Circ2017 0011
Circ2017 0011
Circ2017 0011
No. 'LO - ca II
Republic Act 10924, otherwise known as tbe General Appropriations Act of Fiscal Year
2017 (GAA 2017), specifically under Title XXXVI on Budgetary Support to Government
Corporation, Special Provision No. 3 on tbe Attainment of Universal Coverage under
Phi!Healtb, provides, to wit:
The Filipino citizens who will be covered under this provision, tluough a Point of
Servic~ (POS) Program, must be classified as financially incapable to pay his/her
PHILHEALTH membership according to tbe DOH classification on indigence.
PHILHEALTH shall bill, on a quarterly basis, tbe Departtnent of Budget and
Management of tbe ac~al cost of availment, chargeable against tbe amount herein
appropriated. Members availing of this Program shall be included in tbe
PHILHEALTH membership data base for possible inclusion in the list of
beneficiaries whose premiums are to be shouldered by tbe National Government.
Filipino citizens who are financially capable shall be assessed and shall be enrolled
based on tbeir financial capability at tbe Point of Service to be covered as regular
contributing PHILHEALTH member. They shall be included in tbe
PHILHEALTH membership data base and shall be billed annually.
This Circular provides guidelines for tbe implementation of tbe Point of Service (POS)
Program in compliance witb GAA 2017 and as approved by the Phi!Healtb Board in
Resolution No. 2210 s. 2017.
A. Point of Service (POS Program) -refers to the program provided by the GAA 2017
to register non-Phi!Health members into the NHIP thereby providing them immediate
entitlement to Phi!Health benefits.
B. POS Patient- refers to the patient or, in cases where patient is a minor, the parent or
guardian who is not yet a Phi!Health member and is classified as financially incapable.
He/she shall be registered into the NHIP by the government facility.
E. Medical Social Welfare Officer (MSWO) -refers to the DOH-trained social worker
assigned in NGFs and tasked to conduct the assessment tool in the identification of
qualified POS Patients.
A. Under this Program, a POS Patient, or in cases where patient is a minor, his/her
guardian, if assessed as financially incapable by the MSWO/SWDO, shall be qualified
to avail of Phi!Health benefits on the following conditions:
B. For those who are assessed to be financially capable, eligibility to benefits at the point
of availment shall be subject to V. B. 9 of this Circular and to existing rules on
qualifying contributions and entitlement to benefits.
A. All NGFs, Local Government Unit (LGU) facilities, and other government hospitals
and facilities shall be entitled to participate in the POS Program subject to the
following conditions:
3. Assign an LT. personnel who will provide technical support to the staff assigned in
the implementation of the Program;
4. Assign a dedicated staff, trained or who shall undergo training in the membership
and eligibility verification, enrollment using the ORE System, and other activities
required for the operation of the Program;
5. Ensure availability of personnel, e.g. MSWO /SWDO, trained by the DOH on the
administration of the DOH Means Test.
B. Availment of benefits under this scheme shall be allowed in private facilities subject to
appropriate referral by a government facility.
B. Registration
1. POS Patients shall accomplish and sign the Phi!Health Member Registration Form
3. In case the ORE System is not available or not functioning (ex: connection
problem), the MSWDO/SWDO shall manually submit to PhilHealth the duly
accomplished PMRF and assessment tool, labeled ''POS Patient'' on the upper
right hand of each form, together with Benefit Claim application.
5. Patients who are below 21 years old shall be declared as dependent of the parent.
Women about to give birth shall be registered in accordance with Phi!Health
Circular No. 025 - 2015: Social Health Insurance Coverage and Benefits for
Women About to Give Birth Revision 1.
6. A patient below 21 years old who is an undeclared dependent shall require updating
of Member Data Record (MDR) of parents to include the patient as dependent.
b. In case of vagrant/ street dwellers, the address where they were found shall be
8. Upon registration in the ORE, the system will prompt the PRO Membership
Section or LHIO to conduct validation and PIN assignment. PINs of newly
registered POS Patients shall be emailed/transmitted to the HCis.
The MSWO /SWDO shall advise POS Patients or their respective representatives
to collect their MDRs at the nearest Phi!Health office.
9. Patients classified as financially capable shall be registered in the ORE System but
shall have the following options:
f b. Not pay the annual premium and just be advised on regular premium payments
I for future benefit availment.
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C. Entitlement to Benefits
b. Z Benefits; and
2. POS Patients shall remain entitled to the benefits mentioned in C.l above within
the calendar year.
3. Patients who are financially capable shall be eligible to avail of benefits except NBB
upon payment ofimnual premium as prescribed by the Corporation.
4. Financially capable patients who paid the prescribed annual premium shall be
covered and entitled to benefits within 12 months from the confinement month.
D. Claims Filing
1. Only claims for POS Patients registered in ORE/Phi!Health with PIN shall be
submitted for processing. The PIN shall be indicated in the Claims Form 1.
2. Duly accomplished and signed PMRF and MSS intake form/ assessment tool shall
be additional requirements for claims.
E. Sustainability of Coverage
Phi!Health shall endorse to the DSWD on a quarterly basis the list of POS registered
patients for assessment. Those assessed as poor shall be included in the Listahanan by
the DSWD for coverage as Indigent Members in the succeeding years.
The Corporation shall device a mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of the
Program based on benefit utilization and other pertinent statistics.
Phi!Health shall bill the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), on a quarterly
basis, the actual cost of availment of POS Patients as provided in the GAA 2017.
All previous issuances that are inconsistent with any provision of this Circular are hereby
amended, modified or repealed accordingly.
This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in any newspaper of
general circulation and shall be deposited thereafter with the National Administrative
Register at the University of the Philippines Law Center.
-f-J I D
Date signed: - - - ' - - - -
Usemame: Password:
• Required Field
1. It shall not give or provide access to any information received or generated in the course
of utilizing the Phi!Health Online Access System to any unauthorized individuals.
2. It shall store the digital certificate only in specific designated computers within its
premises access to which shall be restricted to persons duly authorized by the hospital
and Phi!Health. Any changes in the designated computers as well as the authorized
persons shall take effect/be implemented only upon approval by Phi!Health.
3. It shall use the digital certificate only for business purposes and will utilize all resources
and capabilities available to prevent any unauthorized access.
4. It shall keep in utmost confidentiality the digital certificate and any other form of security
token/ device issued or provided by PhilHealth.
5. It shall similarly bind its employees under a binding formal contract wherein the latter
shall undertake to observe the confidentiality and non-disclosure undertakings of the
health care provider.
7. It shall acknowledge liability of any breach of the non-disclosure agreement by any of its