Geo Chap 1 Notes
Geo Chap 1 Notes
Geo Chap 1 Notes
1. Define Resources.
2. Interdependent relationship between Nature, Technology and Institution.
3. Classification of Resources.
4. Resources classified on the basis of Origin – Biotic & Abiotic.
5. Resources classified on the basis of Exhaustibility – Renewable & Non-Renewable.
6. Resources classified on the basis of Ownership – Individual, Community,
National &International.
7. Resources classified on the basis of Status of Development – Potential, Developed,
Stock &Reserve.
8. Development of Resources.
9. Sustainable Development.
10. Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, 1992 and Agenda 21.
11. Resource Planning in India.
12. Conservation of Resources.
13. Land Resource, Land Utilization and Land use pattern in India.
14. Land Degradation and Conservation Measures.
15. Soil as a Resource.
16. Classification of Soil (i.e. Alluvial Soil, Black Soil, Red & Yellow Soil, Laterite Soil,
AridSoil, Forest Soil).
17. Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
Resource: Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs,
provided, it is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable
can betermed as "Resource".
Classification of Resource:
(a) Individual Resource: Resources which are owned by an individual. E.g. plot, car, house,
(c) National Resource: Resources which belongs to a nation. These resources are found
within the political boundaries and territorial waters (i.e ocean water upto 12 nautical miles
(22.2 kms)from the coast of a country. E.g. rivers, forests, minerals, etc.
The country has legal powers to acquire private property to facilitate public.
(d) International Resource: Resources which are found beyond the territorial boundaries
of a country. These resources are managed by the international institutes. No single country
can usethese resources without the permission of the international authorities. E.g.
Minerals, fisheries,etc.
(a) Ubiquitous Resource: Resources which are found everywhere are called
ubiquitousresource. E.g. air, land, water, etc.
(b) Localised Resource: Resources which are found only in certain places are
localisedresources, like coal, petrol, iron, etc.
(a) Actual or Developed Resource: Resources whose existence has been proved and
whose quality, quantity and location has been determined for utilization with the available
(b) Potential Resource: Resources which are found in a region but have not been utilized,
mightbe because of the lack of technology. They can be used in future. E.g. Solar and Wind
are potential resource. Rajasthan and Gujarat have great potential for the development of
these two resources.
(c) Reserves: Resources which can be put into use with the help of the existing technology but
their use has not been started. They can be used in future. E.g. more rivers can be used
forgenerating electricity.
(d) Stocks: Reserves which have the potential to satisfy the human needs but we don't have
thetechnology to access it.
Development of Resources:
Resources are the free gifts of nature and are very important for human beings. Some of
theproblems faced are:
• Depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of few individuals.
• Accumulation of resources in only few hands leaves others unsatisfied.
• Unsystematic use of resources is creating many problems around the world, such as
globalwarming, ecological crisis, disturbance in ozone layer, etc.
Sustainable Development:
Development which should takes place without damaging the environment and
compromisingwith the needs of the future generations is called sustainable development.
Agenda 21:
• It aims at achieving global sustainable development.
• It is an agenda to combat environmental damage, poverty, disease through global co-
operationon common interests, mutual needs and shared responsibilities.
• One major objective of the Agenda 21 is that every local government should draw its own
localAgenda 21.
Resource Planning:
• Resource planning is the judicious use of resources.
• In India, resources are unevenly distributed and thus resource planning becomes very
• In India, many states are rich in mineral and deficient in other resources, such as
Jharkhand is rich in minerals, but there is problem of drinking water and other facilities,
Arunachal Pradesh has plenty of water but lack of other development because of lack of
• These types of discriminations can be reduced or completely eradicated with proper
planning ofjudicious use of resources.
Conservation of Resources:
• Irrational consumption and over-utilization of resources have lead to socio-economic
andenvironmental problems.
• Judicious use and conservation of resources is must. Gandhiji told "There is enough for
everybody's need and not for any body's greed." He thought that exploitative nature of
moderntechnology is the root cause for depletion at global level. He believed in the
production by masses and not in the mass production.
Land Resources:
• Land is one of the most important natural resources.
• Land supports our life system with the basic necessities of life (i.e. food, cloth and
shelter).Thus, proper planning is must for the proper utilization of land as a resource.
• Land is not even everywhere, India comprises of many types of land forms (i.e
mountains,plateau, plains and islands).
Plain: About 43% of land area in India is in the form of plains. Plains provide facilities
foragriculture, building of industries and houses, etc.
Mountains: About 30% of land area in India is in the form of mountain. Mountain supports
the perennial flow of rivers, which carry fertile soils, facilitate irrigation and provide
drinking water.
Plateau: About 27% of land in India is in the form of plateau which provides many
types ofminerals, fossil fuels and forest.
Land Utilization:
Land Resources are used for following purposes:
1. Forests
2. Land not available for cultivation:
(a) Barren and waste land.
(b) Lands used for buildings, roads, factories, etc. (i.e. for non-agriculture purpose).
3. Other Uncultivated Land (excluding fallow land):
(a) Permanent pastures and grazing land.
(b) Land under miscellaneous tree crops groves (not included in net sown area).
(c) Cultruable waste land (left uncultivated for more than 5 agricultural years).
4. Fallow Lands:
(a) Current fallow-(left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year).
(b) Other than current fallow-(left uncultivated for the past 1 to 5 agricultural years).
5. Net Sown Area: Area which is sown at least once in a year is called net sown area.
6. Gross Cropped Area: Area sown more than once in an agricultural year plus net sown
area isknown as gross cropped area.
• The uppermost or topmost layer of the earth's crust is known as soil. It is the loose
materialconsisting of organic and inorganic substances.
(Humus is a dark coloured stable form of organic matter that remains after most of
plant oranimals residues have decomposed).
• Most of the food items like wheat, rice, pulses, fruits, vegetables, etc. are obtained from
plantsthat grow on soil. Soil provides food, cloth and shelter, etc.
Soil Profile:
Soil profile refers to the different layers of the soil. There are four different layers:
1. Top soil
2. Sub Soil
3. Weathered Rock
4. Bed Rock or Parent Rock
1. Top Soil:
• It is the uppermost layer.
• Rich in humus and minerals.
• Consists of Sand, Silt & Clay.
2. Sub Soil:
• It lies below the top soil and supports moisture.
• Consists of weathered rock, Silt & Clay and some nutrients.
3. Weathered Rock
4. Bed Rock:
• Consists of solid layer of unweathered Rock.
Classification of Soil:
Soils are classified on the basis of colour, texture, fertility, mineral content, etc. Broadly, soil
isclassified into six types: -
1. Alluvial Soil
2. Black Soil
3. Red & Yellow Soil
4. Laterite Soil
5. Arid Soil
6. Forest Soil
1. Alluvial Soil:
• It is the most important and most fertile type of soil found in India covering about 40 per
centof the total land area.
• Soil is formed by the deposition of sediments brought down by the rivers.
• The alluvial soil is found mostly in the Northern Plains and Coastal Plains of India
(Particularlydeltas of Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri).
• The fine particles of sand, silt and clay are called alluvium. The alluvial soil can be divided
intoold alluvium, also called Bangar, and new alluvium, called Khadar.
• Alluvial soil has adequate proportion of potash, phosphoric acid and lime which is ideal for
thegrowth of sugarcane, paddy, wheat, etc.
• Regions of Alluvial soil are intensively cultivated and are densely populated.
2. Black Soil:
• The black soil is also called the Regur Soil or the Black Cotton Soil. Cotton grows best in
• Black soil is formed from the weathering of the igneous rocks.
• The black soil is mostly found in the Deccan Trap, covering large areas of
Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. It is also found in some
parts of Godavari and Krishna river valleys, covering parts of Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
• Black soil has high concentration of fine particles and thus can hold moisture for long time.
• It contains calcium carbonate, potassium, magnesium and lime.
• This soil is poor in phosphoric contents.
4. Laterite Soil:
• Laterite has been derived from a Latin word called "Later" which means Brick.
• The laterite soil is widely spread areas with high temperature and rainfall. This causes
leachingof the soil and microorganisms are killed during the process.
• This soil is mainly found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and in hilly
areasof Orissa and Assam.
• Due to intensive leaching, the laterite soil generally lacks fertility and is of low value for
crop production. But when manured and timely irrigated, the soil is suitable for producing
plantationcrops like tea, coffee, rubber, coconut, etc.
Leaching is a process in which heavy rains wash away the fertile part of the soil.
5. Forest Soil:
• The Forest soil is generally found on the hill slopes covered with forests.
• This type of soil is found in the Himalayan region, the Western and Eastern Ghats and in
someparts of the Peninsular India.
• Soil is loamy and silty in valley sides and coarse grained in the upper slopes.
• This soil is rich in humus, but poor in potash, phosphorus and lime.
• This soil is especially suitable for producing plantation crops, such as tea, coffee.
6. Arid Soil:
• The Arid soil is found mostly in the arid and semi-arid regions, receiving less than 50
cm ofannual rainfall.
• Soil colour ranges from red to brown.
• Sandy in texture and saline in nature.
• Soil lacks in humus and moisture.
• The lower layer of the soil is occupied by Kankar because of increasing calcium
• Such regions are mostly found in Rajasthan and the adjoining areas of Haryana and
Punjab.The Rann of Kachchh in Gujarat is an extension of this region.
• The desert soil has sand (90 to 95 per cent) and clay (5 to 10 per cent).
• The denudation of the soil cover and subsequent washing down is described as soil
• Removal of top soil is called soil erosion.
• The running water cuts through the clayey soil and makes deep channels known as Gullies.
• The land becomes unfit for cultivation and is known as Bad Land.
• Soil erosion is the degradation of soil by human activities.
• Following are the factors responsible for the soil erosion: -
1. Deforestation
2. Overgrazing
3. Construction
4. Overuse of Chemical Fertilizers
5. Pesticides
6. Natural Calamities (Flood, landslides, etc.)
• Soil conservation means protection, preservation and proper utilization of the soil.
• Some methods of soil conservation are: -
1. Mulching: Bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like
straw. Ithelps to retail soil moisture.
2. Contour Ploughing: Ploughing along contours can decrease the flow of water down
3. Terrace Cultivation: Steps can be cut out on the slopes making terraces.
4. Strip Cropping: Strips of grass are grown between the crops. This breaks the force of wind.
5. Shelter Belts: Rows of trees are planted to create shelter. Thus, the speed of wind is
6. Rock Dam: Rocks are piled to slow the speed of wind.
7. Contour Barriers: Stones, grass, soil are used to make barriers. Trenches are made in
front ofthe barriers to collect water.
8. Afforestation, Crop Rotation, Control over Deforestation and Overgrazing, etc.