ACCS Advanced Administration - 03.07 - April - 2022
ACCS Advanced Administration - 03.07 - April - 2022
ACCS Advanced Administration - 03.07 - April - 2022
Release 7.1
Issue 03.07
April 2022
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“Hosted Service” means an Avaya hosted service subscription that machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or
You acquire from either Avaya or an authorized Avaya Channel similar deployment.
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foregoing limited warranty may not apply but You may be entitled to Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,
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THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ONLY IF YOU PURCHASE AN AVAYA function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the
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THE LINK “Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services” OR SUCH
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YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF A Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of
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YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY TO THESE purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in,
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Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of WITH RESPECT TO CODECS, IF THE AVAYA CHANNEL
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Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of CHANNEL PARTNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL
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relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy, ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL
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written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE HTTP://
under the applicable law. WWW.MPEGLA.COM.
Virtualization Compliance with Laws
The following applies if the product is deployed on a virtual machine. You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for
Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Unless complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including, but not
otherwise stated, each Instance of a product must be separately limited to laws and regulations related to call recording, data privacy,
licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user customer or intellectual property, trade secret, fraud, and music performance
Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two Instances of the rights, in the country or territory where the Avaya product is used.
same type of products, then two products of that type must be
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications
Third Party Components
system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a
“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your
portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud
contain software (including open source software) distributed under associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can
third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications
terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software services.
(“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed
Avaya Toll Fraud intervention
Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux
OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third If You suspect that You are being victimized by Toll Fraud and You
Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center
in the products, Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: https:// Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United or such successor site as designated States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see
by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third the Avaya Support website: or such
Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these successor site as designated by Avaya.
Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting
Security Vulnerabilities
You, such as modification and distribution of the open source
software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these Information about Avaya’s security support policies can be found in
Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third the Security Policies and Support section of https://
Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms
impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party
Terms. Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the
Avaya Product Security Support Flow (https://
The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with
CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya
REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH Support website:, or such successor site
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GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, with your Avaya product or Hosted Service. For a list of support
L.L.C. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM. telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support
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AGREEMENTS, AT THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S EXPENSE, express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party.
Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc.
Avaya, the Avaya logo, Avaya one-X® Portal, Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager, Avaya Experience Portal, Avaya
Orchestration Designer, Avaya Aura® Session Manager, Avaya Aura®
System Manager, and Application Enablement Services are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Avaya Inc. in the United
States of America and/or other jurisdictions.
All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................... 16
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 16
Intended audience................................................................................................................. 16
Related resources................................................................................................................. 16
Avaya Contact Center Select Documentation..................................................................... 16
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos........................................................................................... 19
Support................................................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 2: Changes in this release....................................................................................... 20
Features............................................................................................................................... 20
Ability to store encryption keys in a shared location............................................................ 21
Avaya Contact Center Select Release 7.1 Feature Pack 2 Post GA Patches supports
Microsoft Windows 11...................................................................................................... 21
Avaya Contact Center Select Release 7.1 Feature Pack 2 Post GA Patches supports
Microsoft Windows Server 2019....................................................................................... 22
Avaya Contact Center Select supports IP Office CPE Subscription licensing........................ 22
Avaya Workspaces configuration...................................................................................... 22
Avaya-standard Grace Period........................................................................................... 22
Avaya Workspaces supports HTTPS................................................................................. 22
CCMA Password Policy configuration for human and programmatic accounts...................... 23
Contact Center Manager Administration supported in Microsoft Edge with IE mode.............. 23
Contact Center supports OAuth 2.0 and MS Graph for Emails............................................ 23
Credentials for Basic and OAuth 2.0 authentication of mailboxes........................................ 23
Customer Journey configuration....................................................................................... 24
Customizing processing for customers with restricted flag................................................... 24
Enhancement of the Email Templates feature.................................................................... 24
External server for uploading Avaya Workspaces logs........................................................ 24
Functionality to restore the Avaya Workspaces default layout and deleted widgets............... 24
Handling customer information......................................................................................... 25
Inline images for emails and signatures............................................................................. 25
Multimedia Data Management utility access...................................................................... 25
Unsent emails monitoring................................................................................................. 25
Using Java key store no longer required to store certificates for Email Manager................... 25
Other changes...................................................................................................................... 26
Avaya Aura Media Server update.................................................................................... 26
Avaya Aura Media Server update.................................................................................... 26
Support for latest WebLM release..................................................................................... 26
Support for the latest WebLM release............................................................................... 27
Support for Avaya WebLM............................................................................................... 27
Chapter 3: Contact Center Multimedia fundamentals......................................................... 28
Configuring Avaya Aura Media Server name resolution................................................... 408
Updating Avaya Aura Media Server trusted node IP addresses....................................... 408
Updating the HOSTS file for clients................................................................................. 409
Avaya Aura Media Server name change.............................................................................. 410
Changing the name of the Avaya Aura Media Server on Linux......................................... 410
Updating the Avaya Aura Media Server details in CCMA................................................. 411
Avaya Aura Media Server IP address change....................................................................... 411
Changing the Avaya Aura Media Server IP address on Linux........................................... 411
Updating the Avaya Aura Media Server details in CCMA................................................. 413
This guide describes the advanced configuration tasks that administrators of the Avaya Contact
Center Select server can perform.
Intended audience
This guide is for personnel who perform management tasks on the Avaya Contact Center Select
Related resources
7. Click Enter.
Videos are not available for all products.
Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a
support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
The following sections describe the new features and changes in Avaya Contact Center Select
Release 7.1 advanced administration.
New features in the Release 7.1 base build
See the following sections for information about new features in the Release 7.1 base build:
Avaya Workspaces configuration on page 22
Customizing processing for customers with restricted flag on page 24
Handling customers information on page 25
Unsent emails monitoring on page 25
OAuth 2.0 authentication applies to the Microsoft Office365 (MS Graph) server. You can configure
the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant type with a certificate or a client secret.
You can view the list of all migrated and new credentials in the Credentials Configuration table
located at CCMM Administration > E-mail > Credentials.You can assign the same credentials to
several mailboxes. You cannot delete credentials assigned to a mailbox.
Other changes
Other changes in the Release 7.1 base build
See the following sections for information about other changes in the Release 7.1 base build:
Support for latest WebLM release on page 26
Use the Contact Center Multimedia (CCMM) Administration utility to allow Contact Center to accept
a variety of contact types and route them to agents. The contact types that an agent can handle are
determined by the skillsets to which the agent is assigned.
Contact types routed using Avaya Contact Center Select include the following:
• voice contacts
• email messages
• Short Message Service (SMS) text messages
• faxed documents
• scanned documents
• voice mail messages
• outbound contacts
• Web communications contacts
Contact Center License Manager licenses each contact type. You must have the appropriate license
in your contact center to enable routing for each contact type.
To start the CCMM Administration utility, you must first log on to Contact Center Manager
Administration (CCMA). You must log on to CCMA from a Web browser on the Avaya Contact
Center Select server to access the CCMM Administration utility.
You can route email contacts by using rule groups based on specific information you configure for
the contacts. The Email Manager routes incoming contacts based on the address where the
contact is received, the text is in the email message, or who sent it. The email message is
assigned to a skillset with a priority and then to an agent who can handle the contact based on the
received criteria.
The email contact type has several components:
• Email rule groups on page 30
• Recipient mailboxes on page 31
• Inbound email settings on page 31
You must configure email settings for email messages leaving your contact center as a campaign
or in response to customer email messages.
• Outbound email settings on page 31
• Character encoding for outgoing email messages on page 31
You can configure the email message contact type for international languages, see Asian email on
page 32.
You can view real-time traffic reports for your email messages. Configure the date and time for
which you want to review the email traffic in your contact center. See Email traffic reports on
page 32.
You can enable the Extended Email Capacity feature if you require the email backlog capacity to
be more than 20 000. The Extended Email Capacity feature increases the email backlog capacity
to 100 000 contacts. For more information, see Extended Email Capacity on page 33.
You can configure the Supervisor Email Approval feature so that supervisors can approve email
messages before they reach the customers.
The approval process applies to email contacts only and does not apply to other contact types
such as Fax, Scanned Documents, and SMS.
Based on your quality assurance requirements, regulatory requirements or agent training
requirements, some or all of the email messages can be sent for supervisor approval. You can
configure email messages targeted for supervisor approval on a per skillset basis or per agent
basis. For more information, see Supervisor approval of email messages on page 34.
Agents handle email messages using Agent Desktop. For more information about Agent Desktop,
see Agent Desktop on page 35.
Recipient mailboxes
Contact Center Multimedia polls specific recipient mailboxes on the email server based on a list of
mailboxes defined in the Multimedia Administrator recipients list. The email retrieved from these
mailboxes is routed based on defined rules applied to either a mail store or an alias. You must
ensure that enabled email addresses configured in your Email Manager are already configured on
your corporate email server.
The recipient mailbox has a default rule group assigned to handle the email messages, but you
can assign a custom rule group to the recipient.
Recipient mailboxes also receive messages from other contact types. Voice Mail contacts attach
a .wav file. Faxes and scanned documents attach a .tiff file to an email message handled by the
Email Manager. An SMS text message also uses the Email Manager to route text messages.
encoding, the reply from the Agent Desktop or the automatic response is sent in Latin-1. The
customer email client can understand the format of the message sent from the contact center.
If the customer sends an email message in English and receives either an agent response or an
automatic response in another character set, you cannot tell if the customer email client can
decode the new character set. Avaya recommends that if you use an automatic response, you use
rules to search for words in the expected languages (for example, Japanese or English) to ensure
that the response sent matches the language of the inbound email.
If the original email is encoded with the Latin-1 character set (ISO-8859-1), you can choose to
reply in Latin-9 character set (ISO-8859-15) to provide support for the Euro Currency Symbol. The
Euro Currency Symbol is not included in the Latin-1 character set, instead, it is represented by a
question mark (?). Not all recipients understand the Latin-9 character set, and the reply email can
be perceived as a blank email. Avaya recommends that only contact centers in Europe use Latin-9
Asian email
Internationalized domain names (IDN) can include characters from East Asian languages. Using
characters from East Asian languages is dangerous because this can be used by phishing sites.
Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as names, passwords, and credit card
details by misrepresenting a malicious website as a legitimate website.
Phishing email messages contain links to malicious websites that look similar to legitimate
business websites. For example, the IDN of a phishing site can achieve this by replacing Latin 1
characters with East Asian characters that are visually similar or identical.
The World Wide Web Consortium uses punycode to implement IDNs. Punycode is an ASCII
equivalent to the domain name. Normally, the client (Web browser or email client) accepts the IDN
in native characters and converts it to punycode; for example, The
receiving client identifies the sender as being a punycode string and interprets the native
Contact Center Multimedia supports IDNs. You or a customer can enter a punycode email
address. The receiving client can render the native characters.
selected date. The number of closed contacts is defined as those with a close time since
midnight on the selected date.
• E-mail Progress shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a defined date to
determine the traffic levels for that date.
• E-mail Closed Contacts Queue Time shows the average time an email contact spends in the
queue while the contact center is open. The queue time is defined as the time between when
the contact arrives in the contact center and the time the contact is presented to an agent
less the time that the contact center is closed. This report shows only closed contacts for the
selected date, and reflects only a partial summary of the service level achieved for the date.
On the Multimedia Dashboard, you can see whether the Extended Email Capacity feature is
enabled. If the Extended Email Capacity feature is disabled, and the number of New email
contacts in the CCMM database is more than 2 000, the dashboard displays a warning in amber. If
the number of New email contacts in the CCMM database is more than 3 000, the dashboard
displays a warning in red.
Agent Desktop
Agents use Agent Desktop to process email contacts. When an email message arrives at the
contact center, it is routed to Agent Desktop, and agents can perform the following activities:
• Accept or reject an email message.
• Review and update customer information.
• Create a reply.
• Transfer the contact to an agent, skillset, or expert.
• Select a prepared response to send to the customer contact.
• Select an activity code to record the result of the customer contact.
2. On the Contact Routing Search screen, in the contact ID box, type the contact ID number
of the email contact.
3. Click Search.
When the search completes, the Contact Details, Association, Rule Details, and Rule Group
Associated Email Addresses sections display routing information about the email content:
• The Contact Details section contains the general information about found contact.
• The Association section contains the information about To Address associated with any
special Rule Group or System Default Rule.
• The Rule Details section shows the rule applied to found contact and skillset name which
was used according with this rule.
• The Rule Group Associated Email Addresses section shows what email addresses are
applied for the rule used for found contact.
Column Description
Time Time periods when emails failed to be sent:
• One hour for the Day filter.
• One day for the Month filter.
Barred Address Number of emails unsent due to barred addresses. See Barring email
addresses on page 139 and Deleting a barred email address on
page 140 to learn how to manage barred addresses.
Waiting in Queue Number of unsent emails currently being processed for sending.
Software Exception Number of unsent emails unsent due to software errors.
Lost Records Number o unsent emails with unknown status.
Waiting Too Long Number of unsent emails waiting in queue more than 2 days.
1. Navigate to Avaya\Contact Center\Multimedia Server\Server Applications
\EMAIL and open the file.
2. For the mail.alimentum.spike.days parameter, change the default number of days
for mail spike detection to the required value.
For example, mail.alimentum.spike.days=3.
3. For the mail.alimentum.spike.threshold parameter, change the default threshold
for spike detection to the required value.
For example, mail.alimentum.spike.threshold=7.
Mailbox configuration
You can configure the following properties for the contacts:
• POP3 or IMAP Server (for receiving email messages)
• recipient mailbox
• password for access to the mailbox
• skillset and priority
• sender address, either full sender address or Calling Line ID (CLID)
• reply address for skillset
• SMTP Server (for sending email messages)
• sending mailbox
Traffic reports
Reports appear in the CCMM Administration utility to show the current status of the contact type
traffic. The following reports appear when you select the contact type in the left column of the
Multimedia Administrator application. You can choose the report date and the skillsets represented
in all displayed real-time reports.
• The New Vs. Closed report shows the number of contacts in a new and closed state against
the time for the selected date and skillsets. You can use this report to monitor the incoming
and closing rate for contacts of a particular type and to determine if the traffic levels are
adequately managed. The number of new contacts is defined as those with an arrival time
since midnight on the selected date. The number of closed contacts is defined as those with
a close time since midnight on that date.
• The Progress report shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a defined date
to determine the traffic levels for the selected date.
• The Closed Contacts Queue Time report shows the average time a contact spends in the
queue while the contact center is open. The queue time is defined as the time between when
the contact arrives in the contact center and the time the contact is presented to an agent
less the time that the contact center is closed. This report shows only closed contacts for the
selected date, and reflects only a partial summary of the service level achieved for the date.
Agent Desktop
Agents use Agent Desktop to process SMS, faxes, scanned documents, and voice mail contacts.
When one of these contacts arrives at the contact center, CCMM routes it to a skillset, and agents
can perform the following activities:
• Accept or reject the contact.
• Review and update customer information.
• Create a reply.
• Select a prepared response to send to the customer.
• Select a activity code to record the result of the customer contact.
Campaign Scheduler
This Contact Center Multimedia server component determines when to queue contacts to the
Contact Center Manager Server. The Campaign Scheduler monitors the status of each campaign
and performs the following actions:
• Assigns the campaign status to running and queues contacts to Contact Center Manager
Server when the campaign start time or daily start time occurs.
• Assigns the campaign status to nonrunning and removes contacts from Contact Center
Manager Server when the daily end time occurs.
• Assigns the campaign status to expired and removes contacts from Contact Center Manager
Server when the daily end time occurs.
• Assigns the campaign status to completed when all contacts are processed.
The Campaign Scheduler queues outbound contacts at the rate required to maintain 5 outbound
contacts waiting for each logged in agent on each outbound skillset.
The Campaign Scheduler also queues rescheduled outbound contacts falling due within the next
15 minutes. Therefore the Real Time Display (RTD) for the skillset can show more than 5 times
the number of staffed agents, depending on rescheduled outbound contacts falling due within the
next 15 minute period.
The RTD can display less than 5 times the number of staffed agents, where there are not enough
outbound contacts, which fall within the configured dialing hours based on customer time zone,
waiting in outbound campaigns.
Agent Desktop
Agents use Agent Desktop to process outbound contacts. When a campaign runs, outbound
contacts are routed to Agent Desktop, and agents can perform the following activities:
• Accept or reject an outbound contact.
• Review and update customer information.
• Make the outbound voice call.
• Follow an agent script and record customers answers and comments.
Web services
The Open Queue Open Interface delivers existing Open Queue functions to third-party
applications that use a Web service. Third-party applications can add and remove contacts of a
specific type in Contact Center.
For more information, see the SDK documentation.
Web communications
Contact Center provides two services for web chat: Web Communications text chat and Enterprise
Web Chat (EWC). EWC supports integration with Agent Desktop on a Voice and Multimedia
Contact Server with or without AAMS, or with a standalone Multimedia Contact Server, on a
Unified Communications solution. EWC is a licensed feature, and requires a Web Chat SDK
Use the Web Communications Manager to communicate with customers over the Internet. Agents
and customers directly communicate in real time by conducting a two-way conversation by
exchanging text messages using JavaScript- and frame-compliant Web browsers. The Web
Communications Manager provides the following functions:
• intelligent routing of customer communications to the agent who has the subject knowledge
to respond
• an Agent Desktop interface for agents to respond efficiently to customers
• easy referencing of the thread of conversation between the customer and the agent in a text
chat session
• an optional customer-centered multimedia presentation to the customer’s browser while the
customer waits for an agent
• push Web pages to the other party during conversations for discussions
The Contact Center Multimedia server supports multimedia contacts. To manage the multimedia
contacts, you must configure general administrator settings and global routing options.
If you see an Application Run Security Warning or a SmartScreen Filter warning
message, confirm the Publisher is Avaya or that you are launching from a trusted link,
before continuing to run the utility.
The prerequisite software takes some time to install. After the install, the CCMM
Administration utility appears.
Adding administrators
About this task
Add administrators for the Contact Center Multimedia server to control access to configuration
components in your contact center. For example, one administrator account can provide access to
configure the predictive support tool or some Web services.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
Removing administrators
About this task
Remove an administrator account that you no longer require in your contact center.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click General Administration.
3. Click Administrator Settings.
4. Select the administrator account to remove.
5. Click Delete.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the decision.
Configuring holidays
Before you begin
• Identify the closed days of the contact center.
4. Under Office Hours, select the Out of office hours treatment is enabled check box to
automatically send an out-of-office type message to the customer when the contact center
is closed.
5. Select the calendar you want to use to determine the business hours for your contact
6. Select the automatic response for the out of office hours notice.
7. Click Save.
You can choose a date and specify the skillsets for each media type for the current reports.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. Select a media type that supports the traffic report views (Text Messaging (SMS), E-mail,
Fax, Scanned Documents, and Voice Mail).
3. Click View Reports.
4. In the bottom left corner of the report view, in the Report Date list, select the date for which
to view the traffic for your contact center.
5. To display all skillsets, select the Select All Skillsets check box.
Specify the skillsets to view. The skillsets must be valid for the contact type you review.
6. Click Update.
11. In the Search Base field, specify the preciseness of the LDAP search. For example, in a
large enterprise of tens of thousands of people, it is not advisable to search for all users. In
such a case, use a more restrictive search base, such as search for names in the local
12. Click Edit Server to change the properties of the Directory LDAP server.
13. In the Server Name field, type the server name for the email server that you use to get
email addresses. The default port number for the LDAP server is 389.
14. In the Server Port box, type the port number for the server.
15. Select Use TLS if you want Agent Desktop to communicate securely with the Directory
LDAP server. The server specified must support TLS.
16. Click Save.
17. Click Test to test the connection to the LDAP server.
18. Click Save.
The Contact Center Multimedia Administrator application includes settings that you use to configure
properties for Agent Desktop. These settings allow agents to access database information and work
with contacts.
Perform the procedures in this chapter to configure the Agent Desktop settings.
If your Contact Center uses Enterprise Web Chat (EWC), agents handling Web Communications
contacts do not use Agent Desktop. These agents use a custom desktop that you develop using an
SDK. The SDK documentation specifies the configuration file through which you configure settings
for the custom desktop.
welcome messages. For more information, see Configuring welcome messages and text chat
labels on page 149.
Agents can pull contacts for approval. Restrict agents from pulling contacts for approval by
configuring skillset partitions.
You can configure the system to send email messages to supervisors for their approval on a per
agent basis or per skillset basis. For more information, see Supervisor approval of email
messages on page 34 and Configuring supervisor approval for email messages on a per skillset
basis on page 133.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click General Administration.
3. Click Agent Settings.
4. From the right pane, select an agent.
5. Under Edit Agent Settings in the Email Approval Ratio field, type the percentage of email
messages that require supervisor approval for the agent.
The approval ratio must be whole numbers ranging from 0 to 100.
6. Click Save.
You can delete only one row at a time.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Agent Desktop Configuration.
3. Click Resources.
4. Select a closed reason from the list.
5. Press Delete on your keyboard.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the decision.
If you select NONE in the additional modifier field and NONE in the alphanumeric field
of a shortcut key for a task, then the shortcut key for that task is disabled. This means
that agents cannot use the shortcut key to perform this task on Agent Desktop.
For example, if we select CTRL + NONE + NONE for Login / Logout, then the shortcut
key for Login / Logout is disabled. The agents cannot use shortcut keys to login to or
logout from Agent Desktop.
5. Click Save.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the change.
5. Select the Allow Agents select Screen Pop(s) check box to allow agents to choose the
applications the agents require while using Agent Desktop.
6. Select the Auto Expand AAAD on Work Item Answer check box to expand the Agent
Desktop application when an agent responds to a work item.
7. Select the Launch Screen Pop on Incoming Personal Calls check box to open screen
pops during personal calls.
8. Select the Launch Screen Pop on Outgoing Personal Calls check box to open screen
pops during personal outbound calls.
9. Select the Launch Screenpop on Consultation received check box to automatically
open screen pops on the consulted agent’s desktop after a contact consult or transfer
10. Select the Launch Screenpop on Consultation initiating check box to automatically
open screen pops on the Agent Desktop of the agent who initiates the consult. The screen
pop appears when the consult is initiated.
11. Select the Close Screenpop when Consult/Transfer is Completed to automatically
close screen pops after a contact consult or transfer is complete.
12. Select the Display Screenpops when Observe check box to automatically open screen
pops after a voice or Web Communications contact is observed.
13. Select the Launch Screen Pop in a tab inside AAAD check box to open the screen pop
application within Agent Desktop.
Only Web-based applications can open within Agent Desktop.
14. Select the Auto Close Screenpop tab(s) on Work Item Release check box to
automatically close the screen pop tab on the Agent Desktop when an agent releases a
15. From the Launch State drop-down list, select the event to open Basic screen pops. You
can select one of the following:
• Active: The screen pop application opens when an agent answers a contact.
• Alerting: The screen pop application opens when Agent Desktop displays an alert for a
work item.
You can configure a maximum of 20 basic screen pops. However, you can configure
up to five screen pops only to open on Agent Desktop for each event.
16. Click the General Intrinsics tab.
17. Under Screen Pop Intrinsics, configure the intrinsics used to display data to the agent.
You can configure only one intrinsic to “force launch”. This intrinsic is used for all Basic
screen pops.
For consults or transfers, Contact Center provides the Skillset intrinsic only on Email
and Web Communications contacts, and not on Voice contacts.
18. Click Add to add more intrinsics.
The name of the intrinsic you add in the Multimedia Administration utility must match
the corresponding variable name in Orchestration Designer. The names are case-
19. Click Contact Screen Pop Intrinsics to set different intrinsics for the configured contact
You can select only one intrinsic for each contact type.
20. Click Personal Call Screen Pop Intrinsics to assign Inbound and Outbound intrinsics.
21. Click the Basic Screenpop (Shortcuts) tab.
Use the Basic Screenpop (Shortcuts) tab to configure Basic screen pops. Basic screen
pops consist of four parts:
• Name: The Name field contains the name of the screen pop.
• Path: The Path field contains the command that Agent Desktop uses to open the screen
• Always on screenpop check box: The Always on screenpop check box defines the
basic screen pop shortcuts that are launched as screen pops. Agent Desktop can
launch only five screen pop shortcuts.
• Event: The Event field reflects the launch state that you set in the General settings
tab. The Event field cannot be edited.
22. (Optional) Click Add to add more applications.
23. Select the Always on screenpop check box to choose the applications that open on client
computers when Agent Desktop displays the screen pop.
Text applications such as Notepad, or search engines such as Google can open
automatically. You can add other applications, but you must ensure that the applications
are installed on all clients.
24. Click the Basic Filters (Launch Types) tab.
25. Under the Filter screenpops by Contact Types list, select the contact types. All Basic
screen pops open based on the selected contact types.
26. Click Save.
You can assign a maximum of five parameters to each application.
8. To prevent mistakes when you type a parameter, click the Insert Parameter button to
insert a parameter within a path.
9. Click Save.
The system displays the new application under the Applications grid.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Agent Desktop Configuration.
3. Click Advanced Screenpops.
The system displays the Advanced Screenpop Settings page.
4. Click the Advanced Filters tab.
The system displays the Filters grid that contains the existing filters.
5. Click New to create a new filter.
The system displays the Create/Edit Filter section at the bottom of the page.
6. Type the name of the filter in the Name field.
7. From the Intrinsic Type field, select an intrinsic whose value is compared against a set of
applicable values.
The method of defining these applicable values depends on the intrinsic type you
select. If you select an intrinsic of type Skillset, CDN, or DNIS, you must select the
applicable values from a list. Otherwise, you must type an instrinsic value to match
against the applicable values in a text box under the Intrinsic Values section and click
Add >.
Agent Desktop opens screen pops based on the intrinsic type.
8. From the Contact Types list , select the contact types to which the filter is applicable.
If you select the intrinsic type as Skillset, the list of applicable values to compare
against changes according to the contact types selected or deselected.
9. If you select an intrinsic of type Skillset, CDN, or DNIS, select the applicable values from
the list of values the system displays under the Intrinsic Values section.
Type an instrinsic value to match against the applicable values in a text box under the
Intrinsic Values section and click Add >.
Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS) retrieves the intrinsic values if the intrinsic types
are Skillset, CDN, and DNIS. You must correctly configure the intrinsic values in CCMS for
this functionality to work.
If you add an intrinsic, the intrinsic must already exist as a variable in Orchestration
Designer and must be populated so that the screenpop can use the intrinsic.
A maximum of five screen pops can launch on Agent Desktop for each event.
11. Click Next.
The system displays Step 4 of 7 — Application page of the New Screenpop wizard.
12. From the Application Name drop-down list, select the application that opens on client
computers when Agent Desktop displays the screen pop.
Click the Add ( + ) icon to add a new screen pop application. For more information, see
Configuring Advanced screen pop applications on page 65.
Select an existing application from the drop-down list and click Edit to edit an existing
screen pop application.
Editing an existing application is supported only when the application is not in use.
Text applications such as Notepad, or search engines such as Google can start
automatically. You can add other applications, but you must ensure that the applications
are installed on all clients.
13. Click Next.
The system displays Step 5 of 7 — Customise Application page of the New Screenpop
14. From the Parameter drop-down list, select a parameter that is present in the path.
The number of parameters depends on the number of placeholders configured in the
application on page Step 4 of 7 — Application.
You can set up to a maximum of five parameters for each screen pop application.
15. From the Intrinsic drop-down list, select an intrinsic value that replaces the parameter
placeholder at runtime.
16. Click Set.
The system displays the parameter and the corresponding intrinsic value under the
Parameters section.
You must assign intrinsic values for all parameters present in the path.
17. Click Next.
The system displays Step 6 of 7 — Filter page of the New Screenpop wizard.
18. (Optional) From the Filter drop-down list, select the filter for the screen pop.
Click the Add ( + ) to add a new filter. For more information, see Configuring Advanced
screen pop filters on page 65.
Click Edit to edit an existing filter.
If you select a filter, Agent Desktop displays the screen pop only if matched conditions
between the filter and the created screen pop are met.
Only the filters containing all the contact types that you select from the Contact Types
list on page Step 2 of 7 — Contact Types are available.
If you select an existing filter, the system displays the filter conditions under the Selected
Filter Conditions section. The Selected Filter Conditions section displays the intrinsic name
and the corresponding values under the Match Values section.
19. Click Next.
The system displays Step 7 of 7 — Presentation Options page of the New Screenpop
The presentation options are set to the global settings that you configured for Basic screen
pops. However, for Advanced screen pops you can change these settings for each screen
pop. For more information about global settings, see Configuring Basic Screen Pops on
page 62.
20. Select the Launch Screen Pop in a tab inside AAAD check box to open the screen pop
application within Agent Desktop.
Only Web-based applications can open within Agent Desktop.
21. Select the Auto Close Screen Pop tab(s) on Work Item Release check box to
automatically close the screen pop tab on Agent Desktop once an agent releases a
22. Click Finish.
The system displays the Saved dialog box.
23. Click OK.
The system displays the new screen pop under the Advanced Screenpops grid.
Variable definitions
System settings
Name Description
Platform The type of platform that your contact center uses.
Select SIP.
Table continues…
Name Description
Switch type The type of switch that you use in your contact center for voice contacts.
Select IP Office.
Enable Hot Desking This setting applies to AACC only.
Hot Desking – Prompt for This setting applies to AACC only.
New Contact Presentation – You can configure Agent Desktop to alert the agent when a new contact
Bring to front arrives.
Select the New Contact Presentation – Bring to front check box to
make Agent Desktop move to the front upon arrival of a new contact. If
Bring to front is disabled while Give focus is enabled, the Agent Desktop
makes a warning sound and the toolbar flashes, but it is not brought to
the front.
Changes you make to Agent Desktop configuration take effect only
when agents restart Agent Desktop.
New Contact Presentation – You can configure Agent Desktop to alert the agent when a new contact
Give focus arrives.
Select the New Contact Presentation – Give focus check box to make
the Agent Desktop window active when it moves to the front. The New
Contact Presentation – Bring to front check box must be selected for
the New Contact Presentation – Give focus check box to be enabled.
Changes you make to Agent Desktop configuration take effect only
when agents restart Agent Desktop.
Maximum Open Duration Amount of time that you want a multimedia contact to remain open on a
desktop. The active contact timer does not apply to Web communications.
In the Maximum Open Duration box, type the maximum amount of time
you want multimedia contacts to remain active in hours and minutes. The
minimum is 10 minutes and the maximum is 12 hours.
When this time expires, the contact remains open for a maximum of one
more hour. Agent Desktop force closes the contact when the additional
hour expires.Agent Desktop warns the user when the contact has 60
minutes, 30 minutes, and 5 minutes left before force closing the contact.
Bring Agent Desktop to Front Select the Bring Agent Desktop to Front when Max Open Duration
When Max Open Duration Exceeded check box to automatically bring Agent Desktop to the front of
Exceeded the windows desktop when the contact is open for longer than the
Maximum Open Duration.
Table continues…
Name Description
Enable Agent Skillset Agents, by default, see all contacts in the contact center. Select the
Partitioning Enable Agent Skillset Partitioning check box to show agents only the
contacts assigned to the agent's skillsets. Partitioning changes take effect
after an agent logs out and logs in again.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces.
Apply Agent Skillset Select the Apply Agent Skillset Partitioning to Transfers check box to
Partitioning to Transfers apply partitioning rules when an agent transfers a multimedia contact. To
enable this feature, you must first select the Enable Agent Skillset
Partitioning check box.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces.
Auto Sign On to CCMM Select the Auto Sign On to CCMM check box so that agents do not need
to login separately to CCMM when logging on to Agent Desktop.
General features
Name Description
Enable Keyboard Shortcuts Select the Enable Keyboard Shortcuts check box to allow agents to use
shortcut keys on Agent Desktop.
By default, Enable Keyboard Shortcuts is selected in the CCMM
Administration utility.
Enable Agent Desktop Select the Enable Agent Desktop System Tray Icon check box to allow
System Tray Icon agents to add the Agent Desktop system tray icon to the Windows system
Enable Agent Desktop Select the Enable Agent Desktop Dashboard check box to allow agents
Dashboard to collect and upload log files or videos to the CCMM server. Agents can
also use the Dashboard to check the connectivity of Agent Desktop with
the Contact Center servers.
By default, Enable Agent Desktop Dashboard is selected in the
CCMM Administration utility.
Enable Agent Desktop Select the Enable Agent Desktop Preference Retention check box to
Preference Retention retain Agent Desktop preferences of agents when agents log out of Agent
Desktop and log back into Agent Desktop.
Enable Localization Select the Enable Localization check box to turn on localization of Agent
Desktop when a supported locale is detected on the client PC.
Allow Agent Desktop Panel Select the Allow Agent Desktop Panel Swap check box to allow agents
Swap to move the left pane of Agent Desktop to the right side of Agent Desktop
and vice-versa.
Disallow Duplicate Login Select the Disallow Duplicate Login check box to prevent Agent
Desktop from opening if the specified user ID is already logged into
Contact Center from a different location.
Table continues…
Name Description
Open Queue Contact Select the Open Queue Contact Processing check box to use Contact
Processing Center Multimedia to route multimedia contacts to agents by using the
existing scripting and skillset routing features available for calls.
You must install and license the Open Queue feature for Agent Desktop
and configure Open Queue on the Communication Control Toolkit server.
Close Multiple Contacts Select the type of user that can close multiple contacts simultaneously
from search results. You can select one of the following options:
• Supervisor to allow supervisors to close multiple contacts.
• Agent to allow agents to close multiple contacts. This is the default
• None to prohibit closing multiple contacts to all users.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces.
Enable Web Reporting Select the Enable web reporting check box to enable Contact
Centerreporting on peer-to-peer Instant Messaging (IM). If an agent
initiates an IM while active on a Contact Center, Contact Center reports
on this activity.
Customize processing for To comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), agents
customers with restricted flag using Agent Desktop can set a restricted flag to a customer to prevent
unsolicited emails and calls. Agent Desktop automatically detects when
an agent attempts to contact a customer with a restricted flag and
displays a warning message or blocks the contact attempt.
Select one of the following options to customize processing of customers
with a restricted flag in Agent Desktop:
• IGNORE to allow agents to ignore a restricted flag and contact
customers with a restricted flag set.
• BLOCK to stop agents from contacting customers with a restricted flag.
• WARNING to display a confirmation window on Agent Desktop when an
agent contacts customers with a restricted flag.
Enable IE mode Agent Desktop uses the Microsoft Edge browser as a rendering engine to
display web content. To display sites that are compatible only with
Internet Explorer, you must enable the Internet Explorer (IE) mode for
Agent Desktop.
Select the Enable IE mode checkbox to allow Agent Desktop open sites
with IE mode.
After you enable this feature, use the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager
tool to configure the list of sites that you want Agent Desktop to open with
IE mode. For more information, see Configuring the Enterprise Mode Site
List for Agent Desktop on page 87.
Display preferences
Name Description
Display Not Ready reason text Select the Display Not Ready Reason Text Only check box to display
only only not ready reason text.
Display Agent Login Duration Select the Display Agent Login Duration check box to display the time
that the agent is logged into Agent Desktop.
Display System Defined Select the Display System Defined Contact Center Codes check box
Contact Center Codes so that Agent Desktop displays system-defined Not Ready Reason
Codes and After Call Work Item codes.
Contact Center Code Display Select how Agent Desktop displays Contact Center codes. You can
Preference choose from the following:
• Code to display codes based on the code number.
• Text to display codes based on the code text.
• Both to display codes based on both the code number and the code
You can select Contact Center Code Display Preference only if
you select the Display System Defined Contact Center Codes
check box.
Display Agent Time in Not Select the Display Agent Time in Not Ready State check box to display
Ready State a timer on Agent Desktop that displays the duration the agent is in the
Not Ready state.
Display Previous Login Time Select the Display Previous Login Time check box so that Agent
Desktop displays the previous login time for the currently logged in agent.
The login time displayed is the time of the CCT server and not the local
time of the agent.
Show CCMM Contact ID in Select the Show CCMM Contact ID in Workitem check box to display
Workitem the Contact ID for multimedia contacts for the Workitem present on Agent
Display Caller's Friendly Select the Display Caller's Friendly Name check box to enable a
Name friendly name display on Agent Desktop for DN calls. When this is
enabled, when one contact center agent receives a call from another
contact center agent, the name of the calling agent (as configured in
CCMA) displays on the Agent Desktop of the called agent.
Both agents must be configured in CCMA for the friendly name to be
displayed on Agent Desktop.
Use call attached data for This setting applies to AACC only.
skillset information
POM Custom fields sort order This setting applies to AACC only.
Table continues…
Name Description
Clear Previous Phone Select the Clear Previous Phone Number check box to clear the
Number number of the previous voice contact present on Agent Desktop.
Clear Previous E-mail Select the Clear Previous E-mail Address check box to clear the email
Address address of the previous email contact present on Agent Desktop.
Contact Lookup Priority Enter the order by which the system performs the caller name lookup.
You can select one of the following options:
• Custom contacts so that the system performs caller name lookup from
within the agent’s custom contacts.
• LDAP contacts so that the system performs caller name lookup from
within LDAP contacts.
• Intrinsics / Call property so that the system performs caller name
lookup by using the name taken from either an intrinsic property or a
property on the call object.
When a name matches the number on the incoming call, Agent Desktop
displays that name on the user interface.
Notification/Message boxes
Name Description
Prompt User for Login Details Select the Prompt User for Login Details check box to automatically
prompt agents to enter their credentials when Agent Desktop opens.
If you do not select Prompt User for Login Details, Agent Desktop tries
to log in the agent using the current windows user credentials. If this login
fails, Agent Desktop prompts the user to enter a set of credentials.
Suppress Browser Script Select the Suppress Browser Script Errors check box to suppress
Errors browser script errors.
Suppress OS not supported Select the Suppress OS not supported popup check box to support
popup Agent Desktop on Citrix. This is required for desktop virtualization.
Suppress OS softphone not Select the Suppress OS softphone not supported popup check box to
supported popup suppress a warning message that the softphone process is not supported
on the Operating System on which Agent Desktop is running. By default,
the Suppress OS softphone not supported popup option is not
Display Softphone Out Of Select the Display Softphone Out Of Service Message on Start-up
Service Message on Start-up check box to display a message box alerting agents that the CTI Link to
the softphone is out of service while starting Agent Desktop in applicable
The system also displays a message box to alert the agent that the
softphone is now in service, after agents log using My Computer mode.
Pop Up Notification – Closes Select the Pop Up Notification – Closes After Time check box so that
After Time the pop-up messages related to Teleworker Status on Agent Desktop
disappear automatically after a certain configured time.
Table continues…
Name Description
Pop Up Notification – Display Enter the length of time, in milliseconds, that the Teleworker Status pop-
Time up messages stay visible on Agent Desktop.
Display AutoConnect Select the Display AutoConnect message if unable to connect to
message if unable to connect original server check box to suppress the error that appears on Agent
to original server Desktop after an RGN switchover.
Name Description
Logoff Terminal State This setting applies to AACC only.
Replace + with trunk access Select the Replace + with trunk access code check box so that Agent
code Desktop Phonebook adds a trunk access code before dialing any
number. Therefore, agents do not need to manually add a leading digit to
call externally or forward a call using Phonebook.
By default, Replace + with trunk access code is selected.
Enable one click copy of caller Select the Enable one click copy of caller line ID check box to allow
line ID agents to use the Copy CLID button on the Agent Desktop toolbar to
copy the Calling Line Identification (CLID) number of a customer to the
clipboard. Agent Desktop displays the name of the caller using the
contacts directory integration.
Highlight DN Call During Determines which leg of the call has focus in Agent Desktop during a
Transfer supervised transfer scenario, the original customer leg or the DN leg to
the transfer party.
Select the Highlight DN Call During Transfer check box to focus the DN
leg to the transfer party in Agent Desktop during a supervised transfer
Put Call on Hold During Select the Put Call on Hold During Transfer for the Phonebook check
Transfer for the Phonebook box to place the customer call on hold when an agent initiates a call
transfer, using the Phonebook on Agent Desktop.
Put Call on Hold During Select the Put Call on Hold During Transfer/Conference for the Enter
Transfer/Conference for the Value check box to place the customer call on hold when an agent
Enter Value initiates a call transfer or conference by entering the number in Agent
Autostart Quality of Service Select the Autostart Quality of Service Window Service check box so
Window service that the Quality of Service (QoS) service automatically starts.
This is only applicable to Avaya Aura® environments, where
embedded softphone is used in My Computer mode.
Encoding Page of CCT This setting applies to AACC only.
Attached Data
Name Description
Show agent comments for Select the Show agent comments for external transfer check box so
external transfer that agent comments are added to an email that is transferred externally.
By default, the Show agent comments for external transfer option is
not selected.
Force Send Emails Select the Force Send Emails check box to provide agents with the
option to override an email address validation failure and send an email
message even when the system detects an invalid email address.
Mandatory Comments for Select the Mandatory Comments for Email Approval check box to
Email Approval make review comments mandatory when supervisors approve or reject
an email message.
Insert Line Break Before Auto Select the Insert Line Break Before Auto Response check box to add a
Response blank line before an auto response is sent to the customer.
Maximum Number of E-mail Enter the maximum number of people to whom an agent can send an
Recipients email message. The default value is 30.
Maximum Number of Agent Enter the maximum number of email messages that an agent can initiate.
Initiated E-mails The default value is 5.
Show All Email Skillsets Select the Show All Email Skillsets check box so that agents can see all
the skillsets configured in Contact Center when they are initiating an
outgoing email.
If you do not select the Show All Email Skillsets check box, agents see
only the email skillsets to which they are currently assigned.
Instant messages
Name Description
IM provider If you use peer-to-peer Instant Messaging (IM) with any supported
Microsoft instant messaging server in your solution, select Lync 2010 /
Lync 2013. Otherwise, select None.
IM Consult Reporting on Voice Enable or disable the reporting of IM or Multimedia consults by agents on
Contacts voice contacts.
Close IM Popout Window Select the Close IM Popout Window Automatically When Session
Automatically When Session Has Ended check box to close the IM popout window automatically when
Has Ended the agent completes the IM contact on Agent Desktop.
Close IM Popout Window Automatically When Session Has
Ended is applicable only to contact centers that have IM enabled
and by default this check box is selected in the CCMM
Administration utility.
Table continues…
Name Description
Decline Personal IM Select the Decline Personal IM Automatically When Agent Busy On
Automatically When Agent Contact check box to refuse personal IM messages automatically when
Busy on Contact the agent is busy with a contact on Agent Desktop.
Decline Personal IM Automatically When Agent Busy On
Contact is applicable only to contact centers that have IM enabled
and by default this check box is selected in the CCMM
Administration utility.
Maximum Roster Size Enter the maximum number of IM contacts that agents can add to the My
Contacts list in Agent Desktop. The default value is 150 contacts.
Avaya Aura Presence Delay Enter the delay, in milliseconds, between releasing an IM connection and
Factor the corresponding CCT contact. This is required if the IM wrapup
message is not being delivered to customers.
Number of Personal IM’s Enter the maximum number of open IM's an individual agent is allowed
Allowed To Go Ready before the agent is not allowed to go ready. The number of personal IM's
an agent is allowed open on Agent Desktop at one time cannot exceed
the number configured in this field.
Web communications
Name Description
Web Communications/IM Tab Enter the time, in seconds, for which Web Communications or IM Tab
Blink Duration must blink on Agent Desktop. The default value is 5 seconds.
Show Web Communications Select the Show Web Communications System Prompts check box to
System Prompts display a message when an agent pushes a page to a customer. This
message precedes the page push URL.
Taskbar Alert on New Web Select the Taskbar Alert on New Web Communication Message check
Communication Message box to configure a taskbar alert, when a new web communication
message arrives on Agent Desktop.
Append Selected Auto Phrase Select the Append Selected Auto Phrase to Existing Text check box
to Existing Text so that agents can add an automatic phrase to an existing chat message,
IM message, or email message.
Phonebook/Call Log
Name Description
Contact Center LDAP Select the Contact Center LDAP Phonebook check box to provide
Phonebook agents with a list of other agents, whom they can consult, during a voice
call or an email contact.
LDAP Phonebook Unique Key Enter the LDAP attribute that Agent Desktop uses to uniquely identify any
entries that agents search for in the LDAP server. The default value is
objectGUID, which is the default Microsoft Active Directory unique
Table continues…
Name Description
LDAP Phonebook Display Enter the LDAP attribute that Agent Desktop uses as the primary display
Name field in Phonebook.
Log Call History Select the Log Call History check box so that calls made by agents are
logged. Agents can view the call history in the Call History tab of
Phonebook in Agent Desktop.
Allow Erasing of Call History Select the Allow Erasing of Call History check box so that agents can
erase the call history from the Call History tab of Phonebook in Agent
Maximum Number of Calls to Enter the maximum number of calls that Agent Desktop can log.
Maximum Number of Speed Enter the maximum number of contacts that agents can add to their
Dials speed dial list in Phonebook.
Maximum Number of Enter the maximum number of contacts that agents can add as favorites
Favorites in Phonebook.
Name Description
Voice History Port Enter the port number on CCMS that Agent Desktop connects to for
retrieving the voice history information.
Voice history information contains details of previous voice calls to the
Contact Center from the dialed number of the currently active contact.
The default port is 443 with the security feature on which is the
default value. In case you have disabled the security feature, the
default port is 80. You cannot change the value of the port.
Display Customer History on Select the Display Customer History on Voice Contact check box to
Voice Contact display Customer History for Voice contacts on Agent Desktop.
Contact Center Multimedia searches for Customer History of previous
contacts based on the calling line ID for Voice contacts.
Display Customer History on Select the Display Customer History on Personal Calls check box to
Personal Calls display customer history for voice contacts on personal calls on Agent
Voice Contact Identifier for Select either AD_CLID or SIP_FROM_ADDRESS to look up the Contact
Customer History Center Multimedia database that contains customer history for the
originator of the incoming voice call. In order to search the database you
must also enable the Voice Contact Search parameter.
Table continues…
Name Description
Display Voice Calls in Select the Display Voice Calls in Customer History check box to
Customer History display previous voice calls for the originator of the current active contact
in Agent Desktop. Enable these settings to lookup the Contact Center
Manager Server database for Voice Contact history.
Enable Contact Summary Data generation in Contact Center Manager
Administration, to ensure that individual contact history data is created in
the Contact Center Manager Server database.
Reason codes
Name Description
Default Not Ready Reason Enter the default Not Ready Reason code that the system sends when an
Code when Rejecting a agent is forced into the Not Ready state after rejecting a contact.
If the Default Not Ready Reason Code when Rejecting a Contact field
is blank the agent is forced into the Not Ready state with a Reject Contact
Default Code (000).
Default Not Ready Reason Enter the default Not Ready Reason code that the system sends when an
Code when Pulling a Contact agent is forced into the Not Ready state after pulling a contact.
If the Default Not Ready Reason Code when Pulling a Contact field is
blank the agent is forced into the Not Ready state with a Pull Mode
Default Code (0000).
Default Not Ready Reason Enter the default Not Ready Reason code that the system sends when an
Code After Max Open agent is forced into the Not Ready state when a contact is open for longer
Duration than the Maximum Open Duration and the contact is recycled.
The CCMM Administration utility does not allow the Default Not Ready
Reason Code After Max Open Duration field to be left blank. By default,
the agent is forced into the Not Ready state with a MaxOpen Default
Code (000).
Force all agents to use a not Select the Force all agents to use a not ready reason code when
ready reason code when going not ready check box to force agents and supervisor/agents to
going not ready enter a Not Ready reason code when agents change their status to Not
Name Description
Audible Alert Settings Select the type of alert Agent Desktop plays when contacts are presented
to agents. There are four options:
• NONE. No alert is played.
• BEEP. The computer’s internal sound card is played as the alert.
• WAV. A .wav audio file is played as the alert.
• BOTH. Both the WAV and BEEP settings work.
Table continues…
Name Description
Play Alert on Voice Select the Play Alert on Voice check box to ensure an alert is played
when voice contacts are presented to agents.
Play Alert on CCMM Select the Play Alert on CCMM check box to ensure an alert is played
when multimedia contacts are presented to agents.
Source of WAV Select MM. This determines that the .wav file played is a CCMM .wav file.
Number of Rings on Voice Enter the number of times the agent phone rings when a voice contact
Alert alerts on Agent Desktop. By default, the agent phone rings 5 times when
a voice contact alerts on Agent Desktop
Number of Alert Tones for Enter the number of alert tones that can be defined for Multimedia
Multiple Contacts contacts. The default value is 5.
Enable Advanced Audio Select the Enable Advanced Audio Controls for Softphone check box
Controls for Softphone to allow an agent to control Receive Gain and Transmit Gain, which
allows agents to change the audio level of the incoming and outgoing
speech path when Agent Desktop is in the My Computer mode.
Name Description
Maximum Attachment Upload In the Maximum Attachment Upload Size box, enter the maximum
Size attachment upload size in kilobytes. The maximum file size set for
attachments also applies to inline attachments.
Attachment Upload Timeout Enter the time in seconds after which the Communication Control Toolkit
server session expires during uploading an attachment.
Supported attachment Configure the supported file extensions that agents can attach to emails
in the Supported attachment field. To configure file extensions, perform
one of the following:
• To add a new extension, type the file extension in the field and click
You can add file extensions in the following format: Word documents
(*.doc;*.docx), Text files (*.txt). Type All files *.*
to allow adding all types of file extensions. Separate each file extension
with a semicolon (;).
• To remove a file extension, select the file extension from the Current
supported file extensions field and click Remove.
Name Description
Number of Simultaneous Web Enter the maximum number of Web Communications contacts that a
Communications Observe/ supervisor can observe or barge-in on simultaneously.
Barge-in Contacts
Table continues…
Name Description
Web Communications Enter the time, in seconds, at which the multimedia intrinsics and chat
Observe/Barge-in Refresh summary refreshes for each Web Communications contact in the
Rate Supervisor Observe: Contact list on Agent Desktop.
Number of Messages to Enter the number of messages to display in the chat summary for the
Display in Web selected Web Communications contact in the Supervisor Observe:
Communications Observe/ Contact list on Agent Desktop.
Barge-in Summary
Agent Desktop displays the newest messages first in the list. For
example, if this value is 5 and a supervisor selects a Web
Communications contact containing 6 messages, then the summary
displays messages from 2 to 6.
Supervisor Observe window Enter the time in seconds between an agent answering a new contact
refresh delay and the supervisor control refreshing to display this contact. The default
value is 1 second.
Barge-in Wait Time Enter the time in seconds between a Supervisor initiating an observe and
having the ability to initiate a barge-in on the same contact. The default
value is 5 seconds.
Contact Type That Can Be Select the contact types that agent supervisors can observe. You can
Observed select Web Communications .
Observe Agent Initiated Select the Observe Agent Initiated Contact Center Calls check box to
Contact Center Calls allow supervisors to use the Observe function to listen in on an agent-
initiated voice contact.
If you clear the Observe Agent Initiated Contact Center Calls check
• Agent Desktop does not display agent-initiated calls to supervisors.
• Avaya Workspaces displays agent-initiated calls in the My Agents
widget, but the Observe button is disabled.
Notify an Agent if a Contact is Select the Notify an Agent if a Contact is being Observed/Barged-In
being Observed/Barged-In On On check box, so that Agent Desktop displays an icon on a work item
when a supervisor/agent observes, whisper coaches, or barges-in on a
Display Observable Contacts Select the Display Observable Contacts of Logged Out Agents check
of Logged Out Agents box to allow supervisor/agents to see non-skillset calls of agents who are
logged out of Agent Desktop. Supervisor/agents can see agent calls only
where the agent uses CCT to log on to the desk phone.
Display Supervisor Observe Select the Display Supervisor Observe Color Coding check box, so
Color Coding that Agent Desktop uses color coding on the Supervisor Observe dialog
to distinguish between skillset, non-skillset, observed, barged-in, and
whisper coached calls and contacts.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces, except for Maximum
number of images allowed per agent, which applies only to Avaya Workspaces.
Name Description
Maximum signature image file Enter a number that specifies the maximum file size for images that
size agents can add when creating a signature in Agent Desktop and Avaya
Workspaces. Administrators can specify a value between 1 and 50 KB.
Maximum number of images Enter a number that specifies the maximum number of images that
allowed per signature agents can add when creating a signature in Agent Desktop and Avaya
Workspaces. Administrators can specify a value between 0 and 3. The
default value is 3.
Maximum number of images Enter a number that specifies the maximum number of images that
allowed per agent agents can add to the image pool of Avaya Workspaces. Administrators
(Workspaces only) can specify a value between 0 and 12. The default value is 12.
Maximum number of Enter a number that specifies the maximum number of characters that
characters per email signature agents can add when creating a signature in Agent Desktop and Avaya
Workspaces. Administrators can specify a value between 0 and 2000.
The default value is 2000.
Web statistics
Name Description
Enable web statistics Select the Enable web statistics check box to allow agents and
supervisors to view a real-time statistics for call handling, skillset data,
and state information on Agent Desktop.
Agent web statistics Enable Agent Web Statistics on Agent Desktop, so that agents and
supervisors can use Agent Desktop to view statistics for call handling,
skillset data, and state information on Agent Desktop.
Web statistics ticker duration Enter the time, in seconds, for which the Web Statistics ticker displays for
each skillset.
By default, the Web Statistics ticker displays for 10 seconds for each
skillset on Agent Desktop.
Web Statistics Refresh Enter the time in seconds after which the Web Statistics information
Interval refreshes.
By default, the Web Statistics information refreshes every 60
Web Statistics Exception Limit Enter the number of Contact Center Web Statistics (CCWS) connection
exceptions allowed before the system disables the statistics feature.
If you enter zero in the Web Statistics Exception Limit field, the
statistics feature is never disabled.
Use secure web statistics Select the Use secure web statistics check box to secure
communication with the Contact Center Web Statistics (CCWS) server.
Name Description
IM logging Select the IM Logging check box to capture IM/Presence server log
messages in Agent Desktop log files.
Web Statistics Logging Select the Web Statistics Logging check box so that Agent Desktop log
files capture log messages relating to the Web Statistics feature.
Web Statistics Logging generates logging inside Agent Desktop
Web Communications Select the Web Communications Logging check box so that Agent
Logging Desktop log files capture log messages for the Web Communications
Web Communications Logging generates logging inside Agent
Desktop only.
CCT Logging level Select the logging level that Agent Desktop log files capture for CCT. You
can choose from the following:
• Off
• Verbose
CCT Logging Level generates logging inside Agent Desktop only.
Reason Code Logging Select the Reason Code Logging check box so that Agent Desktop log
files capture log messages for reason codes that agents enter during a
Reason Code Logging generates logging inside Agent Desktop
Method Entry and Exit Select the Method Entry and Exit Logging check box to enable
Logging additional Agent Desktop logging for troubleshooting purposes.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces, except for Callback
trunk access code, which applies only to Agent Desktop.
Name Description
Callback minimum time Callback time is a range of minutes to days the system to wait before
reoffering a pending contact to agents. Agents can delay the contact or
place the contact into pending state because they are waiting for
additional information to complete the contact.
Table continues…
Name Description
Callback maximum time In the Callback minimum time box, enter the minimum callback time in
minutes. The minimum value is 2 minutes.
In the Callback maximum time box, enter the maximum callback time in
days. The maximum value is 200 days.
The actual time value appears by default in the Agent Desktop and Avaya
Workspaces applications when the agent reschedules the contact.
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces.
Callback trunk access code Callback trunk access enables you to schedule callbacks with customers
who requested callbacks.
In the Callback trunk access code, enter the trunk access number to
ensure that you create a callback to the customer you work with.
Name Description
Pull Contact On Same Skillset Select the Pull Contact On Same Skillset Only check box so that
Only agents can pull contacts only from the skillsets that the agents are
currently assigned to.
Show Original Action When Select the Show Original Action When Pulling MM Contact check box
Pulling MM Contact so that Agent Desktop displays the original action when pulling a contact.
If you do not select the Show Original Action When Pulling MM
Contact check box then Agent Desktop displays the most recent action
when pulling a contact.
An example of an original action is an email message that is sent by a
customer. The most recent action is an agent’s reply to the original email
Home page
These settings apply to both Agent Desktop and Avaya Workspaces. The Home Page in
Agent Desktop refers to the Welcome Page in Avaya Workspaces.
Name Description
Home Page Enabled Select the Home Page Enabled check box if you want Agent Desktop to
display the Home Page and Avaya Workspaces to display the Welcome
If you enable the Home Page feature:
• Agent Desktop displays the Home Page button on the Agent Desktop
Agents can use the Home Page button to reopen the Agent Desktop
Home Page. The Agent Desktop Home Page displays a screen pop
that contains a web page that you configure to open when an agent
starts Agent Desktop.
• The Avaya Workspaces Welcome Page displays the configured web
When you clear the Home Page Enabled check box, the Welcome
Page displays the empty page with the Welcome page URL not
configured message.
Home Page URL Type the URL of the web page that the Agent Desktop Home Page and
the Avaya Workspaces Welcome Page display.
When configuring the web page URL for Avaya Workspaces, ensure
that you type the http:// or https:// prefix. The Avaya
Workspaces Welcome Page displays the configured web page only
if the web page URL contains a prefix.
Home Page Name Type the name of the web page that the Agent Desktop Home Page and
the Avaya Workspaces Welcome Page display.
Limits/Min-Max values
Name Description
Teleworker Recovery Button – Enter the time in milliseconds that sets the Click Delay time. The Click
Click Delay Delay time limits how quickly Agent Desktop registers clicks to the
Teleworker Recovery Button. When agents click on the Teleworker
Recovery Button on Agent Desktop, Contact Center attempts to reinitiate
the nail-up call.
Force Logout Delay Enter the time, in seconds, the system displays the You've Been
Logged Out alert before shutting down Agent Desktop, after a
supervisor remotely logs an agent out of Contact Center from the Contact
Center Manager Administration (CCMA) user interface.
By default, the system displays the You've Been Logged Out
alert for 60 seconds.
Table continues…
Name Description
Critical level of free virtual Enter the minimum amount of free RAM in MB that must be present on a
memory client PC. If the free RAM drops below the level specified, Agent Desktop
displays a warning message. By default, the minimum amount of free
RAM is set at 250 MB.
Maximum dashboard zip file Use these settings to limit the size of the zip file saved when collecting
size log files using the Agent Desktop dashboard.
In the Maximum dashboard zip file size box, enter the maximum file
size of logs an agent can zip in Dashboard window in kilobytes.
Custom contacts
Name Description
Allow custom contacts Select the Allow Custom Contacts check box so that agents can add
custom contacts to Phonebook in Agent Desktop.
Custom contacts are personal contacts of the agents and are not present
in the LDAP directory.
Maximum number of custom Enter the maximum number of custom contacts that agents can add to
contacts Phonebook in Agent Desktop.
The Open IE Mode Manager button is active only if you select the Enable IE mode
6. Click Add to add a new site to the list.
7. In the Add new website dialog box, type the URL of the site that you want Agent Desktop
to open with IE mode.
You can add sites with or without www.
8. (Optional) In the Notes about URL field, type your comment about the site if required.
You can later edit your notes by selecting the site from the list and clicking the Edit button.
9. Click Save.
The site URL appears in the site list.
10. To delete a site from the site list, select the required site and click Delete.
11. To use other options, click File and select one of the following:
• Clear list: Removes all sites from your list.
• Bulk add from file: Adds a ready site list from an XML file.
• Save to XML: Saves your site list as an XML file.
• Import: Imports a site list from an .emie or .emie2 file.
• Export: Exports your site list to an .emie or .emie2 file.
1. Log on to the CCMM server with administrative privileges.
2. On the Desktop, select Administrative Tools.
3. Select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
4. In the left pane, navigate to the Default Web Site.
5. In the middle pane, in the IIS section, select Request Filtering.
6. From the File Name Extensions list, right-click .mdb and select Remove.
7. On the Confirm Remove message box, click Yes.
8. From the main Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager menu, select File > Exit.
Configure Avaya Workspaces using the Workspaces Configuration section of the Contact Center
Multimedia Administration utility. In Workspaces Configuration, you can configure general settings,
add an administrator user, as well as enable Agent Security for Avaya Workspaces. You can also
import email templates from Agent Desktop to Avaya Workspaces.
Some Agent Desktop configuration settings in Contact Center Multimedia Administration are also
applicable for Avaya Workspaces. When you change these settings for Agent Desktop, note that the
same changes apply to Avaya Workspaces. These settings are:
• Configuring Basic Screen Pops on page 62
• Configuring Advanced Screen pops on page 67
• Signature on page 83
• Home Page on page 86
• Enable Agent Skillset Partitioning on page 72
• Apply Agent Skillset Partitioning to Transfers on page 72
• Close Multiple Contacts on page 73
• Observe Agent Initiated Contact Center Calls on page 82
• Callback on page 84
Avaya Workspaces also provides the Widget Framework feature for administrators to:
• Customize the layout and functioning of Avaya Workspaces in a contact center.
• Access Widget APIs to create customized Avaya Workspaces.
To use the Widget Framework feature, you must create an administrator user role in the Contact
Center Multimedia Administration utility and log on to Avaya Workspaces by using the administrator
user credentials. On the Avaya Workspaces administrator interface, you can use Widget Framework
tools to customize or create widgets for Avaya Workspaces.
For more information about Widget Framework, click the Overview button on the Avaya
Workspaces administrator interface and see Widget Framework Developer Documentation.
Related links
Configuring the Avaya Workspaces General Settings on page 91
For more information, see Configuring the Avaya Workspaces administrator on page 94.
11. In the Workspaces Administration section, in the Widget Library URI box, type the
address of the Avaya Workspaces Widget Library.
12. In the Workspaces Administration section, in the Log Upload URI box, type the address of
the external server for uploading the Avaya Workspaces log files.
13. In the Authentication section, under Token expiration timeout, set the time of token expiry
in hours and minutes.
14. Click Save.
Related links
Avaya Workspaces configuration on page 90
Variable definitions on page 92
Variable definitions
Name Description
Cluster Settings This section contains the following:
• Workspaces Cluster IP/FQDN. An IP Address or
an FQDN to access the Avaya Workspaces multi-
node cluster.
In a single-node deployment, you must enter an
IP Address or an FQDN of the Avaya Workspaces
Depending on these settings, you must use
either an IP Address, or an FQDN to access
Avaya Workspaces.
• Workspaces Cluster Port. A port to connect to
the Rest API (31796). This field is prepopulated.
Table continues…
Name Description
Domain Settings Use this section to configure the Domain Settings.
Avaya Workspaces uses LDAP authentication for
administrator or user login.
This section contains the following:
• Domain Server IP. An IP Address of the
Workspaces LDAP server.
• Domain Server Port. The port number of the
Workspaces LDAP server.
• Use Secure Connection. Select this check box if
you want to use secure TLS connection for the
Workspaces LDAP server.
Agent Security Use this section to enable and configure secure
HTTPS connection for Avaya Workspaces.
This section contains the following:
• Enable Agent Security. Select this check box to
use secure HTTPS communication for Avaya
• Hostname. A hostname you use to access Avaya
• Load Certificate. Use this button to browse to a
desired directory and load an HTTPS certificate
• Load Key. Use this button to browse to a desired
directory and load a key file.
For more information, see Enabling Agent Security
for Avaya Workspaces on page 101.
Workspaces Administration Use this section to configure the Avaya Workspaces
administrator, the Widget Library URI and the Log
Upload URI.
This section contains the following:
• Admin Username. A name of the Avaya
Workspaces administrator. For more information,
see Configuring the Avaya Workspaces
administrator on page 94.
• Widget Library URI. The address of the Avaya
Workspaces Widget Library.
• Log Upload URI. The address of the external
server for uploading Avaya Workspaces log files.
Table continues…
Name Description
Authentication Use this section to configure the token expiration
Under Token expiration timeout, set the time of
token expiry in hours and minutes.
Related links
Configuring the Avaya Workspaces General Settings on page 91
You can access Avaya Workspaces through a web browser using the Cluster IP Address (Cluster
Virtual IP) or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Avaya Workspaces cluster.
If you enter an IP Address in Cluster Settings, you must access Avaya Workspaces using the
Cluster IP Address.
If you enter an FQDN in Cluster Settings, you must access Avaya Workspaces using the
Using an FQDN for accessing Avaya Workspaces when an IP Address is configured in Cluster
Settings, and vice versa, can cause incorrect operation of widgets.
Avaya Workspaces supports both HTTP and HTTPS. You can enable HTTPS connection for
Avaya Workspaces in the Contact Center Manager Administration application. For more
information, see Enabling Agent Security for Avaya Workspaces on page 101.
Depending on configuration, you can use one of the following URL formats to access Avaya
• http://<CLUSTER_VIRTUAL_IP>:31380/services/UnifiedAgentController/
• http://<FQDN>:31380/services/UnifiedAgentController/workspaces/
• https://<CLUSTER_VIRTUAL_IP>:31390/services/UnifiedAgentController/
• https://<FQDN>:31390/services/UnifiedAgentController/workspaces/
Note that the port number changes to 31390 when you use HTTPS.
1. Access Avaya Workspaces by typing the URL into your web browser.
2. On the Login Agent screen, in the Username field, enter your administrator user name
and domain name in the format username@domainname.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
4. Click Sign in.
The Activate Agent screen appears.
5. From the Profile dropdown list, select AdminProfile.
6. Click Activate.
You are now logged in as an administrator and can customize Avaya Workspaces.
8. (Optional) On the warning popup, click Yes if you want to overwrite the existing Avaya
Workspaces email templates.
The warning popup appears only if the CCMM database already contains email template
The progress bar along the bottom of the page indicates the save is in progress.
When the saving process completes, the icons in the tree change to represent the Email Template
groups. The imported email templates are now available for agents using Avaya Workspaces.
Next steps
Add the Email Templates widget to the Avaya Workspaces layout. For more information, see
Configuring the Avaya Workspaces layout and widgets on page 99.
Related links
Avaya Workspaces configuration on page 90
You must ensure that this hostname matches the hostname used when creating the
security certificate. You must also ensure that all Avaya Workspaces client computers
can resolve this hostname to the IP address of the Avaya Workspaces cluster.
8. Click Save.
After you saved the changes of the Agent Security settings, you must wait for not less than
five minutes for the changes to take effect. You must not change any Agent Security
settings within this five-minute period. If your HTTPS certificate has expired and you want
to upload a new one, you must disable Agent Security by clearing the Enable Agent
Security checkbox and wait for five minutes. After that, repeat the procedure of enabling
Agent Security.
This chapter describes how to set up your contact center with the optional configurations for routing
email contacts to fulfill your customer requirements.
When you commission your contact center, you configure the email server, a default email skillset,
and a default recipient with at least one rule group. The default settings ensure email messages go
only to an agent with the ability to handle email messages. You can customize your contact center
with additional skillsets, rule groups and email servers.
To further enhance your customer service, you can configure routing tools to use in rule groups. Use
keyword groups and sender groups to decide how to route contacts. Configure which skillset and
priority the email contact is assigned to based on the input for routing contacts. Use automatic
suggestions for the agent to reply quickly to an email or automatic responses to send a reply to the
customer without agent interaction. You can close the contact immediately after the automatic
response. This chapter describes how to configure all optional routing tools.
You can configure outbound email settings, such as which skillset to use as a reply address and a
list of email addresses that must not receive automatic responses. For each skillset you use to route
contacts, you can have a signature with your corporate branding or special information based on the
Other types of contacts generate email messages that are routed using the inbound and outbound
email options.
Reports appear in the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility to show the current status of
the email traffic. The following reports appear when you select email and View Reports in the left
column of the Contact Center Multimedia application. You can choose the report date and the
skillsets represented in all displayed real-time reports.
• Email (New Vs. Closed) shows the number of contacts in a new and closed state against the
time for the selected date and skillsets.
• Email Progress shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a defined date to
determine the traffic levels for that date.
• Email Closed Contacts Queue Time shows the average time an email contact spends in queue
while the contact center is open.
You can configure general email settings to minimize space and format special characters for other
15. In the SMTP Authentication field, select the SMTP authentication, if required, for your
outbound email server.
16. In the Encryption field, select the security protocol that is used for sending email
messages. You can choose one of the following:
• Clear Text (Default)
17. In the Port Number field, type the port number for the email server.
18. If you have a backup email server, in the Secondary Hostname field, provide a host name
for the backup server.
19. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Port Number Port number for the email server.
Primary Hostname The name of the server that receives email
Secondary Hostname Name of a secondary email server, if one is
available in your contact center.
• From Release 7.1 Feature Pack 2, the Microsoft Office 356 server is presented in the
Server Settings table by default and adding the Microsoft Office 365 as an email server is
not required. You cannot delete or edit the Microsoft Office 356 server.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select General Administration.
3. Click Server Settings.
4. Under Edit Current Servers, click New.
5. Select Inbound Mail Server to add a new inbound email server.
6. In the Primary Hostname field, type the name of the server that receives email messages.
7. In the Inbound Protocol field, select the protocol that is used for receiving email
messages. You can choose one of the following:
• POP3
8. In the Encryption field, select the security protocol that is used for receiving email
messages. You can choose one of the following:
• Clear Text (Default)
9. In the Port Number field, type the port number for the email server.
10. If you have a backup email server, in the Secondary Hostname field, provide a host name
for the backup server.
11. Click Save.
12. Under Edit Current Servers, click New.
13. Select Outbound SMTP Server to add a new outbound email server.
14. Click Edit.
15. In the Primary Hostname field, type the name of the server that sends email messages.
16. In the SMTP Authentication field, select the SMTP authentication, if required, for your
outbound email server.
17. In the Encryption field, select the security protocol that is used for sending email
messages. You can choose one of the following:
• Clear Text (Default)
18. In the Port Number field, type the port number for the email server.
19. If you have a backup email server, in the Secondary Hostname field, provide a host name
for the backup server.
20. Click Save.
is different from the global office hours schedule configured in general email settings to this
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click General Administration.
3. Click Skillset Settings.
4. Select a skillset for which to assign a route point.
5. Click Edit.
6. From the Route Point list, select the route point to assign to the skillset.
7. Under Office Hours, choose an office hour template that gives the office hours particular
to the selected skillset.
8. If applicable, in the Auto Signature box, type the signature to assign to the skillset.
9. Click Save.
6. Under Mailbox Details, in the Mailbox field, type the SMTP mailbox name.
7. In the Domain field, type the domain for your email server.
8. In the Display Name field, type the name to appear in the email From address.
9. Under Authentication, from the Credentials list, select the required credentials.
10. In the Inbound Server field, select the host name of your server along with the respective
security protocol.
11. In the Inbound Mail Threshold field, type the maximum number of email messages to be
retrieved from the mailbox every scan interval.
You can enter a different value for this variable for each mailbox.
12. In the Outbound SMTP Server field, select the host name of your SMTP server.
13. In the Rule Group field, select the name of the Rule Group to assign to the recipient
14. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Display Name The name to appear in the email From address.
For example, Sales Department.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Table continues…
Name Description
Mailbox The name of a mailbox on the email server.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is in the
same domain as the email server, in the Mailbox
Name box, type the address, and in the E-mail
Domain box, type the domain name.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is not in the
same domain as the email server, and you are
using Windows 2000, in the Mailbox Name box,
type the address in the format domain\user.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is not in the
same domain as the email server, and you use a
version of Windows later than Windows 2000, in the
Mailbox Name box, type the address in the format
Mailbox names are case-sensitive. You must
type the mailbox name exactly as it appears on
your server.
Username The username used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Credentials A password or client credentials used to access the
mailbox on the email server.
Use password for POP3 or IMAP servers with Basic
Use client credentials for the Microsoft Office365
(MS Graph) server with OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Inbound Mail Threshold The maximum number of email messages to be
retrieved from the mailbox every scan interval.
You can enter a different value for this variable for
each mailbox. The default value is 10.
Rule Group The name of the rule group that applies to this
recipient mailbox. Configure rule group properties in
the Contact Center Multimedia Administrator.
Inbound Server The name of the email server, POP3, IMAP or
Microsoft Office365 (MS Graph), that handles email
messages coming into the contact center.
Outbound (SMTP) Server The name of the email server that delivers email
messages that leave the contact center.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Alias An alias is an address that forwards all email
messages it receives to another email account.
Display Name The name to appear in the email From address.
For example, Sales Department.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Mailbox The name of a mailbox on the email server.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is in the
same domain as the email server, in the Mailbox
Name box, type the address, and in the E-mail
Domain box, type the domain name.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is not in the
same domain as the email server, and you are
using Windows 2000, in the Mailbox Name box,
type the address in the format domain\user.
If the Contact Center Multimedia server is not in the
same domain as the email server, and you use a
version of Windows later than Windows 2000, in the
Mailbox Name box, type the address in the format
Mailbox names are case-sensitive. You must
type the mailbox name exactly as it appears on
your server.
Username The username used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Credentials A password or client credentials used to access the
mailbox on the email server.
Use password for POP3 or IMAP servers with Basic
Use client credentials for the Microsoft Office365
(MS Graph) server with OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Rule Group The name of the rule group that applies to this
recipient mailbox. Configure rule group properties in
Contact Center Multimedia Administrator.
Table continues…
Name Description
Outbound (SMTP) Server The name of the email server that delivers email
messages that leave the contact center.
- If you delete the skillset associated with the default rule, EM_Default_Skillset is used.
- If you delete EM_Default_Skillset, the system stops processing email messages.
• Configure the route points for the skillset you assign to the system default rule. For more
information, see Configuring skillsets for email on page 108.
About this task
Update the system default rule to ensure that an email arriving at each configured recipient
mailbox is assigned a skillset and can be routed.
When you create a recipient mailbox, the system default rule is copied as the last regular rule into
the list of rules for the recipient mailbox.
The automatic signature is text appended to each email message sent from the contact center in
addition to the agent message. The text in the automatic signature contains corporate disclaimer
information and must be in fixed-width font. The automatic signature appears in an email message
after any personal signature, which is configured in the Agent Desktop application.
The system default rule is used in every rule group configured in Contact Center Multimedia.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click System Rules.
4. Under System Default Rule, from the Skillset list, select a skillset name.
5. To change the automatic response settings, under Auto Responses, select another
automatic response from the list.
6. To change the priority, under Priority, select a different priority for the contact.
7. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route contacts.
Table continues…
Name Description
Auto Response A message sent to a customer with no agent
An automatic response can be an intelligent
response, such as a sales promotion flyer, or an
acknowledgement, such as, “Thank you for your
email. We will respond to you within three days.”
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 10.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route outbound
Keyword group A list of words that you can search in an email
message. Keyword groups associate keywords and
expressions considered important by the contact
center to be handled in a particular way.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 10.
Will close contact Select the check box to close the email contact after
the system delivery failure rule determines that the
contact is not appropriate for the contact center.
Clear the check box to leave the email contact open
for review.
The keyword search in an email message is not case-sensitive. For example, if you add the word
John, the Email Manager also matches JOHN and john.
The Keyword box supports the Unicode UTF-8 character set.
You can specify a spelling accuracy in the keyword group.
Keyword groups support only asterisks (*) and question marks (?) as wildcard characters. The
asterisk (*) represents multiple characters. For example, t* specifies a list of all the words that start
with t. The question mark (?) represents a single character. For example, p?t specifies all three
letter words that start with p and end with t.
A keyword does not support the following characters: +-!(){}[]^"~:\&&||#$@€/><,.‘;=%£&¬|`'“. If you
use any of these characters in your keywords, you receive an error message stating that the
keyword contains invalid characters.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Keyword Groups.
4. Click New or Edit.
5. Under Keyword Group, in the Group Name box, type a unique name for the keyword
6. In the Keyword box, type a word or a group of words related to the keyword group you
7. Optional: To allow close misspellings of the word, select the Allow spelling inaccuracies
check box.
The system displays the following levels of accuracy:
• Low (greater than 70% accuracy)
• Medium (greater than 80% accuracy)
• High (greater than 90% accuracy)
8. Optional: Select the required level of accuracy.
9. Click >.
The keyword or expression is added to the list, and the keyword group is created.
10. Repeat step 6 on page 118 through step 9 on page 118 to add more keywords to the list.
11. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Name Name of the keyword group. The name must be
unique and less than 64 characters.
Keyword A word, or string of characters, used to search the
email message for particular text to determine the
routing of the contact. A maximum of 50 keywords
can be in each keyword group.
Allow spelling inaccuracies Select the check box to allow small inaccuracies in
spelling of words.
Specify to allow a spelling inaccuracy of 70%, 80%,
or 90% in the keyword list.
For example, to allow charles, charlie, and charley
in the search for the keyword charlie, you can select
a low (70%) degree of accuracy because 2 of the 7
characters or 71% of the characters are correct.
Inaccuracies of 80% or 90% do not allow the error.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Name The name of the automatic response. The name
must be unique.
Type The type of prepared response.
Auto-Response is a reply that Contact Center
Multimedia can send automatically when it receives
an email message.
Chat History Header provides common headers for
Web Chat history emails. You must configure this
response on each WC skillset for which you want to
use this response.
Auto-Suggest is a template that agents can use to
provide common responses to customers. You must
add a suggested response to a rule group, to make
it available to agents.
Subject The subject of the prepared response used as an
email message.
Body The body of the prepared response. The body is
limited to 3900 characters. The body can include
attachments, formatting, and variables for a
customer. To access the variables for the content,
insert a placeholder by right-clicking the content and
selecting the placeholder from the menu.
Categories The category for the prepared response. Specifying
the category makes it easier for agents to find
automatic suggestions on Agent Desktop.
Attachments The attachment is stored on the Contact Center
Multimedia server for later use.
Image Inline images are seen directly within the message
body. The inline image file size limit is the same as
the current limit set for attachments in Agent
Browse Available only when you select Image. Browse to
locate the inline image that you want to include in
the email.
Image Address (URL) Type the url for the inline image that you want to
include in the email.
Alternate text Type the alternative text for the image.
Alternate text is what the customer views if their
email client cannot display the image.
Table continues…
Name Description
Align Select the alignment of the image. The options are
inline, left, and right.
Border Inserts a border around the image. For example,
enter 2 to add a double-sized border around the
Margin Inserts a margin around the image.
Insert Image Insert the inline image.
Cancel Exit the Inline Attachments fields.
4. Select the prepared response from which you want to remove an attachment.
5. Select the attachment to delete.
6. Beside the Attachments box, click Delete.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
7. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Promote.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Name The unique name for the sender group. The name
must be less than 64 characters.
Email Address The email address to add to the sender group.
Addresses in Group A list of addresses in a group that are reviewed
when the system applies a sender group to a rule.
You can specify only 50 addresses for each group.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Sender Groups.
4. Select a sender group from the list.
5. Click Edit.
6. Under Addresses in Group box, select the email address from the list.
7. Click Remove.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
8. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
9. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Current Search Criteria Select the criterion to configure for the rule.
Choose Keyword Match to select a keyword group
that contains phrases or words to search.
Choose Sender Group to select an email address
from which the email message is received.
Choose a maximum of five criteria for each rule.
If you select multiple keyword groups that
include an ‘AND’ statement, CCMM detects
matches only if all keywords are found in either
the subject or body of the email message.
CCMM detects no match if some keywords are
included in the body and some keywords are
included in the subject.
Available Auto Responses Select the automatic response that you can choose
for the rule group. You can choose only one
automatic response.
Automatic responses under Available Auto
Responses show what you can choose. The
Automatic responses in the right column show the
configuration for this rule.
Available Auto Suggests Select the automatic suggestions that you can
choose for the rule group. You can choose up to five
automatic suggestions for future automatic
suggestion promotion.
Automatic suggestions under Available Auto
Suggestions show what you can select. The
automatic suggestions in the right column show the
configuration for this rule.
Name The name of the rule. The name must be unique
and less than 64 characters.
Skillset Select the name of the skillset to route contacts.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
Table continues…
Name Description
Will use office hours Select the check box to use the office hours
calendar to determine whether the contact center is
open or closed.
Will close contact Select the check box to close the contact when the
rule is applied to the contact.
Call Open Interface web service Select the check box to call a Web service.
Web Service Select the Web service associated with the rule.
Enabling a rule
About this task
Rules can be enabled within a rule group.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Rule Groups.
4. Select a disabled rule.
5. Under Rules, click the check mark (√) button.
6. Click Save.
Disabling a rule
About this task
Rules can be disabled within a rule group. You can disable the rule functionality without deleting
the rule.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Rule Groups.
4. Select an enabled rule.
5. Under Rules, click the cross ( X ) button.
6. Click Save.
Deleting a rule
Before you begin
• Create a rule.
About this task
Permanently delete a rule. After you delete the rule, you cannot use the rule for routing email
You cannot delete the Default Rule.
If you permanently delete a rule, existing contacts for the rule can no longer be archived by rule
and any Contacts by Rule reports no longer work. Avaya recommends that you archive all
contacts associated with a rule before you delete the rule.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Rule Groups.
4. Under Rules, select the name of the rule to delete.
5. Click the minus sign (—) button.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
7. Click Save.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Rule Groups.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name box, type the name of the new rule group.
In the Rule Groups list, select the rule group to change.
6. Select the Matching Type for the rule group.
7. To add a new rule to the group, click the plus sign (+) button.
8. To remove a rule from the group, click the minus sign (—) button.
9. Configure the new rule using the input criteria, responses, and general settings.
10. To change the order of the rules in the group, select the rule, and then click the up arrow
( ^ ) button and down arrow ( v ) button to change the order of the rules.
11. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Matching Type Choose the matching type.
For Best match, the system checks all rules in the
rule group and routes the email message according
to the rule with the highest percentage match.
For First match, the system checks one rule at a
time, in the order of the rule group and routes the
email message according to the rule that matches
Name Name of the rule group. The name of the rule group
must be unique and less than 64 characters.
Agents can belong to the skillset that approves email messages. Therefore, you must
configure the approval process in a way that restricts agents from approving email
7. From the drop-down list, under Rejection Flow, select the rejection hierarchy for each
approval level. You can select one of the following:
• Reject to original skillset
• Reject to current approval level –1. This hierarchy is the default setting. For example,
Reject to approval level 1.
You must configure a rejection hierarchy for each approval level. The rejection hierarchy
controls the flow of email messages through the levels of approval skillsets for a rejected
email message. For example, you can decide to automatically send all rejected email
messages, at any level, back to the originator.
8. In the Approval Ratio field, type the percentage of email messages that require supervisor
approval for that skillset.
The approval ratio must be whole numbers ranging from 0 to 100.
9. (Optional) From the Auto-Rejection Keyword Group drop-down list, select a keyword
group based on which the system automatically rejects the email messages for that
10. (Optional) To create a new keyword group, click the plus (+) button next to the Auto-
Rejection Keyword Group drop-down list. The system uses the new keyword group to
automatically reject email messages for that skillset.
11. Click Save.
Next steps
Optionally, you can configure Contact Center to auto-reject contacts on all the skillsets configured
for supervisor approvals, based on a single keyword group. For more information, see Configuring
auto-rejection of email messages from all skillsets that use approval hierarchy on page 134.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click General Settings.
4. To change the attachment file location from the file system to the database, select Store in
the database.
5. To change the attachment file locations on the file system, under Attachment Files, type
the new paths for the inbound and outbound URL and shared folders into the fields
6. To configure a mailbox scan interval, under Mailbox Scan Interval, in the Interval box,
type the time in minutes.
7. To include the customer ID or contact ID in a number for the outgoing email message
numbering, under Message Properties, select the Customer ID check box, the Contact
ID check box, or both.
8. To include the email message body in the keyword search, select the Include email body
in keyword search check box.
9. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Interval The interval between mailbox scans to check for
new incoming email messages. You can specify
minutes and seconds between each scan.
Store in the database Select the check box to save new attachments in
the MULTIMEDIA database instead of on the file
Inbound Url The uniform resource locator (URL) that shows the
location of the inbound email attachments.
When Web Services security is on, use https as the
URL prefix. If you have turned off Web Services
security, use http as the URL prefix.
Inbound Share The path of the shared folder on the Contact Center
Multimedia server in which the inbound email
attachments are stored.
Table continues…
Name Description
Outbound Url The uniform resource locator (URL) that shows the
location of the outbound email attachments.
When Web Services security is on, use https as the
URL prefix. If you have turned off Web Services
security, use http as the URL prefix.
Outbound Share The path of the shared folder on the Contact Center
Multimedia server in which the outbound email
attachments are stored.
Autonumber outgoing email Select the check box to number the email message
automatically with either the customer ID, the
contact ID, or both. The number appears in the
subject of the message for identification.
Include email body in keyword search Select the check box to enable a keyword search in
both the subject and the body of the email
Search for first characters Specify the number of characters in the content of
the body of the email message that you search for
keywords if you enabled the keyword search in the
body of the email message.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click Outgoing E-mail.
4. Click the Barred Outgoing Addresses tab.
5. Click New.
Select an existing barred email address, and then click Edit.
6. In the Address box, type the email address to block.
7. Click Save.
The address appears in the list of Barred Addresses.
21. Under Logon Method, select Plain text logon (Basic authentication). No TLS
connection is required for the client to authenticate to the server.
22. Click OK.
23. Close the Exchange Management Console.
24. On your Microsoft Exchange server, click Start > Administrative Tools > Services.
25. In the Services window, right-click the Microsoft Exchange POP3 or IMAP4 icon and
select Restart.
26. Close the Services window.
2. Type HELO.
3. Try to send an email message to an external address using the MAIL command:
5. If you find that SMTP Authentication is not enabled, you can continue to send an email
message using the DATA command:
354 Send data. End with CRLF.CRLF
250 OK
7. If the SMTP Authentication is enabled, you must reconnect to your email server.
8. Enter the EHLO command after you reconnect:
250-SERVERNAME.DOMAIN.COM Hello [LocalMachineName]
250-SIZE 0
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
235 LOGIN authentication successful
dGVzdA== represents the word test when base64-encoded. The responses shown
here are examples. Use the base64 representation of your user name and password
that is specific to your email mailbox account.
11. Confirm the user name and password.
After you enable the Extended Email Capacity feature, you can disable this feature only if the
number of contacts in the Open or Waiting status is less than the Maximum Open Contacts
Threshold. The Maximum Open Contacts Threshold is 3 000.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click E-mail.
3. Click General Settings.
4. Click Advanced.
The system displays the Advanced Email Configuration dialog box.
5. Select the Enable Extended E-mail Capacity check box.
6. In the E-mail Queue Preference field, select the order in which the system queues the
contacts. You can queue the contacts in one of the following ways:
• By priority first, then age
• By age first, then priority
7. Click Save.
The Contact Center Multimedia server supports text-based conversations between the customer
and the agent by using Web communications text chat or Enterprise Web Chat (EWC). When
customers initiate a Web communications contact, a list of skillsets determines the appropriate topic
for the contact.
EWC supports integration with Agent Desktop only with a standalone Multimedia server on a Unified
Communications solution. EWC is a licensed feature, and requires a Web Chat SDK license.
If you are migrating from an existing Web Communications chat solution to the EWC chat
solution, you must redevelop your custom interfaces to integrate with EWC.
Contact Center selects EWC as the web chat solution, if the following criteria are satisfied:
1. Agent have logged on to Agent Desktop.
2. Agents are assigned to a skillset for handling web communications.
3. Contact Center is licensed for EWC.
Before making any Web communications contacts, you must ensure the Web communications
server or Enterprise Web Chat is configured.
Agent Desktop handling of web communications contacts is the same whether Contact Center
uses Web Communications chat or EWC. You must enable Agent Desktop to handle EWC
contacts using the CCMM Administration utility. By default the option is not enabled. You can
enable the option only if your Contact Center has the EWC license.
To personalize the Web communications contacts, you can configure welcome messages for all
contacts, and specialized messages for each skillset. You can also place labels in the text-based
conversation to identify the text written by the customer and agent. You can also send a copy of the
transcript of the Web communication contact to the customer when the contact is complete.
Timers control the length of time for alerts to indicate when the agent or customer stops responding
in the Web communication contact.
To assist agents with Web communications contacts, you can use automatic phrases to configure
text for agents to automatically insert in the text-based conversation. You can also configure page
push URLs, a predefined URL that is commonly sent to customers. The automatic phrases and
page push URLs save the agent typing time when communicating with the customer.
The Web on hold URLs creates a list of Web pages that are sent to the customer’s desktop while
they wait for an agent to respond to their initial contact.
A Web on hold comfort group creates a list of messages that are sent to the customer’s desktop,
while the customer waits for an agent to respond, for a specified period of time to their initial contact,
on a Web communications skillset.
A Web communications comfort group creates a list of messages that are sent to the customer's
desktop while they wait for an agent to respond, for a specified period of time, either to their initial
contact or during the communication, on a Web communications skillset.
An agent-supervisor can observe or participate in any currently active agent-customer Web
communications chat session, provided the agent is under the supervision of that particular agent-
supervisor. Agent-supervisors using Agent Desktop can see a display of all such applicable Web
communications and Voice contacts currently active. This display also flags any Web
communications contacts where certain intrinsic values exceed the defined threshold. If Contact
Center uses the EWC solution then an agent-supervisor can send whisper messages to the agent.
Whisper messages are not seen by the customer. Whisper messages are not supported in the Web
Communications chat solution.
Web communications configuration procedures do not apply to voice-only contact centers. To
enable this multimedia feature, obtain and configure a multimedia-enabled license.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click General Administration.
3. Click Server Settings.
4. In the Server Settings dialog box, select External Web Server and click New.
5. In the Server Name box, type the name of the external Web server where you plan to
install the sample Web customer interface and develop your custom website.
6. In the Server Port box, type the port number for the external Web server you use to
develop your custom website.
7. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Server Name The name of the external Web server on which you
plan to install the sample Web customer interface
and develop your custom website.
Server Port The port number for the external Web server for
your custom website.
4. In the Default Welcome Message box, type the message to appear at the beginning of
every contact. The maximum size for this message is 255 characters.
5. In the Agent Label list, select the label to appear at the beginning of the agent contact list.
In the first box, choose from a list of automatic text such as Friendly Name, First Name,
Last Name, or both First Name and Last Name. Use the second box to type custom text.
6. In the Customer Label box, type the text to appear at the beginning of the customer
responses in the contact.
Customer Label is supported up to version xampp-win32-1.7.2 only.
7. To create a customer welcome message for a specific skillset, under Custom Welcome
Messages, select a skillset.
8. Under Welcome Message, type the welcome message for the skillset.
9. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Agent Label The label that appears beside the text typed for the
agent. Select one of the following items:
• First Name: The first name of the agent appears
at the beginning of the agent responses in the
contact (for example, Robert).
• First Name, Last Name: The first and last name of
the agent appear at the beginning of the agent
responses in the contact (for example, Robert
• Last Name, First Name: The last name of the
agent, followed by the first name of the agent
appears at the beginning of the agent responses
in the contact (for example, Smith, Robert).
• Friendly Name: The friendly name or nickname of
the agent appears at the beginning of the agent
responses in the contact (for example, Rob).
The first name of the agent is the default value for
Friendly Name. For example, if you have entered
the first name of the agent as Fred in Contact
Center Manager Administration, the default
Friendly Name is set as Fred. You can modify the
Friendly name using Contact Center Multimedia.
While upgrading to Contact Center 7.1, the default
value is applied to any existing agents. The
default values is also applied to any new agents
who are added to the system after the upgrade.
You can also type custom text to appear at the
beginning of the agent responses. The maximum
size of the label is 255 characters.
Customer Label The text to appear at the beginning of the customer
responses in the contact. The maximum size of the
Customer Label is 255 characters.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Message Refresh The refresh time for the Agent Desktop.
Keep Alive Time The interval in minutes and seconds between
heartbeat pulses that verify whether both ends of
the Web communication contact are open.
Desirable Response (Agent awaiting Customer) The time after which the conversation indicator on
the Agent Desktop changes color to indicate that
the desirable time for an agent response is
Table continues…
Name Description
Desirable Response (Customer awaiting Agent) The time after which the conversation indicator on
the Agent Desktop changes color to indicate that
the desirable time for a customer response is
Consult Request Timeout The time after which the consult request expires.
Force Idle Customer Check Select this check box to enable Agent Desktop to
alert agents when a customer has not replied in a
Web communications session, for a predefined
The Agent Desktop also brings that web chat
contact to the front.
Force Idle Customer Check Timer The time after which the Agent Desktop considers a
customer in a web chat session idle, if a customer
has not responded in a Web communications
The Save Timestamp on Chat Message and Save Chat History settings are not
applicable to the Enterprise Web Chat (EWC) chat solution. Use the EWC Transcript
Filtering Web Service feature to modify the EWC chat transcripts. See Configuring
Enterprise Web Chat settings on page 152.
6. Click Save.
If you select All Skillsets, the Previously Configured Auto Phrase box is unavailable.
7. In the Name box, type a name to represent this automatic phrase.
8. In the Phrase Text box, type the text that is commonly used for the contacts based on the
selected skillset.
9. Click Add.
10. Click Save.
4. Under Edit Page Push URLs, select the skillset to change the URLs.
Select All Skillsets.
5. Click Edit.
6. In the URLs in Group box, select the URL to delete.
7. Click Remove.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
8. Click Yes to confirm the decision.
9. Click Save.
11. Repeat step 6 on page 159 to step 11 on page 159 to add all URLs to the current Web on
hold group.
12. Click Save.
12. Under Group Messages, use the arrow keys to configure the sequence of messages.
13. Click Save.
5. Click Edit.
6. Under Group Messages, select the Message to delete.
7. Under Edit Group, click Remove.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
8. Click Yes to confirm the decision.
9. Click Save.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select General Administration.
3. Click Skillset Settings.
4. Under the Edit Skillset dialog box, in the Comfort Group list, select the group that you
want to remove and click Unlink Group.
5. When the warning message asking you to confirm unlinking the Web communications
comfort group appears, click Yes.
For example, if contact A has exceeded the threshold for intrinsics of priority 1 and 2, and contact
B has exceeded the threshold for intrinsics of priority 1 and 3, then contact A appears above
contact B in the list.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Web Comms.
3. Click Intrinsic Settings.
4. Under Intrinsic Data, type a number of seconds or type a number in the Threshold box.
5. Under Intrinsic Data, select a number, from 1 to 5, in the Priority drop-down box.
Each intrinsic type has to have a unique priority level.
6. Click Save.
To create, monitor, and add data to an outbound campaign, use the Outbound Campaign
Management Tool.
You must use the Multimedia Administration tool to configure how contacts are routed to a contact
type using a skillset. Complete all other configuration for previewed outbound campaigns in the
Outbound Configuration Management Tool. For more information, see Administering Avaya Contact
Center Select.
5. Under the Edit Skillset dialog box, in the Route Point list, select the route point to assign
to the outbound skillset.
6. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Route point A location in the open queue that enables incoming
contacts to queue and run through a script on the
Contact Center Manager Server.
Contact Center uses credentials for mailboxes authentication and supports two types of
• Basic authentication for POP3, IMAP or SMTP servers
• OAuth 2.0 authentication for the Microsoft Office365 (MS Graph) server
Basic authentication
This is the default type of authentication.
Basic authentication applies to POP3, IMAP or SMTP servers and uses a password as
credentials. You can use Basic authentication for Email, Social Networking, Voice Mail, Fax,
Scanned Documents, and Text Messaging (SMS) mailboxes. You can assign the same credentials
to several mailboxes. You cannot delete credentials assigned to a mailbox.
For more information about configuring credentials for Basic authentication, see Creating
credentials for Basic authentication on page 173.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name field, type the name of the credentials.
6. From the Authentication Type list, select Basic.
7. In the Password field, type the password.
8. In the Confirm Password field, type the password again.
9. Click Save.
The new credentials appear in the Credentials Configuration table. You can now use these
credentials when creating mailboxes for Email, Social Networking, Voice Mail, Fax, Scanned
Documents, and Text Messaging (SMS).
2. Using the Credentials tab in the Email section of the Contact Center Multimedia
Administration utility, create one of the following:
• Client credentials with a certificate. See Creating client credentials with a certificate on
page 176.
• Client credentials with a secret. See Creating client credentials with a client secret on
page 178.
3. Use the created client credentials when creating a recipient mailbox on the Microsoft
Office365 server.
7. Click Register.
The Azure Active Directory admin center displays the Overview pane with the application
8. In the Manage section, click Certificates & secrets.
9. Do one of the following:
• To add a client secret, click New client secret, configure the client secret name and
expiration time, and click Add.
• To upload a certificate, click Upload certificate, select the required .crt certificate file
and click Save.
10. In the Manage section, click API permissions.
11. In the API permissions screen, click Add a permission.
12. On the Request API permissions screen, click Microsoft Graph.
13. Click Application permissions.
14. From the list, select Mail.
15. Select the Mail.ReadWrite and Mail.Send check boxes.
16. Click Add permissions.
The selected permissions appear in the Configured permissions list.
17. On the API permissions screen, click Grant admin consent for your application.
18. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Next steps
In the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility, configure client credentials with a
certificate or client secret.
The new client credentials appear in the Credentials Configuration table. You can now use these
credentials when creating recipient mailboxes for Email.
Editing credentials
About this task
You can edit the existing mailboxes credentials.
You cannot change the following attributes:
• Authentication Type
• OAuth2.0 Grant Type
1. Open the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility.
See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Email.
3. Click Credentials.
The Mailboxes Authentication Settings screen appears.
4. From the Credentials Configuration list, select the credentials that you want to edit.
5. Click Edit.
6. Make the required edits and click Save.
Deleting credentials
About this task
You can delete only those credentials that are not assigned to a mailbox.
1. Open the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility.
See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Email.
3. Click Credentials.
The Mailboxes Authentication Settings screen appears.
4. From the Credentials Configuration list, select the credentials that you want to delete.
5. Click Delete.
6. On the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
This chapter contains the configuration steps for the voice mail recipient mailbox and routing voice
mail contacts.
In the contact center, the recipient mailboxes are polled for incoming voice mail messages. A voice
mail server forwards voice mail messages to an email address. The Contact Center Multimedia
Email Manager retrieves the voice mail (.wav) attachment and queues it to the appropriate skillset
with an assigned priority. The caller ID is extracted to facilitate callbacks to the customer.
Reports appear in the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility to show the current status of
the voice mail traffic. The following reports appear when you select Voice Mail and View Reports in
the left column of the Contact Center Multimedia application. You can choose the report date and
the skillsets represented in all displayed real-time reports.
• The Voice Mail (New Vs. Closed) report shows the number of contacts in a new and closed
state against the time for the selected date and skillsets.
• The Voice Mail Progress report shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a
defined date to determine the traffic levels for that date.
• The Voice Mail Closed Contacts Queue Time report shows the average time a voice mail
contact spends in queue while the contact center is open.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Route point A location in the open queue that enables incoming
contacts to queue and run through a script on the
Contact Center Manager Server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Inbound Server The host name of the email server that handles
email messages that enter the contact center.
Outbound Server The host name of the email server that delivers
email messages that leave the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server that is
polled for new incoming email messages.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route voice mail
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 6.
Sender address Select Use full sender address or Parse the
address for the Calling Line identification (CLID) to
save for future contacts. The address in the format
you select is stored with the contact for future
communication with the customer.
Leading characters to remove If you select a Calling Line Identification (CLID) to
add the customer’s phone number into the contact
information, type any leading characters or trunk
numbers to remove from the current number.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select Voice Mail.
3. Click Mailbox Configuration.
4. Select the mailbox to be edited.
5. Click Edit.
6. Update the mailbox settings as required.
7. Click Save.
- assign priority 3
• Use caution when you change the properties of the system default rule:
- If you change the properties of the rule, you affect the behavior of the system default rule,
which affects all recipient mailboxes.
- If you delete the skillset associated with the default rule, VM_Default_Skillset is used.
• Configure the route points for the skillset you assign to the system default rule. For more
information, see Configuring a route point for a voice mail skillset on page 181.
About this task
Update the voice mail system default rule to ensure that email messages received with voice mail
attachments are routed to an agent if no other rule associated to the recipient mailbox routes the
email message.
The system default rule is used in every rule group configured in Contact Center Multimedia.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, click Voice Mail.
3. Click Default Rules.
4. Under System Default Rule, from the Skillset list, select a skillset name to assign to the
5. Under System Default Rule, from the Priority list, select the priority to assign to the
6. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route contacts.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 10.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route outbound
Keyword group A list of words that you can search in an email
message. Keyword groups associate keywords and
expressions considered important by the contact
center to be handled in a particular way.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 10.
Will close contact Select the check box to close the email contact after
the system delivery failure rule determines that the
contact is not appropriate for the contact center.
Clear the check box to leave the email contact open
for review.
This chapter contains the configuration steps for the recipient mailbox that receives scanned
In the contact center, the recipient mailboxes are polled for incoming scanned documents. A server
forwards scanned documents to an email address. The Contact Center Multimedia Email Manager
retrieves the scanned document as an attachment (.tiff) and queues it to the appropriate skillset with
an assigned priority.
Reports appear in the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility to show the current status of
the contact type traffic. The following reports appear when you select Scanned Documents and
View Reports in the left column of the Contact Center Multimedia application. You can choose the
report date and the skillsets represented in all displayed real time reports.
• The Scanned Document (New Vs. Closed) report shows the number of contacts in a new and
closed state against the time for the selected date and skillsets.
• The Scanned Document Progress report shows the number of contacts in a new or closed
state on a defined date to determine the traffic levels for that date.
• The Scanned Document Closed Contacts Queue Time report shows the average time a
contact spends in queue while the contact center is open.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select General Administration.
3. Click Skillset Settings.
4. In the Skillset Settings dialog box, select the skillset to assign a route point.
The skillset must have the prefix SD.
5. Under the Edit Skillset dialog box, in the Route Point list, select the route point to assign
to the scanned document skillset.
6. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Route point A location in the open queue that enables incoming
contacts to queue and run through a script on the
Contact Center Manager Server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Inbound Server The host name of the email server that handles
email messages entering the contact center.
Outbound Server The host name of the email server that delivers
email messages that leave the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server that is
polled for new incoming email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Table continues…
Name Description
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route contacts.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 6.
A scanned document mailbox cannot be deleted if it is currently assigned to a skillset
About this task
Delete a scanned document mailbox, if it is no longer required.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select Scanned Document.
3. Click Mailbox Configuration.
4. Select the mailbox to be deleted.
5. Click Delete.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
7. In the Mailbox box, specify the new mailbox or change the name of the existing mailbox.
8. In the Domain box, type the email server domain.
9. In the Credentials field, from the list, select the required credentials.
10. To use a different user name for the SMTP authentication, select the Use Alternative
username for SMTP Authentication check box.
11. In the Username box, type the alternative user name.
12. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
SMTP Server The name of the email server that handles email
messages leaving the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server polled for
email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Use Alternative username for SMTP Authentication If SMTP authentication is required for your
outbound email server, select the user name for the
This chapter contains the configuration steps for the fax recipient mailbox.
In the contact center, the recipient mailboxes are polled for incoming fax messages. A fax server
forwards messages to an email address. The Contact Center Multimedia Email Manager retrieves
the fax attachment (.tiff) and queues it to the appropriate skillset with an assigned priority. The caller
ID is extracted to facilitate callbacks to the customer.
Reports appear in the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility to show the current status of
the fax traffic. The following reports appear when you select Fax and View Reports in the left column
of the Contact Center Multimedia application. You can choose the report date and the skillsets
represented in all displayed real-time reports.
• The Fax (New Vs. Closed) report shows the number of contacts in a new and closed state
against the time for the selected date and skillsets.
• The Fax Progress report shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a defined
date to determine the traffic levels for that date.
• The Fax Closed Contacts Queue Time report shows the average time a contact spends in
queue while the contact center is open.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Route point A location in the open queue that enables incoming
contacts to queue and run through a script on the
Contact Center Manager Server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Inbound Server The host name of the email server that handles
email messages entering the contact center.
Table continues…
Name Description
Outbound Server The host name of the email server that delivers
email messages that leave the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server that is
polled for new incoming email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route contacts.
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 6.
Sender address Select Use full sender address or Parse the
address for the Calling Line identification (CLID) to
save for future contacts. The address in the format
you select is stored with the contact for future
communication with the customer.
Leading characters to remove If you select a Calling Line Identification (CLID) to
add the customer’s phone number into the contact
information, type any leading characters or trunk
numbers to remove from the current number.
Variable definitions
Name Description
SMTP Server The name of the email server that handles email
messages leaving the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server polled for
email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Use Alternative username for SMTP Authentication If SMTP authentication is required for your
outbound email server, select the user name for the
A fax reply mailbox cannot be deleted if it is currently assigned to a skillset.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select Fax.
3. Click Reply Configuration.
4. Select the mailbox to be deleted.
5. Click Delete.
The system displays a Warning dialog box.
6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
6. To close contacts matching the delivery failure keywords, select the Will close contact
check box.
7. Click Save.
This chapter contains the configuration steps for the SMS recipient mailbox.
In the contact center, the recipient mailboxes are polled for incoming Short Message Service (SMS)
messages. A server forwards the SMS messages to an email address. The Contact Center
Multimedia Email Manager retrieves the text of the SMS and queues it to the appropriate skillset
with an assigned priority. The caller ID is extracted to facilitate callbacks to the customer.
Reports appear in the Contact Center Multimedia Administration utility to show the current traffic
status. The following reports appear when you select Text Messages (SMS) and View Reports in the
left column of the Contact Center Multimedia application. You can choose the report date and the
skillsets represented in all displayed real-time reports.
• The SMS (New Vs. Closed) report shows the number of contacts in a new and closed state
against the time for the selected date and skillsets.
• The SMS Progress report shows the number of contacts in a new or closed state on a defined
date to determine the traffic levels for that date.
• The SMS Closed Contacts Queue Time report shows the average time a contact spends in
queue while the contact center is open.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select General Administration.
3. Click Skillset Settings.
4. In the Skillset Settings dialog box, select the skillset to assign a route point.
The skillset must have the prefix SM.
5. Under the Edit Skillset dialog box, in the Route Point list, select the route point to assign
to the SMS skillset.
6. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Route point A location in the open queue that enables incoming
contacts to queue and run through a script on the
Contact Center Manager Server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Inbound Server The host name of the email server that handles
email messages entering the contact center.
Table continues…
Name Description
Outbound Server The host name of the email server that delivers
email messages that leave the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server that is
polled for new incoming email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Skillset A label applied to a set of skills, capabilities, or
knowledge that an agent requires to respond to a
request. The skillsets are retrieved from the Contact
Center Manager Server database. You must select
a route point for a skillset used to route SMS
Priority The priority given to a request for a skillset agent.
The lower the priority number, the greater the
priority. The values of the priorities range from 1 to
For example, a call with priority 1 is handled before
a call with priority 6.
Sender address Select Use full sender address or Parse the
address for the Calling Line identification (CLID) to
save for future contacts. The address in the format
you select is stored with the contact for future
communication with the customer.
Leading characters to remove If you select Calling Line Identification (CLID) to add
the customer’s phone number into the contact
information, type any leading characters or trunk
numbers to remove from the current number.
1. Open the Multimedia Administration utility. See Starting the CCMM Administration utility on
page 48.
2. In the left pane, select Text Messaging (SMS).
3. Click Reply Configuration.
4. Under Skillsets, select a fax skillset for the mailbox configuration.
5. Under Mailbox, select a configured mailbox.
Click New to create a new mailbox.
Click Edit to edit an existing mailbox.
6. In the SMTP Server box, select the SMTP server to use for outgoing email messages.
7. In the Mailbox box, specify the new mailbox or change the name of the existing mailbox.
8. In the Domain box, type the email server domain.
9. In the Credentials field, from the list, select the required credentials.
10. To use a different user name for the SMTP authentication, select the Use Alternative
username for SMTP Authentication check box.
11. In the Username box, type the alternative user name.
12. Click Save.
Variable definitions
Name Description
SMTP Server The name of the email server that handles email
messages leaving the contact center.
Mailbox Name of the mailbox on the email server polled for
email messages.
Domain The domain name for the email server.
Credentials Credentials used to access the mailbox on the
email server.
Use Alternative username for SMTP Authentication If SMTP authentication is required for your
outbound email server, select the user name for the
5. To change the priority, under Priority, select the priority to assign to the contact from the
Priority list under the System Delivery Failure Rule.
6. To close contacts matching the delivery failure keywords, select the Will close contact
check box.
7. Click Save.
Use the procedures in this chapter to set up the cleanup rules and tasks to remove closed contacts
from the active Multimedia database.
Avaya Contact Center Select includes a Multimedia Offline database, a background synchronization
task, and cleanup and purge tools. The background synchronization task automatically updates
contacts from the active Multimedia database to the Offline database. You create rules and
schedules to clean up the active Multimedia database by removing closed contacts from it, while
leaving them in the Offline database. This keeps the active database small and efficient, while also
allowing for historical reporting across all the contacts in both the active and the Multimedia Offline
databases. The Multimedia Offline database contains the archived contacts, which are accessible
for custom reporting. You can report on the Offline database using custom reporting with an ODBC
DSN referencing the Offline tables in the Multimedia namespace.
You can configure the Offline database to purge contacts over a specific age. You specify the age at
which ACCS purges closed contacts. ACCS runs a purge task every day, and purges contacts that
meet the age criteria. You cannot recover a purged contact other than by restoring a backed-up
Offline database.
Database sizing and limits
The active Multimedia database supports a maximum of 1,000,000 contacts. You must regularly
cleanup contacts from the active Multimedia database to stay below this limit. The maximum size of
the Offline database is 70% of the database drive size. For example, if the Multimedia database
drive size is 200 Gb, then the maximum size of the Offline database is 140 Gb. If the Offline
database fills up, you can either increase the Multimedia database disk space, or change the Offline
database purge interval.
To prevent service interruption, updates to the Offline database stop when the database drive size is
70% full and the Offline database has less than 5% free space. Updates continue after you purge
contacts, or if space is freed or added to the drive.
You can check the current sizes of the databases in the CCMM Data Management tool.
When the current size of the Offline database grows to 75% of the maximum size, CCMM logs this
event to the log file. When the current size of the Offline database grows above 90% of the
maximum size, CCMM logs events to the event viewer. If the current size of the Offline database
exceeds 95%, CCMM stops automatically synchronizing contacts from the Multimedia database,
and prevents you from running manual or scheduled archives.
You can purge contacts from the Offline database to reduce the database size. You specify the age
at which ACCS purges closed contacts. ACCS runs a purge task every day, and purges contacts
that meet the age criteria. You cannot recover a purged contact other than by restoring a backed-up
Offline database.
Cleanup rules
You create a cleanup rule to select contacts for a scheduled cleanup task. Cleanup rules apply to
the Multimedia database only. Cleanup rules select contacts based on the number of days they
have been in a Closed state, and any one of the following criteria:
• outbound campaign
• email rule
• contact skillset
Scheduled tasks
You create scheduled cleanup tasks to clear contacts from the active Multimedia database. A
scheduled task uses a single cleanup rule to select the contacts to clear. Scheduled tasks clear only
closed contacts that were already copied to the Multimedia Offline database. If a contact was not
previously copied to the Multimedia Offline database, the scheduled task copies it and then clears it.
The following figure shows the interface that you use to create scheduled cleanups of the active
Multimedia database.
Restoring contacts
You can restore the contacts cleared by a scheduled cleanup task.
Using the Multimedia Dashboard metrics to identify data to purge
You can use the Multimedia Dashboard metrics to identify data to clean up. The CCMM Database
Metrics section shows alerts when the metrics exceed normal thresholds. If you place your mouse
over the alerting metric, the Dashboard displays a tooltip with details of the database values causing
the alert. For example, if the database has one or more customers with over 1000 contacts, the
tooltip displays:
• the customer IDs
• number of contacts for the customer
Figure 7: Example of a dashboard tooltip identifying the number of contacts customers have
The prerequisite software takes some time to install. After the install, the system displays
the CCMM Data Management Administration utility.
Next steps
Create a new scheduled task to use this rule to clear closed contacts from the MULTIMEDIA
1. In the Data Management utility, select Rules.
2. Select Customers.
3. In the Customer Rules screen, click New.
4. In the Rule Name field, enter a descriptive name for this rule.
5. In the Age of Closed Contacts field, type the number of days that a contact must be
Closed to match this rule.
6. For each customer you want to add to the cleanup rule:
a. In the Customer Search field, select the search key for the customer, either ID or E-
b. In the Equal To field, type the ID or email address of the customer that you want to
add to the rule.
c. Click Search.
d. Select the customer that the search function returns.
e. Click the right-arrow button to move the customer to the Selected field.
7. For each customer you want to remove from the rule:
a. In the Selected field, select a customer.
b. Click the left-arrow button to move the customer to the Not Selected field.
8. Click Save.
Next steps
Create a new scheduled task to use this rule to clear closed contacts from the MULTIMEDIA
If you need to restore contacts previously cleared by a scheduled task, check to ensure that an
existing scheduled task does not clear the contacts the next time it runs. For example, re-open the
contacts, cancel the scheduled task that originally cleared them, or change the cleanup rule that
the contacts matched.
The Cleanup History list shows all previously-completed scheduled tasks that cleared contacts. It
provides the following information for each task:
• The task name.
• The execution date of the task.
• The number of contacts that the task cleared from the MULTIMEDIA database.
• The number of customers whose contacts the task cleared from the database.
• The number of campaigns for which the task cleared contacts from the database (only for
tasks with an Outbound rule).
• The restore status of the task.
Avaya recommends running one cleanup task at a time. Where more than one cleanup task is
run a contact might be included in each cleanup. Restoring any of the cleanups successfully
moves the contact into the active database.
1. In the Data Management utility, select Restore.
2. In the navigation pane, select Restore.
3. In the Cleanup History screen, review the list of completed scheduled cleanup tasks.
4. Select the scheduled task that cleared the contacts that you want to restore.
5. Click Restore.
6. On the CCMM Cleanup Restore window, click Yes.
Contact Center schedules a task to restore the contacts, and shows the start time in the
Restore Status field. When the restore task starts, the Restore Status field shows the
task progress.
The Multimedia Data Management utility includes a Customer Privacy tab that allows you to act on
privacy requests from contact center customers. The following customer privacy requests can be
addressed using the Multimedia Data Management utility:
• If a customer exercises their right to access information, you can provide customers with
information stored about them in the Voice, MULTIMEDIA, and OFFLINE databases. You can
save this information in an XML file, which can be modified before you provide it to the
customer. The file contains all relevant customer information.
• If a customer exercises the right to be forgotten, you can delete their history records from the
Voice, MULTIMEDIA, and OFFLINE databases. In High Availability solutions, the records are
also deleted from standby and RGN servers.
To prevent deletion of contacts not yet handled by agents, a customer’s history records can
be fully deleted only when all of their contacts are in a closed status. For example, a
customer with contacts in new or open status cannot not be deleted.
1. In the Data Management utility, select Privacy.
2. Select Information Request.
3. Under Customer Search or Voice History Search, from the drop-down list, select ID, E-
mail or Phone Number.
4. In the Equal To box, type the customer’s ID, email address or phone number and click
The search results appear in the table. To reset the search results, click Reset.
5. Select the customer and click Save.
The Customer information request submitted message appears. You can
download the XML file with the customer information when it is generated.
The time it takes to generate the file depends on the size of the customer record.
6. To download the XML file, in the browser address box, enter the following URL: https://
where CCMM_SERVER_NAME is the name of your CCMM server.
7. Click OK.
Next steps
Modify the file if required before providing it to the customer.
This chapter describes how to create three example flow applications using Orchestration Designer
(OD) that provide either estimated wait time or position in queue information to customers, or
provide customers with the option to leave a voice mail if all agents are busy. These flow
applications use Avaya Contact Center Select default sample data; you can use these example
flows in your contact center.
This chapter also provides a brief description of how to install and use OD. You can use OD to
create and manage flow applications to route contacts to an appropriate queue in the contact center.
For more detailed information about Orchestration Designer and using Orchestration Designer in
your contact center, see Using Contact Center Orchestration Designer.
10. In the Destination Folder window, select the installation folder for Orchestration Designer.
11. Click Next.
12. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click Install.
13. After the installation is complete, click Finish.
1 Contact Center view: The Contact Center view of Orchestration Designer shows all applications,
application variables, and application management data currently configured in your Contact
2 Application editor view: The Application editor is the main tool to create or modify the default
applications. It provides the canvas on which to place the blocks.
3 Synchronization view: The Synchronization view shows the difference between the objects in the
Local view and the Contact Center view for the Contact Center Manager Server.
1 View tabs: The tabs located across the top of the Application editor represent main pages and
block editors for the flow applications on which you work.
2 Palette bar: The icons represent blocks that you can use to build your Contact Center
applications. The blocks you see depend on the switch you use in your Contact Center.
3 Local view: The Local view provides a user work space on a desktop to work with copies of the
variables and applications.
4 Application Manager Data folder contains a list of all the agents, skillsets, CDNs, and DNISs.
Applications folder contains a list of all the applications in the system. Applications are used to
control how contacts are routed through the Contact Center and the treatment each contact
Applications Variables contains a list of all the variables in the system. Variables are used to
change the nature of a flow at run time without changing the application.
You can also start Orchestration Designer from the Apps screen.
If you start Orchestration Designer from the Apps screen, you can create and work with
applications and variable data in a local version of Orchestration Designer without affecting the
working contact center.
The local version of Orchestration Designer allows you to perform the following tasks:
• Access all information without restrictions by access classes.
• Perform updates without affecting your Contact Center applications.
• Create applications using Orchestration Designer before the rest of the Contact Center
software is installed.
By default, the Local and Problems views appear in your Orchestration Designer window. The top
right corner is reserved for the script or flow application editor.
If you start Orchestration Designer from the Contact Center Manager Administration application,
there are no partition restrictions. You log on to Contact Center Manager Administration as an
administrator and work with blocks and variables in Orchestration Designer as an administrator.
Only one instance of Orchestration Designer can run at a time.
1. Launch Orchestration Designer.
2. In the Contact Center pane, expand the CCMA name. The CCMA name matches the host
name of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
3. Expand CC.
4. Right-click Applications [Full Control], and select New > Application.
5. In the New Contact Center Application dialog box, select Create in Contact Center.
6. In the Application Name box, type the name of your new flow application. For this
example, the name is QueuingWithEstWaitTime.
7. For Application Type, select Graphical Flow.
8. From the Application Template list, select SimpleQueuing.
9. Click Finish.
The Flow Editor opens the new flow based on the SimpleQueuing template.
10. Select the else condition icon that appears to the right of the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
11. Right-click on the Wait For 30 Secs block icon and select (Dis)Connect.
12. From the palette bar, select the IVR block icon.
16. From the palette bar, select the Treatment block icon.
17. Click the main [QueuingWithEstWaitTime] panel.
The CCTREATMENTBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if
18. Right-click on the CCTREATMENTBLOCK icon and select Rename.
19. In the Name box, type MusicOnHold and click OK.
20. Select the CCIVRBLOCK icon.
21. Right-click on the MusicOnHold icon and select (Dis)Connect.
22. Select the MusicOnHold icon.
23. Right-click on the Wait for 30 Secs icon and select (Dis)Connect.
This number corresponds to the Avaya Contact Center Select default Sample_Music
route configured in CCMA.
33. Close the MusicOnHold tab.
34. Optionally, double-click the Wait for 30 Secs wait block.
a. Under Block Name, type a new name for the wait block. For example, type Wait
for 10 Secs.
b. In the Duration (secs) box, type 10.
c. Close the Wait for 30 Secs tab.
35. Double-click the Check Out Of Service icon.
36. Click the Transition tab.
1. Launch Orchestration Designer.
2. In the Contact Center pane, expand the CCMA name. The CCMA name matches the host
name of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
3. Expand CC.
4. Right-click Applications [Full Control], and select New > Application.
5. In the New Contact Center Application dialog box, select Create in Contact Center.
6. In the Application Name box, type the name of your new flow application. For this
example, the name is QueuingWithPOSQ.
7. For Application Type, select Graphical Flow.
8. From the Application Template list, select SimpleQueuing.
9. Click Finish.
The Flow Editor opens the new flow based on the SimpleQueuing template.
10. Select the else condition icon that appears to the right of the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
11. Right-click on the Wait For 30 Secs block icon and select (Dis)Connect.
12. From the palette bar, select the IVR block icon.
13. Click the main [QueuingWithPOSQ] panel.
The CCIVRBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if needed.
14. Select the else condition icon that appears to the right of the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
15. Right-click on the CCIVRBLOCK icon and select (Dis)Connect.
16. From the palette bar, select the Treatment block icon.
17. Click the main [QueuingWithPOSQ] panel.
The CCTREATMENTBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if
18. Right-click on the CCTREATMENTBLOCK icon and select Rename.
This number corresponds to the Avaya Contact Center Select default Sample_Music
route configured in CCMA.
33. Close the MusicOnHold tab.
34. Optionally, double-click the Wait for 30 Secs wait block.
a. Under Block Name, type a new name for the wait block. For example, type Wait
for 10 Secs.
b. In the Duration (secs) box, type 10.
c. Close the Wait for 30 Secs tab.
35. Double-click the Check Out Of Service icon.
36. Click the Transition tab.
41. From the Not drop-down list, select Not. Ensure “!” appears in the When box after you
select Not.
42. Click Variables.
43. On the Chooser dialog, expand Intrinsics > Skillset.
44. Select OUT OF SERVICE and click OK.
45. Click Variables.
46. On the Chooser dialog, expand Application Manager Data > Skillsets > Local.
47. From the list of skillsets, select a voice skillset. For example, select Skill1.
48. Click OK.
49. Click Change.
1. Launch Orchestration Designer.
2. In the Contact Center pane, expand the CCMA name. The CCMA name matches the host
name of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
3. Expand CC.
10. Select the else condition icon that appears to the right of the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
11. Right-click on the Wait For 30 Secs block icon and select (Dis)Connect.
12. Select the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
13. Right-click on the Check If Queued Correctly block icon and select (Dis)Connect.
14. From the palette bar, select the IVR block icon.
15. Click the main [LeaveVoiceMail] panel.
The CCIVRBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if needed.
16. Right-click on the CCIVRBLOCK icon and select Rename.
17. In the Name box, type Prompt Menu Options and click OK.
18. Select the Wait For 30 Secs block icon.
19. Right-click on the Prompt Menu Options icon and select (Dis)Connect.
20. From the palette bar, select the Logic block icon.
21. Click the main [LeaveVoiceMail] panel.
The CCLOGICBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if needed.
22. Right-click on the CCLOGICBLOCK icon and select Rename.
23. In the Name box, type Check Menu Option and click OK.
24. Select the Prompt Menu Options block icon.
25. Right-click on the Check Menu Option icon and select (Dis)Connect.
d. In the Description box, type a description. For example, type “If the customer
enters 1, route the contact to IP Office Voice Mail. Otherwise
the contact remains queuing.”
e. Under Conditional Expression, click Edit.
f. In the Condition Builder, click Variables.
g. In the Chooser box, expand Application Variables > STRING.
h. Select im_str and click OK.
i. From the drop-down list, select Equal To.
Ensure that “im_str ==” appears in the When box you select Equal To.
j. In the String box, type 1 and click Add.
k. To the right of the When box, click Add.
l. Click Apply.
47. From the palette bar, select the Treatment block icon.
48. Click the main [LeaveVoiceMail] panel.
The CCTREATMENTBLOCK icon appears in the Main Flow Editor. Reposition the icon if
o. Click Apply.
p. Close the Check Out Of Service tab.
61. Double-click the Queue to Default_Skillset icon.
a. Under Skillsets, click Add.
b. Expand Application Manager Data > Local Skillsets.
c. From the list of skillsets, select a voice skillset. For example, select Skill1.
d. Click OK.
e. To remove a skillset from the list, for example Default_Skillset, select the skillset and
click Remove.
Avaya Aura® Media Server (Avaya Aura® MS) provides default media for standard ringback and
busy tones in a SIP-enabled contact center. Contact Center uses these default tones with SIP-
enabled phone calls.
Continuous streaming media
Avaya Aura® MS supports the configuration of a continuously streamed source for music. To use
continuous streamed source, you can configure either a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provider
or a HTTP/MP3 provider from which the Avaya Aura® MS can provide music to the Contact Center.
Avaya Aura® MS supports up to 64 music streams across all of the supported providers.
Avaya Aura® MS Element Manager (EM) has a page for monitoring the status of music streaming
providers. EM displays statistics for each stream, which include bandwidth and the codec being
used. When song metadata is available, EM displays details about the current song being played,
including the song title and artist name.
To use streamed music in Contact Center Orchestration Designer (OD) flow applications, you create
routes in Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) that link to the RSS or HTTP/MP3 Stream
Key configured on Avaya Aura® MS. The OD flow applications reference these routes to access the
streamed music.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) provider:
An RSS provider can be used to centrally manage music streams that have music files hosted on a
remote web server. The media server downloads an RSS document specified by a URL. The media
server downloads each file specified in the RSS document to a local cache.
The media server uses the RSS title element in the document as the title for the files in the cache.
The files play in alphabetical order. The RSS provider on the media server supports audio files in
WAV and MP3 formats. Avaya recommends that audio to be played by Avaya Aura® MS is encoded
in G.711 or 16 bit, 8 kHz, single channel, PCM files. You can use codecs other than PCM, or with
higher sampling rates for higher quality recordings; however, this reduces system performance. The
RSS provider on the media server does not support multiple channels or stereo.
• The audio must be encoded in MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3), MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3 (MP3) or
• The maximum RSS document size is 256 KB.
The Time To Live (TTL) element in an RSS document specifies how many minutes an RSS channel
can be cached on the media server before refreshing from the source. The minimum TTL value is 1
The GUID element in an RSS document uniquely identifies an RSS item. If an RSS item title,
enclosure type, URL, or the associated file changes, then the GUID must be updated. If a GUID
changes, then the media server refreshes the specified content.
Avaya Aura® MS uses cached files to provide continuous streaming service when the RSS URL
becomes unreachable. If you update or delete the RSS URL, then the files in the cache are deleted.
The RSS document must be formatted correctly. The maximum RSS document size is 256 KB. The
following example shows an RSS document with correct formatting:
HTTP/MP3 provider:
The HTTP/MP3 provider supports SHOUTCast ICY streams and HTTP/MP3.
Most streaming radio stations on the internet stream over HTTP/MP3. Many of the stations use the
SHOUTCast ICY protocol. Typically, a SHOUTCast stream provides a playlist in a .pls or .m3u file.
The .pls file is known as a Winamp playlist. Winamp playlist files have HTTP URL entries that
reference audio streams.
In some cases the URLs inside the playlist can use nonstandard HTTP ports. You must configure
the HTTP proxy on the media server when the HTTP/MP3 server returns documents containing
URLs on HTTP ports that are not permitted through the firewall.
The HTTP/MP3 provider on Avaya Aura® MS supports stereo and mono MP3 streams. When the
specified radio station supports metadata, the media server accepts the song title and artist
information as it is received in real-time. Element Manager displays the current song title and artist
on the monitoring page.
Avaya Aura® MS supports only MP3 SHOUTCast streams. Avaya Aura® MS does not support
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC). To ensure that the HTTP/MP3 stream is compatible with Avaya
Aura® MS:
• The audio must be encoded in MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3) or MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3 (MP3).
• Avaya Aura MS supports the following MPEG-1 sample rates: 32000, 44100, and 48000 Hz.
• Avaya Aura MS supports the following MPEG-2 sample rates: 22050, 24000, and 16000 Hz.
• Avaya Aura MS supports the following bit rates: 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256 and 320 kbps.
• The content type for playlists must be audio/x-scpls or audio/x-mpegurl.
• The content type for audio must specify audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, or application/octet-
• The server can respond with ICY 200 OK or standard HTTP 200 OK responses.
• Avaya Aura MS supports the ICY MetaData update mechanism. Use of this update mechanism
is optional.
• Avaya Aura MS supports VLC and Icecast streaming sources, if the codec and content type
used are also supported.
The Avaya Aura® MS HTTP/MP3 provider automatically records 15 minutes of content. The
recorded content provides a backup when the streaming server is unreachable.
Avaya Aura® Media Server scripted music
Avaya Aura® MS supports the configuration of a continuously streamed source for scripted music.
Configure Avaya Aura® MS to supply only scripted music treatments inserted in to a voice call by a
Contact Center Orchestration Designer (OD) flow application.
Scripted music plays from an Avaya Aura® Media Server content store as a continuous stream.
This chapter describes how to change the configuration properties for the Avaya Contact Center
Select software on your server. Configure the Avaya Contact Center Select server using Server
Configuration. Use the Server Configuration utility to modify the data entered during the initial
configuration of the Avaya Contact Center Select server. You can change the local settings,
licensing, and network settings information.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Customer Name The designated contact person at the company that
uses Contact Center software.
Table continues…
Name Description
Company Name The name of the company that uses the Contact
Center software.
CLAN subnet IP Address The IP address of the Contact Center server.
Site Name The site name for the Contact Center.
The site name must not contain spaces or non
alphabetical characters except for hyphen (-) and
underscore (_). The first character must be a letter.
The site name must be unique and can consist of
any combination of 6 to 15 characters.
Real-Time Statistics Multicast IP Address The RSM IP address of the server to associate with
sending real-time data.
The IP address must be to The default is
Variable definitions
Name Description
CCMS Package The installation package indicates the licenses that
you purchased with Contact Center:
• Nodal Enterprise: The base package for Contact
Optional Packages You must choose the package you purchased.
Packaged features includes:
• Web Based Statistics: Use Agent Web Statistics
on Agent Desktop, so that agents and supervisors
can use Agent Desktop to view real-time statistics
for call handling, skillset data, and state
information on Agent Desktop.
• Multiplicity: Use Multiplicity to ensure an agent
can handle multiple concurrent contacts. At any
one time an agent can be active on a voice and
multimedia contact; only one of these can be
active, the others automatically are on hold.
• Open Queue: Use Contact Center Multimedia to
route multimedia contacts to agents by using the
existing scripting and skillset routing features
available for calls.
• Open Interfaces Open Queue—The Web services
are a series of Open Interfaces provided to third
parties to enable application communication
based on the SOA architecture. The Web services
ensure customers can discover the functions
offered by each Web service using the WSDL
• Off Site Agent: This feature allows agents to log
on to Agent Desktop in Other Phone mode. This
allows agents to handle skillset calls regardless of
Changes to the IP Office network data sometimes requires restarting Avaya Contact Center
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Server Configuration.
3. In the Server Configuration dialog box, under SIP, click the Network Settings tab.
4. Update the IP Office Settings details.
5. Click Apply All.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Exit.
8. If prompted, restart the server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
IP Office Address The IP address of the IP Office server.
Voice Proxy Server — Port The server listening port. The default port is 5060.
IP Office System Password The system password for your IP Office server. Ask
your IP Office Administrator for the System
Password. If this password changes on the IP
Office server, you must update the password in
Server Configuration.
3. In the Server Configuration dialog box, under SIP, click the Local Subscriber tab.
4. Update the SIP Local Subscriber details.
5. Click Apply All.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Exit.
8. If prompted, restart the server.
Variable definitions
Name Description
Domain Name The SIP domain name of Avaya Contact Center
Select. This domain name must match the IP Office
SIP domain name.
MS Locale Locale (including language and dialects) of the
system environment.
Local Listening Ports The SIP Communication protocol accepted by the
system for incoming calls.
• TCP/UDP Port default is 5060.
• TLS Port default is 5061.
SIP Line Extension Number The IP Office SIP User Extension Number used to
register Avaya Contact Center Select.
Password The password of the IP Office SIP User Extension
Number used to register Avaya Contact Center
Contact Center allows you to invoke REST API in a Contact Center workflow. REST
(Representational state transfer) provides efficient scalable services for web communications.
A Contact Center workflow can request data using scripting commands, and the workflow uses the
TfeRestService to request and retrieve data from the REST API.
The Contact Center workflows pass JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data to the TfeRestService,
which identifies the REST API to invoke and populates the REST API parameters. The data
returned from the API is reconfigured into a JSON object and then passed back to the workflow.
Contact Center supports generic REST API exposed as a URL end-point and query string
For more information about creating and configuring Contact Center workflows for REST API
integration, see Using Contact Center Orchestration Designer.
TFE REST Configurator
Contact Center provides an application to configure and test REST API calls. The TFE REST
Configurator allows you to configure your REST API end-point and parameters, and to test your
configuration. If you receive a successful response after you send the test request, you can then
save your configuration to the database. You can use the application to create GET, POST, PUT, or
DELETE requests.
You can also add environments using the TFE REST Configurator. Environments enable the use of
environment variables. An environment variable is shared across all requests associated with the
environment. For example, a service defines a security access token that must be included in the
header of all requests for that service. Contact Center provides a default environment named ‘No
environment’. You cannot delete this environment. When you create a new request it is
automatically associated with the default environment, unless you select an alternative environment
that you previously created. The TfeRestService replaces any environment variables in the request
with the variable value that you set when creating the environment.
REST API security
Using the TFE REST Configurator, you can configure the following authorization protocols:
• No Auth
• Basic Auth
• OAuth 2.0
The default environment is automatically selected.
4. If security details are required to test the REST API end-point, click the Authorisation tab.
If security is not required, skip to step 7 on page 277.
5. Select Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0.
6. If you select Basic Auth:
a. In the Username box, type the user name for the REST API end-point.
b. In the Password box, type the password.
17. If you select raw, from the drop down list, select one of the following content types:
• Text
• JavaScript
18. In the text box, type the request body.
19. Click Execute.
The result of the request appears in the Response panel.
20. If the request was successful, click the Save icon to add the REST request to the
21. On the Warning box, click Continue.
22. On the Success box, click OK.
The REST request appears in the REST Services list.
Note the ID of your saved REST requests. The ID is required when you configure your
scripts for REST API integration.
Updating an environment
About this task
Update an environment using the TFE REST Configurator.
1. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select REST Configurator.
2. In the TFE REST Configurator application, click the Environment settings icon.
3. On the Environment window, select the environment to edit and click the Edit
environment icon.
4. In the Key and Value boxes, edit the values as required.
5. Click Update.
Deleting an environment
About this task
Delete an environment using the TFE REST Configurator.
1. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select REST Configurator.
2. In the TFE REST Configurator application, click the Environment settings icon.
3. On the Environment window, select the environment to delete and click the Delete
environment icon.
4. On the Warning box, click Continue.
The environment is deleted.
This chapter describes how to maintain the Avaya Contact Center Select software and server. You
must maintain Avaya Contact Center Select to protect against data loss and to ensure that you are
using the most recent software.
The Avaya Aura® Media Server software appliance does not support root account access, therefore
it has distinct routine maintenance instructions. When maintaining the Avaya Aura® Media Server
software appliance, use the procedures specific to the software appliance. You use the Avaya Aura®
Media Server Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file to create a VMware-based Avaya Aura® Media
Server software appliance.
Database maintenance
Perform an immediate backup of the Avaya Contact Center Select databases to save the current
data. It is important to complete this procedure after you complete your installation or when any
significant change occurs in the database, so that you can restore the database easily. Perform
backups during low traffic periods. Avaya Contact Center Select services are not shut down during
backups. Back up the databases to a secure network location. Schedule regular backups of the
Avaya Contact Center Select databases to ensure resiliency against media failure or data loss. You
can also restore the database content to your server using the Database Maintenance utility.
Avaya Contact Center Select logs a warning message when a there has not been a scheduled or
manual backup for a specified number of days. You can configure the number of days before Avaya
Contact Center Select logs the warning. The default is seven days. The Database Maintenance
Utility also displays the time that has elapsed since the last backup.
1. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Database Maintenance.
2. In the Contact Center Database Maintenance window, in the Main Menu pane, click
Backup Locations.
3. In the right pane, click Create.
4. From the Drive Letter list, select the network drive on which to store the Contact Center
5. In the UNC Path box, type the location to store the backup, in the format \\Computer Name
\Folder\Backup Location.
6. In the Username box, type the user name used to log on to the computer specified in the
UNC Path box. The user name is in the format Computer Name\Account Name.
7. In the Password box, type the user password.
8. Click Save.
9. In the Contact Center Database Maintenance window, in the Main Menu pane, click
Immediate Backup.
1. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Database Maintenance.
2. In the Database Maintenance dialog box, in the left pane, click Scheduled Backup.
1. Log on to Avaya Aura® Media Server Element Manager.
2. Navigate to Tools > Backup and Restore > Restore.
3. On the Restore page, in the Restore Source drop-down list, select Upload Backup Files.
4. Click Browse to select the backup files.
You can upload a System Configuration and Application Content backup at the same time.
5. On the Confirm Restore page, click Confirm to proceed with the upload.
Restoring a backup archive might impact running applications. After you click Confirm,
the system invokes the restore task. Then Element Manager and Avaya Aura® Media
Server close the connections to all users until the system completes the restoration.
1. Log on to Avaya Aura® Media Server Element Manager.
2. Navigate to Tools > Backup and Restore > Restore.
3. On the Restore page, in the Restore Source drop-down list, select Default Backup
4. In the Restore Task List, select the backups from the list which you want to use for the
To ensure that the application data is restored to the configured location, restore the
system configuration data before restoring the application data.
5. Click Restore Now.
6. On the Confirm Restore page, click Confirm to proceed with the restore.
Restoring a backup archive might impact running applications. After you click Confirm,
the system invokes the restore task. Then Element Manager and Avaya Aura® Media
Server close the connections to all users until the system completes the restoration.
Windows provides a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent, which runs as a service
on each Contact Center server. Contact Center servers use this service to forward events to a
Network Management System (NMS) on your network. Contact Center automatically installs the
Windows SNMP Service.
For more information about event codes and a list of recommended events to forward, see Contact
Center Event Codes.
This chapter describes how to configure the Simple Network Management Protocol for your contact
12. In the Services window, right-click the SNMP Trap Service, and select Start.
13. Close the Services window.
All event types that appear and the type that you select are also forwarded. For
example, if you select Major, then all Unknown, Critical, and Major events are
3. Click OK.
For more information about event codes, event source names, and a list of recommended events
to forward, see Contact Center Event Codes.
1. Download the Contact Center SNMP Trap Configuration file (.cnf) from the Avaya Support
website at The file is available in the Contact Center software
download Service Pack section. Copy the .cnf file to the Contact Center server.
2. On the Contact Center server, open a command window and navigate to the location of the
downloaded .cnf file.
3. Use the Windows evntcmd utility to load the SNMP Trap Configuration file.
evntcmd -v 10 <SNMP Trap Configuration file name.cnf>
For example:
evntcmd -v 10 ACC_7_1_0_0_SNMP_Trap_File_ver1_0.cnf
4. On the Desktop screen, right-click the Windows icon and select Run.
5. In the Run text box, type C:\Windows\System32\evntwin.exe.
6. On the Event to Trap Translator, under Configuration type, select Custom.
Ensure the recommended event traps from the Contact Center Event Codes document are
Contact Center and related event sources are listed under several categories,
including Application and System. License Manager events are listed under the NGEN
event source.
7. Click OK to save the settings.
8. You can add additional event codes to be forwarded to the NMS.
a. Click Edit.
b. Under Event sources, click the folder for the event source you require.
Contact Center and related event sources are listed under several categories,
including Application and System. License Manager events are listed under the
NGEN event source.
c. From the list of events, double-click the event you want to convert to an SNMP trap.
d. On the Properties window, click OK if no change is required to generate the trap.
e. Repeat these sub-steps for each event that you want added to the list of events to be
translated into SNMP traps.
9. Close the Event to Trap Translator window.
The Contact Center License Manager (LM) controls the licensing for Avaya Contact Center Select.
Contact Center License Manager provides central control and administration of application licensing
for all of the elements of Avaya Contact Center Select.
If Contact Center is not able to communicate with Contact Center License Manager it continues to
function for a period of time. This is called a grace period. If the grace period expires, Contact
Center shuts down and locks. You cannot restart Contact Center without resetting the grace period.
Avaya Aura® Media Server does not support the grace period. In a Hardware Appliance
deployment of Avaya Contact Center Select, if the licensing services stop, Avaya Aura® Media
Server stops and Contact Center ceases processing voice contacts.
This chapter describes how to configure Contact Center License Manager for your contact center.
2. From the Event Viewer, make a copy of the lock code and send this code to Product
3. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select License Grace Period Reset.
4. Enter the unlock code you received from Product Support.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Exit.
7. Restart Contact Center.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select System Control and Monitor Utility.
3. Click the Contact Center tab.
4. Click Shut down Contact Center.
Contact Center shuts down.
5. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Server Configuration.
6. Click Licensing.
7. Under License Manager Package, change the Package and Features information to
reflect your new licensed options.
8. Click Apply All.
9. Click Yes to restart the server.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select License Manager Configuration.
3. Select the Configuration tab.
4. From the License Type list, select the Remote WebLM license.
5. In the WebLM IP or Fully Qualified Domain Name box, type the IP address or FQDN
host name of the remote Avaya WebLM server.
6. Click Apply.
7. On the dialog, click Yes to restart Contact Center License Manager.
8. Click Close to close the window.
Configure Contact Center License Manager to use Avaya WebLM licensing for a single Avaya
Contact Center Select installation.
Before you begin
Your Avaya customer service representative must provide all required configuration details, such
• FQDN of the Avaya WebLM server
• User name
• Password
• Customer ID number
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select License Manager Configuration.
3. Click Configuration.
4. From the License Type list, select Remote WebLM.
5. Select OSS.
6. In the Host box, type the FQDN of the Avaya WebLM server.
7. In the Port box, type the port number to connect to the Avaya WebLM server.
The default ports are 443 or 8443. You can change the port number if required.
8. In the Username box, type the user name.
9. In the Password box, type the password.
The License Manager Configuration Tool encrypts your user name and password and does
not display the credentials after you restart the tool.
10. In the Customer ID box, type the Customer ID number.
11. (Optional) Under the PEM Cert File box, click the Browse File button and navigate to the
PEM certificate.
Use this step only if your PEM certificate is located in a directory other than License
12. Click Validate to confirm that the configured URL is valid.
The License Manager Configuration Tool configures a URL using the details that you enter.
If you do not provide one or several Avaya WebLM Configuration details, the License
Manager Configuration Tool prompts you to add the missing details.
13. Click Apply.
14. On the dialog, click Yes to restart Contact Center License Manager.
15. Click Close to close the window.
If Contact Center License Manager does not restart, refer to the Contact Center License
Manager log file: D:\Avaya\Logs\LM\lm_server.log.
License expiration
When a temporary license expires, Contact Center enters the Avaya-standard Grace Period. The
Avaya-standard Grace Period is a 30-day period that allows Contact Center to function when a
temporary license expires. During this period, Contact Center continues normal operation.
When the Avaya-standard Grace Period starts, the Event Viewer displays a Critical event number
61120. This event number indicates that the license is in the 30-day expiry period and must be
replaced. As the Avaya-standard Grace Period expires, the Event Viewer generates a daily event
number 61117 specifying the number of days left until the license expiration. When the Avaya-
standard Grace Period expires, the Event Viewer displays a Critical event number 61118, and
Contact Center shuts down.
The Avaya-standard Grace Period does not apply to Avaya Contact Center Select licensed
through IP Office CPE Subscription when the Avaya Contact Center Select license expires at
the end of the subscription term.
This section describes the configuration you must perform on IP Office to support dialed number
identification service (DNIS) on Avaya Contact Center Select.
DNIS is an optional service that Avaya Contact Center Select uses to identify the phone number
dialed by the incoming caller. Avaya Contact Center Select uses direct dial-in (DDI) information it
receives from IP Office to route calls to appropriate skillsets or agents based on DNIS numbers.
You must also configure DNIS numbers in Contact Center Manager Administration. For more
information about configuring DNIS numbers in Contact Center Manager Administration, see
Administering Avaya Contact Center Select.
This section describes how to configure secure SIP and CTI communication between Avaya Contact
Center Select (ACCS) and IP Office (IPO).
ACCS uses SIP and custom CTI interfaces to communicate with IPO.
IPO supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) communication for the SIP and CTI connections with
TLS is a public key encryption cryptographic protocol that helps secure a communications channel
from danger or loss, and thus helps provide privacy and safety. With public key cryptography, two
keys are created, one public and one private.
Certificate Authorities (CA) issue and manage server certificates in software security systems that
use public key technologies, such as telecoms systems that use Transport Layer Security (TLS)
When you get a signed server certificate and a corresponding root certificate from a CA, you install
the certificates on the server system that requested the certificate, for example IP Office. You then
install the root certificate into the Trusted Store of the client system(s), for example ACCS. This
allows the client systems to request secure communications with the server systems.
Both ACCS and IPO can request secure communications of the other. Therefore, you must generate
a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and get a signed server certificate from a CA on both ACCS
and IPO. Both ACCS and IPO must have a root certificate to match the server certificates. When
these are in place, IP Office and ACCS can communicate securely using TLS SIP and TLS CTI
Figure 10: ACCS and IPO secure SIP communication configuration using Certificate Authority
For example, if your IP Office uses Certificate Authority “CA1”, and if ACCS uses a Certificate
Authority “CA2”, then:
• The ACCS Security Store contains a server certificate supplied and signed by the ACCS
Certificate Authority (CA2) and the IP Office Certificate Authority (CA1) root certificate.
• The IP Office Trusted Security Store contains the ACCS Certificate Authority (CA2) root
• IP Office and ACCS can use the same Certificate Authority. Therefore, “CA1” and “CA2” can be
the same Certificate Authority.
A server certificate must be signed by a CA; ACCS Security Manager does not sign certificates.
Avaya recommends that you use third-party CA or your organization’s Certificate Authority to sign
your server certificates.
Certificate Authority deployments vary depending on IT infrastructure and security requirements.
You can use either a third party CA, or configure your own CA within your IT infrastructure.
The SIP and CTI links between Avaya Contact Center Select and IP Office use the Transport Layer
Security (TLS) protocol to provide secure communication. TLS uses signed security certificates to
secure the link between the Avaya Contact Center Select and the IP Office.
The Avaya Contact Center Select Security Manager can request and store these signed security
certificates. The ACCS Security Manager generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file. A
Certificate Authority uses this Certificate Signing Request file to create a signed certificate. ACCS
Security Manager then imports and stores Certificate Authority supplied root certificates and signed
In ACCS solutions using IP Office and ACCS Business Continuity resiliency, the active and standby
Avaya Contact Center Select servers can both have TLS certificates in place to communicate
securely with the IP Office server and to support Business Continuity switchover.
Figure 11: Configuring secure SIP and CTI communication between ACCS and IPO
Figure 12: Configuring secure SIP and CTI communication between ACCS and IPO continued
The FQDN must be the full machine name of the server that the Security Store resides
on. The FQDN name is case-sensitive.
5. In the Name of Organizational unit box, type the name of the department or division
within the company.
6. In the Name of Organization box, type the company name.
7. In the City or Locality box, type the name of the city or district in which the contact center
is located.
8. In the State or Province box, type the state or province in which the contact center is
9. In the Two Letter Country Code box, type the country code in which the contact center is
10. In the Security Store password box, type a password for accessing the new security
11. In the Confirm Store password box, confirm the password for accessing the new security
Ensure you remember this password, because you need it the next time you log on to
Security Manager. If you forget the password, you are not able to access Security
12. If you want to change the encryption setting, select the required encryption settings from
the Encryption Algorithm and Key Size drop-down lists.
The default value for Encryption Algorithm is SHA2 and the default value for Key Size is
Contact Center displays a warning message if you select SHA1 or 1024. Contact Center
includes these values for backward-compatibility only, because these settings do not meet
the industry-recommended level of encryption.
13. Click Create Store.
Contact Center creates the private key required for private-public key encryption.
Security Manager automatically displays the Certificate Request tab, showing the newly
created Certificate Signing Request file contents.
Contact Center automatically backs up the new security store to the folder D:\Avaya
\Contact Center\autoBackUpCertStore. Do not overwrite or delete this backup
14. If you have a Multimedia Contact Server, repeat this procedure on the Multimedia Contact
Next steps
Send the Certificate Signing Request file to the Certificate Authority, and receive a signed server
certificate, so that you can import the server certificate to the security store.
1. Log on to the Contact Center server containing the security store.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the security store password.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Security Manager window, select the Add Certificate tab.
6. To add certificates automatically:
a. Click Browse.
b. On the Select Directory dialog, browse to the directory where you saved the certificate
files, and click Select Directory.
Security Manager displays the certificates in the Certificates field.
c. Click Add all Certificates.
7. To add certificates manually:
a. Select Add Certificates Manually.
b. To manually add a CA root certificate, click Browse.
c. Browse to the CA root certificate, and click Select File.
d. Click Add CA Certificate.
e. To manually add a server certificate, click Browse.
f. Browse to the CA signed server certificate, and click Select File.
g. Click Add Signed Certificate.
1. Using IP Office Manager, select File > Advanced > Security Settings > System >
2. In the Trusted Security Store section, click Add.
3. Locate and add the Avaya Contact Center Select Certificate Authority root certificate.
4. Click OK.
5. Select File > Save Security Settings.
This configuration item is not unique to Avaya Contact Center Select and might have possible
impacts on other endpoints configured to use TLS with IP Office.
1. Using IP Office Manager, select File > Advanced > Security Settings > System >
2. From the Received Certificate Checks (Telephony Endpoints) list, select Medium.
3. Click OK.
4. Select File > Save Security Settings.
This configuration item is not unique to Avaya Contact Center Select and might have possible
impacts on other endpoints configured to use TLS with IP Office.
1. Using IP Office Manager, select the IP Office server in the Configuration pane.
2. In the Configuration pane, under the IP Office server, select System.
3. Select LAN1 > VoIP.
4. In the SIP Registrar section, in the Layer 4 Protocol area, select TLS.
5. Record the TLS Port number. This port number must match the Avaya Contact Center
Select TLS port number.
6. Click OK.
7. Select File > Save Security Settings.
This configuration item is not unique to the Avaya Contact Center Select CTI connection to IP
Office. Turning on CTI certificate validation on the Avaya Contact Center Select TAPID link
also turns on certificate validation for the TAPI SCN links in an IP Office SCN. For more
information, see Installing certificates across IP Office SCN on page 327.
1. Using IP Office Manager, select File > Advanced > Security Settings > System >
Unsecured Interfaces.
2. In the Application Controls section, clear the TAPI check box.
3. Click OK.
4. Select File > Save Security Settings.
1. Log on to IP Office Web Manager.
2. From Solution view, locate the IP Office node that you are configuring, click the Settings
icon on the right hand side and select Platform View.
Next steps
Install this exported IP Office CA root certificate in the Avaya Contact Center Select security store.
1. Log on to IP Office Web Manager.
2. From the Solution view, locate the IP Office node that you are configuring, click the
Settings icon on the right hand side and select Platform View.
3. Select Settings > General.
4. Scroll to the Certificates section.
5. In the Identity Certificate section, click Generate and Apply to set a new identity
certificate for IP Office.
Note: This is necessary only if a new identity certificate has not yet been applied to IP
This configuration item is not unique to Avaya Contact Center Select and might have possible
impacts on other Management Interfaces and/or Telephony endpoints configured to use TLS
with IP Office.
The Identity Certificate is an X.509v3 certificate that identifies the system to a connecting client
device such as Avaya Contact Center Select. This certificate is offered in the TLS exchange when
the system is acting as a TLS server, which occurs when accessing a secured service.
You can use different certificates for the SIP and CTI link in IP Office. The SIP link falls under the
category of Telephony Endpoints while the CTI link falls under the category of Management
1. Using IP Office Manager, select File > Advanced > Security Settings > System >
2. In the Identity Certificate section, click Set.
3. Locate and add the IP Office signed certificate.
4. If you want to use a different signed certificate for the SIP link, click Use different Identity
Certificate for Telephony.
5. In the Telephony Certificate section, click Set.
6. Locate and add the IP Office signed certificate to be used for the SIP link.
7. Click OK.
8. Select File > Save Security Settings.
1. Log on to server containing the security store.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. Select Security Manager.
4. On the Store Access dialog, type the security store password.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Security Manager window, select the Add Certificate tab.
7. Select Add Certificates Manually.
8. To manually add a CA root certificate, click Browse.
9. Browse to the IPO CA root certificate, and click Select File.
10. Click Add CA Certificate.
11. Click Close.
not installed in the Trusted Store of any other node on the SCN. So by default the TAPI SCN links
might not pass TLS authentication once certificate checking is enabled. To overcome this potential
issue you must configure and install signed certificates and CA root certificates across all nodes in
the SCN. The procedure describes two methods of doing this.
1. Method 1: This method is applicable if you are using custom certificates for IP Office.
Generate a signed certificate for each node in the SCN from a single CA, deploy the
signed certificates to each IP Office node and install the common CA root certificate to the
Trusted Store of all nodes in the network. For each IP Office node in the SCN:
a. Obtain a security certificate and install the signed certificate in IP Office. For more
information, see Obtaining security certificates for IP Office on page 324.
b. Install the certificate on the IP Office node. For more information, see Installing the
signed certificate in IP Office on page 324.
c. Install the CA root certificate that was used to sign the certificate in step (a) in the
Trusted Store of the IP Office node. For more information, see Adding the ACCS CA
root certificate to the IP Office trusted store on page 316.
2. Method 2: You can use one of the IP Office nodes as the CA server to generate the signed
certificates and provide the common CA root certificate. For each IP Office node in the
a. Generate a security certificate using IP Office Web Manager. Use the same Web
Manager instance to generate all certificates, this ensures a common CA root
certificate is used for all certificates.
• i. Log on to IP Office Web Manager.
• ii. From Solution view, find the IP Office node you are configuring, click the
Settings icon on the right hand side and select Platform View.
• iii. Select Settings > General and scroll to the Certificates section.
• iv. Select Create certificate for a different machine.
• v. In the Machine IP box, enter the IP address of the IP Office node that the
certificate is being generated for.
• vi. In the Password box, enter a password. This password is required later when
importing the certificate on the IP Office node. The password must adhere to the
password complexity requirements as specified on the Certificates user interface.
• vii. In the Subject Name box, enter the FQDN or hostname of the IP Office node
that the certificate is being generated for.
• viii. In the Subject Alternate Name(s) box, enter the a string in the following
format: “DNS: “ + FQDN (or hostname) + “, IP: ” + ip address.
For example: “DNS:, IP:”
• ix. In the Duration box, enter the number of days after which the certificate expires.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select active server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Server Configuration.
3. In the Server Configuration dialog box, under SIP, click the Network Settings tab.
4. From the Transport list, select TLS.
5. In the Port number box, ensure the configured port number is the same as the TLS port
number configured in IP Office.
6. If your solution has an IP Office Secondary Server, enable Use IP Office Resilience and
select TLS transport for it and configure the TLS port number to match the IP Office
Secondary Server.
7. Click Apply All.
8. Click OK.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Server Configuration.
3. In the Server Configuration dialog box, under SIP, click the Network Settings tab.
4. Select Received Certificate Check (CTI).
5. From the IP Office (Primary) CTI Transport drop-down list, ensure that TLS is selected.
6. If your solution has an IP Office Secondary Server, enable Use IP Office Resilience and
in the IP Office Secondary Server section, select Received Certificate Check (CTI) and
ensure that TLS is selected from the IP Office (Primary) CTI Transport drop-down list.
7. Click Apply All.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Exit.
4. Verify that the Voice Outbound Proxy link Transport setting is TLS and that the link
status is CONNECTED.
5. Verify that the CTI Proxy link Transport setting is TLS and that the link status is
6. If your solution uses an IP Office Secondary Server, verify that the links to the Secondary
Server use TLS. Avaya Contact Center Select connects to one IP Office at a time, so only
one set of links can be CONNECTED at a time.
Avaya Contact Center Select (ACCS) includes a number of services and connections that you can
secure using Transport Layer Security (TLS). You can use the Ignition Wizard to create a security
store, generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and import a Certificate Authority root
certificate. Use the procedures in this chapter to administer Web Services security, including turning
on security, backing up the security store, and modifying the security store inspection tasks.
The following Web services use the security store to implement HTTPS:
• Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA)
• Contact Center Multimedia (CCMM) Administration
• Agent Desktop
• Multimedia Services
• Orchestration Designer
• Outbound Campaign Management Tool
• Agent Browser application
ACCS security store
ACCS includes a security store for securing both SIP communications and Web services. When you
configure the ACCS security store for SIP communications, it is ready for securing Web services.
The ACCS security store includes a server certificate and root certificate. ACCS also uses the
Internet Information Services (IIS) security store for some services.
Security Manager
Security Manager provides an interface for managing the security certificates in the ACCS security
store and the IIS security store. ACCS supports the management of the IIS security store only
through Security Manager: do not use IIS functions to manage the IIS security store on a ACCS
server. Security Manager supports importing chained certificates, and places these certificates in the
security store for distribution across the solution.
Supported TLS versions
Contact Center defaults to using only TLS 1.2 for secured services and connections. For backward
compatibility, Contact Center supports Administrators changing the minimum TLS version that
Contact Center can negotiate with other systems. This is to inter-operate with legacy systems that
do not support TLS 1.2. You can set minimum TLS versions separately for the following
• SIP signaling
• CCMA and CCMM administration
due to expire within a month, the inspection utility sends a notification email to the contact center
administrator. The contact center administrator must then refresh the security certificates.
Security Manager provides the notification email; it cannot renew expired security certificates. For
uninterrupted contact center functionality, if you receive an email about upcoming certificate
expiration dates, you must renew the security certificates before they expire.
Security Manager uses the Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler to schedule the weekly security store
inspection. You must ensure that there is a Microsoft Windows user account that has the necessary
privileges from which Security Manager can schedule a task on Windows Task Scheduler. You can
use the Windows administrator account that you used to install ACCS to add a task to Windows
Task Scheduler.
Security Manager uses a specified Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) server to send the
notification emails to the administrator’s email address. ACCS does not provide this SMTP server.
You must provision this SMTP server and ensure that the ACCS server can communicate with it at
all times. ACCS does not support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connectivity to this SMTP server.
Server Message Block signing on Windows Server
Both the Contact Center DVD and the Release Pack installer modify the Windows Server local
group policy to enable Server Message Block (SMB) signing. SMB signing places a digital “tag” into
each server message block, which helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks on network file sharing.
If you do not want to use SMB signing, you can disable it by modifying the Windows Server local
group policy.
The default encryption setting is SHA2 with a key size of 2048. For backward compatibility, you
can choose SHA1 or a key size 1024. However, neither SHA1 nor 1024 provide the industry-
recommended level of encryption. If you select one of these values, Contact Center displays a
warning message.
You cannot make any security configuration changes in Security Manager while you are viewing
the offline store.
1. Log on to the Contact Center server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. In the Security Manager window, click Store Commands > Create Offline Store.
4. In the Security Store tab, in the Full Computer Name (FQDN) box, type the full FQDN of
the server on which you are creating the security store.
The FQDN must be the full machine name of the server that the Security Store resides
on. The FQDN name is case-sensitive.
5. In the Name of Organizational unit box, type the name of the department or division
within the company.
6. In the Name of Organization box, type the company name.
7. In the City or Locality box, type the name of the city or district in which the contact center
is located.
8. In the State or Province box, type the state or province in which the contact center is
9. In the Two Letter Country Code box, type the country code in which the contact center is
10. In the Security Store password box, type a password for accessing the new security
11. In the Confirm Store password box, confirm the password for accessing the new security
Ensure you remember this password, because you need it the next time you log on to
Security Manager. If you forget the password, you are not able to access Security
12. If you want to change the encryption setting, select the required encryption settings from
the Encryption Algorithm and Key Size drop-down lists.
The default value for Encryption Algorithm is SHA256 and the default value for Key Size
is 2048.
Contact Center displays a warning message if you select SHA1 or 1024. Contact Center
includes these values for backward-compatibility only, because these settings do not meet
the industry-recommended level of encryption.
13. Click Create Store.
Contact Center creates the private key required for private-public key encryption.
Security Manager automatically displays the Certificate Request tab, showing the newly
created Certificate Signing Request file contents.
Contact Center automatically backs up the new security store to the folder D:\Avaya
\Contact Center\OfflineAutoBackUpCertStore. Do not overwrite or delete this
backup location.
14. If you have a Multimedia Contact Server, repeat this procedure on the Multimedia Contact
You must restart the Contact Center server after activating the offline store.
Before you begin
• Ensure that an active and offline security store already exist.
• Stop Contact Center services.
1. Log on to the Contact Center server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. In the Security Manager window, click Store Commands > View > Offline Store.
4. In the Security Manager window, click the Make Active button.
5. Click Confirm to apply the new security settings and activate the offline store.
A message appears under Store Status to indicate that the Make Active operation was
successful. The offline security store is now the new active security store. The old active
security store is now the offline store.
6. Restart the Contact Center server.
Next steps
After restarting the Contact Center server, verify the configuration settings for the new active
security store using the Security Configuration tab in Security Manager.
If you log on to the server as a domain administrator, this procedure does not complete
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the password for the security store, and click OK.
4. On the Security Manager screen, select the Security Configuration tab.
5. Click Security On.
6. Click Apply.
7. On the Security Change Confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
8. Click Log Out.
Next steps
Configure the IPO data synchronization user account to match the Web Services security settings.
For more information, see Changing the data synchronization user account to match Web
Services security settings on page 343.
Instruct all users in the contact center to use https instead of http when connecting to the
server from CCMA clients or Agent Desktop.
If you log on to the server as a domain administrator, this procedure does not complete
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the password for the security store, and click OK.
4. On the Security Manager screen, select the Security Configuration tab.
5. In the SIP and CTI Signalling Level box, select the lowest version of TLS for SIP and CTI
signaling communication.
In addition to the SIP signaling level, this also controls the TLS protocol version used for
the TAPID CTI link between Avaya Contact Center Select and IP Office.
6. In the CCMA — Multimedia Web Service Level box, select the lowest version of TLS for
CCMA and Multimedia Web service communication.
This changes the setting for IIS, and for Windows Server generally.
7. In the Event Broker Web Service Level box, select the lowest version of TLS for Event
Broker Web Service communication.
8. Click Apply.
9. Click Log Out.
1. Using IP Office Manager, select the IP Office server in the Configuration pane.
2. In the Configuration pane, under the IP Office server, select System.
3. Select the Contact Center tab.
4. In the CCMA Address box, type the address of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
If you turned on Web Services security, type https://<ACCS server IP Address>.
If you turned off Web Services security, type http://<ACCS server IP Address>.
5. Click OK.
If you log on to the server as a domain administrator, this procedure does not complete
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the password for the default security store, and click OK.
4. On the Security Manager screen, select the Security Configuration tab.
5. Click Security Off.
6. Click Apply.
7. On the Security Change Confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
8. Click Log Out.
Next steps
Configure the IPO data synchronization user account to match the Web Services security settings.
For more information, see Changing the data synchronization user account to match Web
Services security settings on page 343.
Instruct all users in the contact center to use http instead of https when connecting to the
server from CCMA clients or Agent Desktop.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select Security Manager.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. Select Expiration Alerts > Schedule Alerts.
4. To enable the weekly inspection task, select Schedule alerts.
5. From the Day of week list, select the day on which to schedule the weekly inspection task.
6. In the Time (24 hr) section, enter the time of day on which to schedule the weekly
inspection task. Use twenty four hour format time.
7. In the User box, enter the name of a Windows user account that has the privileges
necessary to access the Windows Task scheduler and schedule the task.
8. In the Password box, enter the password of the Windows user account that has the
privileges necessary to access the Windows Task scheduler and schedule the task.
9. Click Apply Schedule.
Security Manager schedules this task on the underlying Microsoft Windows Task
Scheduler. After successfully scheduling the task, the name on the Apply Schedule button
changes to Modify Schedule and the button is disabled. To enable the Modify Schedule
button, select a new time. You can then update the scheduled task time by clicking Modify
Example of a scheduled task:
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select Security Manager.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. In Store Access, type the certificate store password.
4. Click OK.
5. Select Expiration Alerts > Schedule Alerts.
6. In the Time (24 hr) section, enter the new time of the day on which to schedule the
security store inspection task. Use twenty four hour format time.
7. In the User box, enter the name of a Windows user account that has the privileges
necessary to access the Windows Task scheduler and schedule a task.
8. In the Password box, enter the password of the Windows user account that has the
privileges necessary to access the Windows Task scheduler and schedule the task.
9. Click Modify Schedule.
Security Manager then schedules this task to run at the new time of day on the underlying
Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select Security Manager.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. In Store Access, type the certificate store password.
4. Click OK.
5. Select Expiration Alerts > Schedule Alerts.
6. Click Remove Schedule.
CCMA Password Policy is a set of rules that Contact Center Manager Administration uses to
validate passwords of CCMA accounts. Contact Center Manager Administration provides two
Password Policy modes: Basic Security mode and Advanced Security mode. You can either use
default Basic Security mode with fixed rules or enable Advanced Security mode to configure custom
password rules.
This is a fixed value and it equals 20 characters. You cannot change this value for
human accounts.
• Minimum number of lowercase characters
• Minimum number of uppercase characters
• Minimum number of digits
• Minimum number of special characters
• Number of previous passwords that must not match
You can select a value between 0 and 24.
• Maximum number of consecutive repeated characters
• Maximum number of consecutive characters in the same class
6. Click Save.
Contact Center Manager Administration applies the new password rules to human
accounts validation.
7. To return the password rules to their default settings, click Reset and then Save.
This chapter describes the steps you need to perform to encrypt the Contact Center database.
Using Security Manager, you can create and activate an encryption key and use it to encode the
files in the Contact Center Caché database.
You must back up the encryption key, and the encryption key credentials. If you lose the
encryption key or its credentials, they are not retrievable. This can result in loss of service.
You can also use Security Manager to decrypt the Contact Center database.
You must perform Contact Center database encryption or decryption during a scheduled
maintenance window.
Business Continuity
In a Business Continuity (BC) solution, you must use the same encryption key on all Contact Center
servers in the solution. Contact Center supports BC solutions where the Active server database is
encrypted and the Standby server database is not encrypted, and vice versa. Database shadowing
remains operational regardless of the encryption status of the Contact Center database. This allows
you to minimize downtime while you implement database encryption in your solution. If you want to
encrypt the databases in a BC solution, you can use the following procedure to minimize downtime:
1. Stop all Contact Center services on the standby server system (Server B).
2. Encrypt the standby server database (Server B).
3. Start the standby server B. Ensure that you synchronize the data between the servers.
4. Run a manual switchover, the current standby Server B becomes an active server. Server B
is now running and processing contacts.
5. Stop all Contact Center services on Server A.
6. Encrypt the new standby server database (Server A). You must use the same encryption key
as you used to encrypt Server B.
7. Backup all the contact center databases on the active server, Server B.
8. Restore all the active Server B contact center database backups onto Server A.
9. Configure Business Continuity on the standby Server A.
10. Configure standby Server A for your contact center.
11. Start the standby Server A. Ensure that data is synchronized between the servers.
12. Run a manual switchover if required, the current standby Server A becomes an active
server. Server A is now running and processing contacts.
Before you upgrade your Contact Center solution, you must ensure that all databases are not
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters in length, and include at least one
number, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and no spaces.
Passwords must not contain any of the following characters: & " : > |.
7. Under Create/Select and Activate Key, click Browse.
8. Browse to the folder where you want to save the encryption key.
9. In the File Name box, type a name for the key and click Save File.
10. Click Create and/or Activate Key.
11. On the Confirm Password dialog box, type the encryption key password and click OK.
The Output pane shows the progress of the task.
12. (Optional) On the Shared location credentials dialog box, enter credentials of the shared
location where you want to save the encryption key.
Security Manager displays the Shared location credentials dialog box only if you select a
shared folder for saving the encryption key.
Next steps
You must back up the encryption key, and the encryption key credentials. If you lose the
encryption key or its credentials, they are not retrievable. This can result in loss of service.
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters in length, and include at least one
number, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and no spaces.
Passwords must not contain any of the following characters: & " : > |.
7. Under Encrypt/Decrypt Database, if the Key Location box is not already populated with
the encryption key location, click Browse.
8. In the Select Key File window, navigate to the location of the encryption key.
9. Select the encryption key file and click Select File.
10. Click Encrypt.
The Output pane shows the progress of the task. The amount of time this task takes
depends on the size of the Contact Center database.
Next steps
When the encryption is complete, start Contact Center services.
This chapter describes how to use Remote Desktop Services on a Windows Server to host and
publish Agent Desktop.
12. On the Work Resources page, enter the Windows domain account details for the agent
and click Sign in.
The web interface lists the RemoteApps available to the agent.
13. In the Current folder section, double-click Agent Desktop.
14. Log on to Agent Desktop and Go Ready.
15. Verify that the Agent Desktop RemoteApp can handle routed customer calls, and continue
to verify the features your solution requires.
Next steps
Using the Server Manager Performance and Best Practice Analyzer, continue to monitor all the
resources of the RDS host servers, focusing on CPU, memory, and disk drive resources. Capture
the initial CPU and memory usage as baseline performance metrics.
This chapter describes how to configure and publish Avaya Contact Center Select software
applications in a Citrix deployment.
• Install Avaya Contact Center Select.
• Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the client computer.
• Install one of the supported operating systems on the client computer. The supported
operating systems are as follows:
- Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
• Install Internet Explorer Release 10.0 or 11.0.
• Optionally, depending on your solution, create the Citrix users allowed to run the published
Avaya Contact Center Select applications.
3. In the left pane, select the server to which you want to log on.
4. Click Launch Multimedia Client.
5. In the left column, select Agent Desktop Configuration.
6. Click Common Settings.
7. Select the Suppress OS not supported popup check box.
8. Click Save.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Location window, click Browse.
9. Navigate to the location on the Citrix server where the Agent Desktop client folder is
10. Select the CCAD.exe file and click OK.
The Agent Desktop icon appears by default as an icon. You can also choose to create
a client application folder on each client computer that contains all published
applications, or add shortcuts to the client computer’s Start menu or desktop.
4. In the Application description box, type a description for the new published application.
5. Click Next.
6. On the Type window, under Choose the type of application to publish, select Content.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Location window, type the Contact Center Manager Administration URL. For
example, type
http://<server name>
where <server name> is the name of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Users window, select Allow only configured users.
11. Select Citrix User Selector as the directory type.
12. Click Add.
13. On the Select Users or Groups dialog box, select the users allowed to run the published
application. For example, select your Contact Center administrators and click Add.
14. Click OK.
15. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Location window, click Browse.
10. Navigate to the location on the Citrix server of the Internet Explorer executable. For
example, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer
11. Ensure the location appears within quotation marks, and type the Contact Center Manager
Administration URL after the location. For example, type
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” http://
<server name>
where <server name> is the name of the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
12. Click Next.
13. On the Servers window, click Add.
14. On the Select Servers dialog box, select the Citrix server used to run the CCMA
application and click Add.
15. Click OK.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Next.
18. On the Users window, select Allow only configured users.
21. On the Select Users or Groups dialog box, select the users allowed to run the published
application. For example, select your Contact Center administrators and click Add.
22. Click OK.
23. Click Next.
24. Click Next.
25. Click Finish.
26. On the client computer, authorized users can now access CCMA using the Citrix client.
This chapter provides background information for Language support. If you want to use English
across all platforms, you can ignore this chapter.
Contact Center Multimedia (CCMM) and Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) support
the following languages:
• English
• French (FR)
• German (DE)
• Japanese (JA)
• Russian (RU)
• Simplified Chinese (Zh-CN)
• Latin American Spanish (ES)
• Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR)
• Italian (IT)
• Korean (KO)
The following table lists the compatibility between the CCMA language and the Operating System
(OS) language family. You can enable only compatible languages on the Contact Center server.
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Any 1 Latin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Simplified No No No No No Yes No No No
Japanese No No No No No No Yes No No
Russian No No No No No No No Yes No
Korean No No No No No No No No Yes
You use the Contact Center Manager Administration Language Settings utility to enable additional
languages. Access the Language Settings utility from the CCMA Configuration screen. The English
language is always enabled and you cannot disable it. The Language Settings utility displays the
current server code page for the Contact Center server.
A code page is an internal table that the operating system uses to map symbols (letters, numerals,
and punctuation characters) to a number. Different code pages provide support for the character
sets used in different languages. Code pages have a number for reference; for example, code page
932 represents the Japanese character set, and code page 950 represents the Chinese character
set. In a Contact Center solution, on an English Contact Center server, the Server Code Page is
1252. On a Contact Center server with Japanese, the Server Code Page is 932.
Install the most recent Service Pack and patches to enable the localized languages in the CCMA
Language Settings utility. A Service Pack contains all supported languages. For CCMA, you can
enable only languages that are appropriate to the local operating system of the server. For example,
you can enable the simplified Chinese language on a simplified Chinese OS, but you cannot enable
German on a simplified Chinese OS. The client computers operating systems must be of the same
language family as the associated server. You can enable multiple languages from the same
language family on a single server.
If you enable a language in the Language Settings utility, users see the localized CCMA screens in
the preferred language that is set in their client browser. For example, if you enable Spanish in the
Language Settings utility, and if Spanish is the preferred language in Internet Explorer on the CCMA
client computer, then CCMA appears in Spanish in the CCMA client browser.
For some languages, translations can be different from the terms usually used in your region:
• French: The translation attempts to find terms that are acceptable to both Canadian and
European French speakers.
• Latin American (LA) Spanish: The translation attempts to find terms that are acceptable to both
Latin American and European Spanish speakers.
Read the Contact Center Service Pack Release Notes for further information. The Service Pack
Release Notes contain the most recent information about language support.
If the server code page changes, you can still change previously enabled languages. You must
disable the languages that are not supported.
Language levels
Contact Center Multimedia and Contact Center Manager Administration support two levels of
language environment:
• international environment
• international and local environment
International environment
In the international environment, the graphical user interface, the online Help, and all reports are in
English. However, you can enter user information that contains non-ASCII characters (such as
agent and supervisor names). Also, you can manage date and time formats from a different
regional time zone.
International and local environment
In the combined international and local environment, the graphical user interface, the online Help,
and many reports are translated into one of the following supported languages: French, German,
Japanese, Italian, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, LA Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Also, you can enter user information that contains non-ASCII characters and you can use date
and time formats from a different regional time zone. For details of the reports that are translated
for a particular language, see the Contact Center Service Pack Release Notes.
In this environment, you must install the most recent Service Pack on the Contact Center servers.
See the Service Pack Release Notes for further information.
use the Russian language family, users in the same contact center can view Contact Center
Manager Administration and Contact Center Multimedia in English or Russian.
1. Log on to the Contact Center server.
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Manager Administration
3. In the Avaya Applications Configuration window, in the right pane, click Language
4. In the Language Settings window, select the required CCMA localized language from the
list, and select Enabled for that language.
5. Click Save.
1. From an English client computer, start Internet Explorer.
2. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
3. Click Languages.
4. Click Add.
5. From the list of languages, click the appropriate language. For example, select French
(France) [fr-FR].
6. Click OK.
7. On the Language Preferences window, use the Move up button to move the language you
want to use to the top of the Languages list.
You must log on using the Contact Center server name. Do not use the server IP
The CCMA screens display in French.
This chapter describes the common procedures that you perform to administer your Avaya Contact
Center Select software.
This Appendix describes the procedures you must perform to change the name or IP address of the
Avaya Contact Center Select hardware appliance or an Avaya Contact Center Select server. You
must perform a server name or IP address change during a Contact Center maintenance window.
Avaya Contact Center Select does not support changing the server name or IP address of
servers configured for Business Continuity. Avaya recommends that you configure the final
production name of the Avaya Contact Center Select servers before configuring Business
• Solutions using the Agent Browser application. These always use TLS security for the Agent
Browser application client.
• Solutions on which you enabled Web Services security.
• Solutions using Secure Real Time Protocol for voice traffic.
Preparing a server certificate before changing the server name
If you use an external Certificate Authority (CA), it can sometimes take an extended period to
receive a signed server certificate after submitting your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the
CA. To minimize the time elapsed for a server name change, you can create a CSR and request
and receive a new server certificate before changing the server name. The following high-level
procedures outline how to create a new CSR to send to the CA.
If the CA you use to sign the new server certificate is different to the CA you used to sign the
old server certificate, you must also distribute a new root certificate to all the relevant clients
and servers after changing the server name and applying the new server certificate.
To create a new CSR in the Contact Center security store using Security Manager:
• Schedule a maintenance window for this task, because you must stop the Contact Center
• In Security Manager, back up the Contact Center security store.
• Delete the existing security store.
• Create a new security store, specifying the planned new server name as the common name
for the certificate.
• Copy the CSR content from the new security store, to send to the CA to request a server
• Restore the Contact Center security store that you backed up.
You can now use the CSR you generated to request a server certificate from a CA. When the CA
provides the new server certificate, you can schedule the Contact Center server name change.
In Avaya Aura® Media Server, you can create a new CSR at any time without stopping the server
or impacting the existing certificates. Create a new CSR to request a new server certificate from a
CA. When the CA provides the new server certificate, you can schedule the server name change.
If you log on to the server as a domain administrator, this procedure does not complete
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the password for the security store, and click OK.
4. On the Security Manager screen, select the Security Configuration tab.
5. Click Security Off.
6. Click Apply.
7. On the Security Change Confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
8. Click Log Out.
9. Restart the Contact Center server.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows Server.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on the Avaya Contact
Center Select server with the new server name and IP address. This ensures that all servers can
interpret the new server name.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
5. Under System Account Configuration, in the Password box, type the password for the
Avaya Contact Center Select administration account. The password is not checked against
the server security policy for minimum password requirements. Avaya recommends that
you enter a password that conforms to your corporate password policy.
6. In the Confirm Password box, type the password.
7. Click Apply and click Yes to confirm.
8. After the synchronization process is complete, click Restart to restart the server.
The Computer Name Synchronisation Utility provides information about the success of
the synchronization process for each of the components: Avaya Contact Center Select,
Avaya Aura® Media Server, and Avaya IP Office. If you want to view the log file for the
synchronization process, click Open log file before you click Restart.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on each client in your
contact center with the new computer IP address. This ensures that all clients can interpret the
new server name.
1. Log on to the client computer.
2. Browse to the HOSTS file in the Windows installation directory, C:\Windows
3. Right-click the HOSTS file and open the file with a text editor such as Notepad to modify
the host tables.
4. Update the HOSTS file to reflect the new Avaya Contact Center Select server name or IP
5. On the File menu, click Save.
6. Close all windows.
7. Repeat this procedure on each client computer.
Administrators cannot update the browsers and shared folders for each user, therefore
users needs to update their respective browsers and shared folders.
About this task
Update the client browsers and shared folders to reference the new Avaya Contact Center Select
server name in the browser.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration as an administrator.
2. From the Launchpad, click Historical Reporting.
3. In the Historical Reporting main window, click the CC server.
4. For each report associated with the new server, click the report name.
5. In the Report Properties window, click the Output Options heading to expand the section.
6. Select the Output to file check box.
7. In the Output box, browse to the path of the report.
8. Click Save Report.
9. Click Activate.
10. Close the report.
11. Repeat step 4 to step 10 for each report.
4. Verify that the IP address matches the new IP address of the server.
The Computer Name Synchronisation Utility provides information about the success of
the synchronization process for each of the components: Avaya Contact Center Select,
Avaya Aura® Media Server, and Avaya IP Office. If you want to view the log file for the
synchronization process, click Open log file before you click Restart.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on each client in your
contact center with the new computer IP address. This ensures that all clients can interpret the
new server name.
1. Log on to the client computer.
2. Browse to the HOSTS file in the Windows installation directory, C:\Windows
3. Right-click the HOSTS file and open the file with a text editor such as Notepad to modify
the host tables.
4. Update the HOSTS file to reflect the new Avaya Contact Center Select server name or IP
5. On the File menu, click Save.
6. Close all windows.
7. Repeat this procedure on each client computer.
This Appendix describes the procedures you must perform to change the server names or IP
addresses of the Avaya Contact Center Select software appliance. You must perform a server name
or IP address change during a Contact Center maintenance window.
Avaya Contact Center Select does not support changing the server name or IP address of
servers configured for Business Continuity. Avaya recommends that you configure the final
production name of the Avaya Contact Center Select servers before configuring Business
1. Log on to the Contact Center server as a local administrator.
If you log on to the server as a domain administrator, this procedure does not complete
2. On the Apps screen, in the Avaya section, select Security Manager.
3. On the Store Access dialog, type the password for the security store, and click OK.
4. On the Security Manager screen, select the Security Configuration tab.
5. Click Security Off.
6. Click Apply.
7. On the Security Change Confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
8. Click Log Out.
9. Restart the Contact Center server.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows Server.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on the Avaya Contact
Center Select server with the new server name and IP address. This ensures that all servers can
interpret the new server name.
1. Log on to the Avaya Contact Center Select server.
2. Browse to the HOSTS file in the installation directory, C:\Windows\system32\drivers
3. Right-click the HOSTS file and open the file with a text editor such as Notepad to modify
the host tables.
4. Update the file to reflect the new server name, IP address, or both.
5. On the File menu, click Save.
6. Close all windows.
The Computer Name Synchronisation Utility provides information about the success of
the synchronization process for each of the components: Avaya Contact Center Select,
Avaya Aura® Media Server, and Avaya IP Office. If you want to view the log file for the
synchronization process, click Open log file before you click Restart.
3. Locate the text string CCMM_MACHINE_NAME and update the new server name after
the ’=’ sign.
4. Save and close the file.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on each client in your
contact center with the new computer IP address. This ensures that all clients can interpret the
new server name.
1. Log on to the client computer.
2. Browse to the HOSTS file in the Windows installation directory, C:\Windows
3. Right-click the HOSTS file and open the file with a text editor such as Notepad to modify
the host tables.
4. Update the HOSTS file to reflect the new Avaya Contact Center Select server name or IP
5. On the File menu, click Save.
6. Close all windows.
7. Repeat this procedure on each client computer.
Administrators cannot update the browsers and shared folders for each user, therefore
users needs to update their respective browsers and shared folders.
About this task
Update the client browsers and shared folders to reference the new Avaya Contact Center Select
server name in the browser.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration as an administrator.
2. From the Launchpad, click Historical Reporting.
3. In the Historical Reporting main window, click the CC server.
4. For each report associated with the new server, click the report name.
5. In the Report Properties window, click the Output Options heading to expand the section.
6. Select the Output to file check box.
7. In the Output box, browse to the path of the report.
8. Click Save Report.
9. Click Activate.
10. Close the report.
11. Repeat step 4 to step 10 for each report.
4. Verify that the new Avaya Contact Center Select server IP address appears in the New IP
Address box.
5. Click Apply and click Yes to confirm.
6. After the synchronization process is complete, click Restart to restart the server.
The Computer Name Synchronisation Utility provides information about the success of
the synchronization process for each of the components: Avaya Contact Center Select,
Avaya Aura® Media Server, and Avaya IP Office. If you want to view the log file for the
synchronization process, click Open log file before you click Restart.
5. Click Save.
6. In the navigation pane, click System Configuration > Network Settings > General
7. Click SOAP.
8. In the Trusted Nodes box, type the new IP address of the Avaya Contact Center Select
9. Select Enable Trusted SOAP Nodes.
10. Click Save.
Incorrectly modifying a host table can cause extensive network problems. Before you
modify host tables, review the information about hosts in the supporting documentation
for Microsoft Windows.
About this task
If you do not have a DNS server, you must manually update the HOSTS file on each client in your
contact center with the new computer IP address. This ensures that all clients can interpret the
new server name.
1. Log on to the client computer.
2. Browse to the HOSTS file in the Windows installation directory, C:\Windows
3. Right-click the HOSTS file and open the file with a text editor such as Notepad to modify
the host tables.
4. Update the HOSTS file to reflect the new Avaya Contact Center Select server name or IP
5. On the File menu, click Save.
6. Close all windows.
7. Repeat this procedure on each client computer.
The port number must match the Avaya Aura® Media Server port number. The default
is 5060.
8. Click the next row of the grid to save your changes.
After you change the Avaya Aura® Media Server IP address, you must update the Avaya Aura®
Media Server IP Interface Assignment in Element Manager (EM).
1. Log on to Avaya Aura® Media Server Element Manager.
2. Navigate to EM > System Status > Element Status.
3. Click Stop.
4. Click Confirm to proceed with the action.
After a few seconds, the system updates the status fields and activates or deactivates the
buttons based on the new state of the media server.
5. On the Linux server, edit the file /etc/hosts.
6. If the hosts file contains an existing entry for the Avaya Aura® Media Server, remove the
entry. Do not update the entry or add an Avaya Aura® Media Server entry to the hosts file.
7. Save the file.
8. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
9. Update the IP address wherever the IP address appears in the file.
10. Save the file.
11. Using the local Linux console shell, enter the following commands to apply the IP address
change to the system:
/etc/init.d/network stop
/etc/init.d/network start
12. Log on to Element Manager using the new IP address in the URL for the EM login.
13. In the navigation pane, click System Configuration > Network Settings > IP Interface
14. IP Interface Assignment fields show errors, as a result of the IP address change. Select
valid IP addresses from the drop-down menus for each field showing Invalid.
15. Click Save.
16. Click Confirm.
17. Using the local Linux console shell, enter the following commands to restart Avaya Aura®
Media Server:
The port number must match the Avaya Aura® Media Server port number. The default
is 5060.
8. Click the next row of the grid to save your changes.
Avaya Contact Center Select server IP address change CCMM fundamentals (continued)
(continued) SMS ..............................................................................39
change contact center subnet IP address .......... 395, 406 traffic reports .................................................................40
Avaya Contact Center Select server name voice mail ......................................................................39
change ................................................................385, 398 Web communications ................................................... 44
Avaya Contact Center Select server name change CCMM general configuration
change the server name add administrators ........................................................ 49
operating system ...........................388, 400 apply office hours ..........................................................52
prerequisites ....................................................... 386, 399 configure Directory LDAP server .................................. 54
Avaya support website .........................................................19 configure displayed date for traffic reports ....................53
Avaya WebLM ....................................................................301 configure holidays .........................................................51
Avaya Workspaces .................................................. 90, 91, 94 configure office hours ................................................... 51
Avaya Workspaces layout ..................................................100 configure reporting credentials ..................................... 49
Avaya Workspaces widgets ............................................... 100 configure Web communications comfort
Avaya Workspaces) groups
General Settings ...........................................................92 WC skillset ............................................ 168
Avaya-standard Grace Period ............................................304 configure Web On Hold comfort groups
Azure ................................................................................. 175 WC skillset ............................................ 166
Azure application for Email Manager remove administrators .................................................. 50
creating .......................................................175, 176, 178 remove Web communications comfort
WC skillset ............................................ 168
B remove Web On Hold comfort groups
backing up ......................................................................... 281 WC skillset ............................................ 167
existing Avaya Aura Media Server data ......................290 view
backing up security store ................................................... 351 real-time traffic reports by contact ...........53
backup location ..................................................................284 CCMM server name change
Avaya Aura Media Server ...........................................289 configure the external Web server
barred email address Web communications ....................392, 403
delete ..........................................................................140 CCMS
barring configuration ............................................................... 270
outgoing email address .............................................. 139 licensed features configuration ...................................271
basic authentication ........................................................... 173 local settings configuration ......................................... 270
basic screen pops CCMS, CCT, CCMA, ADMIN, and CCMM
configure .......................................................................62 restoring databases .................................................... 287
alias for a recipient mailbox ........................................ 112
C Avaya Contact Center Select server name .........385, 398
character encoding for outgoing email ....................... 137
CCMA ................................................................................ 353
closed reason ............................................................... 59
Citrix published application .........................................373
custom fields in Agent Desktop .................................... 58
Citrix published content .............................................. 371
IPO network data ........................................................272
keyword group ............................................................ 117
fundamentals ................................................................ 28
license manager file on CCMS ................................... 300
general configuration .................................................... 46
licensed features configuration ...................................271
CCMM Dashboard ............................................................... 36
local settings configuration ......................................... 270
contacts monitoring ...................................................... 36
Local Subscriber data .................................................273
managing unsent emails ...............................................38
prepared responses ....................................................120
routing errors troubleshooting .......................................36
recipient mailbox .........................................................109
spike detection configuration ........................................ 38
rule groups ..................................................................131
unsent emails monitoring ..............................................37
rules ............................................................................127
CCMM fundamentals
sender group .............................................................. 125
email contact type .........................................................28
sequence of messages
email traffic reports ....................................................... 32
Web communications comfort groups ...165
fax .................................................................................39
Web On Hold comfort groups ................162
mailbox configuration ....................................................40
change IPO network data
outbound contact type .................................................. 41
variable definitions ......................................................273
scanned documents ..................................................... 39
IP address change M
Avaya Aura MS ........................................................... 411
DVD install ..................................................................385 mailbox
hardware appliance .................................................... 385 configuration ................................................................. 40
IP Office recipient ........................................................................ 31
configuring DNIS ........................................................ 305 mailboxes authentication ........................................... 173, 174
IP Office configuration mailboxes credentials ........................................................ 179
DNIS ........................................................................... 305 MDB .....................................................................................88
IP Office CPE Subscription ................................................ 302 Microsoft Exchange for sending outgoing email
IP Office SCN .....................................................................327 configure .....................................................................141
Multimedia Data Management utility starting .....................223
multimedia database
K restoring ......................................................................287
keyword from a keyword group Multimedia Offline database .............................................. 219
delete .......................................................................... 119
keyword group N
change ........................................................................ 117
create .......................................................................... 117 NMS
delete ..........................................................................120 configure .....................................................................298
keyword groups
auto-rejection of email messages ...............................134
L OAuth 2.0 ...................................................................176, 178
OAuth 2.0 authentication ........................................... 173, 174
language office hours
levels .......................................................................... 378 apply ............................................................................. 52
language family configure .......................................................................51
compatibility ................................................................379 opening Orchestration Designer ........................................ 237
language support operating system language
fundamentals .............................................................. 377 configuring .................................................................. 380
language support fundamentals Orchestration Designer
language family compatibility ......................................379 example flow applications ...........................................236
language levels ...........................................................378 Orchestration Designer installing .......................................236
LDAP server Orchestration Designer opening ........................................ 237
configure .......................................................................54 outbound
leave voice mail configure .....................................................................171
flow application ........................................................... 253 outbound campaign
license expiration ............................................................... 304 cleanup rule ................................................................ 224
license file outbound campaigns
update .........................................................................300 Campaign Scheduler .................................................... 43
License Manager Configuration Tool ................................. 304 Outbound Campaign Management Tool .......................42
license manager file on CCMS outbound configuration
change ........................................................................300 configure route point
licensing .............................................................................302 Outbound skillset .................................. 171
administration ............................................................. 299 prerequisites ............................................................... 171
licensing administration outbound contact type
change the license manager file on CCMS ................ 300 Campaign Scheduler .................................................... 43
remote Avaya WebLM ................................................ 301 Outbound Campaign Management Tool .......................42
reset grace period .......................................................299 outbound contact types
update license file .......................................................300 CCMA ........................................................................... 44
local destination ................................................................. 293 outbound email
localized language ..................................................... 381, 382 settings ......................................................................... 31
location Outbound skillset
Avaya Aura Media Server backups ............................ 289 configure route point ...................................................171
log in .................................................................................... 94 outgoing email address
barring ........................................................................ 139
select .......................................................................... 139
web chat agent
adding a friendly name ................................................. 56
Web communications
configure .....................................................................147
configuring limits .........................................................155
Web Communications
transfer to skillset ........................................................156
Web communications comfort group
delete ..........................................................................166