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published: 09 October 2020

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.585404

Microbial Interactions Within

Multiple-Strain Biological Control
Agents Impact Soil-Borne Plant
Ben Niu 1,2* , Weixiong Wang 2 , Zhibo Yuan 2 , Ronald R. Sederoff 3 , Heike Sederoff 4 ,
Vincent L. Chiang 1,3 and Rainer Borriss 5,6*
State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China, 2 College of Life
Science, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China, 3 Forest Biotechnology Group, Department of Forestry
and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States, 4 Department of Plant
and Microbial Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States, 5 Institute of Biology, Humboldt University
of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 6 Institute of Marine Biotechnology e.V. (IMaB), Greifswald, Germany

Major losses of crop yield and quality caused by soil-borne plant diseases have long
threatened the ecology and economy of agriculture and forestry. Biological control
Edited by:
Soumitra Paul Chowdhury, using beneficial microorganisms has become more popular for management of soil-
Helmholtz Zentrum München, borne pathogens as an environmentally friendly method for protecting plants. Two
major barriers limiting the disease-suppressive functions of biocontrol microbes are
Reviewed by:
Xiaoyulong Chen,
inadequate colonization of hosts and inefficient inhibition of soil-borne pathogen growth,
Guizhou University, China due to biotic and abiotic factors acting in complex rhizosphere environments. Use
Jun Yuan,
of a consortium of microbial strains with disease inhibitory activity may improve the
Nanjing Agricultural University, China
biocontrol efficacy of the disease-inhibiting microbes. The mechanisms of biological
Ben Niu control are not fully understood. In this review, we focus on bacterial and fungal biocontrol agents to summarize the current state of the use of single strain and
Rainer Borriss
multi-strain biological control consortia in the management of soil-borne diseases. We
discuss potential mechanisms used by microbial components to improve the disease
Specialty section: suppressing efficacy. We emphasize the interaction-related factors to be considered
This article was submitted to
Microbial Symbioses,
when constructing multiple-strain biological control consortia and propose a workflow
a section of the journal for assembling them by applying a reductionist synthetic community approach.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Keywords: microbial interaction, biological control agents, soil-borne disease, consortia, microbiome and
Received: 20 July 2020
Accepted: 14 September 2020
Published: 09 October 2020
Niu B, Wang W, Yuan Z,
Sederoff RR, Sederoff H, Chiang VL The interest in control of plant diseases by beneficial microbes, has increased recently due to
and Borriss R (2020) Microbial
the global need for environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides and fertilizers
Interactions Within Multiple-Strain
Biological Control Agents Impact
(Handelsman and Stabb, 1996; Fira et al., 2018; Syed Ab Rahman et al., 2018). A large
Soil-Borne Plant Disease. number of bacterial and fungal strains, as well as viruses, nematodes, and insects have been
Front. Microbiol. 11:585404. employed as biological control agents (BCAs) in the management of soil-borne crop pathogens
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.585404 for decades. BCAs have become a crucial component of sustainable agriculture and forestry

Frontiers in Microbiology | 1 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

(Cazorla and Mercado-Blanco, 2016; Alvarez and Biosca, In this review, we provide a brief overview of the current
2017; Busby et al., 2017; Umesha et al., 2018). Although state of the use of MSBCAs in the management of soil-
numerous beneficial microbial strains performed well against borne diseases and describe potential mechanisms used by
pathogens under controlled conditions in the laboratory or their microbial components to improve disease-suppression.
the greenhouse, examples of successful BCA application in We describe interaction-related factors to be considered when
commercial field-based crop production are rare (Xu et al., 2011; constructing MSBCAs and propose a workflow for assembling
Mazzola and Freilich, 2017). This is mainly due to inadequate them as a reductionist synthetic community (Vorholt et al., 2017;
colonization of host rhizosphere connected with inefficient Liu et al., 2019).
inhibition of soil-borne pathogen growth (Sarma et al., 2015;
Mazzola and Freilich, 2017).
Different BCA consortia, consisting of two or more microbial UTILIZATION OF MSBCAS IN
strains [multi-strain biological control agents (MSBCAs)], are MANAGEMENT OF SOIL-BORNE
assembled to improve the stability and efficiency of disease- DISEASES
inhibition (Sarma et al., 2015; Mazzola and Freilich, 2017; Vorholt
et al., 2017; Woo and Pepe, 2018). The biotechnological potential Selection of novel biocontrol microbial strains via isolation
of microbial consortia was reviewed recently and examples for and screening is a permanent approach to improve the
their possible applications in areas of biopolymers, bioenergy, disease-controlling efficiency of BCAs. Although novel disease-
biochemicals, and bioremediation have been presented (Bhatia suppressive strains might overcome inadequate colonization
et al., 2018). Here, we focus on the application of MSBCAs of the host rhizosphere and inefficient inhibition of soil-
in sustainable agriculture. In several cases, superior disease borne pathogen growth, the discovery of taxonomically novel
suppression exerted by MSBCAs has been reported (Table 1). isolates possessing biological disease control activity becomes
Diverse modes of action were proposed: (i) diversity in biocontrol more difficult over time even after extensive searches. Another
mechanisms offered by each microbial component (Pierson and promising approach, exploiting genetically modified microbial
Weller, 1994; Sarma et al., 2015), (ii) occupation of distinctive strains with improved antagonistic function has been restricted
niches by probiotic microorganisms resulting in more stable or prohibited worldwide (Migheli, 2001; Stemke, 2004). When
communities (Pierson and Weller, 1994; Pliego et al., 2008; applying BCAs in natural settings, BCAs do not act independent
Thomloudi et al., 2019), (iii) enhanced modulation of genetic of their environment but interact with many indigenous
elements acting in the community (Lutz et al., 2004), and microbes to become components of local microbial communities.
(iv) a broader spectrum of targeted phytopathogens (Sarma The members of such consortia may evolve niche−specific
et al., 2015; Thomloudi et al., 2019) may contribute to greater microbial interactions to influence plant health (Whipps, 2001).
biocontrol activity in communities. However, our understanding There is growing interest in the use of disease-suppressing
of the mechanisms underlying the reinforcement of their disease- microbial communities, specifically MSBCAs, for controlling
inhibitory effects by MSBCAs is still very limited. soil-borne pathogens.
Interactions in communities of plant-associated microbes Multi-strain biological control agents have successfully
are essential for plant health (Whipps, 2001; Frey-Klett et al., controlled soil-borne diseases of valuable crops caused by
2011; Kemen, 2014; Hassani et al., 2018). A well-known fungi, oomycetes, bacteria and nematodes (Table 1). Several
example is disease suppressive soil. They are defined by their microbial combinations are possible, such as fungus to fungus,
ability to suppress plant diseases such as “take-all” disease fungus to bacterium, and bacterium to bacterium. Similar to
in wheat caused by the fungal pathogen Gaeumannomyces the single-strain biological control agents (SSBCAs), MSBCAs
graminis. The suppressive effect is due to the presence of employ diverse modes of action for control, e.g., competition
2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol produced by a group of soil-borne for resources and niches (McKellar and Nelson, 2003; Wei et al.,
Pseudomonas spp. (Kwak and Weller, 2013). 2015; Hu et al., 2016), production of antimicrobial compounds
The interplay among the members of MSBCAs might (Thakkar and Saraf, 2014; Santhanam et al., 2019), induction
be relevant to their elevated disease-suppressing effect. It is of systemic resistance (Sarma et al., 2015; Solanki et al., 2019),
necessary to pay attention to the microbe−microbe interplay- and regulation of microbial communities (Zhang L.-N. et al.,
related elements when constructing MSBCAs because microbial 2019). MSBCAs appear to have higher efficiency for control of
interactions within the plant microbiome are important selective soil-borne disease than SSBCAs (Figure 1A).
forces forming complex microbial assemblages (Hassani et al., Synergistic and/or additive effects exerted by carefully
2018). In general, two different methods can be distinguished selected microbial consortia might explain their superior
when BCA consortia are prepared: (i) mixing existing single- efficacy compared to single SSBCAs. In simple cases, MSBCAs
strain biological control agents (SSBCAs) according to empirical consist of only two strains, e.g., a fungus and a bacterium
experience or (ii) preparing MSBCAs as a reductionist synthetic where one or both have biocontrol activities. A consortium
community (RSC) (Liu et al., 2019). In the RSC approach, defined consisting of Trichoderma asperellum GDFS1009 and Bacillus
synthetic communities (SynCom) are assembled using a limited amyloliquefaciens ACCC1111060 was found to be more efficient
number of isolates from the natural microbiome. In the following against infection by Botrytis cinerea (the agent of gray
we prefer to use the term “SynCom” given that synthetic mold disease) than the individual strains (Wu et al., 2018).
communities contain usually a limited number of isolates. Similarly, when Trichoderma virens GI006 was combined

Frontiers in Microbiology | 2 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

TABLE 1 | List of multiple-strain biological control agents (MSBCAs) against soil-borne pathogens.

Number Multiple-strain biological Mode of Disease Pathogens Potential mode of action Host References
control agents application

1 Trichoderma harzianum CECT Soil inoculation Root rot Phytophthora Disintegration of the hyphae and Pepper Ezziyyani et al.,
2413 and Streptomyces rochei capsici production of 1-propanone, 2007
Ziyani 1-(4-chlorophenyl)
2 Bacillus cereus AR156, Bacillus Seedling Phytophthora Phytophthora Alternation of the soil bacterial Sweet pepper Zhang L.-N.
subtilis SM21 and Serratia sp. treatment blight capsici community et al., 2019
3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Seed Stem rot and Sclerotinia Production of ammonia, Soybean Thakkar and
MBAA1, Bacillus cereus bacterization charcoal rot sclerotiorum siderophore and enzymes like β-1,3 Saraf, 2014
MBAA2 and Bacillus and glucanase, chitinase and cellulase
amyloliquefaciens MBAA3 Macrophomina
4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Seed coating White rot Sclerotinia Induced systemic resistance and Pea Jain et al., 2015
PJHU15, Trichoderma sclerotiorum enhanced oxygen species
harzianum TNHU27 and managenment
Bacillus subtilis BHHU100
5 Pseudomonas sp. S1, Bacillus Seedling Vascular wilt Fusarium Induced systemic resistance Tomato Kannan and
sp. S2, Azotobacter sp. S3, treatment oxysporum f. Sureendar,
Azospirillum sp. S4 and sp. lycopersici 2009
Pseudomonas fluorescens S5
6 Glomus intraradices, Seed soaking Fusarium wilt Fusarium Production of siderophore and Tomato Srivastava
Pseudomonas sp. and oxysporum f. rhamnolipid et al., 2010
Trichoderma harzianum sp. lycopersici
7 Bacillus subtilis S2BC-1 and Seed Vascular wilt Fusarium Direct biocontrol and induced Tomato Shanmugam
Bacillus subtilis GIBC-Jamog bacterization oxysporum f. systemic resistance and Kanoujia,
and soil sp. lycospersici 2011
8 Trichoderma sp. NRCB3 and Soil inoculation Fusarium wilt Fusarium Inhibition of spore germination and Banana Thangavelu and
Trichoderma asperellum Prr2 and root oxysporum f. mycelial growth due to antibiosis Gopi, 2015b
treatment sp. cubense and antifungal metabolites
9 Bacillus subtilis GB03, Bacillus Media Fusarium wilt Fusarium Production of siderophores and Pepper and Domenech
amyloliquefacien IN937a and inoculation and and oxysporum f. induced systemic resistance tomato et al., 2006
Pseudomonas fluorescens seed drenching Rhizoctonia sp. radicis-
CECT 5398 damping off lycopersici and
10 Bacillus sp. EPB10, Bacillus sp. Root soaking Fusarium wilt Fusarium Enhancement of the expression of Banana Mathiyazhagan
EPB56 and Pseudomonas oxysporum f. defense related enzymes et al., 2014
fluorescens Pf1 sp. cubense
11 Mixture of uncultivated Root drenching Fusarium wilt Fusarium Antagonism and induction of the Banana Lian et al.,
endophytes derived from oxysporum f. activities of host defense-related 2009
healthy banana plants sp. cubense enzymes
12 Glomus mosseae, Trichoderma Soil inoculation Fusarium wilt Fusarium Physical modifications in the cell Banana Mohandas
harzianum and Pseudomonas oxysporum f. wall, growth promotion and et al., 2010
fluorescens sp. cubense induction of disease resistance
13 Pseudomonas putida C4r4, Root dipping Fusarium wilt Fusarium Production of siderophores, Banana Thangavelu and
Pseudomonas putida Jrb2, and soil oxysporum f. protease enzymes, chitinase and Gopi, 2015a
Bacillus cereus Jrb1, Bacillus application sp. cubense hydrogen cyanide
cereus Jrb5, Bacillus flexus
Tvpr1, Achromobacter spp.
Gcr1 and Rhizobium spp. Lpr2
14 Bacillus subtilis EPB56, Bacillus Root soaking Fusarium wilt Fusarium Increasement of the activity of Banana Kavino and
subtilis EPB10 and oxysporum f. defense enzymes Manoranjitham,
Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 sp. cubense 2017
15 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Soil inoculation Fusarium wilt Fusarium Production of Banana Wong et al.,
DRB1 and Trichoderma oxysporum f. 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and 2019
harzianum CBF2 sp. cubense chitinase
16 Pseudomonas sp. UPMP3 and Soil drenching Fusarium Wilt Fusarium Increase of resistance-related Banana Mohd Fishal
Burkholderia sp. UPMB3 oxysporum enzymes, lignithioglycolic acid and et al., 2010
pathogenesis-related proteins


Frontiers in Microbiology | 3 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

TABLE 1 | Continued

Number Multiple-strain biological Mode of Disease Pathogens Potential mode of action Host References
control agents application

17 Bacillus subtilis GBO3, Bacillus Seed Root rot Fusarium Production of siderophores Dry bean Estevez de
subtilis MBI600 and Rhizobium application oxysporum, Jensen et al.,
tropici Fusarium solani 2002
f. sp. phaseoli
18 Pseudomonas fluorescens Seed Fusarial wilt Fusarium udum Production of metabolites against Pigeon pea Choure et al.,
LPK2, Sinorhizobium fredii bacterization the conidial germination and germ 2012
KCC5 and Azotobacter tube growth
chroococcum AZK2
19 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Seed soaking Seedling blight Fusarium Inhibiting fungal colonization and Maize Niu et al., 2017
AA1, Ochrobactrum pituitosum verticillioides arresting hyphal expansion growth
AA2, Curtobacterium pusillum
AA3, Enterobacter ludwigii
AA4, Chryseobacterium
indologenes AA5,
Herbaspirillum frisingense AA6
and Pseudomonas putida AA7
20 Xanthobacter agilis, Seed soaking Pythium Pythium Fatty acid metabolism Cotton McKellar and
Microbacterium sp., damping-off ultimum Nelson, 2003
Paracoccus denitrificans, two
Enteric bacterium strains and
five Coryneform bacterium
21 Trichoderma viride and Media Sudden wilting Pythium - Poinsettia Bolton, 1980
Streptomyces sp. inoculation aphanidermatum
22 Chitinophaga sp. 94, and Root drenching Damping off Rhizoctonia A NRPS-PKS gene cluster from Sugar beet Carrión et al.,
Flavobacterium sp. 98 solani Flavobacterium was essential for 2019
disease suppression
23 Streptomyces atrovirens N23 Soil inoculation Root rot Rhizoctonia Activation of plant defense Tomato Solanki et al.,
and Trichoderma lixii and root solani 2019
NAIMCC-F-01760 treatment
24 Trichoderma virens GI006 and Soil inoculation Fusarium wilt Fusarium Formation of biofilms and Cape Izquierdo-
Bacillus velezensis Bs006 oxysporum f. production of antimicrobial gooseberry García et al.,
sp. phaseoli compounds 2020
25 Bacillus cereus AR156, Bacillus Seedling and Verticillium wilt Verticillium Induced systematic Resistance and Cotton Yang et al.,
subtilis SM21 and Serratia sp. soil drenching dahliae secretion of anti-fungal metabolites 2014
26 Pseudomonas sp. CHA0, Root drenching Bacterial wilt Ralstonia Competition for resources and Tomato Hu et al., 2016
Pseudomonas sp.PF5, solanacearum interference with the pathogen
Pseudomonas sp.Q2-87,
Pseudomonas sp.Q8R1-96,
Pseudomonas sp.1M1-96,
Pseudomonas sp. MVP1-4,
Pseudomonas sp.F113, and
Pseudomonas sp. Phl1C2
27 Ralstonia spp. QL-A2, Ralstonia Root drenching Bacterial wilt Ralstonia Resource competition Tomato Wei et al., 2015
spp. QL-A3, Ralstonia spp. solanacearum
QL-A6, Ralstonia spp. QL-117
and Ralstonia spp. QL-140
28 Serratia plymuthica A294, Tuber soaking Potato soft rot Pectobacterium Production of antibiotic potato Maciag et al.,
Enterobacter amnigenus A167, spp., Dickeya compounds, biosurfactants and 2020
Rahnella aquatilis H145, spp. siderophores
Serratia rubidaea H440, and
S. rubidaea H469
29 Tomato rhizosphere Transplantation Bacterial wilt Ralstonia Flavobacteriaceae sp. TRM1 could Tomato Kwak et al.,
microbiome solanacearum suppress Ralstonia solanacearum 2018
disease development
30 Eggplant and cucumber Root drenching Root knot Meloidogyne Direct antagonism and/or induction Tomato Zhou et al.,
rhizosphere microbiome spp. of plant resistance 2019
31 Root associated synthetic Soil inoculation − Fungal Bacterial microbiota suppresses Arabidopsis Durán et al.,
multikingdom assemblages pathogens fungal pathogens 2018

Frontiers in Microbiology | 4 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

FIGURE 1 | Enhanced biocontrol effects of multiple-strain biological control agents (MSBCA) against soil-borne pathogen (A) and the potential mechanisms
underlying the elevated disease-suppressive efficacy (B). (i) enhanced biofilm formation, (ii) syntrophic microbial growth promotion, (iii) facilitated migration, (iv)
boosted competition for resources, (v) stimulated antimicrobial substance biosynthesis, and (vi) elevated plant defense response induction.

with Bacillus velezensis Bs006, efficiency against Fusarium wilt by Rhizoctonia solani than the individual community members
of cape gooseberry was enhanced (Izquierdo-García et al., (Carrión et al., 2019). Thus, MSBCAs are capable of providing
2020). A bacterial consortium of Chitionophaga sp. 94 and more effective protection of the hosts than inoculation with
Flavobacterium sp. 98 conferred more consistent protection single-strains. A model resident bacterial community composed
against the infection of root rot, the infection of sugar beets of five non-virulent Ralstonia spp. strains was more efficient

Frontiers in Microbiology | 5 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

at reducing the spread of the bacterial wilt of tomato caused compounds. The lipopeptides bacillomycin D and fengycin
by Ralstonia solanacearum than the single non-virulent strains act antagonistically against filamentous fungi (Chowdhury et al.,
(Wei et al., 2015). Further examples documenting the superior 2015) and it is to be expected that the bacilli might inhibit growth
action of MSBCAs against soil-borne plant pathogens are listed of Trichoderma when applied together. However, supernatants
in Table 1. of B. velezensis stimulated growth of Trichoderma virens
The enhancement of disease inhibition by MSBCAs is widely under in vitro conditions. Vice versa, addition of Trichoderma
thought to be due to the addition of different features for control conidia did not affect viability of B. velezensis suggesting high
(Pierson and Weller, 1994; Sarma et al., 2015). Occupation compatibility of both microbes. Adhesion of B. velezensis spores
of distinct niches in the rhizosphere may avoid competition to the conidia of T. virens without affecting their morphology
among probiotic microorganisms, resulting in more stable was observed, supporting compatibility of both soil inhabitants
rhizosphere communities (Pierson and Weller, 1994; Pliego (Izquierdo-García et al., 2020).
et al., 2008; Thomloudi et al., 2019). Modulation of genetic Germination of fungal conidiospores and Bacillus endospores,
elements (Lutz et al., 2004) and suppression of a broader is a critical step in successful colonization of BCAs. The contact
range of phytopathogens (Pierson and Weller, 1994; Thomloudi of Trichoderma conidia with Bacillus biofilms did not impair the
et al., 2019) may account for the elevated biocontrol activity ability of fungal spores to germinate and establish the fungus in
in microbial communities. In addition, some key features soil (Izquierdo-García et al., 2020). The mycelia of Trichoderma
related to the disease-controlling effect of BCAs, including can serve as a supporting layer for formation of bacterial biofilms
rhizosphere colonization and suppression of pathogen growth, and can aid bacterial migration in the soil. Growth of bacteria was
can be promoted in consortia via a complex network of supported by nutrients present in the fungal exudates (Warmink
microbe−microbe interactions. This interplay might serve as the et al., 2011; Triveni et al., 2012).
selective force building plant-associated microbial communities
(Hassani et al., 2018). Members of the MSBCAs apply interspecies Enhanced Biofilm Formation
communication as a strategy to improve their control of soil- Microbial colonization of plant roots can be promoted by the
borne diseases. formation of biofilms (Fan et al., 2011; Beauregard et al., 2013).
Biofilms are communities of surface-associated microorganisms
encased in a self-produced extracellular matrix composed of
MICROBIAL INTERACTIONS PROMOTE exopolysaccharides, proteins and sometimes DNA (Vlamakis
RHIZOSPHERE COLONIZATION et al., 2013). Beside the well-studied single-species biofilms,
rhizosphere microorganisms belonging to multiple taxa are
Colonization in the Plant Rhizosphere able to form multi-species biofilms, of which the formation
Efficient colonization of the rhizosphere is the first and might be elevated by the microbe−microbe interactions within
fundamental step to protect plants from soil-borne pathogens biofilm communities (Figure 1B). In a previous study, a
by BCAs. Insufficient rhizosphere colonization can impair the consortium of five native bacterial isolates was found to
beneficial effects of the biocontrol microbial strains, resulting be able to colonize the roots of N. attenuata by forming
in reduction or failure of disease control. Inoculation with multiple-taxa biofilms on the root surfaces. Furthermore,
MSBCAs may enhance the colonization of the rhizosphere by under both in vitro and in vivo conditions, the amount of
biocontrol microbes. The rhizoplane colonization ability of a five- biofilm produced by each individual strain was significantly
strain bacterial consortium suppressing a sudden wilt disease less than the biofilms formed by the five-membered bacterial
of Nicotiana attenuata was enhanced compared to that of each community, which indicating a synergistic biofilm formation
single community member (Santhanam et al., 2019). Survival by the consortium (Santhanam et al., 2019). Similarly, a
of Pseudomonas species communities inhibiting bacterial wilt three-species biocontrol community composed of Xanthomonas
disease of tomato increased with increasing diversity (Hu et al., sp. WCS2014-23, Stenotrophomonas sp. WCS2014-113 and
2016). In addition, the total bacterial abundance on bean root Microbacterium sp. WCS2014-259 showed synergy, as the
tips rose when a two-membered biocontrol Pseudomonas species combination of three formed more biofilm than the single strains.
consortium for anthracnose was added (Bardas et al., 2009). Moreover, colonization of host roots by this community was
Thus, using disease-controlling microorganisms as multi-strain stimulated by enhanced biofilm formation (Berendsen et al.,
consortia can indeed promote rhizosphere colonization by BCAs 2018). Although the mechanisms of such positive effects on
(Figure 1B). Such positive effects on microbial colonization biofilm production are unclear, the improved efficacy can be
may be due to positive regulation of some colonization- attributed to the cooperative microbial interactions in consortia,
related biological processes, such as biofilm formation, growth triggering increased extracellular matrix deposition and cell-to-
and migration, by the interactions among microorganisms cell signaling (Santhanam et al., 2019).
within consortia.
A promising example of successful use of empirical mixtures Syntrophic Microbial Growth Promotion
of BCA is the combination of the fungus Trichoderma spp. Colonization of the rhizosphere requires robust microbial
and the biocontrol bacterium Bacillus velezensis. According to growth, which can be greatly improved by syntrophy, a
in vitro observations the microbes appear to be incompatible. nutritional situation in which multiple microorganisms combine
B. velezensis FZB42 produces an arsenal of antifungal their metabolic abilities to catabolize a substrate that cannot be

Frontiers in Microbiology | 6 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 585404

Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

degraded by either one of them alone (Morris et al., 2013; Mee distinct bacterial species. An ampicillin-sensitive P. vortex strain
et al., 2014). For example, Azospirillum brasilense, a well-known was capable of swarming and colonizing on ampicillin plates
plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR), is not able to using non-motile ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli as cargo,
use certain sugars and polysaccharides as carbon sources for dispersing both bacteria (Finkelshtein et al., 2015; Venieraki
growth in vitro. However, it is capable of associating with sugar- et al., 2016). Co-swarming or transporting other bacterial species
or polysaccharide-degrading bacteria, establishing a metabolic may expand the abilities of the partners in occupying and
association where the sugar- and/or polysaccharide-degrading exploiting ecological niches in diverse environments including
bacteria degrade the metabolites to products, which can be the rhizosphere (Venieraki et al., 2016). Hence, interactions
utilized as carbon source by A. brasilense. In turn A. brasilense among the microbial components of a given community may
provides the sugar- or polysaccharide-degrading bacteria with bring about facilitated microbial migration, essential for efficient
nitrogen by fixing the atmospheric N2 (Bashan and Holguin, rhizosphere colonization.
1997; Bashan, 1998). Such a synergistic catabolic effect on sugars In brief, microbe−microbe interactions can play a positive
and polysaccharides may boost the survival of A. brasilense in role in promoting rhizosphere colonization by beneficial
the rhizosphere, because plant roots release 5−21% of their microorganisms through boosting biofilm formation, microbial
photosynthetically fixed carbon as root exudates (Bais et al., growth, migration inside of the microbiome, and interacting
2006; Huang et al., 2014), including sugars and polysaccharides, with plant roots. Thus, utilization of MSBCAs performing active
which are used by the rhizosphere microbial communities. interactions among their members may improve survival of
Beside nutrients, there are always microbial growth-inhibiting disease-suppressing microbes, and their adaption to complex and
materials in the rhizosphere. While methanol can suppress the changeable environmental conditions. In consequence, they may
growth of methanotrophs in the rhizosphere, the methanotrophs be able to stabilize their beneficial effects for the inhibition of
are able to survive by coexisting with Hyphomicrobium spp. soil-borne diseases.
to build a rhizospheric microbial association, in which the
Hyphomicrobium spp. is capable of removing methanol (Liechty
et al., 2020). Therefore, the promotion of the growth of MICROBIAL INTERACTIONS ENHANCE
rhizosphere microbes can be achieved by syntrophic interactions GROWTH SUPPRESSION OF
leading to effective nutrient utilization and removal of harmful SOIL-BORNE PATHOGENS
substances (Figure 1B).
Multi-strain biological control agents are able to exhibit
Facilitated Migration stronger suppressive efficacy on the growth of soil-borne
Another crucial microbial trait for rhizosphere colonization is pathogens than SSBCAs. For instance, a bacterial strain mixture
motility, defined as the ability of microorganisms to move or involving Bacillus subtilis S2BC-1 and GIBC-Jamog showed
to perform mechanical work at the expense of metabolic energy greater anti-fungal activity against the tomato vascular wilt
(Harshey, 2003). There are six different categories of surface pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, than each of the
motility including swimming, swarming, gliding, twitching, individual strains (Shanmugam and Kanoujia, 2011). Similarly,
sliding and darting (Harshey, 2003). According to Allard- Pseudomonas fluorescens T5 showed no inhibition against
Massicotte et al. (2016), motility is required for early root Rhizoctonia solani in vitro. However, when it was applied together
colonization by BCAs. The migration of microorganisms can with four non-antagonistic bacterial strains isolated from the
be enhanced by the interactions among community members. rhizosphere of Tamarindus, this five-species bacterial community
For example, fungal hyphae are capable of serving as vectors exhibited strong suppression of growth of R. solani (Kannan and
for the dispersion of bacteria in the rhizosphere, which is Sureendar, 2009). Although the understanding of the enhanced
known as a “fungal highway” (Kohlmeier et al., 2005; Warmink pathogen-inhibiting effect of biocontrol consortia is limited,
et al., 2011; Figure 1B). In a recent study, Zhang et al. (2020) changes in resource competition and secretion of antimicrobial
showed that rhizobia use mycelia of Phomopsis liquidambaris compounds triggered by microbial interactions may contribute
as dispersal networks to migrate into legume rhizospheres and to the enhanced suppression (Figure 1B).
to trigger nodulation. Extraradical mycelium formed by the
mycorrhiza fungus Glomus formosanum CNPAB020 can facilitate Boosted Competition for Resources
the translocation of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 110 in Resource competition is a basic mechanism by which BCAs
the rhizosphere (de Novais et al., 2020) in addition to its main may protect plants from pathogens, implying that the beneficial
activity in nutrient transfer. Prokaryotic cells are able to facilitate microorganisms are able to rapidly and efficiently utilize the
dispersal of non-motile asexual fungal spores as well (Figure 1B). limited resources in the vicinity of the plant hosts to restrict or
Conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus, a non-motile rhizosphere suppress the growth of phytopathogens. Plant exudates on root
fungus, can be transported by the rhizobacterium Paenibacillus surfaces and in their surrounding rhizosphere, are the primary
vortex from niches of adverse growth conditions. Fungal mycelia sources of nutrients for the rhizosphere microbiome. Successful
may act as bridges to allow P. vortex to cross air gaps, which suppression depends on the competition for nutrients in root
can be mutually facilitated dispersal, benefiting the life cycles exudates by biocontrol microbes and soil-borne pathogens.
of both of these very different rhizosphere inhabitants (Ingham This contest can be elevated by the microbial interplay inside
et al., 2011). The enhanced dispersal may also occur between MSBCAs (Figure 1B). Two biocontrol consortia for tomato

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bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum, consisting of eight resulted in as much as a 78-fold increase in the accumulation of
Pseudomonas and five non-virulent Ralstonia strains, exhibited secondary metabolites including compounds with antimicrobial
much stronger inhibiting effects on the population density of efficacy (Ola et al., 2013). Therefore, specific interactions among
R. solanacearum than each individual strain. The enhanced microorganisms belonging to different domains may enhance
inhibition is caused by an increase of niche overlaps exerted production of antimicrobial compounds. Not only are the
by these consortia with R. solanacearum. Niche overlaps microbial interactions able to upregulate the production of
may be defined as ‘likeness’ between the communities and known antimicrobial compounds, but interactions may also
R. solanacearum in the catabolism of 48 different single-carbon activate the biosynthesis of hitherto unknown compounds with
resources found in tomato root exudates (Wei et al., 2015; Hu antimicrobial activity (Figure 1B). A novel antibiotic named
et al., 2016). The more diverse soil bacterial communities are, amycomicin has been recently described (Pishchany et al., 2018).
the better they are able to acquire many of the 31 individual The production of this compound is dependent on the interaction
carbon sources typical for soil, than the pathogen E. coli between two soil-dwelling actinobacteria, Amycolatopsis sp.
O157:H7 (van Elsas et al., 2012). Limited assimilatable iron AA4 is the producer strain and Streptomyces coelicolor M145
resources remain in the rhizosphere, following the competition is an inducer. According to these examples the synthesis of
between disease-suppressing microorganisms and soil-borne antimicrobial compounds can be stimulated or activated through
pathogens (Gu et al., 2020). Many soil microbes scavenge both, inter- and intra-domain microbial interactions.
iron by secreting siderophores, a chemically diverse group of Therefore, the modulating effect of microbial interactions
secondary metabolites with a high affinity for iron, because iron on resource competition and production of antimicrobial
predominantly occurs in soil in its insoluble ferric Fe (III) form compounds may contribute to strengthening the inhibition
(Traxler et al., 2013; Traxler and Kolter, 2015). The siderophores of growth of pathogens (Figure 1B). Thus, applying BCAs
can both, to facilitate and suppress competitors, depending on as multi-strain mixtures can elevate the ability of biocontrol
whether the competitors possess the transporters or channels microorganisms to compete for the resources needed for
for siderophore uptake. The production of siderophores can rhizosphere survival with soil-borne pathogens and to stimulate
be positively regulated by interspecies interactions among soil the production of compounds toxic to specific pathogens.
microbes. The interplay of Streptomyces coelicolor with five The increased niche overlaps and biosynthesis of novel
other soil actinobacteria increased the diversity of siderophores. antimicrobial compounds induced by microbe−microbe
Production of desferrioxamines by S. coelicolor, was triggered interactions may facilitate the BCAs to suppress a broader range
by siderophores from neighboring strains (Traxler et al., of phytopathogens. The positive impact of interactions within
2013). Therefore, the disease-inhibiting microorganisms in the MSBCAs may result in more efficient growth suppression of
rhizosphere may acquire elevated capability to utilize resources soil-borne pathogens, and improve the efficiency of soil-borne
through microbial associations (Figure 1B). disease control by disease-inhibiting microbes.

Stimulated Synthesis of Antimicrobial INTERACTIONS OF MICROBIAL

Microorganisms are able to synthesize a multitude of compounds
with antimicrobial activity, which is an important mode of action Plants rely on rhizosphere microbiota to facilitate nutrient
for direct inhibition or lethality on the microbial opponents acquisition, in exchange for carbon-rich root exudates for
in environments. So far, there have been a large number of bacterial nutrition. In addition, the rhizosphere microbiome
reports of the antimicrobials produced by BCAs exhibiting is important for plant health and fitness (van der Heijden
suppressing effects on the growth of phytopathogens. These et al., 2008). The plant root microbiome consists of prokaryotic
studies mainly focus on the biocontrol strains from the genera bacteria, eukaryotic filamentous fungi, and oomycetes. Besides
Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Trichoderma, well known for the a core microbiome ubiquitous in a multitude of hosts and
production of antibiotics including lipopeptides, polyketides, geographical regions, a variable part of the microbiome is
bacteriocins, phenazines, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and shaped by secretion of species-dependent plant secondary
chitinase (Ghisalberti and Sivasithamparam, 1991; Haas and metabolites, which belong to diverse classes, such as coumarins,
Keel, 2003; Chen et al., 2007). Some metabolites with inhibitory benzoxazinoids, phytoalexins and triterpenes (Jacoby et al.,
functions are found in low concentration or are not expressed 2020). Consequently, diversity of species along the bulk-soil
in pure culture but may be upregulated in a community to root microbiota was found gradually decreasing. Positive
(Nützmann et al., 2011; Brakhage, 2013; Pishchany et al., correlations dominate within each of the three kingdoms.
2018). Lutz et al. (2004) examined the molecular interactions Reconstitution experiments performed with synthetic mono- or
between bacterial and fungal BCAs, the DAPG-producing multi-kingdom microbial consortia and germ-free Arabidopsis
P. fluorescens and chitinase-producing Trichoderma atroviride plantlets revealed that the bacterial microbiota protects plants
P1. DAPG enhanced the expression of the nag1 chitinase gene, against potentially pathogenic fungi and oomycetes by mainly
indicating that the positive regulation of key biocontrol genes negative factors exerted against filamentous fungi (Durán et al.,
may take place while mixing antagonists. Co-culturing the 2018). Widely distributed members of the core microbiota
endophytic fungus Fusarium tricinctum with Bacillus subtilis, such as Variovorax, a gram-negative beta-proteobacterium, and

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Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

Pseudomonas appeared to be important for plant protection communities (Peiffer et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2019; Chen
but individual members of other bacterial taxa could overtake et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020). Our increasing awareness of
their function in biocontrol. Therefore, addition of an SSBCA the influences of soil-feature changes on the microbiome has
or MSBCA might have positive effects in complex systems of resulted in an emerging urgency to elevate the suppressing
agriculture and forestry. effect of soil microbiota against phytopathogens by managing
The plant immune system also affects the composition of the the soil properties. Wang et al. (2020) demonstrated that the
microbiota in the vicinity of plant roots. The root-microbiome addition of biochar to the soil not only raises the pH and the
may expand plant immunity and acts as an additional layer of available nutrient content, but also augments fungal richness
defense against plant pathogens (Teixeira et al., 2019). Interaction and diversity, especially the abundance of potential biocontrol
of beneficial microbes with plant roots can result in systemic fungi, which led to the inhibition of Phytophthora blight of
host resistance to pathogens, which may be due to the activation pepper. Similarly, biochar amendment controlled bacterial wilt
of induced systemic resistance (ISR) (Sarma et al., 2015). In through changing soil chemistry and the composition of the
addition to promoting rhizosphere colonization and suppressing microbial community. The application of biochar specifically
soil-borne pathogen growth, inducing enhanced plant defense enriched beneficial bacteria and decreased pathogen abundance
responses to pathogens has been described in many studies as (Chen et al., 2020). Furthermore, Yang et al. (2019) showed
another important feature employed by the MSBCAs for their that wheat straw return significantly increased soil nitrogen and
elevated disease-controlling effect. The additive or synergistic reduced the relative abundance of pathogenic fungal genera
efficacy of the biocontrol consortia on the induction of elevated in the soil microbial community, indicating a potential for
host immunities to plant pathogens is directed by activating disease control. Thus, promoting the biocontrol effects of the
several distinctive metabolic and signaling pathways against a soil microbial community against soil-dwelling pathogens by
given pathogen (Jain et al., 2012; Alizadeh et al., 2013; Sarma manipulating soil features is a promising strategy for soil-borne
et al., 2015). However, how interactions among the members disease management. Moreover, understanding the interplay
of MSBCAs can effectively boost specific systemic resistance between the soil and its associated microbiota will expand our
to soil-borne pathogens remains to be better illustrated. One knowledge about the impact of abiotic factors on biological
possible hypothesis is that the microbe-microbe interplay within soil-borne pathogen control.
the biocontrol consortia might lead to the production of larger
amounts of specific elicitors and potent compounds capable of
more efficiently eliciting ISR (Figure 1B). MICROBIAL INTERACTIONS AND
Many root-associated gram-positive and gram-negative CONSTRUCTION OF MSBCAS
bacteria are able to produce plant growth hormones, such
as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and thus promoting plant root Application of BCAs in the community context as MSBCAs can
growth, when auxin production does not exceed a critical level increase the ability to control soil-borne diseases of crops through
(Vessey, 2003; Lugtenberg and Kamilova, 2009). In case of interaction-mediated promotion of rhizosphere colonization
some pathogenic bacteria, IAA production exceeds the critical outcompeting soil-borne pathogens. Thus, construction and
threshold needed for plant growth and may negatively affect utilization of MSBCAs could augment soil-borne disease control
plant health (Spaepen et al., 2007; Subramoni et al., 2014; Segev in sustainable agriculture and forestry. So far, there are at
et al., 2016). Some beneficial root-associated microbes such as least two strategies for preparing effective MSBCAs, (i) mixing
Variovorax possess the IAA catabolic gene cluster and can reverse the existing SSBCAs according to empirical criteria, and (ii)
root growth inhibition occurring at high IAA concentrations by assembling MSBCAs by applying the reductionist SynCom
degrading IAA (Fitzpatrick et al., 2020). approach, also named RSC (Liu et al., 2019). Using either one
Soil not only supports plant and animal life, but also hosts of the two strategies, microbe-microbe interactions need to be
myriad microorganisms inside, referred to collectively as the taken into account.
soil microbiome (Berg and Smalla, 2009; Fierer, 2017; Jansson
and Hofmockel, 2018; Thakur and Geisen, 2019), which governs Mixing the Compatible and Diverse
biogeochemical cycling of macronutrients, micronutrients and SSBCAs According to Empirical Criteria
other elements vital for the growth of plants and animals (Jansson Combining beneficial microbial isolates that may enhance the
and Hofmockel, 2020). The interactions between microbes effect achieved by single isolates dates back to the discovery of
and soil have always drawn the attention of microbiologists PGPR (Kloepper et al., 1980). Selecting proper strains is critical.
and ecologists. It has been widely accepted that microbial We noted that microorganisms used for developing biocontrol
communities inhabiting soil are capable of alternating its consortia were often selected according to their individual
physicochemical properties by organic litter deposition and disease suppressive capacity. However, except for this property,
metabolic activities (Jacoby et al., 2017; Jansson and Hofmockel, no precise selection standards have been adopted to choose
2020), for example, by improving water retention (Naylor and microbial components (Sarma et al., 2015; Thomloudi et al.,
Coleman-Derr, 2017), increasing carbon storage (Jansson et al., 2019). This approach often results in equal or even lower efficacy
2018) and mineral nutrition contents (van der Heijden et al., of the multi-strain mixtures compared to the individual strains
2008; Jacoby et al., 2017). Vice versa, the variability in soil traits (Sarma et al., 2015). Thus, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the
may impact the composition and function of soil microbial compatibility and interactions of the candidate strains before the

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Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

FIGURE 2 | Biological features need to be considered when constructing multiple-strain biological control agents (MSBCAs) and workflow of assembling MSBCAs
using a reductionist synthetic community (Vorholt et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019). (A) Biological features involving disease-suppressive effects of each individual strain,
compatibility, diversity, microbial colonization of rhizosphere, mode of action for disease control, safety to humans and the environment, easy application and
convenience to be incorporated into an existing management system (Raupach and Kloepper, 1998; Sikora et al., 2010; Bashan et al., 2013; Grosskopf and Soyer,
2014; Ahkami et al., 2017), need to be taken into account when establishing the MSBCAs for soil-borne diseases. (B) In general, methodology of constructing
MSBCAs by a reductionist synthetic community approach is built on the conception of host-mediated selection of plant-associated microbiota (Mueller and Sachs,
2015). Microbiome analysis by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing or metagenomics sequencing, or by PhyloChip analysis, in parallel to the extended microbial
strain isolation to achieve as much diversity as possible, is an early step to pick the potential disease-suppressing species by identifying the differential OTUs
between the microbiome of the samples collected from pathogen challenged and control plants (Berendsen et al., 2018), or by reconstructing strain-level genomes
based on functional diversity (Carrión et al., 2019). Then, after cross-referencing the microbiota profiling data with the taxonomic identities of the isolates in
comprehensive culture collections (Niu et al., 2017; Berendsen et al., 2018), or by detecting the genes encoding the functions of biological control in the genomes of
cultivated isolates (Carrión et al., 2019), the candidate strains will be characterized and selected for the multi-strain community, of which the disease-reducing effects
will be further evaluated.

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Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

MSBCA consortium is established. We propose, in addition to the build SynCom (Vorholt et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019) will
disease-inhibiting activity of individual strains, to consider two likely simplify handling and production of such MSBCAs.
interaction-related properties, (i) compatibility, and (ii) diversity. SynCom analysis performed in gnotobiotic systems allows us
The members of a probiotic consortium are considered to be to study the effect of the plant microbiota on host fitness
compatible when they do not inhibit growth of each other during under different environmental circumstances. It also allows us
their in vitro co-culture and/or in rhizosphere colonization to investigate microbe−microbe interactions and microbial gene
competition assays (Liu et al., 2018; Thomloudi et al., 2019). functions (Carlström et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019), and to
Co-inoculation with incompatible isolates might hinder one or construct novel MSBCAs.
more microbial agents from reaching the appropriate population Several microbial communities able to suppress plant diseases
threshold for plant disease control (Haas and Defago, 2005). have been assembled via the reductionist SynCom approach
The results of the in vitro co-culture compatibility tests often based on microbiome analysis and comprehensive culture
represent the interactions occurring among the members of the collections (Liu et al., 2019). A synthetic bacterial consortium
consortium. However, variation in media used to test in vitro was constructed, able to reduce the severity of the maize
compatibility (Lyons and Kolter, 2017), the colonization of seedling blight caused by Fusarium verticillioides (Niu et al.,
different ecological niches on roots (Pliego et al., 2008), and 2017). The biocontrol effect of the synthetic community against
interference among mechanisms for disease control (Stockwell F. verticillioides was stronger than that of each individual
et al., 2011) can lead to inconsistent compatibility assays. strain. To prepare this synthetic community, Niu et al. (2017)
Thus, compatibility among members of a synthetic microbial started from microbiota established by maize roots, which were
community should be considered as a prerequisite in the identified by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and additional
engineering of MSBCAs applied to plants, and should be verified strain cultivating methods. A greatly simplified SynCom was
by further assays. obtained, consisting of seven strains, Enterobacter ludwigii,
In addition, the degree of microbial diversity affects the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Ochrobactrum pituitosum,
assembly, survival, and functionality of BCAs in the rhizosphere Herbaspirillum frisingense, Pseudomonas putida, Curtobacterium
and their ability to inhibit soil-borne diseases (Hu et al., 2016). pusillum, and Chryseobacterium indologenes, representing three
First, a high level of species diversity can increase the resources of the four most dominant phyla found in maize roots.
that microbial species can collectively use as a community (the A three-membered bacterial community able to
niche breadth), and enable microorganisms to survive in the induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana against
rhizosphere more efficiently (Wei et al., 2015). Second, the Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (downy mildew) was constructed
amount and number of secondary metabolites that suppress (Berendsen et al., 2018) via host-mediated microbiome selection
pathogen growth increase with increasing taxonomic diversity (Mueller and Sachs, 2015). Carrión et al. (2019) showed that
in MSBCAs (Raaijmakers and Weller, 1998; Jousset et al., 2014). infection of sugar beets by a fungal pathogen, Rhizoctonia
A combination of different secondary metabolites produced solani, is hindered by an endosymbiotic community of bacteria
jointly by diverse microbes may strengthen the antagonistic living inside plant roots. This endophytic community was
effect against pathogens (Loper et al., 2012). Therefore, MSBCAs enriched for Chitinophagaceae and Flavobacteriaceae harboring
of high diversity could be more adaptive to the pressure of chitinase genes and biosynthetic gene clusters encoding
rhizosphere environments and act more efficiently against soil- non-ribosomal peptide synthetases and polyketide synthases.
borne plant diseases. A MSBCA consortium of Chitinophaga and Flavobacterium
In summary, compatibility and diversity are two interaction strains was established, which consistently suppressed fungal
relevant factors (Figure 2A) that may determine the success of root disease. Carrión et al. (2019) concluded that endophytic
MSBCAs. Some additional traits, such as microbial colonization root microbiomes may harbor many functional traits that can
of the rhizosphere, mode of action for disease control, safety protect synergistically their host plants (Carrión et al., 2019).
to humans and the environment, ease of application and
convenience of management systems need to be considered,
when establishing the biocontrol microbial communities for CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
soil-borne diseases (Raupach and Kloepper, 1998; Sikora PERSPECTIVES
et al., 2010; Bashan et al., 2013; Grosskopf and Soyer, 2014;
Ahkami et al., 2017). Building MSBCAs by a reductionist SynCom approach
(Figure 2B) offers the chance to accurately and rapidly pick out
the microbial strains qualified for establishing the MSBCA from
Building MSBCAs by the Reductionist thousands of isolates found in the natural host microbiome.
SynCom Approach In this way, the crucial disease control-interactions present in
Although empirically combining existing microbial isolates the plant microbiome (Hassani et al., 2018) can be mirrored
with biocontrol activity is useful, it is nearly impossible to in the few selected strains used for the MSBCA. Establishing
predict efficiency of such consortia in suppressing plant disease SynComs should be the method of choice. SynComs represent
and strengthening plant growth in the context of the whole a helpful complement to pesticides, and might be combined in
plant microbiome. In contrast, utilizing a reduced number future application with effective empirical mixtures and/or single
of representative members of the target host microbiota to representatives of existing SSBCAs.

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Niu et al. Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents

Utilization of selected beneficial microorganisms in the in the future when constructing the SynComs with biocontrol
community is an effective approach to improve the efficiency activity. In addition to the disease-suppressing function of
of BCA (Figure 1A; Sarma et al., 2015; Mazzola and the SynComs, their plant growth-promoting effects are worth
Freilich, 2017; Vorholt et al., 2017; Woo and Pepe, 2018). further investigation (Zhang J. et al., 2019; Zhuang et al.,
A necessary precondition for its success is the analysis 2020). So far, most MSBCAs have been applied in agriculture
of the microbial interactions among the members and the (Table 1), Using BCAs in forestry for plant disease control
effect exerted by the MSBCA on plant health (Figure 1). should be recommended. Finally, as agrochemical companies
When designing a MSBCA, two crucial interaction-related such as BASF, Syngenta and Bayer have developed and launched
factors, compatibility and diversity, need to be considered several MSBCA-based commercialized products for sustainable
(Figure 2A). Constructing MSBCA by combining microbes with management of soil-borne pathogens, application of MSBCAs
great taxonomic distance appears desirable. We recommend should bring more efficient control of soil-borne diseases in
a reductionist SynCom approach based on the principle agriculture, horticulture, and forestry.
of host-mediated microbiome selection (Mueller and Sachs,
2015), and selection of representative microbes to form
efficient biocontrol consortia. This allows us to assemble AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
customized MSBCAs depending on the specific requirements
of disease management in different crops and environments. BN and RB conceived the idea, designed the outlines of the
This strategy will result in protecting against distinct pathogens review, and wrote the manuscript. WW and ZY prepared the
and might be comparable to the concept of “precision figures and the table. VC, RS, and HS revised the manuscript.
medicine” for human health (Berg et al., 2020), that advocates All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual
treatments of patients on a personalized level (Collins and contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
Varmus, 2015) based on the patient’s genome sequence and
their specific genome-environment interaction. Beside the
practical use of MSBCAs as biopesticides, they may also serve FUNDING
as useful tools for investigating how microbial interspecies
interactions affect plant microbiome assembly (Niu et al., 2017), This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
and how evolutionary processes act on the plant holobiont of China Grant No. 31801785 (to BN), Northeast Forestry
(integrating the plant, the microbiome and the environment) University International Forest Biotech Center Project Grant
(Hassani et al., 2018). (to BN), Heilongjiang Touyan Innovation Team Program
In this review, we summarize the potential mechanisms (Tree Genetics and Breeding Innovation Team to VC),
deployed by microbial components of communities to improve Heilongjiang Provincial Science Foundation of China Grant
their disease-suppressing functions. Our understanding of these No. YQ2019C002 (to BN), Fundamental Research Funds
processes at the level of molecular mechanisms is rudimentary, for the Central Universities Grants Nos. 2572020DY24 and
especially the mechanisms of the initiation of rhizosphere 2572018BD05 (to BN), and ENDOBICA-Novel antimicrobial
colonization and the resulting elevated host immunity. Next, the compounds and endophytic bacteria for developing improved
technology of functional genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics biocontrol agents by the German Ministry for Education and
and metabolomics will need to be applied to elucidate the genetic Research Grant 031B0582A (to RB). RB acknowledges support
basis of enhanced biofilm formation, syntrophic microbial by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access
growth promotion and migration, and enhanced ISR. Although a Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing-based reductionist SynCom
approach is useful to characterize MSBCAs, the relatively short
reads may not achieve the taxonomic resolution needed to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
distinguish related strains (Edgar, 2018; Fuks et al., 2018). Thus,
beside the high cost of a metagenomics approach, the utilization We thank members of the BN laboratory for valuable advice.
of modified 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing-based methods RB acknowledges support by the German Research Foundation
with improved resolution, such as full-length 16S rRNA gene (DFG) and the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-
amplicon sequencing (Callahan et al., 2019), may be expanded Universität zu Berlin.

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