Kagan Cooperative Learning
Kagan Cooperative Learning
Kagan Cooperative Learning
1. Information giver.
2. Teacher- centered
3. Passive
4. Active
5. Facilitator
6. Student Centered
7. Stress the “ what” of learning using memory work, question and answer methods
8. Uses fixed methodology, confined in the four walls of the class room
9. Utilizes conditioning to reward learning
10. Emphasizes the intrinsic benefits of learning
11. Uses variety of methods in teaching and explores different avenues of learning
12. Emphasizes the “ why” and the “ how” learning, encouraging students to do investigatory and exploratory work
Creative teacher Traditional teacher
Facilitator Information giver
Active Passive
Student Centered Teacher- centered
Emphasizes the “ why” and the “ how” learning, Stress the “ what” of learning using memory work,
encouraging students to do investigatory and question and answer methods
exploratory work
Uses variety of methods in teaching and explores Uses fixed methodology, confined in the four walls
different avenues of learning of the class room
boost students'
Multiple Behavior
Cooperative Brain-Based Transference Generic
Intelligences Theory
Learning Learning Theory
Set of techniques
content for organizing
free .content
:K. Structures are
like games, easy-to-learn and easy-to-play
The way students participate
1- When teachers revise pre-taught vocabulary, they can use this
2- Pupils are divided into number of circles. Each circle has a leader.
4- Each pupil in the circle should participate with a single idea either
orally or written.
5- Each leader shares his group’s ideas with the other groups.
Partners take turns, one solving a
problem while the other coaches.
Then partners switch roles. It is used
in ( grammar, vocabulary and
1- It is a problem solving technique or a
young teacher one.
2- In pairs, one student is a “ solver” and
the other is a “ coach”.
3- They switch roles.
Students stand up, put their hand up and
quickly find a partner with whom to share
or discuss.
1- This structure is perfect for class building,
processing and reviewing information,
energizing the class, forming random pairs or
teams, lesson starts or wraps.
2- It is a kind of “ Whole Brain Teaching”
.All students stand up and put their hands up .1
Students mingle, mix, practiced meeting and .2
greeting, and find a
.Students sit and put their hands down .3
.Teacher assigns and defines the task .4
”.Students are given “think time .5
.Pairs of students complete the task .6
Task 3
Task 4
Which Kagan Structure should I use first and Where"
"?do I begin
Which Kagan Structure should I use first and Where"
"?do I begin
1. RallyRobin
2. Timed Pair Share
3. RoundRobin
4. RallyCoach
5. Stand Up, Hand Up Pair Up
Task 5
What are the positive
outcomes from Kagan
Schools Teachers Students
Schools Teachers Students
Improved Outcomes Content-Free Engaging
positive (P)
individual (I)
simultaneous (S)
equal (E)
Hope you have got the
whole benefit