LLB PIII 3year Paper1
LLB PIII 3year Paper1
LLB PIII 3year Paper1
NOTE: Aftempt any SIX guesfions in all hy selecting FIVE Questions from Part-l (of
equal marks) and ONE question from ParT'll (of 20 marks). Mere reproduction
of relevant sections shall not be considered an adequate answer'
0肱 ′ Discuthej磁 sdictionofcMl∞ and dabontethathenれ 轟oonsidmdわ be
Batd7 “
9肱 2 Discuss the law relating to 'Trangfer ofcivil suit' uader Spctiol 22 and Section 24
of CPC? Bnplain thc points to differren$ate &e proceedings uder these tw'o
OMλ W減 嵐 note onthe tModes ofExec頑 m'ofadecrec undcrCPC?
` "a`競
0肱 イ Discuss thc conditions and grounds of 'Revic# its own orders and judgnats
under CPC?
9節・J Elabonte the`hherent Jttsdiction'ofad濾 ∞岬
0比 ≧
6 Dlscuss thc provisions rcgarding the 'Dismissal of a civil suit? Discuss thp
rcmedios availablp agrin*t tle dismissal oder of the alvil corrrt rmdet Crc?
2筋 .7 ffiat is tbe slgnificancc of Framing of Issrs in a Trail? On &e basis of s&ich
natcrial such issuos arc frmod dis.uss iod€tail?
0肱 ∂ Discuss thc law rcgarding thi the appointnent urd rpmoval ofNext Friend and
flndtm ad lttw, under CPC?
0肱 9 Whiah court carr deal witb thc disobedieocc orbreaoh of iqiuuctioa? Discuss the
extat of the oowers of the court?
OM2′ θ Exphin d並 耐 feattres ofOrda 41 and Order 43 of99
OMλ f′ Caa a court by itself take notice of limiatioa ir a suit witbout the objectioa ofthe
oppositc part;/?
oMλ ′
2 Ttaretheefut of Fraud oo the right of a persou to euforcc his remedy by suit or
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PART― I I I A/ 2015
: Rol l No。 ・¨・… ¨
Exami nat i on: … LL. B.
.“ ..¨ ...・ :
NOTE: AttemPt “ “
“ “
from Port-IIL Pt t RT― 工
Q・ l o
tdlhat do you r:nrlerstand by the territorial and pecuniary
jurisdiction of the Civil Courts?
Q. ラ . What i S
powers of a court in
Q・ 40・
sui t wi t h per l l l i ssi on of . t he col 】 r t t O br i ng t he f r esh sui t
on t he snTr e Cause of act i on. Does t he per mi ssi 9n gr ant ed
by cour t ext end t he per i od of ■i mi t at i on f or f r esh sui t ?
PART― 工工工
PART一 I I I S/ 2015
Exami nat i on: ― LL. B. : Rol l No。 ...“ ・“ …・
"¨ ……・
・ 4・
呻 Can a sui t be i nst i t ut ed agai nst t he
Governmeni or againsL a*
pub■ i c of f i cer wi t hOut del i ver y Of a
nobice uncler Section 80
Of Ci vi l Pr ocer l ur e. oOde? Expl ai nt t he objects
oll sucir a nobice,
and cOnsequenc, es Of i t s non_del i ver y
before tire insiti'[ubion
Of t he sui t .
2グ 0.
Par t … ‖
ei,.?. \'',rhen can a court pass ex-parbe decree against the C.efend.ant?
i'.ihiit are the reriedies available in law to the d.efend.ant against
ex-parte decree ?
,J.8. ,State the grouncls on l+hich a plaintiff may with<lraw fron the r
Par t ‐ ‖l
ll-12. lihat is the cluty oi- the court suit instituted, appeal
preferred- and aoplication mad,e before ib is barred by time?
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB a a a a aa a t a a a tta a a aa a aa a aa
Subject: Law of Civil Procedure (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.
PAPER: I (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIW qaestions from Purt{and ONE question from ParhII.
(Code of Civil Procedure, 1908)
Do you feel that there is any bar on the jurisdiction of civil court? Discuss
the same in the context of Section 9 of the Code of Civit Procedure, 1908.
4. what is the law relating to the place of suing before the civil courts?
6. What is the effect for omission to sue for one of several reliefs or
relinquishing any portion of the claim? Discuss.
How you can seek rejection of a plaint and what are its effects?
10. Discuss and distinguish between Section 35 and Section 35-A of the code
of Civil Procedure, 1908.
(Limitation Act, 1908)
what is the remedy available to a person who has spent time bonafide at
a wrong forum by mistake?
12. Discuss generally some grounds which may be taken for condonation of
a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a t aa aaa a a a
PART - III 312016
Examination:- LL.B. Roil No. ........
tr r o l a a a aaa a a aaa aat a a aa a a'
Subject: Law of Civil Procedure (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.
PAPERtI tcT-*"rl MAX. MARKS: 100
A NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions frrm Part-I and ONE question fiom
(Code of Civil Procedure, 1908)
Civil courts are the courts of ultimate jurisdiction. Discuss it in the context
of relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
2. What is the law relating to place of suing before the civil courts? Discuss
3. Briefly describe some distinguishing features of res sub judice and res
6. What is the effect for omission to sue for one of several reliefs or
relinquishing any portion of the claim? Discuss.
10. Discuss how documents are placed before the court in terms of Order Xlll
of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1g0B?
(Limitation Act, 1908)
Limitation extinguishes the remedy but not the right. Discuss this
12. What is the remedy available to a person who has spent time bonafide at
a wrong forum by mistake?
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(Code of Civil Procedure, 1908)
what is the law relating to the prace of suing before the civil courts?
Which is the court competent to transfer a civil suit from one court to another, in
the same district? Also state the grounds for such transfer.
3. Describe the grounds on the basis of which you ca, seek Set t i ng asi de Of ex―
parte judgment and decree?
4. An executing court cannot go behind the judgment. Enumerate the points which
shall be determined by the Executing Court.
Io* appellate powers are different from revisional powers of the court?
Describe the circumstances, when a revision is filed instead of an appeal?
6 What is the effect for omission to sue for one of several reliefs or relinquishing
any portion of the claim? Discuss.
(Limitation Act, l90g)
11' Describe generally the law with respect to condoning
the period of limitation.
12' What is the remedy available to a person who has spent time
wjgns fgrr1 by l1istq[g?__ -_ fide at
bona a
° ° ° ° ° 0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0● ● ● ● ●
(Code of Civil Proceclure, 1908)
1. What is the law relating to joinder of parties and joinder of causes of action?
2' Discuss the law relating to transfer of suits from one court to another? Also state
the grounds for such transfer.
3. What is the law relating to the place of suing before the Civil Courts?
4' An executing court cannot go behind the judgment. Enumerate the points which
shall be determined by the Executing Court.
6' How appellate powers are different from revisional powers of the court?
Describe the circumstances, when a revision is filed instead of an appeal?
7. Describe the law relating to the amendment of issues with reference to various
provisions of the Code of Civil procedure, 190g.
8. Draw a distinction between the powers available to the court under Order XVll,
Rule 2 and the power available under Order XVll, Rule 3 of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908?
9' Describe the circumstances when additional evidence can be taken into
consideration at appeal stage.
10. What do you understand by the term'parties not at issue'? lf the court on the first
date of hearing finds that the parties are not at issue, what step the court would
(Limitation Act, 1908)
Limitation extinguishes the remedy but not the right. Discuss this statement in the
context of law of limitation?
12 Describe generally the law with respect to condoning the period of limitation.
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ° ● ● 000000● ● ● ● ● ● ●
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PART-III: Annual-2018
Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years) 1191∬ 91=: ∵ : l i : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : 1l f
Qi l Civil cor-rrts are the courts of ultimate jurisdiction? Discuss in detail the bars on
ir-rrisdictiotr of Civil Courts?
Q: 2 What is the law relating to territorial and pecurniary jurisdiction of Civil Courts?
q: 3 What do you l<now about doctrine of Res judicata? Distinguish actual Res juclicata front
constructive res jud icata?
Q: 4 ヽ
ハノhat i s an Appeal ?Di scuss t he di f f er ence bet ヽ ヘ
ノeen f i r St and second appeal agai nst
decr ees and l aw r el at i ng t o appeal agai nst or der sP
Q16 卜
l ow and under what cl r cumst ances an or der f 6r ser vl ce of sumr nons on def endar l t
t hr ougい st : bSt i t ut ed ser vl ce may be r nade t o pr ocur e def endant ' s appear anCe i n cot i r t ?
Q:7 Discuss the law relating to return of plaint and rejection of plaint? Also discuss the
distinctions.and. remedies available to litigant in both eventualities in detail?
Q:B What are the powers available to a Court when a defendantfailsto appears irr court?
Also discurss the remedies available to surch defendant?
Q:9 Discuss in cletail the law relating to representative suits under Code of Civil Procedtrre?
CI:10 Discurss the law relating lo compromise effectuated orr behalf crf tninor'rryith re[erencG to
the suit by or against minor?
Q:12 "statute of Limitation Extinguishes the retnedy and not the Right"? discuss
UNI VERSI TY OF TⅡ E PUNJ 郎 aa a a aaa aa a aa a aaa
PART-III : SupplementarT-2018 aa a
aa aaaaa
NOTE: Attempt Sfrquestions in all, selecting Five Questions from Part-I (16 Marks each) and
ONE question from Part-II (20 Marks each), Mere reproduction of relevant sections
_l _ shall not be considered an adequate answer.
Q:1 Discltss in detail.that under wlrat circ.urrnstances a Court shall stay the trialof suit
perrding before it?
Q.:2 What is the law relating to place ol'suing before the Civil Courts?
Q:3 Wlrat do you l<now about cloctrine of Res juclicata? Distlnguish actual Res judicata from
. cr:nstructive res judicata?
Q:4. What is arr A5:peal? DiscLrss the difference between first ancl second appeal agairtst
Q:5 Discuss indetailthe inhererrt powers oICivil Courts? How and when these powers ntay
be exercised in light of Section 151 CPC?
Q:6 Flow and urrcler what circun"lstances an or:derfor service of surrrrnons on clefenclatit
tlrrough substituted service nray be rnade to procure defendant's appearance in Court?
Q:7 Discrrss tlre law relatirrg to Anlendments in judgnrcnt,decree, older ancl pleadings?
Q:U What are tlre Oo*.r, available to a Court when a defenciant fails to appears iri court?
Also discuss tlre renredies available to such defendant?
Q;10 What is the cJistinction be[rryeerr rules 2 arrd 3 of Order XVllof Civil procedure Code?
Q;11 What do yor-r l<now about Acknowledgement as envisaged in Lirnitation Act 1908?
Q:12 "statute of Limitation Extingr-rishes the remedy and not the Right"? discuss.
妙 鋤
aaoaa attaaooaaato tt ta,
................ :
L. L. B. ( 03 Year s) Par t ― ⅡI Annual Exam- 2019 Roll
ta attaa
a a rraa aaa aloaa a
t: Law of Civil Procedure (OId & New Course) Paper: I (Common) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions in all. FOUR Questionsfrom Part-I and ONE questionfrom
Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.
Q: 1 Section 9 CPC confers jurisdiction on civil courts to decide all matters of civil nature excepting
those in which their jurisdiction is ousted. Comment
Q: 2 Can a suit be instituted against the Government or against a public officer without delivery of a
notice under section 80 of civil procedure code? Explain the object of such a notice and
consequences of its non-delivery before the institution of the suit
Q: 3 What is the law relating to general power of amendments with special reference to
amendments in pleadings ,judgement ,orders and decrees? '
Q: 4 Discussthe law relatingtc,Appeal against decrees and orders? Explain the powers of
Appellate Court in detail ?
Q:5 Can a decree be executed by a Court other than the Court which passed it? lf so state i-
various courts competent to execute a decree?
Q:6 What are the remedies available to plaintiff whose suit is dismissed for want of
prosecution in presence of defendant?
Q:B Explain and draw distinction between rule {2) and rule (3) of Order XVll CPC
Q:9 Describe in detailthe law relating to condoning the period of limitation?
Q:10 Discuss t!e law relating to legal disability .nO ,l: effects on period of Limitation?
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NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions in all. FOUR Quesfion s from Part'l and ONE
guestr'on from Part-tl. Alt questions carry equal marks.
(Code of Civil Procedure, 1908)
Discuss the law relating to transfer of suits from one court to another? Also state
the grounds for such transfer.
What is the law relating to the place of suing before the Civil Courts?
Enumerate the points which sha.ii be determiiieci L,y the Executing Court at the
time of execution of ciecrees.
What is the law relating to joind*r +f ;:*i'ties and ioinder of causes of action?
State the law relating to filing suits in cases of negotiable instruments and how
such suit is different from an ordinary suit?
Page 1 ol2 P. T. 0.
8. Draw a distinction U*t*"en the jowers available to the court under Order XVll, '.
Rule 2 and the power available under Order XVll, Rule 3 of the Code of Civll
Procedure, 1908?
9. How appellate powers available to court under Qrder XLI are different from
powers of the court available under Order Xllll?
10. What do you understand by the term 'parties not at issue'? lf the court on the first
date of hearing finds that the parties Bre not at issue, what step the court would
(Lirnitation Act, 1908)
11. Limitation extinguishes the remedy but not the right, Discuss this statement in the
context of law of limitation?
12. What is the remedy available to a perscn who has spent time bona fide at a
wrong forum by mistake?
Page 2 of 2
呻 L.L.B.103 Vears〕 Part― i:: Annual Examination-2020
SutteCt Law ofC"‖ Procedure(0:d&New Course) Paper i(Common)
li製 A%■ II■ 1■ .:
Time:3 Hrs. Marks:100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questrons in all. FOUR Questions from Pad-l and ONE question
from PartJl. All questions carry equal ma*s.
g腸 .′ Discuss鮨 ∞ndi■ons reqtured to be m丘 1lcd for the application ofthe Doctine of
Res‐ Judicata7
gル .2 What arc the couditions and grounds in order to attact the 'Revisional
Jurisdiqtion' of the court? Elaborate.
0及 λ Discuss in detail thejurisdiction ofan Executing Court?
0ハ 化
2及λ5 Discuss the law relating to 'Service of Sumrnons' to compel the appearance of the
ONa6 What is the sipificance of Framing of Issues in a Trail? And on the basis of which
materiat these can be framed?
Q.No.8 Discuss the law regarding the appointncnt and removal ofNext Friend and
guardian ad lttum under CPC?
Q.No.9 Describe the provisions of the Limitations Act for the Computation of the period of
limitatior in the case of persons under disabitity?
Q.No.l0 State the effect ofFraud on the right ofa person to enforce his remedy by suit or
Page 2 ol 2
^EEA L.L.B. {03 Years) Part - lll Annuat
Paper: I (Common)
Subject: Law of Civil Procedure (Old & New Course)
ffi in att by selecting Flv_E Questions fromp u cti(of
eq u a t m a rks), n a' 6iii i'
i not"t be
i n6 * . V n' t! !if 10-!.LI1'^M e re re ro d o n
ii ,ii"iirt i"ctions shail considered an adequate answer'
WLat is uead by 'snrfficicot cqrsc' in $'5 of tbo Linitatiott