Chloride Analyser
Chloride Analyser
Chloride Analyser
MODEL 926 & 926S
Designed for the determination of Chloride ions, the Sherwood
Scientific Chloride analysers are an instrumental analogue of
Industrial Model 926
“Argentimetry”; the traditional titrimetric methods using Silver
The measurement of Salt (Sodium Chloride) in the Food and Dairy
Nitrate reagent. Like those classic methods, the 926 and 926S rely
Industry is universal. The ability to read directly, Salt
on formation of the insoluble salt, Silver Chloride.
concentration and the automatic endpoint detection system has
made the 926 the instrument of choice for food manufacturers and
The importance of Chloride determination was realised well over
analysts throughout the world.
a century ago, with many variations and changes being made in
order to improve detection limits and selectivity. Research into Salt and salinity also represent serious contamination in many
Chloride analysis was conducted by Gay Lussac (1832), Levol industrial processes. The sensitivity of the coulometric method
(1853), Mohr (1856) and Volhard (1874). Their findings are the enables ppm range measurement in boiler feed water; polymer
basis of methods still in common use today. washes; borehole slurries as well as soil salinity studies. The 926
is intended for general laboratory use and is calibrated in ppm
The first instrument using these techniques was developed in the (mg/l) Chloride. The Select Button offers the immediate
1960’s by Cotlove at the AMINCO Company. The 926 analysers conversion of Chloride content into mg% Salt (Sodium Chloride)
developed from that first instrument are now exclusively manu- of the original sample*.
factured in Cambridge, UK by Sherwood Scientific Ltd. * assumes ratio 1g of sample to 100ml diluent
MODEL 926 & 926S
• The coulometric method is very robust and versatile. ACTIVE SALT SOFTWARE
(not for use with the 926S)
• These microprocessor based Instruments are ergonomically Active Salt Software was developed to enhance the 926 Chloride
designed, easy to use and maintain
Analyser. Designed initially for the Cheese industry, the software
may be applied to any food product requiring salt analysis in a food
• The Sherwood Chloride Analyser Buffer system, specifically
processor’s QA/QC Lab. Active Salt can collect data from a balance
designed for the model 926 and 926S, gives outstanding sensitivity
with RS232 output and Chloride analyser results. One PC with one
and selectivity.
Active salt package can collect data from two analysers and two
Advantages include:
• No transcription errors
Model 926 Chloride Analyser 926 00 009 100mmol/litre Standard 6 x 100ml 00156202
Model 926S Chloride Analyser 926 00 109 200mg/litre Standard 6 x 100ml 00156203
Silver Anodes (pack of 3) 92511003 Chloride Analyser Buffer 1 x 500ml 00156208
Electrode detectors and cathode 92511002 Silver Electrode Polish 00156205
Active Salt data collection and salt analysis package 92686500
Sherwood Scientific Ltd., develops and consultancy projects in analyytical me
easurement and process
manufactures a range of scien
ntific instruments control. The history of Sherwood Scientific can be traced back
and apparatus with application in many more than 70 years to applications of the
t selenium photocell in
industries, as well as in educattion and research. early Flame Photometers – now the larrgest and most diverse of
Known for high quality and reliability, Sherwood our product lines. The company’s heritage
a also encompasses the
Scientific products are all manufactured at the
e company’s base Lab Scale Fluid Bed Dryer and Magnettic Susceptibility Balance
in Cambridge, UK and sold and supported through
o an extensive developed under the auspices of Johnson Matthey, and the
distributor network covering over 80 countrie
es Fully equipped
es. acquisition and further development of several Corning and CIBA
training and laboratory facilities enable Sherw
wood Scientific to Corning instruments: Colorimeters and
d Chloride Analyysers.
offer courses to our distributors on all productss and to undertake
Our Chloride analyysers use coulome
etric titration technology;
offering the best available means of Chl
C oride determination in
FLAME PHOTOMETERS food, pharmaceutical and industrial pro
ducts etc. In addition sweat
Building upon the acclaimed Corning M410, we now manufacture chloride measurement is also possible, (with samples as small as
th wides
the id t ra
ange off IInstruments
t t and
d Ac
A cessorie
i s: singl
i le and
d multi-
lti- 20 l) as requir
20ul), i ed
d for assis
i tance with
ith Cy
Cystic Fibrosis confirmation.
channel, with analogue and digital outputs, free-standing and CHROMA COLORIMETERS
software controlled units and automated analyysis packages for Our CHROMA Colorimeter range offerss two fullyy open,
Sodium, Potassium, Lithium, Calcium, Barium, Cesium, Rubidium progra
ammable units; which may be utillised with any commercial
and Strontium analyysis test kits for water quality monito
oring, clinical chemistry
ements and many other colo
orimetric determinations.
This is a bench top, lab-scale, programmable Fluid Bed Dryer.. The We also have a digital equivalent to the renowned Corning 252,
oprocessor controlled base unit accomm
modates the widest for instant, no frills, reliable Absorbance & %Transmission
ange of tub configurations and materials. We se
elect inlet and outlet measure
filterss to complement a broad variety of sample types and particle MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY BALANCES
sizes. With in-tub temperature and humidity feedback capability For those studying magnetic prope
erties of materials, our
coupled to a software package providing real-tim
me drying condition Magnetic Susceptibility Balances offerr unsurpassed sensitivity
feedback. This unit allows rapid development of drying protocols and re
eliability. We trulyy are world leaderrs in this field of analyytical
and understanding of material drying behaviour.
r.. chemistry
Sherwood Scientific is represented by a worldwide network of distributors, details of whom can be fou
und on our website.
Please contact us for further information or visit us at
for full product information, ap
pplication & technical advice and basic theory of principles of oper
o ation.