StrataWall EC System
StrataWall EC System
StrataWall EC System
SECTION 2: Introduction
I. StrataWall™ EC System – A Preamble
Innovation has been the key word at Strata, and we are obsessed with the objective of
continuously upgrading our systems. We are committed to provide economic but safe
solutions to our esteemed clients. All along, conservation of the environment has always
been well within our sights. We have optimized the connection between the StrataWall™
precast concrete panel to develop the StrataWall™ EC System.
This document highlights salient essential aspects of constructing the reinforced soil
systems with StrataWall™ EC panel. Along with StrataStrip™ polyester (PET) soil
Concrete Retained
R Soil
Foundation Soil
• StrataWall™ EC is a Concrete panel-faced reinforced soil wall system. The granular backfill
is reinforced with StrataStrip™ Geogrids to create an internally stabilized mass of reinforced
soil which withstands both static as well as dynamic loads. This system consists of
StrataStrip Geogrids (up to 200 mm width), StrataConnect connectors (more robust than
any alternative in the market), and precast concrete panels. StrataStrip is positively
connected to the panel by passing it through StrataConnect embedded connectors which
create a cavity in the concrete panel.
Fascia Panels: The panels are the outermost face of the reinforced soil structure.
Their essential objective is to protect the structure backfill material from erosion.
Since the panels are essentially the exteriors of a reinforced soil system, they also
require to serve an aesthetic purpose and these precast panels often have an
embossed surface as per the client’s requirements. These panels can either be
manufactured at a precast facility or cast at project site using metallic / wooden
Metallic moulds may be provided by Strata on request for standard shapes.
Filtration Fabric: Generally, a non-woven geotextile filtration fabric used for covering
the joints between the panels. This is done for prevention of soil erosion through the
joints and only allow water to flow out from the wall.
This may be provided by Strata on request.
Wedges: When backfilling / compaction is carried out behind the panels, the panels
will tend to shift from the set alignment. It can be difficult due to certain constraints
to provide support systems along the exterior. Timber wedges typically made of soft
wood (or any locally available wood used in shuttering) are used to hold the panels in
position and ensure that they maintain the correct line and batter.
This may be provided by Strata on request.
Lifting Slings: Slings are used to lift the fascia panels from the moulds after
achieving sufficient strength and for all handling purposes.
This may be provided by Strata on request.
Ensure a levelled platform which is crucial for proper casting of the panels.
1. Standard methods of placement and the selection of the method will depend
inter alia upon the economics of the operation, availability of equipment,
confidence in the skills of the operator in attendance, and space and congestion
in and around the casting yard. Fig. 3.8 shows a pour direct from a truck mixer, a
commonly adopted procedure in India
Fig. 3.10: Cast panels in moulds in casting line about 16 hours after casting
and SC connector cavity covering tapes will be progressively removed
4. The cast panels shall be left undisturbed in the casting to ensure initial set for 16
hours or as per the design mix, and that the concrete gains adequate strength to
be lifted and transported for curing. After 16 hours, the cavity of the SC connectors
shall be removed with care, ensuring that the concrete is not spalled in the
1. Thereafter, lifting straps shall be placed through the SC Connector cavity as seen in
Fig. 3.12.
2. The panels are lifted with an overhead crane or a low capacity tyre mounted mobile
crane (Fig. 3.13) and carried to the area designated for curing.
At the very outset, approved “Good for Construction” drawings shall be made
available and documented at the Project site. Henceforth, such drawings shall be
referred to as “Drawing”.
The applicator assigned for the RS structure construction shall ensure and satisfy
itself that the stockpile for backfill as well as the backfill conforms with the criteria
set down by the designer in the Drawings.
A. Construction Equipment
In view of polymeric soil reinforcement being used, no tracked equipment / vehicle
shall be allowed at the project site. All equipment shall be rubber-tyred. The
following minimum equipment are recommended. The number of each to be
mobilised will depend on the quantum of work, schedules, lead distances etc.
• Dozer and / or back-hoe (JCB);
• Cranes with long boom;
• Hydra crane;
• Mechanised hand tampers;
• 8 Tonne capacity vibratory rollers;
• Earth movers / dumpers.
There shall be a soil layer of at least 100mm over the reinforcement before
any equipment can move over the reinforcement.
B. Site Preparation
Site preparation includes the conventional grubbing and levelling activities.
The alignment of the structure shall be carefully laid out, taking due cognizance of
the required carriageway width and alignment at the top of the structure, and the
designed batter of the StrataWall™ EC fascia.
2. The base of the excavation which will be the founding level of the structure shall
be closely examined and checked out for pockets of loose / soft material. Such
pockets shall be thoroughly removed off the inadequate material. The ensuing
excavation shall be dressed such that it can receive and facilitate proper
compaction within. The pocket shall be filled and compacted according to
standard compaction norms, preferably with the soil matrix material. Only in
specific approved cases, such excavation shall be filled with lean concrete or
similar stiff material. This is to ensure that there is no sudden change in the
stiffness of the founding material.
4. The subgrade shall be rendered smooth and all loose debris shall be removed.
The levels shall be according to the Drawing.
D. Levelling Pad
1. Locations for slip joints shall be clearly demarcated as per the Drawings. The
slip joint shall extend into the levelling pad. It may be noted that the designer
may locate the slip joint at change of level of the foundation requiring a step.
Such a step may be cast of M15 grade plain cement concrete and the slip joint
detailing shall be particularly noted at that location.
g Pad
2. The lean concrete for the levelling pad which will receive the StrataWall™ EC
panels shall be laid. Grade of concrete shall be minimum M-15. Width of the
levelling pad shall be according to the Drawing. Thickness of the lean concrete
shall not be less than 150mm, however the level of the top of the lean concrete
that would receive the first row of panels shall be horizontal and as per the
Drawings. The levelling pad shall be discontinuous at the location of the slip
joints. Width of the discontinuity shall be according to the Drawings.
3. The top of the levelling pad shall be rendered smooth to ensure intimate and
complete contact between the fascia panel and the lean concrete of the
levelling pad.
1. Polymeric or elastomeric spacer strips shall be provided along the edges of the
panels to ensure that there is no concrete-to-concrete abrasion. The strip will
also ensure intimate contact between the panel and the top surface of the
levelling pad. As a rule, spacer strips shall be provided in the joints between all
panels of he StrataWall™ EC system. Care shall be exercised while placing the
wedges to hold the panels in position during erection and backfilling the soil
3. Fig. 5.6 shows the erection of the initial row of panels. The first row is crucial
since it sets the trend of aligning the structure, the batter of the front of the
structure and the carriage width. Care shall particularly be exercised at curves
in the alignment of the carriageway. It would be difficult to rectify any error if
the first row of panels is misaligned in any way or off the required carriageway
alignment. The first row shall preferably be positioned with the help of struts,
scaffolding or templates.
Proper position and alignment of the first row of panels is very Crucial.
5. Generally the panels over the length and height of StrataWall™ ECU are adjusted
and held in position by wedges and clamps..
6. Fig. 5.7 shows a long boom crane used to help place the panels. While the
panels are not heavy, long boom cranes may be preferred to handle the panels
to cover areas that are not easily manoeuvrable, such as at foundation levels
and when the ramps under construction are not conducive to crane movement.
8. At 1m from the panel, the soil matrix (and also the soil backfill) shall be
compacted according to the standard globally observed compaction norms
which are not included in this document. The standard quality control practices
shall be observed.
9. Other detailing aspects required by the designer and as indicated in the
Drawings shall be implemented / constructed. These may include but not be
limited to appropriate placement of filtration fabric (nonwoven / woven
geotextiles), drainage system, geocomposites etc.
10. The obstructions indicated by the designer that cannot be removed, such as
pipes and culverts, in the Drawing. These details shall be strictly followed.
11. The soil matrix shall be placed and compacted with a mechanical hand tamper
or a regular vibratory compactor, depending on the distance of compacting the
matrix from the panel fascia.
13. Once the compacted soil matrix has reached the level of the SC connectors
through which StrataStrip™ have been inserted, the full length of StrataStrip™
shall be unrolled to full length and spread to the angle from the perpendicular
from the panel as shown on the Drawing, as shown in Fig. 5.10. StrataStrip™
shall be tugged and stretched to remove any slack in the reinforcement. The
reinforcement position will be maintained during placement and compaction of
the next layer of the soil matrix by wooden stakes.
Care shall be taken that StrataStrip™ geogrids do not cut across the designated slip
joints and do not overlap each other.
15. All through the activities of soil matrix placement and compaction, and
placement, spreading and aligning StrataStrip™ geogrids, the position and
alignment of the panels shall be continuously checked and corrected
Care shall be taken that StrataStrip™ geogrids do not cut across the designated slip
joints and do not overlap each other.
15. All through the activities of soil matrix placement and compaction, and
placement, spreading and aligning StrataStrip™ geogrids, the position and
alignment of the panels shall be continuously checked and corrected