Islamiyat Summer Task 1
Islamiyat Summer Task 1
Islamiyat Summer Task 1
The polytheists arrived at the cave's mouth with an expert tracker and looked
everywhere around, but by Allah's command a spider had spun a cobweb over
its entrance and a bird had come and laid eggs, presenting the semblance of an
undisturbed virgin spot, where no soul had ventured of late.
Satisfied that no one was in the cave, the unbelievers turned back giving up all
hope of finding the Prophet. Thus the Prophet safely proceeded to Madina.
The Hijra (Migration) to Madina also marks the start of the Muslim Lunar
Calendar and according to historians it took place on the 1st of Rabi-al-Awwal.
The second important step taken by the Prophet in Madina was the
fraternizing of 'Muhajireen' (Makkan Immigrants) with the 'Ansar' (Madinite
Helpers) in the bonds of Islamic brotherhood. He fraternized each Muhajir with
an Ansar, joining them together as brothers in faith. He clasped the hand of his
beloved cousin Ali bin Abi Talib (a) as the supreme symbol of brotherhood,
fraternity, and solidarity in Islamic society.
Before proceeding further let us say a few words about the Muhajireen and
the Ansar, who formed the pillars of the Islamic State. Allah, the Exalted
describes them in the Qur'an as follows:
“And as for the first and foremost of the Muhajireen (emigrants) and the Ansar
(helpers), and those who followed suit in good deeds; Allah is pleased with
them and they are pleased with Him; and He has prepared for them gardens
watered by running streams, therein dwelling forever; that is a supreme
triumph.” (9:100)
The Muhajireen as the name suggests were the Muslim emigrants from
Makkah who had followed the Prophet of Madina to safeguard their faith and
to escape persecution from the infidels. They had embraced Islam in its early
formative years and most of them had steadfastly endured severe pain and
hardship in the way of liberty, truth, and justice.
On the other hand, the Ansar were the indigenous inhabitants of Madina, who
believed in the Message of Islam and rallied to the help of the Prophet. They
welcomed him to their city and fought alongside him against the pagans of
Arabia. It was their faith and selfless devotion that cemented Islamic unity and
brought many a glorious victory for Islam.