Turbo Machine

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Jyothy Institute of Technology


Subject: Turbo machines Session: Sept – Dec 2020

Subject Code: 18ME54 Semester: V
Module – 1
Thermodynamics analysis of Fluid flow (Question No: 02)

Application of First and Second Laws to Turbo Machines

By applying the Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE) for the above control volume, we have

In turbo-machine during the flow process, it is assumed to be adiabatic, , the enthalpy

, also

Static and Stagnation States:

(i) Static state: It is the state refers to those properties like pressure, temperature, density etc.
which are measured when the measuring instruments are at rest relative to the flow of fluid.

(ii) Stagnation state: It is the final state of a fictitious, isentropic and work free process
during which the final kinetic and potential energies of the fluid reduces to zero in a steady

Expressions for (i) stagnation enthalpy, (ii) stagnation temperature, (iii) stagnation
pressure and (iv) stagnation density.

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 1

For a fictitious, isentropic and work free process the initial state is always the static state and
final state is stagnation state. A steady flow energy equation (SFEE) for this fictitious process
can be written as:

For isentropic and work free process, and and at the final state (stagnation
state) of this process, thus steady flow energy equation reduces to

Stagnation Enthalpy: It is defined as the enthalpy of a fluid when it is adiabatically

decelerated to zero velocity. The stagnation enthalpy can be written as:

Stagnation Temperature: It is defined as the temperature of a fluid when it is adiabatically

decelerated to zero velocity. The stagnation temperature defined through stagnation enthalpy

Stagnation Pressure: It is defined as the pressure of a fluid when it is adiabatically

decelerated to zero velocity. The relation between the stagnation and static pressures can be
written as:

For incompressible flows,

Stagnation Density: The stagnation density can be defined by using stagnation pressure and
temperature. For an isentropic process,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 2

Compression process in compressor
Efficiency of Compression Process (Power Absorbing Turbo-machines) (or)
Define the following, with the help of a h-s diagram, for the power absorbing turbo-
machines: (i) Total-to-total efficiency, (ii) Total-to-static efficiency, (iii) Static-to-total
efficiency, (iv) Static-to static efficiency.

The diagram for the compression process is shown in figure 3.3. The fluid has initially
the static pressure and temperature determines by state , the state is the corresponding
stagnation state. After passing through the turbomachine, the final static properties of the
fluid are determined by state and state is corresponding stagnation state. If the process
is reversible, the final fluid static state would be while stagnation state would be . Line
in static coordinates and line in stagnation coordinates represent the real
The actual work input for compression process is,

The ideal work input can be calculated by any one of the following four equations:
(i) Total-to-total work input is the ideal work input for the stagnation ends,

(ii) Total-to-static work input is the ideal work input for the stagnation inlet to the static exit,

(iii) Static-to-total work input is the ideal work input for the static inlet to the stagnation exit,

(iv) Static-to-static work input is the ideal work input for the static inlet to the static exit,

The efficiency of the compression process can be expressed by any one of the following
Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 3
In general for an compression process

 Total-to-total efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of isentropic work input between total-to-total conditions to
actual work input.

 Total-to-static efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of isentropic work input between total-to-static conditions to
actual work input.

 Static-to-total efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of isentropic work input between static-to-total conditions to
actual work input.

 Static-to-static efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of isentropic work input between static-to-static conditions to
actual work input.

Infinitesimal Stage Efficiency or Polytropic Efficiency of compression process (or)

Obtain an expression for polytropic efficiency for a compressor in terms of pressure ratio
and temperature ratio. Further express stage efficiency in terms of polytropic efficiency
and pressure ratio. Also draw the relevant T-s diagram (or) Define the term infinitesimal
stage efficiency of a compressor. Show that the polytropic efficiency during the

compression process is given by

Figure 4: Infinitesimal stage of a compressor

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 4

A finite compressor stage is made up of number of infinitesimal stages; the efficiency of these
small stages is called polytropic efficiency or infinitesimal stage efficiency.
Consider a single stage compressor having its stage efficiency operates between the
pressures and , and an infinitesimal stage of efficiency , working between the
pressures and as shown in figure 4.
The infinitesimal stage efficiency is defined as the ratio of isentropic work input to actual
work input for the stage.
The infinitesimal stage efficiency is given by,

The actual temperature rise for infinitesimal stage is given by,

By series of expansion, and neglecting second order


By integration between the limits, we have

Eq (2) is the expression for infinitesimal stage efficiency or polytropic efficiency of the
compression process

With the help of T-s diagram, show that polytropic efficiency during the compression
process is given by
From Eq (1), we have

By integration,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 5

Taking antilog on both sides

For actual compression process 1-2,

Assume actual compression process having polytropic index ‘n’,


Equating the indices,

What is preheat. With the help of T-s diagram, show that the preheat factor in a multistage
compressor is less than unity.
The preheat factor for a compressor may be defined as the ratio of direct isentropic work to
the cumulative isentropic work.
The thermodynamic effect of multistage compression can be studied by considering three
stage compressor working between inlet pressure and the delivery pressure as shown in
the figure 5. The intermediate pressures are being and . The stage pressure ratio,
and the stage efficiency, are assumed to be same for all stages. The process and
are the isentropic and actual compression process respectively.

Figure 5: Effect of preheat on compression process

As the constant pressure lines are diverging towards the right hand side of the temperature-
entropy diagram, the isentropic work per stage increases as the temperature difference
increases for the same pressure ratio and the stage efficiency. For example, in the second
stage between pressures & , the isentropic temperature difference represented by the
Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 6
line is greater than that represented by the line . It is therefore the isentropic
work for the stage is greater by virtue of the inefficiency of the previous stage. Similarly for
the next stage also. Therefore

Therefore, the Preheat factor is always less than unity for multistage compressor. This
is due to the preheating of the fluid at the end of each compression stage and this appears as
the losses in the subsequent stages.

For a multistage compressor, show that the overall efficiency is less than the stage
efficiency using T-s diagram.

Figure 6: Effect of preheat on compression process

The thermodynamic effect of multistage compression can be studied by considering three
stage compressor working between inlet pressure and the delivery pressure as shown in
the figure 5. The intermediate pressures are being and . The stage pressure ratio,
and the stage efficiency, are assumed to be same for all stages. The process and
are the isentropic and actual compression process respectively.

Consider three stage compressor working between inlet pressure and the delivery
pressure as shown in the figure 6. The intermediate pressures are being and . The
stage pressure ratio, pr and the stage efficiency, ηst are assumed to be same for all stages.
The process and are the isentropic and actual compression process respectively.

If the overall efficiency of the multistage compressor is , then the total actual work is given

The total actual work can also be written as the sum of the actual work done in each stage,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 7

As the constant pressure lines are diverging towards the right hand side of the temperature-
entropy diagram, the isentropic work per stage increases as the temperature difference
increases for the same pressure ratio and the stage efficiency.
Therefore, \

For multistage compressor, the overall isentropic efficiency is less than the stage efficiency.

Derive an expression for an overall isentropic efficiency for finite number of stages of
compression in terms of pressure ratio, stage efficiency, number of stages and ratio of
specific heats for a compressor. (VTU, May/Jun-10) Or, Show that for a finite number of
stages for compression the overall isentropic efficiency is given by

Where K= number of stages, Pr= pressure ratio per stage, ηst= stage efficiency, γ= ratio of
specific heats.

Figure 7: T-s diagram for multistage compression process

Figure 7 shows a multistage compression process in a compressor, let be the initial

temperature of the fluid which enters the multistage compressor and be the number of

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 8

stages having equal pressure ratio in each stage, then the actual temperature rise in each
stage is obtained as follows:
For first stage:


For second stage:

For third stage:

Similarly for fourth stage:

And for stage:

Total temperature rise across the multistage compressor is:


1+ 1


The overall efficiency of the multistage compressor is,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 9

Expansion Process in Turbine
Efficiency of Expansion Process (Power Generating Turbo-machines) (or)
Define the following, with the help of a h-s diagram, for the power generating turbo-
machines: (i) Total-to-total efficiency, (ii) Total-to-static efficiency, (iii) Static-to-total
efficiency, (iv) Static-to static efficiency.

The diagram for the expansion process is shown in figure 3 The fluid has initially the
static pressure and temperature determines by state , the state is the corresponding
stagnation state. After passing through the turbomachine, the final static properties of the
fluid are determined by state and state is corresponding stagnation state. If the process
is reversible, the final fluid static state would be while stagnation state would be . Line
in static coordinates and line in stagnation coordinates represent the real
The actual work output for expansion process is,

The ideal work output can be calculated by any one of the following four equations:
Total-to-total work output is the ideal work output for the stagnation ends,

Total-to-static work output is the ideal work output for the stagnation inlet to the static exit,
Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 10
Static-to-total work output is the ideal work output for the static inlet to the stagnation exit,

Static-to-static work output is the ideal work output for the static inlet to the static exit,

The efficiency of the expansion process can be expressed by any one of the following
In general for an expansion process

 Total-to-total efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of actual work output to the isentropic work output between total-
to-total conditions.

 Total-to-static efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of actual work output to the isentropic work output between total-
to-static conditions..

 Static-to-total efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of actual work output to the isentropic work output between
static-to-total conditions.

 Static-to-static efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of actual work output to the isentropic work output between
static-to-static conditions.

Infinitesimal Stage Efficiency or Polytropic Efficiency (or) Define the term infinitesimal
stage efficiency of a turbine. (or) Show that the polytropic efficiency during the expansion
process is given by

A finite turbine stage is made up of number of infinitesimal stages; the efficiency of these
small stages is called polytropic efficiency or infinitesimal stage efficiency. The infinitesimal
stage efficiency or polytropic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio of actual work
output to isentropic work output in the stage.
The infinitesimal stage efficiency of turbine is given by,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 11

Consider a single stage turbine having its stage efficiency , operates between the pressures
and , and an infinitesimal stage of efficiency , working between the pressures and
as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8: Infinitesimal stage of a turbine

The infinitesimal stage efficiency is given by,

The actual temperature rise for infinitesimal stage is given by,

By series of expansion, and neglecting second order


By integration with limits 1 to 2,


Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 12

With the help of T-s diagram, show that polytropic efficiency during expansion process is
given by
Answer: From equation (1),

By integration,

For actual expansion process 1-2,

Assume actual expansion process having polytropic index ‘n’,


Equating the indices,


Derive an expression for an overall isentropic efficiency for finite number of stages of
expansion in terms of pressure ratio, stage efficiency, number of stages and ratio of
specific heats for a turbine. (or) Show that for a finite number of stages for expansion the

overall isentropic efficiency is given by

Where K= number of stages, Pr= pressure ratio per stage, ηst= stage efficiency, γ= ratio of
specific heats.

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 13

Figure 9: Infinitesimal stage of a turbine

Figure 9 shows a multistage compression process in a compressor, let be the temperature

of the fluid that enters the multistage turbine and be the number of stages having equal
pressure ratio in each stage, then the actual temperature drop in each stage is obtained as
For first stage:


For second stage:

For third stage:

Similarly for fourth stage:

And for Kth stage:

Total temperature drop across the multistage turbine is:

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 14



The overall efficiency of the multistage turbine is,


What is Reheat factor? Show that the reheat factor is greater than unity in a multistage
The reheat factor for a turbine may be defined as the ratio of cumulative isentropic work to
the direct isentropic work.
The thermodynamic effect of multistage expansion can be studied by considering three stage
turbine working between inlet pressure p1 and the delivery pressure p2 as shown in the figure
3.8. The intermediate pressures are being p A and pB. The stage pressure ratio, pr and the stage
efficiency, ηst are assumed to be same for all stages. The process 1-2’ and 1-2 are the
isentropic and actual expression process respectively.

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 15

Fig. 3.8 Effect of reheat on expansion process
As the constant pressure lines are diverging towards the right hand side of the temperature-
entropy diagram, the isentropic work per stage increases as the temperature difference
increases for the same pressure ratio and the stage efficiency. For example, in the second
stage between pressures p A and pB, the isentropic temperature difference represented by the
line A-Y is greater than that represented by the line O-X. It is therefore the isentropic work
for the stage is greater by virtue of the inefficiency of the previous stage. Similarly for the
next stage also.

Therefore, the Reheat factor is always greater than unity for multistage turbine. This is
due to the reheating of the fluid at the end of each expansion stage and this appears as the
losses in the subsequent stages.

For a multistage turbine, show that the overall efficiency is greater than the stage
efficiency using T-s diagram.
Answer: Consider three stage turbine working between inlet pressure p1 and the delivery
pressure p2 as shown in the figure 3.8. The intermediate pressures are being p A and pB. The
stage pressure ratio, pr and the stage efficiency, η st are assumed to be same for all stages. The
process 1-2’ and 1-2 are the isentropic and actual expansion process respectively.
If the overall efficiency of the multistage expansion is η o, then the total actual work is given


The total actual work can also be written as the sum of the actual work done in each stage,

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 16
As the constant pressure lines are diverging towards the right hand side of the
temperature-entropy diagram, the isentropic work per stage increases as the temperature
difference increases for the same pressure ratio and the stage efficiency.

For multistage turbine, the overall isentropic efficiency is greater than the stage efficiency.

Numerical Problems

1. Air enters a compressor at a static pressure of 1.5bar, a static temperature of 15 oC and a

flow velocity of 15m/s. At the exit, the static pressure is 3bar, the static temperature is
100oC and the flow velocity is 100m/s. The outlet is 1m above the inlet. Evaluate i) the
isentropic change in enthalpy ii) the actual change in enthalop and iii) efficiency of the
Given Data:

To find


2. A low pressure air compressor develops a pressure of 1400mm W.G. If the initial and
final states of air are , and , determine the
compressor infinitesimal stage efficiency
Given Data:

To find
Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 17

3. A 16 stage axial flow compressor is to have a pressure ratio of 6.3 and tests have shown
that a stage efficiency of 89.5% can be obtained. The intake conditions are 288K and
1bar. Find i) Overall efficiency iii) Preheat factor
Given Data:

To find


4. In a multi stage axial flow compressor, air is taken at 1bar and 15 oC, If it is compressed
to a final pressure of 6.4bar. The final temperature of air is 300 oC. Determine the overall
isentropic efficiency of the compressor and also the polytropic efficiency. If the actual
temperature rise per stage is limited to 13K determine the number of stages required
assuming that the polytropic efficiency is equal to the stage efficiency.
Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 18
Given Data:

To find


5. Each stage of a 4 stage air compressor delivering 45kg of air per second operates at a
pressure ratio of 1.2 with a stage efficiency of 65%. Calculate overall efficiency and
pressure ratio. Calculate power required to drive the compressor if air temperature at
inlet is 20oC
Given Data:

To find


Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 19

6. A high pressure compressor changes the state of air from pressure and
temperature to pressure . The compressor efficiency = 75%.
Determine the stage efficiency of the compressor and show that preheat factor is less
than unity.
Given Data:

To find


7. Compressor A has total pressure ratio of 4, a total head adiabatic efficiency of 86% and
an exit velocity of 130m/s at the point of measurement. Compressor B has static pressure
of 6bar, a static temperature of 245oC and a velocity of 100m/s at the point of
measurement. Which compressor has the best polytropic efficiency? Assume the ambient
temperature and pressure are 15oC and 1bar respectively
Given Data:
For Compressor A

For Compressor B

To find

For Compressor A

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 20

For Compressor B

Therefore compressor A has the best polytropic


8. Air flows through an air turbine where its stagnation pressure decreases in the ratio 5:1.
The total to total efficiency is 80% and the air flow rate is 5kg/s. If the total power output
is 405kW, find i) The inlet total temperature ii) The exit actual total temperature iii) The
actual static temperature if the exit flow velocity is 100m/s and iv) The total to static
efficiency of the machine take and for air.
Given Data:

To find


9. In a 3 stage turbine the pressure ratio of each stage and stage efficiency are 2 and 75%
respectively. Calculate overall efficiency and power developed if air initally at a
temperature of 600oC flows through it at a rate of 25kg/s. Also find reheat factor
Given Data:

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 21

To find


10. The output of a three stage gas turbine is 30MW at the shaft coupling at an entry
temperature of 1500K. The overall pressure drop across the turbine is 11.0 and efficiency
88%. If the pressure ratio of each stage is the same, determine i) Pressure ratio for each
stage ii) polytropic efficiency iii) mass flow rate iv) efficiency and power of each stage.
Assume .
Given Data:

To find


Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 22

11. A stream of combustion gases at the point of entry to a turbine has a static temperature of
1050K, static pressure of 600kPa, and a velocity of 150 m/s. The static pressure at the
exit is 100kPa and a velocity of 25m/s. For the gases, Cp = 1.004kJ/kgK ,γ = 1.41 and
ρ=1.15kg/m3. Find the total temperature and total pressure of the gases. Also find the
difference between their static and total enthalpies.
Given Data:

To find


12. An air compressor has eight stages of equal pressure ratio 1.35. The flow rate through the
compressor and its overall efficiency are 50kg/s and 82% respectively. If the conditions
of air at the entry are 1bar and 300K determine i) The state of air at compressor exit ii)
Polytropic efficiency iii) Stage efficiency iv) Power required to drive the compressor
assuming mechanical efficiency of 90%.
Given Data:

To find


Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 23

13. A 9 stage centrifugal compressor has overall stage pressure ratio 2.82. Air enters the
compressor at 1bar and 15oC. The efficiency of the compressor is 88%. Determine the
following i) Pressure ratio for each stage ii) Polytropic efficiency iii)Preheat factor
Given Data:

To find


Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 24

Dr. Narendra Kumar .M, Professor, CIIRC – JIT Page No. 25

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