Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Dysfunctions
4. Absent/reduced sexual Moderate: desire levels may not solely There is no evidence Arthritis and
excitement/pleasure during sexual reflect actual differences in that heterosexual Other sexual inflammatory or
activity in almost all or all sexual Severe: interest but could also and lesbian women dysfunctions. irritable bowel disease
encounters. stem from the methods exhibit different
5. Absent/reduced sexual used to measure desire and rates or Inadequate or absent
interest/arousal in response to any cultural influences on manifestations of sexual stimuli.
internal or external sexual/erotic cues. reporting. Factors such as female sexual
6. Absent/reduced genital or societal attitudes toward interest/arousal
nongenital sensations during sexual sexual activity among disorder.
activity in almost all or all sexual unmarried, menopausal, or
encounters. widowed women can
impact responses.
B. The symptoms in Criterion A have Therefore, when evaluating
persisted for a minimum duration of whether low sexual desire
approximately 6 months. reported by a woman from
a specific ethnocultural
C. The symptoms in Criterion A cause background aligns with
clinically significant distress in the criteria for female sexual
individual. interest/arousal disorder,
it's crucial to consider that
D. The sexual dysfunction is not better cultural norms and
explained by a nonsexual mental expectations regarding
disorder or because of severe sexual behavior may differ
relationship distress or other significant among various cultural
stressors and is not attributable to the groups.
effects of a substance/medication or
another medical condition.
Genito- A. Persistent or recurrent difficulties Lifelong: 10%–28% of Studies indicate higher Diagnosis of genito- Another medical Interstitial Cystitis
Pelvic with one (or more) of the following: females of rates of genito-pelvic pain pelvic condition.
Pain/Penetr 1. Vaginal penetration during Acquired: reproductive age in among Hispanic women in pain/penetration Constipation
ation intercourse. the United States the United States, disorder is only given Somatic symptom and
Disorder ( 2. Marked vulvovaginal or pelvic pain Mild: report recurrent particularly during first to females related disorders. Vaginal Infection
F52.6) during vaginal intercourse or pain during intercourse. However,
penetration attempts. Moderate: intercourse despite experiencing pain, Inadequate sexual Endometriosis
3. Marked fear or anxiety about many affected women, stimuli.
vulvovaginal or pelvic pain in Severe: 8% to 28% among especially from Irritable Bowel
anticipation of, during, or because of females of underserved communities Syndrome
vaginal penetration. reproductive age and sexual minorities, may
4. Marked tensing or tightening of the and varies by not seek treatment due to Fibromyalgia
pelvic floor muscles during attempted country stigma. This issue is
vaginal penetration. compounded by evidence Chronic
of disparities in pain headaches
minute following vaginal penetration Situational: males ages 18–30 impacted by factors such as Ejaculatory concerns Prostatitis
and before the individual wishes it. in Switzerland and awareness of sexual that do not meet
B. The symptoms in Criterion A must Mild: Turkey is about dysfunctions, worry over Women might be diagnostic criteria. Thyroid Disease
have been present for at least 6 9%–11% sexual performance, and growing more
months and must be experienced on Moderate: attitudes regarding the anxious about Drug Withdrawal
almost all or all. 55% in males ages importance of sex. premature
C. The symptom in Criterion A causes Severe: 50–59 in the United Complaints of premature ejaculation in their
clinically significant distress in the States ejaculation were more sexual partners,
individual. common in arranged potentially indicating
D. The sexual dysfunction is not better marriages, probably due to shifts in societal
explained by a nonsexual mental anxieties about family perspectives on
disorder or because of severe expectations and a lack of women's sexual
relationship distress or other significant prior sexual experience. engagement.
stressors and is not attributable to the This demonstrates how
effects of a substance/medication or cultural and religious
another medical condition. variables influence
perceptions and
experiences linked to
sexual functioning.
Substance/ A. A clinically significant disturbance in sexual With onset Unclear Non-
Medication- function is predominant in the clinical picture. during substance/medication
Induced B. There is evidence from the history, physical intoxication: -induced sexual
Sexual examination, or laboratory findings of both (1) and dysfunctions.
Dysfunction (2): With onset
1. The symptoms in Criterion A developed during during
or soon after substance intoxication or withdrawal withdrawal:
or after exposure to or withdrawal from a
medication. With onset
2. The involved substance/medication can have during
the symptoms in Criterion A. medication
C. The disturbance is not better explained by a use:
sexual dysfunction that is not
substance/medication induced. Such evidence of Mild:
an independent sexual dysfunction could include
the following: Moderate:
The symptoms precede the onset of the
substance/medication use; the Severe:
symptoms persist for a substantial period after the
cessation of acute withdrawal or severe
intoxication; or there is other evidence suggesting
the existence of an independent
nonsubstance/medication-induced sexual
D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively
during a delirium.
E. The disturbance causes clinically significant
distress in the individual.
Other used in situations in which the clinician chooses to
Specified communicate the specific reason that the
Sexual presentation does not meet the criteria for any
Dysfunction specific sexual dysfunction. This is done by
(F52.8) recording “other specified sexual dysfunction”
followed by the specific reason
Unspecified used in situations in which the clinician chooses
Sexual not to specify the reason that the criteria are not
Dysfunction met for a specific sexual dysfunction and includes
(F52.9) presentations for which there is insufficient
information to make a more specific diagnosis.