Physics of Hollywood Movies
Physics of Hollywood Movies
Physics of Hollywood Movies
Many Hollywood movies make use of the principles of Physics in their creation, the storyline, and to
enhance visual special effects. You are to select movies of your choice from the list below and
investigate these principles.
It does not have to be complicated; it could be your all-time favourites or something new you have
never seen before – either with humans or a cartoon/animation.
Think & Communicate: Is it possible to survive what you saw, does the content or special
effects relate to the mathematical and theoretical Physics we have covered in class, and/or
does the action make sense? **How could the movie producers, directors, and/or actors
make the movie more realistic in regard to our course content?
Task #3: Application – How does your chosen film/movie relate to SPH4U?
Describe the storyline and scientific content of your movie with reference to three out of our five
units of study, which include the following topics:
Kinematics (Motion)
Dynamics (Forces)
Waves and Sound
Gravitational, Electric & Magnetic Fields/Electricity & Magnetism
Special Relativity (Speed of Light, Time Dilation, Time Travel, Length Contraction)
Big Ideas
• Forces affect motion in predictable and quantifiable ways.
• Forces acting on an object will determine the motion of that object.
• Many technologies that utilize the principles of dynamics have societal and environmental
Energy and Momentum
• Energy and momentum are conserved in all interactions.
• Interactions involving the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum can be
analysed mathematically.
• Technological applications that involve energy and momentum can affect society and the
environment in positive and negative ways.
Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic Fields
• Gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces act on matter from a distance.
• Gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields share many similar properties.
• The behaviour of matter in gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields can be described
• Technological systems that involve gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields can have an effect on
society and the environment.
The Wave Nature of Light
• Light has properties that are similar to the properties of mechanical waves.
• The behaviour of light as a wave can be described mathematically.
• Technologies that use the principles of the wave nature of light can have societal and environmental
Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
• Light can show particle-like and wave-like behaviour, and particles can show wave-like behaviour.
• The behaviour of light as a particle and the behaviour of particles as waves can be described
• Time is relative to a person’s frame of reference.
• The effects of relativistic motion can be described mathematically.
• New theories can change scientific thought and lead to the development of new technologies.
Marking Scheme
The presentation will be marked according to the following rubric:
Name(s): _________________________ Movie: _______________________________
Start: ______________________________End: _________________________________
Received Checkpoint /10
Category/ Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Marking 8-10 marks/ 7 marks/ 6 marks 1-5 marks/
K/U Shows an excellent Shows a good understanding Attempts to show some Struggles to show
Related understanding of the physics of the physics content in the understanding of the physics understanding of the physics
Physics content in the selected selected movie. content in the selected content in the selected
Content movie. References are included. movie. movie/does not understand
References are included. Some references are any of the physics in the
/10 included. movie. References lacking.
T/I Excellent explanation of the A good explanation of the Student somewhat explains A weak attempt to explain
Analysis, Use physics content in the physics content in the the physics content in the the physics content in the
of movie. movie. Student provides an movie. movie.
Evidence & Student provides an in-depth analysis of presented ideas Student provides some Student provides little to no
analysis of presented ideas connecting theory to analysis of presented ideas analysis of presented ideas
Creative connecting theory to whether or not the physics connecting theory to and does not connect theory
Thinking whether or not the physics behind the action makes whether or not the physics to whether or not the
/10 behind the action makes sense and is realistic. behind the action makes physics behind the action
sense and is realistic. sense and is realistic. makes sense and is realistic.
Com. Presenter is prepared, Presenter speaks loud and Presenter struggles to speak Presenter does not clearly
Presentation speaks loud and clear. clear. loud and clear. express ideas and is hard to
Skills Related physics vocabulary Related physics vocabulary Related physics vocabulary hear. Student fails to use
is used to emphasize and is used to emphasize and is not really used to related physics vocabulary
/5 support the presentation and support the presentation. emphasize and support the to emphasize and support
is presented within time Presentation is completed presentation. the presentation.
requirements. within time requirements. Presentation lasts longer Presentation is too short and
than specified time. does not meet time
Com. Excellent introduction and Effective introduction and Presentation has an An introduction and/or
Organization conclusion to presentation conclusion to presentation. introduction and/or conclusion to the
& Flow of that captures the audience’s Structure and flow of conclusion but it is evident presentation is not missing
Ideas attention. Structure and flow presentation shows that more time could have or incomplete. The structure
of presentation shows considerable organization. been spent organizing and and flow of the presentation
/5 excellent planning and Movie clips selected are planning details regarding lacks thoughtful planning,
organization. Movie clips appropriate and effective the structure and flow of organization, and feels
selected are appropriate visual aids, and not used as content. Movie clips attempt rushed. Movie clips are used
visual aids, and not used as time fillers for the to support content presented to fill presentation time
time fillers for the presentation. but are not included in a and/or are irrelevant to the
presentation, but enhance logical sequence. content presented.
the content presented.
App. The chosen movie clearly The chosen movie clearly The chosen movie clearly The chosen movie does not
Connections demonstrates a connection demonstrates a connection demonstrates a connection demonstrate a clear
to Course to three (or more) units of to two units of study within to one unit of study within connection to any unit of
Topics & study within the course. A the course. the course. Logical study within the course.
discussion of how the movie Considerable logical scenarios are discussed but Lacks logical analysis and
Units of Study could have been made more scenarios are discussed to it is unclear how the physics explanation of connections
/10 realistic is supported by explain connections to real connects to real world to the real world.
effective logical physics world scenarios and the scenarios and the realistic
calculations and relates to realistic portrayal of content portrayal of content in the
real world scenarios. in the film. film.