Rheological Behavior of Gypsum, Plaster, and
Rheological Behavior of Gypsum, Plaster, and
Rheological Behavior of Gypsum, Plaster, and
ABSTRACT: The rheological behavior of water−calcium sulfates and hydroxyapatite−calcium sulfates binary blends was
considered in this study. These blends are to be used as permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation. The influence
of gypsum and plaster on the rheological behavior of Ca-HAGel has been studied. The results show that all blends and
formulations exhibit a shear-thinning effect and thixotropic behavior. The viscosity also depends on the level of concentration of
the solid and the reactivity of the blends. The hydration of plaster causes cohesion and agglomeration between particles due to
electrostatic forces, while the hydration of gypsum leads to dispersion due to repulsive forces between particles. The ζ potential
was used in this study to understand the interaction between particles and its effect on the global behavior of the blends. The
dissolution in water of sulfate ions containing calcium sulfate leads to a change in the surface charge of the blend. This allowed
the dispersion or agglomeration of the mixtures to be predicted.
times higher than that of gypsum. The specific surface area of 4. RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR
Ca-HAPowder indicates the surface reactivity of the particles. The 4.1. Steady Rheological Properties of Ca-HAGel. Apatite
net charge of the materials can be evaluated by referring to the gel is characterized by a specific texture caused by absorption of
pH of the aqueous solutions with the metal surface in a neutral water and interaction between fine particles. The identification
electric state and pHPZC. The plaster and Ca-HA particles are of the behavior and the structure Ca-HAGel requires an
positively charged (pH < pHPZC), and the gypsum particles are understanding of the influence of parameters such as material
negatively charged (pH > pHPZC). deformation, strength, and stability.
The classification and identification of materials following the As shown in Figure 2, the shear stress increases with the
geotechnical designation reveals that plaster and Ca-HAPowder shear rate when the stress exceeds a threshold value τ0 (1.425
seem to have a silty-sand texture, while gypsum, having a Pa), indicating that Ca-HAGel exhibits a shear thinning or,
diameter of less than 1 mm, is sandy-silt and Ca-HAGel is specifically, a viscoplastic behavior. Studies published by
identified as silty (Table 1). Knowles et al. carried out on a commercial Ca-HA suspension
XRD analysis of synthesized Ca-HA after heat treatment agree with this obtained result.14
The viscosity reaches an apparent value of η∞ = 0.144 Pa·s
(calcination at 1000 °C for 10 h to crystallize the structure and
above γ̇ = 200 s−1. The critical shear rate corresponding to the
eliminate calcite residue) showed the existence of a crystalline
Ca-HA dispersion is characterized by an extrapolated maximum
phase illustrated by hydroxyapatite in large quantities that had yield stress τ0e (2.289 Pa) and a minimum yield stress τ0 (1.425
synthesized stoichiometrically (Ca10(PO4)6OH2). The XRD Pa), related to the response of the gel to the deformation. The
patterns of gypsum and plaster reveal that there are almost no viscosity of Ca-HAGel is 0.144 Pa·s at a higher shear stress, and
common peaks. The Pα and G are characterized by five major above this value, the suspension flows. The increase in the shear
peaks at 14.7°, 25.7°, 29.6°, 31.8°, and 49.3° 2θ and 11.6, 20.7, stress leads to the disruption of the gel structure, and when the
29.0°, 31.1°, and 33.3° 2θ, respectively. The presence of an shear stress stops, the suspension tends to recover its original
anhydrite peak at 25.7° 2θ appears for the first time after heat structure (i.e., the flow is reversible).
treatment (Figure 1). The difference in the structures of both The viscosity does not only depend on the shear rate, but it
plaster and gypsum is related to the heat treatment, which is also correlated to the duration of the applied stress. The
modifies the crystalline lattice. The study carried out by Mandal internal structure of Ca-HAGel undergoes an initial homoge-
et al. demonstrated that heating the gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O; nization at low shear rate values corresponding to low levels of
plasticity. The constraint force is too small to disorganize the
98% pure) at 90 and 350 °C for 10 h revealed the presence of
structure; it requires an increase in the magnitude of the
two kinds of water: loosely and strongly held water molecules.13
applied force for the flow to occur. Beyond the shear stress
Consequently, the loss of water molecules modifies the threshold, with an increasing shear rate, the flow is enhanced by
monoclinic structural morphology of gypsum, where the the gradual dispersion of particles, promoting the separation
elimination of 1.5 water molecules allows the apparition of effect, which causes a decrease in the viscosity. The viscosity
hexagonal hemihydrates. Above 200 °C, the symmetry changes (apparent viscosity) value stabilizes at high shear rates. Once
to the orthogonal configuration due to the elimination of the apparent viscosity is reached, there is no further
strongly held water molecules. modification observed for the structure of Ca-HAGel.
During synthesis, the storage and loss moduli (G′ and G″) rose
with an increase in the frequency and their values decreased
with the aging of the gel.
At low frequencies, the 12 h age dispersion (Figure 3a)
seems to have a heterogeneous structure at the beginning of the
periodic oscillation application. It is observed that G′ is greater
than G″, which corresponds to an elastic behavior. Therefore,
when the frequency is increased, the modulus values increase
strongly because of the dispersed state of the particles.
For a 24 h age dispersion (Figure 3b), the values of the
storage and loss moduli are almost zero below 15 Hz. The
strain response at constant stress after 24 h of synthesis is
delayed compared to the 12 h age dispersion measurement.
This change in behavior, identified at low frequencies, is due to
the evolution of the reaction. This response is related to
precipitation of the Ca-HA suspension occurring when the pH
value buffers around 8, leading to the formation of a colloidal
suspension. The behavior remains elastic at high-frequency
After 48 h of synthesis (Figure 3c), we observe a complete
change in behavior at low frequencies. For frequencies below
25 Hz, G′ and G″ increase exponentially at low stress. Below 25
Hz, G″ is greater than G′, indicating viscous behavior. This
simply means that the suspension follows a constant structural
deformation where the stress is proportional to the strain rate.
Figure 2. Rheological behavior and viscosity of Ca-HAGel after 48 h of When the frequency reaches values higher than 25 Hz, G″
synthesis: (a) τ = f(γ̇); (b) log(τ) = f(γ̇) [−×−, shear stress (Pa); − becomes smaller than G′, indicating an elastic behavior: the
+ −, viscosity (Pa·s)]. stress is proportional to the deformation. However, the
viscosity increases progressively, indicating the agglomeration
4.2. Dynamic Rheological Properties of Ca-HA. To of colloids and the formation of gel-paste calcium phosphate.
explain the viscoelastic behavior observed for Ca-HAGel, This result is important because it shows the transition between
dynamic oscillatory tests were carried out to investigate the a suspension and pasty behavior. As demonstrated by Knowles
internal structure and response of the gel during Ca-HA et al.14 and Bao et al.,15 the mutual approach of particles in
synthesis. The dynamic rheological (oscillatory) test aims to solution is correlated to the positive charge of the Ca-HA
determine the storage (G′) and loss (G″) moduli. Figure 3 surface. The behavioral changes show the formation of gel
represents the results of the frequency−sweep response of a particles or gel-paste structures after 2 days of reaction,
Ca-HA suspension after 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of synthesis. exhibiting a viscoelastic behavior. The dynamic rheological
property study carried out by Liu et al.16 on a calcium
phosphate cement slurry (a composite of equimolar tetracal-
cium and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous) under the
conditions of a 2.0 powder/liquid ratio and a 1% strain showed
that, at the range of low strain and low frequency, the slurry
changed its behavior with frequency increases. The slurry began
to flow and presented a shear-thinning behavior.
For the 72 h age dispersion (Figure 3d), the loss modulus
values are higher than the storage modulus values, thus
revealing a viscous behavior. Nevertheless, when the frequency
increases and the strain exceeds the yield strain, the viscosity
decreases. The decrease in the G′ and G″ values is due to gel
aging after 48 h of synthesis, which causes deformation of the
gel structure. The disruption of extractible water molecules
caused by bonds between particles leads to flow and
demonstrates that Ca-HAGel exhibits a shear-thinning behavior.
4.3. Rheological Behavior of Binary Blends. The
viscosity of the binary matrix was measured and plotted versus
the concentration of added powder, as illustrated in Figures 4
and 5. W/G and W/P blends exhibit shear-thinning behavior.
Figure 4 shows that the viscosity of W/G blends decreases with
Figure 3. Frequency−sweep curves of Ca-HA as a function of the decreasing gypsum concentration until an almost constant
synthesis time (−Δ−, storage modulus G′, −□−, loss modulus G″). apparent viscosity for W/G ratios above 0.6 was achieved. The
The description of the behavior of Ca-HAGel is based on two viscosity plateau reveals no influence of water on the hydrated
conditions: if G′ > G″, the behavior is elastic; if G′ < G″, the behavior gypsum particles. Hydrated gypsum particles present similar
is viscous. double-electric layers of a common charge (negatively
Figure 4. Viscosities of W/G and W/P blends at different mass ratios.
charged), which generates electrostatic repulsion between particle constructing a growth slice.17 The predominance of reactive
surfaces (due to the overlap of the electrical double-layer sites on the grains attracts cations, which form a rigid network
theory). Gypsum particles are mainly positively charged and are that surrounds the layer of adsorbed water molecules. It is also
covered by a layer of positive average charge. This positive- known that the attraction of plaster particles requires cohesion
charge layer stabilizes the dispersion through particle repulsion, between atoms to form the contiguous flakes. The development
avoiding particle aggregation. At rest, particles tend to of this structure (agglomerated structure or plaster paste)
precipitate. If a stress is applied, the suspension is dispersed, depends on the amount of hydration water. According to the
leading to a decrease in the viscosity. The gypsum stochiometry, the α-hemihydrates require a W/P ratio higher
concentration controls the dispersed state; the repulsive forces than 0.186 to be transformed into gypsum. To improve the
tend to stabilize the suspension because the particles are consistency of the blends, the hydration rate was chosen from a
negatively charged. The apparent viscosity is obtained at a high range of 0.4−1.4. In the dynamical study in the linear
shear rate, where gravity forces are negligible. It can be seen viscoelastic domain published by Finot et al., the time−sweep
that, above a 0.6 W/G ratio, the interparticle distance is large test at 0.015% (ω = 10 rad·s−1), carried out on W/P = 0.7,
enough to make the apparent viscosity independent of the indicates that the rise in the storage modulus reflects the
gypsum content. hydration and setting processes. This reveals an increase in the
With regards to the plaster blends (W/P), the viscosity level of crystallized gypsum.20 Obviously, the viscosity
decreases with decreasing plaster concentration. The hydration decreases steadily with an increasing amount of water, and
of hemihydrate particles, requiring 1.5 water molecules, leads to the application of shear stress destroys the links between
crystallization. In general, the contact of plaster particles with particles, facilitating decoagulation of the structure and leading
water triggers dissolution, which induces the saturation or to flow.
supersaturation of the solution in Ca2+ and SO42−, leading to Plaster hydrates during viscosity measurement under stress.
the formation of gypsum nuclei.17 Consequently, the hydration The plaster viscosity value depends on the volume fraction of
control scenario is correlated with the nucleation and crystal- the solids (solid concentration ΓB1), particle size, and water
growth mechanism.18,19 excess (free of water after full plaster hydration). At a high
The high specific surface area of plaster particles plays a shear rate, it is possible to measure the apparent viscosity of the
major role in the multiplication of intergranular links. dispersion of agglomerated hydrated particles. The apparent
Interaction between plaster particles occurs by electrostatic viscosities of W/G blends are lower than those of W/P blends.
forces (i.e., the spread of ions in an extended diffuse layer) and Because plaster hydration held the measurement long, the
attractive forces (van der Waals) responsible for adhesion. difference observed in the apparent viscosity between W/G and
Furthermore, adhesion is described as the formation of two W/P cannot be solely attributed to hydration. The difference
Ca2+/SO42− layers bound together by ionic interaction, observed in a specific surface area may provide an explanation.
Figure 5 shows that the viscosity increases when the solid
concentration (ΓB2) increases, with the latter being calculated
relative to the water (by wt %) present in Ca-HAGel. It should
be noted that the formulations having Ca-HAGel/G or Ca-
HAGel/P ratios higher than 1.5 are solids and their rheological
properties were not characterized. The water content in Ca-HA
is more than sufficient to hydrate calcium sulfate hemihydrate
particles. In this case, an almost solid paste is formed. Replacing
20% of Ca-HAGel by gypsum or plaster produced little influence
on the viscosity, indicating that for this blend there is little
influence of calcium sulfate on the rheological properties of Ca-
HAGel. With regards to the already hydrated gypsum particles,
increasing the gypsum concentration of the blend up to 40%
produced a slight increase in the viscosity. Blends containing Figure 7. ζ potential of Ca-HA/G and Ca-HA/P formulations without
more than 40% of gypsum are almost solids. The addition of added water [− −, ζ potential of gypsum (≈20 mV); − · −, ζ potential
plaster to Ca-HA requires a high stress to cause the flow. of plaster (≈5 mV); − ·· −, ζ potential of Ca-HA (≈−20 mV); −□−,
Plaster particles in contact with Ca-HA water cause plaster ζ potential of Ca-HA/G formulations; −Δ−, ζ potential of Ca-HA/P
hydration, creating strong bonds that encompass the Ca-HA formulations].
particles and make the flow of the blend difficult. Hydrated
plaster strongly increases the viscosity of Ca-HAGel by its own generating the change from negative to positive charge. The
weight. Figure 6 shows the thixotropic behavior of binary adsorbed amount of anionic sulfate on the Ca-HA particles is
equal to the Ca-HA electrical charge sites, and the coating of
gypsum sulfate Ca-HA particles is the main reason for
modification of the ζ potential. The surfaces of the plaster
particles are characterized by a positive charge, and the
formation of a plaster solid body is explained by cohesion
between particles and illustrated by a low ζ-potential value.
Figure 7 represents the ζ potential of formulations containing
Ca-HA and different proportions of the W/P ratio. With an
increase in the amount of plaster, the ζ potential remains
constant (with values similar to those of the plaster at the
beginning of the hydration process) and the surface charge of
Ca-HA changes. The nucleation process of hemihydrated
particles starts by the formation of Ca2+/SO42−-bound double
layers, and the concentration of sulfate decreases, indicating
that it is consumed during hydration. However, fixation of the
Figure 6. Example of a thixotropic hysteresis loop of composites 80% remaining sulfate in solution on the Ca-HA surface leads to a
Ca-HA/20% G and 80% Ca-HA/20% P [-*-, Ca-HAGel (η∞ = 0.144 change in the charge.
Pa·s); -×-, 80% Ca-HAGel/20% P (Γ = 0.369; η∞ = 0.348 Pa·s); -+-,
80% Ca-HAGel/20% G (Γ = 0.384; η∞ = 0.318 Pa·s)]. 5. CONCLUSION
The rheological test carried out reveals shear thinning and the
blends containing a mass ratio blend of 80% of Ca-HA and 20% thixotropic behavior of Ca-HAGel for formulations considered.
of plaster and a mass ratio of 80% of Ca-HA and 20% of The internal structure of Ca-HAGel exhibits viscoelastic
gypsum, indicating that the blends recover their initial structure. behavior after 48 h of synthesis.
In this case, viscosity values increase slightly compared to the The positively charged gypsum particles cause repulsion of
viscosity of Ca-HAGel while keeping their flow characteristics. the particles (repulsive forces), and the viscosity of the W/G
4.4. Interaction between Particles. The interpretation of (0.2−1.4) blends remains constant. Plaster is characterized by
interactions between these compounds seems to be complex. attractive forces, and the particles are positively charged. The
The ζ potential was considered as a means to understanding hydration of plaster leads to cohesion between particles, which
the interactions, based on the net charge of the particles, and explains the increase in the viscosity of the W/P blends
hence describing the suspension structure. The ζ potential compared to the W/G blends. The ζ potential of Ca-HA is
indicates the repulsion forces between particles promoting the negative, and dissolution of the calcium sulfate particles
dispersion stability. Figure 7 shows that the Ca-HA particles are saturates the solution in sulfate ions (SO42−); the charge of
characterized by a negative ζ potential, indicating that the the particles becomes positive because of fixation of SO42− on
particles are negatively charged (≈−20 mV)14 and the gypsum the Ca-HA surface. The adsorption of sulfate on the Ca-HA
particles are positively charged (≈20 mV).21 The Ca-HA ζ- particle surfaces influences the structures of the formulations
potential value indicates the instability of the gelled particles. and explains why the viscosity is independent of the Ca-HAGel
Adding gypsum to Ca-HA leads to charge modification. The content. Plaster hydration plays a major role in the Ca-HAGel
presence of repulsive forces is correlated to the high value of stabilization structure, and gypsum particles undoubtedly
the ζ potential predicting the stability. These results support enhance the hydraulic performance. Modification in the ζ
the assumption of sulfate attraction on the Ca-HA surface, potential can affect the retention capacity, reactivity, and
indicating dispersion of the particles. However, sulfate mechanical resistance. These aspects will be the subject of a
adsorption changed the charge distribution of Ca-HA, later study.
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Corresponding Author
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17), 3295−3304.
(19) Sievert, T.; Wolter, A.; Singh, N. B. Hydration of anhydrite of
*Tel: +(00)33563493241. E-mail: Mohamed.Raii@mines-albi. gypsum (CaSO4.II) in a ball mill. Cem. Concr. Res. 2005, 35, 623−630.
(20) Finot, E.; Lesniewska, E.; Mutin, J.-C.; Goudonnet, J.-P.; Mutin,
J.-C.; Domenech, M.; Ait Kadi, A. Correlation surface forces with
Notes surface reactivity of gypsum crystals by atomic force microscopy.
The authors declare no competing financial interest. Comparison with rheological properties of plaster. Solid State Ionics
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