أسطورة ايزيس و اوزيريس-1.ar.en
أسطورة ايزيس و اوزيريس-1.ar.en
أسطورة ايزيس و اوزيريس-1.ar.en
The myth of East and Osiris is considered one of the most important myths of ancient
.Egyptian literature, and it carries many human meanings, such as love, loyalty, and revenge
It also has many political connotations, such as the struggle for power as the first political
.conflict in the history of ancient Egypt
It is not only linked to Osiris, Set, Set, and Hor, but there are many, many characters
associated with it, such as Hathor, Anubis, and Nephthys, and it is almost similar to some
.stories of religious heritage, whether Christian, Islamic, or Jewish
The myth of Osiris and East continued to resonate until the Greco-Roman era and the entry
.of Christianity into Egypt
:Legend characters
Before talking about each character in the legend, we will first talk about the Ennead of the
city of On
The preeminence in any pantheon of gods is usually given to the gods responsible for
creation, and the Egyptian pantheon of gods is no exception to this rule, despite the
existence of multiple and diverse myths about creation. There is no doubt that the myth of
On was the most widespread, and this myth says that the first creator god is Atum, who
.united one identity with the sun god Ra
The myth says that Atum emerged from the eternal waters of Nun, then appeared on the hill,
and gave birth without marriage to the god Shu (air) and the goddess Tefnut (moisture). The
god of air, Shu, was the one who forced himself between the sky goddess Nut and her
husband, the earth god Geb, and this was separated. Heaven from earth. Here the Egyptians
represent natural procreation, and the same is true of the children of Geb and Nut, who are
.Osiris, Set, Set, and Nephthys, although their cosmic meaning or role was initially less clear
Source1) Religious beliefs among peoples. Jeffrey Barender. I - The World of Knowledge.
.Kuwait. 1993
Osiris was originally the god of fertility and growthOSIRIS Osiris, the plant, eventually
became one of the main gods in the pantheon of Egyptian gods. He is often depicted in the
form of a human being with green or black skin (color), wrapped in a woven robe, holding
the scepter (Haka) and the whip. The son of “Geb” and “Nut” was born. During the days of
forgetfulness, he married his sister
Isis. Egypt was the couple’s share, and they gave it civilization, while the desert turned to Set
and Nephthys. As Osiris became the envy of his brother, he was assassinated. The only text
.that tells us this myth in all its details is Plutarch's text
Osiris died without leaving an heir, which means that he lost his life twice, due to his inability
to pass on his vital principle. However, “Isis”* brought her husband back to life, relying on
the magic of the word, and restored the breath of life to him by flapping her wings. Then she
descended on his lifeless body to revive him, for a period that was sufficient to bear her son,
“Horus,” who was recognized as the legitimate heir to “Osiris,” who became the Lord of the
Underworld, the repository of the role of life, and the protector of the dead. As an entity
whose birth is constantly renewed, he was associated with the night sun, which restores Its
.capacity is at * during the night hours
Sources: Dictionary of Egyptian Mythology. Isabel Franco. Translated by Maher Juwejati. Ed.
.Dar Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi. 2001. pp. 50-52
The name is the Greek form of Aste or Est. The Greeks associated her with Demeter, Hera,
and Selene, and because of the confusion between her and Hathor, she was also associated
with Aphrodite. Isis's popularity became so widespread that she absorbed all the
characteristics of the goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon. But she was originally a humble
deity in the Delta and the protective goddess of the city of Berhabt, north of Abusir. Then she
became the wife of Osiris, the god of the neighboring town, and bore him Horus, the third
member of the divine trinity. Her popularity spread with the growing fame of her husband
.and son: and this is her legend as Plutarch narrates it
She was the first daughter of Geb and Nott. She was born in the swamps of the Delta on the
fourth leap day. Her brother Osiris chose her as his wife, so she ascended the throne at his
side. She then helped him in the process of preparing Egypt by teaching women to grind
corn, spin flax, and weave cloth. She also taught men the art of healing diseases and
accustoming them to family life. When her husband left on his mission to prepare the world,
she remained in Egypt ruling justly, awaiting his return. She was overcome with
overwhelming sadness when she heard the news of the assassination of Osiris at the hands
of their brother Set, so she cut her hair, tore her clothes, and set off searching for the box
that held her husband’s body, which had been thrown into the Nile. The current had swept
the coffin into the sea where the river mouthed. From there, the waves carried it to the
Phoenician coast, where it settled on the trunk of a tamarisk tree. The tree grew at an
amazing speed because of the coffin until it contained it entirely in its trunk. Then
Malakander, king of the city of Byblos, ordered the tree to be cut down to be a support for
his palace. In the king’s palace, a fragrant scent emanated from the tree, and its fame spread
until it reached the ears of Isis, who immediately understood the truth of the matter, so she
immediately headed to Phenicia, where she was received by Queen Astarte, wife of the King
of Byblos, and she was entrusted with the care of her little newborn. Isis adopted the child
and wanted to grant him immortality by purifying his body. She was mortal in the fire of
immortality, but before she finished her mission, the mother entered and started screaming
madly. Her screams nullified the effect of the magic, and in order to calm her down, Isis
revealed to her her personality and the reason for her existence. When the tree was given to
Isis, she extracted from it her husband’s coffin, washed it with her tears, and then carried it
back to Egypt, where she hid it in the swamps of the Delta. But Set was able to find it, so he
cut his body into fourteen pieces, which he scattered throughout scattered areas to make it
.impossible to find
Isis began again to search for the missing pieces, and she found them all, except for the
reproductive organ that had been eaten by a water animal, and she put them together. She
performed, for the first time in history, the mummification rituals that returned the slain god
to eternal life. She was helped in this by both her sister Nephthys and her nephew. Anubis
and Osiris's greatest minister, Thoth, and Horus, the son who was born to her after the death
of her husband, as a result of a union between her and the corpse into which life was
breathed thanks to her magic. In order to avoid the wrath of Set, she withdrew to the
swamps of the delta and devoted herself to raising her son until he grew up and avenged his
father, thanks to her powers. Magic protected Horus from all the dangers to which he was
Isis was an unparalleled witch. Even the gods themselves were not immune to her magic.
There is a story told about her when she was just an ordinary goddess in the service of the
chief god. Ra had grown old, walking with a trembling mouth dripping with saliva, and Isis
aspired to seize his divine powers contained in his secret name. Isis came with a handful of
earth moistened with Ra’s sacred saliva and made a poisonous serpent out of it and stung
the god, who was afflicted with unbearable pain, so he called for help. Isis asked her to heal
him with her magical powers, but in return she stipulated that he reveal his secret name to
her, but he refused. The god's pain increased, so he hid himself from the rest of the gods, but
his condition was getting worse, which in the end forced him to summon Isis and reveal to
her his name, which no one knew, and let it move from his chest to hers without him uttering
.a word
In Egyptian mythology, Isis represents the rich plains of Egypt, which became fruitful thanks
to the annual flood of the Nile, which is Osiris. Then Set, who represents the barren desert,
.came with his plot to separate them
The worship of Isis spread throughout Egypt, where sailors and merchants carried her
worship during the Hellenistic and Roman era until it reached the banks of the Rhine River.
Isis became the star of the sea and the divine protector of travelers. In the Nile Valley, her
worshipers remained loyal to her until the middle of the sixth century AD, when Emperor
Justinian closed her main temple in He built his elephant in the far south of Egypt and turned
.it into a church
The great festivals of Isis were held in the spring and fall, and the writer Apuleius, an expert
in the worship of the secrets of Isis, described to us the splendor of the processions prepared
for her, and thanks to them we can remove part of the curtain that hides the rituals of
.initiation for those who enter into her worship
Isis is usually depicted as a woman carrying a throne on her head, which is the biblical
symbol of her name. Later, the headdress appears in the form of a disc placed between the
horns of a cow and surrounded by two feathers. We also sometimes find her with a human
body carrying the head of a cow, which indicates her mingling with Hathor. Hence, the cow
was one of her sacred animals. We find her in prominent drawings and sculptures next to
Osiris, helping him or protecting him with her winged arms. We may see her wailing and
wailing at the foot of the stone coffin, or guarding the jar containing her dead husband’s
entrails (the jars are very necessary for the resurrection process), and she appears from time
to time in The role of the mother. She breastfeeds Horus, or supports him in his struggle with
Encyclopedia of the History of Religions. Book Two. Review and presentation by Firas Al-
Sawah. I. Al-Takween 2017, pp. 51-54
The Greek prayer Typhon. He was the fierce brother of Osiris, the spirit of evil, the eternal
opponent of the spirit of good. Plutarch tells us that he was the son of Geb and Nut, born
prematurely on the third day of the sack, when Nephah was violently torn from his mother's
womb. He was rude and brutal, and had white skin and red hair, which made the Egyptians
.repel him and saw in him what resembled the skin of a donkey
...Set was jealous of Osiris, his eldest brother, and secretly sought to obtain
His throne, and in order to obtain what he desired, he called upon his brother after his
triumphant return to a feast and conspired for a group of seventy-two of his supporters.
After the invitees had eaten and drank, Set ordered a box of exquisite design and decoration
to be brought and said that he would give it to whoever exactly fit his dress. The box did not
fit anyone’s size except Osiris, who lay in it. The box did not care about the plot, so the
conspirators rushed in and closed the lid on it with nails. They threw it into the Nile, where
he carried it to the sea, and then to Byblos on the coast of the Millennium. We had
previously alluded (the Isis paragraph) to Isis going to search for her husband’s coffin until
she found it a generation later. She sent him back to hide in the swamps of the Delta, but
Seth collected the boxes and cut his brother's body into fourteen pieces and distributed
them in different places. Seb felt that his control over the kingdom had been completed, but
his happiness did not last long because his wife Nephthys, who was present at the
celebration banquet, had abandoned him and fled in fear of him. Transforming into various
animal forms, she then joined Osiris’s clan and provided Isis with whatever help she could.
Meanwhile, Horus, the son of Isis, was approaching puberty, and as we said earlier, Set
appears in the myth as the eternal opponent and embodiment of the desert, the desert, and
the darkness, as opposed to the fertile land, water, and light. Everything that falls under the
group of creation and blessing comes from Osiris, and everything that falls under the group
.of destruction and corruption comes from Set
Encyclopedia of the History of Religions. Book Two. Review and introduction by Firas Al-
.Sawah. Edition. Composition 2017. pp. 54-55-56
The name is the Greek form of "Nepetheth." Plutarch called her the Aphrodite of the Nile.
She is usually depicted in the form of a woman wearing the hieroglyphic symbol of her title
"Lady of the Palace" on her head, which consists of a basket placed above the hieroglyphic
symbol of the palace. She was originally a goddess of the dead, then in Osirian myth she
became the second daughter of Geb and Nut. Her second brother, Set, took her as his wife,
but she remained barren. She wanted to have a son with Osiris, so she made him drink wine
until he became drunk, then she took him in her arms while he did not know what to do, and
.she became pregnant with Anubis
According to the content of this myth, Nephthys appears to be the edge of the desert, but it
is sometimes fruitful when the Nile overflows in some years more than usual and its waters
.reach areas that it does not reach in normal years
When Set committed his crime against his brother, Nephthys left him in fear and joined the
defenders of Osiris. She helped her sister mummify the body of the slain god and then went,
“taking turns with her to mourn over the dead. Just as they protected her dead brother, so
the twins, as the texts sometimes call them, went to protect the bodies of the righteous
dead who... They became copies of Osiris thanks to the performance of funeral rites, which is
why we find them depicted on the covers of coffins and sarcophagi (stone sarcophagi),
.extending their winged arms as a symbol of protection
Encyclopedia of the History of Religions, Book Two. Reviewed and presented by Firas Al-
Sawah. Formation Edition. 2017, pp. 56-57
He was a sun god and was associated with Apollo. He is usually represented in the form of a
falcon or in the form of a man with the head of a falcon. The Egyptians saw in the sky a
divine falcon flying high, and they saw an eye in the sun and the moon. At the same time, his
name “Hur” is related to the word heaven, and in pre-historic times they worshiped this. The
god they carry as a totem or banner, and to them he was considered the highest and revered
.being. Hence, it became the biblical symbol of God
Source: Encyclopedia of the History of Religions, Book Two, Reviewed and Presented by Firas
Al-Sawah, Formation Edition, 2017, p. 57
A golden age came upon the Egyptians, during which they lived in prosperity and happiness.
Under the patronage of the Sun King Ra, the good god Osiris ruled the earth as king. His
sister, the goddess Isis, ascended the throne next to him as his wife and the beautiful, wise
and strong-willed Queen of Egypt. Osiris was in fact a kind and cooperative king. He taught
the Egyptians how to grow crops and irrigate them with the water that was abundant when
the Nile River overflowed its banks every year. He also taught them how to enact laws and
how to promise the gods in the proper way. In the end, the king went on a long pilgrimage to
He bestows upon the inhabitants of other lands the gifts of civilisation
Isis ruled Egypt during the absence of Osiris in his place, and she continued to watch the god
Set, because she felt that he harbored jealousy and hatred for his brother Osiris, and she was
afraid that Set would plot to seize my brother’s throne. The truth is that he was planning to
overthrow Osiris, but he was at that time, postponing that and waiting. The right opportunity
to strike, and when Osiris returned from his journey, Samet pretended to be happy to see
Finally, Set's big opportunity came when Isis went out on a short trip and Osiris invited him
to attend a lavish feast in his palace. As soon as he arrived at the party, Set pretended to be
friendly and wandered among the guests, repeating his boast of a box decorated with the
most beautiful decorations that he had just made for him, (in the shape of a coffin). He had
ordered Some servants brought the box (coffin) to the party. Everyone at the party, including
.Osiris, was impressed by the coffin's luxurious workmanship
:After everyone present drank a huge amount of wine, Set set his trap and said
Here is my offer. Each of you will take your turn to enter this coffin, and whoever's size
matches his body structure, it is a gift from me to him. Each of the guests lay down in the
coffin hoping that it would fit his body, but it did not fit anyone perfectly. Finally, Osiris
entered the coffin. Of course, he had no idea that the coffin was designed to fit the exact
dimensions of his divine temple. Osiris exclaimed happily: Look, Set, how perfectly I fit into
the coffin. I bet you, when you announced your challenge, you did not expect that it would
be my luck. The god Set smiled evilly and said On the contrary, the coffin is yours now, my
brother, and forever. Then Set suddenly pushed the lid of the coffin with force, leaving Osiris
inside it. While Set’s servants were keeping the guests away, Set poured molten lead on the
coffin, sealing it tightly, thus killing poor Osiris. Then the conspirators carried the box that
.now became A coffin to the Nile and thrown into it
Set exclaimed, rejoicing in his victory: I have finally gotten rid of this worthless benefactor,
and I can enjoy what Ra should have given me from the beginning. Then Set declared himself
.the new king ruling over Egypt
When the goddess Isis returned, she learned of the tragedy that had befallen her husband
and the queen, who was now under the rule of an evil king. She was naturally shocked and
filled with sadness. After she cut her hair and wore a black dress in the Egyptian style of
mourning, Isis immediately began her journey in search of the body of her husband, Osiris. In
order to hold a suitable funeral for him, because the dead do not rest in peace unless
necessary funeral rites are held for them, Isis searched every inch of the Nile around the area
where the murderous criminals disposed of the box, but then she became certain that it had
flowed across the river into the sea waters. After calculating wave currents
She found that the great green ocean that she knew was moving towards the north, so she
left Egypt and rode a horse-drawn carriage heading to the country of Palestine. Searching for
.a floating coffin, asking everyone she passed if they had seen anything like that
After a search trip, she was able to find him and brought him back to Egypt
When Isis returned to Egypt, she carefully avoided cities and crowded places so that Set
would not think that she had returned with the body of Osiris. In a hidden, secluded place,
she used some sharp metal tools to open the coffin and stared again at her husband's face,
who was just sleeping. She hugged her husband without controlling herself, then closed the
coffin again and remained awake for a while, silently watching him and protecting him from
One night, when the god Set went out to hunt birds in the swamps of the Nile, his feet
stumbled into the coffin that Isis was hiding among the sedge plants. Immediately, the new
god king, who was ruling his subjects harshly, realized that the box was the coffin containing
the body of his brother. He saw Set Isis sleeping far away. He quietly opened the coffin, took
out the body and took it away. Then he said, “Now I will destroy you completely. This is what
I should have done before.” In anger, he tore Osiris' body into multiple pieces. After he
committed this heinous act, he ordered his assistants to hide each piece in a different place
throughout Egypt. He was certain that Isis would not have a chance to find all the pieces for
the body of the god Osiris, but Set underestimated his sister's powers for the second time.
...The goddess Isis searched relentlessly for
The scattered pieces of her husband's body were done with the help of Nephthys, Set's wife,
who had always loved Isis and Osiris more than her love for her evil husband. After many
years, the two women found all the hidden pieces, and Isis was able, after much trouble, to
rearrange the pieces together. She succeeded in bringing Osiris back to life for one night,
using all the magic spells that she could remember. That night, the two revealed their love
.that knows no death, and she became pregnant with a child for them, Horus
The next morning, the god Osiris left the earth forever. Although he truly died at that time,
he transcended death. The great Ra installed him as master of the underworld, and from that
day on, none of the Egyptians feared death, believing that their souls would receive
.complete care in the kingdom of peace. , ruled by Osiris
After that, Horus grew up and was raised to take revenge on his uncle Set, and Hathor
breastfed him. After he became a young man, he decided to take revenge on his father and
.take revenge on his uncle, the god Set
After Osiris was killed and Set ascended the throne of Egypt, the god Set expected to remain
in power for a long time, but it turned out that he was deeply mistaken. Set did not calculate
the birth of Horus, or did not expect that his nephew Osiris and his sister, the goddess Isis,
would come to challenge him for the rule of the Nile Valley. In fact, that was precisely what
Horus sought when he became a young man, and the beginning was that he summoned the
members of the Holy Ennead, in addition to... Some other gods, and he asked them to hold a
trial to consider his complaint regarding the throne that had once belonged to his father.
Among these gods was his mother, Isis, who had protected her son for six years, and had
.patiently watched her son as he grew into a mature god. Elegant
Horus stood before the gods and told the story of how Set brutally slaughtered his father, the
god Osiris, and usurped the king unjustly. After that, Horus, outlining his claim, asked to be
allowed to take his natural place on the throne. All the gods were impressed by the power of
his rhetorical style, and many of them accepted the claim. Immediately, they agreed that the
king's son was the only one who had the right to inherit his father's title and properties. The
wise Thoth exclaimed, saying: Indeed... it is his right to ask Horus for the throne. Even if he
asked for it a million times, he will have the same right every time. Isis was so delighted to
hear this statement that she ordered the north winds to carry the good news directly to
.Osiris in the world. Lower
Suddenly, a solemn silence prevailed in the meeting, as Ra, the sun god, and Set, who was
alone among the gods to reject Horus’ request for the throne, stood up to speak. Ra said: I
feel pity
For poor Horus, it is a shame that he lost his father and the king, but when I look at the two
claimants to the throne, I clearly see that Set is the stronger of the two, and I believe that the
stronger must be the king. All those present were greatly astonished by Ra's comments, yet
they were not more astonished when Set presented this challenge. If Horus wants to
challenge me, let him fight me in front of the assembly of the gods, and I will easily destroy
.this arrogant, petty man
:Nate's trial
Now wait just a moment. The god Thoth objected: I say that Set’s claim is illegitimate, since
the legitimate heir to Osiris is Horus and is still alive and is presenting his legitimate request
before us now. But the wisdom of Thoth could not dissuade Ra from supporting Set, and this
dispute led to A stalemate lasted a full eighty years, and in the end, the gods agreed to have
Thoth, the sacred scribe, write a letter to Neet, the mother goddess, asking for her opinion.
It was not long before Neet’s response arrived, where she wrote: Allowing Set to keep the
throne is an insult to the truth. You must give Horus what is his right, otherwise the sky will
collapse on the earth. But even though she sided with Horus, she saw that it was not fair to
leave Set with nothing, so her advice was: Give two of Ra’s daughters, Anah and Astarte, two
.wives, Asset and Sof. This compensates him for his loss
Almost all of them thought that Nate's suggestions were fair, but the god Ra objected again,
and the displeased sun god began to curse Horus in his face, considering that he had every
right to extend his influence because he was the Rhesus god. He said harshly: You are
nothing, except a weak, pathetic child. How did you have the audacity to claim the throne of
a great country like Egypt, when these comments full of insults angered the other gods? So
Baba, the god incarnated with the head of a monkey, spoke to everyone when Ra rose and
. .said: Your shrine is hollow
God Baba's words shocked Ra, because he knew that they meant that no one would take him
seriously, the great sun god, anymore. Suddenly, like a whistling child who frowns when his
method does not work, the god Ra returned to his tent and refused to come out or even
speak to anyone, and this in return confused the rest of the gods. They feared that Ra would
stop his boat from sailing in the heavens, and this would undoubtedly upset the balance of
Fortunately, another daughter of Ra, the goddess Hathor, thought of a way to change her
father's mood. She began to dance, sing, and strip off her clothes. This behavior, at this
critical moment, seemed very ridiculous, which made everyone present laugh and applaud.
Ra heard this chaos and came out of his tent to see what was going on. He could not help
but laugh himself. Ra regained his mood, so he called on Horus and Set to step forward and
.respectfully present their claim to the king once again
This time, however, the debate has heated up considerably. At first, Set claimed that he was
the legitimate choice, because he was the strongest, as Ra had said before. Set said that
every day when Ra sailed his boat beyond the horizon, traveling in the underworld,
sometimes the evil serpent god, Apophis, would attack the boat and try to kill Ra. Only I,
.protector of the gods, can. To protect him with my great scepter
Many gods were forced to admit that Set had some right. However, Thoth resumed arguing
that it would be more just to give the throne to Horus. In addition, the goddess Isis gave a
speech that stirred emotions in favor of her son, making the gods sympathize with Horus. Set
became angry and said: You howling cowards, I will tell you who is stronger. God at all, if you
refuse to obey my commands, I will use my scepter to crush one of you to death every day,
so obey. Moreover, I will not acknowledge the decision of any court. Isis participates
Ra said: Very well, we will reduce our procedures and resume discussing the issue on one of
the Nile islands, and I will order Nemti, the ferry driver, not to allow any woman who
resembles Isis to cross to the island. Then the gods began to move their court as Ra ordered.
However, Isis has been able for years. To find her husband's body hundreds of miles away
from home, she was so smart that she did not care about this act, so easily, she disguised
herself as an old woman and offered Namti, the ferry driver, a gold ring on the condition that
he would transport her to the island, and he did what she ordered him with complete
Once she landed on the island, Isis changed her appearance again, this time in the form of a
beautiful young woman. When she saw the god Set coming, she pretended to cry, so he
?asked her: What is wrong with you, my beautiful little girl? can I help you
She replied: I hope so. My shepherd husband died recently, and my son took charge of the
herd as required by law and customs, but then a strange man came and expelled my son and
took over the herd for himself. Set said indignantly: What a bastard, don't be afraid, my dear.
We will make this man punished and your son get his rightful inheritance back
Isis shouted: Ha-ha, just as she thought when she transformed herself into a kite
And she flew to the top of a nearby tree. You just lost your breath, lady. Because the story
.you wrote is completely identical to the issue in your dispute with my son Horus
Set's fatal mistake cost him a lot, and the gods who were watching this debate decided in
favor of Horus, and after that, the son of Osiris felt the white crown being placed on his
:Osiris intervention
But Set still does not recognize the decision of the Holy Court. He said to Horus: If you are
truly worthy of kingship, you must be able to meet all opponents and defeat them.
Therefore, I challenge you to fight me to the death. The winner will be king of Egypt. Horus
accepted the challenge of his uncle, eager to prove himself. Then a series of dangerous and
massive battles took place at the beginning. The two gods turned themselves into two huge
hippopotamuses and dived deep into the river, where their battle sent powerful waves
colliding on both banks of the river. Isis quickly made a copper spear and launched it
forcefully into the water to kill Set, hoping to help her son. Unfortunately, the spear hit Horus
instead of Set. So Isis used her magical powers to remove the spear from her son. Then she
fired the spear again, hitting Set this time. When the god Set emerged on the surface of the
:water, his body bleeding, he humbled himself before Isis, saying
Have mercy on me... I am your brother. Of course you will not kill your brother, will you? Isis
was surprised by what Set said. He had killed his brother, the god Osiris, before. But I took
.pity on him nonetheless and pulled the spear from his body
Horus became so angry when she forgave Set that he lost his mind, so he separated his
.mother's head from her body and walked away between the mountains
The rest of the gods were horrified by this act, and Ra swore to punish Hos. They first
.returned Isis to her natural form, and then they went looking for Horus
As it turned out, Set was the first to find Horus sleeping under a tree, and Set did not waste
any time. He jumped on his nephew, gouged out his eyes, and buried them in the desert.
Once again, a compassionate goddess intervened on Horus' behalf. This time it was the
beautiful heavenly goddess Hathor who filled his empty eye socket with milk from a gazelle,
and his eyes returned again. It wasn't long after Horus regained his eyes that he and Set were
.at each other's throats again
In the end, after many other battles and quarrels, Osiris was made the master of the
The dispute between everyone in a letter he sent to the Supreme Court in which he said: You
should not have prevented my son from his legal inheritance, and you must give it to him
immediately. Do not be led by your foolishness to defy My will, for there are serpents and
other hateful creatures to whom I may give freedom to devastate the surface of the earth.
Moreover, know that even you, oh gods, must eventually penetrate beyond the horizon into
My kingdom, and there you will be in My grasp, ready to receive My wrath. And my
These threats came and made all the gods, including the great god Ra, think again. Then they
installed Horus as king of Egypt. His actual presence on the throne, even after the end of his
.reign, remained a force that inhabited every living Pharaoh
As for the god Set, Ra took him to heaven. Since then, Set's voice has been heard clearly as
Egyptian mythology. Don Nardo. Translated by Ahmed Al-Sersawi, reviewed and commented
by Dr. Alaa El-Din Shaheen, published by the National Center for Translation, pp. 43-44-45-
Now we have finished with a brief narration of the myth of Isis and Osiris, and we have seen
many human values, such as the loyalty that we saw from Isis towards her husband, as well
as insistence on truth, as in the story of Horus with Set and his insistence that the kingship of
Egypt is his natural right, as well as Nephthys when she left her husband, Set, out of loyalty.
She followed her brother Osiris and also had many negative values, such as Set’s jealousy
and envy of Osiris
In conclusion, this myth is considered one of the most beautiful stories in ancient Near
Eastern literature