Companies - Cost - Records - and - Audit - Amdt - Rules - 2015
Companies - Cost - Records - and - Audit - Amdt - Rules - 2015
Companies - Cost - Records - and - Audit - Amdt - Rules - 2015
t'lew oelhi, the.l-J.:........ lune, 2015
(E).- In exercise ofthe powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2)ofsectaon469 and
section 148 ofthe Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby makes the following
rules further to amend the Companies {cost records and audit) Rules, 2014, namely:-
1. (1)These rules may be called the Companies (cost records and audit) (Amendment) Rules, 2015.
(2)TheV shallcome into force from the date oftheir publication in the officia IG azette.
In the Companies (cost records and audit) Rules, 2014, an the Annexure, for Forms CRA 2 and CRA-
4, the following forms shall respectively be substituted, namely:
Notei Refer the instruction kit tor filing the form. All fi€lds marked in I are to be mandatorilv tilled.
{f) (i) '5RN of CRA 2/23C filed earlier for appointment of cost audtto(s) for the current Financial year f----l
(ii) 'Number of such auditor(s)whose ptace of office is uacated f-__l
(iii) Particulars ofthe auditor(s) whose place ofoflice is vacated
3. l Product(s)/ Service{s)
to which Cost Audit rerares
(a) Number of Industries/Sectors/Producglqices (CETA Heading tevet, wherever appticable as per rules)
covered under regulated sectors I I
(b) Number of Industries/Sectors/Products/Services (CETA Heading Level, wherever applicable as per rules)
covered under non,regulated sectors
Details ot such industries/sectors/prcducts^ervices
(iii) =Firm Registration Number(FRN) of the Cost Auditorrcost Audito/s firml[p f-----l
(iv) rName of the Cost Auditor's firm/tLP
tine ll
(ii) 'City
(v) -Pin Code
5. (a) 'ls there any change in cost audito(s) appointed, from the previous financialyear O Yes O No O Not
(b)-Mention the Firm Registration number{s) and name of the previous cost audito(s) which has not been
(d) rwhether the previous cost auditor(s) has/have been informed about the change O Yes O No
Attachments List of attachments
Remove Attachment
lam authorized Directors ofthe Company vide resolution number'
dated, to sign this form and declare that allthe requirements of Companies Act, 2013
and the ruies madethereunder in respect ofthe subject matterofthisform and matters incidentalthereto
been complied with. larso declare that all the information given herein above is true, correct ano
including the attachments to this form and nothing material has been suppressed.
is drawn to provisions ot sections 444 and 449 ofthe Companies Act. 2013 which Drovide for
false statement / certificate and Dunishment for fatse evidence respectivelV.
This e-torm has been taken on file maintained by the central Government through electronic mode and on the
basis of statement ofcorrectness given by the companV.
FORM - CRA.4 Formfor filing Cost Audit
Report with the Central
(Pursuaht to sub-rule (6) of rute 6) Government
(d) SRN of 23cl cRA-2 fited ror appointment of Cost Audito(s) Pre-ffll
(a) fl
(ii) Non-Regulaled
(b) Details of such lndustries/ Sectors/ product(s/ servace(s) of the company
(i) Details of such industrievsectors/products/services under regulated sectors
Industrresrsectors/proitriGEEiEG CETA heading (wheJever No. of tariff itemyFroaL,itJ
(ia) Details of such
industriegseclors/productvservjces under non_regulated
sectors I
Industrievsectorvproductsi/services CETA heading (wherever No. of tariff itemvproducw services
(ir) Non-Regutated
(b) t) Dela s of such Induslne?SEdorv producl(s)/ service(s)
of lhe company under regutated s€,cror
(d) 'Date of the board meeting in which cost auditor was appointed (D D/r!lMA/YYY)
(e) 'Type of appointment o Original o Appointment due to casual vacancy o Appointment for new
(0 Scope of audrt of the cost audrtor/firnvll
(g) 'Date of receipt of copy of cost audit report by the company (DD/MMftYYY)
(a) 'Whether the cost auditor's report has been qualified o NoO
lf yes, please state
(d) ^Whelher lhe cosl audilols repon conlain any observalions or suggestions
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the informalion given in this form and its attachments is conect and complete
lhave been authorised bythe Board of oirector's resolution nrmber[ a"t"a IDD/t\4t\4t,/yyy)
to sign and submit the application.
It is confirmed that the attached XBRL document(s) are the XBRL converted copy(s) ofthe duly signed cost audit report
as required under Section 148(2) and company's Information and explanations as required under Section 148(6) of the
Companies Act, 2013 and ihe rules made thereunder. lt is fufther confirmed that such document(s) have been prepared
using XBRL taxonomy as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for this purpose.
Note: Attention is drawn to Drovisions of sections 448 and 449 otthe Companies Act, 2013 which provide for
punishment for false statement / certltlcat€ and punishment for fals€ evldence r€spectively.
This e-form has been taken on file maintained by the Central Government throuSh electronic mode and
on the basis of statement of correctne$ given by the company",
lF.No. 1/4ol2013-cL-vl
Joint Secretary to the Government of lndia
Note. The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinarv, Part ll, Section 3, Sub-
section (i), vlde number G.S.R.425 (E), dated the 3o'h lune, 2014 and amended vide number G.s.R. 01(E),
dated the 31" December, 2014.
5tsTrcT *- llnFr;r, 3r€rqnsr, t{rrT-2, ds-3, iq<l13-(D * g-finrdrq
,TIGT F{Tfi'Ft
6.r{dtc qn+ dnirq
1. rifrF arq ritr cds - (1) Id fui or dfrq arq *qfi (dFrd 3{fiiiq Jik
ffiar) (riaftr-d) F-{n, 2o1s tl
(5) .firrrd dglc{r8Tfi(6i) sr ffiFd 6r wdr 6r eTfa
(q) (i) .T+qrm R-ca Et * Rq dF|d d€Iqtal.d6(6i) 6r FqRa tg {Ad elt erv S3nrq-2/234 6T
(rg3lrr!;r ....................
(i) *i{rJraT irncirlfi/drr|d d€rciff6 S srf^rfr(rdfr 4'r rFC {G-Sfr{q d-@r (('F3{R(rfr) .........
{it rdFFr drrctqrqr/Frrrd dslctr8rfi +' sr*/vdrrdfr 6T arrT .......................
id T4ffi/H/rfld/S-qr:n t dt
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(iv)-Aar............... . .............. ..
(v) .R-d 6lE
(vi) -crd rn F4s Ar +-*d 3n€dl
(g) .aig d-d6 6r afts ffi dErd d€T qtarfi Ar @d & rr$ ,f ...............,,.. (ifd/qr6iE*)
F) .ftqed 6r trsl{
oqiT o3flsfus ftf+a * 6Ror ffia oaq r{rd^fdBi'/Fr|{ + Rr' ffid
ts) -d;ctq|6,qrd/('dqdfr * +srctrn 4I ;rea
(6).+qrTffi ft.fl-q {t t F'"rr+a isq ?rq dFrd'dsr ctr&r6(+t) qT {{drd F{r t 06i ofifr odr{ d&
(u)* Tffi apra dsr-qtw+, R fu{ + Bq{d ;rdi fsfi 4qr, 6r drq :itr wd-@+tq {wr
(dtJ.qqntq.r, $t{ul
qfirdfi ridirr *r {S
1. *+qfr * +g t €ddq 6r qtr 6t
z. ffi+ ior+o- qf{ e} ai {Trd 6t
enrr45 (cKr
'Eftea rsnrr ftqr ats (ffi@
.q{dl{....................................-.......... -
.frie|6 6I fr*|6 v5ara {wr; mitr+ qr 6159 qT S(rF3i qrgrftTd yFdF{fr aDr 3rEr6r q-d; qr iisfr
fffud *'r s{€{dr F6{Il... .. . .
ftqgt: {rc-* sftfrTq, 2013 4f qr{I 448 iTqr 449 *' Jcriut fi 3tk n inra f|-drcr vrar t ffi r'er,
R|uT fu{{lTrcelul s{ + Rs ank dln fuzr srFt + frs nF ei:qiiq tt
(ii) rtr-Efi-qF-d qd +
3fti-d r{ffi/Ml'icrdtitrdBrt t aitt
T4ql4/elTEFrqRqrt frf,&(' lftf6 (dt sfr dr"l d) erl6 4ff5cqKid'4Bii 6r d'Gqr
5.(6) .Srt/qtit/rcqdH-dr3'i 6r :d@r gfA(' aft+6 Fd{, $6r drrl d} drrrd qeErT fidl d rqfdfiId
(D frffia
(iD ,kEffid
(u) (i)EGqF-d tl-fr + r'.trd @/qH/scqrdii-dBn * ddlt
0iD 'lls
(q) .*3 fe 4r drtq ffi drrrd dsr qttr6 6I FrgFa & tr+ f ................... (Fd/Fr6/Eq)
( ,ft.sF'd 6r rdl{
0{i{ o:rmfu+ ftFa * orw @a odq scqrdiA-dr3i/:Fr|m * frq ffi€
(q) .*sMitrfi,s-fi(rdlrdfr + dErqtEn 4f qtF
(6) *d|J|d iqrqtnr ffri3 .iiqfr +t crq di Sl dr{rq (ft-d/frr6,/T{)
1. dFlir drmrirr ft*t *
{.i:r \rtrfr3{Rw * sT{-d-di 4t {S
q<-drqi ir{ heqr e, tlq4r i11 r.q Jrfrfiq '* *
fs6r r.t6 3ridr 3lt{ cftilr 6 6(r Fqfrf,{ur
ffi l&d|{ + re{r{ 6r *qr att 5sh 3T{J-d-61- d et Jrg qrar wfr :ih 1t tt
Fd-.irn drr6r{t 3ik
TS Fh* d}g * €6"c €@r ......... ... trdi6 ............... ... {dr{r {€ s5c
q{ dFrer{ fiaa
:lk st rrga 6{i + ftq q1tl.rd fuqr ?rar tt
.6:R *r Jffi t i$ r'{sfuarqd 4Fdris ?1r{T 148(2) + 3{ti-d 3{qeTr + 3]g.€R src* sq t eewft*
drrra ffirl Rgtt 8r r'+rfr:mr'a Ji {iqfl-aff--d cfd t (cFqi 3t{ d Ffi 6t q*at str +v*+rur
dqtr 3rEG-qq, 2013 6r tmr 148(6) 3itr 5sfi 3fti-4 {arq ?rq M 4r 3rqaqsn tt ,16 ,fi 5R ff
dra t f} tS {Fid 6r{dtc 6r{ dr|fiq <cn fq Fd|frm * ffird qrsdB{I{[d tT{ir#r 6r Jtd|a
6{i 6q itqr{ l6q r(r tl
.ffiafr rRnr{ frcr drq
.iqfr + AAeffi {r cdlr6 qr {I*n qT frqF3n qr qfod ffi riffi
(s{|.&q' drc-fi €r qrrT d) qr Hfufd cfiRfu
(freafr .iqfi 6r ftr d)
-trhr* 6r F*rr+ c-{rd riqr; qr qdtr+ qr qr$i qr frvr:n qr nfutE cFfrfr €r tm Ti@t qr
.iqfr €lfd 6t s6sdr {Eqr
equr +ic-i xftfr{F. 2013f,r qnl 448 arrl 449 * rcidt 4t rt{ * wri faarql arar t ffi rqn'
frr-qr fr{{irr/cEr'r c-{ * frs aaR aql frtaT snt?t * frq rnFd 6r iqiq tt
(s5rAc fti nfcD
{E+a {fu{, cra F{lFr{
ftEcur-{d h-qq e{r{d * rraqr, 3rgFrRqr, cnrr 2, cis 3, JqGiE (D d €T.6r.h. 425(3r)
drfrs 30 {d, 2014 (cnr r|6rRrd l6'q m':}:it* 01(30 drtq 31 fri{{,
2014 {dnr drifua fu(' arc't