MSS SP-80-2003
Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valv and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vi nna, Virginia 22180
Phone: (703) 281-6613
Fax: (703) 281-6671
This is a preview of "MSS SP-80-2003". Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store.
This is a preview of "MSS SP-80-2003". Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store.
This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 203 and the
MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and
concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry
as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the
user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufac-
ture, sale, or use of products not confonning to the Standard Practice. Mandatory confonnance is established
only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.
Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of
issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex C.)
U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.
This docwnent has been substantially revised from the previous 1997 edition. It is suggested that if the user is
interested in knowing what changes have been made, that direct page by page comparison should be made of
this docwnent
Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read 'Extracted from MSS SP-80. 2003 with
permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.' Reproduction prohibited under
copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the Valve and Fittings Industry. Inc.
Copyright @ , 2003 by
Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
This is a preview of "MSS SP-80-2003". Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store.
F1GURFS BI Gate Valve-Type lA, Solid Wedge, Non-Rising Stem, External Stuffing Box 16
B2 Gate Valve-Type IB, Solid Wedge, Non-Rising Stem, Internal Retaining Nut 16
ill Gate Valve-Type 2, Solid Wedge, Inside Screw, Rising Stem 17
B4 Gate Valve-Type 3, Split Wedge (Double Disc), Inside Screw, Rising Stem 18
B5 Gate Valve-Type 4, Double Disc, Parallel Seat, Inside Screw, Rising Stem 18
B6 Globe and Angle Valves-Type I, Metal Disc, Integral Seat 19
B7 Globe and Angle Valves-Type 2, Non-Metal Disc, Integral Seat 19
B8 Globe and Angle Valves-Type 3, Metal Disc, Removable Seat 20
B9 -
Check Valve-Type I, Horizontal Lift Check Metal to Metal Seat 21
Check Valve-Type I, Angle Lift Check Metal to Metal Seat 21
Bll Check Valve-Type 2, Horizontal Lift Check -Non-Metallic
toMetalSeat 22
BI2 Check Valve-Type2, Vertica1LiftCheck -Non-MetaJlic
toMetalSeat 22
B13 -
CheckValve Type 3, Swing Check, Metal to Metal Seat 23
BI4 -
Check Valve Type 4, Swing Check, Non-Metalic Disc to Metal Seat 23