Lab Tasks
Lab Tasks
Lab Tasks
Write a program to print your name and university name using print f.
Write a program to print your name and university name using cout.
Write a program check the number and print pass.
Write a program that add two value generated by user.
Write a program that input the birth year from the user. If the birth year is later
than 2000, then the program outputs the string “You were born in the 21st century.
Nested If - demonstrate a nested if statement?
Write a program to take temperature in Fahrenheit and convert into Celsius and
display the output?
: Write a program To Calculate Total Cost of Apples. The Number Of apples and cost
per Apple is entered by the user
Write a program in c++ to input your age in years, convert the age in months, days,
hours, minutes and seconds and then print all these values on the user.
Write a C++ program to add all number entered by user until user enter 0.
Write a program to calculate the electricity bill. Taking the number of units from user
by using ‘if-else if’ statement display the total bill.
Input a single letter in a char variable if ‘m’ is input, print “you are male” otherwise
print “you are female” by using conditional expression operator.
To find that user is applicable for scholarship or not. If both GPA and cgpa >3.00 they
are eligible for scholarship.
Find Factors of a Positive Integer using for loop.
Company decided to give bonus of 5% to employee if his/her year of service is more
than 5 years. Ask user for their salary and year of service and print the net bonus
Q: A program has following rules for grading system:
Below 25 - F
25 to 45 - E
45 to 50 - D
50 to 60 - C
60 to 80 - B
Above 80 - A
Ask user to enter marks and print the corresponding grade. Using And logical