Vocabulario B1 - EOI
Vocabulario B1 - EOI
Vocabulario B1 - EOI
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition
pron = pronoun v = verb
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
English Part of speech Pronunciation
fascinating adj /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/
filthy adj /ˈfɪlθi/
freezing adj /ˈfriːzɪŋ/
furious adj /ˈfjʊəriəs/
hilarious adj /hɪˈleəriəs/
huge adj /hjuːdʒ/
positive adj /ˈpɒzətɪv/
starving adj /stɑːvɪŋ/
terrified adj /ˈterɪfaɪd/
tiny adj /ˈtaɪni/
scam n /skæm/
car crash n /kɑː(r) kræʃ/
coach n /kəʊtʃ/
cycle lane n /ˈsaɪkl leɪn/
end up phr v /end ʌp/
ferry n /ˈferi:/
lorry n /ˈlɒri:/
motorbike n /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/
motorway n /ˈməʊtəweɪ/
parking fine n /pɑːkɪŋ faɪn/
pedestrian zone n /pəˈdestriən zəʊn/
petrol station n /ˈpetrəl steɪʃn/
pick up phr v /ˈpɪk ʌp/
roadworks n /ˈrəʊdwɜːks/
run out phr v /rʌn aʊt/
rush hour n /ˈrʌʃ aʊə(r)/
scooter n /ˈskuːtə(r)/
seat belt n /ˈsiːt ˌbelt/
set off phr v /set ɒf/
speed camera n /ˈspiːd ˌkæmərə/
speed limit n /ˈspiːd lɪmɪt/
taxi rank n /ˈtæksi rænk/
traffic jam n /ˈtræfɪk ˌdʒæm/
traffic lights n /ˈtræfɪk laɪts/
tram n /træm/
Underground n /ˈʌndəɡraʊnd/
van n /væn/
watch / look out! /wɒtʃ aʊt / lʊk aʊt/
zebra crossing n /ˌzebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ/
afraid of /əˈfreɪd ɒv/
angry with /ˈæŋɡri: wɪð/
apologize to /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz tə/
argue with /ˈɑːɡjuː wɪð/
arrive at /əˈraɪv æt/
arrive in /əˈraɪv ɪn/
ask for /ɑːsk fɔː/
believe in /bɪˈliːv ɪn/
belong to /bɪˈlɒŋ tə/
choose between /tʃuːz bɪˈtwiːn/
close to /kləʊs tu:/
depend on /dɪˈpend ɒn/
different from /ˈdɪfrənt frɒm/
dream about /driːm əˈbaʊt/
excited about /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaʊt/
famous for /ˈfeɪməs fɔː/
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
English Part of speech Pronunciation
arms pl n /ɑːmz/
back n /bæk/
bite v /baɪt/
chin n /tʃɪn/
clap v /klæp/
ears pl n /ɪəz/
eyes pl n /aɪz/
face n /feɪs/
feet pl n /fiːt/
fingers pl n /ˈfɪŋɡəz/
foot n /fʊt/
hair n /heə(r)/
hands pl n /hændz/
head n /hed/
kick v /kɪk/
knees pl n /niːz/
legs pl n /leɡz/
lips pl n /lɪps/
mouth n /maʊθ/
neck n /nek/
nod v /nɒd/
nose n /nəʊz/
point v /pɔɪnt/
shoulders pl n /ˈʃəʊldəz/
smell v /smel/
smile v /smaɪl/
stare v /steə(r)/
stomach n /ˈstʌmək/
taste v /teɪst/
teeth pl n /tiːθ/
throw v /θrəʊ/
thumb n /θʌm/
toes pl n /təʊz/
tongue n /tʌŋ/
tooth n /tuːθ/
touch v /tʌtʃ/
whistle v /ˈwɪsl/
charisma n /kəˈrɪzmə/
epic n /ˈepɪk/
on set /ɒn set/
boarding adj /ˈbɔːdɪŋ/
cheat v /tʃiːt/
college n /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/
degree n /dɪˈɡriː/
elementary adj /ˌelɪˈment(ə)ri:/
expel v /ɪkˈspel/
fail v /feɪl/
grades pl n /ɡreɪdz/
head teacher n /ˌhedˈtiːtʃə(r)/
high school n /haɪ skuːl/
junior high school n /ˈdʒuːniə(r) haɪ skuːl/
kindergarten n /ˈkɪndəɡɑːt(ə)n/
middle school n /ˈmɪdl skuːl/
misbehave v /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv/
nursery n /ˈnɜːsəri:/
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
English Part of speech Pronunciation
useless adj /ˈjuːsləs/
uncomfortable adj /ʌnˈkʌmftəb(ə)l/
uncomfortably adv /ʌnˈkʌmftəbli:/
unfortunate adj /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənət/
unfortunately adv /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli:/
unlucky adj /ʌnˈlʌki:/
unluckily adv /ʌnˈlʌkɪli:/
violence n /ˈvaɪələns/
violent adj /ˈvaɪələnt/
adaptor n /əˈdæptə/
charger n /ˈtʃɑːdʒə/
delete v /dɪˈliːt/
install v /ɪnˈstɔːl/
keyboard n /ˈkiːbɔːd/
memory stick n /ˈmeməri: stɪk/
mouse n /maʊs/
plug n /plʌɡ/
plug in phr v /plʌɡ ɪn/
printer n /ˈprɪntə(r)/
remote control n /rɪˈməʊt kənˈtrəʊl/
router n /ˈruːtə(r)/
set v /set/
socket n /ˈsɒkɪt/
speaker n /ˈspiːkə(r)/
switch n /swɪtʃ/
switch off phr v /swɪtʃ ɒf/
switch on phr v /swɪtʃ ɒn/
turn down phr v /tɜːn daʊn/
turn up phr v /tɜːn ʌp/
unplug v /ˌʌnˈplʌɡ/
update v /ˌʌpˈdeɪt/
USB cable n /ˌjuː es ˈbiː ˈkeɪbl/
Can you tell me what… /kæn juː tel miː wɒt/
Could you tell me why… /kʊd juː tel miː waɪ/
Do you know if… /duː juː nəʊ ɪf/
I'd like to know what… /aɪd laɪk tə nəʊ wɒt/
I wonder if… /aɪ ˈwʌndə ɪf/
either conj /ˈaɪðə(r)/
I guess /aɪ ɡes/
It's obvious /ɪts ˈɒbviəs/
Of course /ɒv kɔːs/
stop it /stɒp ɪt/
What if... /wɒt ɪf/
click v /klɪk/
is it possible /ɪz ɪt ˈpɒsəbl/
principles pl n /ˈprɪnsəplz/
recycle v /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/
research project /ˌriːˈsɜːtʃ ˈprɒdʒekt/
second phase /ˈsekənd feɪz/
set up phr v /set ʌp/
the results revealed /ðə rɪˈzʌlts rɪˈviːld/
unclear adj /ʌnˈklɪə/
undo v /ʌnˈduː/
unfriend v /ʌnˈfrend/
unhelpful adj /ʌnˈhelpf(ə)l/
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Intermediate Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl n = plural noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
Example sentence Castellano File
I like to study modern history. I think it's fascinating . fascinante File 2
I'm filthy after working in the garden. I'll take a shower. muy sucio File 2
You look cold. ~ Yes, I'm freezing ! congelarse File 2
Jessica was furious when her sister borrowed her jacket. furioso File 2
This TV series is hilarious . We couldn't stop laughing. divertidísimo File 2
Their house is big, isn't it? ~ Yes, it's huge . enorme File 2
Are you sure you locked the door? ~ Yes, I'm positive . seguro File 2
Do you want some lunch? ~ Yes, I'm starving . morirse de hambre File 2
Nina is terrified of snakes. aterrorizado File 2
Michael comes from a tiny village in the mountains. minúsculo File 2
I think this email is a scam . They want my money. estafa File 2
I broke my leg in a car crash last month. accidente de tráfico File 3
We went on a coach to France. autocar File 3
It’s safer to use a cycle lane when you’re on your bike. carril bici File 3
Check you know the address or you will end up going to the acabar File 3
Get theplace.
ferry across the river. It has a nice view. ferry File 3
You need extra training to drive a lorry . camión File 3
Do you like my new motorbike ? It's really fast. motocicleta File 3
The speed limit is 70 miles per hour on the motorway in the UK. autovía File 3
Will I get a parking fine if I stay here too long? multa de aparcamiento File 3
This is a pedestrian zone . You can't drive here. zona peatonal File 3
I stopped at a petrol station to fill up the car. gasolinera File 3
Can you pick me up from the station, please? recoger File 3
Roadworks are starting on this road next week so traffic will be obras File 3
What will we do if we run out of petrol? agotarse File 3
The traffic is always bad in rush hour . hora punta File 3
My daughter uses her scooter to get to work. scooter File 3
You must wear a seat belt in cars in this country. cinturón de seguridad File 3
We set off early to avoid the traffic. marcharse File 3
There’s a speed camera over there so don’t drive too fast. radar File 3
What’s the speed limit on this road? límite de velocidad File 3
There’s a taxi rank outside the station. parada de taxis File 3
Sorry I’m late – there was a terrible traffic jam . atasco File 3
Turn right after the traffic lights . semáforo File 3
I go to work by tram . tranvía File 3
I use the London Underground every day. Metro File 3
My uncle is a builder and he has his own van . furgoneta File 3
Look out! ! You’re going to crash! tener cuidado/¡cuidado! File 3
It’s safest to cross the road at the zebra crossing . paso de cebra File 3
I’m afraid of spiders. dar miedo (algo) File 3
Are you still angry with me? enfadado con File 3
You should apologize to your sister for breaking her hairdryer. disculparse por File 3
I always argue with my parents about when I have to be home. discutir con File 3
We arrive at Heathrow at 10.30 a.m. llegar a File 3
What time do you arrive in London? llegar a File 3
I want to ask for some help with my homework. pedir File 3
Do you believe in ghosts? creer en File 3
Who does this jacket belong to ? pertenecer a File 3
You have to choose between these two dresses. elegir entre File 3
I’m very close to my mum and we speak on the phone every day. cerca de File 3
I might go to university – it will depend on my exam results. depender de File 3
This house is very different from your last one. diferente de File 3
Do you often dream about work? soñar con File 3
Are you excited about your holiday? emocionado por File 3
What’s your hometown famous for ? famoso por File 3
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
Example sentence Castellano File
He has really strong arms . brazos File 6
I hurt my back in a horseriding accident. espalda File 6
Did that dog just bite you? morder File 6
The ball hit him on the chin . barbilla File 6
Clap your hands! aplaudir File 6
My dog has really big ears . orejas File 6
She has beautiful blue eyes . ojos File 6
She has such a pretty face . cara File 6
What size are your feet ? pies File 6
You have lovely long fingers . dedos File 6
I broke my foot playing football. pie File 6
I have long brown hair . cabello File 6
Are your hands clean? manos File 6
I had a big head when I was a baby. cabeza File 6
Kick the ball as far as you can. dar una patada a File 6
I get a lot of pain in my knees when I walk. rodillas File 6
That girl has really long legs . piernas File 6
He has really thin lips . labios File 6
Keep your mouth closed when you’re eating. boca File 6
My neck hurts when I work on the computer for too long. cuello File 6
Nod your head if you want to say yes. asentir con la cabeza File 6
I have a large nose just like my mother. nariz File 6
Can you point at the person who stole your money? señalar File 6
My shoulders hurt from carrying that heavy bag. hombros File 6
I can smell garlic. oler File 6
She’ll smile at you if you smile at her. sonreír File 6
Don’t stare at people – it’s rude. mirar fijamente File 6
My stomach hurts because I ate too much. estómago File 6
Taste this cake – it’s delicious. probar File 6
I brush my teeth twice a day. dientes File 6
Throw the ball back to Jason. lanzar File 6
I hurt my thumb when I was playing tennis. pulgar File 6
Can you fit your toes into those pointy shoes? dedos de los pies File 6
How far can you stick your tongue out? lengua File 6
I broke a tooth on a hard bread roll. diente File 6
If you touch the screen it will open the website. tocar File 6
I like to whistle a tune while I do the gardening. silbar File 6
She has a lot of charisma . Everyone listens to her. carisma File 6
Ben Hur was an epic of the 1950s. épico File 6
Extras have to be on set early each morning. en el escenario File 6
My parents sent me away to boarding school when I was 13. internado File 7
Don't cheat in your exams! You will be caught. hacer trampas File 7
I went to art college when I left school. colegio universitario File 7
Do you want to get a degree from university? grado File 7
Primary school is called elementary school in America. elemental File 7
If you cheat in your exams the head teacher will expel you. expulsar File 7
Why did you fail your chemistry exam? suspender File 7
I want to study medicine, so I need good grades in science and notas File 7
What’s the name of the head teacher at your school? director (de un colegio) File 7
He’s a teacher at a high school in New York City. instituto de enseñanza secundaria File 7
I went to the same junior high school as my neighbour. escuela primaria File 7
I went to kindergarten when I was three years old. escuela infantil File 7
I went to middle school between the ages of nine and thirteen. colegio File 7
What happens to students who misbehave in class? portarse mal File 7
Before they go to school, children can go to nursery . guardería File 7
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
Example sentence Castellano File
This umbrella is useless . I think it's broken. inútil File 9
This chair is uncomfortable . I need to buy a new one. incómodo File 9
The train was uncomfortably hot. incómodamente File 9
It’s unfortunate you couldn’t be there. It was a great party. desafortunado File 9
The parks were beautiful, but unfortunately it rained every day. por desgracia File 9
Do you know anyone who is particularly lucky or unlucky ? desafortunado File 9
Unluckily for her, she missed her flight. desgraciadamente File 9
Journalists reported violence in the streets. violencia File 9
They had a violent argument and didn't speak again. violento File 9
Can I borrow your adaptor when I go on holiday, please? adaptador File 9
Has anyone got a phone charger I can use? cargador File 9
You should delete old work which you don't want to keep. borrar File 9
Do you want to install the updates now? instalar File 9
It has a full-size keyboard so it's very easy to write things. teclado File 9
I keep a copy of my work on this memory stick . lápiz de memoria File 9
My mouse is broken. It doesn't move on the screen. ratón File 9
Is there a plug which I can use in the classroom? enchufe File 9
Can I plug in this charger here? enchufar File 9
You can collect your work from the printer . impresora File 9
What else is on TV? Can you pass me the remote control ? mando a distancia File 9
The internet is very slow. I think our router is the problem. router File 9
Let me set an alarm on my phone for tomorrow morning. situar File 9
I need an adaptor to use my plug with this socket. enchufe File 9
Let's watch a movie. Can you set up the speakers ? altavoz File 9
The light switch is by the door. interruptor File 9
Please switch off the lights when you leave the room. apagar File 9
Can you switch on the TV, please? It's time for the show. encender File 9
Please turn down the music. It's very loud. bajar el volumen File 9
Can you turn up the heating? I'm cold. subir File 9
I will unplug my laptop. It's fully charged now. desenchufar File 9
Do you want to update this app? actualizar File 9
Can I borrow a USB cable ? I want to connect the speakers. cable USB File 9
Can you tell me what you mean? ¿Puedes decirme qué…? File 9
Could you tell me why they said that? ¿Podrías decirme por qué…? File 9
Do you know if the bus stops near here? ¿Sabes si…? File 9
I'd like to know what to do next. Me gustaría saber qué… File 9
I wonder if you could help me, please. Me pregunto si… File 9
I don't like cabbage and I don't like cauliflower either . tampoco File 9
Is it going to be hot weather? ~ I guess so. It looks hot. Supongo File 9
It's obvious that we will need more time to get there. Es obvio File 9
Can you help me? ~ Of course . How can I help? Por supuesto File 9
Take a coat and a hat. ~ Stop it , Mum! I'm not a child. dejarlo File 9
What if we stayed in New York? Would you like it? Qué ocurre si... File 9
Just click on the link in the message. hacer clic File 9
Is it possible for us to meet later? es posible File 9
There are four key principles to being lucky. principios File 9
Can I recycle my old phone? reciclar File 9
What will you study in your research project ? proyecto de investigación File 9
The second phase of the project starts next month. segunda fase File 9
Can you help me set up my new computer, please? configurar File 9
The results revealed an interesting idea about luck. los resultados revelaron File 9
These instructions are very unclear . I can't understand them. incierto File 9
If you make a mistake, press undo . deshacer File 9
What would make you unfriend someone on social media? antipático File 9
The IT department was unhelpful . I still have a problem. poco servicial File 9
sal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
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Vocabulary Banks - Transport
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Vocabulary Banks - Dependent prepositions
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
Phone language
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
ed/ing adjectives
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Sport
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
More words and phrases in File 5
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - Cinema
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
Vocabulary Banks - The body
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Education
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Vocabulary Banks - Houses
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
More words and phrases in File 7
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Work
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Vocabulary Banks - Word building
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Electronic devices
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
Compound nouns
Compound nouns
Compound nouns
Compound nouns
Compound nouns
Compound nouns
Compound nouns