The Rda
The Rda
The Rda
The volume contains general policies and guidelines that cover basic elements
in the bibliographic record to be adopted in local libraries. The NCPSRG is a
guide which captures the ESSENCE of the RDA toolkit and presents the rules to
the users in a simpler and easy-to-apply format.
RDA is published in two formats: the RDA Toolkit and the RDA print version,
which is a reproduction of the electronic RDA Toolkit (Figure1). These are
published jointly by the American Library Association, the Canadian Library
Association, and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information
Professionals in the UK (CILIP).Day-to-day management and development of
the RDA Tool kit is the responsibility of ALA Publishing.
Some Examples of Differences between AACR2 and RDA
1. Terminology
Some Examples of Differences between AACR2 and RDA
2. Recording of Misspelled terms
Inaccuracies in the spelling of words on the titles are dealt with differently
by AACR2 and RDA and these are shown on Table 3.
3. Statement of responsibility for resources written by more than three (3)
4. Use of Abbreviations in the edition statement, imprint, and description
AACR2 uses abbreviations a lot. RDA uses abbreviations minimally, i.e., only
when terms are abbreviated in the main source of information.
5. . Parts of the Bible
AACR2 prescribes the use of the abbreviations O.T. for Old Testament or N.T.
for New Testament) as main subdivisions of the Bible. In RDA, individual books
and groups of books of the Bible are recorded as a subdivision of Bible,
rather than as a subdivision of O.T. or N.T.
6. General Material Designation (GMD)
AACR2 gives a (GMD) right after the title for non-print materials.
This is an RDA record showing how
the GMD was removed and replaced
by 3 tags: 336, 337, and 338. In our
example, the audiodisc entitled
Carmen would have performed music
as the content type, audio as the
media type, and audiodisc as the
carrier type.
Manifestation is “a physical embodiment of an expression of the work” (RDA). Item
refers to “a single exemplar or instance of a manifestation” (RDA). This chapter
shows examples of RDA rule applications to Filipiniana materials.
Record the name of the first author, omit all the others, and indicate the
omission by recording the number of omitted names, e.g. Juan Ocampo [and
three others] for a resource with four authors
E. EDITION STATEMENT (Core Element) (RDA 2.5)
Transcribe publisher’s name in the form in which it appears on the resource being
If there are more than one publisher, record the first named publisher; disregard
all the others. Only add other publishers if they are located in the Philippines.
If publisher’s name is not identified, the distributor’s name becomes core; if the
distributor’s name is not given, the manufacturer’s name becomes core.
Use [Publisher not identified] where such information is not available.
3. Date of Publication (Core Element) (RDA 2.8.6)
If the date of publication is not given, the date of distribution becomes core; if
date of distribution is not available, the copyright date becomes core; if copyright
date is not given, then the date of manufacture becomes core.
If probable date cannot be ascertained, use [Date of publication not identified].
For serials and integrating resources, give dates of first and last issues if it has
ended or has been completed. If dates are not given, supply probable dates. If
dates cannot be approximated, do not record anything in this element. Also, do
not use [Date of publication not identified].
4. Copyright Date (Core element) (RDA 2.11)
Add copyright date if different from publication date.
Use copyright date, preceded by the copyright symbol © or the word “copyright”,
if date of publication is not given (e.g., ©2014).
5. Extent (Core Element) (RDA 3.4)
Record extent by giving the number of units (e.g. 3, 155, 189,) and an appropriate
term for type of carrier (e.g. pages, leaves, reels, cards, microfiches, etc.).
Record extent terms in full (e.g., 155 pages; 189 leaves; 3 microfiches).
For unnumbered pages, use the term “unnumbered”. e.g. 59 unnumbered pages.
If number of pages can be approximated, use “approximately (e.g.,
approximately 100 pages).
If there is an error in pagination, record the number as given, then supply the
correct number preceded by “that is”, not “i.e.” (e.g., 175 that is 157 pages).
Record the type of content (Tag 336) contained in the resource using one or more
of the terms listed in table given in Appendix 1 or at this URL: standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html (e.g. text, still image,
etc.). Record as many terms as are applicable to the resource being described.
If the resource being described consists of more than one content type, record only
the content type that applies to a substantial or predominant part of the resource.
9. Media Type (RDA 3.2)
Record media type (Tag 337) using one or more of the terms listed in table in
Appendix 2 at this URL:
(e.g. audio, computer, video player, unmediated, etc.)
10. Carrier Type (RDA 3.3)
Record the type of carrier (Tag 338) used to convey the content of the resource
being cataloged using one or more terms listed in table in Appendix 3 or at this
URL (e.g.: card, flipchart,
object, roll, sheet, volume, etc.
Transcribe the numbering of the resource within the series and/or subseries, as they
appear on the resource itself. Do not use abbreviations.
12. Identifier for the Manifestations (Core Element) (RDA 2.15)
Record ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, etc. or other identifiers using internationally accepted
Record both the identifier for the resource as a whole and the identifiers for
individual parts (RDA
13. Acquisition and Access Information (RDA 4.1)
State clearly the restrictions on use, especially for electronic resources (Tag 540)
Record the URL by copying from the web site of the resource and pasting it on the
bibliographic record (Tag 856)
It provides general guidelines on choosing and recording the preferred title and
constructing the authorized access point representing a work or an expression.
Record as variant title for the work the alternative linguistic form of the
preferred title. Alternative linguistic forms may come as a different language
form, a different script, a different spelling, a different transliteration and/or
any other variant forms.
E. FORM OF WORK (Core element) (RDA 6.3)
1. Scope
A class or genre to which a work belongs.
2. Recording form of Work
Record the form of work if there is a change in class or genre and there is a
need to differentiate a work from another work of the same title