Constitution of MPCB
The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has been constituted u/s 4 of the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and shall be deemed to be the State Board for
the prevention and control of pollution under the provisions of the Air (Prevention & Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981. It is a body corporate having perpetual succession to exercise
powers and functions enumerated u/s 17 of the the Water (P & CP) Act, 1974 and Air (P &
CP) Act, 1981 respectively. The Board is further entrusted with implementation of the
provisions of the Environment (protection) Act, 1986 and Rules made thereunder.
To assist the pollution potential, the MPC Board regularly analyse water samples, air
samples and hazardous waste samples in the Central Laboratory and 7 Regional
For creating general awareness amongst the people on environmental issues, it is
constant endeavour of the Board to conduct various awareness programmes throughout
the State involving Press, Media, NGOs, Artists and Students. Efforts are also being made
to create awareness to celebrate almost all festivals in an eco friendly manner.
As a part of common environmental infrastructure for environmental protection,
CETP for treatment & disposal of industrial effluents, Common Facilities for treatment and
disposal of hazardous waste and bio-medical waste have been established across State.
MPCB has also taken initiative to carry out noise monitoring all over State of Maharashtra.
Subject to the provisions of the Act, the functions of a State Board shall be
(m)To lay down effluent standards to be compiled with by persons while causing
discharge of sewage or sludge or both and to lay down, modify or annual
effluent standards for the sewage and the trade effluents;
(n) To advise the State Government with respect to the location of any industry
the carrying on of which is likely to pollute a stream or well;
(o) To perform such other functions as may be described or as may, from time to
time be entrusted to it by the Central Board or the State Government;
Legal Section:
Law Officer:-
1. His prime duty will be to advise the Board on all legal matters relating to the workings of
the Board
2. He will be responsible to explore the cases of prosecutions against defaulters after
examining the record of various offices.
3. He will be responsible for finalise the complaints / applications / affidavits / Notices /
appeals etc.
4. He will be required, to Act, appear and plead in various courts / Tribunals / quasi-
judicial forums etc. whenever required.
5. To brief panel advocates / Senior Counsels /Special Counsels as and when required
6. To issue legal notice to defaulting agencies after collecting data from concerned
7. To attend courts in different parts of the state and take periodical review of cases filed
in various courts.
8. To compile cases law relating to Environmental Legislations.
9. To look after all legal matters including those filed by the Board or against the Board in
Supreme Court.
10. To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors
1. To draft complaints / applications / affidavits / Notices etc. and file the same in
appropriate Courts.
2. To Act appear and plead in the court of law on behalf of the board under the
guidance and supervision of law officer.
3. To collect documentary evidence and to prepare witnesses to adduce evidence
before Court.
4. To brief panel advocates and to render all necessary assistance to them for
Conducting cases on behalf of the Board.
5. To prepare written statement/Counters etc. in appeal matter under the Water (P. &
C.P.) cess Act, 1977, Water (P. & C.P.) Act, 1974, Air (P. & C.P.) Act, 1981,
Environment Protection Act. 1986 and under any other legislations.
6. To maintain proper record of various Court cases and provide information to
Statistical Wing and other Court agencies.
7. To file complaint/applications/affidavit in various courts throughout the State.
8. To keep follow up with concerned officers in relation to cases filed in the Courts.
9. To prepare statistical statement of pending cases for and against the Board and
submit the same, in the prescribed forms, if any, to the Central Board, State Govt.,
Central Govt. etc.
10. To carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors
Legal Assistant :-
1. To draft complaint applications against defaulting agencies.
2. To draft agreements, affidavits, contracts etc.
3. To brief the government pleaders.
4. To attend law courts for preliminaries.
5. To maintain the legal department’s library and act as Library Assistant for that
6. To perform any other function as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
1. He/She shall be principal technical and executive officer for the implementation
of the air/ water pollution control acts and the policies framed by the Board
thereunder towards prevention, control and abatement of air/water pollution in
the state of Maharashtra.
2. His/her main duty will consist of investigating into the problems of air/water
pollution in the state from all angles and to suggest corrective measures thereto
within the frame work of legislation on the subject.
3. He/she shall also be held responsible for developing analytical sections of the
laboratory. He/she will also carry out the normal duties of the head of the office
administratively, financially, technically and legally.
Regional Officer:-
1. He shall be responsible for enforcement of Water and Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Acts, within his jurisdiction.
2. His duties shall consists of
i. Collection of hydrological data of river courses.
ii. Details of various polluting agencies.
iii. Establishing and operating monitoring points so as to prepare water pollution
survey reports.
iv. Scrutiny of application for consents and making recommendations to the Board
office. It will be his principal responsibility to maintain the waters in his
jurisdiction as per the standards as may be prescribed by the Board.
v. He shall also responsible for the smooth working of the Sub Regional Offices,
Field Offices and Field Laboratories, if any, under his control.
vi. He shall also be the controlling officer/ Regional head, for the purpose of
administrative, financial, and technical powers as may be delegated to him.
vii. He will also carry out such duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Sub-Regional Officer
1. He shall be responsible for carrying out field work in the matter of collection of
hydrological data of river courses/ambient/ air data, details of various polluting
agencies and establishing monitoring stations, sampling, site inspections and visits
to factories and other polluting agencies, and preparing reports on the extent and
gravity of pollution of river basins/ ambient air in his jurisdiction.
2. He will be responsible for making first hand scrutiny of applications for consents
and recommending then to his superiors.
3. He will also be the controlling Officer for the purpose of administrative technical
and financial powers as may be delegated to him within his jurisdiction,
4. He will also carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by his
Field Officer
1. His main duty will be to know the Topography to collect the hydrological Data/Air
Quality data.
2. He shall arrange to collect samples from the sampling and the monitoring points
fixed by his superiors.
3. He would make prima-facie scrutiny of applications of consent and carry out such
other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Field Inspector :-
1) He will be overall controlling officers for all the scientific activities including
laboratories of the Board.
2) He will be responsible for giving guidance in respect of development and
standardisation of different methods in relation to analysis of environment pollutants.
3) He will be responsible for research activities to be undertaken by the Board in
various fields.
4) He will be responsible for planning and establishment of various Regional and Field
Laboratories of the Board and inspection/working thereof.
5) He will be responsible for granting of recognition to the laboratories and inspections
and working thereof.
6) He shall be responsible for investigation in the complaints of pollution covering the
Laboratory aspects.
7) He will be responsible for development and maintenance of Air and Water quality
surveys for different areas, rivers/creek, in the state and prepare status reports
8) He will assist authorities for implementation of various rules relating to manufacturer,
storage, import, management and handling etc. of hazardous waste/chemicals
covered under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
9) He will be responsible for making inventory of making hazardous waste and there
disposal sites required in connection with Grant of Authorisation under Hazardous
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989.
10) He will assist the authorities for identification of sites for disposal of Hazardous
11) He will be responsible for organising training of Laboratory Personnel covering the
related aspects.
12) He will discharge duties administratively/financially within the powers delegated to
his time to time.
13) He will be required to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by the
superiors from time to time.
Senior Scientific Officer :-
1. His prime job is to carry out Laboratory analytical tests for various parameters on the
samples of water and waste waters.
2. He may also be required to carry out such other jobs and duties which may be
assigned to him by his superiors.
Laboratory Assistant :-
Statistical Officer:-
Establishment Section:
Administrative Officer
His duties and responsibilities will consist of the following:
1) To estimate the man-power planning for the Board.
2) To propose creation of additional pasts with full justification.
3) To propose the recruitment rules and job-specifications for all posts under the board.
4) To Carryout periodical administrative inspections of the subordinate offices of the
5) To carry out disciplinary proceedings wherever necessary.
6) To plan the recruitment programme and to the fill up the vacant posts, by following
the attendant procedures.
7) To look after the various service matters.
8) To arrange for training programmes in respect of Board personnel.
9) To investigate and report in the matters of pilferage, damage, thefts, sabotage etc.
10) To carry out any other function as may be assigned to this post by his superiors.
Assistant Secretary:
1) To arrange and to do the work connected with the meetings of the Board and various
committees thereunder.
2) To prepare schemes which has bearing on the welfare of the staff.
3) To deal with matters related to office/ residential premises.
4) To handle all matters relating to telephone including Intercoms, Hot Lines, FAX,
Teleprinters, Telex, etc.
5) To arrange for extra official activities such as seminars symposiums, exhibitions, film
(documentaries) shows, etc.
6) To carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by Member
Accounts Section:
1) Responsible for the smooth running of accounts & Audit Wing of the Accounts section.
2) To accept and pass the bills for salary & T. A. bills (without limits), other bills etc.
3) To maintain the day-to-day accounts of the Board.
4) To ensure safe custody of cash and other securities, valuables of the Board.
5) To compile receipts/ expenditure with related information and Accounts periodically.
6) To comply the requirements of internal and/or statutory Audit.
7) To perform such other duties which will be entrusted by the authorities.
1) Responsible for the smooth working of the Budget and Inspection Wing in the Accounts
2) To Prepare the budget of the Board.
3) To prepare proposals to borrow money from approved sources by way of loans or issue
of bonds, debentures, etc.
4) To prepare proposals for obtaining grant-in-aid/ financial assistance from state/central
5) The annual inspections and physical verification of stock of the subordinate offices of the
6) The work related to issue of utilization certificate wherever required.
7) To deal with the schemes regarding C.P.F., Medical Reimbursement, Graduity
Conveyance, H.B.A., etc. and maintain the records and watch the recoveries thereof.
8) To perform such other duties as may be assigned by the superiors.
Accountant-Cum-Superintendent :
a) To look after and supervise the matters of Accounts and Administration allotted to First
Clerk/Clerk/Stores Clerks in the region.
b) To supervise receipt of money in kinds of D.D. /Cheques/Cash and pass on D.R.s
c) Checking Cash Book and Books of Accounts of receipts and payments.
d) Preparation of budget of the region including Regional Laboratory and its submission
to the Accounts Section in May ever year.
e) Consolidate the proposal of grant-in-aid of R.O., S.R.O. and Regional Lab, it’s scrutiny
as per budget estimates and submission of monthly accounts to H.Q. and compliance
of vouchers returned by Accounts Section within 7 days.
f) Submission of monthly returns of receipts, remittance, Bank Reconciliation etc. to the
Accounts Section.
g) Watch and get the accounts of advances of T.A., T.T.A., L.T.C. and purchases.
h) Review the Register of consent inward register and JVS register and watch the
outstanding recovery.
i) Inspection/ stock verifications of offices of S.R.O.s and Regional Laboratory
j) To look after the matters of purchases in the Region including Regional Laboratory.
3) To credit the remittances in the Bank which are in the nature of revenue receipts.
4) To file the annual returns of Income Tax, profession Tax and recoveries thereof,
Library Asst.
3) To maintain a master register for all books etc. indicating purchase price.
8) To acquire special type of glass cupboards and shelves for exhibition of books etc.
1. To take dictation and to transcribe then into English/Marathi over the typewriter.
2. When not busy in dictation, he is required to do general typing work.
3. To supervise over the typing pool of the board and equitably distribute the typing
4. To preserve out stencils in proper manner so as to be handy for re-use.
5. To act as P.A. to whom he is attached.
6. To carry out miscellaneous duties such as maintenance of tour programs,
attending telephone duties etc.
7. To take/give appointments of/to visitors.
8. To attend meetings and take down deliberations to facilitate drafting of minutes.
9. To assist the Administrative Officer in the matter of conducting stenography and
typing tests.
10. To perform such other functions as may be assign to him by his superiors.
1. To take dictation and to transcribe then into English/Marathi over the typewriter.
2. When not busy in dictation, he is required to do general typing work.
3. To supervise over the typing pool of the board and equitably distribute the typing
4. To preserve out stencils in proper manner so as to be handy for re-use.
5. To act as P.A. to whom he is attached.
6. To carry out miscellaneous duties such as maintenance of tour programs,
attending telephone duties etc.
7. To take/give appointments of/to visitors.
8. To attend meetings and take down deliberations to facilitate drafting of minutes.
9. To assist the Administrative Officer in the matter of conducting stenography and
typing tests.
10. To perform such other functions as may be assign to him by his superiors.
First Clark to work as Cashier in Accounts Branch.
1) To process cases of service matters Within the frame work of rules and regulations.
4) To maintain files and build-up record on the basis of one subject one file1.
6) To account for consent fees, cess fees, fees for appeals etc.
5) To carryout periodical verification of stocks and to report upon shortages and excesses
for further action.
Driver :-
1) To maintain the vehicle committed to his charge in a road-worthy condition.
2) To keep the readings of mileage and movement of his vehicle.
3) To have his vehicle repaired through the help of Stores Superintendent / Store
4) To arrange for safe parking of vehicle when not in use.
5) To perform any other duty as may be assigned to his by his superiors.
Daftari :-
Electrician :-
1) To attend to all the work of electrical installations such as new wiring, extensions to
existing wiring, fixing of additional electrical points, for additional installations, repairs
of electric fittings, repairs to Lab instruments which run on electricity.
2) To maintain air conditioning, repairing refrigerators, B. O. D. Incubators, Sterilisers
3) To arrange temporary electrical fitting when exhibitions/ seminars are to be
4) To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Peon :-
1) To maintain general cleanliness in an office.
2) To do the filling, to arrange set of documents.
3) To attend calling bells of officers to whom he is attached.
4) To distribute tapal to other officers by hand delivery where so desired.
5) To perform outdoor duty wherever necessary.
6) To assist the Store Keeper/Stores Superintendent in the matter of annual/periodical
stock verification duties
7) To perform any other duty as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Tracer :-
He will be responsible for meeting the drawing branch requirements of the office to which
he will be attached.
He will also carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Draftsman :-
He will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the drawing office instruments of
the Board. While he will be responsible for the safe custody and accountal of degree –
sheets and topo-sheets, he will also be responsible for meeting the office requirement of
tracing Ammonia-prints and their enlargement, if necessary.
He will also carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
He will be responsible for meeting the drawing requirements of the office to which he would
be attached. He will also carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by his
1) To maintain the overall security of the office, and its various assets, records from
pilferage/damage/theft/sabotage during and outside working hours/days.
2) To report any contingency to the officers / authorities of the board, who have been
provided with residential telephones.
3) To carry out duties of a peon when there is shortage of peons on duty.
4) To perform any other function as may be assigned to him by his superiors.
Roneo Operator :-
Executive Engineer:-
Executive Engineer is overall In-charge of Executive Engineer Section. To look after all
estates, buildings, office premises of the Board in Maharashtra State.
The Board functions as per the Provisions of the Water (P&CP)Act, 1974 Air
(P&CP) Act, 1981, Water (P&CP) Cess Act 1977 & Rules under Environment
(Protections) Act, 1986.
In the Technical Division cases are, generally, processed at the Field Officer
level and the files are submitted to Sub Regional Officer/ Regional Officer / Abatement
Engineer / M.S /Chairman as per the requirement of each case.
In the Law Division the cases are generally processed at the A.L.O and the files
are submitted to L.O/Sr. L.O./Member Secretary/Chairman, as per the requirement of
each case.
In Establishment and Accounts section cases are processed at the section level
and files are submitted to Asst. AO/AO/CAO/MS and Chairman as per the requirement
of each case.
In the Laboratory samples are analyzed by JSA/JSO and the results are submitted
to SO/SSO and then to the concerned.
Delegation of Powers to Grant Consent
In order to bring simplification and speedy disposal of consent application, Board has
delegated powers to Officers, Consent Committee and Consent Appraisal Committee.
These are enclosed in Annexure – I (A)
Under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control ) Rules,2000 as amended in 2009
Member Secretary and any officer of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board not below the
rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police are declared as designated Authority.
Norms set for Consent Clearance is enclosed as Annexure – I(A) & I(B)
Inspection / sampling norms for industries are as under;
Field Visits FO, SRO and ROs are assigned through IMIS module : Randomized Visit Scheduler.
5. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records, Held by Board or under its
control or used by its employees for discharge of its Functions.
Now depending upon the category and the Capital Investment of the industry the
application is forwarded through IMIS as per delegation of power. Refer below
The concerned authority will scrutinize the application, if it is fine then the application is
granted in IMIS and then status will be changed to " Approved" on the online portal
followed by uploading the signed consent copy. Otherwise if the application is not fine,
then the application is rejected in IMIS and notify the Entrepreneur by marking the
application status as " Rejected ". Industry can download the consent copy from online
For White category industry, the entrepreneur has to submit online intimation for notification
under White category application. Once online intimation is submitted, the entrepreneur will
receive automated notification (i.e. Registration notification) for the same.
Entrepreneur has to apply for online application from the below list to apply for
authorization or annual return services.
Hazardous Waste Authorisation (Form-1)
Hazardous Waste Annual Return (Form-4)
Hazardous Waste trader registration (Form 7)
Hazardous Waste accident report (Form 11)
Hazardous Waste filing appeal (Form 12)
Plastic Authorisation
BMW Authorization Application
BMW Annual Return
MSW Authorization
MSW Annual Return
E-Waste authorization (Form-1a)
E-Waste annual return
E-Waste authorization for dismantlers and recyclers(Form-4)
Battery Dealer registration
Environment Statement(Form - V)
Water Cess(Form - I)
Construction & Demolition Authorization (Form-I)
The entrepreneurs need to pay the consent fees to the Board as per the
statement given below. The term of consent for Red, Orange and Green category
industry is one, two and three years respectively. The industries can also obtain
the consent for extent 5 terms by paying proportionate fees.
Fees for combined consent for one term under Water and Air Acts:
Capital Investment
Sr. of industry Consent to Establish Consent to Operate
No (including land, building,
machinery without depreciation)
More than Rs. 100 ocapita
1 crores 0.02% of capital 0.02% fl
nt investment
2 Between Rs. 75 crs.to100 crs Rs. 1,25,000/- 0-
3 Between Rs. 50 crs. To 75 crs Rs. 1,00,000/- 0-
4 Between Rs. 25 crs. To 50 crs Rs. 75,000/- Rs.75,00/-
5 Between Rs. 10 crs. To 25 crs Rs. 50,000/- Rs.50,000/-
6 Between Rs. 5 crs. To 10 crs Rs. 25,000/- Rs.25,000/-
7 Between Rs. 1crs. To 5 crs Rs. 15000/- Rs.15000/-
8 Between Rs. 60 lacs. To 1 crs. Rs. 5000/- Rs. 5000/-
9 Between Rs. 10 lacs To 60 lacs. Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 1,500/-
10 Below Rs.10 lacs. Rs. 500/- Rs. 500/-
For Mining Project, in addition to Consent fees charged on the basis of capital
Investment, Rs. 0.40/ton will be charged every year.
For Local Bodies (under Water Act)
Any person against an order passed by the State Board under section 1, section
2 or section 4 may file an appeal to the appellate authority established by the
state government within thirty days from the date of order.
6. Statement of the Categories of Documents that are held by Board or under its
1) Consent applications received in Board. These files are kept for one year from
validity of consent and are available for view after the date of decision in Matter.
2) The order files including directions are returned to concern Regional Office.
3) Pending High Court petition files, pending Supreme Court petition files, pending
appeal under Water, Air and Environment files, pending appeals under RTI
Rules, 05; Judgments and orders in respect of disposed off cases from the High
Courts and Supreme Court for last 3 years from the date of decision in the
matter, available with the legal department. The judgments and orders of Lower
Courts in respect of cases filed by the Regional Officers and Sub –Regional
Officers will be available with the respective Regional Officers and Sub-Regional
Officers for last 3 years from the date of decision in the matter, Minutes of the
Board Meeting for last 3 years. Besides that some of the files regarding the
matters pertaining to Head Quarter legal issues including pending matters before
various Forums like Appellate Authorities under Environmental Laws, State
Consumer Forum, Labour Court, State Information Commission, Human Rights
Commission, High Court and Supreme Court matters of the Board may be
available provided those cases are referred to the legal department.
The matter related to regulations of Acts and Rules as per point 5
1. Water (Pollution Prevention and Control) Act, 1974, Air (Pollution Prevention and
Control) Act, 1981.
7. Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rule 2000, Amendment Rule- 2009.
1. Consents Committee
2. Consents Appraisal Committee
3. Research Advisory Committee
4. Laboratory Committee
5. Departmental promotion committee
6. Registration Process Monitoring Committee under Hazardous Waste
(Management Handling and Border Transport) Rules, 2008 and Electronic Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules, 2011.
7. Purchase Committee
8. Medical Reimbursement Committee
9. Industry Classification Committee
10. Tank Farm Committee
11. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Recycling Committee
12. Appellate Committee
13. Technical committee under product mix.
Minutes of meeting of above all committees are accessible and made transparent
through website of the Board ( http:/
Entrepreneur applies online for Consent / Authorisation application and for various
other online submission. Boards internal Consent/ authorisation and other online
form processing is also computerised through IMIS Software.
Air and Water quality data is also uploaded on Board’s website on monthly basis.
CETP , Hazardous Waste and other Waste ( Municipal Solid Waste, Bio-Medical
Waste, etc.) are regularly uploaded on Board’s website. Board’s entire English
version website is also available in Marathi version.
Consent and Projects such
to as townships,
Urban Local IT Parks,
Bodies SEZ,
Red Orange Green
S.N. Authority including Highways
Category Category Category
cantonment irrigation
Boards and Projects,
other planning Building and
authorities construction
Regional - Up to
1 Officer - Rs.50 Cr - -
All figures mentioned above are pertaining to Capital investment. The capital
including land, building, plant and machinery, without depreciation shall be
considered as per C.A. Certificate/Annual report.
The cases involved in any court case, in ecological fragile areas like Dahanu,
Matheran, Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, Murud Jangira etc; RRZ; Bhatsa area;
cases of Registration of recyclers & reprocesses be dealt with approval of Member
Delegation of powers for grant of combined consent and Authorization to Health Care
Establishments, Industries generating/handling Bio-Medical Waste and CBMWTSDF
(Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility)
BMW Section
Regional Officer
Maitree Section
Regional Officer Shri. Dilip K. Khedkar (suspend)
Sub Regional Officer Shri.J.S.Salunkhe
Shri. Prakash P. Munde
Establishment Branch
Shri. P. D. Nandgaonkar Addl.
Administrative Officer Charge) 210 24092006
Assistant Secretary (EB) Smt. Neeta Bhorade
Head Accountant Shri. Kanifnath Shingare
Accounts Branch
Chief Accounts Officer Shri. Shyamkumar R. Patil 204 24040612
Account Officer Smt. Sujata Balraj Shetye
Account Officer (Audit) Shri. S. G. Sawant
Smt. Rohoni D'souza (addl. Charge) 216
Asst. Account Officer Shri. Krishna Lembhe (addl. Charge)
Head Accountant Shri. Krishna Lembhe 218
Smt. Poonam Ghag 212
Smt. Geeta K. Gharat (addl. Charge)
Environment Information
Asst. System Officer (Statistical
Shri. D. M. Sonawane (Addl.
Officer/) Charge) 413 24087295/
Statistical Section
Shri. D. M. Sonawane (Adhoc
Statistical Officer Promotion) 308
Stores Department
Store Superitendent Smt. Rohini D’souza 405
Balance 3001.57
Balance 2892.25
Name of Office
Technical Information
Jurisdiction Information Appellate Officer
and officer
Dr. Amar R. Supate
Mumbai/ Thane/ Shri. Shripad R.
Kalyan/ Navi Kulkarni
Head Office, Mumbai/ Sub Regional Shri.Sameer Principle Scientific
Mumbai Raigad/ Nashik Officer Hundalekar Officer
Technical-I Field Officer
Shri Amol A.
Smt. Shubhangi
Head Office, Pune/ Kolhapur/ Satpute
Jadhav Dr. Vidyanand Motghare
Aurangabad/ Sub Regional
Mumbai Nagpur/ Officer
Field Officer A. P. A. E.
Technical-II ur
Smt. Nilam Kubal
Shri. Subhash
All Regional Asstt. Law
Offices, Officer
Head Office, Jr. Clerk
Sub Regional
Smt. Netra Chaphekar
Offices, Central
Mumbai Law Officer - 1
& Regional
of Board
All Regional
Head Office,
Shri. Kanifnath Mrs. Deepali
Shri. Pramod
Sub Regional Shinagare Mohite
Mumbai Nandgaonkar
Offices, Central Office
I/c. Administrative
& Superintendent F. C.
Establishment Officer
of Board
All Regional
Smt. Sujata
Head Office, Sheety
Sub Regional
Shri. Krishna
Offices, Central
Mumbai Account Officer Lembhe Shri. Shyamkumar Patil
Account H.A. Chief Account Officer
of Board
Regional Office