Article 3 JLRJS
Article 3 JLRJS
Article 3 JLRJS
2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
Through this article, we can get ample information about serial killers, their behavior, and
their history thereof. This article is all about serial killers who are psychopathological profile
and commits crimes on a regular basis. A serial killer's method can include sexual abuse,
torture, humiliation, and dominance. They occasionally leave their signature on the victim’s
corpse or the site of the crime. Serial killers carry out a string of homicides with a set amount
of time passing between each one. The article contains a study on serial killers under the
umbrella of criminology. Origin, history, and behavior of serial killers. And covers multiple
cases decided in India and Obiter Dicta of the honorable judges on the issue and their way of
treatment to such crimes.
Keywords: Serial Killer, Serial Murderer, Serial Murder, Serial Killing, Psychopath,
Antisocial Personality; Serial Killers in India.
True crime stories are a witching and lurid source of conspiracy for numerous people. Serial
killers serve as some of the crucial numbers in these tales of mortal atrocity and wrong. It can
be problematic to gauge what drives a person to kill on a habitual base.
Since the early 1600s, murder has been recognized as a crime in our society. Since the 1970s,
West has made a significant investment in his studies on serial murders. Serial killers have
been documented all throughout the world since ancient times, therefore the phenomena are
not new. Serial murder is comparatively uncommon, accounting for less than one percent of all
reported killings annually. Although the topic has its limits, there is a thrilling fascination with
it that has given rise to a glut of writing, movies, and articles. One of the earliest examples was
"Jack the Ripper," who was responsible for a string of unsolved killings of prostitutes in
London's Whitechapel suburb in the late 1880s. An unidentified person using the moniker "Jack
the Ripper" committed these killings and claimed responsibility in letters to the police. The
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
majority of us are familiar with Ted Bundy, but few of us are aware of what he actually did to
his victims. His victims were viciously beaten, stabbed, strangled, and raped. He nearly died
but refused to confess to any murders. He confessed to 36 killings just before his death. Many
people think that his actual death toll is substantially higher. Bundy was well renowned for
having a highly attractive appearance, which helped him get away with most of what he did. 1
Serial killings are a frequent occurrence in India, but the majority of the literature on serial
killers there is fictitious and only loosely based on actual events. From the example of ‘Thug
Behram’, who is thought to have killed over 900 people in the eighteenth century, to the case
of ‘Chandrakant Jha’, a migrant worker from Bihar who is accused of killing a number of 18
migrant workers in Delhi?
A person who suffers from a personality disorder is typically known for their propensity to
engage in violent and sociopathic behavior. A serial murderer is someone who, as a result of
sorrow or betrayal, develops psychotic tendencies and believes that society is bad and that he
should exact revenge. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's definition of a serial murderer
requires that a person meet a few requirements. To demonstrate that several victims were not
killed in a single rage, the suspect must have killed a minimum of three people but not all at
once and each murder must have been committed under circumstances that show the
perpetrator had a feeling of dominance over the victims. Additionally, in order for the killer to
feel superior to the sufferers, the victims must be in some sense susceptible to the killer.2
A person with a personality disorder is typically known for their propensity to engage in
aggressive and antisocial behavior. A serial killer is said to be a person who either by suffering
or betrayal turns into a psycho-evil who thinks society is a villain and he has to take vengeance.
A serial killer doesn’t have any particular target people to kill but in some cases has a sure sort
of filtration of his targets.
Who is a serial killer and how they become one: - The majority of experts concur that a serial
murderer is someone who has intermittently committed a number of murders on several
occasions, each with a pause in between.
“Serial Murder” (FBIMay 21, 2010) <>
“Serial Murder” (FBI May 21, 2010) <> 667
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
Jack Levin, an expert in the study of murder, prejudice, and hatred mentioned that Researches
reveal that many serial killers underwent abuse, incest, or neglect as children and develop
terrible self-images. Serial killers frequently had a childhood devoid of any caring
relationships. People usually came from families where the parents were unavailable or
inefficient, there was no explanation of authority, and they were free to participate in harmful
behavior without being stopped. Violence in play, animal cruelty, and arson incidents are just
a few of the childhood behavior patterns observed in many serial killers.
Even though forecasting who might become a psychopath is not a precise science, there are
several indications that can sometimes help to identify people who would have the greatest
potential to commit murder on a large scale. These traits usually predict the violent behavior
that killers engage in later in life, even though they are unrelated to serial activity. Extreme
antisocial behavior is not a guarantee that someone has a disorder, but it is one potential sign.
According to the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM
IV)’, an antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regret or guilt. Other
indications that someone has an antisocial condition include lying tendencies, violent behavior,
disobedience to social rules, and irresponsibility.
Another clear indicator of probable serial killing behavior is the intentional murdering or
harming of animals. They may harass, abuse, or even kill cats, dogs, and other animals. Even
after becoming aware of the repercussions of their actions, the person will not exhibit any signs
of remorse or sadness. Young animals are the most straightforward to fully dominate for serial
killers who normally desire to take over the lives of their victims. Any child who exhibits this
behavior faces an extremely high risk of growing up to be a serial killer.
Sexual Motivation;
Psychological Pleasure;
Monetary Gain;
“Early Signs of Serial Killers” (Crime Museum August 18, 2021)
<> 668
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
Four different sorts of serial killers have been discovered by Dr. Ronald Holmes and are
mentioned in his book "The World of Serial Killers." The term "Visionary serial killer" is used
to describe the first category. Voices of Visions lead the visionary serial killer to kill. The term
"Mission serial killer" is used to describe the second kind of serial killer. The mission serial
killer wants to purge the neighborhood of unpleasant people. A "Hedonistic serial killer" is the
third classification of killer. Hedonistic serial killers are driven by lust, thrill, and comfort.
"Power/control serial killers" is the last category for serial killers. Power/control serial killer
kills because they want to be in control and have authority over others. 4 Serial murderers are
classified into three types by the FBI depending on how they commit their murders. Identifying
which category, a serial killer falls in might help investigators better understand their actions
and determine how to bring them to justice. 5
Even though this kind of murder is extremely uncommon, some people have used the medical
field to carry out their evil actions. Killers of this type think they are safe because death
frequently occurs in healthcare institutions. They are often incredibly intelligent individuals
with a talent for artfully and methodically concealing their acts. If it appears as if the victim
died naturally, no one will seek the guilty party or suspect foul play. Several health
professionals in past have indeed been able to slaughter a large number of people before others
figure it out.
This kind of serial murderer is the trickiest to track down and catch. They are generally smart
and careful in their preparation. Every aspect of the murder is skilfully planned, as well as the
killer makes every effort to leave no trace of their actions. After monitoring possible victims
for many days, this sort of madman usually chooses a person as a target. Once the target has
been selected, the killer will abduct them, usually using trickery to gain their sympathy, and
take them to another place where he kills them. As once a person is dead, the killer usually
takes precautions to ensure that the corpse is not recovered till the perfect moment. This type
Dr Ronald Holmes, "The World of Serial Killers” 2000
“Serial Murder” (FBI May 21, 2010) <> 669
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
of offender often takes great pleasure in their "work" and regularly follows news headlines
about their deeds. One of their motivations may be to frustrate the police seeking to resolve
their offense. 6
Rarely do these people make any preparations for their victims' deaths. The majority of the
time, the victims are at the wrong spot at the wrong moment. When a chance presents itself,
this style of serial killer seems to strike at random. They make no attempt to conceal traces of
their activities, and they regularly move around to escape being captured. The majority of
disorganized killers are exceedingly antisocial and have low IQs. They typically don't have
family or close friends, and they don't stay put for very long. These murderers frequently admit
to not remembering what they did or that they were driven by demons, voices in their heads,
or other fictitious sources.
Nobody can foretell how a serial killer will choose a certain individual as a victim. Serial killers
frequently give a variety of responses when asked why they commit their killings. The most
widely accepted hypothesis says that the killer wishes to have complete dominance over the
victims. They see murder as the pinnacle of human power and feed off the horror that their
victims exhibit. The majority of experts concluded that serial killers fantasize about their
victims. This individual would be viewed as their "ideal victim" depending on qualities such
as race, gender, physical features, or any other element. Because it is rare for them to find
victims who exactly match these requirements, the killers generally search for persons who
share similar attributes. As a result, serial killings Prima facie look completely random;
nonetheless, every deceased may have had a characteristic that the killer recognizes instantly.
It's widely acknowledged that most serial murderers have a strong desire to murder others.
They are, however, known as extremely caring individuals who will not choose a target unless
they believe they have a very good possibility of success. These elements make it significantly
more challenging to identify trends in a string of killings and identify the preparator.
“Types of Serial Killers” (Crime Museum, August 18, 2021) <
library/serial-killers/types-of-serial-killers/> 670
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
The first person who comes to mind when you hear the term "serial killer" is usually someone
like Ted Bundy or Jack the Ripper. But in fact, one of the most heinous serial killers in the
world was based in India. ‘Thug Behram’ was successful in killing nearly 900 people between
1790 and 1841, under the era of the East India Company. His preferred tool was a piece of
yellow linen. 7
Raman Raghav, otherwise called Thambi, Anna, Veluswami, or Sindhi Talwai, was a Khstra
(formerly Patra) native who committed murders on a large scale in the middle of the 1960s. In
the 1960s, Raghav went on a killing rampage that lasted more than three years and terrorized
the entire city. At dusk, parks and streets became deserted, and in many neighborhoods, anxious
locals patrolled the streets armed with sticks. Beggars and homeless guys have frequently been
violently attacked by people in panic. Some people mention Raghav as a scavenger and a
hunter. He had to murder, so he did. He never had enough money. In such a position, any other
person would have committed petty theft or burglary. But Raghav was filled with a lot of evil
impulses. Just like Shakespeare as written in King Lear, ‘We are to the gods what flies are to
wanton youths. They murder us for fun. 8
The first female Indian serial killer to be found guilty is KD Kempamma (Cyanide Mallika).
Mallika, who was found guilty of six charges of murder and is currently serving a life sentence,
is regarded as the first female serial killer. She would approach women in temples under the
guise of someone knowledgeable about rituals, become friends with them, and then summon
them to a different time in a remote area. The victims would be expected to arrive dressed to
the nines. Then Mallika would order them to eat prasad or drink holy water laced with cyanide.
Then she would flee with their possessions.
7 Amirdha Varshini “Serial Killers in India” (Legal Service India - Law, Lawyers and Legal Resources)
8 Amirdha Varshini “Serial Killers in India” (Legal Service India - Law, Lawyers and Legal Resources)
<> 671
VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 Journal of Legal Research and Juridical Sciences ISSN (O): 2583-0066
In Surendra Koli v. State of U.P. 2011 4 SCC 80 the accused was a serial killer who preyed
on young girls by luring them into homes, strangling them, having sex with their bodies,
dismembering them, and eating their body parts. This Court affirmed the death penalty because
it determined that no mercy could be shown for his terrible and brutal acts.9 Supreme Court
stated “This case in our opinion falls within the category of the “Rarest of Rare” cases as set
down in ‘Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab 1980 2 SCC 684’10, which has been later followed
by ‘Atbir v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi 2010 9 SCC 1.14’11”. Surendra Koli, the appellant,
committed terrible and brutal killings. When he carried out these killings, he followed up a
particular methodology and hence was awarded the death penalty which was confirmed by the
High Court.
Killing a human being is always wrongdoing morally and legally. Those who enjoy killing
people are mentally disturbed personalities. Homicide was always there in society since ancient
times, and as time changed some intellectuals studied the behavior of criminals and many
research reports have been published. These reports have explained great information regarding
serial killers’ nature and their victim selection. FBI a crime investigation department has also
published articles differentiating serial killers into multiple categories. It is found through
research that serial killers enjoy killing. They select victims with a trigger in mind, their victims
carry similar characteristics. Study on serial killers is part of criminology as it studies their
behavior, method of killing, links, and similarities in their wrongdoings. Serial killers rise from
society itself; it is found in many types of research that serial killers; in their childhood; go
through many critical and haunting incidents that change their behavior and develop the traits
of becoming serial killers. Serial killers don’t regret their heinous acts, they find it as the
revenge of miss happenings that happened to them and it makes them more dangerous. But
crimes cannot be hidden and appreciated the criminals get the result of their wrongdoing from
the judicial authorities. In India, it was observed that courts of law in India treat serial killers
as the most heinous and dangerous killers and punishes them accordingly; putting them in the
rarest of rare case. 672