CP500 Tools
CP500 Tools
CP500 Tools
Manual, CP Tools
This manual presents installation and handling of CP Tools.
Besides this manual, the manual for CP Programmer is also available.
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ABB, 1SBC159003M0201
ABB, 1SBC159003M0201
1 Introduction...................................................................................................5
2 Installation .....................................................................................................6
2.1 Connecting the terminal to a PC ........................................................ 6
3 File Transfer...................................................................................................7
3.1 Transfer files from the terminal........................................................... 8
3.2 Transfer files to the terminal ............................................................... 9
3.3 Edit recipes ......................................................................................... 9
3.4 Communication settings ................................................................... 11
3.5 Start the program via the command line ........................................... 13
5 Connect........................................................................................................16
5.1 Phone Connections........................................................................... 17
5.2 Modem handling .............................................................................. 18
5.3 Passthrough mode handling .............................................................. 18
5.4 When to use CP Tools Connect for Passthrough mode..................... 19
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1 Introduction
CP Tools is a program package for Microsoft Windows for transferring data files and
system programs between the personal computer and the terminal. The program
works under Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
The package contains the following programs.
– CP Tools File Transfer - Program for transferring trend curves, alarm list and
recipe data between the terminal and a personal computer.
– CP Tools System Loader - Program for loading a system program (OS) to the
– CP Tools Connect - Program for handling modem settings for modem connection
between a personal computer and a terminal and also program for handling
Passthrough mode communication between a personal computer and a controller
via the terminal.
– CP Tools FTP Client - Program for transferring trend curves, alarm lists, recipe
data, html files, Java applets and bitmaps between a personal computer and a
terminal via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
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2 Installation
CP Tools is supplied on a CD. Place the CD in the CD-ROM reader to automati-
cally start the setup of the programs. If the setup does not start automatically, select
RUN from the Start menu and type D:\setup.exe (assuming that D: represents your
CD drive). Follow the instructions to install CP Tools.
The setup will create icons to the CP Tools programs in the CP500 soft group. You
will find the CP Tools programs by clicking on Start/Programs/CP500 soft/CP
Tools. The manual can be read directly from the CD by clicking on Manuals.
9-pin D-sub
RS-422 RS-232
Use the cable recommended in the driver manual for the selected controller when
connecting the controller to the terminal.
Turn the power off during the connecting procedure.
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File Transfer
3 File Transfer
The program CP Tools File Transfer is used for transferring recipes, alarm lists and
trend files between the terminal and a personal computer.
Select Start/Programs/CP500 soft/CP Tools/File Transfer to start CP Tools File
The terminal must be running and connected to the PC.
Select File/Save Settings to save the currently selected drive and subdirectory as
the default setting for PC Files.
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File Transfer
The Refresh button is used to update the windows Terminal Files and PC Files.
Make directory
In the Recipe directory it is possible to create new directories. Select the Recipe
directory and click on the button MkDir. Enter the name of the new directory in the
dialog (maximum 8 characters) and click OK.
Select directories/files
Select all directories and files by marking the uppermost directory; the directory
named as the terminal. If you mark the directory Recipe, Trend or Alarm you select
all files in the marked directory. You can also select separate files.
Click on the + and - characters to open or close a directories.
Files in the terminal can be deleted using the Delete button.
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File Transfer
Only recipe files can be transferred from the PC to the terminal.
Menu commands
New Recipe Clears all fields and starts a new recipe.
Open Recipe Opens an existing recipe.
Save Recipe Saves the recipe to disk.
Open Template Opens an existing template.
Save Template Saves the template text to a template file.
Exit Closes the edit dialog.
Help Displays the help file.
The setting File/Save Extended Format is not used.
Delete Row Deletes a row in the recipe.
Insert Row Inserts a new row in the recipe.
Exit Closes the edit dialog.
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File Transfer
Editing recipes
A comment text for the recipe can be entered in the first column. This text can be
saved to a file (template file) to be displayed automatically when the recipe is edited.
The recipe template file is saved as a separate file, and cannot be transferred to the
terminal. Values in the recipe can also be changed.
The Device column contains the controller device that holds the data.
The Value column shows the actual data.
The Format column is a specification of how the data is presented on the terminal
Length is a specification of the data length.
Only the length for the string type can be edited. Other fields are either automatically
updated or are fixed.
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File Transfer
Enter a name of your choice (a description for the settings).
Phone Number
Enter the phone number for the modem to call (only if you are using a modem).
Modem String
This parameter cannot be stated in CP Tools File Transfer; only in CP Tools
Timeout for the communication. The value is stated in milliseconds.
Select communication port for the PC.
Select baud rate.
Select parity.
The number of data bits. Select 8 bits.
Select number of stop bits.
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File Transfer
Field separator
Select field separator type; tab, semicolon or comma. When using CP Tools File
Transfer the following file types can be generated:
*.txt format (tab separated values) if tab separator is selected,
*.skv format (semicolon separated values) if semicolon separator is selected and
*.csv format (comma-separated values) if comma separator is selected.
All terminals, the programming tool and CP Tools can handle tab, semicolon or
comma separators (delimiter).
When using FTP transfer, the terminal will generate the txt/skv/csv files.
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File Transfer
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System Loader
4 System Loader
This program is used to transfer a system program (operating system) to the terminal.
Select Start/Programs/CP Tools/System Loader to start CP Tools System Loader.
When the program is started, the following window is displayed.
In the Files window the system program file (extension .bin) to transfer to the flash
memory in the terminal is selected. Select File/Save Settings to save the currently
selected drive and subdirectory as the default setting in the Files window.
The Status window shows the communication settings, the file name of the file to be
transferred, the size of the program and the elapsed transfer time. The parameter
Terminal shows current version of the system program in the terminal (after connect-
ing) and the parameter Sends shows the version of the system program that is about
to be transferred to the terminal.
The communication settings are stated under Options/Comm Settings.
See section 4.1 Communication settings.
Select Send to start the transfer.
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System Loader
Select communication port for the PC.
Select baud rate.
Time out for the communication. The value is stated in milliseconds.
Using modem
Check Using modem if you are using a modem connection. Use with the latest
terminal version and a transfer speed higher than 9 600 baud.
The terminal
If the transfer does not start, the terminal must manually be set in sysload mode. For
further information see the manual for the terminal.
The PC must be connected to a serial port on the terminal, serial or via a modem.
Start loading
When the terminal and the PC are connected and the transfer parameters are set cor-
rectly the system program can be loaded to the terminal.
Select Send.
The status parameters for the transfer are displayed in the status window.
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5 Connect
The program CP Tools Connect is used to establish modem communication between
a PC and a terminal with a connected controller, and also to activate/deactivate
Passthrough mode communication with the controller connected to the terminal.
Transparent/Passthrough mode supports only one controller at the time.
Select Start/Programs/CP Tools/Connect to start CP Tools Connect.
When the program i started, the following window is displayed.
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Enter a name of your choice (a description for the settings).
Phone Number
Enter the phone number for the modem to call. Leave blank if no modem is used.
Modem String
State ATM codes (initiation string for the modem). The following string can be used
for CP Tools File Transfer and CP Tools System Loader; otherwise see the manual for
the modem.
AT &C1 &D1 Q0 E0 &K3 S0=0 &W
Time out for the communication. The value is stated in milliseconds.
Select communication port for the personal computer.
Select baud rate.
Select parity.
Select number of data bits.
Select number of stop bits.
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FTP Client
6 FTP Client
CP Tools FTP Client is used to transfer recipes, trend files, alarm lists, html files, Java
applets and bitmaps between the terminal and a PC via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Select Start/Programs/CP Tools/FTP Client to start CP Tools FTP Client.
The terminal must be running, configured as an FTP server and connected to the PC.
When the software is started a connection has to be defined. This is made under Op-
tions/Comm Settings according to section 6.4 Communication settings.
When CP Tools FTP Client is started, the following window is displayed.
The program will show the terminal’s directory when clicking the Connect button.
Select File/Save Settings to save the currently selected drive and subdirectory as the
default setting in the PC Files window.
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FTP Client
The Refresh button is used to update the windows Terminal Files and PC Files.
Make directory
In the HTML and RECIPE directories it is possible to create new subdirectories. Se-
lect the directory where the new subdirectory is to be created. When clicking the
MkDir button, a dialog is shown. Enter the name (maximum 8 characters) for the
new directory and click OK.
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FTP Client
Menu commands
New Recipe Clears all fields and starts a new recipe.
Open Recipe Opens an existing recipe.
Save Recipe Saves the recipe to disk.
Open Template Opens an existing template.
Save Template Saves the template text to a template file.
Exit Closes the edit dialog.
Help Displays the help file.
Delete Row Deletes a row in the recipe.
Insert Row Inserts a new row in the recipe.
Exit Closes the edit dialog.
The recipe files must be saved in an internal format suitable for the terminal when
using FTP transfer, see the manual for the terminals.
The setting File/Save Extended Format is not used.
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FTP Client
Editing recipes
A comment text for the recipe can be entered in the first column. This text can be
saved to a file (template file) to be displayed automatically when the recipe is edited.
The Device column contains the controller device that holds the data.
The Value column shows the actual data.
The Format column is a specification of how the data is presented on the terminal
Length is a specification of the data length.
Only the length for the string type can be edited. Other fields are either automatically
updated or are fixed.
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FTP Client
Enter a name of your choice (a description for the settings).
Enter the URL or IP address for the terminal.
User Name
Enter the user name for the account on the FTP server.
Enter the password for the account on the FTP server.
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FTP Client
Type - Binary/Ascii
Select binary (default setting) or ASCII transfer.
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FTP Client
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