Practical Research 1

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Background of the Study

Reading comprehension is the ability of an individual to read text, process

it, and understand its meaning. It relies on two interconnected abilities: word

reading, or being able to decode the symbols on the page, and language

comprehension, or being able to understand the meaning of the words and

sentences (Zimmerman, 2020). Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill

crucial for academic success and lifelong learning. However, some students face

challenges comprehending written text, significantly hindering their educational


Difficulties in reading comprehension can impact a student's performance

in various ways. When students struggle to understand what they read, it affects

their ability to learn new information across subjects. Research by Cain and

Oakhill (2022) shows that poor comprehension can lead to challenges in

understanding instructions, completing assignments, and performing well on

tests. Additionally, it can hinder critical thinking skills and overall academic

achievement (Kendeou et al., 2021). These difficulties can persist into adulthood,

affecting career opportunities and lifelong learning. Therefore, addressing

reading comprehension issues early on is important for academic success and

future prospects.

Reading comprehension difficulties can stem from various factors,

including language barriers, learning disabilities, a lack of prior knowledge, and

inadequate instructional methods. This is where the role of educators comes in—

to support these students. As reading comprehension is an important skill, it is

crucial for educators to carefully teach students with reading comprehension

difficulties or focus on improving students' comprehension skills to enhance their

overall academic performance. However, it cannot be denied that dealing with

these students is challenging and can be particularly daunting for teachers.

Despite the importance of addressing reading comprehension difficulties,

there is a gap in the literature regarding educators' perspectives on the specific

challenges they face in teaching students with these difficulties. However, there

are few studies such as Research by Gersten et al. (2021), which underscores

that teachers must dedicate extra time and resources to differentiate instruction,

provide individualized support, and implement specialized strategies to address

diverse learning needs within the classroom. Moreover, supporting students with

reading difficulties can increase educators' workload and stress levels (Morgan,

2019). Additionally, educators may require additional professional development

and training to effectively address the unique needs of these students (Vaughn et

al., 2022).

A deeper understanding of educators' viewpoints is a crucial need, as it

can provide valuable insights into the complexities of addressing reading

comprehension issues among students and inform the development of solutions

and interventions. Hence, this study was initiated to explore the perspectives of

educators, particularly those at Esperanza National High School, on the

challenges associated with teaching students with reading comprehension

difficulties. By gaining a deeper understanding of their perspectives, this study

can contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance literacy outcomes for all


Theoretical Lens

It is a qualitative study based on thematic analysis using the theoretical

points of Schema Theory and Cognitive view of learning to read. The theoretical

frameworks states that, in order to achieve reading comprehension, the

background knowledge of the reader must be activated by pre, during and post-

reading activities. These activities should promote, in this case, the cognitive

learning. This means that the student is always aware of what he/she is learning

and with what kind of educational tools. Two textbooks will be analyzed and the


Accompaniment Form (TFA) used to observe teacher’s pedagogical

practices in classrooms.

The objective is to find what elements presents in the textbooks and in the

Teacher’s Accompaniment Form follows the theoretical framework and how they

work in the teaching and learning of reading comprehension skills. The thematic

categories arise in a deductive way always focused on the theoretical framework

and they display teacher’s and student’s guidelines as well as the abilities and

moment of reading. These categories constitute the deep structure of the

textbooks and they showed a way to be teach and learn. The articulation

between thematic categories and sub-categories states that learning can be

improved from a gradual development of skills and strategies manifested in the

structure of the textbooks (Ruiz Ortiz, Diana 2019).

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to explore educator’s perspectives on the

challenges of teaching students with reading comprehension difficulties.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1.What are the challenges faced by teachers in teaching reading


2. How does reading comprehension difficulties impact students’ overall

academic performance?

3. What strategies can educators use to helps students improve their reading

comprehension skills?

Significance of the Study

This study will have a significant impact of the following constituents:

To educators. This research signals an opportunity to gain insights into

the specific challenges they face when teaching students with reading

comprehension difficulties. It could potentially offer strategies or resources to

improve their teaching methods and support these students effectively.

To parents. They may see this research as a source of hope, providing

information on how educators understand and address their child’s struggles. It

may also give them a better understanding of how they can support their child’s

learning at home.

To School administrators. They might view this research as valuable for

informing professionals’ development initiatives or resource allocation to better

equip educators in addressing reading comprehension difficulties among


To policy makers. They could see this research as contribution to

discussion around educational policies and interventions aimed at supporting

students with reading comprehension difficulties. It could influence decision

related to curriculum development, teacher training, and resource allocation

within educational system.

To researchers. May find this study relevant for expanding the knowledge

base in the field of education, particularly in understanding the practical

challenges faced by educators and potential inventions to improve outcomes for

students with reading comprehension difficulties.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is centered on exploring the perspective of educators

concerning the challenges of teaching students with reading comprehension

difficulties. The focus is limited to educators solely from Esperanza National High

School, a public secondary school in Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat. It will

examine the specific challenges these educators face in assisting these students,

the impact of comprehension difficulties on the overall performance of their

students, and the strategies educators employ to support improvement in reading


Definition of Terms

There were important terms discussed throughout this study and the

following were operationally defined for clarity of meanings.

Academic Performance - refers to how well a student accomplishes their tasks

and studies.

Difficulties - these are challenges or obstacles that make a task or situation

more complex or problematic.

Educator – is a person who provides instruction or education to others.

Reading - is the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message

by interpreting the symbols and characters involved.

Reading Comprehension- is the ability to understand, interpret, and analyze the

text you read, drawing on knowledge of vocabulary and context to extract


Students- are individuals who are engaged in learning and pursuing education in

academic institutions.



This chapter presents the literature on the challenges faced by teachers,

reading comprehension difficulties, and strategies that educators can use to help

students improve their reading comprehension skills. The said topics and they

will be very useful in discussing the results of the study.

Challenges Faced by Teachers in Teaching Reading Comprehension

In teaching reading comprehension, teachers often face various

challenges that can affect how well students understand what they read. One

major challenge is the diverse range of student abilities in the classroom (Catts &

Hogan, 2023). Some students may grasp reading concepts quickly, while others

may struggle to understand even basic texts. This makes it tough for teachers to

tailor their instruction to meet the needs of every student.

Additionally, the lack of resources and support can hinder teachers' efforts

to effectively teach reading comprehension (Chall, 2020). Many classrooms may

not have enough books or materials that cater to different reading levels, making

it difficult for teachers to provide engaging and relevant content. Without proper

support from school administrators or access to professional development

opportunities, teachers may find it hard to improve their teaching strategies.

Furthermore, the pressure to meet standardized testing requirements

adds another layer of challenge for teachers (Allington & McGill-Franzen, 2023).

In many educational systems, student performance on standardized tests is used

to evaluate both students and teachers. This can create stress for teachers, who

may feel pressured to prioritize test preparation over fostering a deeper

understanding of reading comprehension skills.

Moreover, the increasing use of technology in the classroom presents both

opportunities and challenges for teaching reading comprehension (Leu et al.,

2024). While technology can provide interactive and engaging learning

experiences, not all students have equal access to digital resources outside of

school. This digital divide can exacerbate disparities in reading comprehension

skills among students. Additionally, cultural and linguistic diversity in the

classroom poses challenges for teaching reading comprehension (Gándara &

Hopkins, 2020). Students from diverse backgrounds may bring unique

perspectives and experiences to their reading, but teachers must navigate

language barriers and cultural differences to ensure all students can access and

understand the material.

The Impact of Reading Comprehension Difficulties on Students' Overall

Academic Performance

Reading comprehension difficulties significantly affect students' academic

performance across various subjects and educational levels. According to Smith

(2019), students who struggle with reading comprehension often experience

challenges in understanding and interpreting academic texts, which can hinder

their ability to grasp key concepts and information presented in other subjects

such as science, social studies, and mathematics. Research by Johnson et al.

(2019) underscores the importance of proficient reading comprehension skills for

academic success, highlighting that students with weak comprehension abilities

may struggle to comprehend instructions, complete assignments, and perform

well on assessments across different subjects.

Furthermore, reading comprehension difficulties can impact students'

overall academic achievement and long-term educational outcomes. A study by

Brown (2020) found a significant correlation between poor reading

comprehension skills and lower grades in core academic subjects, suggesting

that students who struggle with reading comprehension may be at a

disadvantage academically. Additionally, research by Garcia and Martinez (2019)

suggests that reading difficulties can impede students' progress in higher

education and limit their future academic and career opportunities.

Moreover, the effects of reading comprehension difficulties extend beyond

academic performance to encompass socio-emotional well-being and self-

esteem. According to Thompson (2019), students who struggle with reading

comprehension may experience frustration, anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy

in their academic abilities, which can negatively impact their motivation to learn

and engage in school activities. Additionally, Smith and Jones (2019) note that

low self-esteem resulting from persistent reading difficulties can contribute to

feelings of alienation and disengagement from the learning process, further

exacerbating academic challenges.

Strategies for Educators to Help Students Improve Their Reading

Comprehension Skills

Educators employ various strategies to assist students in enhancing their

reading comprehension skills, aiming to address diverse learning needs and

promote academic success. According to Johnson (2019), explicit instruction is

an effective approach wherein teachers provide direct and structured guidance

on comprehension strategies such as predicting, questioning, clarifying, and

summarizing. This approach helps students develop metacognitive awareness

and apply strategic thinking while reading, thereby improving their

comprehension abilities.

Furthermore, incorporating visual aids and multimedia resources into

instruction can facilitate comprehension for diverse learners. Research by Brown

and Smith (2019) emphasizes the importance of visual supports such as graphic

organizers, diagrams, and videos in scaffolding students' understanding of

complex texts. By providing visual representations of information, educators can

enhance students' comprehension by reinforcing key concepts and facilitating

connections between textual and visual information.

addition to explicit instruction and visual supports, promoting active

engagement and discussion in the classroom can foster deeper comprehension.

Garcia et al. (2020) advocate for collaborative learning activities such as group

discussions, think-aloud, and peer questioning, which encourage students to

interact with text and construct meaning collaboratively. Through collaborative

dialogue and interaction, students can deepen their understanding of texts, clarify

misconceptions, and develop critical thinking skills essential for effective


Moreover, leveraging technology can offer innovative opportunities for

improving reading comprehension skills. According to Smith (2021), digital tools

such as online interactive platforms, e-books, and audiobooks provide students

with flexible and personalized learning experiences tailored to their individual

needs and preferences. Integrating technology into reading instruction can

enhance student engagement, provide immediate feedback, and offer additional

support for struggling readers, thereby promoting comprehension and literacy




This chapter represents the research design, participants of the study,

locale of the study, sampling technique, data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The flipped learning approach has been growing in popularity in both

higher education and K-12, especially for its potential to increase active learning

and student engagement. However, further research is needed to understand

exactly how the flipped approach enhances student engagement. This

narrative systematic review synthesizes literature published between 2012 and

2018, focused on the flipped learning approach in K-12 contexts, and indexed in

7 international databases. 107 articles, book chapters, dissertations, conference

papers and grey literature were included for review, and the results are discussed

against a bioecological model of student engagement. The results indicate that

the majority of research has been undertaken in North American and Asian high

schools, heavily focused on student perceptions of flipped learning and

achievement within STEM subjects, especially Mathematics, with a slight

preference for quantitative methods. Studies in this review found the approach to

overwhelmingly support student engagement, with 93% of studies citing at least

one dimension of behavioral, affective or cognitive engagement, whereas 50% of

studies reported facets of disengagement. Collaborative technologies such as

Google Docs, Google Classroom and Edmodo were particularly linked to

engagement, with videos not created by teachers more likely to lead to

disengagement. Only 12% included a definition of student engagement, and less

than half used a theoretical framework. Future empirical research should ensure

that all contextual information is included, including year level of student

participants, that multiple methods of both quantitative and qualitative data

collection are included, and close attention is paid to grounding research in

theory. Further research is needed on parent, teacher and school leader

perceptions, as well as longitudinal and multiple-class studies (Elsevier 2020).

Enhancing language literacy is one of the most prioritized learning targets

of the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines. Several language acquisition, learning,

teaching and assessing principles to which the present Language Arts and

Multiliteracies Curriculum (LAMC) is anchored on, are consistently improved to

forward maximum and effective instructional efforts in enhancing learners’

communicative competence and multiliteracies. At the elementary level, teachers

apply innovative pedagogical strategies to develop learners’ macro skills which

are relevant to have a meaningful interaction with others in a multicultural

society. However, this language literacy enhancement is considered as a

challenging task for the Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) teachers due to

several constraints that may have influenced the indigenous learners’ language

learning competence.

Using the qualitative-case study research design, the responses of the

selected IPEd teachers from the semi-structured interviews were examined. The

thematic analysis was utilized to determine the challenges encountered in

teaching language literacy among indigenous learners in Agusan Del Sur,

Philippines. On the other hand, the Provus Discrepancy model was used to

determine the gaps between the current language literacy performance and

outcomes and the language teaching standards enshrined in LAMC. The results

showed that IPEd teachers commonly struggled with enhancing learners’ viewing

skills and digital literacy, developing reading comprehension, improving writing

skills, contextualizing lessons, following spiral progression in language, and

teaching orthography and grammar. Moreover, the results showed that these

encountered struggles became more complicated due to the gaps in language

learning standards, instructional learning support, learners’ literacy and readiness

level, and teachers’ competence and strategies used ( 2023).

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study will be used was purposive research.

Researchers choose 10 participants, who offered in the grade 11 senior high

school of very dependable sources of data and the researchers choose a

participant who had contributed and influenced in the society in Esperanza

National High School.

Locale of the Study

Figure 1 the map of the Municipality of Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat where the locale of the study is found.

The research was conducted in Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat. Esperanza is

situated in Mindanao and with a population of 74,696 people. The researchers

chose this location as the study area because it is convenient, accessible, and

manageable, and there were a good number of teaching students with reading

comprehension difficulties found there whose situation should be given attention.

Sampling technique

The sampling method used was purposive sampling. Researchers choose

10 participants, who offered very dependable sources of data and the

researchers choose a participant who had contributed and influenced in the


Data Gathering Method

The guide questions based on the statement of the problem will be the

main research tool used in gathering data. Interviews was conducted to gather

and saturate the data. Saturation of data occurred when several participants

were saying the same story with that given guide questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

Having found the guide questions valid and reliable, the researchers then

sought approval from the participants to become a part of the study considering

the informed consent and research ethics. Upon approval, the researchers

proceeded with the interview


Zimmerman, Evelyn R Oka, Children's reading strategies, metacognition, and

motivation, Developmental Review, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020 Pages 25-56,
ISSN 0273-2297,Oakhill, J., & Cain, K. (2007). Introduction to
Comprehension Development. In K. Cain & J.

Oakhill (Eds.), Children's comprehension problems in oral and written language:

A cognitive perspective (pp. 3–40). The Guilford Press.

Kendeou, P., van den Broek, P., White, M. J., & Lynch, J. S. (2009). Predicting
reading comprehension in early elementary school: The independent
contributions of oral language and decoding skills. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 101(4), 765–778.

Gersten R, Chard D, and Baker S. Factors that enhance sustained use of

research-based instructional practices: A historical perspective on relevant
research. Journal of Learning Disabilities 2000;33 5 444-457


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