CM WDDBA Level 3
CM WDDBA Level 3
CM WDDBA Level 3
November, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of
TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the
development of this Curriculum for the TVET program Web development and database administration
Level III.
In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards
This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different Regional
TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the occupational
standard for Web Development and Database Administration Level III.
The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry of
Labor and Skills.
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................... 2
Preface ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1. TVT-Program Design ......................................................................................................... 5
1.1 TVT-Program Title: Web Development and Database Administration Level III ........ 5
1.2 TVT-Program Description ............................................................................................ 5
1.3 TVT-Program Structure ................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Duration of the TVET-Program ................................................................................... 8
1.5 Qualification Level and Certification ........................................................................... 9
1.6 Target Groups ............................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Entry Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Mode of Delivery.......................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Institutional Assessment ............................................................................................. 10
1.10 TVT Teachers Profile ............................................................................................. 10
1.11 Training and Assessment Methodology.................................................................. 11
2. Module design .................................................................................................................... 14
3. Annex: Resource Requirements ....................................................................................... 39
4. Developer’s Profile ............................................................................................................ 41
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the trainees to the
standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line with the occupational
standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will be qualified to work as a Web
developer and Database Administrator technician with competencies elaborated in the respective
OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the Industry sector in
the field of Web development and database administration.
The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified competences
specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to model website technical requirement, model
data objects, develop website information architecture, design program logic, develop cascaded style
sheets, write content for web page, use basic structured query language, integrate database with a
website, monitor and support data conversion, evaluate and select web hosting. In accordance with the
performance criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Module Unit
(In Hours)
EIS WDDBA3 01 1221 Website Technical EIS WDDBA3 M01 0322 Modeling website technical • Website technical environment
Requirement requirements • Human computer interface
modelling 30
• Website hierarchy
EIS WDDBA3 02 1221 Model Data Objects EIS WDDBA3 M02 0322 Modeling Data Object • Conceptual data model
• Normalization
• Data model validation
EIS WDDBA3 03 1221 Develop Website EIS WDDBA3 M03 0322 Developing Website Information • Identification of Content Needs
Information Architecture • Content structure
Architecture 50
• Navigation system
• Showcase and sign off
EIS WDDBA3 04 1221 Design Program EIS WDDBA3 M04 0322 Designing Program Logic • program logic design 50
Logic • program logic Documentation
EIS WDDBA3 05 1221 Develop Cascaded EIS WDDBA3 M05 0322 Developing cascading style sheets • Fundamentals of CSS and User-
style sheets Centric Design
• Web page creations using CSS and 90
• web page and CSS Validation and
EIS WDDBA3 07 1221 Use Basic Structured EIS WDDBA3 M07 0322 Using Basic Structured • Fundamental Concepts of a relational
Query Language Query Language database
• Data definition language 100
• Data manipulation language
• Data query language
EIS WDDBA3 08 1221 Integrate Database EIS WDDBA3 M08 0322 Integrating Database • website to database connection
with a website with a website • Retrieve data from database and
display on web pages 80
• database user input manipulation
EIS WDDBA3 09 1221 Monitor and Support EIS WDDBA3 M09 0322 Monitoring and Supporting • Monitor data conversion 30
Data Conversion Data Conversion • Support data conversion
EIS WDDBA3 10 1221 Evaluate and select EIS WDDBA3 M10 0322 Evaluating and selecting • ISP Selection
Web Hosting Service Web Hosting Service • Permanent Online Presence
• Technical Requirements for Web 40
• Benchmark and Test Performance
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVT institution.
The Program will have duration of 570 hours including the on school/ Institution training and
on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities of
the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors will be
considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and workplace
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVT Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVT Program is Level III.
The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be awarded
the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only institutional
certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.
Any citizen with disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and capable of
participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.
The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.
This TVT-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The
mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work place/
industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get
hands-on experience.
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes are
achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them, verifiable
and observable indicators and standards shall be used.
The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the training
process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success or failure in
attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to be corrected,
and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher, formative
evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more effective.
Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines.
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.
The teachers conducting this particular TVT Program are B Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.
The program is delivered using a variety of training methods. The table below shows training and assessment methodology for non-impaired trainees
and with reasonable adjustment for impaired trainees. In addition, as per the nature of the module title the trainer can use recommended and possible
training and assessment methodology.
Learning Methods:
For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture- ❖ Provide large print text ❖ Assign sign language interpreter ❖ Organize the class room seating ❖ Organize the class room seating
discussion ❖ Prepare the lecture in Audio/video ❖ Arrange the class room seating to be arrangement to be accessible to arrangement to be accessible for
❖ Organize the class room seating conducive for eye-to-eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to trainees ❖ Make sure the luminosity of the light ❖ Speak loudly ❖ Facilitate and support the
❖ Write short notes on the black/white of class room is kept ❖ Ensure the attention of the trainees who have severe
board using large text ❖ Introduce new and relevant trainees impairments on their upper
❖ Make sure the luminosity of the light of vocabularies ❖ Present the lecture in video limbs to take note
class room is kept ❖ Use short and clear sentences format ❖ Provide Orientation on the
❖ Use normal tone of voice ❖ Give emphasis on visual lecture and ❖ Ensure the attention of the physical feature of the work
❖ Encourage trainees to record the lecture ensure the attention of the trainees trainees shop
in audio format ❖ Avoid movement during lecture time
❖ Provide Orientation on the physical ❖ Present the lecture in video format
feature of the work shop ❖ Summarize main points
❖ Summarize main points
Demonstrat ❖ Conduct close follow up ❖ use Sign language interpreter ❖ Illustrate in clear & short method ❖ Facilitate and support the trainees
❖ Use verbal description ❖ Use video recorded material ❖ Use Video recorded material having severe upper limbs
Group ❖ Facilitate the integration of trainees with ❖ Use sign language interpreters ❖ Facilitate the integration of ❖ Introduce the trainees with their
discussion group members ❖ Facilitate the integration of trainees trainees with group members peers
❖ Conduct close follow up with group members ❖ Conduct close follow up
❖ Introduce the trainees with another group ❖ Conduct close follow up ❖ Introduce the trainees with
member ❖ Introduce the trainees with another another group member
❖ Brief the thematic issues of the work group member ❖ Inform the group members to
speak loudly
Exercise ❖ Conduct close follow up and guidance ❖ Conduct close follow up and guidance ❖ Conduct close follow up and ❖ Assign peer trainees
❖ Provide tutorial support if necessary ❖ Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance ❖ Use additional nominal hours if
❖ provide special attention in the process ❖ provide special attention in the ❖ Provide tutorial support if necessary
process/practical training necessary
❖ Introduce new and relevant ❖ provide special attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical training
❖ prepare the assignment questions in large ❖ Use sign language interpreter ❖ Provide briefing /orientation on
text ❖ Provide briefing /orientation on the the assignment
Individual ❖ Encourage the trainees to prepare and assignment ❖ Provide visual recorded material
assignment submit the assignment in large texts ❖ Provide visual recorded material
❖ Make available recorded assignment
❖ Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Interview ❖ Use sign language interpreter ❖ Speak loudly ❖ Use written response as
❖ Ensure or conform whether the proper ❖ Using sign language interpreter if an option for the trainees
communication was conducted with the necessary having speech challenges
trainee through the service of the sign
language interpreter
❖ Use short and clear questioning
❖ Time extension
Written test ❖ Prepare the exam in large texts ❖ Prepare the exam using short sentences, ❖ Prepare the exam using short ❖ Use oral response as an
❖ Use interview as an option if multiple choices, True or False, sentences, multiple choices, true option to give answer for
necessary matching and short answers or false, matching and short trainees having severe
❖ Prepare the exam in audio format ❖ Avoid essay writing answers if necessary. upper limb impairment
❖ Assign human reader ❖ Time extension ❖ Time extension for
❖ (if necessary) trainees having severe
❖ Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration/ ❖ Brief the instruction or provide ❖ Use sign language interpreter ❖ Provide activity-based assessment ❖ Provide activity-based
Observation them in large text ❖ Brief on the instruction of the exam ❖ Brief on the instruction of the assessment
❖ Time extension ❖ Provide activity-based/ practical exam ❖ Conduct close follow up
assessment method ❖ Use loud voice ❖ Time extension
❖ Time extension ❖ Time extension
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to design a website
specification within a particular technical and human interface environment.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Understand hardware and software business requirements and website architecture
• Gather data through formal and informal ways and analyze responses
• Analyze user profile and user needs
• Identify operating system and search engine to develop a site
Understand hierarchical structure for pages and information to ensure logical and
accessible content presentation.
Unit One: Website technical environment
1.1. Hardware and software in business requirements
1.2. Website Development Requirements: Standards, Software, and Hardware
1.3. Website architecture principles
1.4. Website development tools, equipment and standards
1.5. Information gathering
Unit Two: Human computer interface
2.1. User profiling and needs analysis
2.2. Determination of user content and requirements
2.3. Principles of website design
Unit One: Technical environment
• Understand hardware and software in business requirements and their types in designing
a website
• Understand website architecture principles
• Identify website development tools, equipment and standards.
• Comprehend information gathering goals and methods
Unit Two: Human computer interface
• Analyse user profile and user needs in line with the work steps
• Understand user research and content planning
• Comprehend appropriate design principles for site
• Understand application of design principles
• Understand in choosing appropriate operating system and search engines
Unit Three: Website hierarchy
• Understand hierarchy concepts in line with user needs and goals
• Understand in enhancing navigation
• Understand in maintaining consistent and clear navigation between pages
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes the knowledge and skill which is
necessary to create robust and efficient data models that accurately represent real-world entities
and their relationships.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Understand and analyze business operations
• Design an ER diagram on a real-world entity and with their relationships
• Apply rules of normalization
• Understand validation and documentation of data model
Unit One: Conceptual data model
1.1. Analysis of business data operations
1.2. Scope of the system
1.3. Entities, attributes, data types and relationships of data
1.4. Review business rules
1.5. Documentation of entity relationship diagram
Unit Two: Normalization
2.1 Identification of suitable business data
2.2 Rules of normalization
2.3 Normalize business data and document results
2.4 Compare normalization results with ER diagram
2.5 Reconcile differences between data
Unit One: Conceptual data model
• Understand and analyze business operations and scopes
• Understand and identify types of entities, attributes, data types and relationships
• Design an ER diagram on a real-world entity and with their relationships
• Review business rules to determine impact
• Document of entity relationship diagram
Unit Two: Normalization
• Identify suitable business data
• Understand normalization of business data and documentation of results
• Understand normalization rules and benefits
• Apply stages of normalization
• Compare normalization results with ER diagram
• Understand in reconciling differences between data
Unit Three: Data model validation
• Understand Validation of data model with client
• Understand in resolving issues or recommendations
• Understand documentation of completed data model
• Document functionality and scalability of database.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Identify content needs
• Plan content structure
• Develop navigation system
• Showcase and provide a comprehensive sign-off
Unit One: Identification of Content Needs
1.1 Strategic intent of website
1.1.1. Difference between a Webpage and a Website
1.1.2. Website strategy
1.2 Development of information requirement
1.2.1 Intended audiences
1.2.2 Types of client interactions
1.2.3 Long- and Short-term goals for the site
1.3. Identification and Categorization of Information
1.4 Content Requirements
Unit Two: Content structure
2.1 Web design Software and Code Editor
2.2 Information And Documents Clustering
2.3 Hierarchy of information
Unit One: Identification of Content Needs
• Knows about Strategic intent of website
• Develops information requirement
• Identify and Categorize Information within Business Structures
• Identify content requirements
Unit Two: Content structure
• Understand Software and Coding
• Organize Website Content
• Knows Hierarchy of information
• Write Client Navigation plan
Unite Three: Navigation system
• Build website navigation system
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
Knowledge required to develop cascading style sheets (CSS) that are attached to a mark-up
language document.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
● Understand the fundamentals of CSS and essential design principles
● Demonstrate method of positioning and arranging document elements
● Understand the concept of style sheets and their application across multiple pages
● Design Responsive Website
● Explore techniques for handling browser-specific styling challenges
● Emphasize the importance of adhering to industry standards in CSS
● Address browser-specific differences to enhance website accessibility
Unit One: Fundamentals of CSS and User-Centric Design
1.1. Introduction to CSS and basic design principles
1.2. User requirements for CSS style
1.3. Development of CSS to Match User Requirements
Unit Two: Web page creations using CSS and HTML
2.1 Style elements of a web page
2.2 Page layout creation
2.3 Positioning document elements
2.4 Style sheets application on multiple pages on a website
2.5 Web pages creation for varied screen resolutions
2.6 Application layering for the Desired Design
Unit One: Foundations of CSS and User-Centric Design
• gather and analyze user preferences for styling
• prioritize and incorporate user preferences into the design process
• understand and apply basic design principles, such as layout, color, and typography
• apply CSS concepts to create simple styles for web elements
• address challenges in translating user requirements into effective CSS styles
Unit Two: Web page creations using CSS techniques
● Understand the fundamentals of CSS and essential design principles
● Understand how to gather user preferences and requirements for effective styling
● Apply learned principles to develop CSS that aligns with user preferences
● follow principles of layout design using CSS
● apply methods of positioning and arrange document elements
● explain concept of style sheets and their application across multiple pages
● solve challenges of designing for different screen sizes
● Emphasize the importance of adhering to industry standards in CSS
● Address browser-specific differences to enhance website accessibility
Unit Three: Web page and CSS Validation and testing
● Evaluate CSS code for adherence to industry standards, such as W3C standards
● Understand of the importance of conforming to established CSS guidelines.
● employ CSS validation tools to identify and address code errors
● Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of validation tools.
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module defines the competence required to write concise,
clear and Relevant content for web pages on behalf of a client.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Understand content requirements
• Create compelling web content
• Optimize content for accessibility and visibility
• Edit content effectively
• Upload and manage web content
Unit One: Site Content Requirement Determination
1.1. Customer information needs identification
1.1.1. Audience analysis
1.1.2. Site functionality assessment
1.1.3. Client requirement
1.2. Site purpose & functionality
1.3. Content channels and format identification
1.4. Template and style guide selection
1.5. Relevant site content identification
1.6. Site design alteration negotiation
Unit Two: Webpage Content Creation
2.1 Content generation based on client requirements
2.2 Optimization of content for accessibility and visibility
2.3 Content Editing for audience and functionality
Unit One: Site Content Requirement
• Identify and analyse customer information needs
• Validate the accuracy of site goals and functionalities
• Identify and propose content channels relevant to the target audience.
• Select appropriate templates and style guides according to organizational procedures.
• Demonstrate an understanding of information architecture and its impact on content.
• Demonstrate effective communication skills in negotiating design changes.
Unit Two: Webpage Content Creation
• Generate content in accordance with client requirements.
• Optimize content for search engine visibility.
• Refine content based on site functionality and client requirements.
Unit Three: Content Upload
• Successfully log in to the server using administrative or anonymous FTP.
• Effectively manage file transfer protocols.
• Organize files logically based on design principles and user needs.
• Demonstrate the successful upload and management of content.
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module defines the compétence required to use a basic
structured query language (SQL) to define, create and manipulate database structures and
associated data in a relational database.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Describe data management approaches
• Practice installing and uninstalling DBMS software
• Explain structured query language
• Differentiate SQL keywords from identifiers
• Apply SQL DDL to create and manipulate database structures
• Apply SQL DML to manipulate a database data
• Use SQL query to retrieve data from the database
• Explain SQL data control language
• Differentiate between SQL DDL, DML, DQL and DCL
Unit One: Fundamental Concepts of a relational database
1.1 Data management approaches
1.2 Relational Database management system
1.3 Basics of Structured query language
Unit one: Fundamental concepts of a relational database
• Understand database management system
• Identify disadvantage of the file-based approach
• Grasp relational database management system
• Identify the different data models
• Understand the relationship of relational data model with the Structured query language
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes defines the competency required to skills
and knowledge that define to ensure database integration with website.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Connect website to database
• Retrieve data from database and display on web pages
• Update database data from user input
Unit One: website to database connection
1.1. Web servers, databases and server-side scripting languages
1.2. User Identification and site data technical requirements.
1.3. Install web servers.
1.4. Connect database with web application
Unite Two: Retrieve data from database and display on web pages
2.1 Data retrieval using structured query language (SQL)
2.2 Data display stored in database
2.3 Display format data in database
Unite Three: database user input manipulation
3.1 Updating existing data stored in the database
3.2 Insertion of data in the database
3.3 Deletion of data in the database
3.4 check error and validation of data
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module defines the competence required to monitor and
support data.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Monitor data conversion
• Support data conversion
Unit One: Monitor data conversion
1.1 Current data model methodologies.
1.2 Conversion support documentation.
1.3 Back up data before conversion.
1.4 Identification Client requirement.
1.5 Software, hardware or environmental pre-requisites
1.6 Validation data accuracy and integrity.
1.7 Data conversion tools.
1.8 Documentation of data rejection behavior of the conversion.
Unit Two: Support data conversion
2.1 Verification of data and signing by appropriate person
2.2 Store, update and export convert data
2.3 Data loading and indexing on the production server
2.4 Documentation of backup copies of conversion files
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module defines the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to evaluate and select an appropriate hosting service for current and future
business needs.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
• Review and compare hosting services.
• Monitor server performance and availability.
• Ensure OS supports business software and applications.
• Implement security systems and payment technologies.
• Test and assess ISP performance during both on and off-peak times.
• Evaluate service with appropriate parameters.
Unit One: ISP Selection
1.1. Comparable characteristics of hosting services
1.2. Flexible Email and Mailing list services
1.3. Business needs support service standards
1.4. Data capacity for partial outages
1.5. Security technologies assessment
1.6. Evaluation of scripting language availability
1.7. Assessment of optional server applications for advanced web functions
1.8. Client selection criteria with ISP hosting service
Unit Two: Permanent Online Presence
2.1. Server performance and availability
Unit One: ISP Selection
• Assess the carefulness of the review of hosting services' comparable characteristics.
• Evaluate the flexibility of email and mailing list services in meeting current and future
business needs.
• Review the adequacy of support service standards in meeting business needs.
• Assess the ISP hosting service's data capacity to cover partial outages.
• Evaluate the availability of security technologies.
• Review the availability of scripting languages.
• Assess the evaluation of optional server applications for advanced web business
• Confirm the alignment of client selection criteria with the selected ISP hosting service.
Unit Two: Ensure Permanent Online Presence
• Evaluate the establishment of systems to monitor server performance and availability.
A. Learning Materials
2. Reference Books
C. Consumable Materials
Blank Disk 25 pcs 1:1
- Whiteboard marker, printing
Stationer Materials - -
2. paper, printer ink
No Name Qualification Field of Study Organization/ Institution E-mail
1 Frew Atkilt M-Tech Network & Bishoftu Polytechnic College 0911787374
Information Security
3 Kalkidan Daniel BSc Computer Science Entoto Polytechnic College 0978336988
4 Solomon Melese M-Tech Computer Engineering M/G /M /Polytechnic College 0918578631
5 Tewodros Girma MSc Information system Sheno Polytechnic College 0912068479 girmatewodiros