10 1109@sta 2019 8717204
10 1109@sta 2019 8717204
10 1109@sta 2019 8717204
control & computer engineering (STA), Sousse, Tunisia, March 24-26, 2019
Abstract - Many industries depend on the technological bed created by raw stretchers into a multifunctional bed
development of the world. Technological developments in smart equipped with many features, for example. Adjustable body
homes and life-saving hospitals allow people to stay indoors in a parts, wheels and sidebars.These are distinctive features of the
comfortable, secure and independent way where they want to be. hospital bed as opposed to the regular bed. The flexible frame
This paper presents a Medical Care Bed with Internet of Things
feature allows the hospital bed to fully adjust its body parts
Solutions a bed designed specifically for patients in hospitals or
other people who need some forms of health care that can be used such as the head, middle and foot in a wide range of ways, In
with button, voice commands and phone applications . for control addition it also assists the hospital staff in patient-care
the Smart Bed System using sensors, to voice-controlled procedures. The bed frame is usually divided into several
application, we are continuously trying to find a better way to sections that can be moved in a number of different ways.
control electrical and electronic devices to ease our daily life. Some bedside sections are likely to be added to provide
Common features include adjustable height for the entire bed, head accurate accommodations for family-specific locations
and feet, adjustable, adjustable, temperature, pressure, voice including Trendelenburg, Trendelenburg or reverse chairs. In
command and application to run both family using sensors and Trendelenburg, the patient's body is fluid and the head tilts
monitoring patient’s body temperature, Measuring the proportion
downward, allowing the patient's legs and legs to remain
of oxygen in the blood and heart beat using arduino board. This
family features are special features for both the ease and comfort of above the heart level and other conditions and tools used such
the patient and the comfort of health care workers. as a dental bed, dental bed, etc[1].The nature of health care,
techniques and computational processes poses a number of
Keywords- Sensor, The Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Bed challenges for system designers and implementer. Despite the
System, , Actuators, Spherical joint, Smart Technology, Air challenges, the world is evolving towards greater expansion
Mattress. and competition. There is a large market for systems and
products to support caregivers in their tasks. The number of
I. INTRODUCTION people needing help increases dramatically over time. Today's
Recently, health care facilities have begun to use various generation of hospital beds is much more than just a place for
specialized sensors in hospitals to improve health outcomes patients to rest. It’s part of many tools used by hospitals to
and overall construction efficiency. Medical industries need to treat patients, especially hospitals interested in technological
be more advanced as Internet list things. With the help of developments. It’s part of keeping up with the development
Internet tools, doctors can monitor patients remotely and give and research that brings smart technology to hospital beds to
medicines based on tracked information. Among older adults increase patient comfort and reduce the incidence of
with special needs and spinal injuries, the challenges of preventable problems, such as pressure ulcers. The healthcare
maintaining mobility and cognitive function make it difficult application involves providing care to patients and developing
to continue to live alone on their own and gain some form of ways to make the patient's life more comfortable and
autonomy. Provides independence for the patient and does not comfortable across the healthcare continuum. Canada’s
require the help of others as in the past if there has been a Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)
disorder then that makes it impossible to live independently in works with Canadians in all areas of the economy and across
the home. Provides independence for the patient and does not the country to improve investment conditions, enhance
require the help of others as in the past if there have been a Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of
disorder then that makes it is impossible to live independently global trade, and build fair, efficient and effective competitive
in the home.The hospital bed is designed primarily for patients market. In 2013 the U.S. .Food and Drug Administra-tion
receiving hospital treatment during medical treatment. Over (FDA) released its rule for unique device identification system
the years, the hospital bed has been transformed from a simple for medical devices, which will help in organizing adverse
The goal of this project was to design aNext Generation of
Fig 1: The Split Bed Structure side view
Medical Care Bed, that can be relied on by running voice
commands or buttons so that it can be locally manufactured,
developed and used in hospitals, homes and care seeds. With
the completion of this project, we hope that our bedside design
is widely used throughout hospitals in the world. Price of the
bed is greatly reduced after studying the materials on the
market and provides services in the mechanical health care for
a large part of the patients, the elderly and those with special
needs. Once the research has been successfully completed
and studied and applied to a realistic situation with special
needs, a prototype of our bed is manufactured. Cross-sectional
analyses of structural stability and other mechanical properties
are carried out to ensure the safety of the bed as well as the Fig 2: The Split Bed Structure front view
accuracy of the application. The goal of the team will be to
design a reliable local hospital bed by completing the following B. National Standards
objectives. The manufacturing industry recommendations identified
1. Analysis and study of the maximum weight borne by the below can be found in Table 1 for the appropriate height and
bed. width of human length by gender and country. The parameters
2. To analyse all the component bed products and choose from listed below in Table 1 are the design specifications that have
the highest quality with respect to the price. been worked on and followed.
3. Analyze the accuracy of the bed in response to voice TABLE1: Curatorial Industry Standards of Hospital Beds that have been
commands and implement them to provide movement by applied
acoustic ultrasound.
4. Analyze the accuracy of the bed in measuring the
Maximum Value Minimum Value
proportion of oxygen in the blood.
5. Analysis of the accuracy of the smart bed in the
measurement of the heartbeat.
6. To manufacture the prototype of the bed and to develop it Bed length 200 cm 190 cm
and to experiment with a realistic situation.
7. Identify and support the overall quality of the hospital bed.
8. To provide movement by acoustic ultrasound. Bed Width 100 cm 90 cm
9. To provide the application that can be used on the phone to
increase the possibility of communication with the patient. Weight Capacity N/A 230 KG
A. Bed frame
The intelligent hospital bed frame is divided into the upper C. Food and Drug Administration Guidelines
frame of the smart bed. The head and foot parts are divided “The American Food and Drug Administration, or FDA,
into three parts of the head, thigh and foot. The thigh area is recently released a statement which discusses in extensive
fixed. Linear stabilizers are responsible for adjusting the upper detail the many issues involving patient entrapment on
and lower frame to different positions such as sitting position, Hospital Beds. The FDA performed extensive background
leg height, back height, back and leg height, design and research of their own and sought the information of such
changing conditions according to the condition of the reputable organizations as the International Organization of
esophagus. Figures 1, 2 below shows the separate bed Standards, Striker International, Hill Rom, the American Red
structure of the front and side view. Cross and a number of top American hospitals to find out
which areas of modern hospital beds are most dangerous for
entrapment, ergonomic data, the number of entrapment
occurrences over a number of years and the injuries that
resulted. The FDA concluded that there were seven zones TABLE 2: Summary of FDA Hospital Bed Dimensional Limit
which were most dangerous and made size recommendations
for those zones to reduce the rate of patient entrapment.
Combined knowledge of danger zones, as concluded from the
hospitals and bedmanufacturers, as well on the ergonomic
data, the FDA determined the seven danger zones as can be
Zone Dimensional Limit Recommendation
seen in the following Figure 3 Seven potential entrapment
areas in hospital beds determined by the FDA Figure 3.
Within the rail < 120 mm (< 4 3 /4 “)
Under the rail, between rail < 120 mm (< 4 3 /4 “)
supports or next to a single rail
Between rail and mattress < 120 mm (< 4 3 /4 “)
4 < 60 mm (< 2 3 /8 “)
Under the rail, at the ends of the AND
rail >60° angle
American English.EasyVR Commander, which comesWith V. FLOWCHARTEXECUTING
hardware, it is used to configure and program commands and VOICE COMMANDS
sounds in the EasyVR module, with the "Bridge" program Flowchartis a type of graph that represents an algorithm,
provided. The encoding for the Bridge program is developed workflow, or process and showhow it goes from beginning to
in the Arduino IDE. There are several types ready to run basic end. Flowchart shows the steps as boxes ofvarious types and
control, commands independent of the headset in the program. arrange them by connecting boxes with arrows and connecting
All of them have their own function according to user needs them. These graphical representations demonstrates the model
and are available in different languages such as English, of the receiving andexecuting of voice commands.
American, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish and
French.EasyVR also supports up to 32 player (s) supported
(user-supported) commands (any language) as well as voice
passwords. The figure 4 below shows Arduino UNO and
EasyVR 2.0
VI. RESULTS IN needs of nurses should drive technology development, courses
VOICE RECOGNITION on new tools and knowledge in ways they can be used to
The experimental part is performed by repeating the order to improve functionality and integration across systems. They
be activated and calculating the average response rate of the want technological solutions that will not only improve care
system to the voice commands. After the frequency procedure, delivery, reduce the financial burden of work and hard work
the percentage of each case is calculated and the frequency is and routine, thereby improving their retention. Wireless
35 times for each subject test.Figure 6 shows the success rate systems that provide effective communication quickly, and
of recognition for the different ages of men and women. After release the nurse to spend more time interacting with the
the test and the arithmetic mean, the result was the achievable patient, in addition to high-level cognitive functions such as
success of the voice commands, which represents 97% planning and analysis of care required. Improved technologies
accuracy of the total orders. This is considered an excellent can eliminate waste in the nursing process resulting from
average to consider that the bed is capable of executing orders inefficient patterns of work, interruption, inaccessible
efficiently and accurately In distinguishing voices and information, documentation, lost supplies, equipment and
distinguishing between different commands.The figure 6 medicines. Reducing the chance of error improves patient
below shows success rate of recognition for the different ages safety. Improved drug management technology management
of men and women. systems, improved communication, timely acquisition of
equipment and supplies, careful patient identification are some
applications that improve safety. Value added, technological
benefits and automation in nursing, enable timely and
compassionate care delivery. [5]
It is recommended to use Smart mattresses. The first thing that
Smart Ranker does is keep track of your sleep smoothly and
record data, eliminating the need to wear a high-heeled
bracelet to sleep or sleep with your phone. Smart family REFERENCES
collects sleep data without having to do anything. To access [1] Kortuem, G., Kawsar, F., Fitton, D., &Sundramoorthy, V. (2010). Smart
objects as building blocks for the Internet of things. IEEE Internet Computing,
the data, you can simply open the application and discover
[2] FDA News Release, available at:
your personal sleep information. By helping you understand http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/uc
your sleep, smart mattresses will guide you to a better sleep m369276.htm?source=govdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=
and thus improve your health. There is no uniform definition govdelivery, 2013.
of "smart mattress" but it is used informally to describe a [3] Public Health Agency of Canada Available:
ranking that contains sensors to analyse your sleep patterns. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca., Jul 13-14 ,2018 5:00 AM
Smart mattresses in the market do so in a variety of ways. [4] U.S. Food and Drug Administration ,Available in
:https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm164366.htm .
Some of them provide sleep tracking functions to measure may 11, 2018 4:00 PM.
sleep duration and sleep cycles by observing your body [5] Linda Burnes Bolton, Dr PH, RN, FAAN; Carole A. Gassert, PhD, RN,
movement, heart rate and breathing. [6] FACMI, FAAN; and Pamela F. Cipriano, PhD, RN, FAAN. “Smart
Technology, Enduring Solutions” sep 2008. Available
:https://aan.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/fall_jhim.pdf .
IX. CONCLUSION [6 ]H. Nguyen , “Advanced Assistive Control Strategies For Smart Hospital
The bed is designed on the basis of many researches and Beds ”, University of Technology Sydney Faculty of Engineering and
studies. This bed not only helps patients but will also help to Information Technology, Sydney,
provide worldwide demand which will help all patients, the df.
elderly and people with special needs. The medical progress
and technological development of the world has led to focus to
achieve the best results. It is not a new professional or medical
intervention in health care. Hospital beds are medically
necessary for many situations such as placing the body for
example, to relieve pain, avoid respiratory infection, sores and
prevent spasms or need to raise the head of the bed due to
congestive heart failure, suction and chronic lung disease.
Hospitals are using a new resource in patient care. The family
is designed to move and massage the patients and receive
voice commands for the user and to adjust the various
movements of the patient, which reduces the risk of infection
of the beds and pneumonia. It takes some heavy lifting that
nurses usually do, ultimately saves lives, and provides greater
independence for the elderly and the disabled. Patients with
special needs need their families on a daily basis. Automatic
bed can make life a bit easier for nurses, with 85 percent of
back injuries having to deal with patients. Hopefully this helps
to keep it better and healthier. Similarly, the efficient use of
resources, nurses and medical personnel has outpaced human
efforts, reduced costs and achieved productivity. One of the
most important features of the smart bed is the receipt of voice
commands and connected to the Internet and also read room
temperature and measurement of heartbeat and oxygen level in
the blood, and this feature to connect to the network provides
comfort and help and independence of the patient.