High Schools IEC Campaign
High Schools IEC Campaign
High Schools IEC Campaign
This Act shall be known as the "Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act".
Section 11. Prevention Program. - There shall be an HIV and AIDS prevention
program that will educate the public on HIV and AIDS and other STIs with the goal of
reducing risky behavior, lowering vulnerabilities, and promoting the human rights of
The PNAC shall promote and adopt a range of measures and interventions,
in partnership with CSOs that aim to prevent, halt, or control the spread of HIV in
the general population, especially among the key populations and vulnerable
communities. These measures shall likewise promote the rights, welfare, and
participation of PLHIV and the affected children, young people, families, and
partners of PLHIV.
The HIV and AIDS education and prevention programs shall be age-
appropriate and based on up0to-date evidence and scientific strategies, and shall
actively promote:
a) Safer sex practices among the general population, including sexual
abstinence, sexual fidelity, and consistent and correct condom use
especially among key populations;
b) Other practices that reduce risk of HIV infection;
c) Universal awareness of and access to evidence-based and relevant
information and education, and medically safe, legally affordable,
effective, and quality treatment; and
d) Knowledge of the health, civil, political, economic, and social rights of
PLHIV and their families.
Section 12. Education in Learning Institutions. - Using standardized
information and data from the PNAC, the DepEd, CHED, and the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), shall integrate basic and age-appropriate
instruction on the causes, modes of transmission, and ways of preventing the spread
of HIV and AIDS and other STIs in their respective curricula taught in public and
private learning institutions, including alternative and indigenous learning systems.
The learning modules shall include human rights-based principles and information
on treatment, care, and support to promote stigma reduction.
The learning modules that shall be developed to implement this provision
shall be done in coordination with the PNAC and stake holders in the education
sector. Referral mechanisms, including but not limited to, the DSWD Referral
System, shall be included in the modules for key populations and vulnerable
The DepEd, CHED, and TESDA shall ensure the development and provision of
psychosocial support and counseling in learning institutions, for the development of
positive health, and promotion of values and behavior pertaining to reproductive
health, in coordination with the DOH. For this purpose, funds shall be allocated for
the training and certification of teachers and school counselors.
Section 13. Education for Parents and Guardians. - The DepEd in
coordination with parent-teacher organizations in schools and communities shall
conduct awareness-building seminars in order to provide parents and guardians with
a gender-responsive and age-sensitive HIV and AIDS education.
Section 14. Education as Right to Health and Information. - HIV and AIDS
education and information dissemination shall form part of the constitutional right
to health.
Section 15. HIV and AIDS Information as a Health Service. - HIV and AIDS
education and information dissemination shall form part of the delivery of health
services by health practitioners, workers, and personnel. The knowledge and
capabilities of all public health workers shall be enhanced to include skills for proper
information dissemination and education on HIV and AIDS. It shall likewise be
considered a civic duty of health care providers in the private sector to make
available to the public such information necessary to prevent and control the spread
of HIV and AIDS, and to correct common misconceptions about this disease. The
training of health workers shall include discussions on HIV-related ethical issues such
as confidentiality, informed consent, and the duty to provide treatment.
Section 19. Education in Communities. - The DILG, the Union of Local
Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), the League of Provinces, the League of Cities,
and the League of Municipalities, through the local HIV and AIDS Councils (LAC) or
the local health boards and, in coordination with the PNAC, shall implement a
locally-based, multi-sectoral community response to HIV and AIDS through various
channels on evidence-based, gender-responsive, age-appropriate, and human rights-
oriented prevention tools to stop the spread of HIV. Gender and Development (GAD)
funds and other sources may be utilized for these purposes. Indigenous people’s
communities and geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) shall also
be given due focus in the implementation of this section.
The DILG, in coordination with the DSWD and the NYC, shall also conduct
age-appropriate HIV and AIDS education for out-of-school youth.
Section 20. Education for Key Populations and Vulnerable Communities. - To
ensure that HIV services reach key populations at higher risk, the PNAC, in
collaboration with the LGUs and CSOs engaged in HIV and AIDS education programs,
such as peed education, support groups, outreach activities, and community-based
research that target these populations and other vulnerable communities. The DOH
shall, in coordination with appropriate agencies and the PNAC craft the guidelines,
and standardized information messages for peer education, support group, and
outreach activities.
Section 22. Misinformation on HIV and AIDS. - Misinformation on HIV and
AIDS, which includes false and misleading advertising and claims in any form of
media. Including traditional media, internet and social platform, and mobile
applications, of the promotional marketing of drugs, devices, agents or procedures
without prior approval from the DOH through the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), and without the requisite medical and scientific basis, including markings and
indications in drugs and devices or agents, claiming to be a cure or a fail-safe
prophylactic for HIV infection shall be prohibited.
Increase the level of awareness and education among students, including out-of-
school adolescents 10-19 years old & women of reproductive age including their
partners (Married & non-married couples) regarding Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) in the Municipality of Tantangan
One (1) Meal & One (1) Snack
Municipal Budget Officer