percentage of
procedural text learning video is 78% included in the appropriate category, so that
it can be used as a learning medium in English subjects at SMP Negeri 30
Keywords : Video Material Development, Procedural Text, Alternative Media


First of all, the researcher wishes to express his heartfelt gratitude to Jesus
for the blessings, mercy, strength, and guidance he has received in completing
this thesis.
Secondly, the researcher would like to thank the people who contributed
their ideas and time given to her in completing the thesis. The researcher
would like to express his sincerest gratitude to Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd. as
the first advisor and Anjar Dwi Astuti, S.S., M.Hum as the second advisor
who have spent their time in guiding, correcting, giving ideas, suggestion,
criticism, and motivation to finish the thesis.

Sincerest gratitude also goes to Dyah Sunggingwati, Ph.D as the first

examiner, Dr. Bibit Suhatmady, M.Pd as the second examiner, and Ichi
Ahada, MM., M.Pd as the third advisor for their cares, corrections, critics, and
revisions for her improvement.

Moreover, the researcher would like to express her thanks and

appreciation to all people who help her in completing this thesis particularly
1. The researcher’s beloved parents, Mr. Laing Along and Mrs. Rina
Bayaq. This thesis is dedicated to them who always support, pray, take
care, motivate, and love the researcher in any condition.
2. Mr. Ahim Ndjhuk, S.Pd as the English teacher at SMPN 30
Samarinda who has helped the researcher during collecting the data
3. Mr. Wardi, S.Pd., M.Pd as the English teacher at SMPN 27
Samarinda who has helped the researcher during collecting the data
4. The researcher’s support systems during the college, Qamara
Ananda, Lastry Ruth Shanty, Faiza Amira, and Rehuwella who support
and share both joys and sorrows during the researcher’s college periode.
5. Class of 2019 C English Education Department who have been
together for around 3 years through ups and downs.
6. Everyone who helps the researcher that cannot be mentioned one
by one. May Jesus give His blessing to them all.


Jalung Remondo was born on November 17, 2001, as the

first son of Laing Along and Rina Bayaq. He has a sister and a
brother named Lasti Bawing Remona and Lihan Tri Sanjaya.
He started his elementary school in SD Negeri 028
Samarinda from 2007-2013. Then, he continued his study in SMP
Negeri 30 Samarinda from 2013-2016. His study at SMK Negeri 5
Samarinda began from 2016 and finished at 2019.
In 2019, he continued his higher education at English
Education Department of Mulawarman University. During college,
and had become the Head of Class in 2021- 2023.

Samarinda, 31 May 2023

Jalung Remondo

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................1


1.1 Background of the Study..........................................................................1

1.2 Research Questions....................................................................................4
1.3 Objectives of the Research........................................................................4
1.4 Significances of the Research....................................................................4
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Research.......................................................4
1.6 Definition of Key - Terms.........................................................................5

CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................6

LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................6

2.1 Video Material Development.....................................................................6

2.1.1 Media Selection Criteria.....................................................................8
2.1.2 Video Learning Criteria......................................................................9
2.1.3 Video Learning Procedure ...............................................................12

2.2 Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Theory..................15

2.3 Procedure Text.........................................................................................19
2.4 The Previous Studies...............................................................................20

CHAPTER III.................................................................................................23


3.1 Design of the Research...........................................................................23

3.2 Instrument of the Research....................................................................24

3.3 Data Collecting......................................................................................25

3.4 Development Procedures.......................................................................25

CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................30

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................30

4.1 Research Findings.............................................................................30

4.1.1 Analysis.......................................................................................30
4.1.2 Design.........................................................................................32
4.1.3 Material Collecting......................................................................39
4.1.4 Assembly.....................................................................................40



In this chapter, the writer presents the background of the research, the

research's problem, the research's purposes, the research's significance, the

research, scope and limitation of the research, and the definition of the Key –


1.1 Background of the Study

Technology has increasingly become an essential part of the educational

field in this recent era. It can be an effective tool for instructing class teaching and

learning activity. As stated by Bruce and Levin (2001), Technology can be useful

in the classroom through encouraging inquiry, facilitating communication,

facilitating the creation of instructional materials, and facilitating students' self-

expression. Technology development can be used, such as television, radio, and

computer, as media to teach English Simanullang (2018). Technology

development has created some incredible teaching tools, such as video. Cepon

(2013), mentions that video format is helpful for teaching or studying a foreign

language. It can be said that video is one of the technology development tools

used to help teach and learn English for foreign languages in the classroom.

Kabooha (2016), states that students and teachers have a positive response

toward the use of video in their classrooms to help students learn how to use

language better. The well-chosen video material can increase students' language

learning processes and improve their motivation to learn the target language.
Video allows students to experience an easy and fun way of the learning process.

In addition, video is also more informative than images and even audio. Gezegin

(2014), has mentioned in his research, "The use of video can aid in developing

appropriate fixed expressions. When students are exposed to visual aids such as

video clips, they enjoy and find them motivating.

1) In the classroom, students are active participants and not passive

recipients of knowledge.

2) Teachers are not the primary source of knowledge; rather, they

operate more as mentors and coaches.

There is a perception that active learning can only occur in face-to-face

instruction, however it is possible to incorporate it into blended or online

instruction if the assignment is engaging and takes students' previous

knowledge into consideration. As for developing instructional video

media, researchers follow the theory of Farah & Barnet (2019) and to

make the videos more interesting and enjoyable, the theory of active

learning activities by Blazz (2022) is applied.

2.1.3 Video Learning Procedure .

There are numerous studies from the literature that describe engaging

video learning. Çakir (2006) recommends that there are ten ways:

a) Active Viewing

Active viewing enhances the delight and satisfaction of the students and

concentrates their attention on the central concept of the video presentation.

Therefore, the students respond orally to the questions after viewing them, or

they may take notes while viewing. For more in-depth comprehension, students

are given a cue sheet or viewing guidelines and instructed to observe and listen

for certain details or language characteristics.

b) Freeze Framing and Prediction

Freeze framing is the process of pausing the image on the screen by clicking

the pause or still button, when the teacher wants to teach words and expressions

relating to mood and emotions, ask questions about a particular scene, or draw

students' attention to certain parts, he or she freezes the image. By freezing the

scenario, pupils can be asked to predict what will occur next. So they guess

about what will occur in the following act. Freeze framing is highly effective

for speculation. This game also stimulates the students' imaginations by

encouraging them to predict and deduce further facts about the individuals.

c) Silent Viewing

As video is an audiovisual medium, the audio and visual components are

distinct. Viewing in silence arouses student interest, encourages intellect, and

cultivates anticipating skills. In quiet mode, the video section is played with no

audio and only the image. When students are viewing a video for the first time,

this activity can also be used as a prediction strategy. A method for achieving

this is to play the video section without sound and instruct students to study the

behavior of the characters and utilize their deductive reasoning. Then, hit the

pause button at intervals to stop the image on the screen and have students

guess what is happening and what the actors might be saying, or inquire as to

what has occurred up until that point. Finally, the video is re-played with sound

so that students can compare their impressions to what actually occurs in the


d) Sound On and Vision Off Activity

This activity can be fun and helpful if you play a part of a video unit and

hide the picture so that students can only hear the dialogue and can't see what's

going on. With only what they hear, the students can guess or re-create what has

happened visually through this activity.

e) Repetition and Role-Play

When there are some difficult language points in the video lesson, repetition

may be a required component of communicative production exercises. A video

scene is repeated with specific pauses for repetition, either individually or

collectively. When students have a firm grasp of the presentation, they are

instructed to recreate the scene using as much of the original as they can

remember. When students get comfortable with role-playing and are familiar

with vocabulary and language structures, a more creative activity can be

introduced in which they are asked to improvise the scene according to their

perceptions of the situation and the roles they are presenting. Students

participate actively in role-playing exercises. As each student assumes his or her

designated function, s/he gets increasingly invested. This activity also assists

students in better comprehending their own behavior and in being able to

respond positively to a variety of interpersonal connections. In other words, role

play is an effective form of communication and preparation for real-life

scenarios. It provides students with an opportunity to apply what they are


f) Reproduction Activity

After students have viewed a section, students are requested to recreate

either what is being said, to explain what is happening, or to write or recount

what has happened. This practice helps students to improve their english.

Students will benefit from experimenting in English, even when it is

challenging and mistakes are made. As it appears rather challenging,

instruction, assistance, and confidence may be required.

g) Dubbing Activity

This activity can be completed if students possess the necessary language

skills. After watching a soundless video session, students are requested to fill in

the missing dialogues in this exercise. The dubbing of a scene from a video is

exciting and fun for the students.

h) Follow-Up Activity

It is important that a video presentation lead to a follow-up activity that can

be used as the basis for more oral practice. Discussion gets students talking to

each other and helps them improve their communication skills. This activity

gives students a chance to learn how to share and work together.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will incorporate these

components into procedural text learning video. So that, the developed video

would be more engaging and different from the YouTube learning videos that

have been circulating. To incorporate the components into the video learning,

the researcher will be use Canva as a supporting tool in developing procedural

text learning video.

2.2 Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Theory

This model (Figure 1) consists of three main components of teachers'

knowledge: content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and

technological knowledge (TK). As seen in Figure 1, the TPACK framework

contains additional elements, which are created as an interaction among the three

domains of teacher knowledge within the framework of TPACK. These

components include TCK (Technological Content Knowledge), PCK

(Pedagogical Content Knowledge), TPK (Technological Pedagogical

Knowledge), and TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).

Figure 1. The TPACK framework and its knowledge categories (Koehler &

Mishra, 2009)

a) Content Knowledge (CK): It is teachers' knowledge of the subject matter to be

taught, including knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas, organizational

frameworks, evidence, and proof, as well as established practices and ways to

develop such knowledge.

b) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): It is a deep and generic form of knowledge

that involves comprehending teaching processes and methodologies. This area

of knowledge involves using classroom management techniques and

understanding lesson planning, student assessment, and how different students


c) Technological Knowledge (TK): This knowledge is greatly dynamic in nature,

more than the other fundamental knowledge domains in the TPACK


d) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): this flexible knowledge is formed as

the teacher interprets the subject matter, seeks various ways to present it, and

adapts and modifies the instructional material to match students' background

knowledge. PCK creates links between curriculum, pedagogy, and evaluation

e) Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): According to research, there is a

deep and historical relationship between technology and content. The advent

of technology has had a significant influence on the fields of science, physics,

history, medicine, and archeology.

f) Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): According to Koehler and

Mishra (2009), TPK is defined as A comprehension of how teaching and

learning can be altered by the application of particular technology in particular

ways. This includes understanding the educational affordances and limitations

of a variety of technological instruments in relation to disciplinary and

developmentally suitable pedagogical designs and tactics. To develop TPK, a

deeper understanding of the limitations and possibilities of technologies, as

well as the disciplinary settings in which they operate, is required.

g) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): This knowledge

goes beyond the three ‘basic’ elements of the TPACK framework (content,

pedagogy, and technology); it is rather an understanding created as an

interaction among these layers of knowledge by simultaneously integrating

knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and content. As declared by Koehler and

Mishra (2009:66), TPACK: Is the foundation of effective teaching with

technology, requiring an understanding of the representation of concepts using

technologies; pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive

ways to teach content; knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to

learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students

face; knowledge of students' prior knowledge and theories of epistemology;

and knowledge of how technologies can be used to teach students to think


The main theoretical framework for develop video is the

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) which is

shown in Figure 1 as a diagram. TPACK envisions effective teaching with

technology occurs when pedagogy, content, and technology converge (Mishra

& Koehler, 2006, 2009). To be a great teacher, we must combine our

understanding of the subject matter with our teaching expertise. With a

growing emphasis on technology, we must also learn how to integrate

technology into our pedagogical content knowledge to develop effective

learning environments. Therefore, with this TPACK theory, researchers will

combine knowledge about the procedural text that is integrated with video

material development. It may be used in the classroom to teach Procedural

Text through video media of English subjects at the ninth-grade level.

2.3 Procedure Text

According to Djuharie (2007:38), a procedure text is a text that gives

instruction about steps on how to do something. The goal of the procedure text is

to explain how something can be done. For instance, when preparing food or

beverages, operating machinery, or operating on a computer. All that is required

are instructions to prevent errors when operating or creating something. The steps

specified must be followed precisely; nothing should be overlooked. Similarly

with Knapp and Watkins (2005:157), they states that the procedural text is

concerned with instructing someone on how to complete something.

The method text is generally organized around this statement, with the

objective, materials/equipment, and steps (Knapp, 2005:157). A procedure

enables people to accomplish or create something new for themselves and also
ensures that they do or create something in the proper order. Each step stated in

the procedure text must be completed. The procedure text itself contains valuable

information for both teacher and students, as it details the project that can be


In addition, Hartono (2005) described that students must understand the

social function, general structure, and language features of a procedural text.

Students may not only be able to understand recipes or manuals for themselves

but also to convey information to others. Learning materials that usually only

refer to books, in this study were given alternative learning media using a video to

teach procedural text. Thus, video material that will be developed refers to the

learning objective of procedural text at the ninth-grade level of English subjects

2.4 The Previous Studies

Wahyuwidiati (2015), conducted development research under this study

used the Research and Development (R&D) approach by doing a preliminary

survey, designing and making a product prototype, doing limited testing and

product validation, having a revision process, and writing up the research results.

The results of the students' test using motion pictures as a descriptive teaching

medium and the expert assessment were excellent. It could be concluded that

motion pictures have a good chance of being used in the teaching and learning

process of descriptive text.

Puspitarini, Akhyar, and Djono (2018), conducted a study and this study

employs an approach to research and development (R & D) known as the

ASSURE model. The research findings include the following: 1) media developed

in the form of a power-based video learning device. 2) The result of expert

validation on media is 4.20 with a good category, 3) the result of material

validation on media is 4.19 with a good category, 4) the result of one-to-one

product testing is 4.07 with a very good category, small group trials are 4.32 with

a very good category, and field trials are 4.19 with a good category. Thus, the

developed power-based video learning media is suitable for use as a learning


Chaohua, Joyner, and Ashok (2019) published a study, and they used

seven instructional design principles such as learning by example, learning by

doing, adaptive feedback, learning through reflection, four-phase instruction

principle, personalization principle, and multimedia principle for designing and

developing video lessons for an online graduate course in this study. The findings

indicate that students consistently rated the four statements in the video lessons.

Over 90% of students—those who selected strongly agree, agree, or agree slightly

—agreed that the video lectures were informative and easy to understand and that

the video lessons aided their learning. Concerning the in-lesson exercises, over

80% of students agreed that they kept them engaged and that the exercise

feedback they received aided their comprehension of the lessons.

Siregar (2017) conducted a study about “The Development of Procedure

Text Learning Media in the Form of Animation for Students of Class VII”, The

development model used in this study namely: (1) define, (2) planning, (3)

development stage, and (4) dispersion stage (disseminate) . This study used

questionnaire to collected the data and expert validation questionnaires would be

analyzed using the percentage. The result showed that: students' responses to

learning media in experiment II averaged 92% on practical criteria, while teachers'

responses to instructional media in experiment I averaged 96% on practical

criteria. Students' post-test results in the experiment determined the effectiveness

of learning media I, where the percentage of classical completeness was equal to

87.5% at excellent criterion or otherwise completed, and (3) the improvement of

students' learning outcomes was determined by pretest and post-test data analyzed

using N-Gain, with an average gain of 0.73 in the high category.

The findings of Habibulloh's study (2017), This research approach was

quantitative research, and the research method was a pre-experimental design,

namely the one-group pretest-posttest design. The results showed that after being

taught via video, the student's writing ability improved and had a positive effect

on students' ability to write procedure text. Unfortunately, there is no description

of how many videos are used and how long each video is.

Fakhriyani, Lina. 2018, conducted the Development of Video Scribe-Based

Learning Media in Class 8 Social Studies Subjects at SMP Wahid Hasyim

Malang. This study has used Research and Development (R&D) research with

using the Borg and Gall research method which has ten steps in the development

procedure. Furthermore, instrument of data collection in this research are

questionnaire, test and interview. Based on the research results, shows that

learning media which have been developed effectively to be used as learning

media, the percentage is obtained as following: material expert (92.5%),

instructional media design expert (90%), expert learning (85%), and field trials


Based on the previous studies above this study will limited the original

instructional design same as Wahyuwidiati (2015), and will use the same

percentage as Siregar (2017). Furthermore, this research will also use the same

media learning as Habibulloh's (2017). Moreover, this study will adopt the same

instruments used by Fakhriyani (2018), and will focuse on the aspects of analysis,

design, material collecting, assembly, and testing by Borg and Gall (2003), further

explanation is available on chapter III.



In this chapter, the researcher has presented the methodology of the

research. The description includes the design of the research, research subjects,

the instrument of the research, data collection techniques, the data collecting, and

development procedures.

3.1 Design of the Research

The model of this research is research and development (R&D).

According to Borg and Gall (2003: 569), Educational R&D is an industry-based

development strategy in which research findings are applied to create a new

product. And procedures that are then systematically field-tested, evaluated, and

refined until they meet specified criteria for effectiveness, quality, or a

comparable standard. Meanwhile, Yates (2004) research in education is

commonly conducted to check, modify or develop new information related to

fundamental phenomena in education, which is also known as the basic approach

and practices in education or applied approach. Lodico et al. (2007), in their book,

mentioned the basic approach of academic research, which they argued to seek the

truth or to develop educational theories.

However, this research only reached the product validation stage based on

the teachers and students assessments. Borg and Gall (2006) have explained, "If

you plan to do an R&D project for a thesis or dissertation, keep the following in

mind: it is best to undertake a small scale project that involves a limited amount of

original instructional design; additionally, unless you have significant financial

resources, you will need to avoid expensive instructional media, such as film and

synchronized slide-tape; and another way to scale down the project is to limit

development to only a few steps of the R&D cycle."

Therefore, this research was conducted by adapting the development

research steps of Borg & Gall (2003: 570-572), which were modified into five

steps from 10 steps of research implementation: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3)

material collection, (4) assembly, (5) testing, (6) operational product revision, (7)

main field testing, (8) main product revision, (9) final product revision, and (10)

dissemination and implementation. In consideration of the fact that this

development study was carried out to complete the final study, the steps used in

this research are analysis, material collecting, design, assembly and testing. The

researcher has yet to be able to conduct research up to the stage of mass

production due to many factors, mainly time and expense. In other situations,

though, mass production can be achieved, provided individuals are ready to

collaborate with researchers.

3.2 Instrument of the Research

In this research, the researcher will use a questionnaire to ensure whether

the media used is appropriate or not. The questionnaire contains of 22 items, and

the items are based on two main components such as media material and media

content, that have been adopted from the thesis of Fakhriyani (2018).

Furthermore, there is no information on whether Fakhriayani (2018) adopted or

adapted the questionnaire from other sources. It consists of a five rating Likert-

scale, and the questionnaires are proposed to get know opinions and suggestions

about the material that has been developed. The questions were written in

Indonesian. It is easier for teachers and students to answer the questions.

Topic Questions Number

Media Material 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Media Content 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

Table 1. The Questionnaires Number

3.3 Data Collecting

In this research, data were collected through a questionnaire to find the

suitability of the designed material. For the first, give the video that has been

made about procedural text to the English teachers and ninth-grade students, then

give the questionnaires to the teachers and the students. After that collected the

data from the teachers and students questionnaires.

3.4 Development Procedures

This procedure for developing learning is based on the procedure proposed

by Borg and Gall (2003:570). The development process is divided into five

stages: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) material collecting, (4) assembly, and (5)

testing. The stages of development include the following:

1) Analysis

This stage is the initial stage of making learning media in the

form of video learning. This stage includes several things, namely:

a) Problem identification, namely the process of identifying existing

problems. Identification of this problem is done by observation the

learning activities of procedure text subjects at SMP Negeri 30

Pampang by the researcher.

b) Needs analysis, namely analyzing. Therefore, after observing the

learning activities in class, the researcher analyzed the need for new

learning media for students to make it easier to learn English through

video. Based on the observations of researchers at SMP 30 Samarinda,

the English teacher does not use video media when teaching in class

and only used blackboard media; researchers developed video learning

media for teaching procedural text for the ninth-grade level of

English subject.

2) Design

At this stage, the researcher designed the display of the learning

video using a flowchart, and the features to be applied in this learning

video refer to Cakir's theory (2006). The figure is shown in figure 2.

Figure 3.1. flowchart of video learning design

Title Cover

Learning objective

Language features
Video tutorial


3) Material Collecting

Material collecting is the stage where the collection of materials

according to the needs is carried out. This stage is done in parallel with the

assembly stage.

The researcher looked for English books for the ninth-grade level

to compile procedural text material. And then, the researcher collected

photos, pictures, and music as supporting material to explain procedural

text material. After that, the researcher looked for a video recording

device, namely a camera, to record a video of procedures for making

traditional food. Next, the researcher prepared a voice recorder to record

narration rather than an explanation of procedural text material. After all

the materials needed were complete, the researcher prepared the Canva

application to edit the video learning of procedural text.

4) Assembly

The assembly stage is the stage in making all learning video

objects or materials such as text, images, audio, video, and other materials

collected previously made into a learning media arranged in a single unit

intact according to the flowchart that has been designed.

First, the researcher read the material of procedural text from the

English book Think Globally Act Locally. Second, the researcher put the

material of procedural text into the video and put the picture needed to

support the explanation of the material using Canva. Third, the researcher

added the video that has been recorded in the practice session about the

steps of making traditional food. Fourth, to make the video easy to

understand, the researcher added the voice that has been recorded as the

narration of making traditional food. Finally, the researcher added some

music for the backsound to make the atmosphere of the video learning

more enjoyable and exported the MP4 format.

5) Testing

At this stage, a trial of learning media was carried out. This test

aimed to determine the extent to which the eligibility of the learning media

is made to be used. This trial was conducted on learning experts. The

product validation was carried out by the learning expert or teacher of the

subject from the results of this expert, and then the product will be revised.

In addition, after calculating the number of responses to the

questionnaires using Excel, the researcher will show the results to

determine whether the video needs to be revised or not and write down the

research findings and discussions. In this study, the validation was done by

twelve students from SMP Negeri 30 Samarinda, two teachers from SMP

Negeri 30 Samarinda, and SMP Negeri 27 Samarinda.

Moreover, to calculate the questionnaires the researcher refers to

Johnson (2014) formula:

P= X 100%


P = percentage of the validity level

F = Frequency of the answers

N = Total respondents

The percentage result is then interpreted on the following scale of

eligibility categories:

Table 2. Qualification Level of Eligibility Based on Percentage

Percentage (%) The level of validity

81-100 % Strongly Agree/ not revised

61-80 % Agree/ not revised

41-60 % Neutral/ Partial revision

21-40% Disagree/ Revision

0-20% Strongly Disagree/ Revision

Resource: http://community.dur.ac.uk/lt.team/wp-

Arikunto (2009: 35) stated that if the validation score is obtained at

least 60%, then the developed video material can be used as a medium of

learning in school activities. If the validation score is less than 41%, the

developed video cannot be used as a learning medium. The video will be

revised if the validation score is less than 41%. Furthermore, Iis and Totok

(2017) and Anggraini (2015) also applied the same criteria as this study in

their own studies.



In this chapter, the researcher has presented the findings and discussions of

the research. The description includes the analysis, design, material collecting,

assembly, and testing.

4.1 Research Findings

The results obtained from the research on the development of instructional

video media were carried out in accordance with the development procedures
described in Chapter III, namely using the Borg & Gall (2003: 570-572)
development model (flowchart 4.1). The research stages are as follows:


Testing Design


Flowchart 4.1
The development procedures by Borg & Gall (2003: 570-572)

4.1.1 Analysis

This is the initial stage of making instructional media in the form of video.

This stage includes several steps: Problem Identification and Need Analysis.

Problem identification refers to the process of identifying existing problems. This

problem is identified by observing the class and procedural text topic subjects.

To begin with the problem identification, an initial analysis was conducted

on January 27 2023, at SMPN 30 Samarinda. This observation aimed to determine

the situation and needs of teachers and students. The class being observed was

grade 9 at SMPN 30 Samarinda. The observation focussed attention on how the

teacher taught English to students and also observed what methods were used by

the teacher when teaching English. In addition, a brief interview with the school

headmaster and also the teacher in charge of English subjects was held after the

learning activities were finished. After making observations, various kinds of

problems were identified. The results of the observations were in the procedural

text subject, and the teacher used blackboard media and modules. However, in its

use, the teacher has not optimized computer facilities and LCD projectors in

teaching and learning activities. The methods used by the teacher are lectures,

questions and answers, discussions, demonstrations, giving assignments, and

giving opportunities to ask questions, but students tend to be passive during


After observing the learning activities, it could be concluded that students

needed learning activities that were not boring and had a real picture so that

students could better understand the material. Therefore it is necessary to develop

learning media to support teaching and learning activities to achieve learning

objectives. The learning media developed is video media, which has moving

elements and sound elements that can make it easier for students to understand the

material of the procedural text. This idea was also obtained based on the results of

a conversation with the headmaster and English teacher at SMPN 30 Samarinda.

The analysis stage was conducted by collecting references: in the form of

the 2013 curriculum to determine (competency standards and basic

competencies), as well as English books used at SMPN 30 Samarinda. Besides

that, other references related to procedural text material and the development of

learning media were used as the basis of English content for the video developed.

As for the results of the analysis of the book Think Globally Act Locally and the

2013 Curriculum, the researcher found that after studying the procedural text

material students were able to explain the structure of the procedural text, students

were able to give and ask for information in a simple way about food or drink

recipes. Therefore the researcher determined that the learning video developed

had an attractive display design and displayed pictures so that students could

easily understand the material. There were also questions as exercises material

related to procedural text material so that competency standards and Basic

Competency 2013 curriculum could be achieved. Further explanation can be seen

as follows :

4.1.2 Design

The development of learning media is an effort to design learning media.

The media that will be displayed or used in the teaching and learning process is

planned and designed according to the needs of the field or the students. The

design stages are as follows:

a) Preparation of learning video scenario

Scenario preparation is the initial stage that must be done before entering

the production stage. The scenario made by the researcher for procedural text

learning video consists of scenes, narration, and video duration (figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1.
Video Scenario Design
b) Video Design Cover

In the initial display of the learning media opening, the media presenter

greets and introduces himself to the audiences. This display also shows the

material's title and the subject of learning English for grade 9. To give a

signal to students about what will be discussed, the researcher gave a picture

of lemang in the cover section that refers to the title of the material. This

opening video has music from the beginning it started (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2.
Cover Design Display
c) Material Design Display

In this view, the contents of the material design display consists of

learning objectives, definitions, language features, and a video tutorial on the

topic of how to make lemang.

a) Learning Objectives

This view display the learning objectives of learning procedural

text in English lessons in grade ninth, the scene showing the objectives

while the audio explains about goals that need to be achieved by

students such as; students being able to explain the structures of

procedure text, students be able to give and ask for information in a

simple way about food or drink recipes. The purpose of giving this

information at the beginning of the video is to attract students'

attention. Besides that, this scene is only about 9 seconds and has

musical instruments with energetic rhythms to increase students'

enthusiasm in the learning process.

Figure 4.2.1
The Objective Design Display

b) Definition

In this scene, the researcher designs a basic question regarding the

definition of procedural text and provides one correct answer and two

wrong answers. This view has a narration and music with a moderate

rhythm as the backsound of the video, the narration in this view is to

asked students to answer a question about the definition of procedural

text and they only have 10 seconds to choose the correct answer from

the blue column that available in the video. After they answer the

question, the presenter video has confirmed about which is the correct

answer based on the question and one of the blue colors is switched to

red when the correct answer is displayed, (figure 4.2.2).

Figure 4.2.2
Definition Design Display

c) Generic Structures

This scene displayed the generic structures of procedural text on

how to make lemang. In this view, each section of the generic

structures is given a different color label. There is also an arrow

symbol as for a signaling which part is being discussed. In this view

there is also an audio narration said by the narrator of the video that

asks students to guess which color refers to the title of the procedure

text, which color refers to the ingredients, and which color refers to the

steps of making lemang. This design aims to involve students in

participating directly in learning while the video is playing. This is

designed so that students can be directly involved in the learning

process while the video is playing. This will keep them active and not

just silent and watch. There is also a music instrument on this display

which makes the video come alive and this display has a duration of 36

Seconds, (figure 4.2.3).

Figure 4.2.3
Generic Structures Design Display

d) Video Tutorial

This scene display the proccess on how to make lemang. In the

opening of this video the researcher combines four videos of the

process of making lemang in one frame included the music instrument

as the backsound of the video, and for the duration of this video

tutorial is three minutes. Besides that, the video has been created using

Canva. In addition, students will be asked to pay attention to the

process of making lemang by the researcher in this video and to ensure

they remain active in the learning process. The video presenter asked

them to fill in the blanks in the narrative sentences for the process of

making lemang while the video is playing, (figure 4.2.4).

Figure 4.2.4
Video Tutorial Design Display

e) Exercise Design Display

In this view, based on the video tutorial, a video will be displayed

in the form of the process of making lemang. While the video is

playing, the presenter explains the steps on how to make lemang from

the beginning until the end. During the video, there are sentences or

narration of what the presenter conveys in the video, but each sentence

has a blank word. However, the word that is omitted in the sentence is

the verb one and the conjunction. This is done so that students can get

used to English speech and learn to recognize the language features of

the procedure text, (figure 4.3).

Exercise Design Display

f) Summary Design Display

In this view, the scene showing a picture that written "Summary"

while the audio summarize the material of procedural text. After 24

seconds, the scene switched to the next slide based on the audio

explaination. And then, the scene showing the generic structures of

procedural text, in this scene the presenter video made an interaction

with student with purposed to checked students undertanding about the

generic structures of procedural text. The summary at the end of the

video is amied to make students easier to get the information presented

in the video. Moreover, the duration of this scene is 1 minutes, (Figure


Figure 4.4
Closing Design Display

4.1.3 Material Collecting

In the process of collecting this material, the researcher started based on

what was needed so that the learning video that was developed could be in

accordance with the material to be taught.

First of all, the researcher looked for learning books for class ninth English

curriculum 2013 which were used at SMPN 30 Samarinda, as a reference in

compiling material in the procedure text learning video. After reading the Think

Globally Act Locally for 9th grade English material book , the researcher found

the material about procedural text in page 53. Based on the material described on

that page, the researcher found that procedure text contains elements that need to

be present in procedure text, such as generic structures and language features.

After knowing this, the researcher tried to make the material as a reference in

making a procedural text learning video on how to make lemang. Then, the

researcher designed the exercise section in the video. The references took from the

types of practice questions contained in the book and redesigned them into a

procedural text learning video.

Next, the researcher collected photos or pictures such as photos of

bamboo, cooking tools, and examples of procedure texts that are available in

Canva's image search feature. So that students can more easily understand the

material presented, the researcher used or installed photos and images that need to

be displayed in the video to explain sentences requiring pictures as support. After

the material and pictures are adjusted, the researcher begins to determine the

music that fits the atmosphere of the material that was conveyed. The music used

in the video also has a rhythm that can make students' moods more enthusiastic.

After that, the researcher prepared a tool in the form of a cellphone camera

as a video recording device that would be used to record the stages of how to

make lemang until it was finished. and so that the video results remain stable, the

researcher uses additional tools such as a tripod so that the camera remains in a

still position or remains focused when recording the process of making lemang.

Furthermore, the video that has been recorded can be more easily

understood, and the researcher uses a voice recorder in the form of a voice

recorder via a cellphone. This is done to fill in the narrative or an explanation of

the stages of how to make the lemang. Moreover, after all the material is

collected, the researcher downloads the Canva application via the internet and

collects all the material into the Canva application so that it can be compiled into

the video learning material.

4.1.4 Assembly

In this stage to developed the video of procedural text for ninth grade

level, the researcher followed the Cakir (2006) theory. The steps are as follows:

a) Active viewing

At this stage, the video is edited using Canva. It uses an active

viewing element in the whole of the video learning so that the video

display looks attractive and attracts students to become interested in

watching the video and arouses students' curiosity when watching the

video. In making this video, the researcher used HD-quality images,

chosen because junior high school students will be more interested in

seeing images with good display quality. In addition, the choice of

words used in this video encourages students to participate in the

explanations provided on the screen, and as for the sound quality that

students will hear is also have a good quality, so that students can hear

the sound from the video clearly. Furthermore, the use of colors in the

video display is adjusted to fit the colors of the image, background, and

text that will be displayed on the video. By using the appropriate colors,

students will be able to see the video clearly, and allowing students feel

interested in seeing the images and text on the video. See the example

of the picture designed, (figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5
Picture Designed Display

b) Freeze Framing and Prediction

Freeze framing is the process of pausing the image on the screen

by clicking the pause or still button, when the teacher wants to teach

words and expressions relating to mood and emotions, ask questions

about a particular scene, or draw students' attention to certain parts, he

or she freezes the image. During the process of editing the video, the

researcher suggests applying this element to this scene, so that when the

question-and-answer process occurs, this display can be temporary

paused to give students time to predict the correct answer based on the

question of video. When the video presenter asks students to guess

which part refers to the title, ingredients, materials, and steps, the video

can be temporarily paused, and students have ten seconds to respond. In

addition, there are color symbols and arrows as signaling which part is

being discussed by the video presenter. The purpose of adding color to

this display is to separate the generic structures and language features in

the procedural text so that students can easily identify the differences

between each section of the procedure text. In this view, students will

be asked to choose which color corresponds to the part being pointed to

by the arrow. The yellow color will refer to the goal section, the green

color will refer to the ingredients section, and the blue color will refer

to the steps section. This is done so that students can be more involved

in the learning process and can identify the generic structure and

language features of procedural text, (figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6
Picture Design Display

c) Silent Viewing

In quiet mode, the video section is played with no audio and only

the image. When students are viewing a video for the first time, this

activity can also be used as a prediction strategy. A method for

achieving this is to play the video section without sound and instruct

students to study the behavior of the characters and utilize their

deductive reasoning. In this display, to arouse students' curiosity, the

researcher provides a picture of lemang without audio and before the

picture is shown, the video presenter gives instructions to students to try

to predict what food is in the picture shown in the video. After 10

seconds of watching the picture shown, the video presenter will ask to

students about what food it is and whether they have seen it before.

This process aims to involve them in the learning process. Therefore,

there is interaction in the video that can involve students actively while

watching the video, (figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7
Picture Design Display

d) Sound On and Vision Off Activity

This activity can be fun and helpful if you play a part of a video

unit and hide the picture so that students can only hear the dialogue and

can not see what is going on. With only what they hear, the students can

guess or re-create what has happened visually through this activity. In

this display there are pictures that have been randomly arranged

regarding the materials needed in the process of making lemang along

with the audio, and when the audio is played students will be asked to

choose which picture is appropriate based on what is heard through the

audio being played. At the end of this session there will be a

confirmation slide regarding the correct arrangement of pictures based

on the audio that has been played, with this students will know whether

their answers are correct or incorrect. With this method, it is hoped that

students can get used to listening to English audio through this video

and can obtain information from the English audio, (figure 4.8).

Figure 4.8
Picture Design Display

e) Repetition and Role-Play

When there are some difficult language points in the video lesson,

repetition may be a required component of communicative production

exercises so that students can ask the teacher to repeat the passages

requested by the students. However, repetition can also occur in the

form of questions that aim to check students' understanding of the

material that has been discussed. During the video editing process, the

researcher thought of providing an element of repetition in the scene

after discussing generic structures and language features. This is done

to re-check whether students have understood how to make imperative

sentences in the procedural text on how to make lemang. In this session,

the audio of the scene asked students to answer a question weather they

already know what are the elements that need to be exist in a procedural

text based on the explanation before. After students are given time to

answer questions for 10 seconds, this view will bring up a confirmation

slide that displays the elements that need to be present when creating a

procedural text such as gals, ingredients, materials, and steps. With

repetition like this, it is hoped that students can better understand the

procedural text material through the video they have watched, (figure


Figure 4.9
Picture Design Display

f) Reproduction Activity

After students have viewed a section, students are requested to

recreate either what is being said, to explain what is happening, or to

write or recount what has happened. after the students watched how to

make imperative sentences in the procedural text. The video presenter

in this section will ask students again whether they still remember the

form of the imperative sentence in the sentence on how to make

lemang, In this view, the researcher gives three types of imperative

sentences in one frame with one correct imperative and two wrong

imperatives. This display is made with the aim that students can

identify which imperative sentence is correct. Furthermore, this slide

will pause for 10 seconds so students can think about the answer to the

video narrator's question. In addition, after they answer there is a

confirmation slide in the video which is to provide answers to the

question of the words that contained in the sentence making lemang.

This is done to find out whether they really understand what the

imperative sentence of procedural text looks like, (figure 4.10).

Picture Design Display

g) Dubbing Activity

After watching a soundless video session, students are requested to

fill in the missing dialogues in this exercise. In this view, there is a

video on how to make lemang, but only part of it is used as an exercise,

and the video used is the process of what is done after filling the banana

leaves into the bamboo. The first conjunction and verb one will be

removed, and the narration sound from the video will also be muted.

After that, students will be asked to say the missing word in the

sentence in the video. The purpose of the researcher to applied this

element to the video is so that students can be involved in the learning

process and can also practice their English pronunciation skills through

the slides designed by the researcher in this video, (4.11).

Figure 4.11
Picture Design Display

h) Follow-Up Activity

The discussion gets students talking to each other and helps them

improve their communication skills. This activity gives students a

chance to learn how to share and work together. In this view the

researcher made a slide that only show a picture of lemang, and the

audio of this scene asks students to discuss about at what moment the

lemang can be served. After one miunute they are allowed to provide

answers to the results of their discussions. With this discussion session,

students are expected to be able to learn to provide information on the

material presented and also to practice students' English speaking skills,

(figure 4.12).

Figure 4.12
Picture Design Display

4.1.5 Testing

At this stage, the learning media is tested. This test aims to assign the

extent to which the eligibility of learning media that is made can be used. Test

Validation of Learning Expert field testing of learning media is done by two


Validators which were conducted on January 27 to 30, 2023. There are two

stages in the validation of the development of learning media. The first stage is

done by one teacher of the English subject from SMPN 30 Samarinda, as a

material expert. The second stage is obtained from one of the teacher from

SMPN27 Samarinda, as a material expert. Presentation of data from assessment

analysis by learning experts and 9th-grade students of Junior High School 30

Samarinda are as follows:

1. Test Validation of Learning Experts from SMPN30 and SMPN27


Validation to these learning experts was done on January 30, 2023 by Ahim

Ndjhuk, S. Pd. As the teacher of 9th grade English subject in Junior High School

30 of Samarinda and Wardi, S. Pd., M.Pd. As the teacher of 9th grade English

subject in Junior High School 27 of Samarinda. Product development submitted to

the English learning subject is the form of learning media based on video learning

containing procedural text materials for 9th grade of Junior High School

Samarinda to be assessed by validators of learning experts. Descriptive exposure

of validation results of English subject learning experts to the video learning

media development product is proposed through the questionnaires method with

questionnaires instrument which can be seen in the table below.

a) Quantitative Data Exposure of Ahim Ndjhuk, S. Pd

No Aspek Skor Butir Bobot Max %
1 2 3 4 5
1 Kualitas Materi 0 0 1 5 4 43 10 50 86%

2 Kualitas Video 0 0 1 7 4 51 12 60 85%
Jumlah 94 22 110 85%

No Aspek Skor Butir Bobot Max %
1 2 3 4 5
1 Kualitas Materi 0 0 3 4 3 40 10 50 80%
2 Kualitas Video 0 0 3 6 3 48 12 60 80%
Jumlah 88 22 110 80%
b) Quantitative Data Exposure of Wardi, S. Pd., M.Pd


P = percentage of the validity level

F = Frequency of the answers

N = Total respondents

Based on the above calculations from the quantitative data, the researcher

used Excel to find the percentage results. After being calculated using Excel, the

assessment made by learning experts or all class teachers reached 83%. If matched

with the validity criteria table, this score is included in the very valid criteria.

2) Test Validation of Twelve Students Class Ninth Grade from SMPN30


Validation to this students was done on January 30, 2023. As the students of

ninth grade English subject in Junior High School 30 of Samarinda. Product

development submitted to the English learning subject is the form of learning

media based on video learning containing procedural text materials for ninth grade

of junior high school Samarinda to be assessed by students. Descriptive exposure

of validation results of English subject to the video learning media development

product is proposed through a questionnaire method with a questionnaire

instrument which can be seen in the table.

c) Quantitative Data Exposure
NO VALIDATOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL % CATEGORY
1 Student A 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 41 50 82% Non-revision
2 Student B 4 3 1 5 4 3 2 4 3 1 30 50 60% Non-revision
3 Student C 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 46 50 92% Non-revision
4 Student D 3 4 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 41 50 82% Non-revision
5 Student E 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 3 37 50 74% Non-revision
6 Student F 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 38 50 76% Non-revision
7 Student G 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 5 4 3 37 50 74% Non-revision
8 Student H 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 36 50 72% Non-revision
9 Student I 3 4 3 5 5 5 4 3 4 4 40 50 80% Non-revision
10 Student J 3 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 5 39 50 78% Non-revision
11 Student K 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 36 50 72% Non-revision
12 Student L 4 3 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 5 44 50 88% Non-revision
TOTAL 42 47 40 55 51 50 41 46 49 44 78% Valid
SCORE IDEAL 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
% 70% 78% 67% 92% 85% 83% 68% 77% 82% 73%


P = percentage of the validity level

F = Frequency of the answers

N = Total respondents

Based on the above calculations from the quantitative data, the researcher

used Excel to find the percentage results. After being calculated using Excel, the

assessment conducted by the students or the student’s class ninth grade reached

78%. If matched with the validity criteria table, this score is included in the very

valid criteria.

4.2 Discussion

Video material developement can increase the enthusiastic start from an

analysis of the needs analysis. The observation at SMPN 30 Samarinda was

carried out on 27 February 2023. From the observation can be aware that teachers

are using media in the form of modules. Students are less enthusiastic about

following the instruction. They argue that learning will be more interesting with

the learning media markedly.

The researcher designed a video because of the teaching and learning

problems in the ninth grade of SMPN 30 Samarinda. The problem included the

teacher who does not used technology in order to give a better experience for the

students in learning English, especially for procedural text. It also caused each

student's lack of practice, making them inactive in the learning process. This also

agrees with Farah and Barnett (2019), they state that the key to enabling educators

is to develop teaching videos of the highest quality. Unlike videos made

externally, they allow teachers to reproduce themselves in the classroom without

losing their authenticity; they can provide direct instruction via video while

circulating the classroom, answering questions, and encouraging students toward

deeper learning.

To develop the video, the researcher used TPACK as a foundation to make

the video learning of procedural text because TPACK is the foundation for

effective teaching with technology; this also agrees with Mishra & Koehler (2006,

2009), TPACK imagines effective teaching with technology occurs when

pedagogy, content, and technology meet.

The researcher made a concept first before going to make a video. The

creator or researcher needs to watch what the concept refers to in the student

analysis. The concept that the researcher made has to easily targeting into the

material and reflected on the daily activities, it believe that it could help the

student’s easy understanding. It is in line with Nieveen (2009:25), determining the

learning model that is most appropriate to the objectives must be selected to be

achieved. Therefore, in choosing a model, learning must have considerations. For

example, subject matter, the level of students' cognitive development, and the

facilities or facilities available so that the learning objectives that have been set

can be achieved.

The audio and video production process consists of shooting video and

sound recording according to a pre-made script. The initial stage is taking pictures

or shooting the video. Image capture is the stage that translates the script into a

digital view. Then the next stage is recording the narrator's voice which is done by

dubbing technique using a mobile phone. Video and audio are adapted to existing

supporting devices to make it easier for anyone to use. The video uses mp4

format, photos use jpg format, while audio uses mp3. After producing a product in

the form of a learning video, before conducting the tryout, validation is first

carried out on the advisors, and making revisions if there is a suggestion from the


According to Melandita (2019), students in junior high school face some

struggles in learning procedure text through the textbook, it only shows the steps

of the procedure based on scripted text. Therefore, the researcher consulted with

the advisor about the feasibility of the scenes or material slides that would be in

the video. The scene or slide needs to fit with flow learning, and the video

learning of procedural text that the researcher made has to be edited as well, and

students can more easily learn procedural text material through the developed

learning videos. This is in line with Shareman (2003) describes the importance of

authentic videos in language teaching and mentions teaching techniques that make

understanding videos easy. Similarly, Wang (2015) stated that teaching English

with video materials has advantages that other teaching methods do not have

because video materials have sound effects, colorful scenes, and character

conversation supported by visual aids.

According to Harmer (2001), video has recently become a feature in

language teaching, and almost no coursebook has been published without

including a video component. It is in line with Cakir (2006:67-8), who stated,

"One of the most popular tools for learning and teaching a language is video. Due

to the increased emphasis on communicative techniques, the use of video in

English classrooms has risen significantly. Moreover, most of them faced such

problems in pronunciation, listening, and word order. Based on those problems,

the researcher conducted a research and designed an alternative way in teaching

and learning English subject that could help not only the teachers in teaching

process but also the students, in order to encourage them to active in learning

English subject. Then, Çakir (2006) recommending that there are eight elements

that need to be implemented in video learning such as Active Viewing, Freeze

Framing and Prediction, Silent Viewing, Sound On and Vision Off Activity,

Repetition and Role-Play, Reproduction Activities, Dubbing Activities, Follow

Up Activities. These elements are implemented in this video so that students can

be directly involved in the learning process and students can also practice their

listening skills through this video, therefore a silent viewing element is applied,

and to train students' pronunciation skills, elements of sound on and vision off

activities, and dubbing activities are implemented in this video.

The finding that teachers perceive of the video how they perceive the

effectiveness of the course as a whole suggests that video medium is an critical to

a new alternative media fo teaching in the classroom. These findings confirm what

was found in Siregar's study (2017) where students' responses to learning media in

experiment II averaged 92% on practical criteria, while teachers' responses to

instructional media in experiment I averaged 96% on practical criteria. While a

great video course alone cannot guarantee the success of a course, a course that

uses poorly designed, poor-quality video is more likely to receive poor ratings

from students and teachers on the course as a whole. Therefore, to ensure learner

satisfaction and enhance new learning experiences, it is imperative that

instructional design and video production are guided by the principles set out for

creating and producing an effective video. While no element fits all, the

researcher hope the eight elements used in designed this video can help establish

that the three core components, teaching method, presentation, and sequence,

should be integrated to design and develop video lesson for learning using video.

The research instrument used a questionnaire to see the feasibility of the

media developed by the researcher, and the questionnaire was given to two

English teachers from different schools, namely SMP Negeri 27 Samarinda and

SMP Negeri 30 Samarinda. Meanwhile, as video users, 12 students of SMP

Negeri 30 Samarinda also participated in conducting a feasibility test of the

learning video media that had been developed.

In addition, the teacher's feedback on the video lessons was very positive,

they also suggested that some improvements could be made to the video lessons.

According to Nieveen (2009:25), if a model learning meets the criteria valid, it

can be said to be good, practical and effective. The improvements suggested by

the teacher are: the audio of the introduction video needs to be slowed down, add

examples of procedural text that are close to students, add pictures to each

practice question, in listening practice ask students to rewrite what the audio video

says. After the improvements have been made by the researcher, this video can be

used by students in studying procedural text material in class or at home through

the procedure text learning video that have been developed.

Moreover, based on students questionnaire, the use of video in teaching

writing procedure text helped them develop their writing skills, especially their

knowledge of present verbs, conjunction, and ingredients for making food and

drinks. This is in line with Masruddin (2014), a video can be customized to meet

the language learning needs of any students. So far, the researcher never found the

use of video recipes in improving students' English skills, especially in writing

procedure texts. However, this research was conducted to evaluate the feasibility

of the learning media developed by the researcher in enhancing the student's

learning process. The study involved the participation of students from SMPN 30

Pampang. The research findings showed that 70% of students considered the

learning media to facilitate their learning process. This learning media involved

video and audio to deliver the learning material more engagingly and


Furthermore, 78% of students reported that using learning media increased

their motivation to learn. This indicates that an engaging and technology-based

learning method can make students more motivated and enthusiastic about

learning. Additionally, 67% of students stated that the learning media used was

easily understood. This suggests that the researcher has successfully developed the

learning material about the procedural text that is suitable for students'

comprehension levels and presented them in a clear and structured manner.

The sound quality of the instructional video received a 92% rating from

the students, indicating that the audio used in the learning media is excellent and

allows students to hear clearly and without disruptions. The illustrations and

images in the video also received a 85% rating, demonstrating that the visuals

used in the learning media are excellent and support students' understanding


Moreover, the research findings revealed that 83% of students liked the

learning media developed by the researcher. This indicates that the researcher's

efforts in creating engaging and high-quality learning materials have yielded

positive results. Additionally, 68% of students reported that learning using video

media facilitated their learning process. Video media provides easy access and

enables students to learn the subject matter with clear and structured visuals.

Furthermore, students tend to be more engaged and motivated when learning

using video media.

Furthermore, 77% of students expressed a very high interest in the

learning media developed by the researcher. This indicates that students are

interested in the innovative and engaging learning approach presented by the

researcher. Finally, the student's level of enjoyment in learning using video media

reached 82%. This demonstrates that the use of video media in the learning

process can create an enjoyable learning experience for students. This study is

now enriching the world of research study in education and the researcher hope

this video can contribute to EFL and ESL settings because the researcher think

this study has important implications for both teaching writing and writing

research in Junior High Schools.



A. Conclusion

By using video media as a learning tool, students can visualize the steps

involved in the processes described in procedural texts. This helps them

understand the context and sequence of steps required to complete specific tasks

or activities. Videos can also provide concrete examples of how procedural texts

should be written and organized, which enhances students' ability to create their

procedural texts.

Furthermore, the use of video in education can help students identify the

generic structure found in procedural texts. By observing various video examples,

students can recognize the essential, primary, and concluding steps commonly

found in procedural texts. They can also pay attention to action words, time

sequencing, and connective words used in the videos to build their awareness of

the correct structure of procedural texts.

Overall, after conducting video trials, this study shows that using video as a

learning tool helps students understand procedural text material, improves their

ability to compose procedural texts, and correctly identifies generic structures in

procedural texts. Based on the results of teacher and student responses, this

learning video is 81% suitable for students of procedure text material in ninth

grade level at SMPN 30 Pampang.

B. Suggestion

The suggestions are intended to find and enhance the effective ways of

teaching procedural text of English subjects, especially for junior high school

students. The result of this research was that video can make the students more

active in learning and interested in learning English. It is suggested to the teacher

of English to use video as an alternative technique of teaching English. The

teacher is expected to use this technique to make students more active in the

classroom. Then, the teacher is expected to be innovative in choosing topics and

media to make the students learn English, especially procedural text. For the next

researchers, they can develop a research by using this technique to make a good

video for teaching procedural text of English subjects. It is also suggested to

researchers to enrich their knowledge about how to teach using technology related

to the material to be taught in class. Innovation in teaching has not reached its

peak. Teachers are highly recommended to be able to design teaching media as

creatively as possible. In addition, information and communication technology

(ICT) is one of the best choices for creating innovative teaching media because it

provides teachers with new and innovative ways of teaching. This paper proposes

an innovative teaching medium using the Canva application. The Canva app

provides an easy way to attach subtitles, images, and music to the video.

Therefore, this paper proposes a procedure for preparing teaching media using

Canva and the steps for implementing this teaching media in active learning. It is

hoped that students will be more motivated to learn English, especially the skills

of writing procedure texts. Last but not least, through this teaching medium, it is

hoped that students will be more active and involved with teaching and learning



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Nama : Jalung Remondo

Nim : 1905086061
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Media pembelajaran ini didesain untuk siswa SMP/MTs kelas IX
bidang study Bahasa Inggris berbasis video dengan kompetensi dasar
sebagai berikut :
4 3.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait resep makanan/ minuman dan manual, pendek dan
sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
5 4.4 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, dalam bentuk resep dan manual

Berkaitan dengan pengembangan media pembelajaran tersebut,

penulis memohon kepada bapak/ibu untuk kesediaannya memberikan
penilaian terhadap kualitas produk yang telah dikembangkan. Hasil dari
pengisian angket ini akan digunakan untuk menyempurnakan produk
pengembangan yang telah diberikan, agar dapat bermanfaat bagi semua
pihak dimasa yang akan datang. Sebelumnya penulis menyampaikan
terimakasih banyak atas kesediaan bapak/ibu untuk berpartisipasi dalam
pengisian angket ini.

Nama : Student A
Kelas : IX


1. Sebelum mengisi angket yang tersedia, mohon bapak/ibu terlebih
dahulu mencermati isi media pembelajaran.
2. Berilah tanda (√ ) pada kolom skor penilaian
Keterangan :
a) Strongly Agree 5 (Bobot 81-100%)
b) Agree 4 (Bobot 61-80%)
c) Neutral 3 (Bobot 41-60%)
d) Disagree 2 (Bobot 21-40%)
e) Strongly Disagree 1 (Bobot 0-20%)
Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman √
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat √
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar

Strongly Strongly
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student B
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX

Strongly Strongly
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan Disagree Neutral Agree
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student C
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman √
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam √
7 video dapat membantu siswa
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat √
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student D
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student E
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
8 Media yang digunakan dapat √
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student F
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Strongly
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman √
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student G
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013

Strongly Strongly
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
NO √
sesuai denganCRITERIA
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat √
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student H
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi

Strongly Strongly
Media video ini memudahkan dalam Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student I
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
NO siswa CRITERIA Agree
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student J
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman √
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi

Strongly Strongly
Penyampaian materi dalam media Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
NO √
video ini jelasCRITERIA
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student K
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam
3 √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman √
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam
5 √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 √
video dapat membantu siswa
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
NO memahami materi
Media yang digunakan dapat
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
8 √
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan
semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan
9 √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan
10 √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah



Nama : Student L
Kelas : IX

Strongly Strongly
NO CRITERIA Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagre Agree
1 2 3 4 5
KI/KD yang digunakan sesuai dengan
1 √
kurikulum 2013
Tujuan pembelajaran dalam media
2 √
sesuai dengan materi
Media video ini memudahkan dalam √
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media √
4 sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman
Animasi atau gambar yang ada dalam √
media jelas dan sesuai dengan materi
Penyampaian materi dalam media
6 √
video ini jelas
Contoh-contoh atau gambar dalam
7 video dapat membantu siswa √
memahami materi
8 Media yang digunakan dapat √
memberikan rangsangan pada siswa
untuk meningkatkan hasil dan

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
NO semangat belajar
Materi yang digunakan sesuai dengan √
siswa kelas IX
Media pembelajaran dapat digunakan √
siswa Kembali utuk belajar di rumah


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