Emptech Review
Emptech Review
Emptech Review
• Malicious users
• Spam
• Phishing
• Cyberbullying
• Cyberstalking
• Software
• Malware
• Computer Viruses
• Various types of obscene or offensive content
• Cyberbullying
Computer Crimes
• Stalking
• Identity Theft
• Copyright Infringement
Internet Security is a tree branch of computer security related to the
Internet, often involving browser security but also network security on
a more general level as it applies to other applications or operating
systems on a whole.
Internet Etiquette is online communication that makes everyone
comfortable. Whenever you work and communicate online, there are
some basic rules you should follow:
1. Think before you send.
If you send an email or post a message in anger, it could come back
to haunt you later. The same goes for pictures and videos you post
online. Even when something is deleted from a page, it may still be
out there waiting to be found when you least expect it.
2. Respect the time and bandwidth of others.
Don't pass along emails that contain hoaxes, or send messages to the
entire student body. The same goes for sending large videos or
attachments in an email message. It wastes everyone's time when
they have to wade through extra information to get to the important
3. Don't send messages that could be misinterpreted as
threatening or hurtful.
Be careful about the language you use as well as the information you
pass along about others. Sending messages that could be seen as
threatening may result in disciplinary action.
4. Follow the conventions of writing when sending formal emails
or posting comments online.
Unless the message you're sending is informal (such as a text
message to a friend), you should use correct spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. You shouldn't WRITE IN ALL CAPS! (It's considered
5. Respect other's right to privacy.
Don't use technology to pass along rumors or share personal
information about someone without their permission. The same goes
for posting names and photos of others.
Online ethics refers to patterns of behavior used when on the Internet,
guided both by law and personal philosophy. Understanding legal
ramifications and trusting personal philosophy used in other areas of
life can help a person determine his or her online ethics.
1. Malware
2. Spam
3. Phishing
4. Botnet
5. Denial of Service Attack
Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful
to a computer user. Types of malware can include computer viruses,
worms, Trojan horses and spyware. These malicious programs can
perform a variety of different functions such as stealing, encrypting or
deleting sensitive data, altering or hijacking core computing functions
and monitoring users' computer activity without their permission.
Malware authors use a variety of physical and virtual means to spread
malware that infect devices and networks. For example, malicious
programs can be delivered to a system with a USB drive or can
spread over the internet through drive-by downloads, which
automatically download malicious programs to systems without the
user's approval or knowledge.
Different types of malware contain unique traits and characteristics.
Types of malware include:
Catch a Phish
Determine if the following e-mails are legitimate e-mails or phishing e-
First, a short myth:
"A 15-year-old boy sits behind a glowing black monitor, typing
furiously. The green text streams across his screen like a waterfall.
His nervousness escalates dramatically as he sends rapid-fire
commands to the strained computer. Suddenly, he lets out a
triumphant laugh and proceeds to steal money."
Such is the stereotypical view of a hacker. Yet, there’s so much more
to this fine art than Hollywood or the media describes. Hackers are
varied creatures and include these 7 types:
1. Script Kiddie
– A derogatory term often used by amateur hackers who don’t care
much about the coding skills. These hackers usually download tools or
use available hacking codes written by other developers and hackers.
Their primary purpose is often to impress their friends or gain
However, they don’t care about learning. By using off-the-shelf codes
and tools, these hackers may launch some attacks without bothering
for the quality of the attack. Most common cyber attacks by script
kiddies might include DoS and DDoS attacks.
2. White Hat
– Also known as ethical hackers, White Hat hackers are the good
guys of the hacker world. They’ll help you remove a virus or PenTest a
company. Most White Hat hackers hold a college degree in IT security
or computer science and must be certified to pursue a career in
hacking. This individual specializes in ethical hacking tools,
techniques, and methodologies to secure an organization’s
information systems
3. Black Hat
– The term “black hat” originated from Western movies, where the bad
guys wore black hats and the good guys wore white hats. A black-hat
hacker is an individual who attempts to gain unauthorized entry into a
system or network to exploit them for malicious reasons. The black-
hat hacker does not have any permission or authority to compromise
their targets. They try to inflict damage by compromising security
systems, altering functions of websites and networks, or shutting down
systems. They often do so to steal or gain access to passwords,
financial information, and other personal data.
4. Gray Hat
– Nothing is ever just black or white; the same is true in the world of
hacking. Gray Hat hackers don’t steal money or information yet they
don’t help people for good. Usually, grey-hat hackers surf the net and
hack into computer systems to notify the administrator or the owner
that their system/network contains one or more vulnerabilities that
must be fixed immediately. Grey hats may also extort the hacked,
offering to correct the defect for a nominal fee.
5. Green Hat
– These are the hacker “n00bz,” but unlike Script Kiddies, they care
about hacking and strive to become full-blown hackers. They’re often
flamed by the hacker community for asking many basic questions.
You can identify them by their spark to grow and learn more about the
hacking trade. Once you answer a single question, the hackers will
listen with undivided attention and ask another question until you
answer all their queries.
6. Red Hat
– These are the vigilantes of the hacker world. Red Hat Hackers have
an agenda similar to white hat hackers which in simple words is
halting the acts of Blackhat hackers. However, there is a major
difference in the way they operate. They are ruthless when it comes to
dealing with black hat hackers.
Instead of reporting a malicious attack, they believe in taking down the
black hat hacker completely. Red hat hacker will launch a series of
aggressive cyber attacks and malware on the hacker that the hacker
may as well have to replace the whole system.
7. Blue Hat
– These are another form of novice hackers much like script kiddies
whose main agenda is to take revenge on anyone who makes them
angry. They have no desire for learning and may use simple cyber
attacks like flooding your IP with overloaded packets which will result
in DoS attacks.
A script kiddie with a vengeful agenda can be considered a blue hat