EU Recovery Plan and Conditionality
EU Recovery Plan and Conditionality
EU Recovery Plan and Conditionality
First of all,I would like to start with the definition of the rule of law-in general it reffers to the fact
that citizens of a community( city,country etc.) are supposed to follow the same rules not taking
into account their social position.The idea is to promote the equality and equity of the citizens
before the law.
Secondly,I would like to talk about the meaning and the purpose of EU-as known before and as
shown in the previous slides,EU was established in order to maintain peace and economic
stability for the countries members after the 2nd wwr.At that period,in the Schuman declaration
they were talking about the trade of coal,in order to obtain the Economic stability and to ensure
better life conditions for all the citizens of the member states This production will be offered to
the world as a whole without distinction or exception, with the aim of contributing to raising
living standards and to promoting peaceful achievement.
Now,answering the question,I consider that the rule of law is an important principle at EU level
just simply because it promotes the idea of unity and equality.The main point in creating the
union between countries was the idea of equity .What is more,I consider that without following
the rule of law,EU would not have been such a safe place to live in where citizens have both
rights and obligations. Without the rule of law,we can not even imagine the idea of transparency
or free movement without thinking about possible black businesses happening.
As they say,in order to be free,you need to follow the rules.
2. Please summarize in a few sentences what is the novelty with the « conditionality of EU
budget »?
Conditionality of EU budget was adopted in 2020 and is concerning the period of 2021-2027 of
EU Budget-I could call it a kind of protection and security for the budget.To summarize it,this
conditionality allows the EU to suspend the acces to the funds for certain countries that do not act
fairly to the rule of law(breach it) and eventually have the risk to affect the management of the
EU funds.
As it was recently introduced(2020),the novelty of this condition is that there will be an annual
Rule of Law Report which examines developments accros the members states(both positive and
negative) in 4 keys area,as mentioned on European Comission: the justice system, the anti-
corruption framework, media pluralism and other institutional issues.It is a kind of prevention
against the breaching of EU well set values for its citizens and its development,as well.
And,as another novelty,we can now talk about politicization to the EU’s financial framework
(cohesion policy) which has the aim to combat regional inequalities between members and make
sure about the respect of human rights standards and democratic political principles.
The framework establishes a three-stage process,as mentioned:Comission Assesment, Comission
Recommendation and monitorizint the country’s follow-up recommendations.
We can now have a look at the situation of Poland and Hungary-two members states that have
evantually been violating basic democratic principles for some years now(media freedom,justice
etc.). Will these 2 countries eventually pay fines or get a reduction of the EU Funds for real?!
3. Give at least one pros / one cons about what you can guess concerning the effectiveness of this
new instrument.