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Worldwide Epidemiology of Atrial Fibrillation: A Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study

Sumeet S. Chugh, Rasmus Havmoeller, Kumar Narayanan, David Singh, Michiel Rienstra,
Emelia J. Benjamin, Richard F. Gillum, Young-Hoon Kim, John H. McAnulty, Jr, Zhi-Jie
Zheng, Mohammad H. Forouzanfar, Mohsen Naghavi, George A. Mensah, Majid Ezzati and
Christopher J.L. Murray

Circulation. 2014;129:837-847; originally published online December 17, 2013;

doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.005119
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Worldwide Epidemiology of Atrial Fibrillation

A Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study
Sumeet S. Chugh, MD; Rasmus Havmoeller, MD, PhD; Kumar Narayanan, MD;
David Singh, MD; Michiel Rienstra, MD, PhD; Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM;
Richard F. Gillum, MD; Young-Hoon Kim, MD; John H. McAnulty, Jr, MD;
Zhi-Jie Zheng, MD, PhD; Mohammad H. Forouzanfar, MD; Mohsen Naghavi, MD;
George A. Mensah, MD; Majid Ezzati, PhD; Christopher J.L. Murray, MD

Background—The global burden of atrial fibrillation (AF) is unknown.

Methods and Results—We systematically reviewed population-based studies of AF published from 1980 to 2010 from
the 21 Global Burden of Disease regions to estimate global/regional prevalence, incidence, and morbidity and mortality
related to AF (DisModMR software). Of 377 potential studies identified, 184 met prespecified eligibility criteria. The
estimated number of individuals with AF globally in 2010 was 33.5 million (20.9 million men [95% uncertainty interval
(UI), 19.5–22.2 million] and 12.6 million women [95% UI, 12.0–13.7 million]). Burden associated with AF, measured
as disability-adjusted life-years, increased by 18.8% (95% UI, 15.8–19.3) in men and 18.9% (95% UI, 15.8–23.5) in
women from 1990 to 2010. In 1990, the estimated age-adjusted prevalence rates of AF (per 100 000 population) were
569.5 in men (95% UI, 532.8–612.7) and 359.9 in women (95% UI, 334.7–392.6); the estimated age-adjusted incidence
rates were 60.7 per 100 000 person-years in men (95% UI, 49.2–78.5) and 43.8 in women (95% UI, 35.9–55.0). In 2010,
the prevalence rates increased to 596.2 (95% UI, 558.4–636.7) in men and 373.1 (95% UI, 347.9–402.2) in women;
the incidence rates increased to 77.5 (95% UI, 65.2–95.4) in men and 59.5 (95% UI, 49.9–74.9) in women. Mortality
associated with AF was higher in women and increased by 2-fold (95% UI, 2.0–2.2) and 1.9-fold (95% UI, 1.8–2.0)
in men and women, respectively, from 1990 to 2010. There was evidence of significant regional heterogeneity in AF
estimations and availability of population-based data.
Conclusions—These findings provide evidence of progressive increases in overall burden, incidence, prevalence, and
AF-associated mortality between 1990 and 2010, with significant public health implications. Systematic, regional
surveillance of AF is required to better direct prevention and treatment strategies.  (Circulation. 2014;129:837-847.)
Key Words: atrial fibrillation ◼ epidemiology ◼ incidence ◼ prevalence ◼ risk factors, prevention

A trial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia of

clinical significance.1 In adjusted models, AF is associated
with increased morbidity, especially stroke and heart failure, and
Several regional studies suggest a rising prevalence and
incidence of AF.9–13 These secular trends may be explained
in part by the demographic transition to an inverted age pyra-
increased mortality.2–5 AF constitutes a significant public health mid because frequency of AF increases with advancing age.
problem, and estimates suggest that this condition accounts Others have demonstrated an increase in AF incidence after
for 1% of the National Health Service budget in the United age adjustment, which is probably a reflection of comorbidities
Kingdom6 and $16 to 26 billion of annual US expenses.7,8 and cardiovascular risk factors, in addition to other factors such
as lifestyle changes.14,15 In the United States, it is estimated that
Editorial see p 829 the number of adults with AF will more than double by the year
Clinical Perspective on p 847 2050;16 even higher increases have been predicted.14

Received July 22, 2013; accepted November 12, 2013.

From the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA (S.S.C., R.H., K.N., D.S.); Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (R.H.); University of
Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands (M.R.); Framingham Heart Study and Boston University School of Medicine
and Public Health, Boston, MA (E.J.B.); Department of Medicine, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC (R.F.G.); Korea University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Y.-H.K.); Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, Portland, OR (J.H.M.); National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD (Z.-J.Z., G.A.M.); Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, Seattle (M.H.F., M.N., C.J.L.M.);
and Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA (M.E.).
Guest Editor for this article was Mercedes Carnethon, PhD.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Sumeet S. Chugh, MD, The Heart Institute, AHSP Ste A3300, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 127 S San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles,
CA 90048. E-mail
© 2013 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.005119

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838  Circulation  February 25, 2014

In view of the emergence of AF as a growing epidemic,15,17 a final list of publications selected for abstraction. Each publication
an assessment of the global burden of AF is warranted. We was assigned to 1 of 21 epidemiological regions as designated in
GBD 2005. To minimize potential bias resulting from inconsistent
therefore conducted a comparative assessment of the burden case definitions of AF, all published studies of paroxysmal, persistent,
of AF across defined time periods based on available epide- or permanent/chronic AF and atrial flutter were included.
miological data from the 21 Global Burden of Disease (GBD)
Statistical Methods
Incidence rate was defined as the annual number of new cases with
Methods AF divided by the population at midyear. Prevalence rate was defined
as the overall number of cases with the total population as denomi-
The GBD Study nator. Prevalence and incidence rates were age adjusted. Rates were
Our analysis was performed within the framework of the latest Global presented per 100 000 persons or person-years with 95% uncertainty
Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD 2010 intervals (UIs). The denominators were derived from the United
Study).18 The GBD 2010 Study is a collaborative effort led by a consor- Nations population database (,
tium that includes Harvard University, the Institute for Health Metrics and classifications of countries, regions, and groups (eg, developed
and Evaluation at the University of Washington, Johns Hopkins and developing countries) followed the definitions of the World Bank
University, the University of Queensland, the University of Tokyo, ( and GBD
Imperial College London, and the World Health Organization. It follows core team decisions.22
on the original GBD 1990 Study commissioned by the World Bank in
1991 and aims to systematically assess global data on all diseases and
injuries. GBD 2010 provides a common instrument for assessing mor- Modeling of AF as a Cause of Death
tality and morbidity. The goal was to provide comparable estimates at Mortality associated with AF was estimated by use of an integrated
different time periods with analysis of secular trends. Detailed informa- method, with information on several country-level covariates used
tion about the data, techniques, and methods for estimation of different to inform the analysis.19 All combinations of the covariates with a
disease parameters has been published elsewhere.19–21 significant coefficient (P<0.05) and expected direction of the effect
were used to estimate the number of deaths. The performance of each
model in terms of external validity was evaluated and constituted the
Search Strategy and Data Sources final ensemble model estimate. External validity criteria were used
As a subcommittee of the GBD 2010 Committee on Cardiovascular to rank all models and to produce ensemble results.23 The covariates
Disease and following the GBD 2010 protocol, the GBD Arrhythmias and external validity of the ensemble model are reported in Appendix
Panel performed a systematic review of the available literature IV (Tables I and II in the online-only Data Supplement). In the next
(Appendix I in the online-only Data Supplement) to identify epidemi- step, each individual cause of death was adjusted to obtain overall
ological studies of AF (1980–2010) that were population based. For cardiovascular mortality (CoDCorrect process).19 The GBD method
the initial identification of published studies, we used the following provides the mortality rate attributable to AF as opposed to total case
search terms: atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, epidemiology, incidence, fatality rate in AF patients.
prevalence, mortality, and case fatality rate. MEDLINE, EMBASE,
and LILACS were queried for studies published between 1980 and
2010 (for LILACS, the time period was 1982–2010). There were no Modeling of Morbidity Associated With AF
restrictions based on language of publication. Details of the search We used incidence, prevalence, excess mortality, and AF mortality
are outlined in Appendix II in the online-only Data Supplement. rate (estimated by the CODEm process) in a bayesian m ­ eta-regression
The initial search (phase 1) generated abstracts that were reviewed tool (DisMod-MR: Figure 1).21,24 DisMod-MR estimates a general-
(phase 2) on the basis of prespecified inclusion and exclusion crite- ized negative binomial model for all the epidemiological data with
ria (Appendix III in the online-only Data Supplement). Whereas all fixed and random effects. Data modeled with fixed effects include
studies on AF epidemiology in the general population were included, age, covariates that predict country variation in the quantity of inter-
studies conducted on selected clinical subgroups such as inpatients est, variation across studies resulting from attributes of the study
or those with heart failure were excluded to arrive at accurate esti- protocol, and random effects of super-region, region, and country.
mates of AF burden at a population-wide level. The selected abstracts DisMod-MR can be used to estimate age-, sex-, and country-specific
underwent full text reviews (phase 3) to confirm eligibility, generating prevalence from heterogeneous and often sparse data sets. We used

Figure 1. Conceptual disease model. Flow chart illustrating the conceptual disease model used (DisMod-MR software). The model
includes the number of people without the disease (atrial fibrillation in this case), the number of people with the disease, the number
of deaths associated with the disease, and the number of deaths resulting from all other causes. The transitions between these states
are represented by incidence (i), remission (m), case fatality (f), and all other mortality (m). In the case of atrial fibrillation, remission was
assumed to be zero. (Modified from Barendregt et al.24 Copyright © 2003 Barendregt et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.)

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Chugh et al   Global Burden of Atrial Fibrillation   839

DisMod to estimate the total number of patients living with AF. The (per 100 000 population) were 569.5 (95% UI, 532.8–612.7)
history of at least 1 confirmed AF episode is the common definition in men and 359.9 (95% UI, 334.7–392.6) in women. In 2010,
of AF used in prevalence studies. We used this definition in the mod-
prevalence rates were 596.2 (95% UI, 558.4–636.7) in men
eling and estimation of different epidemiological parameters such as
prevalence, incidence, and case fatality (excess mortality rate).21 and 373.1 (95% UI, 347.9–402.2) in women. The preva-
As for all conditions assessed in the GBD project, burden associ- lence rates showed a modest increase between 1990 and
ated with AF was measured as disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). 2010 (Figure 3) across both sexes. Developed countries had
The DALY metric was introduced in the original GBD 1990 study as a higher prevalence rates compared with developing countries;
means of assessing the disability of chronic disorders.22 DALYs com-
bine information on premature death (years of life lost) and disability
however, this difference was more pronounced in men than
caused by the condition (years lived with disability). One DALY cor- in women. For all time points, the prevalence was higher in
responds to 1 lost year of health and is calculated as years of life lost men compared with women. There was significant varia-
plus years lived with disability. As previously described in detail,25,26 tion in prevalence between GBD regions. The lowest preva-
years lived with disability are calculated by multiplying the estimated lence rates (2010) were estimated in the Asia-Pacific region
number of incident cases by the average duration of the disease and a
disability weight factor (range, 0–1, where 0 is total health and 1 is total
for both men and women (340.2 and 196.0, respectively).
disability). Disability weights for sequelae of multiple disease condi- The highest rates were estimated in North America (925.7
tions were estimated by 4 population-based surveys in Bangladesh, for men and 520.8 for women). The prevalence and inci-
Indonesia, Peru, and Tanzania; a telephone survey in the United States; dence for Sub- Saharan Africa were lower compared with
and an open-access Web-based survey.27 AF sequelae were defined as a developed region such as North America. Overall, for the
“daily medication and at least minimal interference with daily activi-
ties” and accordingly assigned a disability weight of 0.031. Sub-Saharan Africa super-region, in 2010, the prevalence of
AF (age-adjusted, per 100 000 population) was 659.8 (95%
UI, 511.0–850.4) for men and 438.1 (95% UI, 340.2–561.0)
Role of the Funding Source
for women. The median change in prevalence was higher in
The funding sources had no influence over the study, the interpreta-
tion of the results, writing of the manuscript, or decision to submit for developed countries, with the largest increase noted in North
publication. The corresponding author had full access to all the data America (40.1%) and the least change in Sub-Saharan Africa,
in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for East (3.4%; Table II in the online-only Data Supplement).
publication. Prevalence rates increased significantly with increasing age
(Figures IA and IB in the online-only Data Supplement),
Results with rates in the ­≥35-year-old population observed to be
Data Availability more than double the overall prevalence. With the DisMod
MR-estimated prevalence rates applied to the world popula-
The initial search generated 4574 abstracts (Appendix I in the
tion of 2010, the estimated number of individuals with AF
online-only Data Supplement). Of these, 377 published stud-
globally is 20.9 million men (95% UI, 19.5–22.2 million)
ies (8.2%) were identified as meeting initial criteria. After a
and 12.6 million women (95% UI, 12.0–13.7 million).
full text review, 193 studies were excluded (ie, did not meet
the prespecified quality measures), and the remaining184
studies moved to the abstraction stage. The majority of studies Incidence of AF
were from Western Europe and North America (35.9% and Table 2 shows the estimated age-adjusted incidence rates
35.6% of included data sources, respectively). of AF stratified by sex (complete data for all GBD regions
are given in Table IIIa and IIIb in the online-only Data
Prevalence of AF Supplement). In 1990, the overall incidence rates of the world
Table 1 shows the estimated age-adjusted AF prevalence population were 60.7 (95% UI, 49.2–78.5) per 100 000 per-
rates stratified by sex (Figure 2; complete data for all GBD son-years in men and 43.8 (95% UI, 35.9–55.0) in women.
regions are given in Table Ia and Ib in the online-only Data In 2010, the estimated incidence rates were higher, 77.5
Supplement). In 1990, the estimated global prevalence rates (95% UI, 65.2–95.4) in men and 59.5 (95% UI, 49.9–74.9)

Table 1. Estimated Age-Adjusted Prevalence Rates With 95% Uncertainty Intervals of Atrial Fibrillation (per 100 000 Population)
for Men and Women
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
 Global, all ages 569.5 (532.8–612.7) 578.1 (541.2–620.9) 586.8 (549.8–629.5) 595.1 (557.3–639.0) 596.2 (558.4–636.7)
 Age ≥35 y 1307.4 (1222.5–1407.3) 1327.3 (1243.2–1425.7) 1347.6 (1263.4–1445.8) 1366.6 (1281.0–1467.1) 1368.5 (1280.8–1462.7)
 Developed countries 608.2 (547·0–693.5) 625.6 (564.0–712.5) 643.1 (580.3–730.2) 660.0 (594.5–740.8) 660.9 (597.1–738.2)
 Developing countries 546.6 (503.0–599.6) 551.1 (506.6–604.8) 555.8 (511.0–610.1) 561.3 (517.5–618.4) 565.7 (522.9–617.6)
 Global, all ages 359.9 (334.7–392.6) 363.4 (338.5–395.3) 366.7 (342.0–397.8) 369.6 (345.5–399.9) 373.1 (347.9–402.2)
 Age ≥35 y 826.5 (768.4–902.3) 834.7 (776.6–909.2) 842.3 (784.7–915.5) 849.0 (792.4–919.6) 856.8 (797.7–923.5)
 Developed countries 362.5 (319.3–422.3) 370.1 (326.7–429.5) 377.5 (334.0–436.8) 385.1 (340.1–446.8) 387.7 (343.8–450.0)
 Developing countries 358.2 (329.8–393.0) 359.0 (330.8–394.0) 359·8 (331.5–395.0) 360.9 (331.6–396.0) 366.1 (337.4–400.8)

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840  Circulation  February 25, 2014

Figure 2. World map showing the age-adjusted prevalence rates (per 100 000 population) of atrial fibrillation in the 21 Global Burden of
Disease regions, 2010.

in women, as shown in Figure 4. There were significantly rates were also lower in the Sub-Saharan region, reported
higher (≈2-fold) incidence rates in developed regions com- as 58.4 (95% UI, 43.7–78.5) and 42.7 (95% UI, 31.1–60.5)
pared with developing countries. For both time periods, sim- in men and women, respectively. Incidence rates were also
ilar to the observations for prevalence, AF incidence rates higher in the older age groups (Figure IIA and IIB in the
were higher in men compared with women. Again, there online-only Data Supplement).
was great variation between GBD regions. The lowest inci- When the estimated incidence rates are applied to the
dence rates (2010) were estimated in the Asia-Pacific region world population of 2010, the estimated number of new
for both men and women (33.8 and 19.8, respectively). The AF cases per year is 2.7 million (95% UI, 2.3–3.3 mil-
highest rates were estimated in North America (264.5 for lion) for men and 2.0 million (95% UI, 1.7–2.6 million)
men and 196.3 for women). As for prevalence, the incidence for women.

Figure 3. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation: 1990 to 2010. Estimated age-adjusted global prevalence of atrial fibrillation (per 100 000
population) for men and women from 1990 to 2010.

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Chugh et al   Global Burden of Atrial Fibrillation   841

Table 2. Estimated Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates with 95% increases of 18.8% (95% UI, 15.8–19.3) and 18.9% (95% UI,
Uncertainty Intervals of Atrial Fibrillation (per 100 000 Person- 15.8–23.5) for men and women, respectively (Table 4; com-
years) for Men and Women plete data for all GBD regions are given in Table Va and Vb
1990 2010 in the online-only Data Supplement; see Figure 8). In keeping
with the higher incidence and prevalence of AF, DALYs were
higher in developed compared with developing countries.
 Global, all ages 60.7 (49.2–78.5) 77.5 (65.2–95.4) The rate of change in DALYs was also higher in developed
 Age ≥35 y 141.0 (114.6–182.6) 181.2 (152.6–222.8) compared with developing countries (Table II in the online-
 Developed countries 78.4 (67.5–91.9) 123.4 (107.6–141.5) only Data Supplement).
 Developing countries 50.0 (33.8–76.8) 53.8 (38.7–79.8)
Women Discussion
 Global, all ages 43.8 (35.9–55.0) 59.5 (49.9–74.9) Our systematic review of the current worldwide epidemio-
 Age ≥35 y 102.0 (83.9–127.9) 139.7 (117.1–175.3) logical data on AF confirms the emergence of this condition
as a global epidemic with significant and progressive effects
 Developed countries 52.8 (45.0–62.9) 90.4 (77.8–104.5)
on estimated disability and mortality. Furthermore, there
 Developing countries 36.0 (24.5–54.7) 40.0 (27.2–62.6)
were specific differences identified on the basis of age and
GBD region that are likely to have significant implications for
Mortality and Disease Burden Associated With AF global public health.
The age-adjusted mortality rate (per 100 000 population) As expected, higher rates of AF were observed in older age
for AF in 1990 was 0.8 (95% UI, 0.5–1.1) for men and 0.9 groups. For example, men 75 to 79 years of age have double
(95% UI, 0.7–1.2) for women. The age-adjusted mortality rate the prevalence rate compared with men 65 to 69 years of age
increased to 1.6 (95% UI, 1.0–2.4) and 1.7 (95% UI, 1.4–2.2) and >5-fold higher prevalence compared with men 55 to 59
in 2010, representing 2-fold (95% UI, 2.0–2.2) and 1.9-fold years of age. The 2010 rates are higher than the 1990 rates,
(95% UI, 1.8–2.0) increases, for men and women, respectively with increases in both prevalence and incidence rates in both
(Table 3; full data for all GBD regions are provided in Table sexes. Other regional studies have reported an increasing prev-
IVa and IVb in the online-only Data Supplement). Mortality alence of AF, especially in the developed world. Piccini et al13
increased steadily through 1995, 2000, and 2005 (Figure 5), reported a greater increase in the prevalence of AF (from 41.1
especially in the developed world. Mortality associated with to 85.8 per 1000 between 1993 and 2007, with an annual rate
AF was higher in women overall; this was driven mainly by of increase of ≈5%) compared with the present study, which
comparatively higher mortality in women (compared with is likely to be related to differences in the population stud-
men) in developing countries (Figure 6). In 2010, the esti- ied, with the former study being restricted to elderly Medicare
mated numbers of total deaths (men and women) represented beneficiaries in the United States. The annual new cases of AF
<1% of the global mortality in the vast majority of the 21 globally in 2010 were estimated at close to 5 million, which,
GBD regions (Figure 7). together with the increasing trends observed, highlights the
The estimated age-adjusted DALYs (per 100 000 popu- observation that the burden of AF is growing rapidly.
lation) resulting from AF were 54.3 (95% UI, 39.2–72.7) The exact reasons for these trends are unknown but may be
and 38.6 (95% UI, 28.9–50.5) in 1990 for men and women, partly explained by aging trends in the global population. One
respectively. This number increased to 64.5 (95% UI, 46.8– hypothesis for the increasing incidence is that AF in the major-
84.2) and 45.9 (95% UI, 35.7–58.5) in 2010, representing ity of people is a vascular disease caused by hypertension,
atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular risk factors, which
increase arterial stiffness and cause diastolic dysfunction and
atrial volume overload, resulting in AF. Analysis of global risk
factors in the GBD 2010 study showed that high blood pressure
is the number 1 risk factor globally (increasing from the fourth
position in 1990), accounting for 7% of all global DALYs.
High body mass index ranks sixth in the global list, ascending
from the 10th position in 1990. Deaths attributable to hyperten-
sion increased by 28.8% from 1990 to 2010, whereas deaths
attributable to obesity increased by 71.7%.18 Thus, it appears
that the increase in AF burden potentially could be linked to
risk factors such as hypertension and obesity at a global level.
Although these alterations can be observed as part of the aging
process, they are also likely to be involved independently of
aging. Although a renewed focus on risk factors may help,
other contributors to increasing AF incidence such as aging of
the population, better survival from other disease conditions,
and improved diagnosis also need to be acknowledged.
Figure 4. Incidence of atrial fibrillation: 1990 and 2010. Estimated
age-adjusted global incidence (per 100 000 person-years) for Temporal trends in AF prevalence may also result from lead
men and women for 1990 and 2010. time bias (such that AF cases may be diagnosed earlier in their
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842  Circulation  February 25, 2014

Table 3. Estimated Age-Adjusted Mortality Rates With 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100 000 Population) Associated With Atrial
Fibrillation for Men and Women
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
 Global, all ages 0.8 (0.5–1.1) 0.9 (0.6–1.3) 1.1 (0.7–1.5) 1.3 (0.8–1.8) 1.6 (1.0–2.4)
 Age ≥35 y 1.9 (1.3–2.8) 2.2 (1.4–3.1) 2.7 (1.7–3.6) 3.2 (2.0–4.4) 3.8 (2.4–5.8)
 Developed countries 1.3 (0.9–1.9) 1.6 (1.1–2.2) 2.0 (1.3–2.7) 2.3 (1.6–3.2) 2.7 (1.9–4.3)
 Developing countries 0.4 (0.2–0.8) 0.4 (0.2–0.8) 0.5 (0.3–0.9) 0.6 (0.3–1.1) 0.7 (0.4–1.3)
 Global, all ages 0.9 (0.7–1.2) 1.1 (0.9–1.4) 1.4 (1.2–1.8) 1.7 (1.4–2.1) 1.7 (1.4–2.2)
 Age ≥35 y 2.2 (1.8–3.0) 2.7 (2.2–3.4) 3.5 (2.8–4.4) 4.0 (3.4–5.0) 4.2 (3.4–5.4)
 Developed countries 1.1 (1.0–1.3) 1.4 (1.2–1.6) 1.9 (1.7–2.2) 2.3 (2.0–2.7) 2.4 (2.0–3.0)
 Developing countries 0.7 (0.4–1.4) 0.8 (0.4–1.4) 0.9 (0.5–1.5) 0.9 (0.6–1.6) 1.0 (0.6–1.7)

course) and increased survival from coexistent cardiovascular There were significant variations in the AF burden by
conditions such as ischemic heart disease and heart failure. GBD region, with developed countries having a greater bur-
Improved management of these cardiovascular conditions den overall. Recent reports indicate that a higher degree of
may have resulted in a larger high-risk group. In addition, European ancestry is associated with an increased predispo-
increased awareness of AF symptoms and clinical diagnosis sition to AF.34 However, part of the global variation in AF
likely play a role. Of interest, the change in AF prevalence epidemiology may also be attributable to better surveillance
from 2005 to 2010 was seen to be minimal, especially among in developed countries. In the 1990 GBD study, no specific
men in the developed countries as opposed to developing data for AF were reported, but cardiovascular diseases as a
countries. Although the exact reason for the leveling of preva- group accounted for 9.7% of the global DALYs, with isch-
lence rates is difficult to ascertain, one possibility may be an emic heart disease being the fifth ranking disorder in total
improved awareness and focus on management of risk factors number of DALYS (≈47×106), behind lower respiratory
in the developed world. infections, diarrheal diseases, perinatal disorders, and uni-
AF is known to have a significant impact on healthcare polar major depression.35 In 2010, ischemic heart disease
costs, with the major cost drivers being hospitalizations, moved up to the number 1 position, with cardiovascular
stroke, and loss of productivity.6,28,29 In the present study, AF disease accounting for 11.8% of global DALYs. With the
was associated with <1% of all deaths in most World Health exception of Sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania, cardiovas-
Organization regions. However, AF is known to coexist and cular disease ranked among the top 3 causes of DALYs in
interact with other conditions, contributing to a worse prog- most regions.20 In keeping with these trends, DALYs related
nosis than for individuals without AF. For example, recent to AF increased by ≈18% from 1990 to 2010. Although the
meta-analyses have shown that patients with heart failure and absolute DALYs related to AF (≈52 per 100 000 overall)
myocardial infarction have worse outcomes if they also have are much lower compared with conditions such as chronic
AF.30,31 Moreover, new-onset AF in heart failure patients might obstructive lung disease (1114 per 100 000), diabetes mel-
be associated with a particularly poor prognosis.32,33 litus (680 per 100 000), and chronic kidney disease (307

Figure 5. Mortality associated with atrial fibrillation:

1990 to 2010. Estimated age-adjusted mortality
(per 100 000 population) associated with atrial
fibrillation from 1990 to 2010. UI indicates
uncertainty interval.

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Chugh et al   Global Burden of Atrial Fibrillation   843

Figure 6. Mortality associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) stratified by sex and type of region (developed vs developing). Mortality
associated with AF was higher in men and women in the developed regions. The significantly higher mortality in women in the developing
regions is responsible for the overall higher AF-related mortality among women compared with men.

per 100 000),20 as discussed earlier, AF can interact with distribution of dwindling healthcare resources. Additionally,
other diseases in multiple ways, potentially contributing to there is an urgent need to design and deploy effective surveil-
worse outcomes. The rise of cardiovascular disease burden lance strategies for AF that will guide future World Health
in developing countries possibly indicates an ongoing transi- Organization region-specific prevention.
tion toward noncommunicable diseases, previously associ-
ated more with developed nations. Especially with current, Limitations
rapidly evolving demographic changes in large population Our study has several limitations. AF is a heterogeneous
centers of the developing world, the effects of the rising condition and in a subset of individuals can be asymptom-
global AF burden merit careful consideration with respect to atic.36,37 Both features underscore the difficulties associated

Figure 7. Proportion of global deaths associated with atrial fibrillation in 2010. The map shows color-coded proportions (in percentages)
of global deaths in 2010 associated with atrial fibrillation.

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844  Circulation  February 25, 2014

Table 4. Estimated Age-Adjusted DALYs With 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100 000 Population) Associated With Atrial Fibrillation
for Men and Women
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
 Global, all ages 54.3 (39.2–72.7) 56.5 (41.3–75.5) 59.1 (43.5–79.2) 61.7 (45.0–81.4) 64.5 (46.8–84.2)
 Age ≥35 y 125.2 (90.5–167.1) 130.4 (95.8–174.0) 136.6 (100.9–182.7) 142.6 (104.1–188.0) 149.3 (108.7–194.5)
 Developed countries 63.4 (47.2–83.9) 67.8 (50.7–89.5) 72.8 (54.7–94.9) 77.2 (58.4–100.5) 81.5 (60.8–106.2)
 Developing countries 48.2 (33.3–65.6) 49.2 (34.5–67.8) 50.6 (35.6–69.4) 52.2 (36.4–70.9) 54.5 (37.7–73.2)
 Global, all ages 38.6 (28.9–50.5) 40.3 (29.9–52.5) 43.1 (32.6–55.3) 45.0 (35.3–57.0) 45.9 (35.7–58.5)
 Age ≥35 y 89.3 (67.1–116.6) 93.5 (69.5–121.2) 100.2 (76.1–128.2) 104.6 (82.3–132.1) 106.8 (82.9–135.8)
 Developed countries 39.6 (30.0–51.8) 42.6 (32.5–54.7) 47.0 (36.9–59.9) 50.1 (40.0–63.2) 51.0 (39.8–63.7)
 Developing countries 37.0 (26.3–49.5) 37.6 (26.6–51.3) 38.9 (27.8–53.2) 39.8 (29.2–52.5) 41.1 (30.5–54.4)
DALY indicates disability-adjusted life-years.

with making accurate estimates of the burden of this disease. AF burden exist, but our observations may not always be a
Therefore, our findings could represent an underestimate. reliable estimate as a result of the geographical disparity of
In addition, we note that differences in the extent of patient data density and nonrepresentative population bias, as well
surveillance, including access to health care, use of routine as estimates based on imputations. However, even though
ECGs, and assessment of electrical devices such as pacemak- the need for better estimates, particularly in the developing
ers, may be contributing to secular trends. We also acknowl- world, is crucial, our report likely represents the best avail-
edge the inability of observational data to accurately estimate able data source for global policy and decision making.
the relative importance of various factors contributing to such Targeted population surveillance studies of AF could fill the
trends. Moreover, we cannot rule out the possible impact of gaps in data and permit more reliable estimates of burden of
publication bias and did not actively seek out unpublished disease in coming decades.
manuscripts or data. Estimation of the mortality associated
with AF was based on modeling the causes of death using Conclusions
input from all available cause of death data. As with any There have been progressive increases in the worldwide prev-
­cause-of-death analysis, assignment of cause of death may be alence and incidence of AF with significant effects on associ-
prone to some misclassification. Furthermore, any inferences ated morbidity and mortality, findings that have implications
about future trends should be made with caution because the for public health policy and healthcare costs. Evidence for
rapid development of surveillance and treatment strategies geographic variation in AF burden, especially in developing
might change mortality and prevalence rates. Because of the versus developed nations, indicates that systematic, global
low availability of data from several regions, our findings surveillance of AF is required to formulate effective region-
should be interpreted with caution. Regional differences in specific prevention and treatment strategies.

Figure 8. Disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs)

related to atrial fibrillation. Estimated age-adjusted
DALYs (per 100 000) related to atrial fibrillation:
1990 to 2010. UI indicates uncertainty index.

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Chugh et al   Global Burden of Atrial Fibrillation   845

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Endowed Chair of Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Heart Institute, DE. Prevalence of diagnosed atrial fibrillation in adults: national implica-
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA. Dr Havmoeller tions for rhythm management and stroke prevention: the AnTicoagulation
is supported by a grant from the Swedish Research Council (grant and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation (ATRIA) Study. JAMA.
2011-1071). Dr Benjamin is supported by 1R01HL092577, 2001;285:2370–2375.
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Scientific Research (Veni grant 016.136.055). The funding sources 18. Lim SS, Vos T, Flaxman AD, Danaei G, Shibuya K, Adair-Rohani H,
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LJ, Bahalim AN, Balakrishnan K, Balmes J, Barker-Collo S, Baxter A,
Bell ML, Blore JD, Blyth F, Bonner C, Borges G, Bourne R, Boussinesq
Disclosures M, Brauer M, Brooks P, Bruce NG, Brunekreef B, Bryan-Hancock C,
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RJ, Higashi H, Hill C, Hoen B, Hoffman H, Hotez PJ, Hoy D, Huang JJ, AO, Moffitt TE, Mokdad AA, Monasta L, Montico M, Moradi-Lakeh M,
Ibeanusi SE, Jacobsen KH, James SL, Jarvis D, Jasrasaria R, Jayaraman Moran A, Morawska L, Mori R, Murdoch ME, Mwaniki MK, Naidoo K,
S, Johns N, Jonas JB, Karthikeyan G, Kassebaum N, Kawakami N, Nair MN, Naldi L, Narayan KM, Nelson PK, Nelson RG, Nevitt MC,
Keren A, Khoo JP, King CH, Knowlton LM, Kobusingye O, Koranteng Newton CR, Nolte S, Norman P, Norman R, O’Donnell M, O’Hanlon S,
A, Krishnamurthi R, Laden F, Lalloo R, Laslett LL, Lathlean T, Leasher Olives C, Omer SB, Ortblad K, Osborne R, Ozgediz D, Page A, Pahari
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M, Lipshultz SE, Liu W, Loane M, Ohno SL, Lyons R, Mabweijano J, F, Perico N, Pesudovs K, Phillips D, Phillips MR, Pierce K, Pion S,
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March L, Margolis DJ, Marks GB, Marks R, Matsumori A, Matzopoulos F, Prince M, Pullan RL, Ramaiah KD, Ranganathan D, Razavi H, Regan
R, Mayosi BM, McAnulty JH, McDermott MM, McGill N, McGrath J, M, Rehm JT, Rein DB, Remuzzi G, Richardson K, Rivara FP, Roberts T,
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27. Salomon JA, Vos T, Hogan DR, Gagnon M, Naghavi M, Mokdad A, Begum 30. Mamas MA, Caldwell JC, Chacko S, Garratt CJ, Fath-Ordoubadi F,
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Clinical Perspective
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disorder around the world. We report results of the first global
assessment of AF, conducted within the framework of the recently published Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk
Factors Study (the GBD 2010 Study). The estimated global prevalence of AF in 2010 was 33.5 million (20.9 million men
and 12.6 million women). Between 1990 and 2010, there were significant increases in the estimated age-adjusted prevalence
and incidence of AF. These increases were accompanied by increases in AF disease burden measured as disability-adjusted
life-years and mortality associated with AF. Our findings indicate progressive increases in the worldwide prevalence and
incidence of AF, as well as associated morbidity and mortality. Systematic, global surveillance of AF is required to better
direct prevention and treatment strategies. As the first assessment of the global burden of AF, these findings have important
implications for public health policy and healthcare costs.

Downloaded from at Oregon State University--Corvallis on June 17, 2014


The diagram shows the process for literature review in the present study. The multiple-phase

screening process generated 184 papers that met eligibility and quality criteria from an initial

4,574 papers identified through data base queries.

Initial search of


Initial screening: Excluded

Abstract review

Secondary screening: Excluded

Full text review N=193


Final list of papers

selected for abstraction

Search Methods for Identification of Studies

The following sources were included in the literature search process:

MEDLINE (PubMed) from 1980 to present, Embase from 1980 to present, and LILACS

from 1982 to present. No language limits were applied.

Note: LILACS is a collection of databases containing Latin American and Caribbean

health sciences literature.

MEDLINE was searched using the following strategy:

• Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter as a MESH term, with Epidemiology as a subheading,

limited to particular study types, or incidence, prevalence, mortality, case fatality rate:

Strategy: atrial fibrillation (or) atrial flutter/epidemiology[mh] AND (review[pt] OR

guideline[pt] OR study characteristics[pt] OR epidemiologic study characteristics as

topic[mh] OR support of research[pt] OR incidence[mh] OR prevalence[mh] OR

mortality[mh] OR mo[sh] OR "case fatality"[tw])

• Limits: Publication Date from 1980 to 2010 (1852 citations)

• Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter as a MESH term with Epidemiology as a subheading not

limited to particular study types.

• Strategy: atrial fibrillation (or) atrial flutter/epidemiology[mh] NOT (review[pt] OR

guideline[pt] OR study characteristics[pt] OR epidemiologic study characteristics as

topic[mh] OR support of research[pt] OR incidence[mh] OR prevalence[mh] OR

mortality[mh] OR mo[sh] OR "case fatality"[tw])

Limits: Publication Date from 1980 to 2010 (123 citations)

• Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter as a MESH term with Mortality as a subheading, or

Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter as a MESH term with mortality as a MESH term:

• Strategy: atrial fibrillation (or) atrial flutter/mortality[mh] OR (atrial fibrillation/atrial

flutter[mh] AND mortality[sh]) Limits: Publication Date from 1980 to 2010 (882


• Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial flutter as a word in the title, with epidemiology, incidence,

prevalence, fatality or mortality in the title or abstract, limited to recent unindexed in-

process citations or recent unindexed citations from the publisher:

• Strategy: (("atrial fibrillation"/”atrial flutter”[ti] AND (epidemiology[tiab] OR

incidence[tiab]OR mortality[tiab] OR prevalence[tiab] OR fatality[tiab])AND(in-

process[sb] OR publisher[sb])) Limits: Publication Date from 1980 to 2010 (132


• #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4

• Timespan: 1980-2010

Citations Found: 2989

• EMBASE was searched using the following strategy:

• Search for epidemiology and mortality of atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter. Limited to the

years 1980-2010:
• Strategy: Epidemiology/exp/mj AND heart atrium fibrillation/atrial flutter/exp/mj AND

humans/lim AND 1980-2010/py OR (epidemiology/exp AND (heart atrium

fibrillation/atrial flutter/exp OR atrial fibrillation/exp OR auricular fibrillation/exp AND

1980-2010/py OR (heart atrium fibrillation/atrial flutter/dm_ep AND humans/lim AND

1980-2010/py OR (heart atrium fibrillation:ti OR atrial fibrillation:ti) AND (prevalence:ti

OR incidence:ti OR epidemiology:ti OR morbidity:ti OR mortality:ti) AND humans/lim

AND 1980-2010/py AND embase/lim

• Timespan 1980-2010

• Citations Found: 1541

• LILACS ( ) was searched using

the following strategy:

• 1. Atrial Fibrillation or Auricular Fibrillation or Fibrilacao Atrial or Atrial Flutter as a

subject descriptor and also as a word in the title or abstract with Epidemiology or

Mortality as a subheading, or Incidence or Prevalence as a title word.

• Strategy: atrial fibrillation or auricular fibrillation or fibrilação atrial or atrial flutter

[Descritor de assunto] and incidence or prevalence or epidemiology [Palavras do título]







• Timespan: 1982 to present

• Citations Found: 44
Summary of Study Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

• Population Level Study[1]

• Study reports data related to atrial fibrillation prevalence or incidence

• Only well‐designed studies that were conducted using rigorous research methodology were used. The following

criteria were applied to each paper[2]:

– Study design and methods are appropriate for research question

– Sample Size is adequate for robust estimates.

– For epidemiologic data:

• Denominator data is adequately defined, reliable and sources documented

• Confidence intervals or variance estimates are reported

– For Study Discussion and Conclusions

• Sources of potential bias are adequately addressed

• Study limitations are identified.

Exclusion Criteria

• Studies that were related to Atrial Fibrillation in select clinical sub‐groups (inpatient, heart failure, dialysis) and not

conducted in the general population.

• [1] Review articles were included if they were likely to contain references that could be used for future data


• [2] In GBD regions with limited available data, exceptions to these criteria will be made so long as two independent

reviewers agreed to include the paper for data extraction.

The final list of studies used for data abstraction

Morgan CL, McEwan P, Tukiendorf A, Robinson PA,

Clemens A, Plumb JM. Warfarin treatment in patients
with atrial fibrillation: Observing outcomes associated
with varying levels of INR control. Thromb Res 2008
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Chien KL, Su TC, Hsu HC et al. Atrial fibrillation

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Walker AM, Bennett D. Epidemiology and outcomes in

patients with atrial fibrillation in the United States. Heart
Rhythm 2008 October;5(10):1365-72.

Zhou Z, Hu D. An epidemiological study on the

prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the Chinese population
of mainland China. J Epidemiol 2008;18(5):209-16.

Inoue H, Fujiki A, Origasa H et al. Prevalence of atrial

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Rietbrock S, Heeley E, Plumb J, van ST. Chronic atrial

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Gandolfo C, Balestrino M, Burrone A, Del SM, Finocchi

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Cameron AC, Jenkins SM, Dunn FG. The burden of atrial

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Borzecki AM, Bridgers DK, Liebschutz JM, Kader B,

Kazis LE, Berlowitz DR. Racial differences in the
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Lip GY, Frison L, Grind M. Stroke event rates in

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Guize L, Thomas F, Bean K, Benetos A, Pannier B.

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Bull Acad Natl Med 2007 April;191(4-5):791-803.

Kannel WB, Benjamin EJ. Status of the epidemiology of

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January;92(1):17-40, ix

Dabdoob WA, Bener A, Al-Mohannadi D, Numan MT,

Al-Binali HA, Al-Suwaidi J. Epidemiology of atrial
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cardiovascular disorder. A population-based study. Saudi
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Lee CH, Liu PY, Tsai LM et al. Characteristics of

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Cea-Calvo L, Redon J, Lozano JV et al. [Prevalence of

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Suzuki S, Yamashita T, Kato T et al. Incidence of major

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patients with atrial fibrillation. Circ J 2007

Santini M, Ricci RP. The worldwide social burden of

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go? J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2006

Chen LY, Shen WK. Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation: a

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Miyasaka Y, Barnes ME, Gersh BJ et al. Changing trends

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Origasa H, Goto S, Uchiyama S, Shimada K, Ikeda Y.

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Suzuki S, Yamashita T, Ohtsuka T et al. Prevalence and

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Iguchi Y, Kimura K, Aoki J et al. Prevalence of atrial

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Yang JF, Liu B, Liu DG, Luo Y, Fang F. Prevalence and

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Fang MC, Go AS, Chang Y et al. Death and disability

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Miyasaka Y, Barnes ME, Bailey KR et al. Mortality

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Frost L, Andersen LV, Vestergaard P, Husted S,

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Covariates and external validity of the ensemble model

Supplemental Table 1a. Estimated age-standardized prevalence rates of Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100,000) for

all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 2010

GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 925.7(823.2‐1,027.5) 2,138.3(1,902.5‐2,373.3) 1,395.4(1,240.7‐1,549.3) 4.6(3.4‐6.0) 33.6(25.4‐43.1) 54.9(45.2‐67.2) 63.5(52.9‐77.4) 69.4(58.2‐83.3) 88.5(75.5‐103.8) 126.7(108.9‐148.0) 190.1(159.6‐224.0) 340.1(294.8‐392.4) 595.2(508.9‐686.5) 966.9(815.9‐1,124.0) 1,626.2(1,397.9‐1,864.4) 2,644.5(2,232.3‐3,074.9) 4,284.0(3,708.6‐4,866.6) 6,497.3(5,527.0‐7,452.8) 9,012.7(7,796.5‐10,182.2) 12,340.0(10,724.2‐14,148.9)

Latin America, Southern 804.6(401.7‐1,483.5) 1,853.6(924.9‐3,419.0) 1,211.7(605.8‐2,233.3) 4.2(1.8‐8.6) 31.0(13.3‐62.8) 51.1(23.9‐102.0) 59.8(28.2‐118.5) 65.7(30.9‐129.2) 82.4(39.5‐159.6) 115.3(56.3‐227.7) 171.0(84.2‐328.8) 305.9(150.7‐588.0) 541.3(269.4‐1,025.4) 887.5(439.3‐1,693.3) 1,470.4(728.3‐2,826.6) 2,347.0(1,150.0‐4,449.9) 3,640.5(1,799.5‐6,963.4) 5,353.5(2,590.5‐10,303.7) 7,442.2(3,709.7‐14,220.9) 10,949.4(5,512.6‐20,464.5)

Europe, Western 593.2(521.7‐705.9) 1,365.9(1,202.9‐1,623.1) 892.5(785.4‐1,061.6) 3.4(2.4‐4.7) 24.5(17.8‐33.4) 40.1(32.1‐51.7) 46.4(37.3‐57.7) 49.5(39.9‐61.3) 60.0(49.6‐74.1) 81.3(68.2‐99.3) 116.3(96.3‐143.2) 204.4(174.0‐243.2) 359.5(303.6‐432.0) 596.7(494.7‐723.2) 1,052.0(890.3‐1,277.5) 1,768.9(1,471.2‐2,175.9) 2,827.3(2,435.3‐3,356.0) 4,150.9(3,519.4‐4,950.9) 5,791.2(4,930.9‐7,006.1) 7,671.3(6,548.4‐9,387.9)

Australasia 743.3(626.8‐915.8) 1,709.3(1,437.3‐2,109.7) 1,118.3(940.6‐1,380.0) 4.2(2.8‐5.9) 30.5(21.5‐43.0) 50.1(37.8‐66.8) 58.3(44.4‐75.9) 63.8(49.1‐81.6) 78.8(63.1‐98.8) 108.1(86.8‐132.2) 157.5(123.2‐197.0) 281.6(229.3‐351.4) 498.6(394.5‐630.9) 817.2(636.5‐1,036.7) 1,368.9(1,098.3‐1,711.6) 2,192.7(1,705.2‐2,789.7) 3,383.6(2,709.6‐4,271.4) 4,929.6(3,825.5‐6,423.8) 6,836.9(5,371.5‐8,676.4) 9,981.7(8,061.7‐12,404.8)

Asia Pacific, High Income 340.2(304.3‐381.3) 784.3(700.2‐880.4) 512.5(458.4‐574.1) 1.8(1.3‐2.3) 12.8(9.3‐16.6) 21.0(16.9‐25.6) 24.7(20.4‐29.8) 27.6(23.2‐33.4) 34.6(29.5‐41.2) 48.1(40.5‐56.5) 71.1(59.1‐85.1) 130.1(112.0‐150.4) 237.2(203.0‐272.4) 400.0(338.6‐463.9) 683.0(599.0‐776.0) 1,100.6(945.8‐1,275.9) 1,606.7(1,394.8‐1,841.8) 2,186.7(1,887.5‐2,505.8) 2,847.3(2,468.6‐3,271.2) 4,356.1(3,761.3‐5,004.9)

Europe, Eastern 664.9(359.9‐1,204.7) 1,519.2(822.1‐2,777.7) 997.2(540.5‐1,814.7) 4.3(1.8‐8.7) 32.0(13.5‐62.8) 53.3(26.0‐97.5) 62.0(31.1‐111.6) 66.7(33.7‐124.2) 79.0(39.6‐147.0) 103.9(53.1‐191.4) 147.5(74.1‐272.8) 257.5(134.1‐464.1) 453.2(238.4‐825.3) 739.8(386.7‐1,347.9) 1,200.3(623.8‐2,193.4) 1,877.1(960.0‐3,487.1) 2,887.6(1,533.1‐5,195.5) 4,222.0(2,202.3‐7,701.1) 5,853.5(3,099.7‐10,689.4) 9,634.8(5,127.7‐17,778.3)

Europe, Central 795.4(545.4‐1,143.4) 1,830.3(1,250.5‐2,639.3) 1,196.9(820.7‐1,721.4) 4.4(2.4‐6.9) 31.9(18.1‐50.3) 52.9(32.4‐80.8) 62.0(37.9‐95.4) 67.6(42.6‐103.3) 83.2(54.3‐125.3) 113.2(75.1‐167.8) 164.9(107.9‐245.0) 293.4(194.7‐414.5) 527.0(347.4‐767.8) 870.2(556.5‐1,304.9) 1,435.9(928.4‐2,077.4) 2,282.5(1,419.0‐3,366.7) 3,543.1(2,270.3‐5,142.3) 5,233.9(3,397.9‐7,995.1) 7,315.7(4,838.6‐11,033.8) 11,264.3(7,469.8‐16,238.0)

Asia, Central 662.8(439.9‐977.9) 1,510.8(1,002.5‐2,224.6) 993.3(658.6‐1,464.8) 4.4(2.1‐7.5) 32.5(16.5‐56.0) 55.5(31.8‐90.2) 65.5(38.3‐103.5) 70.4(42.8‐111.2) 82.7(51.3‐126.5) 108.3(66.4‐162.8) 154.2(93.0‐233.1) 278.4(176.5‐413.1) 503.8(324.8‐749.2) 830.9(520.1‐1,253.5) 1,308.1(836.8‐1,986.4) 1,963.0(1,218.1‐3,038.7) 2,886.5(1,852.7‐4,390.8) 4,073.1(2,594.5‐6,140.2) 5,508.1(3,601.4‐8,128.5) 8,785.7(5,858.7‐12,741.2)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 635.5(400.8‐1,019.4) 1,453.6(916.3‐2,344.6) 953.6(600.8‐1,531.8) 4.0(2.0‐7.1) 29.5(15.0‐51.8) 49.4(28.3‐80.8) 57.9(34.1‐94.6) 62.8(36.7‐103.5) 74.3(44.4‐119.5) 97.2(58.8‐157.5) 136.6(83.9‐217.1) 236.2(151.8‐373.0) 415.6(259.9‐664.2) 684.3(416.1‐1,109.8) 1,130.4(701.6‐1,825.8) 1,800.6(1,086.4‐2,929.8) 2,768.1(1,669.6‐4,542.0) 4,064.0(2,468.9‐6,747.3) 5,747.4(3,483.4‐9,435.9) 9,291.4(5,549.1‐14,978.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 804.8(400.5‐1,528.9) 1,849.4(923.3‐3,512.6) 1,210.3(602.1‐2,301.9) 4.6(2.1‐8.8) 33.6(15.6‐64.2) 55.6(26.7‐103.6) 65.0(32.1‐121.7) 70.8(34.9‐132.3) 86.2(42.3‐161.3) 117.0(56.7‐222.4) 169.8(80.0‐324.1) 298.7(139.3‐576.5) 528.1(239.2‐1,008.9) 869.9(391.2‐1,668.7) 1,441.8(669.5‐2,695.2) 2,307.4(1,065.4‐4,507.9) 3,574.3(1,715.9‐7,070.9) 5,260.6(2,591.4‐10,148.7) 7,397.6(3,778.3‐13,400.3) 11,479.2(5,881.7‐21,058.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 643.5(460.8‐917.3) 1,470.7(1,047.4‐2,110.4) 965.2(689.2‐1,378.9) 4.1(2.1‐6.6) 30.6(16.2‐47.8) 51.5(32.6‐76.7) 60.3(37.9‐90.1) 64.8(42.2‐94.9) 76.1(51.6‐109.3) 99.1(68.2‐137.5) 139.0(94.3‐197.6) 240.0(164.2‐341.1) 422.0(289.4‐609.7) 695.5(469.3‐1,020.9) 1,149.4(791.8‐1,680.5) 1,829.4(1,250.7‐2,767.0) 2,810.8(1,910.5‐4,151.2) 4,124.7(2,777.8‐5,971.9) 5,802.0(4,023.2‐8,249.3) 9,313.1(6,452.7‐13,230.2)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 676.1(370.1‐1,263.3) 1,549.1(844.9‐2,896.2) 1,015.1(554.6‐1,899.1) 4.1(1.7‐8.1) 30.3(13.1‐59.7) 50.9(23.8‐98.3) 59.7(28.3‐116.6) 64.5(30.8‐123.8) 76.3(37.2‐141.5) 99.9(50.4‐189.6) 140.9(70.6‐266.1) 245.1(128.6‐448.4) 433.2(226.1‐817.2) 716.5(362.6‐1,365.7) 1,193.2(625.1‐2,249.4) 1,915.3(985.1‐3,613.6) 2,965.6(1,560.1‐5,649.5) 4,372.1(2,270.4‐8,210.0) 6,181.0(3,315.9‐11,353.2) 9,932.4(5,700.8‐17,900.1)

North Africa / Middle East 676.2(502.5‐924.8) 1,555.8(1,157.5‐2,131.0) 1,017.4(756.0‐1,390.0) 3.8(2.5‐5.6) 27.8(18.3‐40.4) 45.4(32.0‐62.4) 52.4(37.6‐71.5) 57.0(41.9‐77.0) 70.4(52.8‐92.4) 96.9(72.5‐127.3) 141.9(104.0‐191.5) 251.5(184.5‐338.2) 444.9(325.6‐625.2) 731.7(520.7‐1,029.1) 1,209.1(873.6‐1,694.9) 1,930.4(1,330.9‐2,801.9) 3,017.3(2,135.3‐4,219.7) 4,476.8(3,197.3‐6,258.2) 6,281.7(4,554.1‐8,644.2) 9,541.6(7,191.6‐12,893.0)

Asia, South 550.9(474.4‐657.0) 1,266.1(1,086.4‐1,514.1) 828.3(712.2‐988.3) 3.2(2.2‐4.3) 23.1(16.3‐30.7) 38.3(30.5‐48.3) 44.6(36.1‐56.2) 48.4(39.1‐60.3) 58.5(48.6‐71.6) 78.7(64.6‐96.0) 113.6(92.5‐140.7) 201.8(168.2‐245.6) 359.5(294.8‐441.3) 594.8(480.6‐736.1) 981.1(819.1‐1,190.6) 1,565.3(1,275.5‐1,927.6) 2,418.7(2,008.1‐2,974.1) 3,551.3(2,943.7‐4,397.9) 4,992.0(4,152.3‐6,242.5) 8,148.1(6,741.5‐10,129.4)

Oceania 648.2(360.9‐1,168.9) 1,477.3(824.2‐2,649.7) 970.6(540.3‐1,746.5) 4.6(2.1‐9.5) 33.6(15.4‐68.8) 56.5(26.6‐111.2) 64.3(30.8‐123.0) 65.1(31.8‐125.2) 78.3(39.1‐149.5) 107.5(54.7‐211.1) 156.6(75.5‐304.5) 299.7(154.6‐582.0) 536.3(266.4‐1,042.1) 851.4(429.8‐1,639.9) 1,395.1(707.4‐2,609.7) 2,139.9(1,114.2‐4,069.9) 3,150.7(1,664.3‐5,958.3) 4,203.0(2,177.4‐7,867.3) 5,220.4(2,864.9‐9,226.1) 6,439.6(3,681.8‐11,072.2)

Asia, Southeast 571.3(370.8‐840.6) 1,309.3(847.4‐1,938.2) 858.2(556.0‐1,266.9) 3.5(1.9‐5.8) 25.6(14.2‐41.3) 42.2(25.8‐65.1) 49.1(30.7‐75.3) 53.2(33.1‐81.2) 64.5(40.8‐97.2) 87.4(54.4‐133.7) 126.9(78.0‐200.1) 222.4(138.1‐348.1) 391.1(244.1‐612.2) 640.5(396.7‐999.3) 1,042.1(665.8‐1,574.8) 1,637.1(1,021.5‐2,507.9) 2,495.1(1,556.6‐3,877.9) 3,625.4(2,212.9‐5,597.7) 5,059.6(3,144.1‐7,685.9) 8,210.5(5,141.1‐12,427.7)

Asia, East 472.1(433.0‐516.5) 1,082.7(989.5‐1,188.1) 709.3(649.8‐777.4) 2.9(2.0‐3.9) 21.1(15.2‐27.5) 34.4(27.9‐41.5) 39.8(32.6‐48.2) 42.9(35.8‐52.2) 52.1(44.4‐61.9) 71.4(60.9‐84.2) 104.1(87.2‐124.4) 179.9(155.6‐208.2) 313.2(266.6‐363.5) 514.5(431.3‐607.7) 833.3(720.2‐957.3) 1,304.7(1,095.7‐1,529.5) 2,032.2(1,758.4‐2,341.3) 3,035.7(2,590.1‐3,531.2) 4,288.6(3,693.0‐4,971.3) 7,013.8(6,122.5‐8,062.6)

Latin America, Tropical 696.8(625.6‐780.5) 1,605.5(1,434.2‐1,804.1) 1,049.0(939.7‐1,175.5) 3.8(2.7‐5.1) 27.4(19.6‐36.4) 45.1(36.9‐55.4) 52.9(43.1‐63.9) 57.7(47.4‐70.3) 70.5(59.7‐84.5) 95.8(80.9‐113.0) 139.5(115.2‐169.2) 248.7(210.6‐291.4) 441.3(369.0‐526.3) 727.8(596.9‐878.5) 1,211.9(1,017.5‐1,426.1) 1,944.8(1,583.9‐2,391.0) 3,047.3(2,554.1‐3,655.2) 4,545.2(3,717.1‐5,504.0) 6,494.1(5,460.8‐7,688.6) 10,546.3(9,108.3‐12,293.7)

Latin America, Central 698.1(404.6‐1,152.3) 1,599.2(924.9‐2,642.0) 1,048.2(606.5‐1,730.7) 4.4(2.2‐7.8) 31.7(16.7‐55.9) 52.7(29.9‐87.4) 61.7(34.4‐104.7) 66.6(37.2‐111.6) 79.2(46.2‐130.0) 104.8(60.5‐173.3) 148.9(84.4‐256.8) 259.0(148.5‐439.1) 456.2(268.8‐775.5) 751.0(426.6‐1,281.0) 1,235.7(708.1‐2,058.4) 1,961.9(1,094.5‐3,239.8) 3,035.2(1,726.5‐5,103.7) 4,479.5(2,579.9‐7,550.1) 6,307.7(3,636.0‐10,782.4) 10,335.8(6,019.6‐17,355.4)

Latin America, Andean 750.1(409.2‐1,320.8) 1,722.2(933.7‐3,053.5) 1,127.3(613.9‐1,991.7) 4.5(2.1‐8.4) 32.5(15.7‐60.1) 53.5(28.3‐95.0) 62.3(33.8‐109.4) 67.7(36.4‐120.8) 81.4(43.9‐149.3) 108.7(58.3‐199.2) 155.6(83.4‐279.2) 273.1(150.4‐490.2) 483.4(251.3‐875.3) 798.6(405.5‐1,454.8) 1,322.4(682.0‐2,380.7) 2,112.0(1,089.8‐3,818.0) 3,268.2(1,693.4‐5,982.0) 4,822.1(2,502.7‐8,710.1) 6,824.3(3,560.8‐12,205.5) 11,244.2(6,045.9‐19,874.8)

Caribbean 868.4(526.8‐1,400.2) 1,996.8(1,202.4‐3,242.1) 1,306.5(790.5‐2,110.5) 4.9(2.6‐8.4) 35.5(19.4‐59.9) 58.6(35.2‐93.3) 68.5(41.5‐111.3) 74.7(45.1‐119.7) 92.0(56.9‐146.2) 126.9(78.1‐201.2) 187.1(113.9‐304.2) 336.5(205.4‐535.2) 597.8(361.1‐974.7) 983.6(598.0‐1,582.9) 1,640.4(997.6‐2,634.3) 2,616.5(1,540.4‐4,310.3) 4,028.0(2,381.9‐6,621.0) 5,815.4(3,417.4‐9,826.9) 7,906.6(4,728.1‐13,495.4) 11,039.9(6,527.2‐19,274.0)

Developed 660.9(597.1‐738.2) 1,518.8(1,372.7‐1,697.3) 993.9(898.2‐1,111.4) 3.9(3.1‐4.7) 27.9(23.1‐33.7) 45.3(38.9‐53.0) 53.0(45.5‐62.8) 57.9(49.0‐70.6) 70.8(60.7‐84.8) 96.0(83.8‐113.0) 137.9(120.9‐160.6) 245.2(217.9‐278.7) 437.9(386.0‐503.9) 725.2(634.8‐845.2) 1,217.5(1,076.4‐1,396.8) 1,947.5(1,730.2‐2,219.1) 3,039.2(2,750.2‐3,383.5) 4,410.5(3,905.6‐5,059.3) 6,110.8(5,477.7‐6,866.7) 8,778.3(7,919.9‐9,773.8)

Developing 565.7(522.9‐617.6) 1,296.3(1,197.7‐1,413.9) 849.5(785.2‐926.5) 3.6(3.0‐4.2) 25.9(22.2‐30.0) 42.4(37.8‐47.9) 49.1(44.0‐55.2) 52.7(47.3‐59.1) 63.8(57.9‐71.0) 85.8(77.4‐95.8) 121.9(109.7‐136.0) 211.7(192.9‐233.9) 375.7(341.8‐416.4) 616.8(557.5‐686.5) 998.4(911.1‐1,100.9) 1,588.5(1,439.6‐1,760.2) 2,466.1(2,236.5‐2,725.6) 3,633.4(3,292.8‐4,018.4) 5,107.9(4,667.8‐5,643.3) 8,316.2(7,588.5‐9,169.2)

Global 596.2(558.4‐636.7) 1,368.5(1,280.8‐1,462.7) 895.9(839.3‐957.3) 3.6(3.1‐4.1) 26.1(22.9‐29.7) 42.7(38.5‐47.6) 49.6(44.9‐54.9) 53.5(48.5‐58.9) 64.9(59.6‐71.1) 87.6(80.5‐95.9) 124.8(114.5‐136.6) 218.3(202.3‐236.4) 390.1(360.0‐424.3) 644.3(590.9‐703.2) 1,055.7(974.4‐1,142.0) 1,699.6(1,565.7‐1,845.4) 2,645.6(2,449.3‐2,858.0) 3,905.6(3,615.4‐4,222.6) 5,485.7(5,106.1‐5,899.7) 8,530.4(7,935.5‐9,186.3)

GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 520.8(463.0‐588.5) 1,198.9(1,064.5‐1,361.0) 783.7(696.7‐887.3) 2.9(2.1‐3.8) 21.1(15.7‐27.0) 34.7(28.1‐42.1) 39.8(32.3‐48.0) 42.5(34.7‐51.1) 53.2(44.7‐62.2) 75.0(63.2‐87.6) 111.2(92.8‐131.8) 199.4(171.3‐231.3) 347.5(294.4‐407.1) 558.9(465.8‐663.0) 931.8(793.2‐1,082.6) 1,494.3(1,261.8‐1,767.9) 2,389.2(2,042.9‐2,775.2) 3,561.7(2,985.9‐4,248.2) 4,988.1(4,267.9‐5,833.6) 6,865.1(5,967.8‐7,932.2)

Latin America, Southern 455.9(235.8‐845.8) 1,048.3(542.7‐1,958.9) 685.9(354.9‐1,276.6) 2.6(1.2‐5.0) 18.5(8.5‐37.2) 30.7(14.7‐58.4) 36.0(17.4‐69.9) 39.2(19.2‐74.9) 48.5(24.2‐94.5) 67.0(33.2‐131.5) 98.4(48.9‐184.2) 177.6(89.1‐329.1) 316.5(156.9‐575.9) 519.5(255.3‐965.3) 856.8(430.6‐1,575.0) 1,357.5(676.5‐2,529.3) 2,097.4(1,062.6‐3,963.6) 3,061.0(1,519.8‐5,833.5) 4,185.6(2,124.2‐8,115.2) 5,809.6(2,946.2‐11,234.7)

Europe, Western 359.1(311.1‐426.0) 824.8(714.6‐982.6) 539.4(467.6‐640.6) 2.3(1.6‐3.0) 16.1(11.5‐21.4) 26.5(21.2‐33.1) 30.3(24.2‐38.2) 31.5(25.4‐39.8) 37.4(30.9‐46.0) 49.9(41.4‐60.1) 70.5(57.6‐86.5) 124.4(104.8‐149.5) 217.7(182.6‐268.0) 355.6(292.5‐444.9) 614.2(515.9‐749.5) 1,012.6(824.3‐1,264.0) 1,631.0(1,374.1‐1,949.1) 2,427.1(2,024.3‐2,986.0) 3,606.5(3,060.3‐4,391.9) 4,997.2(4,190.1‐6,030.7)

Australasia 439.0(372.3‐537.3) 1,007.7(852.5‐1,237.1) 659.8(559.3‐807.9) 2.6(1.8‐3.7) 19.2(13.1‐26.8) 31.5(24.2‐41.5) 36.4(28.0‐48.4) 39.2(30.5‐51.7) 47.9(38.5‐61.3) 65.2(52.4‐83.4) 94.4(75.1‐123.1) 171.9(139.4‐218.7) 306.7(242.9‐395.9) 501.1(394.1‐656.8) 836.2(676.4‐1,070.4) 1,326.5(1,008.3‐1,754.6) 2,030.7(1,589.3‐2,591.4) 2,905.9(2,196.6‐3,786.1) 3,925.1(3,154.9‐4,989.2) 5,597.8(4,588.8‐7,021.1)

Asia Pacific, High Income 196.0(176.7‐220.1) 451.0(406.1‐507.4) 295.0(265.7‐331.6) 1.1(0.8‐1.5) 8.0(6.1‐10.2) 12.9(10.6‐15.7) 15.1(12.7‐18.1) 16.7(14.0‐19.8) 20.7(17.6‐24.3) 28.0(24.2‐32.5) 40.7(34.7‐48.3) 75.0(65.8‐85.9) 137.9(120.2‐157.9) 232.8(200.1‐269.3) 387.6(341.9‐441.4) 610.2(529.1‐716.8) 895.5(781.5‐1,033.5) 1,242.6(1,067.5‐1,452.3) 1,657.5(1,441.7‐1,931.4) 2,617.1(2,292.2‐3,003.3)

Europe, Eastern 399.8(199.4‐756.1) 917.3(457.9‐1,729.7) 600.6(299.7‐1,133.2) 2.4(1.1‐5.0) 17.8(8.1‐35.8) 29.5(14.7‐57.8) 34.2(17.2‐66.7) 36.8(18.5‐72.7) 43.7(21.8‐86.3) 57.5(29.0‐112.2) 81.8(41.5‐158.6) 145.4(73.0‐281.3) 259.7(131.4‐517.4) 428.5(208.9‐862.4) 705.1(349.8‐1,420.2) 1,117.1(537.3‐2,231.7) 1,737.8(859.1‐3,271.1) 2,551.1(1,223.9‐4,848.8) 3,572.0(1,775.5‐6,783.2) 6,086.4(3,078.7‐11,459.5)

Europe, Central 463.3(316.2‐677.4) 1,063.7(720.4‐1,560.2) 696.4(472.5‐1,019.4) 2.8(1.4‐4.7) 20.2(10.8‐33.5) 33.0(19.2‐53.2) 38.3(23.0‐61.3) 41.5(25.2‐66.7) 50.5(31.4‐80.3) 67.6(43.4‐103.9) 97.2(62.0‐149.7) 171.6(113.2‐253.0) 308.3(199.3‐460.8) 508.3(317.5‐773.8) 838.1(533.2‐1,285.9) 1,331.3(824.0‐2,074.9) 2,066.3(1,331.0‐3,095.3) 3,045.0(1,937.9‐4,654.5) 4,246.8(2,742.0‐6,510.4) 6,481.8(4,264.8‐10,005.0)

Asia, Central 359.3(245.7‐527.6) 816.4(557.2‐1,203.0) 537.6(368.0‐791.4) 2.5(1.1‐4.6) 18.8(9.1‐34.2) 32.3(18.8‐52.9) 38.2(22.4‐61.0) 40.9(24.6‐64.7) 47.2(29.6‐72.1) 60.2(38.9‐93.1) 83.1(53.9‐130.3) 142.0(93.0‐214.8) 247.2(158.6‐377.9) 404.4(252.5‐617.4) 675.4(440.2‐1,000.9) 1,086.4(702.9‐1,653.0) 1,635.5(1,062.1‐2,486.9) 2,274.4(1,467.4‐3,514.7) 3,023.2(2,012.5‐4,546.9) 4,774.0(3,192.8‐7,101.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 445.1(279.9‐710.7) 1,021.2(637.4‐1,638.0) 668.9(420.1‐1,070.2) 2.6(1.3‐4.8) 19.2(10.2‐34.9) 32.2(18.6‐55.2) 37.7(22.5‐64.8) 41.1(24.9‐70.5) 49.3(30.0‐83.4) 65.6(40.2‐110.5) 93.4(57.9‐157.6) 164.1(105.3‐260.6) 291.1(182.6‐478.8) 481.2(289.5‐806.6) 799.1(494.8‐1,310.9) 1,278.7(766.9‐2,128.0) 1,978.0(1,205.6‐3,250.7) 2,909.6(1,752.4‐4,809.5) 4,084.1(2,468.0‐6,600.2) 6,308.4(3,692.0‐10,583.2)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 493.1(245.8‐934.5) 1,132.4(562.4‐2,154.9) 741.4(368.7‐1,406.2) 2.9(1.3‐5.9) 20.7(9.5‐42.6) 34.4(16.5‐69.7) 40.2(19.2‐78.7) 43.6(20.9‐85.0) 53.4(26.3‐101.8) 73.3(36.7‐138.2) 107.6(52.3‐213.4) 192.7(91.6‐382.0) 342.0(163.4‐662.8) 561.3(268.0‐1,094.0) 931.7(445.6‐1,851.4) 1,488.5(704.6‐3,041.9) 2,287.3(1,106.6‐4,570.0) 3,301.3(1,602.2‐6,457.3) 4,505.6(2,176.1‐8,763.5) 6,172.5(2,987.7‐11,850.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 413.8(288.8‐575.6) 949.8(658.5‐1,326.7) 621.9(432.7‐864.3) 2.5(1.4‐3.9) 17.9(10.2‐28.7) 29.8(19.1‐45.2) 34.8(22.9‐53.5) 37.8(25.3‐58.1) 45.3(30.8‐68.3) 60.1(41.5‐85.9) 85.5(59.1‐125.5) 149.9(103.5‐212.6) 266.0(180.2‐386.3) 440.5(300.0‐643.3) 733.7(497.5‐1,060.0) 1,177.1(787.9‐1,732.1) 1,827.3(1,226.8‐2,693.0) 2,704.8(1,806.0‐3,957.3) 3,808.1(2,570.0‐5,507.1) 6,005.1(4,146.1‐8,575.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 445.2(232.8‐810.8) 1,021.7(532.1‐1,867.7) 669.0(348.6‐1,221.2) 2.6(1.1‐5.0) 19.0(8.6‐37.0) 31.8(15.5‐61.8) 37.3(18.3‐74.3) 40.6(19.9‐78.7) 48.8(24.5‐94.2) 65.4(33.6‐126.1) 93.8(48.5‐177.4) 165.0(85.2‐306.0) 292.4(152.3‐539.7) 482.7(251.9‐870.5) 799.0(412.7‐1,453.6) 1,274.9(635.0‐2,324.9) 1,974.4(991.7‐3,541.5) 2,913.3(1,530.6‐5,357.7) 4,090.3(2,140.7‐7,476.1) 6,311.5(3,402.1‐11,333.3)

North Africa / Middle East 411.5(307.7‐556.4) 947.3(708.7‐1,282.3) 619.2(464.0‐838.1) 2.3(1.6‐3.4) 16.8(11.3‐24.4) 27.6(19.9‐38.8) 31.9(22.8‐44.0) 34.5(25.0‐47.1) 42.1(31.8‐57.4) 57.5(43.6‐77.8) 83.9(61.8‐114.0) 150.3(110.2‐204.4) 267.7(193.7‐372.0) 441.4(316.1‐613.7) 733.4(533.6‐999.3) 1,176.1(837.3‐1,649.8) 1,864.3(1,351.6‐2,583.9) 2,792.1(1,994.8‐3,860.2) 3,888.7(2,776.3‐5,466.4) 5,655.4(4,092.1‐7,743.3)

Asia, South 350.5(303.0‐414.6) 806.1(695.0‐957.5) 527.2(455.3‐624.3) 2.0(1.4‐2.8) 14.6(10.4‐19.7) 23.9(18.8‐30.7) 27.7(21.5‐35.2) 30.2(23.5‐38.3) 36.8(29.7‐45.9) 50.0(41.0‐62.5) 72.5(58.7‐91.8) 128.6(107.1‐155.9) 228.2(185.8‐284.0) 376.3(304.3‐473.6) 623.3(514.0‐750.0) 1,000.2(807.5‐1,253.0) 1,555.2(1,280.5‐1,951.3) 2,289.1(1,866.4‐2,854.6) 3,218.4(2,682.8‐3,933.7) 5,080.9(4,264.8‐6,113.2)
Oceania 380.8(206.7‐687.8) 867.3(471.7‐1,569.1) 570.1(309.8‐1,031.3) 2.8(1.2‐5.5) 20.0(9.1‐39.6) 33.6(16.3‐64.9) 38.3(18.7‐74.1) 38.9(18.8‐74.1) 46.8(23.4‐88.4) 64.1(32.6‐120.0) 93.0(45.5‐177.3) 175.1(90.7‐330.3) 311.1(157.1‐599.1) 493.6(249.2‐951.2) 812.2(429.3‐1,492.6) 1,251.8(635.9‐2,315.4) 1,843.5(957.5‐3,464.9) 2,462.8(1,214.7‐4,820.8) 3,077.7(1,585.6‐5,750.5) 3,852.3(2,045.3‐7,172.7)

Asia, Southeast 362.3(223.5‐562.4) 832.0(513.7‐1,291.3) 544.6(336.2‐845.3) 2.2(1.2‐3.6) 15.7(8.7‐25.3) 25.7(15.7‐39.9) 29.9(18.3‐46.3) 32.6(19.8‐50.4) 39.3(24.0‐62.4) 52.4(32.5‐85.3) 75.0(46.2‐119.5) 132.1(83.3‐207.4) 234.5(142.8‐368.2) 387.4(233.0‐604.6) 640.3(395.2‐1,001.2) 1,023.2(612.8‐1,620.2) 1,586.0(943.8‐2,625.3) 2,335.7(1,383.9‐3,773.1) 3,291.5(1,958.6‐5,234.8) 5,392.7(3,237.8‐8,363.5)

Asia, East 325.4(297.2‐354.1) 748.1(680.4‐819.3) 489.5(446.4‐533.9) 1.9(1.3‐2.4) 13.4(9.7‐17.1) 22.0(17.8‐27.0) 25.7(21.1‐31.4) 28.0(23.4‐34.1) 34.4(29.1‐40.7) 47.4(39.9‐55.6) 69.4(58.0‐82.8) 122.6(106.4‐140.5) 217.1(185.7‐251.1) 359.1(299.8‐425.7) 580.9(501.7‐671.0) 903.5(762.1‐1,062.1) 1,406.9(1,211.4‐1,628.3) 2,107.3(1,787.0‐2,464.4) 3,033.3(2,619.0‐3,450.6) 4,740.4(4,092.1‐5,420.0)

Latin America, Tropical 426.0(382.7‐471.3) 980.9(878.9‐1,089.1) 641.1(575.5‐710.0) 2.4(1.7‐3.1) 16.8(12.0‐22.0) 27.8(22.3‐33.6) 32.7(26.5‐39.9) 35.8(29.5‐43.6) 43.7(36.8‐51.9) 59.1(49.4‐69.8) 85.6(70.3‐104.9) 153.5(130.1‐178.2) 273.6(228.7‐323.1) 451.4(368.8‐545.6) 752.7(629.7‐882.1) 1,206.2(985.4‐1,451.2) 1,878.0(1,575.4‐2,187.8) 2,772.4(2,241.7‐3,335.0) 3,960.7(3,280.3‐4,696.8) 6,297.0(5,282.2‐7,385.2)

Latin America, Central 419.2(253.2‐697.6) 961.5(578.9‐1,607.0) 629.6(380.1‐1,050.4) 2.6(1.4‐4.6) 18.7(10.1‐32.7) 30.8(17.6‐51.1) 35.9(20.8‐60.8) 38.8(22.5‐65.6) 46.1(27.1‐76.8) 60.7(35.5‐101.5) 86.0(49.2‐147.4) 150.9(87.1‐255.7) 268.0(155.1‐460.5) 444.8(253.5‐753.7) 741.6(442.9‐1,276.6) 1,189.9(684.3‐2,089.9) 1,837.4(1,071.7‐3,090.2) 2,695.1(1,544.6‐4,470.1) 3,789.9(2,225.3‐6,439.9) 6,255.6(3,708.8‐10,592.3)

Latin America, Andean 460.0(247.4‐783.2) 1,056.4(564.5‐1,799.7) 691.5(371.3‐1,176.8) 2.7(1.3‐5.1) 19.5(9.9‐35.9) 32.5(17.6‐57.5) 38.1(20.1‐67.3) 41.3(21.9‐72.3) 49.7(26.2‐86.7) 66.4(35.3‐117.7) 95.1(51.1‐167.3) 167.8(90.8‐289.7) 297.9(160.7‐528.9) 492.8(260.7‐884.7) 819.7(436.0‐1,416.4) 1,313.9(691.1‐2,299.4) 2,036.5(1,061.5‐3,541.3) 2,999.1(1,542.8‐5,145.8) 4,217.0(2,186.9‐7,244.4) 6,658.1(3,413.7‐11,510.2)

Caribbean 481.2(290.6‐765.7) 1,103.7(662.7‐1,760.7) 723.1(435.6‐1,151.0) 2.9(1.5‐5.2) 20.9(11.4‐36.2) 34.7(20.3‐56.6) 40.4(24.1‐64.2) 43.8(26.8‐68.9) 53.5(33.1‐84.4) 72.8(44.7‐114.7) 106.0(62.7‐167.9) 192.3(114.6‐303.9) 342.9(200.2‐556.1) 563.3(332.3‐902.7) 934.8(556.0‐1,488.6) 1,478.4(863.5‐2,413.8) 2,264.8(1,300.3‐3,672.7) 3,228.7(1,830.6‐5,361.0) 4,305.4(2,504.4‐7,033.1) 5,748.8(3,409.8‐9,493.8)

Developed 387.7(343.8‐450.0) 889.6(788.4‐1,031.9) 582.4(516.4‐675.7) 2.4(2.0‐2.9) 17.4(14.4‐20.8) 28.3(24.2‐33.0) 32.8(27.9‐38.6) 35.1(29.6‐42.4) 42.3(36.3‐51.0) 56.7(49.4‐66.7) 80.8(69.9‐94.7) 144.7(127.9‐166.7) 258.5(226.5‐303.5) 425.4(368.0‐506.5) 708.4(616.0‐846.5) 1,120.3(971.1‐1,327.8) 1,744.3(1,544.7‐1,993.5) 2,544.7(2,187.1‐3,062.6) 3,608.9(3,154.2‐4,177.9) 5,288.0(4,657.4‐6,130.9)

Developing 366.1(337.4‐400.8) 840.3(773.2‐919.0) 550.2(506.7‐601.9) 2.2(1.9‐2.6) 16.1(13.9‐18.5) 26.4(23.3‐29.9) 30.5(27.1‐34.4) 32.9(29.3‐36.9) 39.9(35.8‐44.5) 53.8(48.4‐59.9) 76.8(68.8‐86.0) 135.2(122.9‐150.5) 240.8(217.5‐267.6) 397.5(357.1‐445.0) 650.7(590.9‐726.0) 1,037.1(934.4‐1,161.0) 1,617.2(1,476.6‐1,790.9) 2,385.1(2,147.3‐2,643.8) 3,363.6(3,044.0‐3,717.6) 5,268.2(4,775.9‐5,805.3)

Global 373.1(347.9‐402.2) 856.8(797.7‐923.5) 560.8(522.4‐604.4) 2.3(2.0‐2.6) 16.3(14.3‐18.5) 26.6(23.9‐29.6) 30.8(27.7‐34.0) 33.2(30.0‐36.6) 40.3(36.6‐44.2) 54.3(49.7‐59.2) 77.6(70.9‐85.3) 137.1(126.8‐149.6) 245.0(224.7‐268.0) 404.9(368.8‐443.8) 666.7(613.9‐726.9) 1,064.1(975.2‐1,164.5) 1,659.4(1,537.5‐1,796.5) 2,446.3(2,229.2‐2,674.6) 3,465.9(3,200.6‐3,773.2) 5,279.1(4,858.2‐5,783.9)
Supplemental Table 1b. Estimated age-standardized prevalence rates of Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100,000) for
all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 1990.

GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 807.4(722.2‐905.5) 1,860.0(1,666.2‐2,091.7) 1,215.7(1,088.4‐1,364.9) 4.3(3.1‐5.6) 31.4(23.1‐40.3) 51.5(41.2‐63.2) 59.7(49.2‐72.3) 65.4(54.6‐78.2) 82.3(70.0‐96.8) 115.6(99.3‐134.4) 172.2(146.1‐201.7) 307.5(268.8‐353.7) 545.0(475.8‐636.5) 900.2(776.0‐1,058.3) 1,481.4(1,297.5‐1,711.8) 2,332.9(2,022.7‐2,691.5) 3,558.4(3,126.3‐4,065.5) 5,189.6(4,589.3‐5,935.8) 7,266.3(6,457.4‐8,230.0) 11,632.0(10,277.4‐13,077.4)

Latin America, Southern 729.9(375.1‐1,319.9) 1,680.7(866.5‐3,057.9) 1,098.7(565.4‐1,990.5) 3.9(1.7‐7.8) 28.6(13.0‐57.0) 47.3(22.2‐90.6) 55.5(27.0‐104.6) 61.0(29.9‐114.3) 75.3(37.3‐136.4) 103.5(52.2‐194.0) 151.7(75.2‐283.8) 270.3(136.8‐487.7) 481.1(236.0‐890.8) 795.3(382.1‐1,504.8) 1,316.5(640.9‐2,411.0) 2,091.6(999.0‐3,861.8) 3,221.4(1,539.0‐6,016.8) 4,742.5(2,255.3‐9,019.4) 6,678.9(3,332.7‐12,253.1) 10,574.6(5,402.9‐18,632.0)

Europe, Western 539.1(468.3‐651.6) 1,235.7(1,072.9‐1,493.0) 809.4(703.2‐978.0) 3.4(2.4‐4.7) 24.5(17.8‐33.8) 41.0(32.6‐52.5) 47.3(38.3‐59.8) 50.0(40.7‐62.6) 59.4(49.0‐73.3) 79.3(65.6‐98.3) 113.9(92.7‐143.5) 201.8(168.1‐252.0) 355.7(300.8‐431.8) 584.7(490.6‐717.9) 978.5(828.6‐1,197.0) 1,556.8(1,285.0‐1,909.1) 2,428.6(2,048.8‐2,980.2) 3,641.3(3,081.3‐4,342.4) 5,014.8(4,239.2‐6,084.3) 7,216.5(6,115.6‐9,068.0)

Australasia 732.2(628.1‐899.2) 1,685.6(1,443.4‐2,066.2) 1,102.1(945.3‐1,352.6) 4.0(2.7‐5.6) 28.8(20.3‐39.4) 47.8(36.3‐62.6) 56.2(43.8‐73.4) 61.9(49.3‐79.1) 76.2(62.6‐96.4) 104.0(84.7‐132.7) 151.4(119.8‐194.6) 267.9(218.5‐332.9) 474.2(378.3‐597.2) 784.4(618.6‐995.2) 1,300.7(1,050.3‐1,627.2) 2,073.7(1,647.2‐2,662.1) 3,265.8(2,663.4‐4,124.5) 4,919.0(3,961.8‐6,292.0) 6,868.8(5,595.1‐8,694.7) 10,343.5(8,552.7‐13,005.1)

Asia Pacific, High Income 342.7(304.2‐385.1) 790.2(697.9‐888.8) 516.2(456.8‐580.0) 1.9(1.3‐2.4) 13.2(9.8‐17.2) 21.4(17.3‐26.0) 24.9(20.4‐29.8) 27.4(22.7‐32.5) 34.3(29.1‐40.2) 47.8(40.8‐55.5) 71.3(59.7‐84.4) 130.3(111.8‐150.3) 235.7(201.6‐271.8) 395.4(334.5‐462.6) 658.0(571.2‐757.2) 1,043.1(891.9‐1,209.3) 1,560.2(1,339.9‐1,798.0) 2,215.7(1,892.6‐2,580.5) 2,981.2(2,553.2‐3,464.4) 4,669.5(4,027.4‐5,393.4)

Europe, Eastern 601.8(326.4‐1,058.4) 1,373.6(741.5‐2,414.8) 901.9(488.1‐1,588.5) 4.3(1.9‐8.8) 30.4(13.6‐62.1) 50.0(24.3‐96.5) 57.9(28.5‐106.7) 62.2(31.0‐114.7) 72.8(37.0‐134.4) 93.6(47.8‐174.1) 130.2(65.9‐244.9) 227.1(118.5‐409.3) 412.0(217.0‐730.3) 684.6(350.1‐1,254.7) 1,120.0(579.0‐2,007.7) 1,765.2(894.0‐3,221.8) 2,629.2(1,388.1‐4,667.0) 3,820.0(2,012.7‐6,772.0) 5,309.1(2,826.6‐9,360.8) 8,356.9(4,635.3‐14,178.6)

Europe, Central 742.2(497.2‐1,066.7) 1,705.7(1,145.1‐2,459.5) 1,116.1(747.8‐1,606.7) 4.4(2.4‐7.2) 31.5(17.6‐50.9) 51.3(31.8‐78.0) 59.6(37.2‐92.0) 64.8(40.8‐98.8) 79.3(51.3‐117.9) 107.3(68.0‐159.6) 154.7(98.4‐240.1) 271.4(176.6‐417.8) 481.4(317.3‐704.9) 799.3(515.1‐1,196.8) 1,325.5(867.6‐1,951.0) 2,114.7(1,389.9‐3,213.5) 3,256.7(2,103.6‐4,986.2) 4,818.2(3,025.8‐7,350.0) 6,821.1(4,375.7‐10,366.7) 10,824.0(7,153.8‐15,865.8)

Asia, Central 592.8(402.6‐854.7) 1,355.1(913.7‐1,965.6) 889.0(601.6‐1,282.4) 3.9(2.0‐6.8) 28.7(15.3‐49.5) 47.9(28.7‐77.3) 55.7(34.1‐89.8) 59.9(36.4‐96.3) 69.7(43.5‐109.0) 89.2(55.5‐137.5) 124.3(78.5‐193.1) 225.7(147.3‐348.6) 423.8(276.4‐656.0) 714.1(455.8‐1,138.9) 1,150.5(755.2‐1,747.4) 1,772.7(1,145.7‐2,801.1) 2,590.1(1,699.5‐3,947.7) 3,694.0(2,444.5‐5,481.9) 5,080.6(3,357.3‐7,558.5) 8,111.0(5,258.8‐12,334.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 580.7(366.8‐941.8) 1,324.6(835.0‐2,145.5) 870.0(549.6‐1,408.7) 3.9(1.9‐7.0) 29.1(14.7‐51.6) 48.9(27.5‐83.1) 57.2(32.7‐97.2) 61.5(35.5‐103.6) 71.0(42.0‐117.9) 90.1(54.5‐145.6) 123.9(73.4‐196.3) 214.8(130.6‐345.0) 381.0(228.2‐630.2) 632.0(374.8‐1,067.9) 1,048.1(633.2‐1,713.9) 1,670.2(1,006.8‐2,695.5) 2,557.6(1,559.6‐4,175.1) 3,731.7(2,269.8‐6,125.3) 5,214.8(3,204.6‐8,605.4) 8,215.5(5,120.0‐13,959.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 696.2(357.7‐1,257.5) 1,598.7(823.9‐2,884.7) 1,046.6(538.5‐1,890.4) 4.0(1.8‐8.0) 29.2(13.5‐58.1) 49.0(23.7‐91.7) 57.8(27.9‐109.1) 62.9(29.9‐120.7) 75.7(36.9‐142.6) 101.3(49.7‐194.7) 145.3(71.3‐283.6) 256.5(124.2‐490.9) 456.8(222.3‐882.4) 756.5(367.8‐1,472.9) 1,254.0(612.0‐2,430.7) 1,996.3(979.3‐3,845.7) 3,067.8(1,552.8‐5,740.6) 4,496.6(2,309.6‐8,030.0) 6,314.7(3,175.6‐11,188.4) 10,091.7(5,314.8‐17,961.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 618.4(436.9‐860.4) 1,415.1(1,001.5‐1,969.9) 927.9(656.2‐1,291.3) 3.9(2.2‐6.4) 29.1(16.4‐47.0) 48.5(30.9‐72.8) 56.5(36.8‐82.3) 60.9(39.6‐89.8) 71.5(48.4‐104.3) 92.8(63.3‐133.8) 130.3(88.6‐190.8) 228.2(157.6‐324.8) 406.4(268.9‐595.6) 675.2(443.6‐1,021.1) 1,116.0(761.9‐1,625.2) 1,772.3(1,194.9‐2,546.7) 2,721.1(1,827.9‐3,873.7) 3,989.1(2,648.4‐5,794.5) 5,585.9(3,723.6‐8,044.9) 8,839.5(6,048.2‐12,706.1)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 640.6(355.2‐1,110.6) 1,466.8(815.2‐2,564.8) 961.4(533.5‐1,674.1) 3.9(1.7‐7.7) 29.6(13.6‐58.4) 49.7(24.3‐94.2) 57.9(28.2‐108.4) 62.4(30.7‐115.8) 73.1(37.4‐136.0) 94.6(48.7‐175.4) 132.5(70.2‐249.0) 232.7(121.1‐433.3) 415.9(214.5‐772.1) 691.8(346.3‐1,288.2) 1,147.7(600.6‐2,090.6) 1,830.1(951.0‐3,403.7) 2,818.7(1,488.5‐5,047.6) 4,142.4(2,210.6‐7,511.7) 5,822.0(3,115.5‐10,465.5) 9,245.6(5,222.1‐16,431.7)

North Africa / Middle East 645.8(485.9‐864.6) 1,485.5(1,114.2‐1,993.7) 971.5(730.3‐1,302.5) 3.7(2.5‐5.3) 26.7(18.2‐37.9) 43.7(31.7‐60.1) 50.6(36.3‐70.6) 55.2(39.5‐76.4) 67.6(48.5‐92.6) 92.3(67.5‐123.6) 134.5(99.0‐184.5) 239.0(174.2‐323.7) 426.5(305.5‐590.6) 707.5(501.3‐978.8) 1,165.3(857.2‐1,620.3) 1,848.5(1,311.3‐2,599.7) 2,834.5(2,078.9‐3,823.8) 4,179.3(3,009.4‐5,605.3) 5,886.7(4,273.7‐7,985.6) 9,378.5(6,941.8‐12,586.9)

Asia, South 513.9(442.0‐613.0) 1,179.3(1,010.3‐1,411.5) 772.1(662.6‐921.5) 3.1(2.2‐4.3) 22.9(16.5‐30.6) 37.6(29.9‐47.2) 43.5(34.8‐54.0) 46.8(38.0‐57.7) 56.0(46.4‐68.2) 74.7(61.9‐90.8) 107.0(87.7‐131.6) 189.6(159.0‐224.6) 339.8(278.3‐414.3) 563.8(451.5‐702.2) 934.1(769.6‐1,135.3) 1,488.3(1,193.4‐1,825.8) 2,276.8(1,881.9‐2,792.3) 3,317.3(2,726.3‐4,115.6) 4,617.8(3,776.1‐5,754.2) 7,358.2(6,064.2‐9,185.4)

Oceania 670.7(391.1‐1,122.8) 1,545.8(903.7‐2,584.2) 1,010.4(589.8‐1,690.3) 3.3(1.6‐6.3) 24.5(11.9‐46.3) 41.6(21.4‐76.8) 49.6(25.6‐93.1) 54.9(28.4‐101.6) 68.5(35.8‐123.0) 95.2(49.7‐173.3) 140.1(72.0‐260.1) 248.1(130.5‐462.4) 438.5(229.0‐831.7) 721.3(371.0‐1,369.7) 1,199.3(632.8‐2,207.2) 1,923.1(1,029.2‐3,421.2) 2,977.0(1,665.9‐5,151.1) 4,383.2(2,553.4‐7,659.0) 6,208.5(3,664.0‐10,270.7) 9,690.2(6,038.6‐15,079.2)

Asia, Southeast 546.6(348.8‐821.1) 1,251.9(796.2‐1,885.3) 820.7(523.2‐1,234.6) 3.4(1.8‐5.6) 24.9(13.7‐41.2) 41.4(25.1‐65.7) 48.5(30.0‐77.7) 52.4(32.4‐83.6) 62.3(40.1‐99.5) 82.3(52.7‐130.5) 117.3(74.2‐187.9) 209.1(132.5‐330.2) 377.9(232.5‐606.5) 628.3(374.6‐1,007.2) 1,024.2(618.9‐1,619.4) 1,599.8(967.3‐2,518.1) 2,411.4(1,484.8‐3,706.9) 3,482.0(2,153.8‐5,461.2) 4,817.2(3,026.4‐7,492.8) 7,593.4(4,916.6‐11,243.2)

Asia, East 491.7(444.0‐546.1) 1,130.1(1,015.2‐1,259.8) 739.4(666.4‐822.5) 2.8(1.9‐3.8) 20.6(14.4‐26.9) 34.3(27.7‐41.7) 40.0(33.0‐48.7) 43.3(35.9‐52.1) 52.2(44.9‐61.2) 70.6(60.5‐81.4) 101.7(85.9‐120.1) 178.8(155.4‐205.1) 320.3(271.7‐380.0) 532.6(441.1‐647.4) 883.9(761.6‐1,032.9) 1,412.6(1,168.0‐1,685.0) 2,175.2(1,822.5‐2,565.1) 3,185.4(2,667.3‐3,726.2) 4,452.2(3,789.7‐5,164.9) 7,160.8(6,203.4‐8,183.0)

Latin America, Tropical 630.7(567.1‐698.6) 1,449.5(1,293.3‐1,614.1) 948.4(850.5‐1,051.4) 3.7(2.5‐5.1) 26.8(18.4‐35.9) 43.5(34.3‐53.8) 50.5(40.3‐61.9) 55.4(45.1‐67.9) 67.3(57.0‐80.2) 90.2(76.0‐107.1) 129.7(106.0‐158.5) 229.5(195.9‐267.5) 410.6(345.5‐491.2) 682.1(557.6‐833.5) 1,131.3(951.2‐1,316.4) 1,806.4(1,454.5‐2,169.0) 2,777.1(2,336.9‐3,265.6) 4,082.0(3,362.7‐4,868.0) 5,729.9(4,815.4‐6,836.5) 9,223.8(7,887.7‐10,765.9)

Latin America, Central 675.0(396.9‐1,134.6) 1,541.0(903.4‐2,584.2) 1,012.0(593.4‐1,699.1) 4.5(2.1‐8.5) 32.8(16.0‐61.6) 54.9(29.5‐98.2) 64.4(35.2‐115.7) 69.4(38.5‐121.5) 81.6(45.8‐140.2) 106.6(60.3‐182.3) 149.6(83.9‐253.7) 257.8(148.3‐436.4) 453.7(263.5‐771.6) 747.6(431.7‐1,274.4) 1,237.6(721.3‐2,112.3) 1,969.3(1,144.4‐3,372.4) 2,994.1(1,716.6‐5,083.8) 4,328.0(2,520.8‐7,127.1) 5,960.5(3,356.7‐9,897.9) 9,384.1(5,201.9‐16,709.5)

Latin America, Andean 697.0(390.7‐1,208.1) 1,598.5(893.9‐2,771.7) 1,047.0(587.0‐1,813.5) 4.2(2.0‐7.7) 31.0(15.0‐56.7) 51.3(26.0‐91.3) 59.6(30.6‐105.3) 64.5(33.1‐112.8) 77.1(41.3‐134.1) 102.6(55.6‐179.8) 146.6(80.6‐259.5) 256.9(137.5‐456.1) 455.6(238.3‐835.7) 752.8(384.8‐1,396.2) 1,245.5(664.6‐2,266.8) 1,986.3(1,063.0‐3,627.1) 3,060.6(1,673.5‐5,503.6) 4,503.3(2,486.6‐7,865.8) 6,325.7(3,559.2‐10,958.3) 10,139.4(5,539.7‐17,473.1)

Caribbean 810.3(490.3‐1,289.0) 1,864.9(1,128.6‐2,976.1) 1,219.4(738.3‐1,942.2) 4.4(2.5‐7.4) 32.4(18.2‐53.7) 53.8(31.5‐85.4) 62.9(36.9‐97.2) 68.7(39.8‐105.5) 84.1(50.2‐131.0) 114.6(71.4‐172.6) 167.5(102.1‐257.8) 297.9(181.9‐467.9) 531.5(312.4‐853.1) 876.9(511.8‐1,415.7) 1,453.6(889.9‐2,276.6) 2,325.8(1,413.4‐3,708.5) 3,607.2(2,184.1‐5,699.8) 5,323.2(3,178.1‐8,527.3) 7,456.6(4,403.8‐12,322.7) 11,587.2(6,551.9‐19,691.3)

Developed 608.2(547.0‐693.5) 1,396.2(1,254.6‐1,589.9) 914.2(822.0‐1,041.4) 3.7(2.9‐4.8) 26.7(21.2‐33.8) 43.5(36.4‐53.2) 49.7(42.2‐59.8) 53.9(46.6‐64.1) 66.4(57.6‐79.4) 90.6(78.5‐108.2) 130.5(113.4‐154.0) 227.8(201.0‐264.7) 400.7(357.0‐460.4) 660.3(562.1‐802.0) 1,093.2(955.8‐1,285.0) 1,750.6(1,506.5‐2,085.4) 2,720.0(2,416.1‐3,089.5) 4,028.0(3,621.7‐4,545.7) 5,547.2(4,964.1‐6,332.5) 8,502.1(7,655.8‐9,648.9)

Developing 546.6(503.0‐599.6) 1,253.5(1,153.0‐1,376.7) 821.0(755.1‐900.9) 3.4(2.9‐3.9) 24.8(21.1‐28.6) 41.0(36.2‐46.4) 47.0(41.8‐52.8) 50.3(45.3‐56.2) 60.4(54.8‐66.8) 80.3(73.2‐88.9) 114.0(103.7‐126.6) 202.0(184.8‐223.7) 361.9(328.0‐405.0) 599.5(536.2‐675.9) 988.6(897.1‐1,098.7) 1,573.7(1,413.5‐1,761.9) 2,408.6(2,178.2‐2,672.2) 3,505.3(3,151.6‐3,872.6) 4,916.5(4,433.7‐5,454.7) 7,891.4(7,204.4‐8,724.8)

Global 569.5(532.8‐612.7) 1,307.4(1,222.5‐1,407.3) 855.8(800.5‐920.8) 3.4(2.9‐3.9) 25.0(21.7‐28.5) 41.4(37.2‐46.2) 47.4(43.0‐52.6) 51.0(46.6‐56.2) 61.7(56.7‐67.6) 82.8(76.7‐90.2) 118.2(109.0‐129.0) 209.6(194.5‐227.9) 373.2(343.4‐405.5) 618.7(562.4‐682.2) 1,022.1(940.2‐1,113.9) 1,636.6(1,494.6‐1,792.8) 2,522.9(2,337.1‐2,731.5) 3,688.7(3,420.5‐3,991.8) 5,189.9(4,815.7‐5,634.9) 8,189.5(7,644.1‐8,910.3)

GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 470.7(420.1‐522.1) 1,081.7(963.4‐1,201.6) 708.0(631.6‐786.1) 2.7(1.9‐3.5) 19.4(14.7‐24.9) 31.8(26.1‐38.0) 36.9(30.7‐43.7) 40.2(33.2‐47.8) 50.6(42.8‐59.0) 71.0(60.8‐81.9) 105.4(89.3‐121.3) 185.4(159.4‐211.1) 323.8(276.2‐375.8) 528.2(443.0‐619.8) 855.2(735.5‐985.1) 1,330.0(1,138.3‐1,524.8) 2,038.9(1,780.3‐2,309.9) 3,005.5(2,643.7‐3,399.5) 4,296.2(3,817.2‐4,850.0) 6,758.7(5,922.4‐7,665.3)

Latin America, Southern 443.7(229.3‐808.5) 1,021.3(527.9‐1,863.4) 667.7(345.0‐1,218.0) 2.4(1.1‐4.8) 17.7(8.1‐34.4) 29.3(13.6‐55.4) 34.3(16.3‐65.0) 37.5(18.5‐70.4) 45.9(23.6‐84.0) 62.6(32.2‐115.4) 91.3(46.0‐168.0) 163.9(82.1‐298.6) 293.7(147.3‐534.1) 487.8(243.9‐910.0) 813.1(408.7‐1,476.7) 1,298.6(632.6‐2,475.6) 2,004.9(997.5‐3,828.3) 2,942.8(1,426.3‐5,493.5) 4,083.1(2,031.1‐7,531.6) 6,095.4(3,081.7‐11,305.1)

Europe, Western 333.2(289.6‐395.7) 761.7(661.8‐903.3) 499.6(434.5‐593.4) 2.2(1.6‐3.0) 16.2(11.8‐21.5) 27.1(21.9‐34.0) 31.3(25.3‐39.1) 32.8(26.7‐40.5) 38.5(32.2‐47.0) 50.9(42.5‐61.9) 72.1(59.4‐88.3) 127.0(107.3‐153.6) 222.5(189.6‐266.4) 363.8(306.1‐439.1) 608.4(514.5‐738.2) 960.4(794.1‐1,160.8) 1,456.7(1,214.8‐1,756.6) 2,154.1(1,800.0‐2,596.8) 3,086.6(2,634.3‐3,707.1) 4,602.1(3,860.9‐5,592.6)

Australasia 453.8(386.2‐554.7) 1,045.2(888.6‐1,280.2) 683.1(581.1‐835.3) 2.5(1.7‐3.4) 18.0(12.8‐24.4) 29.5(23.1‐38.6) 34.4(26.8‐45.6) 37.6(29.7‐49.2) 46.4(37.6‐59.3) 63.5(50.6‐81.8) 92.4(72.7‐119.3) 165.1(135.2‐206.4) 293.5(237.7‐367.2) 487.0(389.0‐615.8) 819.7(660.3‐1,020.5) 1,322.5(1,041.3‐1,678.8) 2,085.2(1,698.4‐2,579.0) 3,104.7(2,479.4‐3,924.1) 4,258.9(3,445.8‐5,317.7) 6,098.8(4,890.5‐7,737.9)

Asia Pacific, High Income 204.9(182.2‐229.0) 472.6(419.3‐529.6) 308.6(274.1‐344.9) 1.1(0.8‐1.5) 7.9(5.8‐10.0) 12.7(10.3‐15.5) 14.8(12.2‐17.7) 16.4(13.5‐19.7) 20.3(17.0‐24.1) 27.7(23.6‐32.4) 40.8(33.9‐48.6) 76.7(66.0‐89.0) 142.6(122.3‐167.4) 242.5(207.9‐286.4) 400.9(349.5‐459.9) 628.7(536.8‐732.1) 932.9(802.6‐1,073.2) 1,315.0(1,118.7‐1,535.5) 1,773.0(1,524.3‐2,083.0) 2,772.2(2,413.4‐3,193.1)

Europe, Eastern 357.2(188.8‐625.2) 816.3(431.6‐1,430.4) 535.5(283.2‐937.2) 2.5(1.1‐5.0) 17.7(8.1‐35.0) 29.0(14.6‐55.2) 33.5(16.8‐63.4) 36.1(18.2‐69.6) 42.1(21.6‐80.1) 53.5(28.1‐102.6) 73.6(38.2‐138.7) 128.6(67.3‐236.6) 235.0(120.6‐418.2) 391.6(193.8‐712.8) 649.6(324.0‐1,151.1) 1,037.1(508.7‐1,905.4) 1,565.5(807.6‐2,838.4) 2,281.3(1,180.2‐4,101.1) 3,184.6(1,649.1‐5,650.5) 5,131.3(2,620.7‐9,215.2)

Europe, Central 427.2(288.2‐661.8) 980.8(657.7‐1,524.9) 642.0(432.0‐995.3) 2.6(1.3‐4.5) 18.7(9.7‐32.0) 30.6(18.1‐47.7) 35.7(21.9‐57.0) 38.6(24.3‐60.6) 46.4(29.8‐71.9) 61.4(39.4‐96.5) 87.2(57.3‐140.6) 153.5(102.6‐244.8) 274.8(179.0‐433.8) 459.5(289.6‐738.3) 764.8(495.1‐1,180.8) 1,222.5(773.5‐1,922.4) 1,871.9(1,197.6‐2,976.2) 2,755.8(1,766.0‐4,373.1) 3,890.9(2,558.0‐5,957.8) 6,282.7(4,156.0‐9,804.7)

Asia, Central 357.4(234.9‐538.5) 815.5(534.4‐1,240.3) 535.7(351.5‐810.5) 2.4(1.2‐4.1) 17.3(9.1‐29.0) 29.4(17.7‐45.9) 34.6(20.8‐55.5) 37.2(22.6‐59.8) 43.6(27.2‐67.6) 56.5(35.0‐87.4) 79.0(48.3‐122.9) 136.2(85.0‐210.9) 244.2(155.0‐377.9) 404.0(249.1‐629.3) 677.1(436.7‐1,033.8) 1,096.5(691.2‐1,750.8) 1,624.7(1,014.4‐2,549.3) 2,283.5(1,411.9‐3,588.7) 3,071.6(1,935.2‐4,822.1) 4,734.8(2,986.9‐7,361.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 422.3(272.8‐693.1) 969.5(620.0‐1,598.6) 634.7(408.1‐1,043.1) 2.4(1.3‐4.3) 18.1(9.8‐31.9) 30.3(17.7‐49.8) 35.4(20.9‐59.1) 38.3(22.5‐64.1) 46.0(28.0‐77.1) 61.4(37.3‐100.7) 88.2(53.9‐142.5) 155.8(98.1‐259.9) 277.2(171.7‐479.5) 458.6(280.8‐798.3) 758.8(467.1‐1,304.4) 1,208.4(738.1‐1,971.0) 1,861.7(1,145.4‐3,063.2) 2,736.7(1,669.7‐4,506.6) 3,851.2(2,356.3‐6,615.4) 6,089.2(3,649.5‐10,432.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 483.4(256.0‐870.1) 1,112.0(587.9‐1,996.2) 727.3(384.8‐1,306.8) 2.7(1.3‐5.3) 19.5(9.5‐38.6) 32.4(16.5‐63.7) 37.9(19.0‐75.2) 41.3(20.9‐80.3) 50.8(25.9‐95.4) 69.7(35.7‐130.3) 101.9(53.2‐190.5) 182.3(93.8‐344.3) 325.7(165.7‐617.5) 538.3(273.8‐1,012.1) 894.7(449.6‐1,672.3) 1,429.5(714.3‐2,605.8) 2,204.4(1,117.8‐4,017.4) 3,215.8(1,654.2‐5,748.9) 4,429.9(2,312.0‐8,070.9) 6,449.3(3,264.7‐11,926.0)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 425.8(294.9‐594.3) 977.8(673.9‐1,371.1) 640.0(442.1‐895.8) 2.5(1.4‐4.0) 18.2(10.7‐29.1) 30.5(19.9‐46.0) 35.7(23.2‐52.9) 38.6(25.2‐57.1) 46.1(31.0‐66.1) 61.2(42.1‐86.4) 87.4(58.8‐125.6) 154.8(106.0‐224.0) 276.3(185.6‐411.0) 459.7(298.2‐701.1) 765.7(511.1‐1,125.9) 1,226.1(813.5‐1,781.9) 1,891.8(1,259.9‐2,748.4) 2,777.9(1,836.1‐4,018.0) 3,892.0(2,628.5‐5,555.7) 6,100.8(4,244.4‐8,510.0)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 417.0(228.2‐724.4) 957.3(523.4‐1,673.7) 626.7(342.6‐1,091.1) 2.4(1.0‐4.5) 17.7(8.0‐33.8) 29.8(14.5‐54.3) 34.9(17.0‐65.3) 37.9(18.4‐69.7) 45.5(23.2‐80.5) 60.4(31.8‐107.9) 86.4(44.6‐155.7) 152.3(79.8‐275.9) 270.9(142.0‐500.4) 448.7(232.5‐827.0) 744.1(385.5‐1,338.3) 1,188.0(623.5‐2,118.5) 1,838.0(992.3‐3,263.8) 2,713.1(1,449.1‐4,761.4) 3,822.9(2,047.2‐6,628.7) 6,042.0(3,326.8‐10,490.9)

North Africa / Middle East 405.0(291.4‐553.6) 932.0(668.2‐1,276.3) 609.4(438.7‐834.4) 2.3(1.5‐3.4) 16.4(10.8‐24.0) 27.0(19.2‐38.5) 31.4(22.1‐44.0) 34.3(24.1‐48.2) 42.0(30.0‐58.9) 57.2(40.7‐80.2) 83.4(59.0‐117.1) 148.9(106.3‐210.9) 266.3(192.0‐374.2) 441.4(313.2‐629.6) 730.2(520.4‐1,011.8) 1,159.8(813.0‐1,627.8) 1,793.2(1,273.9‐2,464.9) 2,654.0(1,808.1‐3,681.3) 3,744.8(2,621.7‐5,305.1) 5,783.6(4,168.0‐7,972.9)

Asia, South 327.5(282.3‐382.7) 752.1(645.9‐881.0) 492.3(423.9‐575.6) 2.0(1.3‐2.6) 14.2(10.0‐19.0) 23.3(18.2‐29.2) 27.1(21.4‐34.2) 29.4(23.5‐36.7) 35.5(29.2‐43.7) 47.6(39.4‐57.6) 68.4(55.6‐83.2) 121.2(100.8‐146.9) 216.8(178.3‐264.6) 358.6(289.4‐440.2) 592.6(496.3‐712.2) 943.6(761.7‐1,155.6) 1,449.0(1,180.5‐1,767.7) 2,119.9(1,695.4‐2,604.2) 2,958.0(2,420.9‐3,598.5) 4,704.3(3,935.7‐5,669.9)

Oceania 406.2(213.2‐747.4) 935.3(488.8‐1,733.3) 611.4(320.2‐1,128.6) 2.2(1.0‐4.4) 15.9(7.5‐32.1) 26.6(13.5‐50.2) 31.3(15.6‐59.0) 34.2(17.2‐63.6) 41.8(21.5‐76.1) 57.1(28.8‐104.6) 83.3(41.9‐155.7) 148.5(76.8‐274.7) 265.5(136.2‐498.2) 440.2(224.6‐832.2) 729.0(372.5‐1,396.0) 1,162.9(577.7‐2,205.6) 1,799.2(899.8‐3,391.4) 2,655.5(1,337.7‐4,989.6) 3,737.1(1,935.7‐6,869.1) 5,872.0(3,154.2‐10,486.5)

Asia, Southeast 329.6(208.8‐520.9) 755.4(477.1‐1,194.5) 495.0(313.7‐783.3) 2.1(1.1‐3.5) 14.9(8.2‐25.2) 24.8(14.5‐39.7) 28.9(17.4‐46.7) 31.2(18.9‐50.4) 37.1(22.9‐58.4) 48.9(30.9‐78.0) 69.7(44.4‐110.3) 124.0(78.4‐191.8) 223.8(138.1‐362.4) 372.0(228.4‐607.8) 606.0(371.6‐976.0) 947.1(572.6‐1,531.0) 1,439.0(897.1‐2,328.4) 2,098.7(1,292.7‐3,381.6) 2,931.4(1,820.5‐4,726.2) 4,728.7(2,969.9‐7,387.8)

Asia, East 338.6(304.7‐371.9) 779.8(699.3‐859.9) 509.7(458.1‐560.0) 1.9(1.3‐2.4) 13.3(9.7‐17.2) 22.1(18.1‐26.6) 25.7(20.9‐31.0) 28.1(23.3‐33.5) 34.7(29.6‐40.6) 48.2(40.9‐56.2) 70.7(59.3‐83.8) 124.6(107.9‐143.8) 221.7(187.7‐258.1) 367.0(305.3‐437.2) 608.6(520.7‐705.1) 972.7(808.5‐1,165.1) 1,505.3(1,278.7‐1,775.6) 2,212.6(1,854.9‐2,618.5) 3,108.2(2,652.4‐3,594.4) 4,874.8(4,195.1‐5,651.8)

Latin America, Tropical 397.7(356.1‐447.7) 915.0(818.7‐1,034.7) 598.3(536.1‐674.9) 2.3(1.6‐3.1) 16.4(11.7‐21.7) 26.8(21.3‐32.8) 31.2(25.3‐38.2) 34.1(27.9‐42.2) 41.5(34.8‐49.4) 56.1(47.2‐65.8) 81.2(67.4‐96.8) 144.5(123.8‐167.6) 259.1(215.8‐304.1) 430.1(350.0‐516.4) 713.0(604.7‐840.4) 1,137.9(928.2‐1,373.2) 1,758.0(1,476.7‐2,082.0) 2,596.6(2,148.1‐3,121.6) 3,656.6(3,081.3‐4,292.9) 5,758.5(4,950.7‐6,663.4)
Latin America, Central 415.2(249.6‐678.3) 950.8(568.5‐1,549.9) 623.3(372.9‐1,017.4) 2.6(1.3‐4.6) 18.8(9.8‐33.0) 31.7(18.3‐52.3) 37.2(21.7‐61.8) 39.9(23.3‐65.1) 47.2(28.2‐75.3) 62.3(37.5‐101.2) 88.8(52.5‐146.6) 157.3(96.0‐257.2) 282.6(167.1‐450.8) 471.0(273.3‐764.9) 781.4(447.8‐1,276.9) 1,237.7(717.0‐2,049.2) 1,854.5(1,087.7‐3,075.8) 2,639.1(1,526.3‐4,302.3) 3,616.8(2,065.1‐5,991.6) 5,753.2(3,233.8‐9,641.4)

Latin America, Andean 445.8(238.3‐763.5) 1,023.6(547.3‐1,760.0) 670.0(357.9‐1,149.0) 2.6(1.2‐5.1) 19.2(9.2‐36.3) 31.8(16.6‐57.9) 37.1(19.1‐66.8) 40.2(20.7‐71.9) 48.2(24.9‐84.8) 63.9(34.1‐112.1) 91.3(47.9‐161.2) 161.6(86.8‐281.5) 289.3(149.4‐508.1) 480.8(238.8‐852.7) 799.8(409.8‐1,408.1) 1,279.2(665.3‐2,353.3) 1,969.9(1,018.6‐3,553.4) 2,891.9(1,502.7‐5,041.4) 4,061.7(2,142.6‐7,016.0) 6,465.2(3,430.4‐11,012.2)

Caribbean 488.6(304.9‐780.7) 1,123.1(697.2‐1,807.1) 734.9(458.4‐1,178.7) 2.7(1.5‐4.4) 19.8(11.4‐31.8) 33.4(20.3‐50.7) 39.3(24.1‐60.7) 42.8(25.9‐66.3) 52.0(32.0‐80.8) 70.5(43.4‐108.5) 102.3(61.0‐160.6) 183.0(112.0‐281.2) 328.1(201.5‐522.8) 542.5(328.2‐868.4) 902.7(557.7‐1,407.9) 1,444.5(868.8‐2,332.7) 2,233.3(1,358.5‐3,617.1) 3,264.6(1,923.1‐5,336.6) 4,501.8(2,656.8‐7,367.9) 6,465.0(3,708.2‐10,925.7)

Developed 362.5(319.3‐422.3) 830.9(730.9‐968.9) 544.5(479.4‐634.2) 2.3(1.9‐2.9) 16.5(13.4‐20.7) 26.8(22.7‐32.6) 30.7(26.4‐36.7) 33.3(28.9‐39.4) 40.7(35.3‐48.2) 55.0(47.6‐65.4) 78.4(67.8‐92.4) 136.8(120.0‐159.3) 240.7(211.7‐275.7) 394.1(333.1‐476.9) 652.5(565.5‐778.2) 1,039.1(882.3‐1,271.1) 1,590.0(1,389.5‐1,874.1) 2,344.1(2,057.9‐2,725.9) 3,306.3(2,875.5‐3,870.3) 5,167.5(4,565.1‐5,998.8)

Developing 358.2(329.8‐393.0) 822.8(756.8‐902.2) 538.4(495.8‐590.4) 2.1(1.8‐2.5) 15.4(13.2‐17.8) 25.5(22.7‐28.6) 29.3(26.0‐32.8) 31.6(28.2‐35.3) 38.4(34.6‐42.6) 51.9(47.1‐57.6) 74.7(67.6‐82.8) 132.6(120.5‐145.9) 237.2(213.8‐264.1) 392.1(350.4‐439.7) 648.1(586.7‐719.0) 1,033.9(928.6‐1,158.3) 1,589.3(1,437.0‐1,780.6) 2,324.9(2,104.5‐2,590.9) 3,254.8(2,950.5‐3,607.8) 5,107.9(4,656.3‐5,610.2)

Global 359.9(334.7‐392.6) 826.5(768.4‐902.3) 541.0(502.9‐590.5) 2.1(1.9‐2.5) 15.5(13.6‐17.6) 25.7(23.2‐28.5) 29.5(26.8‐32.6) 31.9(28.9‐35.1) 38.9(35.5‐42.6) 52.7(48.2‐57.7) 75.7(69.4‐83.0) 133.9(123.6‐145.4) 238.2(220.0‐259.5) 392.8(359.0‐432.1) 649.6(599.3‐708.2) 1,036.0(943.3‐1,147.3) 1,589.6(1,455.7‐1,745.4) 2,333.1(2,146.6‐2,559.8) 3,281.8(3,018.2‐3,635.3) 5,143.5(4,746.3‐5,689.2)
Supplemental Table 2. Median Percentage Change in Prevalence and DALYs related to Atrial Fibrillation for all GBD Regions

DALYs (per 100,000) Prevalence (per 100,000)

Region 1990 2010 Median % change, 1990 2010 Median %

1990 to 2010 change, 1990 to

Global 45.6 54.5 19.9 452.0 474.0 5.0

(34.0 - 59.7) (41.9 - 69.9) (10.7 to 29.6) (430.4 - 477.9) (452.6 - 496.3) (-2.7 to 12.0)

Asia Pacific, High 36.0 39.6 8.6 263.6 260.9 -1.0

Income (28.7 - 45.7) (29.6 - 53.0) (-9.5 to 38.1) (243.5 - 286.1) (241.2 - 285.0) (-11.7 to 11.3)

Asia, Central 37.0 41.1 10.4 448.4 484.8 7.9

(23.7 - 56.1) (27.1 - 61.2) (-22.2 to 62.2) (333.0 - 608.6) (362.5 - 640.2) (-26.3 to 62.8)

Asia, East 40.1 42.7 6.6 409.4 395.1 -3.5

(27.7 - 55.4) (30.4 - 57.9) (-12.2 to 29.6) (381.9 - 440.1) (370.3 - 421.1) (-12.1 to 5.5)

Asia, South 37.8 43.3 13.9 423.0 447.7 5.9

(25.4 - 52.3) (29.4 - 61.5) (-4.7 to 38.9) (378.6 - 481.5) (403.5 - 502.9) (-10.1 to 23.5)

Asia, Southeast 35.6 40.6 13.9 428.0 456.3 6.8

(22.3 - 54.5) (26.3 - 60.9) (-22.6 to 67.9) (302.7 - 592.6) (331.4 - 612.3) (-31.2 to 63.7)

Australasia 61.6 74.0 19.8 575.9 580.8 1.0

(46.0 - 81.3) (55.8 - 96.0) (-1.1 to 49.2) (509.4 - 672.1) (514.4 - 667.7) (-17.4 to 21.7)

Caribbean 62.1 71.0 15.2 640.8 661.9 3.7

(41.6 - 93.4) (49.4 - 101.8) (-21.4 to 63.9) (448.8 - 889.2) (468.2 - 950.7) (-36.3 to 65.9)

Europe, Central 54.4 65.1 20.2 558.4 602.2 7.9

(37.7 - 77.0) (47.2 - 91.7) (-11.8 to 60.0) (429.5 - 730.1) (453.9 - 802.7) (-26.5 to 56.9)

Europe, Eastern 37.4 45.0 19.5 440.5 496.4 11.3

(21.8 - 60.0) (26.7 - 72.0) (-29.7 to 108.7) (277.6 - 658.7) (310.7 - 746.0) (-37.9 to 112.2)

Europe, Western 52.0 71.0 36.9 419.4 464.9 11.1

(40.9 - 65.7) (57.0 - 87.4) (20.1 to 54.9) (378.0 - 475.1) (420.0 - 526.3) (-6.8 to 30.0)

Latin America, 50.9 55.3 9.0 561.5 594.0 6.7

Andean (31.0 - 78.1) (34.6 - 89.1) (-34.6 to 76.2) (376.8 - 831.4) (385.2 - 909.8) (-41.7 to 89.6)

Latin America, 48.1 54.0 11.6 533.2 546.4 2.0

Central (30.8 - 74.5) (35.4 - 80.2) (-28.2 to 73.3) (361.9 - 781.0) (372.5 - 797.5) (-41.0 to 71.9)

Latin America, 57.9 67.9 16.6 565.4 604.6 7.4

Southern (36.7 - 88.5) (45.0 - 107.2) (-28.2 to 92.4) (345.9 - 872.3) (372.0 - 980.5) (-44.9 to 107.4)

Latin America, 51.5 66.5 28.7 504.4 546.8 8.4

Tropical (39.2 - 67.3) (50.4 - 86.1) (11.9 to 51.7) (467.7 - 542.3) (508.8 - 589.8) (-2.6 to 20.8)
North Africa / 60.8 67.1 10.9 520.9 537.1 2.6
Middle East (42.5 - 84.3) (50.4 - 88.9) (-12.9 to 42.4) (422.9 - 643.4) (430.6 - 665.4) (-24.5 to 42.2)

North America, 57.8 81.2 40.1 612.7 702.2 15.0

High Income (41.8 - 77.9) (59.5 - 106.4) (20.5 to 69.5) (567.8 - 662.5) (645.2 - 759.7) (1.6 to 28.3)

Oceania 50.1 87.3 76.1 528.0 502.3 -4.4

(31.5 - 77.6) (55.9 - 127.7) (6.3 to 183.4) (345.8 - 797.9) (326.3 - 772.8) (-48.1 to 75.1)

Sub-Saharan 44.4 48.7 10.3 513.8 547.8 5.9

Africa, Central (25.5 - 72.6) (29.2 - 78.3) (-36.4 to 84.2) (334.7 - 794.1) (345.2 - 853.5) (-43.0 to 95.9)

Sub-Saharan 45.0 46.2 3.4 513.9 518.8 1.8

Africa, East (29.3 - 64.9) (31.2 - 65.4) (-24.2 to 40.0) (396.6 - 653.3) (406.0 - 660.7) (-28.4 to 45.0)

Sub-Saharan 60.8 72.3 19.5 570.2 618.1 8.7

Africa, Southern (39.6 - 91.2) (48.4 - 107.2) (-27.5 to 95.7) (353.0 - 862.7) (382.4 - 990.5) (-42.7 to 109.4)

Sub-Saharan 43.4 48.7 13.7 495.7 533.8 8.8

Africa, West (26.6 - 69.3) (31.8 - 74.4) (-26.5 to 71.6) (351.0 - 717.2) (381.5 - 761.2) (-32.8 to 74.2)
Supplemental Table 3a. Estimated age-standardized incidence rates of Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100,000

person years) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 2010

GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 264.5(221.1‐311.3) 621.9(519.7‐732.9) 400.9(335.1‐472.1) 7.1(5.2‐9.5) 12.8(10.1‐16.1) 4.3(1.6‐7.7) 2.6(1.3‐4.7) 5.1(3.3‐7.9) 13.7(10.2‐18.0) 22.3(16.0‐29.7) 46.6(37.4‐56.9) 94.2(74.8‐114.9) 141.1(108.4‐174.0) 237.5(190.5‐286.5) 409.2(314.3‐514.7) 688.2(557.6‐851.0) 1,138.4(880.0‐1,440.6) 1,766.1(1,420.5‐2,151.3) 2,675.3(2,070.1‐3,328.5) 4,570.2(3,716.5‐5,494.3)

Latin America, Southern 92.0(40.9‐176.6) 214.9(95.4‐414.2) 138.9(61.7‐267.4) 3.4(1.4‐7.0) 6.2(2.7‐12.2) 2.2(0.5‐5.9) 1.4(0.4‐3.6) 2.3(0.8‐5.6) 5.9(2.5‐12.0) 9.5(4.0‐19.6) 20.8(9.5‐39.2) 44.1(19.8‐86.9) 67.5(29.5‐134.5) 108.5(49.6‐214.4) 176.7(73.6‐361.9) 269.5(113.5‐532.8) 401.1(156.4‐842.4) 577.1(240.5‐1,186.4) 821.4(347.9‐1,627.9) 1,296.4(599.6‐2,443.1)

Europe, Western 102.9(78.9‐134.6) 242.0(185.6‐316.5) 155.8(119.5‐203.8) 3.2(2.1‐4.6) 5.8(4.2‐7.8) 2.1(0.7‐4.0) 1.1(0.5‐2.0) 1.7(1.1‐2.9) 4.7(3.3‐6.7) 7.7(5.2‐11.1) 17.4(12.6‐23.8) 37.9(27.4‐50.9) 58.5(41.6‐79.6) 103.2(76.3‐135.1) 185.7(128.2‐254.5) 294.4(216.5‐391.0) 462.2(329.5‐634.5) 710.9(522.0‐935.7) 1,023.8(733.3‐1,421.2) 1,528.7(1,125.6‐2,102.4)

Australasia 117.8(44.3‐254.7) 276.6(103.5‐599.0) 178.3(66.9‐385.9) 3.7(1.4‐8.0) 6.6(2.5‐14.9) 2.3(0.4‐6.5) 1.4(0.4‐3.8) 2.4(0.9‐5.7) 6.1(2.2‐13.7) 9.8(3.4‐22.8) 21.7(8.0‐48.2) 45.6(16.1‐99.2) 69.6(24.8‐151.8) 114.9(42.4‐251.5) 193.6(69.2‐450.9) 301.5(112.2‐700.0) 455.7(158.4‐1,052.5) 712.8(258.7‐1,601.9) 1,135.9(402.6‐2,573.5) 2,183.3(792.0‐4,709.8)

Asia Pacific, High Income 33.8(12.7‐76.8) 78.4(29.5‐178.3) 50.8(19.1‐115.8) 1.6(0.6‐3.7) 2.8(1.1‐6.5) 1.0(0.2‐2.5) 0.6(0.2‐1.5) 1.0(0.4‐2.5) 2.5(1.0‐5.9) 4.1(1.6‐9.7) 9.6(3.9‐22.1) 20.7(8.2‐45.7) 31.7(12.7‐69.9) 52.7(21.5‐118.3) 91.3(34.6‐213.5) 124.9(46.3‐294.2) 146.9(51.6‐366.4) 175.1(60.6‐433.2) 214.9(74.8‐533.4) 360.5(124.8‐851.5)

Europe, Eastern 57.1(26.2‐115.9) 132.0(60.0‐267.3) 85.6(39.1‐173.0) 3.6(1.4‐7.8) 6.7(2.9‐13.9) 2.3(0.4‐6.3) 1.1(0.3‐3.0) 1.6(0.6‐3.9) 4.2(1.7‐9.0) 6.9(2.7‐14.8) 15.8(6.9‐32.9) 34.4(14.4‐75.7) 52.9(21.4‐118.5) 82.3(34.3‐174.2) 128.6(49.6‐276.8) 185.4(77.9‐394.7) 261.8(111.0‐579.8) 344.8(147.0‐750.7) 436.4(189.3‐906.6) 596.3(253.4‐1,195.1)

Europe, Central 90.2(56.1‐143.2) 210.0(130.8‐333.2) 135.9(84.5‐215.7) 4.1(2.0‐7.3) 7.4(4.2‐12.6) 2.7(0.7‐6.1) 1.5(0.5‐3.4) 2.4(1.1‐4.9) 6.1(3.3‐11.5) 9.7(5.1‐18.2) 21.6(12.7‐36.3) 45.9(26.3‐73.9) 73.2(40.3‐117.8) 117.3(69.8‐191.6) 188.6(100.7‐333.4) 283.6(161.5‐489.4) 411.8(222.6‐704.5) 559.1(327.7‐924.5) 756.0(428.1‐1,259.3) 1,102.6(631.3‐1,768.4)

Asia, Central 55.0(33.7‐85.4) 126.6(77.5‐198.5) 82.1(50.4‐128.3) 3.6(1.7‐6.7) 6.8(3.7‐11.4) 2.6(0.5‐6.5) 1.2(0.3‐2.8) 1.5(0.7‐2.9) 4.2(2.1‐7.8) 7.1(3.4‐13.2) 17.4(10.2‐28.9) 39.7(22.0‐66.6) 62.0(33.2‐106.4) 90.0(51.3‐145.8) 128.2(65.9‐225.2) 176.0(95.6‐305.7) 239.7(124.4‐424.9) 312.6(167.9‐536.2) 389.7(217.7‐675.4) 517.2(293.0‐860.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 57.0(33.7‐93.7) 132.0(78.1‐217.0) 85.5(50.6‐140.4) 3.3(1.6‐6.1) 6.2(3.4‐10.7) 2.2(0.4‐5.7) 1.2(0.3‐2.9) 1.5(0.6‐3.3) 4.0(2.1‐7.3) 6.4(3.2‐12.1) 14.5(8.4‐24.5) 31.8(17.6‐54.9) 49.1(25.7‐86.9) 78.0(43.9‐130.1) 125.9(66.0‐220.0) 185.6(98.9‐326.6) 263.9(132.7‐482.1) 351.8(184.0‐626.1) 456.7(240.4‐787.7) 617.0(336.7‐1,063.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 76.9(31.4‐164.1) 178.7(72.8‐380.5) 115.7(47.0‐246.3) 3.6(1.4‐8.0) 6.7(2.6‐14.1) 2.4(0.5‐7.2) 1.3(0.4‐3.6) 2.0(0.7‐4.8) 5.3(1.9‐11.8) 8.7(3.1‐20.1) 19.4(7.4‐41.9) 41.8(16.2‐94.1) 64.4(24.1‐146.5) 103.5(38.9‐228.2) 168.0(58.4‐386.1) 250.1(91.6‐566.6) 356.6(125.9‐811.9) 475.8(187.9‐1,082.3) 623.4(257.8‐1,359.5) 864.2(363.0‐1,813.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 55.0(36.4‐82.0) 127.1(83.9‐189.8) 82.3(54.5‐122.9) 3.4(1.8‐5.4) 6.3(3.9‐9.5) 2.3(0.6‐5.4) 1.1(0.3‐2.4) 1.4(0.7‐2.8) 3.8(2.1‐6.4) 6.3(3.4‐10.8) 14.3(9.2‐21.7) 31.2(18.9‐48.6) 48.2(28.1‐77.4) 76.8(49.2‐121.7) 124.0(65.7‐211.4) 181.4(103.4‐294.3) 256.2(141.3‐435.1) 337.7(196.1‐560.2) 430.4(253.0‐712.1) 574.1(341.2‐910.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 60.1(30.5‐113.4) 139.3(70.3‐263.8) 90.1(45.7‐170.0) 3.3(1.3‐7.0) 6.3(2.8‐12.7) 2.2(0.4‐6.4) 1.2(0.3‐3.2) 1.5(0.5‐3.5) 4.0(1.7‐7.9) 6.5(2.6‐13.4) 14.9(6.9‐28.5) 32.8(14.7‐65.4) 50.8(22.4‐102.6) 81.7(38.6‐163.4) 133.6(57.0‐277.0) 196.6(90.7‐393.2) 279.8(122.7‐539.1) 372.5(170.7‐714.6) 483.3(226.3‐976.1) 653.4(313.8‐1,304.6)

North Africa / Middle East 73.4(50.1‐109.9) 171.1(116.4‐255.8) 110.7(75.5‐165.6) 3.2(2.0‐4.8) 5.7(3.9‐8.6) 1.9(0.5‐3.9) 1.1(0.4‐2.3) 1.8(1.0‐3.4) 4.8(3.0‐7.2) 7.8(4.7‐11.9) 17.2(11.7‐24.7) 36.4(24.3‐53.9) 55.2(34.9‐84.8) 88.2(58.6‐132.7) 143.2(85.0‐232.3) 218.8(138.4‐348.3) 328.2(202.6‐508.7) 461.4(284.0‐714.5) 643.1(394.7‐1,020.9) 986.3(620.6‐1,546.1)

Asia, South 51.5(22.6‐110.5) 119.4(52.3‐256.7) 77.3(33.9‐165.9) 2.7(1.1‐6.2) 5.0(2.1‐11.0) 1.8(0.4‐4.7) 1.0(0.3‐2.3) 1.4(0.5‐3.1) 3.6(1.5‐8.0) 5.9(2.4‐13.3) 13.4(5.9‐29.1) 29.2(12.4‐63.2) 45.0(18.7‐99.2) 71.4(29.7‐155.5) 114.7(43.3‐273.0) 167.8(69.1‐375.4) 237.4(95.7‐521.8) 313.5(131.4‐707.2) 401.8(165.4‐921.6) 567.5(234.9‐1,223.9)

Oceania 229.5(120.5‐429.1) 542.1(285.5‐1,013.7) 348.7(183.4‐651.7) 4.0(1.7‐8.3) 7.6(3.6‐15.4) 3.4(0.8‐8.6) 2.1(0.6‐5.6) 3.7(1.5‐8.9) 9.7(4.3‐21.2) 15.6(6.6‐34.1) 34.2(16.8‐71.2) 73.4(35.5‐153.8) 113.3(54.3‐231.7) 190.0(96.2‐370.5) 325.8(150.1‐671.5) 538.5(256.1‐1,053.0) 881.0(397.6‐1,797.0) 1,469.6(711.8‐2,879.0) 2,514.1(1,223.2‐4,880.1) 4,522.6(2,447.4‐8,484.6)

Asia, Southeast 48.9(29.4‐79.2) 112.7(67.4‐183.2) 73.2(44.0‐118.9) 3.1(1.6‐5.4) 5.6(3.2‐9.5) 1.9(0.4‐4.4) 1.0(0.3‐2.2) 1.5(0.7‐3.0) 4.0(1.9‐7.0) 6.6(3.1‐11.8) 14.4(8.1‐24.3) 30.3(17.2‐50.3) 46.2(25.9‐78.2) 71.6(41.6‐115.8) 112.4(58.8‐198.7) 162.1(88.6‐272.5) 225.6(118.6‐389.7) 291.1(158.5‐511.0) 362.0(195.4‐651.8) 488.7(276.5‐840.9)

Asia, East 44.5(15.6‐106.2) 102.9(36.0‐245.7) 66.8(23.4‐159.6) 2.5(0.9‐6.1) 4.5(1.6‐10.6) 1.5(0.2‐4.3) 0.8(0.2‐2.3) 1.2(0.3‐3.4) 3.4(1.1‐8.6) 5.7(1.8‐13.9) 12.4(4.3‐28.4) 25.5(8.7‐57.6) 38.7(13.3‐89.0) 60.4(21.0‐135.4) 94.4(29.7‐221.5) 141.0(47.3‐333.1) 210.3(70.4‐533.6) 278.8(92.3‐696.4) 345.9(116.3‐847.1) 488.2(164.5‐1,151.5)

Latin America, Tropical 78.7(24.0‐181.2) 183.7(55.9‐423.0) 118.7(36.2‐273.4) 3.3(1.0‐7.8) 5.9(1.9‐13.9) 2.2(0.4‐6.3) 1.2(0.3‐3.6) 1.9(0.5‐5.0) 4.8(1.5‐11.8) 7.8(2.3‐19.8) 17.5(5.4‐41.9) 37.5(11.3‐91.6) 57.5(17.3‐142.5) 92.6(27.3‐216.4) 152.3(42.2‐379.3) 232.4(66.7‐559.3) 346.8(100.1‐820.2) 496.9(143.6‐1,181.7) 706.6(211.4‐1,661.8) 1,087.2(326.7‐2,636.7)

Latin America, Central 61.5(32.0‐113.2) 142.5(73.9‐262.8) 92.3(48.0‐170.3) 3.5(1.6‐6.8) 6.4(3.1‐11.8) 2.3(0.4‐6.0) 1.2(0.3‐2.7) 1.6(0.7‐3.6) 4.3(2.0‐8.9) 7.1(3.2‐14.8) 16.2(7.9‐31.7) 34.9(16.9‐68.2) 53.6(24.8‐105.1) 84.7(42.0‐164.8) 135.2(59.8‐266.6) 199.6(95.0‐381.0) 289.1(127.3‐570.2) 382.6(179.8‐745.9) 484.7(220.2‐973.5) 657.3(314.3‐1,240.7)

Latin America, Andean 65.7(33.1‐123.2) 152.5(76.8‐286.0) 98.7(49.8‐184.7) 3.6(1.6‐7.2) 6.5(3.1‐12.4) 2.3(0.4‐6.1) 1.2(0.3‐3.2) 1.7(0.6‐4.0) 4.5(1.9‐9.7) 7.3(3.0‐15.8) 16.6(7.8‐32.1) 35.9(16.7‐72.1) 55.3(25.2‐110.8) 88.2(43.3‐167.8) 142.6(61.7‐294.6) 210.8(93.6‐402.5) 302.0(128.3‐609.5) 406.5(178.6‐811.7) 534.0(240.4‐1,099.9) 745.4(337.4‐1,479.7)

Caribbean 103.7(60.6‐178.0) 241.9(141.7‐415.2) 156.4(91.5‐268.4) 4.2(2.2‐8.0) 7.6(4.1‐13.7) 2.8(0.7‐6.6) 1.6(0.6‐3.5) 2.5(1.2‐5.0) 6.7(3.6‐11.4) 10.7(5.6‐18.6) 23.6(13.6‐38.6) 49.9(28.1‐87.6) 76.3(41.4‐136.1) 123.8(70.7‐207.0) 204.5(106.7‐357.7) 310.7(170.3‐523.4) 459.7(234.7‐835.9) 654.0(350.8‐1,144.3) 927.0(482.4‐1,742.3) 1,394.0(769.6‐2,574.9)

Developed 123.4(107.6‐141.5) 289.1(252.3‐331.0) 186.6(162.6‐213.9) 4.4(3.5‐5.5) 7.9(6.7‐9.6) 2.7(1.6‐4.1) 1.5(1.0‐2.3) 2.6(2.0‐3.5) 6.9(5.6‐8.5) 11.0(8.9‐13.5) 23.7(20.1‐27.9) 50.1(42.4‐59.2) 77.5(64.7‐92.5) 130.9(111.6‐152.9) 222.7(183.7‐268.6) 351.7(298.9‐414.0) 544.5(451.0‐645.3) 780.2(660.3‐908.0) 1,148.4(964.3‐1,365.8) 1,922.5(1,645.7‐2,252.5)

Developing 53.8(38.7‐79.8) 124.7(89.4‐185.1) 80.8(57.9‐120.1) 3.0(2.3‐4.1) 5.5(4.2‐7.3) 1.9(1.2‐3.0) 1.0(0.7‐1.6) 1.5(1.0‐2.2) 3.9(2.9‐5.6) 6.4(4.6‐9.4) 14.2(10.3‐20.6) 30.0(21.3‐44.3) 46.1(32.8‐67.1) 72.5(51.3‐105.2) 114.4(77.5‐172.9) 170.0(118.5‐255.8) 247.6(169.5‐378.9) 331.6(232.1‐498.9) 429.2(303.0‐645.7) 618.0(437.4‐900.0)

Global 77.5(65.2‐95.4) 181.2(152.6‐222.8) 116.9(98.4‐143.9) 3.2(2.5‐4.1) 5.8(4.6‐7.4) 2.0(1.3‐3.0) 1.1(0.8‐1.6) 1.6(1.2‐2.3) 4.4(3.5‐5.9) 7.2(5.7‐9.7) 16.0(12.7‐21.2) 34.0(26.9‐44.6) 53.3(42.2‐69.4) 87.2(69.9‐112.2) 143.1(113.7‐188.5) 225.0(184.0‐288.0) 341.7(276.0‐431.5) 487.5(404.2‐601.2) 697.9(585.0‐840.2) 1,152.2(983.4‐1,347.5)

GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 196.3(164.9‐232.3) 462.8(387.8‐547.6) 297.9(250.2‐352.2) 4.5(3.3‐6.0) 8.2(6.5‐10.3) 3.0(1.3‐5.2) 1.7(0.8‐2.9) 3.2(2.2‐4.9) 9.0(6.7‐11.6) 14.7(10.5‐19.3) 30.7(24.3‐37.5) 62.0(49.4‐76.5) 92.8(71.3‐117.5) 155.8(125.3‐188.9) 267.4(199.8‐341.0) 455.2(367.9‐557.0) 763.8(574.6‐979.3) 1,280.4(1,018.0‐1,585.9) 2,125.7(1,655.6‐2,675.6) 3,897.3(3,174.6‐4,733.1)

Latin America, Southern 60.4(27.3‐121.1) 141.3(64.2‐282.9) 91.2(41.4‐183.1) 2.1(0.9‐4.4) 3.8(1.6‐7.7) 1.4(0.3‐3.9) 0.8(0.2‐2.1) 1.3(0.5‐3.1) 3.6(1.5‐7.6) 5.7(2.3‐12.7) 12.9(5.6‐25.5) 27.9(12.0‐57.3) 42.9(18.4‐89.3) 68.1(30.7‐137.1) 109.3(45.2‐229.3) 168.8(72.9‐357.2) 256.9(104.6‐553.8) 380.2(158.5‐767.9) 556.2(225.4‐1,175.3) 914.0(393.3‐1,897.4)

Europe, Western 91.5(68.6‐120.6) 216.1(162.0‐284.7) 138.8(104.1‐183.0) 2.1(1.4‐3.2) 4.0(2.8‐5.5) 1.5(0.5‐2.7) 0.8(0.3‐1.3) 1.2(0.8‐2.1) 3.4(2.3‐4.8) 5.6(3.7‐8.0) 12.4(9.0‐16.7) 26.8(19.3‐36.4) 41.2(28.9‐56.8) 71.5(52.5‐95.3) 126.6(90.0‐174.7) 210.6(158.3‐282.0) 356.9(254.2‐492.2) 634.0(471.7‐844.1) 1,041.6(744.5‐1,428.7) 1,748.2(1,273.6‐2,371.1)

Australasia 91.4(36.9‐196.6) 215.5(87.0‐462.5) 138.7(55.9‐298.0) 2.3(0.8‐5.1) 4.1(1.6‐9.0) 1.5(0.3‐3.9) 0.9(0.2‐2.3) 1.5(0.5‐3.6) 4.0(1.5‐9.3) 6.5(2.4‐15.0) 14.5(5.6‐34.0) 30.6(12.0‐71.9) 46.7(18.1‐109.6) 77.4(31.7‐177.5) 130.7(51.9‐283.0) 209.2(81.8‐457.7) 327.9(115.2‐744.6) 540.3(202.1‐1,174.8) 900.9(321.6‐2,094.8) 1,984.6(778.2‐4,367.7)

Asia Pacific, High Income 19.8(8.3‐47.2) 46.0(19.2‐110.2) 29.8(12.4‐71.2) 1.0(0.4‐2.1) 1.7(0.7‐3.6) 0.6(0.1‐1.4) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 0.6(0.2‐1.3) 1.4(0.6‐3.0) 2.2(0.9‐4.9) 5.3(2.3‐11.4) 11.8(5.1‐24.9) 18.3(8.0‐38.4) 29.0(12.7‐63.3) 46.7(19.5‐104.6) 64.6(26.1‐152.8) 82.1(30.2‐203.4) 106.4(40.4‐260.5) 141.4(54.2‐347.5) 251.7(99.1‐603.9)

Europe, Eastern 34.1(16.0‐71.8) 79.0(37.0‐166.3) 51.1(23.9‐107.7) 2.0(0.8‐4.4) 3.6(1.6‐7.9) 1.2(0.2‐3.0) 0.6(0.2‐1.6) 0.9(0.3‐2.2) 2.3(0.9‐5.2) 3.8(1.4‐8.3) 8.8(3.8‐19.0) 19.6(8.4‐42.1) 30.3(12.6‐66.1) 47.8(20.7‐102.9) 75.8(29.8‐166.0) 110.0(46.1‐234.1) 155.6(65.7‐324.5) 208.0(93.5‐433.9) 269.8(119.1‐601.8) 371.4(162.9‐786.0)

Europe, Central 54.5(32.9‐90.8) 126.9(76.3‐211.2) 82.1(49.6‐136.8) 2.6(1.2‐4.6) 4.7(2.4‐8.0) 1.6(0.3‐3.9) 0.9(0.3‐2.1) 1.4(0.6‐3.0) 3.6(1.8‐6.8) 5.7(2.8‐10.6) 12.8(7.3‐22.9) 27.4(14.6‐49.2) 43.7(22.2‐81.2) 69.9(39.9‐126.3) 112.6(55.1‐224.1) 170.2(91.5‐312.6) 249.0(130.3‐442.5) 339.1(184.9‐594.5) 463.6(248.6‐818.0) 672.6(381.5‐1,169.4)

Asia, Central 29.2(18.6‐45.8) 67.3(42.5‐105.2) 43.6(27.7‐68.5) 2.1(0.9‐3.9) 3.9(2.1‐6.7) 1.5(0.2‐4.0) 0.7(0.2‐1.7) 0.8(0.3‐1.7) 2.2(1.0‐4.0) 3.6(1.6‐6.9) 8.4(4.8‐14.2) 18.6(10.4‐32.4) 28.9(15.2‐50.6) 47.2(27.8‐79.4) 78.7(40.6‐139.6) 107.5(58.9‐179.5) 132.8(69.3‐238.3) 161.8(84.3‐292.0) 195.1(104.4‐333.7) 249.6(143.2‐417.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 41.7(24.3‐74.1) 96.8(56.2‐172.0) 62.7(36.3‐111.2) 2.1(1.0‐4.0) 3.9(2.1‐7.4) 1.4(0.3‐3.5) 0.8(0.2‐1.8) 1.1(0.5‐2.3) 2.8(1.4‐5.2) 4.5(2.3‐8.6) 10.1(5.9‐18.0) 22.2(12.1‐40.7) 34.2(17.6‐65.0) 54.9(30.6‐98.7) 89.2(45.0‐166.1) 133.1(70.5‐244.2) 192.3(92.0‐370.3) 260.6(133.2‐504.8) 345.2(176.3‐649.2) 480.9(260.7‐874.5)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 62.2(25.8‐133.0) 145.4(60.3‐310.9) 93.9(39.0‐201.3) 2.3(0.9‐5.0) 4.2(1.8‐9.3) 1.6(0.3‐4.3) 0.9(0.2‐2.2) 1.4(0.5‐3.4) 3.8(1.5‐8.7) 6.2(2.4‐14.6) 13.7(5.7‐31.4) 29.2(10.9‐65.5) 44.6(16.1‐101.5) 72.5(28.2‐163.2) 119.5(41.2‐273.8) 182.7(70.7‐419.7) 270.9(99.0‐650.3) 393.8(151.6‐927.3) 576.9(223.5‐1,250.5) 863.5(346.7‐1,913.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 38.0(24.9‐57.9) 88.3(57.8‐135.1) 57.1(37.4‐87.2) 2.0(1.1‐3.2) 3.7(2.3‐5.7) 1.3(0.3‐3.0) 0.7(0.2‐1.5) 1.0(0.5‐1.9) 2.5(1.4‐4.1) 4.1(2.2‐6.7) 9.3(5.9‐14.0) 20.3(12.3‐32.7) 31.3(18.3‐52.0) 50.4(31.8‐79.2) 82.4(46.4‐136.6) 123.2(72.5‐198.7) 178.4(94.8‐316.7) 238.9(133.9‐407.1) 308.6(171.7‐514.1) 426.2(257.6‐665.1)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 41.7(20.2‐81.0) 96.9(46.9‐188.1) 62.7(30.3‐121.9) 2.1(0.8‐4.5) 3.9(1.7‐7.8) 1.4(0.3‐3.8) 0.8(0.2‐1.9) 1.1(0.4‐2.4) 2.8(1.2‐6.0) 4.6(1.9‐9.7) 10.2(4.7‐20.1) 22.2(10.2‐43.5) 34.2(15.2‐67.4) 54.6(25.8‐108.9) 88.2(38.1‐179.9) 131.8(58.5‐264.7) 192.0(84.1‐401.5) 261.2(116.9‐531.1) 346.8(148.3‐699.0) 486.6(222.6‐948.3)

North Africa / Middle East 49.9(33.1‐73.9) 116.7(77.4‐173.4) 75.3(50.1‐111.8) 2.0(1.2‐2.9) 3.6(2.5‐5.2) 1.2(0.3‐2.5) 0.7(0.3‐1.4) 1.1(0.6‐1.9) 2.9(1.8‐4.4) 4.7(2.8‐7.2) 10.4(7.0‐15.1) 22.3(14.8‐33.6) 34.2(21.7‐52.5) 55.1(36.7‐81.7) 90.6(55.7‐143.0) 142.9(91.4‐226.3) 223.4(132.0‐351.6) 321.4(197.2‐495.0) 456.2(276.5‐708.7) 730.0(463.1‐1,136.8)

Asia, South 35.9(15.0‐82.4) 83.3(34.9‐191.3) 53.9(22.6‐123.9) 1.8(0.7‐3.9) 3.1(1.3‐6.8) 1.1(0.2‐2.9) 0.6(0.2‐1.8) 0.9(0.3‐2.5) 2.4(1.0‐5.5) 3.9(1.5‐8.8) 8.8(3.8‐19.5) 18.9(7.9‐43.8) 29.0(11.9‐68.2) 46.7(18.7‐109.0) 76.0(26.5‐182.2) 113.2(43.7‐258.5) 163.4(64.1‐374.0) 222.0(85.3‐499.8) 296.0(113.1‐686.2) 431.8(169.5‐1,015.3)
Oceania 126.6(64.3‐242.6) 299.0(152.1‐571.5) 192.4(97.6‐368.1) 2.3(1.0‐5.0) 4.4(2.0‐9.4) 2.0(0.5‐5.5) 1.2(0.3‐3.3) 2.1(0.9‐4.8) 5.5(2.5‐11.3) 8.8(3.8‐18.4) 19.0(9.1‐39.3) 40.3(19.2‐79.3) 62.1(28.8‐120.7) 105.0(50.8‐203.6) 181.5(82.6‐382.8) 297.6(140.8‐606.9) 479.2(219.9‐967.6) 800.4(381.1‐1,558.3) 1,373.1(643.6‐2,742.3) 2,529.3(1,324.0‐4,844.3)

Asia, Southeast 31.4(19.6‐50.8) 72.7(45.2‐117.7) 47.1(29.4‐76.2) 1.9(1.0‐3.2) 3.3(1.9‐5.6) 1.1(0.3‐2.7) 0.6(0.2‐1.5) 0.9(0.4‐2.1) 2.3(1.2‐4.0) 3.7(1.7‐6.7) 8.4(4.8‐14.2) 18.1(10.0‐30.5) 27.8(14.9‐47.5) 43.6(25.8‐72.5) 69.7(36.4‐116.1) 102.8(57.9‐171.4) 146.8(74.4‐261.8) 192.9(102.9‐342.3) 243.8(132.4‐416.0) 334.8(185.3‐542.1)

Asia, East 39.1(12.5‐96.7) 91.2(29.1‐226.1) 59.0(18.8‐146.0) 1.6(0.5‐4.1) 2.9(0.9‐7.2) 1.1(0.2‐3.2) 0.6(0.1‐1.8) 0.9(0.2‐2.6) 2.5(0.7‐6.2) 4.1(1.2‐10.4) 9.1(2.8‐22.9) 19.1(5.7‐47.4) 29.1(8.8‐71.8) 45.3(14.1‐112.3) 70.5(20.8‐196.6) 107.2(33.6‐267.9) 164.2(52.1‐397.3) 245.4(77.6‐614.4) 365.6(108.6‐945.8) 574.3(179.5‐1,403.2)

Latin America, Tropical 55.7(18.3‐136.5) 130.4(42.7‐320.0) 84.1(27.6‐206.0) 2.0(0.7‐5.1) 3.7(1.3‐9.2) 1.4(0.3‐4.4) 0.8(0.2‐2.4) 1.2(0.3‐3.0) 3.1(0.9‐7.5) 4.9(1.5‐12.5) 11.1(3.7‐27.2) 24.1(8.0‐59.9) 37.0(12.2‐95.0) 59.9(19.7‐150.0) 99.0(30.3‐257.8) 152.5(47.9‐379.3) 229.7(71.1‐622.3) 347.0(112.4‐903.8) 529.7(175.0‐1,312.1) 893.1(290.8‐2,226.1)

Latin America, Central 37.8(18.7‐71.0) 87.7(43.4‐163.6) 56.7(28.1‐106.3) 2.1(1.0‐4.2) 3.8(1.9‐7.5) 1.3(0.3‐3.5) 0.7(0.2‐1.7) 0.9(0.4‐2.2) 2.5(1.1‐4.9) 4.1(1.8‐8.3) 9.6(4.7‐18.1) 21.2(9.7‐40.8) 32.7(14.7‐63.5) 52.5(24.6‐96.9) 84.9(37.1‐159.7) 123.3(58.3‐232.1) 174.0(78.4‐354.7) 231.1(106.2‐467.0) 300.1(137.8‐585.3) 412.8(193.8‐813.0)

Latin America, Andean 44.4(20.2‐83.9) 103.1(47.2‐196.0) 66.7(30.4‐126.5) 2.2(0.9‐4.5) 4.1(1.8‐7.9) 1.5(0.3‐3.7) 0.8(0.2‐1.9) 1.1(0.4‐2.5) 2.9(1.2‐6.0) 4.7(1.9‐10.0) 10.8(4.8‐21.3) 23.4(9.9‐45.7) 36.0(14.7‐71.5) 57.7(25.0‐112.9) 93.9(39.4‐190.6) 139.8(62.1‐279.2) 201.4(84.6‐404.4) 276.2(115.3‐557.7) 372.6(159.3‐749.3) 527.3(229.9‐1,086.8)

Caribbean 69.7(40.3‐120.0) 163.2(93.8‐281.7) 105.4(60.7‐181.7) 2.5(1.2‐4.5) 4.5(2.4‐8.0) 1.7(0.4‐4.0) 1.0(0.3‐2.2) 1.6(0.7‐3.3) 4.0(2.0‐7.5) 6.4(3.1‐12.2) 14.2(8.1‐24.3) 30.1(16.8‐51.6) 46.1(25.3‐80.1) 75.3(43.5‐129.0) 125.6(61.4‐225.4) 195.6(104.1‐346.0) 298.7(153.4‐535.2) 443.2(234.6‐759.8) 657.4(341.8‐1,186.1) 1,070.5(577.7‐1,965.0)

Developed 90.4(77.8‐104.5) 212.4(182.7‐245.8) 136.8(117.7‐158.3) 2.8(2.2‐3.4) 5.1(4.2‐6.0) 1.8(1.1‐2.6) 1.0(0.6‐1.4) 1.7(1.3‐2.2) 4.4(3.5‐5.4) 7.1(5.7‐8.8) 15.3(12.9‐18.1) 32.6(26.9‐38.5) 50.3(41.1‐60.2) 84.1(69.8‐98.9) 141.3(115.1‐171.8) 227.9(192.6‐269.3) 364.3(299.8‐436.0) 563.6(475.0‐666.5) 916.1(759.8‐1,089.7) 1,657.6(1,409.8‐1,939.8)

Developing 40.0(27.2‐62.6) 93.1(63.0‐146.3) 60.2(40.8‐94.6) 1.9(1.4‐2.7) 3.4(2.6‐4.8) 1.2(0.8‐1.9) 0.7(0.4‐1.1) 1.0(0.7‐1.5) 2.6(1.9‐3.9) 4.2(3.0‐6.3) 9.4(6.5‐14.3) 20.0(13.3‐31.4) 30.7(20.4‐48.1) 48.8(32.8‐75.5) 78.1(52.0‐123.9) 118.1(80.3‐187.4) 175.5(117.9‐272.8) 248.5(165.6‐387.7) 351.0(231.2‐575.0) 540.5(360.4‐889.2)

Global 59.5(49.9‐74.9) 139.7(117.1‐175.3) 90.0(75.4‐113.1) 2.0(1.5‐2.7) 3.6(2.8‐4.9) 1.3(0.9‐1.9) 0.7(0.5‐1.1) 1.1(0.8‐1.6) 2.9(2.3‐4.0) 4.7(3.6‐6.5) 10.5(8.1‐14.5) 22.6(17.1‐31.7) 35.3(27.2‐48.8) 58.1(46.2‐78.7) 95.9(75.7‐130.0) 153.1(125.3‐200.9) 239.1(191.8‐305.7) 368.1(302.1‐462.5) 584.9(484.9‐725.3) 1,070.6(907.9‐1,289.2)
Supplemental Table 3b. Estimated age-standardized incidence rates of Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per 100,000
person years) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 1990
GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 146.1(122.7‐172.5) 339.8(285.5‐401.7) 220.1(185.0‐260.1) 6.5(4.6‐8.6) 11.7(9.2‐14.6) 3.9(1.6‐6.9) 2.2(1.1‐3.9) 3.9(2.6‐6.0) 10.5(8.0‐13.8) 17.2(12.4‐22.6) 37.1(30.0‐45.5) 77.5(61.0‐97.4) 117.9(91.0‐150.9) 185.4(149.1‐225.8) 295.3(228.4‐371.4) 440.9(359.3‐538.4) 639.1(506.6‐791.0) 883.6(707.9‐1,073.1) 1,201.5(942.9‐1,491.4) 1,952.0(1,597.6‐2,357.6)

Latin America, Southern 67.8(29.7‐137.7) 157.5(68.5‐320.2) 102.0(44.6‐207.1) 3.2(1.3‐6.7) 5.7(2.4‐11.7) 2.0(0.4‐5.1) 1.2(0.3‐2.9) 1.9(0.7‐4.1) 4.9(2.0‐10.2) 7.9(3.2‐17.0) 17.3(7.3‐35.0) 36.7(15.0‐75.8) 56.0(22.3‐114.8) 88.6(39.5‐181.8) 142.3(56.5‐290.2) 211.0(89.7‐432.9) 304.1(125.6‐625.8) 417.0(174.9‐881.5) 561.7(218.1‐1,217.9) 825.0(350.9‐1,749.6)

Europe, Western 64.2(48.5‐85.5) 149.3(113.0‐198.7) 96.6(73.0‐128.6) 3.2(2.1‐4.9) 5.8(4.2‐8.1) 2.0(0.7‐3.8) 1.0(0.4‐1.9) 1.5(0.9‐2.6) 4.2(2.9‐6.0) 6.9(4.7‐10.0) 15.7(11.7‐21.2) 33.5(24.5‐46.9) 53.0(38.6‐75.0) 85.0(64.4‐113.7) 132.9(93.5‐189.0) 202.1(148.0‐276.3) 301.3(206.4‐420.1) 409.7(285.4‐564.6) 547.9(390.6‐769.1) 727.6(531.2‐1,007.2)

Australasia 77.9(30.9‐174.0) 181.3(71.8‐404.4) 117.3(46.5‐262.4) 3.4(1.3‐7.6) 6.2(2.5‐13.2) 2.3(0.5‐6.0) 1.4(0.4‐3.7) 2.0(0.7‐5.2) 5.2(1.9‐11.9) 8.3(3.0‐18.8) 18.6(7.0‐41.3) 39.6(14.4‐88.9) 60.6(21.8‐137.1) 96.3(37.8‐216.5) 155.2(55.0‐351.6) 242.4(92.6‐542.6) 372.1(145.2‐852.1) 502.9(193.1‐1,124.8) 635.6(236.0‐1,424.3) 962.7(363.6‐2,210.8)
Asia Pacific, High Income 33.3(12.9‐79.6) 77.4(29.8‐185.3) 50.1(19.4‐120.1) 1.6(0.6‐3.5) 2.8(1.1‐6.0) 0.9(0.2‐2.4) 0.6(0.2‐1.6) 1.0(0.3‐2.3) 2.4(1.0‐5.5) 3.9(1.6‐8.7) 9.4(3.7‐20.9) 20.7(8.0‐48.1) 32.0(12.3‐74.2) 50.8(19.9‐117.1) 82.0(30.5‐188.2) 115.2(42.6‐268.2) 150.7(54.0‐371.9) 187.0(69.0‐465.1) 224.3(80.2‐568.9) 356.1(131.0‐867.7)
Europe, Eastern 48.5(23.5‐98.7) 112.0(54.0‐227.2) 72.6(35.0‐147.4) 3.3(1.3‐7.3) 5.9(2.5‐12.8) 2.0(0.4‐5.7) 1.0(0.2‐2.7) 1.3(0.4‐3.1) 3.4(1.3‐7.8) 5.6(2.1‐13.1) 13.4(5.8‐28.2) 30.0(12.9‐63.7) 47.3(20.3‐99.3) 74.3(34.8‐162.3) 115.8(50.5‐263.3) 164.1(74.3‐364.4) 221.3(92.1‐452.1) 286.1(122.5‐575.6) 359.2(149.1‐752.6) 463.7(213.3‐940.5)

Europe, Central 75.0(46.9‐123.7) 174.2(108.7‐287.2) 112.8(70.5‐185.9) 3.9(2.0‐7.1) 7.0(4.0‐12.2) 2.4(0.5‐6.6) 1.3(0.3‐3.2) 1.9(0.9‐4.2) 5.3(2.8‐10.4) 8.6(4.2‐16.9) 19.3(11.2‐34.2) 41.3(23.2‐69.8) 62.3(33.2‐105.3) 99.7(57.3‐169.7) 162.8(82.2‐301.7) 242.8(131.0‐424.4) 349.7(178.3‐601.9) 472.4(258.0‐801.8) 603.1(335.6‐1,038.7) 837.0(483.4‐1,428.0)

Asia, Central 47.5(30.4‐71.1) 109.8(70.4‐164.4) 71.1(45.5‐106.5) 3.1(1.5‐5.4) 5.7(3.1‐9.4) 2.0(0.4‐5.2) 1.0(0.3‐2.3) 1.2(0.5‐2.5) 3.2(1.6‐6.0) 5.2(2.5‐9.9) 13.5(7.9‐22.7) 32.2(17.9‐53.7) 51.6(28.2‐86.7) 78.4(46.2‐124.9) 116.1(60.9‐205.7) 159.7(87.8‐269.1) 210.4(115.8‐356.9) 270.2(149.6‐453.5) 339.5(191.8‐556.2) 437.4(247.9‐719.3)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 49.2(30.3‐85.3) 113.8(70.1‐198.4) 73.6(45.4‐127.9) 3.2(1.5‐6.0) 6.1(3.5‐11.1) 2.2(0.4‐5.6) 1.1(0.3‐2.6) 1.2(0.5‐2.8) 3.2(1.6‐6.1) 5.3(2.5‐10.1) 12.7(7.2‐22.6) 28.7(16.4‐52.3) 44.8(24.7‐82.5) 71.4(41.3‐130.0) 114.9(59.5‐217.0) 166.6(93.3‐298.2) 231.8(124.5‐419.0) 300.1(160.0‐548.3) 374.8(197.3‐684.4) 482.5(259.6‐902.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 61.2(27.4‐132.2) 141.9(63.3‐306.5) 91.9(41.1‐198.6) 3.2(1.3‐7.1) 5.9(2.6‐13.1) 2.2(0.4‐6.2) 1.2(0.3‐3.2) 1.6(0.6‐4.0) 4.3(1.8‐9.2) 7.0(2.7‐15.7) 16.0(6.7‐34.8) 35.4(13.6‐81.0) 54.5(21.0‐126.4) 86.4(35.6‐195.2) 139.0(54.5‐321.4) 203.1(84.0‐459.3) 286.1(110.9‐660.9) 373.0(154.5‐838.6) 472.3(201.9‐1,035.0) 642.9(282.9‐1,346.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 52.1(34.1‐77.0) 120.6(78.4‐179.5) 78.1(50.9‐115.7) 3.2(1.7‐5.3) 6.0(3.7‐9.3) 2.1(0.5‐5.2) 1.1(0.3‐2.3) 1.3(0.6‐2.8) 3.5(1.9‐5.9) 5.8(3.1‐9.9) 13.6(8.7‐21.1) 30.3(18.5‐49.4) 47.0(27.4‐79.1) 74.7(46.7‐118.4) 119.4(64.9‐200.9) 174.4(103.6‐279.2) 246.2(141.0‐414.0) 320.2(182.3‐530.7) 399.5(222.8‐657.3) 522.6(316.0‐820.5)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 56.8(28.1‐110.7) 131.6(65.1‐255.9) 85.1(42.2‐166.3) 3.3(1.3‐7.2) 6.3(2.7‐13.2) 2.1(0.3‐5.8) 1.1(0.3‐2.8) 1.4(0.5‐3.3) 3.7(1.5‐7.9) 6.0(2.4‐12.9) 14.3(6.6‐28.5) 32.0(13.5‐66.4) 49.8(20.7‐105.6) 79.3(36.9‐162.3) 127.7(52.6‐270.5) 188.5(81.8‐387.3) 269.2(118.1‐594.1) 353.5(160.1‐744.6) 445.0(201.5‐907.8) 585.5(284.7‐1,166.4)

North Africa / Middle East 62.0(40.3‐93.5) 144.0(92.9‐217.0) 93.3(60.5‐140.3) 3.2(1.9‐5.3) 5.7(3.6‐8.9) 1.8(0.5‐3.8) 1.0(0.4‐2.1) 1.6(0.8‐3.0) 4.4(2.5‐7.0) 7.1(4.0‐11.7) 16.0(10.0‐24.7) 35.0(21.1‐56.4) 53.6(31.9‐87.0) 85.0(51.9‐135.0) 135.4(78.3‐228.8) 200.2(122.5‐320.4) 286.8(161.3‐474.1) 381.5(228.8‐624.0) 488.1(280.7‐781.2) 698.3(425.7‐1,109.4)
Asia, South 47.7(19.3‐103.4) 110.3(44.7‐239.7) 71.5(28.9‐155.4) 2.8(1.1‐5.8) 5.1(2.0‐10.9) 1.7(0.3‐4.8) 0.9(0.2‐2.4) 1.2(0.4‐3.0) 3.4(1.2‐7.6) 5.7(2.0‐12.3) 13.0(4.8‐27.9) 28.4(10.9‐63.0) 43.8(16.6‐97.9) 69.7(27.2‐153.7) 112.0(41.3‐249.9) 162.3(62.2‐361.2) 225.2(82.7‐516.2) 288.5(109.0‐645.2) 353.3(135.7‐805.9) 468.2(179.1‐1,050.1)

Oceania 71.3(39.0‐129.9) 166.0(91.1‐302.0) 107.4(58.8‐195.4) 2.8(1.3‐5.8) 5.3(2.6‐10.6) 2.1(0.5‐5.3) 1.2(0.4‐3.0) 1.8(0.7‐4.4) 4.8(2.3‐9.9) 7.7(3.4‐15.9) 16.5(7.8‐32.6) 34.8(16.2‐68.8) 53.3(24.1‐106.4) 86.2(41.7‐163.8) 143.0(61.8‐293.8) 216.1(104.9‐422.3) 317.8(158.0‐642.7) 445.0(230.4‐854.4) 624.8(316.0‐1,126.3) 941.9(497.8‐1,713.5)

Asia, Southeast 46.7(28.9‐77.0) 107.9(66.7‐178.5) 69.9(43.2‐115.5) 3.0(1.5‐5.2) 5.5(3.2‐9.1) 2.0(0.4‐5.0) 1.0(0.3‐2.3) 1.3(0.6‐2.8) 3.5(1.8‐6.6) 5.8(2.7‐10.7) 13.5(7.7‐22.6) 30.1(17.1‐52.6) 46.8(25.5‐83.4) 71.9(41.5‐124.7) 110.1(57.0‐202.1) 155.6(88.0‐268.9) 214.3(110.2‐367.4) 277.0(148.9‐473.1) 342.8(183.2‐608.2) 441.6(246.3‐771.2)
Asia, East 46.4(14.6‐116.2) 107.5(33.6‐269.0) 69.7(21.9‐174.5) 2.5(0.8‐6.5) 4.6(1.4‐11.4) 1.6(0.3‐4.5) 0.8(0.2‐2.5) 1.2(0.3‐3.3) 3.3(1.0‐8.3) 5.5(1.6‐13.5) 12.3(3.8‐29.6) 26.3(8.4‐67.0) 40.7(12.9‐104.9) 65.4(21.2‐166.3) 105.8(33.4‐262.7) 155.0(48.6‐365.2) 218.3(68.2‐538.1) 283.6(84.6‐696.6) 353.3(107.7‐945.1) 487.4(148.1‐1,240.9)
Latin America, Tropical 60.2(20.1‐139.9) 139.6(46.5‐323.9) 90.4(30.3‐210.5) 3.2(1.0‐7.9) 5.8(1.8‐13.8) 1.9(0.3‐6.1) 1.2(0.2‐3.5) 1.7(0.4‐4.9) 4.3(1.3‐10.5) 6.8(2.0‐17.2) 15.5(5.1‐37.8) 33.9(11.2‐84.1) 52.4(17.2‐130.9) 83.4(27.9‐203.6) 134.3(40.5‐332.1) 197.1(62.8‐481.6) 278.8(90.2‐694.9) 367.9(118.1‐916.2) 469.6(149.8‐1,130.0) 660.7(216.2‐1,622.1)

Latin America, Central 55.4(29.7‐97.6) 127.7(68.5‐225.8) 82.8(44.4‐146.3) 3.6(1.6‐7.2) 6.6(3.4‐12.6) 2.4(0.5‐6.4) 1.3(0.3‐3.5) 1.5(0.6‐3.8) 4.2(1.9‐7.9) 6.8(3.0‐13.2) 15.4(7.9‐28.3) 33.6(17.4‐60.8) 51.7(25.6‐96.8) 82.3(43.6‐147.1) 133.0(62.2‐253.0) 191.9(96.3‐347.3) 263.9(125.8‐506.1) 332.9(159.1‐643.9) 399.5(194.9‐762.6) 511.6(250.9‐943.1)

Latin America, Andean 61.5(30.9‐111.0) 142.6(71.8‐257.5) 92.3(46.3‐166.7) 3.5(1.5‐6.7) 6.4(3.0‐12.2) 2.2(0.5‐5.5) 1.2(0.3‐2.8) 1.6(0.6‐3.7) 4.4(1.8‐8.7) 7.1(2.8‐14.3) 16.0(7.6‐30.0) 34.8(16.2‐66.3) 53.7(24.2‐105.4) 85.6(41.1‐162.8) 138.1(59.6‐265.1) 203.2(95.1‐375.8) 288.8(124.9‐554.3) 380.0(164.1‐699.9) 481.3(217.6‐977.9) 647.0(291.8‐1,227.5)

Caribbean 79.6(46.0‐133.9) 184.9(106.5‐311.0) 119.7(69.4‐201.1) 3.9(2.0‐6.7) 7.1(4.0‐12.1) 2.5(0.6‐5.7) 1.4(0.4‐3.1) 2.1(0.9‐4.5) 5.5(2.8‐10.0) 8.9(4.4‐16.2) 19.6(11.3‐34.2) 42.1(24.0‐74.2) 64.6(35.5‐117.7) 103.0(57.6‐178.4) 166.9(84.1‐307.8) 250.8(138.4‐449.1) 365.7(191.1‐678.4) 499.2(265.7‐889.7) 664.1(329.7‐1,147.0) 941.8(494.5‐1,629.7)

Developed 78.4(67.5‐91.9) 182.1(156.9‐213.4) 117.9(101.6‐138.2) 4.0(3.2‐5.1) 7.0(5.7‐8.6) 2.3(1.4‐3.5) 1.3(0.8‐1.9) 2.0(1.5‐2.7) 5.5(4.4‐6.8) 9.1(7.2‐11.4) 20.1(16.8‐24.2) 42.2(35.1‐50.9) 64.2(53.2‐77.6) 98.4(81.7‐119.3) 156.7(126.1‐197.1) 236.5(196.1‐293.6) 357.5(296.9‐432.6) 502.1(421.3‐596.5) 653.2(546.5‐781.6) 965.3(823.1‐1,131.3)

Developing 50.0(33.8‐76.8) 115.8(78.1‐178.8) 75.0(50.7‐115.5) 2.9(2.1‐4.3) 5.4(3.9‐7.7) 1.8(1.1‐3.0) 1.0(0.6‐1.5) 1.3(0.8‐2.2) 3.6(2.4‐5.4) 5.9(3.9‐9.0) 13.4(9.0‐20.5) 29.2(19.8‐44.9) 45.2(30.5‐69.3) 71.7(48.2‐109.4) 114.5(74.9‐177.7) 166.7(109.8‐254.8) 233.7(149.8‐376.6) 303.1(196.4‐489.3) 379.2(253.9‐621.6) 515.7(344.9‐825.3)

Global 60.7(49.2‐78.5) 141.0(114.6‐182.6) 91.2(74.1‐118.2) 3.1(2.3‐4.2) 5.6(4.3‐7.7) 1.9(1.2‐2.9) 1.0(0.7‐1.5) 1.4(1.1‐2.2) 4.0(3.1‐5.5) 6.6(5.1‐9.1) 15.1(11.7‐20.5) 33.0(25.9‐44.3) 50.8(39.8‐68.3) 80.1(62.8‐105.4) 128.2(97.8‐172.1) 191.3(149.8‐252.2) 278.8(217.9‐369.6) 375.0(297.6‐493.8) 494.4(405.3‐644.5) 719.1(603.5‐900.9)
GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 101.2(86.3‐120.8) 236.1(201.1‐281.4) 152.8(130.3‐182.2) 4.0(2.9‐5.3) 7.3(5.7‐9.1) 2.5(1.0‐4.3) 1.4(0.6‐2.4) 2.5(1.6‐3.8) 6.8(5.1‐8.8) 11.1(8.1‐14.7) 23.2(18.7‐28.9) 47.3(37.8‐58.9) 71.5(55.8‐91.3) 111.0(90.7‐135.1) 174.3(134.2‐221.5) 269.0(219.4‐330.1) 409.6(323.6‐525.8) 623.1(501.9‐767.5) 951.4(750.8‐1,181.8) 1,618.2(1,330.2‐1,962.5)
Latin America, Southern 44.3(20.1‐91.4) 103.1(46.7‐212.8) 66.7(30.3‐137.4) 2.0(0.8‐4.3) 3.6(1.5‐7.4) 1.3(0.3‐3.3) 0.7(0.2‐1.9) 1.1(0.4‐2.6) 3.0(1.3‐6.2) 4.8(1.8‐10.0) 10.8(4.8‐20.9) 23.2(9.9‐46.5) 35.6(15.1‐73.4) 57.0(25.5‐117.4) 92.7(38.7‐197.1) 138.7(59.3‐296.8) 200.8(81.7‐435.1) 276.6(112.8‐582.2) 373.1(152.3‐828.9) 539.7(231.5‐1,104.9)

Europe, Western 49.3(36.5‐67.4) 115.1(85.2‐157.8) 74.3(55.0‐101.7) 2.1(1.3‐3.2) 3.8(2.7‐5.4) 1.4(0.5‐2.6) 0.7(0.3‐1.2) 1.0(0.5‐1.6) 2.7(1.8‐4.0) 4.5(2.9‐6.6) 10.2(7.4‐14.0) 21.6(15.4‐30.4) 33.6(23.7‐47.0) 54.0(40.0‐74.4) 86.4(58.8‐125.4) 132.2(93.4‐187.1) 197.4(134.8‐285.4) 312.4(222.1‐446.8) 514.1(354.9‐720.0) 741.5(533.2‐1,033.9)

Australasia 60.8(24.9‐131.6) 142.4(58.4‐308.6) 91.9(37.6‐198.9) 2.2(0.9‐4.9) 3.9(1.6‐8.6) 1.4(0.3‐3.8) 0.8(0.2‐2.1) 1.3(0.4‐3.3) 3.4(1.3‐8.1) 5.6(2.1‐12.9) 12.3(5.0‐26.9) 26.2(10.5‐57.8) 40.0(15.8‐90.7) 65.7(26.5‐143.2) 109.9(41.0‐251.0) 174.3(69.1‐387.9) 268.8(105.4‐616.7) 384.8(153.5‐883.8) 535.7(208.6‐1,205.8) 948.8(393.0‐2,077.1)
Asia Pacific, High Income 21.2(8.1‐46.6) 49.3(18.7‐108.6) 31.9(12.1‐70.4) 1.0(0.4‐2.1) 1.7(0.7‐3.7) 0.6(0.1‐1.4) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 1.4(0.5‐3.2) 2.2(0.8‐5.1) 5.7(2.3‐13.2) 13.2(5.2‐30.0) 20.6(8.2‐47.2) 32.0(13.0‐71.9) 49.8(18.5‐116.9) 69.4(26.0‐161.0) 91.9(32.8‐218.1) 118.2(40.9‐280.5) 150.9(53.5‐354.0) 248.5(90.0‐585.3)

Europe, Eastern 29.3(13.0‐58.8) 67.8(30.0‐135.5) 43.9(19.4‐87.6) 2.0(0.8‐4.6) 3.5(1.5‐7.7) 1.2(0.2‐3.2) 0.6(0.1‐1.6) 0.8(0.3‐2.0) 1.9(0.8‐4.4) 3.1(1.1‐7.1) 7.7(3.2‐16.6) 17.4(7.4‐37.5) 27.5(11.7‐58.8) 44.0(19.1‐92.0) 69.8(27.8‐146.1) 100.0(41.9‐202.2) 135.3(55.2‐285.0) 175.3(70.6‐362.7) 220.9(87.0‐478.1) 284.8(115.3‐626.9)
Europe, Central 41.2(24.5‐75.1) 95.5(56.8‐173.9) 61.8(36.8‐113.0) 2.3(1.1‐4.6) 4.2(2.3‐8.1) 1.5(0.3‐3.6) 0.8(0.2‐1.9) 1.0(0.4‐2.3) 2.9(1.4‐5.6) 4.7(2.2‐9.2) 10.8(5.8‐20.4) 23.4(12.8‐44.3) 35.4(19.0‐67.4) 56.5(31.9‐104.0) 91.4(44.7‐167.4) 135.0(70.1‐246.1) 190.2(95.1‐352.0) 253.8(127.6‐473.9) 323.5(165.9‐613.3) 448.9(238.8‐808.1)
Asia, Central 28.7(17.7‐46.1) 66.2(40.5‐106.8) 42.9(26.4‐69.5) 1.9(0.9‐3.4) 3.5(2.0‐5.9) 1.4(0.2‐3.6) 0.7(0.2‐1.7) 0.8(0.3‐1.7) 2.2(1.0‐4.0) 3.6(1.6‐6.6) 8.2(4.5‐13.5) 18.1(9.6‐30.4) 28.5(14.4‐49.5) 47.2(26.9‐80.2) 77.9(39.1‐141.6) 107.4(56.2‐190.1) 131.9(68.3‐236.3) 159.4(78.2‐282.9) 190.4(99.4‐332.9) 238.4(123.3‐406.0)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 38.9(22.9‐68.5) 90.2(53.0‐159.3) 58.4(34.4‐103.2) 2.0(1.0‐3.9) 3.8(2.1‐7.0) 1.3(0.3‐3.3) 0.7(0.2‐1.7) 1.0(0.4‐2.1) 2.7(1.4‐4.9) 4.4(2.2‐8.1) 9.9(5.7‐17.4) 21.6(11.9‐39.2) 33.2(17.9‐61.7) 52.7(30.2‐92.3) 84.7(43.2‐155.1) 125.3(68.1‐226.6) 179.9(93.2‐339.4) 240.6(127.4‐459.9) 312.6(155.7‐576.7) 432.2(227.5‐791.4)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 51.2(21.3‐105.3) 119.2(49.3‐244.8) 77.1(31.9‐158.5) 2.2(0.9‐5.0) 4.0(1.7‐8.2) 1.5(0.3‐3.9) 0.8(0.2‐2.3) 1.3(0.5‐3.2) 3.4(1.3‐7.3) 5.5(2.0‐11.8) 12.3(5.0‐24.7) 26.6(10.5‐57.6) 40.9(15.7‐89.2) 65.5(25.9‐142.9) 106.6(40.2‐240.2) 159.6(63.3‐351.7) 232.7(89.5‐504.4) 320.5(128.4‐689.5) 435.1(167.7‐939.4) 625.6(253.5‐1,319.1)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 38.6(26.0‐57.5) 89.7(60.2‐133.6) 58.0(38.9‐86.6) 2.0(1.1‐3.3) 3.8(2.3‐5.9) 1.4(0.3‐3.0) 0.7(0.3‐1.5) 0.9(0.5‐1.9) 2.6(1.5‐4.3) 4.2(2.3‐7.1) 9.7(6.1‐14.5) 21.3(12.9‐32.6) 32.9(19.4‐51.8) 52.8(34.0‐80.4) 85.9(47.5‐139.1) 126.7(75.3‐198.6) 180.4(98.0‐292.6) 239.3(137.1‐380.7) 308.1(176.1‐487.9) 421.4(265.1‐653.8)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 37.6(18.1‐77.6) 87.4(41.8‐179.9) 56.5(27.2‐116.7) 1.9(0.7‐4.1) 3.7(1.6‐8.1) 1.3(0.2‐3.7) 0.7(0.2‐2.0) 1.0(0.4‐2.3) 2.5(1.0‐5.6) 4.1(1.6‐9.1) 9.4(4.3‐19.9) 20.7(8.9‐44.7) 31.9(13.2‐69.7) 50.8(22.6‐107.5) 81.9(34.4‐180.1) 121.6(53.0‐263.3) 175.3(74.0‐382.4) 234.6(101.9‐498.6) 304.3(132.8‐606.4) 417.4(191.6‐840.4)

North Africa / Middle East 42.0(28.4‐63.7) 97.8(66.0‐148.6) 63.2(42.7‐96.0) 1.9(1.1‐3.0) 3.5(2.2‐5.3) 1.2(0.3‐2.5) 0.7(0.3‐1.4) 1.0(0.6‐1.9) 2.7(1.7‐4.3) 4.4(2.6‐7.2) 9.9(6.4‐15.4) 21.7(13.6‐33.6) 33.3(20.6‐52.4) 52.8(34.5‐81.3) 85.5(50.6‐139.6) 128.0(80.2‐203.4) 189.1(110.0‐306.4) 262.5(160.8‐416.2) 359.0(214.0‐570.9) 533.2(341.1‐833.4)
Asia, South 31.0(12.9‐72.4) 71.9(29.8‐168.4) 46.6(19.3‐108.6) 1.7(0.7‐3.8) 3.1(1.3‐6.9) 1.1(0.2‐3.2) 0.6(0.2‐1.7) 0.8(0.3‐2.1) 2.2(0.9‐5.3) 3.6(1.3‐8.7) 8.2(3.2‐18.9) 17.9(6.9‐40.2) 27.6(10.5‐62.5) 44.0(17.7‐105.4) 70.7(27.5‐172.5) 102.9(41.9‐248.6) 144.0(55.7‐335.6) 187.6(74.8‐430.8) 236.0(93.4‐570.1) 331.5(130.1‐791.3)
Oceania 37.2(19.6‐72.8) 86.6(45.6‐169.9) 56.1(29.5‐109.6) 1.7(0.7‐3.7) 3.2(1.5‐6.5) 1.2(0.3‐2.9) 0.7(0.2‐1.6) 0.9(0.4‐2.2) 2.6(1.2‐5.2) 4.1(1.8‐8.6) 9.2(4.7‐18.4) 20.0(9.6‐40.2) 30.8(14.6‐62.6) 49.1(24.0‐100.2) 79.7(35.6‐169.1) 118.7(56.1‐250.1) 171.9(83.3‐346.2) 231.7(113.6‐470.1) 304.6(147.3‐608.8) 434.8(220.1‐841.9)
Asia, Southeast 29.3(17.0‐48.9) 67.7(39.5‐113.7) 43.9(25.6‐73.5) 1.9(0.9‐3.3) 3.4(1.9‐5.9) 1.2(0.3‐3.0) 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 0.8(0.4‐1.7) 2.2(1.1‐4.0) 3.6(1.7‐6.5) 8.2(4.7‐13.8) 18.4(10.1‐31.7) 28.6(14.6‐51.3) 43.8(25.2‐78.2) 67.0(35.6‐129.1) 96.1(53.8‐175.1) 135.5(68.2‐243.9) 176.6(93.8‐306.8) 219.1(118.9‐382.8) 287.7(157.0‐503.7)
Asia, East 37.5(12.7‐85.8) 87.2(29.6‐199.8) 56.5(19.2‐129.1) 1.7(0.5‐3.8) 3.0(1.0‐6.9) 1.0(0.2‐2.9) 0.6(0.1‐1.7) 1.0(0.3‐2.6) 2.6(0.8‐6.2) 4.2(1.4‐10.0) 9.1(3.0‐21.3) 19.0(6.3‐44.8) 29.1(9.6‐69.6) 46.9(16.2‐108.9) 76.4(24.4‐186.5) 114.1(37.4‐271.0) 165.4(53.7‐394.5) 229.6(74.7‐525.9) 315.4(105.6‐745.8) 496.4(164.9‐1,146.9)
Latin America, Tropical 41.7(14.0‐96.7) 97.0(32.6‐225.5) 62.8(21.0‐145.6) 2.0(0.7‐4.9) 3.6(1.2‐8.6) 1.2(0.2‐3.8) 0.7(0.2‐2.1) 1.1(0.3‐2.9) 2.8(0.9‐7.0) 4.4(1.3‐11.5) 10.1(3.3‐25.4) 21.9(7.0‐55.5) 33.9(10.5‐86.8) 54.1(17.3‐128.2) 87.3(26.0‐211.4) 130.6(40.5‐319.2) 189.4(59.1‐459.5) 259.5(84.3‐625.4) 348.3(114.7‐859.6) 506.4(169.3‐1,259.3)
Latin America, Central 35.8(18.0‐69.0) 82.7(41.7‐160.2) 53.6(27.0‐103.7) 2.1(1.0‐4.3) 4.0(2.0‐7.5) 1.5(0.3‐4.0) 0.7(0.2‐1.8) 0.9(0.4‐2.0) 2.6(1.1‐5.5) 4.4(1.8‐9.0) 10.2(4.9‐19.6) 22.5(10.7‐42.7) 34.9(16.2‐67.4) 55.2(27.5‐105.6) 88.3(40.4‐172.7) 124.1(58.6‐240.4) 164.4(71.5‐328.1) 207.3(92.1‐409.5) 257.2(118.3‐540.8) 335.9(155.5‐681.1)
Latin America, Andean 40.3(19.8‐76.8) 93.5(45.9‐178.6) 60.5(29.7‐115.7) 2.1(0.9‐4.3) 3.9(1.8‐7.4) 1.4(0.3‐3.5) 0.7(0.2‐2.1) 1.0(0.4‐2.4) 2.7(1.2‐5.5) 4.4(1.8‐8.5) 10.1(4.9‐19.2) 22.1(10.2‐43.6) 34.3(15.4‐68.4) 54.8(27.4‐106.5) 88.8(38.7‐178.5) 131.0(61.2‐255.9) 186.7(82.2‐393.6) 249.9(110.0‐501.0) 325.8(137.6‐663.2) 441.8(200.2‐871.1)

Caribbean 56.8(32.7‐96.8) 132.4(75.8‐226.1) 85.5(49.3‐146.1) 2.4(1.2‐4.4) 4.5(2.4‐7.8) 1.7(0.4‐3.9) 0.9(0.3‐2.1) 1.3(0.6‐2.6) 3.5(1.8‐6.4) 5.7(2.7‐10.7) 12.8(7.2‐22.1) 27.8(15.3‐49.4) 43.1(22.4‐77.2) 69.2(37.5‐119.4) 113.0(57.0‐207.8) 171.6(93.2‐300.0) 253.9(126.6‐460.6) 360.1(190.5‐647.1) 505.1(262.8‐932.5) 737.6(408.9‐1,356.4)

Developed 52.8(45.0‐62.9) 123.0(104.5‐146.2) 79.6(67.7‐94.7) 2.5(1.9‐3.1) 4.3(3.5‐5.4) 1.5(0.9‐2.2) 0.8(0.5‐1.1) 1.2(0.9‐1.7) 3.5(2.8‐4.3) 5.7(4.5‐7.1) 12.4(10.4‐15.0) 26.0(21.5‐31.5) 39.3(32.3‐47.6) 59.7(49.8‐73.9) 95.0(77.1‐119.4) 144.0(119.2‐177.7) 217.3(175.7‐265.8) 333.5(278.7‐402.0) 494.5(409.1‐607.1) 779.8(654.7‐921.9)

Developing 36.0(24.5‐54.7) 83.7(56.6‐127.4) 54.2(36.7‐82.4) 1.8(1.3‐2.6) 3.3(2.5‐4.7) 1.2(0.7‐2.0) 0.6(0.4‐1.0) 0.9(0.6‐1.5) 2.5(1.7‐3.7) 4.0(2.7‐6.1) 9.1(6.2‐13.7) 19.5(13.3‐29.1) 30.1(20.3‐45.2) 47.9(32.8‐71.0) 77.1(51.8‐118.8) 113.8(76.9‐172.1) 162.5(109.0‐253.5) 220.0(146.0‐346.0) 292.1(188.0‐463.9) 432.2(274.0‐716.9)

Global 43.8(35.9‐55.0) 102.0(83.9‐127.9) 65.9(54.2‐82.8) 1.9(1.5‐2.6) 3.5(2.7‐4.6) 1.2(0.8‐1.9) 0.7(0.4‐1.0) 1.0(0.7‐1.5) 2.7(2.0‐3.7) 4.4(3.4‐6.0) 9.9(7.7‐13.5) 21.5(16.7‐28.4) 32.9(25.5‐43.7) 51.8(41.0‐67.2) 83.4(64.5‐111.6) 125.7(100.0‐161.3) 186.0(149.0‐243.4) 269.6(219.7‐350.4) 395.6(325.3‐494.2) 624.8(517.1‐775.7)
Supplemental Table 4a. Estimated age-standardized mortality rates associated with Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per
100,000) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 2010
GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 2.8(1.5‐5.7) 6.8(3.6‐13.7) 4.4(2.3‐8.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.2‐1.3) 1.1(0.4‐2.4) 2.7(1.1‐5.8) 5.6(2.3‐12.1) 12.8(5.4‐28.0) 27.5(12.0‐57.7) 117.8(48.4‐257.7)

Latin America, Southern 2.0(1.4‐2.9) 4.8(3.2‐7.0) 3.1(2.1‐4.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.6(0.3‐1.0) 1.3(0.7‐2.1) 3.2(1.7‐5.5) 5.7(3.2‐9.5) 10.7(6.1‐18.3) 23.0(13.5‐36.2) 66.6(39.3‐109.5)

Europe, Western 3.4(2.2‐4.8) 8.2(5.3‐11.6) 5.2(3.4‐7.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.6(0.4‐1.2) 1.3(0.8‐2.2) 2.9(1.8‐4.4) 6.6(4.2‐10.1) 15.1(9.2‐23.7) 35.8(21.8‐56.7) 139.5(86.1‐203.1)

Australasia 3.4(1.8‐5.9) 8.1(4.3‐14.2) 5.2(2.8‐9.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 1.0(0.4‐2.2) 2.0(0.7‐4.4) 5.2(2.0‐11.1) 12.6(5.2‐24.0) 32.2(13.3‐62.9) 152.8(68.6‐284.4)

Asia Pacific, High Income 2.4(1.3‐4.5) 5.9(3.0‐10.8) 3.7(1.9‐6.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.9) 1.2(0.5‐2.6) 2.5(1.1‐5.6) 5.7(2.6‐11.7) 12.1(5.2‐26.2) 25.1(10.1‐55.4) 94.7(39.6‐180.7)

Europe, Eastern 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 1.1(0.5‐1.8) 0.7(0.3‐1.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 0.6(0.2‐1.7) 1.2(0.4‐3.4) 1.8(0.8‐3.6) 2.5(1.1‐5.0) 4.9(2.0‐10.2) 9.9(4.0‐20.5)

Europe, Central 1.6(1.1‐2.2) 3.9(2.5‐5.4) 2.5(1.6‐3.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.2) 0.4(0.3‐0.8) 0.8(0.5‐1.3) 1.5(0.8‐2.4) 3.0(1.8‐4.8) 5.6(3.3‐8.5) 9.6(5.7‐14.3) 19.6(11.4‐29.9) 45.2(27.1‐67.9)

Asia, Central 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.7(0.5‐1.0) 0.4(0.3‐0.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.5(0.3‐1.1) 1.0(0.5‐2.0) 1.0(0.5‐1.9) 1.8(1.0‐3.0) 2.4(1.0‐4.5) 4.8(2.7‐7.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.9(0.3‐2.5) 0.6(0.2‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 0.8(0.2‐2.1) 1.2(0.4‐3.4) 2.4(0.8‐6.5) 4.5(1.4‐13.3) 10.1(3.1‐31.8)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 2.1(1.1‐4.0) 5.1(2.6‐9.7) 3.2(1.7‐6.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 0.9(0.3‐2.0) 2.0(0.7‐4.6) 3.6(1.3‐8.3) 6.3(2.4‐13.2) 11.6(4.6‐24.1) 23.7(9.1‐51.3) 65.7(26.0‐131.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.8(0.3‐2.3) 0.5(0.2‐1.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 0.7(0.2‐2.1) 1.2(0.4‐3.5) 2.3(0.7‐6.4) 3.9(1.2‐10.6) 8.9(2.6‐29.2)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.7(0.2‐2.5) 0.5(0.1‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.4(0.1‐1.2) 0.8(0.2‐2.7) 1.1(0.3‐3.5) 2.1(0.5‐6.4) 3.4(0.8‐10.7) 7.7(2.0‐30.8)

North Africa / Middle East 1.7(1.0‐2.8) 4.1(2.5‐6.8) 2.6(1.6‐4.3) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.5(0.2‐0.8) 0.7(0.3‐1.2) 1.8(0.7‐4.0) 1.9(1.0‐3.2) 4.0(2.2‐7.1) 5.8(3.2‐9.8) 10.9(5.9‐18.6) 18.1(9.5‐33.2) 39.0(19.2‐76.9)

Asia, South 0.5(0.1‐1.9) 1.3(0.2‐4.7) 0.8(0.1‐3.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.0‐1.0) 0.4(0.1‐2.0) 1.0(0.1‐4.3) 1.7(0.3‐6.8) 3.3(0.5‐14.2) 6.3(0.9‐25.5) 15.5(2.2‐58.8)

Oceania 3.9(1.4‐7.5) 9.3(3.3‐17.9) 5.9(2.1‐11.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.1‐1.0) 0.8(0.2‐1.8) 1.9(0.4‐4.2) 3.3(0.9‐7.1) 8.5(2.0‐19.2) 11.4(3.1‐24.4) 25.4(7.4‐53.6) 40.3(12.4‐86.0) 111.9(40.7‐218.3)

Asia, Southeast 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.7(0.5‐1.0) 0.4(0.3‐0.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.2‐0.7) 0.7(0.4‐1.3) 1.1(0.6‐2.0) 1.8(1.0‐3.1) 3.3(1.6‐5.6) 6.4(3.0‐11.8)

Asia, East 0.6(0.2‐1.6) 1.4(0.4‐3.8) 0.9(0.3‐2.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.8) 0.8(0.2‐2.8) 1.5(0.4‐4.4) 3.4(0.9‐10.8) 6.3(1.5‐20.0) 20.2(4.3‐74.7)

Latin America, Tropical 2.1(1.2‐3.7) 5.0(2.9‐8.8) 3.2(1.9‐5.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.9(0.3‐1.9) 1.9(0.7‐4.0) 3.8(1.6‐7.9) 6.9(2.8‐13.8) 13.9(6.1‐28.1) 23.2(10.1‐44.5) 59.7(26.1‐112.1)

Latin America, Central 0.9(0.6‐1.4) 2.2(1.5‐3.3) 1.4(0.9‐2.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.3(0.7‐2.2) 2.8(1.6‐4.8) 5.6(3.1‐9.8) 10.3(5.5‐18.1) 28.4(16.4‐46.3)

Latin America, Andean 0.6(0.4‐1.0) 1.5(0.9‐2.3) 1.0(0.6‐1.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.5(0.3‐0.9) 0.9(0.4‐1.6) 1.6(0.9‐2.8) 2.9(1.6‐5.0) 6.5(3.3‐11.6) 21.6(11.3‐39.0)

Caribbean 1.2(0.8‐1.7) 2.8(1.8‐4.0) 1.8(1.1‐2.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.7(0.4‐1.3) 1.3(0.6‐2.6) 2.3(1.2‐4.8) 3.4(1.8‐6.0) 7.5(4.0‐12.4) 13.1(7.7‐21.4) 32.4(18.9‐53.9)

Developed 2.7(1.9‐4.3) 6.5(4.5‐10.2) 4.1(2.8‐6.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.5(0.3‐0.9) 1.2(0.7‐1.9) 2.5(1.6‐4.2) 5.6(3.6‐9.3) 11.8(7.8‐19.1) 27.4(17.5‐43.9) 109.1(71.1‐178.9)

Developing 0.7(0.4‐1.3) 1.8(0.9‐3.2) 1.1(0.6‐2.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.3(0.7‐2.7) 2.2(1.1‐4.1) 4.3(2.2‐8.6) 8.0(3.9‐16.9) 22.5(11.2‐47.7)

Global 1.6(1.0‐2.4) 3.8(2.4‐5.8) 2.4(1.6‐3.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 0.7(0.4‐1.2) 1.7(1.0‐2.9) 3.2(2.0‐5.4) 7.0(4.3‐11.8) 15.3(9.2‐24.9) 62.6(39.4‐100.7)

GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 2.6(1.4‐4.7) 6.2(3.3‐11.3) 3.9(2.1‐7.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.6(0.2‐1.2) 1.3(0.6‐2.8) 3.2(1.6‐6.1) 8.2(4.0‐15.4) 21.3(10.0‐40.2) 123.8(50.8‐267.6)

Latin America, Southern 1.5(1.1‐2.2) 3.7(2.6‐5.3) 2.4(1.6‐3.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.2(0.6‐2.0) 2.6(1.6‐4.1) 7.3(4.2‐11.7) 14.9(8.7‐23.6) 63.8(35.4‐108.2)

Europe, Western 3.7(3.0‐4.6) 8.9(7.1‐11.0) 5.6(4.5‐7.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.5(0.4‐0.7) 1.4(1.1‐1.9) 3.8(2.9‐4.8) 10.9(8.2‐14.5) 31.8(24.2‐41.0) 181.5(135.2‐242.1)

Australasia 3.0(1.6‐5.5) 7.1(3.8‐13.2) 4.5(2.4‐8.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.5(0.2‐1.1) 1.1(0.5‐2.3) 2.4(1.2‐4.5) 7.7(3.9‐14.6) 22.4(10.9‐44.0) 151.5(63.6‐315.2)

Asia Pacific, High Income 1.5(0.9‐2.4) 3.5(2.1‐5.8) 2.2(1.3‐3.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.6(0.9‐2.6) 4.4(2.5‐7.1) 10.7(6.1‐17.3) 72.7(34.5‐136.1)

Europe, Eastern 0.4(0.2‐0.6) 0.9(0.5‐1.6) 0.6(0.3‐1.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 0.2(0.0‐0.4) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.7(0.2‐2.0) 1.2(0.4‐2.9) 1.9(0.5‐4.7) 4.4(1.6‐9.9) 11.1(4.3‐25.6)

Europe, Central 1.2(0.9‐1.4) 2.8(2.3‐3.4) 1.8(1.4‐2.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.6(0.4‐0.8) 1.3(0.9‐1.9) 2.6(1.8‐3.6) 6.1(4.4‐8.2) 14.2(10.6‐19.3) 41.6(28.4‐57.2)

Asia, Central 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.3‐0.9) 0.6(0.3‐1.3) 1.1(0.7‐1.9) 2.4(1.4‐3.9)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 0.7(0.3‐1.7) 1.7(0.7‐4.0) 1.1(0.4‐2.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.5(0.2‐1.2) 1.0(0.4‐2.6) 2.1(0.8‐5.3) 4.4(1.5‐10.7) 8.8(3.1‐21.3) 22.9(6.3‐63.0)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 1.6(1.1‐2.5) 3.9(2.6‐6.0) 2.5(1.6‐3.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.3(0.2‐0.7) 0.9(0.4‐1.8) 1.7(0.9‐3.2) 5.3(2.9‐9.4) 8.3(4.4‐14.9) 16.7(8.5‐29.8) 57.2(28.1‐111.0)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 0.6(0.2‐1.2) 1.4(0.6‐2.8) 0.9(0.4‐1.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.1‐0.8) 0.8(0.3‐1.8) 1.8(0.7‐4.2) 3.4(1.3‐7.4) 6.6(2.6‐14.1) 18.5(6.3‐43.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 0.6(0.3‐1.4) 1.5(0.6‐3.3) 1.0(0.4‐2.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐1.2) 1.0(0.2‐3.0) 2.1(0.6‐5.7) 4.2(1.1‐12.6) 7.6(2.5‐20.1) 19.2(5.3‐50.1)

North Africa / Middle East 1.3(1.0‐1.7) 3.1(2.3‐4.0) 2.0(1.5‐2.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.8(0.5‐1.6) 0.7(0.4‐1.1) 1.4(0.8‐2.3) 2.7(1.6‐4.6) 4.8(2.9‐7.6) 8.5(5.1‐14.5) 15.9(10.2‐25.2) 27.1(17.0‐41.0)

Asia, South 0.7(0.2‐1.9) 1.8(0.5‐4.5) 1.1(0.3‐2.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.4(0.1‐1.6) 1.1(0.2‐3.3) 2.1(0.4‐7.0) 4.8(0.8‐15.9) 8.4(1.7‐23.6) 24.2(5.7‐69.2)

Oceania 3.0(1.2‐6.1) 7.1(3.0‐14.6) 4.5(1.9‐9.3) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 0.6(0.1‐2.3) 0.8(0.2‐2.4) 1.8(0.4‐6.1) 4.7(1.0‐16.2) 9.1(2.2‐28.2) 18.5(4.6‐57.1) 40.7(12.0‐109.5) 86.0(30.9‐186.8)

Asia, Southeast 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.7(0.5‐1.0) 0.5(0.3‐0.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.7(0.3‐1.4) 1.1(0.6‐2.2) 2.1(1.1‐4.2) 3.2(1.9‐5.8) 5.9(3.5‐10.4)
Asia, East 1.3(0.5‐2.9) 3.2(1.2‐7.0) 2.0(0.7‐4.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐1.1) 1.1(0.2‐3.5) 2.4(0.4‐7.4) 6.1(1.0‐20.1) 13.3(3.0‐36.6) 55.0(14.1‐142.4)

Latin America, Tropical 1.6(1.1‐2.5) 3.9(2.6‐5.9) 2.5(1.6‐3.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.2‐0.9) 1.0(0.4‐1.9) 1.9(0.9‐3.5) 3.8(2.0‐6.2) 8.7(4.6‐14.4) 16.7(8.4‐29.0) 57.9(26.1‐112.1)

Latin America, Central 0.8(0.6‐1.1) 1.9(1.4‐2.6) 1.2(0.9‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.5(0.3‐0.8) 1.1(0.7‐1.7) 2.2(1.4‐3.4) 4.2(2.7‐6.6) 8.8(5.6‐13.8) 26.4(14.4‐45.3)

Latin America, Andean 0.7(0.5‐1.0) 1.8(1.3‐2.4) 1.1(0.8‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.5(0.2‐0.8) 0.9(0.4‐1.7) 1.5(0.8‐2.9) 3.7(1.8‐7.2) 8.9(5.0‐15.6) 25.6(13.8‐42.0)

Caribbean 1.5(1.1‐2.0) 3.6(2.6‐4.9) 2.3(1.7‐3.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.6(0.3‐1.4) 0.5(0.2‐1.3) 0.6(0.3‐1.3) 1.0(0.5‐2.1) 2.9(1.4‐5.7) 3.3(1.8‐6.6) 9.8(5.2‐18.8) 15.6(9.2‐25.1) 45.7(26.6‐72.9)

Developed 2.4(2.0‐3.0) 5.7(4.7‐7.2) 3.6(3.0‐4.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.2‐0.3) 0.5(0.4‐0.7) 1.1(0.9‐1.6) 2.8(2.2‐3.6) 7.0(5.4‐8.9) 19.9(15.8‐25.2) 116.3(89.3‐156.7)

Developing 1.0(0.6‐1.7) 2.5(1.5‐4.1) 1.6(1.0‐2.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.2(0.2‐0.4) 0.5(0.3‐0.9) 1.2(0.6‐2.2) 2.4(1.3‐4.6) 5.3(2.7‐10.7) 10.7(5.7‐21.0) 37.7(20.1‐74.2)

Global 1.7(1.4‐2.2) 4.2(3.4‐5.4) 2.7(2.2‐3.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.2‐0.4) 0.5(0.3‐0.8) 1.2(0.8‐1.9) 2.5(1.8‐3.9) 6.0(4.2‐9.2) 14.5(10.8‐20.9) 80.9(62.1‐109.0)
Supplemental Table 4b. Estimated age-standardized mortality rates associated with Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per
100,000) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 1990.

GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 0.9(0.6‐1.4) 2.3(1.5‐3.4) 1.4(0.9‐2.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 1.0(0.6‐1.8) 2.1(1.2‐3.6) 4.9(2.9‐7.9) 10.1(5.8‐16.1) 36.2(20.9‐60.0)

Latin America, Southern 1.2(0.7‐1.9) 2.8(1.7‐4.5) 1.8(1.1‐2.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.9) 0.9(0.4‐2.0) 2.1(1.0‐4.2) 3.5(1.7‐7.1) 6.4(3.3‐12.1) 14.1(7.3‐26.9) 36.4(18.3‐69.6)

Europe, Western 1.8(1.2‐2.7) 4.3(3.0‐6.5) 2.8(1.9‐4.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.3‐0.7) 0.9(0.5‐1.4) 1.9(1.3‐2.9) 4.4(2.9‐6.6) 9.8(6.3‐14.6) 21.2(13.6‐32.7) 65.1(44.5‐98.7)

Australasia 1.6(1.0‐2.3) 3.7(2.5‐5.5) 2.4(1.6‐3.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.7(0.3‐1.3) 1.4(0.7‐2.5) 3.4(1.9‐6.0) 8.2(4.6‐13.2) 17.8(10.2‐28.4) 59.8(36.0‐97.4)

Asia Pacific, High Income 1.6(1.0‐2.3) 3.7(2.4‐5.5) 2.4(1.5‐3.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.8(0.5‐1.4) 1.7(0.9‐2.8) 3.8(2.1‐6.1) 8.5(4.6‐13.5) 18.6(9.8‐31.2) 55.2(30.6‐90.7)

Europe, Eastern 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.6(0.3‐1.0) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 0.9(0.4‐1.7) 1.4(0.5‐3.0) 2.7(1.0‐5.7) 6.0(2.3‐12.8)

Europe, Central 1.1(0.7‐1.7) 2.5(1.7‐4.0) 1.6(1.1‐2.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.3‐1.0) 1.0(0.5‐1.8) 2.1(1.1‐3.8) 3.8(2.1‐6.7) 6.8(3.7‐12.2) 12.7(6.9‐22.0) 27.7(15.5‐48.4)

Asia, Central 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.3‐0.6) 0.3(0.2‐0.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.3(0.2‐0.7) 0.6(0.3‐1.3) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.1(0.6‐2.0) 1.5(0.8‐2.6) 3.3(1.9‐6.0)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.5(0.1‐1.5) 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.4(0.1‐1.4) 0.7(0.2‐2.3) 1.3(0.3‐3.9) 2.4(0.5‐8.3) 5.3(1.1‐18.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 0.9(0.4‐1.7) 2.3(1.0‐4.2) 1.5(0.6‐2.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.7) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.9(0.3‐2.6) 1.7(0.6‐4.1) 2.9(1.1‐7.0) 5.6(2.0‐12.8) 11.3(4.3‐26.1) 27.8(11.3‐64.3)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.7(0.2‐2.3) 0.5(0.1‐1.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.7(0.2‐2.1) 1.1(0.3‐3.6) 2.0(0.5‐6.4) 3.4(0.8‐11.2) 7.3(1.5‐26.9)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 0.6(0.1‐2.1) 0.4(0.1‐1.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.6(0.1‐2.2) 0.9(0.2‐3.1) 1.8(0.4‐5.4) 3.0(0.6‐10.2) 6.3(1.2‐26.6)

North Africa / Middle East 1.3(0.6‐2.7) 3.0(1.3‐6.4) 1.9(0.9‐4.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 1.7(0.4‐5.1) 1.5(0.5‐4.0) 3.2(1.2‐9.3) 4.5(1.8‐11.9) 8.7(3.2‐21.4) 12.9(5.2‐30.7) 24.5(10.0‐57.7)

Asia, South 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 0.7(0.1‐2.1) 0.4(0.1‐1.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.5) 0.3(0.0‐1.2) 0.6(0.1‐2.2) 0.9(0.2‐3.4) 1.8(0.4‐6.7) 3.1(0.6‐11.8) 7.4(1.3‐27.4)

Oceania 0.9(0.2‐1.8) 2.1(0.6‐4.4) 1.3(0.4‐2.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.5(0.1‐1.1) 0.8(0.2‐1.8) 2.1(0.4‐5.1) 2.9(0.7‐6.6) 6.1(1.4‐14.6) 9.1(2.1‐20.2) 22.7(6.7‐49.2)

Asia, Southeast 0.1(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.9) 0.2(0.1‐0.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 0.5(0.2‐1.3) 0.9(0.4‐2.5) 1.8(0.8‐4.5) 3.2(1.0‐9.7)

Asia, East 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 0.7(0.2‐1.7) 0.5(0.2‐1.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.5(0.1‐1.7) 0.9(0.3‐2.5) 1.8(0.5‐4.7) 3.4(0.9‐10.5) 9.3(2.3‐30.6)

Latin America, Tropical 0.8(0.5‐1.2) 2.0(1.3‐2.8) 1.3(0.8‐1.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.8(0.4‐1.5) 1.7(0.8‐2.7) 3.1(1.6‐5.1) 5.8(2.9‐9.7) 9.6(5.2‐16.1) 20.9(11.4‐33.7)

Latin America, Central 0.4(0.3‐0.6) 1.0(0.7‐1.4) 0.7(0.4‐0.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.7(0.4‐1.1) 1.4(0.8‐2.1) 2.7(1.5‐4.1) 5.0(2.8‐7.6) 12.4(7.5‐19.3)

Latin America, Andean 0.5(0.3‐0.9) 1.1(0.6‐2.0) 0.7(0.4‐1.3) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.5(0.2‐1.0) 0.7(0.3‐1.7) 1.4(0.7‐3.1) 2.4(1.1‐5.1) 5.0(2.3‐11.4) 14.3(6.4‐28.7)

Caribbean 0.7(0.4‐1.0) 1.6(0.9‐2.4) 1.0(0.6‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.9) 0.8(0.4‐1.6) 1.5(0.7‐3.2) 2.1(1.1‐3.7) 4.3(2.3‐7.5) 8.2(4.4‐14.7) 15.9(8.8‐29.0)

Developed 1.3(0.9‐1.9) 3.1(2.2‐4.6) 2.0(1.4‐2.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.7(0.4‐1.0) 1.4(1.0‐2.2) 3.2(2.2‐4.9) 7.0(4.7‐10.3) 15.1(9.9‐22.4) 47.3(31.6‐71.8)

Developing 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.9(0.4‐1.8) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.8(0.3‐1.8) 1.3(0.6‐2.7) 2.4(1.0‐5.1) 4.3(1.9‐9.8) 10.4(4.4‐23.1)

Global 0.8(0.5‐1.1) 1.9(1.3‐2.8) 1.2(0.8‐1.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.5(0.3‐0.8) 1.0(0.6‐1.8) 2.0(1.2‐3.2) 4.0(2.4‐6.5) 9.0(5.5‐13.6) 28.4(18.6‐42.6)

GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 1.0(0.7‐1.3) 2.3(1.7‐3.2) 1.5(1.1‐2.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.6(0.4‐0.9) 1.5(1.1‐2.2) 3.6(2.4‐5.0) 9.2(6.2‐13.2) 42.8(27.0‐66.0)

Latin America, Southern 1.0(0.7‐1.7) 2.5(1.6‐4.0) 1.6(1.0‐2.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.5(0.2‐1.0) 1.1(0.5‐2.2) 2.1(1.0‐3.8) 4.8(2.5‐8.7) 11.8(6.2‐21.5) 39.4(18.1‐76.1)

Europe, Western 1.6(1.4‐2.0) 3.9(3.3‐4.9) 2.5(2.1‐3.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.3‐0.6) 1.1(0.9‐1.4) 2.7(2.2‐3.3) 7.1(5.8‐8.8) 17.9(14.7‐22.3) 69.4(53.9‐92.2)

Australasia 1.6(1.2‐2.3) 3.9(2.8‐5.5) 2.5(1.8‐3.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.8(0.5‐1.3) 2.1(1.4‐3.2) 6.7(4.5‐9.5) 16.0(10.4‐24.0) 73.8(45.8‐113.5)

Asia Pacific, High Income 1.1(0.8‐1.6) 2.7(2.0‐3.8) 1.7(1.3‐2.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.4(0.2‐0.6) 0.9(0.6‐1.3) 2.1(1.4‐3.0) 4.9(3.3‐7.0) 12.5(8.0‐18.4) 47.2(28.0‐75.5)

Europe, Eastern 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.5(0.2‐0.8) 0.3(0.2‐0.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐1.1) 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 1.0(0.3‐2.5) 2.3(0.8‐4.8) 5.5(2.1‐13.0)

Europe, Central 0.6(0.4‐0.9) 1.4(1.0‐2.1) 0.9(0.6‐1.3) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.8(0.5‐1.5) 1.6(0.9‐3.0) 3.3(2.0‐6.1) 7.0(4.1‐12.7) 18.4(9.3‐37.7)

Asia, Central 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.2(0.2‐0.3) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.6(0.3‐1.1) 1.1(0.5‐2.1) 2.1(1.2‐4.1)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 0.6(0.2‐1.4) 1.3(0.4‐3.4) 0.8(0.3‐2.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.9(0.2‐2.4) 1.6(0.5‐4.2) 3.4(0.9‐9.0) 6.8(2.1‐17.3) 16.8(3.9‐51.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 1.4(0.9‐2.3) 3.5(2.1‐5.6) 2.2(1.3‐3.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 1.0(0.4‐2.3) 1.6(0.6‐3.5) 3.8(1.7‐7.7) 8.5(3.7‐16.8) 15.8(7.1‐31.3) 49.0(19.5‐105.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 0.5(0.2‐1.2) 1.2(0.5‐2.8) 0.8(0.3‐1.8) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.8) 0.8(0.2‐2.1) 1.6(0.5‐4.3) 3.3(1.1‐8.4) 6.1(2.1‐14.3) 15.6(4.2‐41.9)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 0.5(0.2‐1.2) 1.1(0.4‐2.9) 0.7(0.2‐1.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.3) 0.1(0.0‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐1.0) 0.8(0.2‐2.5) 1.6(0.4‐4.9) 2.9(0.7‐8.9) 5.7(1.5‐16.3) 14.1(3.2‐45.5)

North Africa / Middle East 1.0(0.6‐1.7) 2.5(1.5‐4.0) 1.6(1.0‐2.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 0.7(0.3‐1.6) 0.6(0.3‐1.2) 1.1(0.5‐2.4) 2.3(1.0‐4.9) 4.1(2.0‐7.3) 7.4(3.5‐16.0) 13.4(6.5‐26.5) 19.3(9.8‐35.4)

Asia, South 0.5(0.2‐1.3) 1.2(0.4‐3.2) 0.8(0.2‐2.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 0.3(0.0‐1.2) 0.9(0.1‐3.4) 1.5(0.2‐5.5) 3.4(0.6‐12.1) 6.2(1.2‐21.5) 15.8(3.9‐45.8)

Oceania 0.5(0.2‐1.0) 1.2(0.5‐2.5) 0.8(0.3‐1.6) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 0.4(0.1‐1.2) 1.0(0.2‐3.2) 1.9(0.4‐5.9) 3.4(0.8‐9.9) 6.8(2.0‐18.7) 13.3(5.1‐28.5)

Asia, Southeast 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.2‐0.6) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 0.3(0.1‐0.8) 0.6(0.2‐1.3) 1.1(0.4‐2.4) 1.5(0.7‐3.1) 2.6(1.2‐5.2)
Asia, East 0.9(0.3‐2.1) 2.1(0.6‐5.1) 1.4(0.4‐3.2) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.0‐0.5) 0.1(0.0‐0.4) 0.3(0.0‐1.1) 0.9(0.1‐3.5) 2.0(0.3‐7.2) 4.6(0.6‐16.4) 9.4(1.5‐28.5) 34.2(8.4‐98.1)

Latin America, Tropical 0.9(0.7‐1.1) 2.1(1.7‐2.7) 1.4(1.1‐1.7) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.6) 0.7(0.4‐1.2) 1.4(0.8‐2.1) 2.9(1.9‐4.3) 5.6(3.7‐8.3) 10.4(6.9‐15.1) 26.2(15.6‐40.9)

Latin America, Central 0.5(0.4‐0.6) 1.2(1.0‐1.4) 0.7(0.6‐0.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.2(0.2‐0.4) 0.5(0.3‐0.7) 0.9(0.6‐1.3) 1.6(1.1‐2.1) 2.8(2.1‐3.7) 5.5(3.9‐7.4) 14.0(9.3‐20.0)

Latin America, Andean 0.6(0.4‐1.0) 1.4(0.9‐2.3) 0.9(0.6‐1.5) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 0.8(0.3‐2.1) 1.4(0.5‐3.3) 3.2(1.2‐7.4) 6.7(2.9‐13.9) 19.4(9.1‐39.4)

Caribbean 0.9(0.7‐1.3) 2.2(1.6‐3.1) 1.4(1.0‐2.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.5(0.2‐1.1) 0.4(0.1‐1.0) 0.4(0.2‐1.0) 0.7(0.3‐1.5) 1.9(0.9‐4.3) 2.2(1.1‐4.5) 6.1(3.1‐11.9) 10.4(6.2‐16.9) 23.3(13.5‐39.4)

Developed 1.1(1.0‐1.3) 2.6(2.3‐3.1) 1.7(1.5‐1.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.1(0.1‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.2) 0.3(0.3‐0.4) 0.8(0.6‐1.0) 1.8(1.6‐2.2) 4.5(3.9‐5.3) 11.4(9.8‐13.4) 46.9(38.6‐57.9)

Developing 0.7(0.4‐1.4) 1.7(0.9‐3.3) 1.1(0.6‐2.1) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 0.4(0.2‐0.8) 0.9(0.4‐2.3) 1.8(0.8‐4.1) 4.0(1.7‐9.6) 7.7(3.5‐16.8) 23.9(11.1‐53.6)

Global 0.9(0.7‐1.2) 2.2(1.8‐3.0) 1.4(1.1‐1.9) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.0) 0.0(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.0‐0.1) 0.1(0.1‐0.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.3) 0.4(0.2‐0.7) 0.9(0.5‐1.7) 1.8(1.2‐3.1) 4.2(2.8‐7.6) 9.6(7.3‐14.0) 37.6(29.9‐51.0)
Supplemental Table 5a. Estimated age-standardized DALYs associated with Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per
100,000) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 2010
GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 102.9(74.3‐142.5) 239.8(173.5‐332.0) 155.6(112.5‐215.3) 0.4(0.0‐1.4) 2.9(0.9‐6.1) 4.6(2.0‐8.9) 5.2(2.3‐9.1) 5.8(2.6‐10.0) 7.3(3.6‐12.4) 11.7(6.8‐18.1) 17.4(10.4‐26.9) 31.4(19.8‐47.7) 58.2(37.3‐83.4) 97.2(63.2‐142.8) 162.9(108.8‐233.6) 277.6(184.8‐396.3) 452.1(309.5‐634.3) 715.1(478.6‐1,033.3) 1,037.0(701.5‐1,505.3) 1,660.0(1,086.8‐2,589.9)

Latin America, Southern 88.7(52.6‐160.4) 206.1(122.6‐370.4) 134.1(79.6‐242.2) 0.4(0.0‐1.4) 2.6(0.6‐6.3) 4.3(1.4‐9.3) 5.0(1.8‐11.0) 5.5(1.8‐12.2) 6.8(2.5‐15.2) 11.3(5.2‐22.2) 18.2(9.4‐33.4) 31.4(16.1‐61.8) 55.3(28.6‐107.5) 91.1(47.6‐171.7) 155.4(84.4‐294.6) 267.0(152.1‐466.1) 405.5(223.9‐714.3) 592.6(337.2‐1,069.5) 863.4(510.8‐1,510.9) 1,256.6(752.6‐2,190.3)

Europe, Western 83.8(62.1‐109.3) 196.1(145.6‐256.2) 126.9(94.1‐165.7) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 2.1(1.1‐3.5) 3.4(2.0‐5.4) 3.9(2.3‐6.2) 4.1(2.4‐6.3) 5.0(3.0‐7.6) 8.5(5.6‐12.0) 12.6(8.5‐17.6) 22.5(15.6‐31.4) 40.9(28.7‐55.8) 70.3(48.7‐96.3) 124.1(87.8‐168.8) 212.7(155.1‐286.1) 357.9(258.6‐474.7) 572.2(414.7‐778.3) 896.9(646.4‐1,212.1) 1,493.9(1,061.5‐2,029.3)

Australasia 91.6(66.3‐125.7) 213.3(154.0‐292.6) 138.6(100.0‐190.2) 0.4(0.0‐1.2) 2.6(0.9‐5.2) 4.2(1.7‐7.5) 4.9(2.1‐8.8) 5.4(2.4‐10.0) 6.6(3.2‐11.5) 11.2(6.3‐17.5) 15.8(9.4‐24.2) 25.5(15.8‐37.8) 48.0(31.0‐71.7) 76.8(48.7‐114.1) 140.1(91.6‐202.9) 224.8(142.6‐326.4) 372.3(253.1‐537.8) 589.4(394.4‐862.3) 928.7(607.7‐1,390.9) 1,725.7(1,084.8‐2,621.8)

Asia Pacific, High Income 54.9(38.1‐80.8) 128.9(89.5‐190.4) 83.3(57.8‐122.6) 0.1(0.0‐0.7) 1.1(0.2‐2.5) 1.8(0.6‐3.4) 2.1(0.8‐4.0) 2.3(0.9‐4.3) 2.9(1.3‐5.2) 5.3(3.0‐8.1) 7.8(4.7‐12.0) 14.9(9.4‐22.6) 27.6(18.2‐41.0) 47.9(31.3‐70.7) 90.4(59.2‐136.2) 152.5(97.2‐234.8) 246.1(163.1‐381.4) 373.1(234.4‐621.7) 541.1(329.0‐936.3) 947.7(564.6‐1,514.1)

Europe, Eastern 58.9(31.1‐104.1) 134.6(71.9‐238.4) 88.4(46.9‐156.4) 0.4(0.0‐1.2) 2.7(0.7‐6.0) 4.5(1.5‐9.7) 5.1(1.8‐11.0) 5.6(2.0‐11.5) 6.6(2.4‐13.5) 10.2(4.9‐19.6) 14.3(6.7‐27.9) 25.2(12.4‐45.9) 42.6(21.7‐78.1) 69.4(34.4‐130.7) 114.4(58.8‐205.3) 177.8(90.6‐322.0) 261.8(143.0‐461.0) 364.0(186.1‐663.8) 501.9(261.1‐911.2) 781.7(411.1‐1,462.5)

Europe, Central 85.5(58.6‐125.4) 198.3(136.8‐289.9) 129.1(88.7‐189.1) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 2.7(1.1‐5.1) 4.5(2.2‐8.2) 5.2(2.6‐9.6) 5.6(2.8‐10.4) 6.9(3.6‐12.4) 10.8(6.5‐18.1) 17.8(11.1‐27.8) 30.9(19.7‐47.8) 60.0(39.8‐92.5) 98.0(63.6‐152.3) 159.4(102.4‐241.7) 256.7(169.0‐385.1) 392.0(255.9‐588.4) 560.8(358.6‐842.4) 802.6(531.2‐1,213.0) 1,149.5(770.9‐1,732.1)

Asia, Central 57.2(34.0‐91.2) 130.0(77.2‐208.2) 85.7(50.9‐137.0) 0.4(0.0‐0.9) 2.7(1.1‐5.5) 4.7(2.1‐8.7) 5.5(2.5‐10.0) 5.9(2.7‐11.0) 6.9(3.4‐12.3) 11.8(6.9‐19.2) 18.1(9.9‐29.8) 26.1(15.0‐43.0) 46.5(26.6‐76.1) 81.6(47.5‐130.9) 120.0(69.8‐193.7) 179.2(105.7‐294.0) 244.7(136.1‐397.1) 340.3(194.7‐559.0) 443.3(252.0‐730.0) 680.0(390.3‐1,080.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 54.1(31.5‐89.5) 123.9(72.2‐206.0) 81.3(47.4‐135.0) 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 2.4(1.0‐5.1) 4.1(1.8‐7.6) 4.8(2.3‐9.2) 5.2(2.5‐9.6) 6.1(3.0‐11.2) 8.9(4.8‐15.7) 12.6(7.1‐21.4) 21.0(12.1‐35.9) 35.9(20.2‐62.0) 60.1(33.7‐105.0) 99.1(56.6‐171.8) 159.4(89.3‐275.7) 238.0(133.9‐417.7) 346.8(196.2‐593.2) 484.1(275.0‐819.7) 753.6(424.2‐1,252.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 91.8(52.9‐154.6) 212.8(122.5‐358.8) 138.7(79.9‐233.7) 0.4(0.0‐1.1) 2.8(0.8‐6.4) 4.7(1.6‐10.0) 5.5(2.1‐11.3) 5.9(2.1‐12.1) 7.1(2.6‐14.9) 14.4(7.5‐25.5) 21.0(10.3‐38.3) 33.7(16.7‐60.2) 57.4(27.5‐106.6) 99.1(48.7‐186.0) 171.4(88.7‐311.2) 271.6(143.1‐499.6) 406.5(219.4‐716.6) 592.0(324.6‐1,022.6) 854.1(459.0‐1,465.0) 1,327.4(760.7‐2,262.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 54.3(33.2‐83.9) 124.0(75.5‐191.9) 81.4(49.7‐125.5) 0.3(0.1‐0.8) 2.6(1.2‐4.8) 4.3(2.2‐7.6) 5.0(2.7‐8.6) 5.4(2.9‐8.9) 6.2(3.4‐10.2) 8.9(5.4‐14.2) 12.7(7.7‐19.7) 21.1(12.5‐33.2) 37.0(22.3‐58.4) 61.4(36.3‐98.7) 100.3(60.9‐156.0) 160.7(95.6‐256.2) 240.3(144.2‐375.4) 347.9(207.1‐552.4) 477.7(285.9‐760.8) 740.9(443.3‐1,135.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 56.1(28.5‐101.6) 128.5(65.1‐230.8) 84.3(42.7‐152.2) 0.3(0.0‐1.1) 2.5(0.7‐5.5) 4.2(1.4‐9.4) 4.9(1.7‐10.8) 5.4(1.8‐12.1) 6.3(2.4‐13.1) 9.0(4.0‐17.8) 12.8(5.8‐25.1) 21.6(9.9‐40.5) 37.5(17.9‐69.3) 62.9(29.3‐120.3) 103.6(49.3‐192.8) 166.9(78.1‐312.0) 247.9(120.3‐457.2) 361.8(177.0‐674.1) 496.5(246.2‐912.9) 773.6(395.8‐1,400.1)

North Africa / Middle East 81.4(56.9‐113.1) 187.9(131.9‐261.4) 123.1(86.2‐171.0) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 2.3(1.2‐4.1) 3.8(2.1‐6.3) 4.4(2.5‐7.1) 4.8(2.8‐8.0) 5.8(3.3‐9.4) 18.8(10.3‐35.3) 22.4(15.2‐31.7) 40.5(26.3‐60.9) 63.9(41.6‐92.6) 121.1(69.6‐204.9) 151.2(100.0‐220.1) 251.7(167.6‐369.5) 353.1(236.9‐513.4) 520.7(353.1‐750.9) 698.2(471.9‐1,012.2) 976.5(657.0‐1,422.1)

Asia, South 50.0(31.4‐77.2) 115.2(72.5‐180.0) 75.3(47.4‐117.0) 0.3(0.0‐0.9) 2.0(0.7‐4.0) 3.2(1.4‐5.9) 3.7(1.6‐6.7) 4.1(1.9‐7.1) 4.9(2.4‐8.2) 7.5(4.1‐12.0) 11.1(6.3‐18.2) 19.0(11.2‐29.5) 33.2(20.3‐51.7) 56.1(33.7‐90.1) 91.2(56.4‐150.1) 148.1(89.9‐251.5) 222.3(135.9‐354.9) 323.9(199.6‐523.1) 452.2(277.4‐729.6) 702.5(428.6‐1,110.0)

Oceania 108.0(59.0‐171.7) 251.5(136.7‐402.2) 163.5(89.0‐261.3) 0.4(0.0‐1.3) 2.8(0.7‐6.4) 4.7(1.6‐10.4) 5.4(1.8‐11.9) 5.4(2.0‐11.4) 6.5(2.4‐14.0) 16.6(8.1‐30.9) 25.3(11.6‐46.9) 45.2(21.7‐79.8) 74.5(36.7‐130.5) 133.5(62.1‐238.0) 208.0(104.3‐371.5) 384.3(187.8‐694.8) 480.7(241.2‐815.7) 745.8(362.0‐1,328.7) 906.9(453.8‐1,534.6) 1,321.5(695.1‐2,201.1)

Asia, Southeast 49.3(29.3‐80.7) 113.1(67.1‐184.8) 74.2(43.9‐121.3) 0.3(0.0‐0.8) 2.1(0.9‐4.2) 3.6(1.7‐6.7) 4.1(1.9‐7.5) 4.5(2.1‐8.5) 5.4(2.7‐9.9) 8.2(4.6‐13.9) 12.0(6.8‐20.7) 20.8(11.8‐34.9) 35.5(20.2‐59.3) 58.7(33.3‐95.2) 93.8(54.2‐153.2) 147.2(86.9‐243.9) 218.8(127.2‐359.9) 310.3(176.9‐519.0) 426.3(244.2‐717.3) 660.5(381.8‐1,121.8)

Asia, East 44.9(30.5‐63.1) 103.5(70.2‐145.9) 67.7(46.0‐95.2) 0.3(0.0‐1.1) 1.8(0.4‐4.1) 2.9(0.9‐5.8) 3.3(1.1‐6.7) 3.6(1.3‐7.2) 4.4(1.9‐8.0) 6.8(3.2‐11.6) 10.2(5.7‐16.4) 16.9(9.9‐27.2) 29.1(17.9‐44.1) 46.4(30.2‐68.5) 76.1(49.5‐111.9) 126.2(81.6‐193.7) 193.7(128.0‐283.6) 294.9(188.3‐445.8) 413.7(270.5‐648.0) 681.6(437.2‐1,131.4)

Latin America, Tropical 83.5(59.8‐113.2) 194.2(138.9‐264.5) 126.3(90.6‐171.6) 0.3(0.0‐1.2) 2.3(0.6‐5.2) 3.8(1.5‐7.6) 4.4(1.8‐8.5) 4.8(2.1‐8.9) 5.9(2.6‐10.2) 11.1(6.5‐17.4) 16.9(9.9‐25.7) 28.4(17.8‐43.3) 51.6(33.3‐75.2) 90.5(56.6‐132.5) 153.1(101.4‐228.0) 250.6(163.3‐361.9) 380.9(252.1‐564.4) 582.0(385.5‐860.3) 788.2(536.5‐1,133.8) 1,150.7(806.0‐1,583.3)

Latin America, Central 67.3(38.9‐108.7) 154.6(89.7‐250.3) 101.2(58.5‐163.9) 0.4(0.0‐1.0) 2.6(1.0‐5.6) 4.4(2.0‐8.6) 5.2(2.3‐9.9) 5.6(2.5‐10.6) 6.6(3.0‐12.8) 11.3(6.4‐19.3) 15.5(8.6‐27.1) 26.7(14.6‐44.3) 45.3(24.8‐77.0) 72.2(38.6‐123.5) 118.6(65.6‐197.2) 188.5(104.7‐316.3) 298.3(169.9‐489.9) 442.8(257.9‐721.8) 615.7(360.0‐1,022.2) 958.9(555.3‐1,641.3)

Latin America, Andean 67.0(34.6‐123.9) 153.8(79.5‐283.8) 100.7(52.1‐186.7) 0.4(0.0‐1.0) 2.8(0.8‐6.1) 4.5(1.8‐9.2) 5.2(2.0‐10.5) 5.7(2.4‐11.5) 6.8(2.8‐13.9) 11.0(5.6‐20.9) 16.6(8.7‐29.9) 27.0(14.7‐49.6) 44.7(22.5‐84.9) 76.2(39.1‐144.4) 121.5(62.9‐225.4) 189.2(98.4‐351.6) 289.7(148.1‐532.4) 420.6(211.0‐777.0) 600.8(309.1‐1,102.8) 973.6(491.3‐1,777.1)

Caribbean 83.6(51.5‐132.0) 192.3(118.8‐304.8) 126.1(77.7‐199.1) 0.4(0.0‐1.0) 3.0(1.2‐5.8) 4.8(2.2‐9.1) 5.7(2.7‐10.6) 6.1(3.1‐11.1) 7.4(3.6‐13.4) 17.5(9.5‐30.6) 20.6(12.2‐33.8) 38.3(23.1‐62.0) 58.4(34.9‐96.4) 102.8(60.3‐165.2) 165.6(97.6‐273.4) 259.4(152.8‐428.0) 376.2(221.4‐626.3) 556.2(338.0‐923.0) 746.3(449.6‐1,218.9) 994.3(591.8‐1,703.9)

Developed 81.5(60.8‐106.2) 189.9(142.2‐247.9) 123.3(92.1‐160.5) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 2.4(1.3‐3.8) 3.8(2.4‐6.0) 4.4(2.7‐6.6) 4.8(2.9‐7.3) 5.9(3.7‐8.9) 9.4(6.4‐13.6) 13.9(9.5‐19.5) 24.9(17.4‐34.1) 45.8(32.5‐62.3) 77.3(54.4‐105.0) 131.8(96.7‐174.2) 218.9(158.3‐293.9) 354.4(256.9‐464.7) 537.2(395.6‐730.6) 814.4(605.4‐1,084.7) 1,365.2(1,008.9‐1,841.8)

Developing 54.5(37.7‐73.2) 125.2(87.0‐168.3) 82.0(56.8‐110.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 2.2(1.3‐3.3) 3.6(2.2‐5.3) 4.1(2.5‐6.3) 4.4(2.8‐6.7) 5.3(3.3‐8.0) 9.2(6.2‐13.1) 12.8(8.8‐17.8) 21.4(14.8‐29.7) 36.9(25.6‐50.2) 62.0(42.7‐86.0) 96.4(67.1‐132.5) 158.1(109.3‐217.8) 237.8(163.8‐325.6) 351.8(243.7‐476.5) 489.5(337.8‐679.6) 774.3(529.9‐1,074.0)

Global 64.5(46.8‐84.2) 149.3(108.7‐194.5) 97.3(70.7‐127.0) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 2.2(1.3‐3.3) 3.6(2.3‐5.3) 4.1(2.6‐6.2) 4.5(2.9‐6.7) 5.4(3.4‐8.0) 9.3(6.3‐12.8) 13.0(9.0‐17.8) 22.1(15.5‐30.3) 39.0(27.6‐53.2) 65.9(46.2‐89.5) 105.7(75.1‐142.3) 176.9(125.9‐237.6) 274.3(197.2‐362.6) 416.7(301.5‐555.2) 611.9(446.2‐797.6) 1,048.2(765.0‐1,376.7)
GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 63.0(46.6‐82.6) 146.9(108.8‐192.4) 95.3(70.5‐124.5) 0.2(0.0‐1.0) 1.8(0.5‐3.7) 2.9(0.9‐5.6) 3.3(1.3‐6.3) 3.5(1.4‐6.4) 4.3(1.8‐7.9) 6.8(3.6‐11.2) 10.2(5.8‐16.1) 18.1(11.4‐28.0) 32.0(20.7‐48.5) 52.7(34.6‐75.7) 90.9(60.7‐132.5) 152.8(101.7‐217.8) 255.1(175.2‐359.0) 414.3(282.8‐576.5) 655.7(442.6‐933.4) 1,189.9(722.0‐1,955.9)

Latin America, Southern 52.1(32.1‐87.5) 121.0(75.5‐202.6) 78.7(48.7‐132.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.6(0.3‐3.9) 2.6(0.7‐6.1) 3.0(1.0‐6.7) 3.3(1.0‐7.1) 4.0(1.4‐8.8) 6.4(2.8‐12.6) 10.4(5.1‐19.5) 18.4(9.3‐34.0) 31.9(16.6‐57.3) 54.0(29.1‐90.7) 87.2(46.2‐155.0) 137.9(72.8‐248.3) 220.1(123.0‐385.6) 360.7(209.2‐608.1) 512.5(315.9‐832.6) 808.1(486.4‐1,321.9)

Europe, Western 59.5(48.9‐73.2) 139.5(115.1‐171.5) 90.1(74.2‐110.9) 0.2(0.0‐0.4) 1.4(0.7‐2.3) 2.2(1.3‐3.6) 2.5(1.4‐4.2) 2.6(1.5‐4.1) 3.1(1.8‐4.7) 5.0(3.4‐7.0) 7.6(5.1‐10.9) 13.3(9.0‐18.6) 22.5(15.8‐31.5) 37.9(26.5‐52.4) 65.1(46.5‐88.6) 115.8(83.7‐153.2) 206.7(158.2‐264.8) 370.4(284.3‐471.9) 682.3(548.6‐850.9) 1,412.1(1,106.1‐1,795.9)

Australasia 58.2(42.1‐78.4) 135.8(98.4‐182.9) 88.1(63.9‐118.8) 0.2(0.0‐1.0) 1.6(0.3‐3.5) 2.6(1.0‐4.9) 3.0(1.1‐5.9) 3.2(1.2‐6.2) 3.9(1.6‐7.2) 6.6(3.4‐11.0) 10.1(5.8‐16.3) 14.7(8.5‐23.4) 29.8(18.9‐44.4) 47.7(30.5‐71.6) 81.9(54.2‐120.3) 132.8(86.4‐194.0) 210.2(147.2‐296.2) 352.8(235.2‐512.6) 585.8(380.5‐863.8) 1,249.4(716.0‐2,140.6)
Asia Pacific, High Income 27.3(20.8‐35.4) 63.9(48.4‐82.6) 41.4(31.4‐53.4) 0.1(0.0‐0.5) 0.7(0.0‐1.8) 1.1(0.3‐2.3) 1.3(0.3‐2.5) 1.4(0.4‐3.0) 1.7(0.6‐3.3) 2.9(1.4‐5.0) 4.2(2.2‐7.1) 7.3(4.5‐11.1) 13.2(8.5‐19.3) 22.7(14.5‐33.1) 39.5(26.5‐55.7) 64.8(44.5‐89.9) 104.9(73.9‐144.1) 170.7(120.1‐232.5) 265.3(183.1‐373.8) 574.3(356.1‐894.7)
Europe, Eastern 36.6(19.0‐67.2) 84.3(43.7‐154.7) 55.1(28.4‐101.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.5(0.3‐3.7) 2.5(0.7‐5.8) 2.9(1.0‐6.5) 3.1(0.9‐7.2) 3.6(1.3‐8.4) 5.4(2.2‐10.9) 7.6(3.3‐15.0) 13.5(6.3‐26.3) 28.7(12.8‐56.2) 39.5(18.6‐80.6) 67.6(32.6‐133.3) 106.9(51.1‐205.0) 160.2(77.4‐295.7) 227.5(108.5‐431.8) 328.0(168.4‐621.9) 529.7(259.8‐1,011.0)

Europe, Central 50.0(33.9‐73.9) 115.8(78.4‐171.2) 75.5(51.2‐111.7) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 1.7(0.7‐3.4) 2.8(1.2‐5.2) 3.2(1.4‐5.9) 3.4(1.5‐6.2) 4.2(1.9‐7.4) 7.4(4.5‐11.5) 9.9(5.8‐15.7) 16.9(10.1‐26.9) 30.9(18.8‐48.8) 49.9(30.2‐81.7) 83.5(52.0‐133.9) 138.2(87.5‐219.2) 214.5(137.4‐334.0) 335.8(216.8‐499.5) 504.0(345.9‐729.0) 757.6(499.9‐1,108.9)
Asia, Central 29.5(18.5‐48.3) 67.0(41.5‐109.0) 44.2(27.5‐71.9) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 1.6(0.5‐3.4) 2.7(1.2‐5.2) 3.2(1.4‐6.1) 3.4(1.5‐6.4) 3.9(1.9‐7.0) 5.4(3.0‐9.5) 7.3(4.1‐12.6) 12.1(6.8‐20.2) 21.2(12.1‐35.4) 33.8(19.0‐57.5) 58.3(34.7‐97.3) 92.8(54.6‐156.0) 137.0(83.0‐226.3) 184.7(110.2‐321.1) 242.1(147.8‐409.3) 367.7(221.6‐602.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 43.8(25.9‐72.1) 101.1(59.5‐165.8) 66.0(39.0‐108.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 1.6(0.6‐3.2) 2.7(1.1‐5.5) 3.1(1.4‐5.9) 3.3(1.5‐6.7) 4.0(1.9‐7.5) 6.5(3.6‐11.2) 9.5(5.3‐16.4) 15.9(9.2‐26.8) 28.8(16.6‐48.8) 44.9(25.4‐77.5) 76.4(43.1‐128.8) 125.1(70.1‐218.0) 195.5(110.5‐332.4) 293.3(169.3‐493.2) 417.3(241.8‐705.1) 626.4(349.8‐1,132.5)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 59.0(37.8‐95.6) 136.6(87.7‐220.7) 89.2(57.2‐144.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.7(0.4‐4.1) 2.8(0.8‐6.5) 3.3(1.2‐6.9) 3.5(1.2‐7.7) 4.4(1.6‐9.2) 10.7(5.5‐19.2) 15.2(8.1‐27.0) 22.0(11.3‐40.3) 38.2(20.8‐70.8) 56.1(29.5‐107.8) 101.7(56.4‐180.2) 159.9(85.0‐281.1) 287.9(166.3‐484.2) 391.6(224.5‐647.3) 552.5(327.1‐908.9) 849.4(501.9‐1,461.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 39.3(24.9‐58.1) 90.6(57.4‐133.9) 59.2(37.4‐87.5) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.5(0.6‐2.9) 2.5(1.2‐4.6) 2.9(1.4‐5.1) 3.1(1.6‐5.6) 3.7(1.8‐6.5) 5.6(3.2‐9.1) 8.1(4.7‐13.1) 13.9(8.3‐21.7) 25.4(15.2‐40.4) 39.8(24.3‐64.5) 68.1(41.0‐107.4) 112.0(66.6‐177.9) 177.8(105.5‐274.0) 261.9(154.8‐397.2) 368.6(229.0‐567.1) 570.6(347.7‐878.8)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 42.6(23.1‐74.3) 98.2(53.5‐170.8) 64.1(35.0‐111.8) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.6(0.3‐3.8) 2.6(0.8‐5.9) 3.0(0.9‐7.0) 3.4(1.1‐7.1) 3.9(1.3‐8.2) 6.3(2.6‐12.2) 9.2(4.3‐17.8) 15.4(7.4‐29.2) 27.9(13.3‐52.4) 44.2(22.2‐82.2) 75.0(38.5‐138.0) 124.0(59.9‐228.3) 193.4(99.2‐351.3) 288.1(145.0‐537.4) 398.9(215.4‐707.2) 592.5(315.4‐1,043.9)

North Africa / Middle East 53.6(40.0‐72.1) 124.1(92.7‐167.2) 81.2(60.8‐109.1) 0.2(0.0‐0.4) 1.4(0.7‐2.4) 2.3(1.3‐4.0) 2.6(1.4‐4.4) 2.8(1.6‐4.7) 3.4(1.9‐5.5) 12.2(7.9‐18.7) 17.7(12.2‐25.6) 27.2(19.1‐38.0) 53.9(35.3‐82.6) 59.2(41.8‐83.4) 98.6(68.1‐141.2) 160.1(112.5‐229.8) 242.9(170.0‐339.6) 354.0(248.8‐493.5) 493.7(341.5‐691.1) 608.4(420.1‐860.1)

Asia, South 36.8(23.9‐54.4) 85.3(55.1‐127.3) 55.6(36.0‐82.5) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.2(0.3‐2.8) 2.0(0.7‐3.8) 2.3(0.8‐4.5) 2.5(1.0‐4.6) 3.0(1.2‐5.6) 5.2(2.6‐9.0) 7.7(4.2‐12.8) 13.1(7.5‐21.3) 24.2(14.0‐42.0) 36.3(21.8‐55.2) 62.3(38.0‐102.0) 105.1(65.0‐171.4) 164.2(100.7‐274.1) 253.9(154.0‐475.0) 347.4(210.5‐572.1) 541.7(339.4‐907.9)

Oceania 70.0(37.7‐121.4) 163.6(87.5‐284.7) 106.0(57.0‐184.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.7(0.4‐4.3) 2.8(0.8‐6.4) 3.2(1.0‐7.1) 3.2(1.0‐7.1) 3.8(1.3‐8.5) 9.0(3.8‐18.1) 12.8(5.6‐26.7) 23.9(10.2‐50.5) 48.4(20.2‐115.3) 64.7(30.7‐130.4) 118.2(52.9‐254.8) 215.8(93.6‐492.2) 332.1(145.3‐730.0) 495.9(208.9‐1,149.6) 752.3(331.2‐1,642.5) 897.2(470.2‐1,639.8)
Asia, Southeast 33.5(20.0‐53.8) 77.1(46.4‐123.7) 50.4(30.2‐80.8) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.3(0.5‐2.7) 2.2(0.9‐4.2) 2.5(1.1‐4.6) 2.7(1.1‐5.0) 3.2(1.5‐6.2) 5.1(2.6‐9.3) 7.5(4.3‐13.2) 14.7(8.5‐24.3) 25.0(14.4‐43.3) 40.2(23.1‐64.3) 64.0(38.0‐100.7) 98.1(57.5‐161.3) 148.1(85.7‐246.1) 216.6(121.5‐361.2) 292.9(165.4‐477.7) 446.6(250.8‐738.1)

Asia, East 40.2(27.2‐57.3) 93.5(63.0‐134.1) 60.8(41.0‐86.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.1(0.0‐2.9) 1.9(0.4‐4.0) 2.2(0.6‐4.5) 2.4(0.6‐4.9) 2.8(0.9‐5.3) 4.9(2.2‐8.9) 7.2(3.7‐12.1) 12.7(7.2‐20.4) 23.8(13.3‐42.5) 33.6(20.3‐50.7) 56.9(34.7‐88.3) 100.6(61.8‐166.1) 161.9(100.3‐274.2) 268.9(152.2‐501.2) 406.7(235.8‐714.0) 734.4(421.2‐1,368.8)
Latin America, Tropical 52.5(40.3‐67.3) 122.3(94.2‐156.2) 79.5(61.1‐101.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.4(0.1‐3.3) 2.3(0.6‐4.7) 2.7(0.8‐5.4) 3.0(0.9‐6.1) 3.7(1.3‐7.0) 6.5(3.6‐10.7) 11.2(6.6‐17.2) 18.8(11.6‐29.3) 33.7(21.7‐48.9) 52.3(34.2‐76.5) 89.0(59.8‐131.4) 144.8(96.6‐209.9) 225.4(156.7‐307.0) 358.3(248.0‐501.6) 514.9(358.2‐716.3) 806.3(554.3‐1,188.2)

Latin America, Central 42.8(26.4‐71.0) 98.9(61.2‐164.0) 64.5(39.9‐106.9) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.6(0.5‐3.4) 2.6(1.1‐5.4) 3.0(1.2‐6.2) 3.2(1.3‐6.1) 3.8(1.6‐7.5) 6.0(3.2‐10.6) 9.2(5.0‐15.6) 15.6(8.7‐26.5) 28.3(16.1‐47.4) 46.0(25.9‐78.7) 73.3(41.8‐126.5) 122.5(72.4‐202.3) 190.3(113.4‐311.5) 279.4(166.4‐466.8) 403.8(243.9‐679.1) 626.8(371.7‐1,048.4)

Latin America, Andean 45.3(26.0‐78.7) 104.6(60.2‐181.0) 68.3(39.3‐118.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.7(0.4‐3.8) 2.7(1.0‐5.8) 3.2(1.1‐6.9) 3.4(1.1‐7.4) 4.2(1.7‐8.6) 7.1(3.6‐13.4) 11.2(6.3‐19.5) 18.5(10.3‐32.8) 31.0(16.7‐56.7) 51.2(28.6‐91.6) 79.3(42.9‐143.9) 126.9(65.6‐228.3) 191.1(102.6‐342.4) 293.1(160.4‐517.1) 434.1(250.5‐739.9) 651.0(369.1‐1,129.0)

Caribbean 59.4(40.8‐90.0) 137.3(94.3‐207.4) 89.8(61.9‐136.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.7(0.6‐3.6) 2.9(1.3‐5.3) 3.3(1.6‐6.3) 3.6(1.7‐6.6) 4.4(2.1‐7.8) 12.4(6.7‐23.3) 18.5(10.7‐30.5) 45.6(24.5‐81.0) 48.7(27.3‐88.4) 66.5(39.8‐107.0) 104.6(63.9‐170.3) 189.4(118.2‐300.0) 244.1(150.7‐404.5) 410.4(255.8‐643.0) 521.1(337.0‐789.0) 680.6(432.1‐1,039.9)

Developed 51.0(39.8‐63.7) 119.0(93.2‐148.2) 77.2(60.3‐96.3) 0.2(0.1‐0.5) 1.5(0.8‐2.4) 2.4(1.4‐3.8) 2.7(1.6‐4.3) 2.9(1.7‐4.5) 3.5(2.1‐5.3) 5.5(3.7‐7.7) 8.0(5.5‐11.1) 14.0(9.7‐19.2) 25.8(18.0‐35.5) 41.6(28.8‐57.2) 70.9(50.1‐96.1) 117.9(84.2‐155.8) 194.8(145.3‐250.8) 314.2(236.8‐404.1) 530.8(422.0‐663.5) 1,050.8(838.2‐1,316.8)

Developing 41.1(30.5‐54.4) 95.1(70.6‐125.8) 62.0(46.0‐82.1) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 1.4(0.8‐2.2) 2.2(1.3‐3.4) 2.5(1.5‐3.8) 2.7(1.7‐4.1) 3.3(2.1‐4.9) 6.1(4.2‐8.5) 8.8(6.2‐12.0) 15.1(11.0‐20.5) 27.7(19.3‐39.1) 40.0(28.3‐54.9) 66.5(46.5‐91.2) 112.1(80.2‐155.0) 175.8(125.6‐239.6) 273.2(191.6‐390.3) 392.9(273.1‐550.4) 644.6(457.8‐935.9)

Global 45.9(35.7‐58.5) 106.8(82.9‐135.8) 69.4(53.9‐88.4) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 1.4(0.8‐2.2) 2.2(1.4‐3.3) 2.6(1.6‐3.8) 2.8(1.7‐4.1) 3.3(2.1‐4.9) 6.0(4.2‐8.3) 8.7(6.2‐11.7) 14.9(10.9‐19.9) 27.2(19.5‐37.6) 40.4(28.5‐55.0) 67.7(48.3‐91.6) 114.0(83.0‐152.9) 182.1(134.9‐238.4) 288.9(214.8‐378.0) 450.4(346.9‐571.4) 867.7(683.2‐1,083.3)
Supplemental Table 5b. Estimated age-standardized DALYs associated with Atrial Fibrillation with 95% Uncertainty Intervals (per
100,000) for all 21 GBD regions for males and females: 1990.
GBD Region Males 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 73.6(51.6‐99.9) 170.2(119.2‐230.5) 111.0(77.7‐150.4) 0.4(0.0‐1.3) 2.7(0.9‐5.2) 4.3(1.8‐8.0) 5.0(2.0‐8.7) 5.4(2.4‐9.8) 6.9(3.3‐12.0) 10.0(5.6‐15.9) 14.9(8.8‐23.2) 26.3(16.6‐38.7) 47.2(30.4‐68.6) 78.4(51.0‐115.3) 130.7(89.2‐192.2) 210.0(141.3‐291.9) 322.3(223.1‐443.2) 481.3(340.4‐652.7) 681.4(486.0‐921.6) 1,104.1(797.9‐1,468.0)

Latin America, Southern 72.7(40.0‐127.5) 168.4(93.4‐293.9) 109.8(60.6‐192.0) 0.3(0.0‐1.1) 2.4(0.6‐5.3) 4.0(1.3‐8.5) 4.7(1.6‐9.8) 5.1(1.8‐11.1) 6.2(2.5‐12.6) 9.9(4.8‐19.0) 15.4(7.7‐29.0) 26.6(12.7‐48.4) 46.3(23.6‐84.3) 77.9(39.5‐144.0) 131.3(66.1‐239.6) 217.5(117.7‐386.3) 324.6(171.4‐579.5) 471.4(253.8‐851.3) 686.5(375.0‐1,191.4) 1,042.4(559.6‐1,808.7)

Europe, Western 64.0(48.2‐84.4) 148.7(112.5‐195.0) 96.7(72.9‐127.2) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 2.1(1.1‐3.6) 3.5(2.1‐5.4) 4.0(2.4‐6.2) 4.2(2.4‐6.4) 4.9(3.0‐7.6) 8.0(5.4‐11.5) 11.5(7.9‐16.3) 20.1(13.9‐28.2) 36.1(24.7‐50.0) 61.0(42.5‐84.9) 104.3(73.2‐143.0) 171.1(123.6‐234.6) 281.3(202.3‐373.3) 444.0(329.6‐586.3) 651.6(492.4‐878.8) 1,001.2(745.5‐1,345.2)

Australasia 74.5(54.0‐100.1) 172.7(125.4‐231.6) 112.5(81.5‐150.9) 0.3(0.0‐1.1) 2.5(0.8‐5.0) 4.0(1.6‐7.4) 4.6(2.1‐8.3) 5.1(2.2‐8.9) 6.3(3.1‐10.8) 9.7(5.5‐15.8) 13.4(7.8‐21.1) 22.8(14.1‐34.7) 41.5(26.4‐61.2) 69.1(44.7‐104.5) 124.0(84.3‐182.1) 198.5(136.5‐285.1) 324.5(227.8‐452.3) 512.7(353.7‐717.3) 745.1(520.5‐1,027.2) 1,187.0(853.6‐1,596.1)

Asia Pacific, High Income 46.2(35.2‐59.8) 108.0(82.4‐140.2) 70.0(53.3‐90.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.1(0.2‐2.5) 1.8(0.6‐3.6) 2.1(0.7‐4.1) 2.3(0.9‐4.4) 2.9(1.3‐5.3) 5.2(3.1‐8.0) 7.4(4.3‐11.4) 13.7(8.6‐20.1) 25.3(15.8‐36.7) 44.1(30.0‐63.2) 77.1(53.2‐106.7) 127.0(89.9‐174.6) 202.9(144.3‐277.7) 314.9(226.6‐434.8) 468.1(321.1‐646.6) 748.0(531.0‐1,038.1)

Europe, Eastern 50.2(25.9‐90.2) 114.4(58.9‐205.7) 75.2(38.8‐135.0) 0.4(0.0‐1.2) 2.5(0.7‐6.2) 4.2(1.5‐9.2) 4.8(1.7‐10.2) 5.1(1.9‐10.5) 6.1(2.4‐12.3) 8.4(3.6‐16.5) 11.8(5.2‐22.9) 20.4(10.0‐38.3) 35.9(17.2‐66.3) 59.4(29.2‐112.1) 97.3(49.7‐180.1) 153.6(74.7‐287.7) 221.1(108.3‐405.8) 313.8(156.6‐576.9) 431.5(214.7‐785.8) 654.9(339.3‐1,165.8)

Europe, Central 73.3(47.5‐109.1) 169.5(110.1‐251.6) 110.6(71.7‐164.3) 0.4(0.1‐0.9) 2.6(1.1‐5.1) 4.3(2.1‐7.7) 5.0(2.4‐8.7) 5.4(2.8‐9.6) 6.5(3.5‐11.3) 10.2(5.8‐16.5) 16.6(10.0‐26.8) 27.6(16.6‐42.8) 50.8(31.7‐76.0) 82.8(51.0‐132.1) 134.7(85.0‐205.4) 218.0(134.3‐326.6) 331.7(203.1‐496.3) 481.7(297.1‐725.1) 674.6(419.6‐1,029.1) 997.4(610.7‐1,560.8)

Asia, Central 49.2(29.8‐80.7) 112.2(68.0‐183.6) 73.8(44.7‐120.9) 0.3(0.0‐0.8) 2.4(1.0‐5.0) 4.0(1.9‐7.2) 4.6(2.3‐8.3) 5.0(2.3‐9.1) 5.8(2.9‐10.6) 9.1(5.2‐15.6) 13.8(7.8‐22.8) 20.5(12.0‐33.7) 37.6(22.1‐62.7) 66.7(38.7‐112.6) 100.8(59.3‐167.4) 154.0(88.6‐254.8) 212.5(123.3‐360.5) 298.8(178.9‐484.9) 397.0(230.1‐646.0) 613.7(340.9‐1,001.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 47.4(26.6‐82.4) 108.0(60.3‐188.5) 71.0(39.7‐123.4) 0.3(0.1‐0.9) 2.4(0.9‐5.0) 4.0(1.7‐7.8) 4.7(2.2‐9.1) 5.1(2.3‐9.6) 5.9(2.7‐11.3) 8.0(4.2‐14.8) 11.0(5.7‐20.6) 18.5(9.9‐33.7) 32.1(17.3‐58.3) 53.5(28.4‐96.1) 88.1(47.0‐159.1) 140.8(76.9‐248.9) 209.7(114.7‐370.8) 303.3(164.1‐530.8) 416.7(225.0‐727.0) 637.4(346.3‐1,157.7)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 67.4(36.2‐117.6) 155.4(83.7‐270.8) 101.5(54.6‐177.1) 0.3(0.0‐1.2) 2.5(0.7‐5.7) 4.1(1.4‐8.6) 4.8(1.7‐10.4) 5.3(1.8‐11.7) 6.2(2.4‐13.4) 9.6(4.0‐18.7) 14.5(6.5‐28.7) 25.7(11.6‐49.5) 44.6(20.5‐86.5) 73.3(34.8‐143.2) 127.4(62.4‐242.7) 199.2(100.8‐374.4) 296.8(149.0‐538.2) 435.5(222.6‐765.4) 617.5(324.5‐1,060.3) 949.2(514.3‐1,698.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 51.6(30.7‐78.2) 118.1(69.4‐178.4) 77.5(45.8‐116.9) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 2.4(1.0‐4.3) 4.0(2.0‐6.9) 4.7(2.5‐8.1) 5.0(2.6‐8.7) 5.9(3.2‐9.6) 8.5(4.8‐13.5) 12.1(6.7‐19.4) 20.3(11.3‐31.8) 35.8(19.9‐56.9) 59.2(32.8‐93.5) 96.6(55.3‐149.5) 154.0(86.5‐243.1) 229.5(131.8‐361.6) 331.8(193.4‐504.7) 452.9(265.6‐694.2) 692.5(404.8‐1,058.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 52.7(25.6‐99.9) 120.4(58.6‐228.4) 79.0(38.4‐150.4) 0.3(0.0‐1.2) 2.4(0.6‐5.8) 4.1(1.3‐9.2) 4.8(1.7‐10.4) 5.2(1.8‐11.5) 6.0(2.2‐12.6) 8.5(3.7‐16.8) 12.0(5.2‐23.0) 20.4(9.1‐39.7) 35.7(15.8‐71.2) 60.1(27.8‐115.3) 98.2(44.8‐188.3) 157.2(73.9‐306.1) 233.6(114.9‐455.9) 339.5(160.9‐648.3) 464.0(220.0‐862.7) 711.9(342.5‐1,357.2)

North Africa / Middle East 72.5(46.5‐109.1) 166.9(107.0‐251.8) 109.5(70.2‐165.0) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 2.2(1.1‐4.0) 3.6(1.9‐6.0) 4.2(2.4‐7.0) 4.6(2.6‐7.7) 5.6(3.1‐9.1) 17.1(8.6‐33.2) 19.7(11.9‐34.2) 37.1(21.7‐64.3) 58.9(35.5‐94.7) 114.6(59.5‐233.8) 136.7(83.6‐218.9) 223.7(130.4‐386.4) 309.7(194.7‐492.4) 458.2(284.1‐706.9) 599.1(373.8‐923.1) 859.1(534.2‐1,287.5)

Asia, South 43.2(28.5‐62.0) 99.1(65.2‐143.1) 64.9(42.8‐93.3) 0.3(0.0‐0.9) 2.0(0.6‐4.1) 3.2(1.3‐6.1) 3.6(1.6‐6.6) 3.9(1.7‐7.2) 4.7(2.3‐7.9) 6.7(3.6‐11.1) 9.6(5.3‐15.3) 16.7(9.8‐25.7) 29.6(18.1‐44.5) 49.6(30.3‐76.1) 81.6(52.1‐124.2) 130.6(84.1‐201.8) 193.0(123.1‐283.9) 278.3(175.0‐413.2) 379.7(239.3‐565.6) 583.0(372.8‐855.8)

Oceania 63.9(35.5‐104.4) 147.6(81.9‐242.4) 96.4(53.7‐157.7) 0.3(0.0‐0.9) 2.1(0.6‐5.0) 3.5(1.1‐7.8) 4.1(1.5‐9.0) 4.6(1.6‐10.0) 5.7(2.3‐12.1) 9.6(4.6‐19.1) 14.5(6.7‐27.6) 24.8(11.9‐46.6) 42.0(20.9‐78.8) 72.1(34.8‐139.2) 116.4(58.9‐215.3) 201.0(100.8‐358.8) 285.1(153.4‐490.5) 426.7(240.1‐725.3) 568.9(319.0‐930.5) 866.3(499.2‐1,403.3)

Asia, Southeast 44.6(26.3‐71.7) 101.9(60.5‐164.7) 66.9(39.6‐108.0) 0.3(0.0‐0.7) 2.1(0.9‐4.1) 3.5(1.6‐6.7) 4.0(1.9‐7.4) 4.3(2.1‐7.7) 5.2(2.6‐9.1) 7.4(4.0‐12.7) 10.4(5.9‐18.2) 18.4(10.5‐31.7) 32.6(18.0‐55.3) 54.0(29.5‐92.5) 86.2(47.2‐143.7) 134.4(74.4‐222.6) 197.4(110.5‐327.0) 280.0(163.0‐461.0) 383.2(226.1‐635.2) 582.8(341.9‐920.6)

Asia, East 42.8(29.4‐58.9) 98.5(68.0‐135.7) 64.4(44.4‐88.9) 0.2(0.0‐1.0) 1.7(0.3‐3.8) 2.8(0.9‐5.7) 3.4(1.2‐6.6) 3.6(1.4‐6.8) 4.4(1.6‐7.9) 6.4(3.1‐11.1) 9.4(4.8‐15.7) 16.1(9.4‐25.3) 28.3(17.2‐42.5) 46.3(29.0‐67.2) 77.1(50.2‐111.6) 125.8(83.4‐190.4) 190.2(128.1‐277.4) 278.8(182.6‐400.2) 385.8(253.8‐542.9) 611.6(409.0‐863.7)

Latin America, Tropical 61.2(44.6‐80.2) 141.3(103.0‐185.2) 92.3(67.3‐120.5) 0.3(0.0‐1.3) 2.3(0.5‐4.9) 3.7(1.3‐7.6) 4.2(1.6‐7.9) 4.6(1.8‐8.7) 5.6(2.5‐10.0) 9.0(5.2‐14.7) 13.2(7.6‐20.4) 22.5(14.1‐33.4) 40.8(26.9‐58.3) 69.6(47.1‐99.8) 115.2(77.8‐159.8) 183.7(125.6‐255.9) 278.8(195.0‐380.2) 408.2(285.7‐562.2) 552.2(397.4‐759.3) 824.8(584.7‐1,120.5)

Latin America, Central 58.6(32.4‐102.4) 133.9(74.2‐232.8) 88.0(48.8‐153.5) 0.4(0.0‐1.0) 2.8(1.0‐6.0) 4.6(1.8‐9.3) 5.4(2.3‐10.9) 5.8(2.5‐11.1) 6.8(3.1‐13.3) 10.3(5.5‐18.8) 14.0(7.5‐25.2) 24.0(13.1‐42.8) 40.9(21.6‐72.5) 66.1(34.9‐120.0) 109.3(59.1‐196.9) 173.0(93.6‐311.7) 262.7(143.6‐460.2) 377.9(210.6‐645.3) 514.7(285.5‐891.8) 778.7(424.7‐1,405.6)

Latin America, Andean 60.6(32.9‐105.5) 139.0(76.1‐241.9) 91.1(49.7‐158.6) 0.4(0.0‐1.1) 2.6(0.7‐5.6) 4.2(1.6‐8.5) 4.9(1.9‐10.0) 5.4(2.1‐10.9) 6.4(2.6‐12.9) 10.2(5.1‐17.9) 15.8(8.6‐27.1) 25.6(13.6‐44.7) 42.2(21.0‐74.8) 70.9(36.7‐124.5) 112.1(58.0‐203.8) 174.0(89.7‐314.5) 265.3(136.1‐465.1) 381.3(199.9‐679.1) 534.6(286.5‐922.5) 840.8(450.6‐1,463.3)

Caribbean 73.0(43.3‐117.1) 167.8(99.3‐269.4) 110.0(65.4‐176.8) 0.4(0.0‐0.9) 2.7(1.0‐5.4) 4.4(2.1‐8.2) 5.2(2.4‐9.6) 5.7(2.8‐10.3) 7.0(3.5‐12.5) 13.9(7.9‐22.1) 17.3(10.1‐28.2) 31.6(18.5‐49.2) 49.6(28.6‐81.6) 85.4(48.9‐135.3) 138.0(78.8‐220.4) 220.1(124.9‐351.1) 321.2(182.6‐521.4) 475.1(277.0‐787.5) 659.8(390.6‐1,098.9) 957.2(532.1‐1,656.8)

Developed 63.4(47.2‐83.9) 146.6(109.3‐193.4) 95.6(71.2‐126.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.7) 2.3(1.3‐3.5) 3.6(2.2‐5.5) 4.2(2.6‐6.3) 4.5(2.8‐6.8) 5.5(3.4‐8.4) 8.5(5.7‐12.1) 12.4(8.3‐17.4) 21.4(14.6‐29.7) 38.3(26.5‐53.6) 63.6(43.8‐89.0) 107.5(75.6‐146.7) 174.8(125.5‐237.5) 279.7(203.2‐373.0) 427.0(315.0‐562.5) 613.5(462.3‐801.6) 964.3(729.2‐1,257.0)

Developing 48.2(33.3‐65.6) 110.5(76.3‐150.4) 72.4(49.9‐98.6) 0.3(0.1‐0.6) 2.1(1.2‐3.2) 3.4(2.1‐5.1) 3.9(2.4‐5.8) 4.2(2.6‐6.4) 5.0(3.1‐7.6) 8.0(5.2‐11.4) 11.0(7.3‐15.5) 19.2(12.9‐27.1) 33.3(22.7‐47.3) 56.2(37.6‐78.2) 89.1(60.3‐124.9) 143.6(98.2‐198.8) 212.9(149.0‐290.4) 308.0(210.2‐423.4) 424.9(294.3‐578.1) 657.8(450.6‐893.5)

Global 54.3(39.2‐72.7) 125.2(90.5‐167.1) 81.8(59.1‐109.3) 0.3(0.1‐0.5) 2.1(1.3‐3.2) 3.5(2.2‐5.1) 4.0(2.5‐5.8) 4.2(2.7‐6.4) 5.1(3.3‐7.7) 8.1(5.4‐11.2) 11.4(7.6‐15.9) 19.9(13.7‐27.5) 34.8(24.2‐48.4) 58.5(40.2‐80.7) 95.0(66.4‐130.6) 154.7(109.8‐208.6) 237.4(171.6‐319.1) 349.8(250.2‐469.4) 506.7(368.1‐662.4) 807.4(598.9‐1,048.2)
GBD Region Females 35+ years 20+ years <5 years 5‐9 years 10‐14 years 15‐19 years 20‐24 years 25‐29 years 30‐34 years 35‐39 years 40‐44 years 45‐49 years 50‐54 years 55‐59 years 60‐64 years 65‐69 years 70‐74 years 75‐79 years 80+ years

North America, High Income 45.8(33.1‐61.5) 105.9(77.0‐141.7) 69.1(49.9‐92.6) 0.2(0.0‐1.0) 1.6(0.4‐3.6) 2.6(0.8‐5.4) 3.1(1.2‐6.1) 3.4(1.3‐6.4) 4.2(1.7‐7.4) 6.1(3.0‐10.2) 8.9(5.0‐14.8) 15.6(9.6‐24.5) 27.8(17.8‐40.9) 45.7(29.4‐67.0) 75.0(49.5‐108.4) 120.5(82.2‐170.7) 191.9(136.1‐261.6) 293.1(210.9‐395.8) 447.0(327.1‐591.7) 756.9(552.4‐1,010.0)

Latin America, Southern 46.8(27.2‐80.6) 108.5(63.5‐185.8) 70.6(41.3‐121.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.5(0.3‐3.7) 2.5(0.7‐5.8) 2.8(0.9‐6.2) 3.1(1.0‐6.7) 3.8(1.3‐8.2) 5.9(2.5‐11.9) 9.7(4.9‐18.1) 17.0(8.4‐32.1) 29.4(15.2‐54.7) 47.3(22.9‐85.5) 78.8(39.7‐143.7) 129.5(68.2‐241.6) 200.7(104.3‐356.2) 307.8(165.5‐537.3) 462.1(266.5‐797.7) 720.2(408.4‐1,211.1)

Europe, Western 43.0(33.9‐54.6) 99.9(79.3‐126.4) 64.9(51.3‐82.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.4(0.7‐2.4) 2.3(1.3‐3.7) 2.6(1.5‐4.2) 2.7(1.6‐4.2) 3.2(1.9‐4.9) 4.9(3.2‐6.9) 7.3(5.0‐10.2) 12.7(8.6‐17.7) 21.8(15.1‐31.2) 35.9(25.1‐50.0) 61.3(44.0‐83.6) 103.3(76.7‐138.1) 169.8(129.7‐225.4) 284.4(222.3‐365.5) 463.3(371.9‐578.9) 792.9(633.7‐1,003.1)

Australasia 50.9(38.4‐68.3) 118.5(89.6‐158.0) 77.0(58.0‐103.1) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.5(0.3‐3.5) 2.5(0.9‐5.1) 2.8(1.0‐5.4) 3.1(1.1‐5.7) 3.8(1.6‐6.8) 6.1(3.1‐10.4) 9.2(4.9‐14.4) 13.7(7.8‐21.6) 26.9(16.9‐41.0) 43.8(27.4‐66.3) 74.2(48.4‐108.1) 125.2(82.5‐179.7) 207.4(141.3‐292.6) 351.5(258.0‐485.5) 529.5(386.4‐706.1) 914.3(657.7‐1,234.5)
Asia Pacific, High Income 28.5(22.4‐35.6) 66.7(52.6‐83.7) 43.2(34.1‐54.0) 0.1(0.0‐0.6) 0.7(0.0‐1.7) 1.1(0.2‐2.4) 1.2(0.3‐2.6) 1.4(0.4‐2.9) 1.6(0.5‐3.4) 3.1(1.6‐4.9) 4.3(2.3‐7.1) 7.7(4.7‐11.8) 14.6(9.5‐21.5) 24.6(16.5‐35.0) 44.4(31.0‐62.1) 72.3(51.1‐98.7) 118.5(86.7‐156.2) 185.5(137.2‐246.3) 297.2(218.2‐391.8) 524.3(373.4‐723.3)
Europe, Eastern 30.6(15.9‐55.3) 69.9(36.1‐126.1) 45.9(23.8‐82.8) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.5(0.3‐3.8) 2.4(0.7‐5.4) 2.8(0.8‐5.9) 3.0(1.0‐6.6) 3.4(1.2‐7.3) 4.8(2.0‐9.9) 6.6(2.8‐13.1) 11.4(5.2‐21.5) 23.3(11.4‐42.6) 33.9(16.2‐60.6) 57.5(29.3‐104.7) 92.2(44.9‐173.8) 134.6(67.4‐248.4) 191.0(93.3‐347.1) 270.2(137.5‐486.6) 416.9(206.6‐756.7)

Europe, Central 40.7(26.3‐63.0) 93.6(60.8‐144.9) 61.3(39.7‐94.8) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 1.6(0.6‐3.2) 2.6(1.2‐5.0) 3.0(1.4‐5.4) 3.2(1.5‐5.9) 3.8(1.8‐6.7) 6.9(4.1‐11.0) 8.7(5.1‐14.6) 14.6(8.7‐23.8) 25.6(15.0‐40.3) 43.0(25.1‐71.1) 71.4(41.9‐116.0) 117.0(72.2‐185.7) 179.0(113.7‐283.5) 266.5(168.0‐420.8) 382.5(240.9‐595.3) 591.1(366.4‐923.2)
Asia, Central 29.1(16.8‐47.4) 66.3(38.2‐108.4) 43.6(25.1‐71.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.6) 1.5(0.5‐2.9) 2.4(1.0‐4.6) 2.9(1.3‐5.4) 3.1(1.4‐5.7) 3.6(1.7‐6.6) 5.2(2.9‐8.5) 6.9(3.8‐11.9) 11.6(6.3‐19.9) 21.0(11.3‐35.5) 33.6(17.4‐59.2) 57.9(33.0‐97.9) 92.5(51.8‐158.8) 134.3(77.0‐226.6) 183.6(104.2‐299.0) 243.8(137.7‐407.7) 360.7(203.1‐606.7)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, West 39.8(22.9‐65.3) 91.8(52.8‐151.0) 60.0(34.6‐98.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.5(0.6‐3.2) 2.5(1.1‐5.3) 2.9(1.3‐5.7) 3.1(1.4‐6.3) 3.7(1.7‐7.1) 6.0(3.1‐10.5) 8.8(4.7‐15.1) 14.8(8.2‐25.7) 26.4(14.2‐47.0) 42.4(23.1‐75.4) 70.3(39.1‐122.3) 115.4(61.9‐201.0) 175.2(98.0‐302.8) 262.9(144.3‐467.0) 373.9(205.9‐640.8) 567.5(302.4‐1,007.6)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern 56.1(34.6‐93.2) 130.2(80.9‐214.4) 84.8(52.5‐140.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.6(0.4‐4.1) 2.7(0.9‐6.5) 3.1(1.0‐7.2) 3.4(1.1‐7.6) 4.1(1.4‐8.8) 8.4(3.4‐16.2) 14.3(6.2‐27.9) 22.5(10.9‐41.9) 37.0(19.2‐66.7) 55.1(28.0‐103.5) 100.6(53.3‐174.5) 150.9(81.7‐278.4) 248.1(135.6‐439.0) 385.2(219.5‐643.3) 532.7(302.8‐910.5) 818.3(461.1‐1,443.4)

Sub‐Saharan Africa, East 39.3(24.3‐60.6) 90.5(55.8‐140.3) 59.1(36.5‐91.4) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.5(0.7‐2.9) 2.5(1.3‐4.5) 2.9(1.5‐5.1) 3.2(1.7‐5.5) 3.7(2.0‐6.2) 5.7(3.2‐9.3) 8.4(4.8‐13.8) 14.3(8.2‐23.2) 25.9(14.8‐42.8) 40.9(23.8‐65.8) 69.4(40.7‐113.6) 114.2(65.9‐186.9) 177.7(105.2‐284.9) 263.4(155.3‐416.3) 364.5(221.9‐573.5) 552.9(341.0‐855.0)
Sub‐Saharan Africa, Central 38.1(20.9‐65.4) 87.7(48.3‐151.4) 57.3(31.6‐98.7) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.5(0.3‐3.7) 2.4(0.7‐5.4) 2.9(1.0‐6.2) 3.1(1.1‐6.6) 3.7(1.3‐7.9) 5.6(2.3‐10.5) 8.3(3.9‐16.1) 13.8(6.4‐25.9) 25.0(11.8‐49.0) 40.0(19.9‐74.7) 67.7(34.4‐124.7) 111.1(54.1‐204.9) 173.0(88.3‐308.6) 251.7(128.5‐456.2) 353.5(188.9‐625.0) 535.8(285.5‐934.4)

North Africa / Middle East 49.4(33.9‐71.9) 114.0(78.5‐166.2) 74.7(51.3‐108.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.4) 1.4(0.6‐2.5) 2.3(1.2‐3.9) 2.6(1.4‐4.3) 2.8(1.5‐4.7) 3.4(1.9‐5.8) 11.2(6.6‐18.7) 16.2(9.7‐25.9) 25.6(14.6‐44.0) 50.4(30.3‐84.7) 54.6(34.4‐83.6) 91.4(56.0‐143.0) 148.2(92.1‐226.3) 221.5(144.7‐329.4) 323.1(210.4‐496.8) 448.3(286.4‐661.8) 560.0(370.1‐833.5)
Asia, South 32.1(21.2‐46.4) 74.0(49.0‐107.6) 48.3(32.0‐70.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.2(0.2‐2.7) 1.9(0.7‐3.8) 2.2(0.8‐4.3) 2.4(0.8‐4.6) 2.9(1.1‐5.3) 4.7(2.3‐8.1) 6.8(3.4‐11.6) 11.7(6.8‐19.3) 21.7(12.3‐36.2) 33.6(20.5‐53.9) 56.3(35.4‐86.6) 94.5(58.2‐166.4) 142.7(87.2‐241.6) 215.8(132.6‐371.9) 297.7(182.7‐508.0) 453.1(291.0‐713.3)
Oceania 38.2(20.7‐68.8) 88.2(48.3‐158.6) 57.6(31.3‐103.6) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.4(0.2‐3.5) 2.2(0.6‐5.1) 2.6(0.8‐5.9) 2.8(0.9‐6.2) 3.4(1.2‐7.4) 5.5(2.3‐10.8) 7.7(3.4‐15.6) 13.6(6.3‐26.3) 25.7(11.6‐52.3) 39.7(18.2‐81.1) 68.3(33.0‐130.8) 114.7(54.3‐217.2) 176.3(86.4‐334.8) 255.3(129.2‐471.4) 362.1(182.7‐669.2) 520.5(287.1‐929.9)
Asia, Southeast 28.2(16.3‐47.5) 64.6(37.5‐109.1) 42.4(24.5‐71.5) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.3(0.5‐2.7) 2.1(0.9‐4.2) 2.4(1.0‐4.8) 2.6(1.2‐5.2) 3.1(1.4‐5.8) 4.4(2.4‐8.0) 6.4(3.5‐11.2) 12.2(7.0‐20.4) 21.5(12.0‐37.1) 35.1(19.7‐60.7) 54.6(31.2‐93.2) 83.1(46.4‐142.6) 124.1(69.4‐211.6) 179.0(103.6‐304.8) 240.9(139.1‐413.1) 370.1(211.2‐627.8)
Asia, East 37.4(25.0‐54.0) 86.9(57.9‐125.9) 56.6(37.6‐81.9) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.1(0.0‐2.9) 1.9(0.4‐4.2) 2.3(0.5‐4.8) 2.4(0.5‐5.0) 2.9(0.9‐5.6) 5.1(2.4‐8.5) 7.7(3.7‐13.9) 12.9(7.0‐22.4) 23.5(13.4‐42.3) 34.0(20.8‐53.7) 57.8(35.0‐94.1) 102.0(59.0‐175.5) 160.4(96.5‐274.7) 251.1(147.5‐457.5) 361.9(215.1‐640.3) 615.4(363.2‐1,101.8)
Latin America, Tropical 43.2(32.7‐56.5) 100.1(76.0‐130.7) 65.2(49.5‐85.3) 0.2(0.0‐0.9) 1.4(0.0‐3.4) 2.2(0.5‐4.8) 2.6(0.8‐5.1) 2.8(1.0‐5.7) 3.4(1.2‐6.9) 5.6(3.0‐9.4) 8.5(4.7‐13.1) 15.6(9.4‐23.7) 29.5(20.2‐41.8) 47.2(32.2‐66.4) 78.0(53.9‐107.7) 123.5(86.2‐171.0) 196.5(142.2‐265.8) 292.5(214.0‐394.6) 408.3(297.8‐543.9) 602.4(423.5‐813.7)

Latin America, Central 39.4(23.8‐64.0) 90.6(55.0‐147.7) 59.3(35.9‐96.5) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.6(0.5‐3.3) 2.7(1.0‐5.3) 3.1(1.2‐6.1) 3.3(1.3‐6.4) 3.9(1.6‐7.2) 6.2(3.3‐10.6) 9.4(5.3‐15.8) 16.7(10.1‐27.6) 27.6(15.9‐47.4) 46.4(26.9‐78.0) 76.0(44.8‐127.9) 120.4(70.2‐201.3) 177.9(104.3‐292.8) 249.9(150.0‐402.2) 345.4(203.0‐556.1) 516.2(295.8‐850.9)
Latin America, Andean 42.6(24.3‐76.1) 98.0(56.2‐175.9) 64.1(36.7‐114.7) 0.2(0.0‐0.8) 1.6(0.4‐3.7) 2.7(0.9‐6.2) 3.1(1.0‐6.5) 3.3(1.1‐7.2) 4.0(1.4‐8.3) 7.0(3.3‐12.7) 10.8(5.7‐19.3) 17.4(8.9‐31.8) 29.3(14.4‐55.2) 47.9(24.9‐88.1) 74.8(36.7‐135.6) 121.4(62.5‐224.3) 182.6(95.3‐340.9) 275.1(144.4‐511.0) 390.7(217.4‐690.0) 609.3(335.8‐1,090.1)

Caribbean 52.4(33.7‐79.7) 120.9(77.9‐183.4) 79.1(50.9‐120.2) 0.2(0.0‐0.7) 1.7(0.6‐3.3) 2.8(1.2‐5.0) 3.2(1.5‐5.9) 3.5(1.6‐6.7) 4.3(2.1‐7.8) 9.4(5.2‐15.8) 14.8(8.7‐23.8) 37.3(21.3‐67.2) 41.3(23.2‐72.9) 58.6(33.9‐96.0) 94.1(53.8‐153.6) 162.4(93.7‐269.5) 218.7(129.6‐352.4) 351.5(208.7‐561.6) 471.7(293.3‐737.2) 625.6(379.0‐1,028.8)

Developed 39.6(30.0‐51.8) 91.7(69.8‐119.6) 59.7(45.4‐78.0) 0.2(0.0‐0.5) 1.4(0.8‐2.4) 2.3(1.3‐3.6) 2.6(1.6‐4.0) 2.8(1.7‐4.2) 3.3(2.1‐5.1) 5.2(3.4‐7.6) 7.3(4.9‐10.6) 12.6(8.7‐17.7) 22.7(15.8‐31.3) 36.4(25.1‐50.4) 61.9(43.3‐85.1) 101.7(73.6‐140.3) 162.9(119.7‐220.7) 256.8(193.3‐339.3) 397.3(311.2‐512.6) 684.2(545.7‐851.4)

Developing 37.0(26.3‐49.5) 85.6(61.0‐114.6) 55.8(39.7‐74.6) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 1.3(0.7‐2.1) 2.1(1.3‐3.3) 2.5(1.5‐3.8) 2.6(1.5‐4.1) 3.1(1.9‐4.8) 5.6(3.7‐7.9) 8.2(5.5‐11.7) 14.2(9.9‐20.1) 25.5(17.6‐36.6) 37.8(26.2‐52.7) 63.0(44.2‐88.3) 105.3(72.4‐149.1) 161.5(110.3‐229.9) 245.1(168.8‐357.1) 345.5(237.9‐494.3) 549.6(380.2‐807.9)

Global 38.6(28.9‐50.5) 89.3(67.1‐116.6) 58.2(43.6‐76.2) 0.2(0.1‐0.4) 1.3(0.8‐2.1) 2.1(1.3‐3.3) 2.5(1.5‐3.8) 2.6(1.6‐4.1) 3.2(2.0‐4.8) 5.5(3.7‐7.6) 8.0(5.5‐11.2) 13.7(9.6‐19.0) 24.7(17.5‐34.4) 37.3(26.4‐51.0) 62.6(44.7‐85.8) 103.8(73.8‐140.3) 162.1(117.7‐218.0) 250.1(182.6‐335.7) 372.7(283.3‐486.2) 630.1(495.2‐802.7)

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