Dual Axis Solar Tracking System-A Comprehensive Study: Bangladesh Context
Dual Axis Solar Tracking System-A Comprehensive Study: Bangladesh Context
Dual Axis Solar Tracking System-A Comprehensive Study: Bangladesh Context
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All content following this page was uploaded by Amit Chakraborty Chhoton on 25 January 2018.
Abstract— Energy crisis is one of the prime issues in the third larger part of the solar energy is lost within the world. It
world developing country like Bangladesh. There is an enormous sparkling and absolve to the entire and that we can never face
gap between generation and demand of electrical energy. Nearly the insufficiency of solar energy like more than a few different
50% population of the country is extremely isolated from this energy. During this work dual axis , solar tracker is the main
blessing. Renewable energy is the only answer to solve this issue.
S olar energy is one of the most effective resources of the
focus to talk about [20].This paper also demonstrates the
renewable energy which could play a significant role to solve this renewable energy state of dealings, entirely special light
crisis. This research presents a performance analysis of the dual sensors, some expected value of solar tracker etc. We are
axis solar tracking system using Arduino. The main objective of going to end with the premeditated tricks which might be
this research is whether a static solar panel is better than solar functional for upward the solar energy.
tracker or not. This work is divided into two parts hardware and
software system. In hardware part, four light dependent resistors II. SOLAR ENERGY
(LDR) is used to detect the utmost light source from the sun. Two
A. Solar Energy Circumstances of Bangladesh
servo motors conjointly used to move the solar panel to
maximum light source location perceived by the LDRs. In Developing country like Bangladesh, we don’t have an
software part, the code is written by using C programming adequate electric energy. Presently the quantity has augmented
language and has targeted to the Arduino UNO controller. The to 53% [2]. The government has located up the purpose of on
outcome of the solar tracker system has analyzed and compared condition that electricity to all by 2020 and to make sure
with the fixed or static solar panel found better performance in consistent and eminence supply of electricity at a level-headed
terms of voltage, current and power. Therefore, the solar tracker and inexpensive cost [2].Extension of Renewable Energy is
is proved more practical for capturing the maximum sunlight one of the vital strategies adopted as a piece of petroleum
supply for star harvesting applications. The result showed dual- diversification agenda[2]. Renewable Energy policy 2009, the
axis solar tracking system produced extra 10.53-watt power Government is policy to smooth the progress of both public
compared with fixed and single axis solar tracking system. and private sector investment in Renewable Energy projects to
replacement indigenous non- renewable energy supplies and
Keywords—solar tracking; single axis; dual axis; light
depending resistor (LDR), servo motor, arduino, altitude, azimuth,
scale up contributions of existing Renewable Energy b ased
charge controller. electricity productions [2]. The Renewable Energy strategy
envisions that 5% of total vigor fabrication will have to be
I. INT RODUCT ION achieved by 2015 and 10% by 2020 [2]. To achieve this
intention, Government of Bangladesh is looking for an
Now a day’s our socio-pecuniary growth depends on a lot of assortment of options sooner Renewable Energy assets. The
electrical energy. However, in rising countries, this electrical Government of Bangladesh has already launched “500 MW
energy is feebly managed. So we can solve this problem by Solar Power Mission” to promote the use of Renewable
using renewable energy. Solar, wind, gas, biomass, water etc. Energy to solve the scarcity of electricity [2].
sources of renewable energy. Among this solar power is being
rife attributable to its non-contaminated assets. This solar B. Solar Energy Perception in Bangladesh
power is regenerated into electricity for supplementary use. Bangladesh has a hopeful radical prospective in solar
This revolution is done by exploitation photo-voltaic switch. energy. To fulfill this demand Bangladesh government has
Solar panels are utilized in incarcerate the solar irradiance. premeditated to increase countrywide power production
However solar tracker is best than the panel because it senses competence up to 16000 MW of that 800 MW is expected to
the twist of the world rotates by its axes following the be generate from renewable sources [5]. The necessities of
formatter will need to create these components, incorporating electricity are often met by using the solar tracker. Within the
the applicable criteria that follow. Solar energy is the main coastal region of Bangladesh, the bright sunshine varies from
furnish source of all energy produced by sunlight. The energy 3 to 11 hours daily [20]. This information reveals that
of the sun reaches on earth with entirely different rays. A huge encompasses a sensible expectation in using solar panel and
amount of energy is transmitted from the sun every day; PV function [5]. Vacate all the tax on raw materials of the
solar system by the government of Bangladesh. So it is often
within the earth, we get a diminutive magnitude of it [20]. The
Fig. 4. Block diagram of overall system
performed on 14, 15 and 16 May 2016 for three cases. The
output power data is collected during 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
sun not the dual axis. That’s why we proposed to set up dual VIII. CONCLUSIONS
axis solar tracking system in the rooftop of every building. Dual axis tracker utterly aligns with the sun route and tracks
the sun movement in a very a lot of cost-effective loom and
includes a marvelous performance upgrading. The
Fixe d Array Single Axis Dual Axis
investigational outcomes clearly show that dual axis tracking
Time (watt) (watt) (watt) is good enough than single and fixed solar systems. The
8:00 0.15 .0045 0.92 proposed system is value effective conjointly as a stroke
9:00 0.87 0.5481 19.19
adjustment in single axis tracker provided notable power
10:00 16.89 20.24 30.89 increase within the system. Through our experiments, we’ve
11:00 20.18 22.25 32.51 got found that dual axis tracking will increase energy by about
12:00 19.24 19.61 33.76
40% of the fixed arrays. With a lot of works and higher
13:00 20.25 26.77 36.94
systems, we tend to believe that this figure can raise more.
14:00 14.71 17.76 29.58
15:00 16.36 18.25 27.57 IX. FUT URE WORK
16:00 8.44 18.89 26.40
17:00 1.09 8.76 24.67 Commercially, dual axis solar tracking is still rare even in
18:00 0.70 1.026 7.46
countries wherever a major part of electricity is being
produced by solar energy as they claim that single axis
In Table V shows the assessment of output power is shown in tracking is doing the work. However dual axis tracking will
tabular form for three cases. We are liable to performed noticeably increase the potency. For our research work we’ve
graphical comparison for three cases by plotting three power implemented this procedure on a sporadic power PV panel.
curves for three cases with the help of information provided in Cost effectiveness and proposed system potency may be
Table 5. In “Fig. 7,” shows the graphical evaluation of output discovered on a business level.
power for three cases and those data was represented
experimental data. Graphical evaluation is undoubtedly This research used mono crystalline PV panel. But a poly
showing the improved solar energy conversion for dual axis crystalline material based PV panel also can be used for this
tracking case [15]. Though single axis solar energy conversion proposed model. We used LDR for this proposed model but
curve is higher on top of the fixed PV array system, however, LDR is not a good choice as a sensor as it affected by dust. So
dual axis is showing higher influence as compared to the in future, we can also use the more efficient sensor. A reliable
single axis. Dual axis system high power capturing property is structure is very expensive compared to solar panel cost;
obvious from the graphical comparison [10]. therefore, adding an additional panel to the system ins tead of
spending on tracking structure is much more cost effective.
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