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New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
Does management, in your view, help shape the values and ethics of an
Managers in a company have a significant influence on ethics. They set the ethical tone for
the organization by embracing and disseminating specific ideologies, which can either uphold
or reject widely accepted ethical standards. These executives are crucial in supporting the
corporate culture's fundamental moral principles. For example, they may implement ethical
training programs or lead by example in their behavior. Their influence extends to both the
people they lead and the frontline managers they oversee, impacting the overall ethical
climate of the organization.
What about an organization’s sustainability efforts and commitment? On
whom does the responsibility to consider sustainability fall? Is employee
behavior, ethical or not, a by-product of the organization's ethical climate?
What ideally is the manager's role in helping to create and maintain
organizational integrity?
Managers are responsible for upholding the company's commitment to sustainability and
implementing related initiatives. It is crucial for all company members, from executives to
workers, to prioritize sustainability. The ethical climate within the company greatly influences
employee behavior, and the manager must establish and maintain integrity in the workplace.
Managers who demonstrate honesty have a positive impact on the community, staff, and the
organization as a whole. For example, a manager prioritizing sustainability can reduce the
company's environmental footprint, enhance its reputation, and attract and retain top talent
(HORTON, 2023).
On the other hand, a manager who neglects ethical considerations can cause harm to the
community, staff, and the company. Unethical behavior can have detrimental effects, such as
damaging the organization's reputation, lowering employee morale, and resulting in financial
and legal consequences (Schroeder, 2021).
I have had the opportunity to work with two companies with contrasting ethical values. The
first company I worked for was a morally upright organization that strived to implement
sustainable practices and promote transparency in the business world. My former CEO
demonstrated one of this company's most notable examples of ethical leadership. This
individual prioritized the well-being of their employees and fostered a culture of trust and
respect. Working for someone you believe has your best interests at heart is incredibly
motivating and encourages employees to perform at their best consistently.
On the other hand, the CEO of the second company was solely driven by financial gain. This
resulted in decision-making exclusively based on monetary benefits, creating an environment
lacking integrity and ethical considerations. This individual made decisions solely based on
numbers and showed no regard for sustainable practices or ethical decision-making.
Retrieved from:
Schroeder, K. (2021, OCTOBER 5). Redlands. Retrieved from Redlands: Retrieved from: