Words 2016 Queer With Cover
Words 2016 Queer With Cover
Words 2016 Queer With Cover
ity and our gender, but so much more.
he perspective of queers within the
It is our desire and fantasies and more
heteronormative world is a lens
still. Queer is the cohesion of every-
through which we can critique and at-
thing in conflict with the heterosexual
tack the apparatus of capitalsm. We can
capitalist world. Queer is a total rejec-
analyze the ways in which Medicine,
tion of the regime of the Normal.
the Prison System, the Church, the
[...] State, Marriage, the Media, Borders,
the Military and Police are used to con-
of color, sex workers—have always
e need to rediscover our riotous
been the catalysts for riotous explosions
inheritance as queer anarchists.
of queer resistance. These explosions
We need to destroy constructions of
have been coupled with a radical analy-
normalcy, and create instead a position
sis wholeheartedly asserting that the
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based in our alienation from this nor- and desire in ways most devastating.
malcy, and one capable of dismantling We must come to under—stand the
it. We must use these positions to insti- feeling of social war. We can learn to
gate breaks, not just from the assimila- be a threat, we can become the queer-
tionist main—stream, but from capital- est of insurrections.
ism itself. These positions can be—come “Towards the
tools of a social force ready to create a Queerest Insurrection”
complete rupture with this world. Our
bodies have been born into conflict with ****
this social order. We need to deepen that
conflict and make it spread.
“W e need to craft a queer agenda
that works with the many oth-
er heads of the monstrous entity that
opposes global capitalism... If we want
If we desire a world without restraint,
we must tear this one to the ground.
We must live beyond measure and love
to make the anti-social turn in queer
theory, we must be willing to turn
away from the comfort zone of polite
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exchange in order to embrace a truly my worth as a monster in spite of the
political negativity, one that promises, conditions my monstrosity requires me
this time, to fail, to make a mess, to to face, and redefine a life worth living.
fuck shit up, to be loud, unruly, impo- I have asked the Miltonic questions
lite, to breed resentment, to bash back, Shelley poses in the epigraph of her
to speak up and out, to disrupt, assas- novel: “Did I request thee, Maker, from
sinate, shock and annihilate, and, to my clay to mould me man? Did I solicit
make everyone a little less happy!” thee from darkness to promote me?”
—J. Halberstam With one voice, her monster and I an-
swer “no” without debasing ourselves,
**** for we have done the hard work of con-
stituting ourselves on our own terms,
that the destruction of the world that
f our victimhood and our isolation
makes us miserable is possible, we
is all we share, then we have lost
have built a connection and shown
already. But for those of us who share a
each other that we are not alone. There
desire to refuse to play their games and
is no separation between taking back
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our ability to survive and destroying even. And it is in this struggle we can
the world that has stopped us from find the joy of living a life on our own
living in the first place. It’s entirely terms. I cannot wait to see the ways in
possible that we won’t succeed, but I which you will rebel, my friend, but no
want us to build this struggle together. matter what, know that in this rebel-
I want us to find the friends that we lion you will never be alone.
can choose to act with now to better “Letter to a Gender Rebel”
our lives. Most of all I want us to see
the smiles on each other’s faces when ****
we see that someone has gotten away
with striking a blow or getting what
they need. It is these kinds of happi-
ness that threatens this world when
A s thousands of people in cities
all across the world gathered on
November 20th to memorialize the
they are shared and spread because 23 transgender women who were
they build our own power and reveal murdered in the past year, some of us
the possibilities of our loves. It may decided to skip the opportunity of si-
not get better, but we can certainly get lently listening to the politicians of the
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“trans community” recite the names to defend those in positions of power
of our dead over candlelight, romantic and because we are, at heart, hate filled
as it sounded. Instead we ventured criminal enemies of civilized society.
into the mist and fog of a northwest “From Tealights to Torches:
autumn night and put up some graf- delinquent alternatives to the
fiti as small gestures of antagonism transgender day of remembrance”
towards the state, the bashers, and
the leftists who use the blood of trans ****
women to build campaigns of hate
crime legislation and reform. We are
against hate crime legislation because
W e are tracing the lineage of our
queer criminality and charting
the demise of the social order. And
we are against prisons, against the in- oh the nectar from which we drink:
furiating portrayal of police as protec- lesbian pirates raging the seas, queer
tors, against rising for their judges in rioters setting cop cars ablaze, sex par-
their detestable courtrooms, against ties amidst the de cay of industrialism,
(though not surprised in the least by) bank robbers wearing pink triangles,
the way that such legislation is used mutual aid networks among sex work-
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ers and thieves, gangs of trannyfags our partners in crime, we’ve come to
bashing-the-fuck-back. We’ve been know each other more intimately than
assured that each day could be our legality could ever allow. In desire, we
last. As such we’ve chosen to live as if produce conflict. And in conflict with
every day is. In turn, we promise that capital, we may have found an escape
the existent’s days are numbered. route from the deadening of our lives.
Our gang’s discourse is conflict.
[…] “Criminal Intimacy”