Diagrama Condor Plus
Diagrama Condor Plus
Diagrama Condor Plus
3 - June 2004
This document is the copyright of Money Controls Ltd and may not be reproduced in part or in total by any means,
electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of Money Controls Ltd. Money Controls Ltd does not accept
liability for any errors or omissions contained within this document. Money Controls Ltd shall not incur any
penalties arising out of the adherence to, interpretation of, or reliance on, this standard. Money Controls Ltd will
provide full support for this product when used as described within this document. Use in applications not covered
or outside the scope of this document may not be supported. Money Controls Ltd. reserves the right to amend,
improve or change the product referred to within this document or the document itself at any time.
1. Diary of Changes ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Theory of operation.................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Condor Plus v Condor ............................................................................................................................. 6
3. Mechanical Configurations........................................................................................................................... 7
4. Coin Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Build Variations ............................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Model Numbers Explained.......................................................................................................................... 10
7. Condor Plus Connectors ............................................................................................................................ 11
8. Parallel Interface.......................................................................................................................................... 12
8.1 VACS Signal.......................................................................................................................................... 13
8.2 Credit Signals ........................................................................................................................................ 14
8.21 CP13x Credits.................................................................................................................................... 14
8.22 CP33x Credits.................................................................................................................................... 14
8.23 CP43x Credits.................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Inhibit All ................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.4 Alarm (CPx3x only)................................................................................................................................ 17
8.5 Diagnostics (power-up).......................................................................................................................... 17
9. Condor Plus LED Status Guide .................................................................................................................. 18
9.1 Continuous GREEN............................................................................................................................... 18
9.2 Flashing RED ........................................................................................................................................ 18
9.3 Continuous RED .................................................................................................................................... 18
9.4 Flashing Green ...................................................................................................................................... 18
9.5 Continuous Yellow ................................................................................................................................. 18
9.51 Power-up discrimination sensor calibration. ...................................................................................... 18
9.52 Alarm condition .................................................................................................................................. 18
10. Divertor Driver ......................................................................................................................................... 19
10.1 Description............................................................................................................................................. 20
10.2 Operation............................................................................................................................................... 20
11. Serial Interface - ccTalk........................................................................................................................... 21
12. Teach and RunTM. .................................................................................................................................... 22
12.1 Teach and RunTM Method...................................................................................................................... 23
13. Coin Security – Window Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 24
13.1 Coin Security – Rotary Switch ............................................................................................................... 25
14. Order Entry Form – Crib Sheet ............................................................................................................... 26
15. Label Details ............................................................................................................................................ 28
16. ccTalk Serial Messages.......................................................................................................................... 29
16.1 ccTalk error codes. ............................................................................................................................... 30
16.2 ccTalk fault codes. ................................................................................................................................ 30
16.3 ccTalk status codes. ............................................................................................................................. 30
17. ccTalk Interface Circuits ........................................................................................................................ 31
17.1 Circuit 1 – ccTalk Standard Interface .................................................................................................... 31
17.2 Circuit 2 – ccTalk Low Cost Interface ................................................................................................... 32
17.3 Circuit 3 – ccTalk Direct Interface ......................................................................................................... 33
17.4 Circuit 4 – ccTalk PC Interface ............................................................................................................. 34
18. Service...................................................................................................................................................... 35
19. Electrical Interface Requirements .......................................................................................................... 36
20. Product Compliance................................................................................................................................ 37
20.1 Emissions .............................................................................................................................................. 37
20.2 Immunity ................................................................................................................................................ 37
21. Appendix 1 – Divertor.............................................................................................................................. 38
21.1 Divertor Spares...................................................................................................................................... 39
21.2 Divertor Application Example................................................................................................................. 40
Table 1: Coin Dimensions........................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 2: Condor Plus v Condor Builds:.................................................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Coins / Credits ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 4: Interface Connector ................................................................................................................................. 10
Table 5: Inhibit Polarity .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 6: Connector Descriptions ........................................................................................................................... 11
Table 7: VACS timers. ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 8: Coin Security Options .............................................................................................................................. 24
Table 9: ccTalk Serial Commands ........................................................................................................................ 29
Table 10: Error Codes ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 11: Fault Codes ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 12: Status Codes ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 13: Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Table 14: Current Consumption............................................................................................................................. 36
Table 15: Environmental Ranges .......................................................................................................................... 36
Table 16: Divertor Spares...................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 1: Condor Plus External Dimensions ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2: Direct and Reverse Accept Paths............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3: Connector Positions ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Parallel Interface - Connector 1.............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5: VACS Open Collector Output Cct........................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: VACS +6V Output Cct. ........................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: CP13x Credit Output Pulse .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8: CP33x Credit Output Pulses................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: CP43x Credit Output Pulses................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Credit Output Cct.................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 11: Inhibit All cct. ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 12: Alarm Output Cct. ................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 13: Divertor Driver - Connector 2................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 14: ccTalk Interface - Connector 3............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 15: Teach and RunTM Controls .................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 16: Coin Security – Rotary Switch .............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 17: Circuit 1, ccTalk Standard Interface .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 18: Circuit 2, ccTalk Low Cost Interface ................................................................................................... 32
Figure 19: Circuit 3, ccTalk Direct Interface .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 20: Circuit 4, ccTalk PC Interface .............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 21: Coin Path Access ................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 22: Divertor Dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 23: Divertor Interface Example ................................................................................................................... 40
1. Diary of Changes
Issue 1.0 ............................................................................................................................................................August 2001
Issue 2.0 ........................................................................................................................................................ February 2002
¾ Updated Figure 1
¾ Updated Table 2
¾ Money Controls logo added.
¾ Amended section 18 Service.
Issue 3.0 ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 March 2002
¾ Applied TMWP V3.0.
¾ Amended Figure 1.
¾ Added guide to Condor Plus LED status.
¾ All drawings changed to .jpg’s.
¾ Changed spacer references to 3.3mm and 3.75mm.
¾ Ammended ccTalk drawings.
¾ Added VACS +6V output cct.
¾ Added section – Theory of Operation
¾ Added T&R and window narrowing limitation
Issue 3.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 6 September 2002
¾ Modification to disclaimer.
Issue 4.0 ......................................................................................................................................................30 March 2003
¾ Applied TMWP V3.2.
¾ Added Appendix 1 – Divertor.
¾ Changed the divert details in Figure 13.
¾ Added CPx1xG timer details to Figure 4 and Table 7.
Issue 4.1 ......................................................................................................................................................28 August 2003
¾ Changed ccTalk to ccTalk throughout the document.
¾ Changed the title of section 20 to Product Compliance.
¾ Updated the details of section 20.
¾ Updated the ccTalk error and fault commands.
¾ Added details of the new CPx1x connector in Figure 4.
2. Introduction
The Condor Plus range of electronic coin acceptors has been designed specifically for the
international gaming machine industry, accepting up to 10 coins per second. Whilst conforming
to the industry standard space envelope, Condor Plus brings advanced coin handling
technology and sets a new standard in discrimination, reliability and servicing.
Sensor 3 is a reflective sensor. An infra-red beam is emitted from the Condor Plus and a
measurement of the beam reflected back is taken.
Sensor 4 is a diameter sensor consisting of three linear optical devices, A, B and C, whose
beams travel horizontally across the coin path. As the coin / token breaks the beams in turn,
the time taken is measured and the diameter can be calculated.
Sensor 5 is a Frequency Modulation sensor (FM Max). Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 measure the
change in amplitude, Sensor 5 measures the change in frequency on Sensor 2 caused by
the coin / token.
Sensor 7 is a combination sensor whose output is a linear equation based on three out of the
first five sensors. The detail is determined during the coin specification and is fixed for a
nominated currency
When a Condor Plus is pre-programmed by Money Controls or taught using Teach and
RunTM, values from true coin readings are stored in memory. When a coin is entered the
readings generated are compared to those windows programmed into EPROM. If a match is
NOT found on ALL the programmed sensors then the coin will be rejected.
If the readings from the coin entered fall within ALL those programmed in memory, then a
VACS (see section 8.1) signal will be generated. Shortly afterwards the accept gate will be
activated, the coin will pass the credit opto’s and a credit pulse (see section 8.2) will be
issued. - This is only generated on models CPx3x.
The accept gate will stay open for a short time after the coin passes the credit opto’s. If
another true coin, is closely following the 1st coin, then the accept gate will remain OPEN.
If the following coin is deemed false, then the accept gate will close immediately a window is
not matched and the coin will be rejected.
3. Mechanical Configurations
Figure 1: Condor Plus External Dimensions
Notes:- All Direct (EXCEPT US $1 TKN) builds use Divertor “A”. (Anti-beering divertor).
All Reverse action builds use Divertor “B”.
For further details see Table 2.
Figure 2: Direct and Reverse Accept Paths
4. Coin Dimensions
Condor plus is designed to accept coins within the diameter range 15mm to 44.5mm and
thickness range 1.5mm to 3.75mm.
For coins larger than 38.5mm sections of the divertor assembly are removed. For coins thicker
than 2.85mm a selection of spacers are available. The spacers open the debris flap wider than
standard. However, when a Condor Plus is built to accept larger coins / tokens, its performance
in discriminating smaller coins may be reduced due to the increased space, allowing the coins
to rattle or bounce through the acceptor.
Table 2 shows the various available builds and a conversion from Condor to Condor Plus
5. Build Variations
Table 2: Condor Plus v Condor Builds:
Condor Condor CONDOR Divider
Build Build PLUS SPACER Deflector plate
Number Number Build profile
1 = 13 17 = 29 AA 33mm 3mm YES DIRECT “A”
2 = 14 18 = 30 AB 40mm 3mm NO DIRECT “A”
3 = 15 19 = 31 AC 45mm 3mm NO DIRECT “A”
4 = 16 20 = 32 AD 33mm 4mm YES DIRECT “A”
5 21 AE 40mm 4mm NO DIRECT “A”
6 22 AF 45mm 4mm NO DIRECT “A”
7 23 AG 33mm 3mm YES REVERSE “B”
8 24 AH 40mm 3mm NO REVERSE “B”
9 25 AI 45mm 3mm NO REVERSE “B”
10 26 AJ 33mm 4mm YES REVERSE “B”
11 27 AK 40mm 4mm NO REVERSE “B”
12 28 AL 45mm 4mm NO REVERSE “B”
33 AM 25mm 3mm YES DIRECT “A”
34 AN 25mm 4mm YES DIRECT “A”
35 AP 25mm 3mm YES REVERSE “B”
36* AX 45mm 3mm NO REVERSE “B”
37* AY 45mm 3mm NO DIRECT “A”
38 AQ 25mm 3.5mm YES DIRECT “A”
39 AR 33mm 3.5mm YES DIRECT “A”
40 AS 40mm 3.5mm NO DIRECT “B”
41 AT 45mm 3.5mm NO DIRECT “A”
42 AU 33mm 3.5mm YES REVERSE “B”
43 AV 40mm 3.5mm NO REVERSE “B”
44 AW 45mm 3.5mm NO REVERSE “B”
33mm Gate - Max diameter = 32.5mm Black 3mm spacer - Max thickness = 2.85mm
40mm Gate - Max diameter = 37.9mm Blue 3.5mm spacer - Max thickness = 3.1mm
45mm Gate - Max diameter = 44.7mm Grey 4mm spacer - Max thickness = 3.4mm
BUILDS 1 TO 16 = R.O.W. (Rest Of World)….first row
BUILDS 17 TO 32 = ZA (South Africa) only….second row
BUILD 33 Au (Australia) only
*Build 36 uses 45mm gate, but standard divertor plate = R100 MCS token
*Build 37 is a Direct version of B36
Condor plus….there is no 'ZA' build.
Note: The reason some Condors have 2 builds is historical. Initially the Condor was designed
to replace the CC16 (CN10x) which had a 6 way connector. In order to supply a CC62 version
(CN13x) which had a 7 way connector, the body had to be machined to accommodate the extra
pin. This caused the 2 different builds. E.g. build 1 would have been for CN10x & build 13 was
the same build but for the CN13x version.
The body has now been tooled to accept both types of connectors.
A = Fixed Options
Interface Connector
(see Table 4)
Model Description
CP 1 X X Single / multi* coin - single credit pulse.
CP 3 X X Multi coin - Fixed credit pulses.
CP 4 X X Multi coin - Customer specific credit pulses.
Can be used for Old/New coinage or for multiple windows of the same coin to increase
security, i.e. multiple small windows as opposed to 1 large window. (Specific to Teach &
8. Parallel Interface
Figure 4: Parallel Interface - Connector 1
The length and polarity of the VACS signal is model dependent. (see Table 7)
Minimum time between output credits = 4 x gap timer (y) = 4 x 20ms = 80ms.
Credit pulse (x), selectable between 1ms and 250ms in 1ms steps.
Gap timer (y), selectable between 10ms and 60ms in 10ms steps.
Note: Condor Plus will stack credits in a buffer. However, care should be taken in specifying
the number of pulses per coin, the length of credit pulse and the gap timer, especially in fast
feed applications because of the time required to actually send the pulses to the host machine.
e.g. 10 pulses x 100ms (credit timer (x)) + 9 x 50ms (gap timer (y)) + 4 x 50ms (y)
(minimum time between credits) = 1,650ms ( 1.65secs).
The Default condition determines whether a coin accepts or rejects if the Inhibit All pin is not
Note: In some applications, although the Inhibit is driven High/Low, it is not necessarily driven
High/Low to enable the coins, i.e. it is left floating.
In this instance a model which is ‘Default Accept’ should be used.
The LED on Condor Plus will change from the normal operating green to yellow.
When an alarm condition occurs a single pulse of 12ms is output, unless the credit opto’s are
blocked, in which case the Alarm is active for the duration of the blockage. Once the
blockage is removed, the Alarm pin will reset.
¾ Inductive coils
¾ Reflective sensor
¾ Diameter opto’s
¾ Credit opto
If all is clear the acceptor will be ready to accept coins within 60ms of power-up. If a fault is
found the following will occur:-
Note: If Power-Up Diagnostics is OFF it is possible that there is a fault which cannot be
indicated. See section 9.2
¾ Possible causes are:-
¾ Fault on inductive coils.
¾ Fault on reflective sensor. Only if Power-Up Diagnostics is ON.
¾ Fault on diameter opto’s.
¾ Fault on credit sensor.
¾ Fault on reject sensor.
The Divertor connector REPLACES the 4 way connector on the old Condor models CNx0x,
CNx1x and CNx2x.
10.1 Description
There is an option to drive an active 2-way divertor, which fits below the Condor Plus
acceptor. The function of the active divertor is to direct coins down one of two paths
according to the ‘divert’ details held within acceptor EEPROM for each programmed coin. It
may, for example direct a single coin type to a hopper for payout purposes and direct all
other coins/tokens to a cashbox.
The sorter module contains a PCB that interfaces with the mech. and host machine.
10.2 Operation
The Condor Plus supplies a logic signal to the divertor, generated co-incidentally with the
VACS signals. The divertor signal is dependent on both the coin ‘divert’ information stored in
EEPROM and the timing gap between inserted coins. The typical coin throughput on
Condor Plus can exceed 10 coins per second. It is not possible to actively divert coins at
this level of throughput.
a) Where the timing gap between any two adjacent coins in a stream of coins is greater
than 300ms, each coin is diverted according to its programmed ‘divert’ path.
Adjacent coins can have identical or different ‘divert’ paths.
b) Where the timing gap between any two adjacent coins in a stream of coins is less
than 300ms, the operation depends upon the coin’s divert paths.
i. Where the coin divert paths are the same, all will accept and divert according
to their divert path.
ii. Where the coin divert paths are different, the first will accept and be diverted
according to its divert path. The second coin will reject. Coin acceptance is
inhibited until the Condor Plus detects a timing gap between coins sufficient to
resume normal operation. This is coin size dependent, but typically 0.5
Condor Plus is equipped with the same unique programming system as Condor - Teach and
RunTM. Teach and RunTM is a method of programming the acceptor to accept a coin / token by
inserting a sample of a given coin / token, generally 8 to 10 coins, to allow it to calibrate itself.
The procedure itself is very simple and involves using the rotary switch and the programming
button both located on the rear of the acceptor (see Figure 15).
The increase in coin insertions over Condor, is because a new algorithm has been developed
for Condor Plus, which aims to improve the accuracy of the taught coin / token window by
eliminating spurious coin readings.
NOTE:- To make use of the Teach and RunTM function, MechToolTM, ‘Teach Permitted’ AND
Teach and RunTM MUST be selected, i.e. ON, when ordering.
Condor Plus also allows Teach and RunTM (if selected when ordered) to be enabled and
disabled via the MechToolTM feature. (Refer to the Condor Plus MechToolTM Manual for further
TIP: If after entering 20 coins Teach and RunTM doesn’t work, this means the coin/token
readings are too far apart to program successfully. Start again using 1 of the coin/token sample
and repeat Teach and RunTM. Put the Condor Plus into run mode and check how many of the
sample coins/tokens accept.
Using one of the coins that reject, program the next window in the same way as the first.
Repeat until all coins/tokens accept.
If the coin/token programs successfully but then doesn’t accept, you may have to enable more
windows. This is explained in the Condor Plus MechToolTM manual.
If only 1 coin has been enabled then you can only program window 1.
If 6 coins have been enabled then you program windows 1 to 6.
If 12 coins have been enabled then you program windows 1 to C.
Credit codes CANNOT be changed.
Please refer to the Condor Plus MechtoolTM Manual for further details.
If MechToolTM is ON, then these security options can be changed to suit the application.
Otherwise they must be selected at the time of ordering.
Please refer to the Condor Plus MechToolTM Manual for further details.
Figure 16 shows the operation of the rotary switch. The operation of the switch will be
dependant on the tuning options selected below.
Each count is added/subtracted to/from the upper and lower limits of the programmed
windows, therefore, each count represents an actual increase/reduction of 2 counts.
Window Tuning (Standard Tuning), when enabled, allows window tweaks during ‘normal’
operation of the Condor Plus.
Secure Tuning, when enabled, only allows windows to be narrowed – NOT widened.
Note: Enabling Secure Tuning will IGNORE previously programmed window WIDENING values.
Individual Tuning, when enabled, allows individual window tweaks to be programmed into
Note: Disabling Individual Tuning will IGNORE previously programmed Individual Tuning
Cumulative effect. Any Standard Tuning tweaks are added to tweaks programmed in
EPROM. e.g. Individual tweak = 2 (-2 counts), standard tuning tweak = D (+3 counts), total
effect on the programmed window = +1 count top and bottom of each sensor window.
This is because Teach and RunTM programs Sensor 6. Some coins give readings
of 0. Therefore when the window is reduced by 1 count, the coins which give a 0
reading will be rejected.
Customer Part Number: Rev:
Enter your Initials here. If up-issuing enter
To be filled in by the customer. Enter the next Revision Level.
your initials if different from previous issue.
Customer: Config Number: Original Issue Date:
Enter Customer Name. Will be issued by Money Controls. Enter Original Issue Date.
Description: Please enter a brief description of the product Revision Date: Enter New Revision Date.
Coin Coin
Coin Sorted Coin Sorted
(If required by customer, or N/A) Pulses Y/N (If required by customer, or N/A) Pulses Y/N
1 7
2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12
Gate Size:
Select from 4 sizes. If the model selected is a
1. 25mm gate – Australian $1 ONLY. Should always be
CP43x then a customer can
2. 33mm accepts coins up to 32.5mm diameter. selected except maybe for
3. 40mm accepts coins up to 37.9mm diameter. select any timers in the steps
4. 45mm accepts coins up to 44.7mm diameter. stated below.
MECHTOOL: Default:
ON OFF CP1xx = Single Single Multi
CP3xx or CP4xx = Multi
All Coins Tweak
Independent Coin Tweak
See Table 8
Secure Tuning
TEACH: See Table 8
Alarm Enabled
See Page 17
See Page 17
24V AC Module
Teach Coin Size : NO YES
Stud Position:
ACFD (Top & Bottom) BCED (Middle & Bottom)
A Condor F
ABFE (Top & Middle) 6 STUDS
AC__ (Back Only – Amusement Doors)
Coin / Token
Reference Build No.
TK533 B AA S 03
Mechanical PCB Type
Condor Plus Build
TK533 S = Standard accept
R = Reverse accept
Bld No. OCPL - BAAS03 P = Piezo fitted
Serial No. 00001189 Q = Reverse accept + Piezo
Mfg. Date 1 Sept 2000
(Configuration No.)
CP 110 S ZA 00013
Condor xxxxx = Sequential No. based
Plus on options selected
when ordered.
Model type ZA = Main country
of coins
S = Standard accept
R = Reverse accept
P = Piezo fitted
Q = Reverse accept + Piezo
For further details on this section please refer to the current ccTalk generic standard or contact
Money Controls Technical Services Department.
This circuit uses an open-collector transistor to drive the data line and a diode protected
straight-through receiver.
Typical Components
Assuming that the transmitting device is capable of sinking a reasonable amount of current,
a direct diode interface can be used rather than a full transistor interface. Although cheaper
to implement, this circuit does not have the drive capability or the robustness of other
A very low cost solution is to interface a single pin on a microcontroller directly onto the
ccTalk data line. The pin can be switched between active-low for transmitting and high-
impedance tri-state for receiving.
The circuit below shows how to connect the 9-pin serial port of a PC to the ccTalk data bus.
The only integrated circuit required is a Maxim level-shifter which operates off a single +5V
supply. Any small-signal diodes and transistors can be used.
18. Service
The coin path area should be cleaned regularly, every 100,000 coins or 3 months, whichever is
the sooner, to ensure accurate acceptance of coins and tokens. Only a damp cloth should be
Access to the coin path is gained by opening the Debris Flap (see below).
Typically: 70mA
Maximum: 500mA
20.1 Emissions
This product has been self assessed to EMC test specification EN55022: 1995
Electromagnetic compatibility – Radiated Emissions Class B.
This product has been self assessed to EMC test specification EN55022: 1995
Electromagnetic compatibility – Conducted Emissions Class A.
20.2 Immunity
This product has been self assessed to EMC test specification EN50082-1: 1992
Electromagnetic compatibility – Immunity.
This manual is intended only to assist the reader in the use of this product and
therefore Money Controls shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising form the use of any information or particulars in, or any incorrect use of the
product. Money Controls reserve the right to change product specifications on any
item without prior notice.