Development of Fiber Enriched Herbal Bis
Development of Fiber Enriched Herbal Bis
Development of Fiber Enriched Herbal Bis
Email address: (M. A. Alam), (M. A. Hakim)
Abstract: The study was designed to formulate a fiber enriched herbal biscuits (Holy Basil and Moringa) that contains
sufficient nutrient (protein and fiber enriched). The objectives of this research were to determine the Biochemical and
organoleptic attributes of Herbal biscuit substituted with four different percentages i.e., Normal, Sample -1(1 %), Sample –
2 (2 %) and Sample – 3 (3%) both Tulshi and Moringa leaves. Fiber enriched herbal biscuits were developed by
incorporating Tulshi (Ocimum sanctum) leaves, Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves, whole wheat flour, egg white,
vegetable oil, margarine (dalda) and other necessary ingredients. This recipe was standardized and evaluated for
organoleptic acceptability by five point’s hedonic scale. The overall acceptability score of normal biscuit, sample biscuit 1,
2 and 3 were 4.46, 4.43, 4.03 and 4.14 respectively out of 5. The nutritive values of the normal standard biscuits were
protein 14.7g, fat 19.5g, carbohydrate 56.6g, fiber 2.3g, ash 2.1% and 458Kcal. On the other hand, the prepared herbal
biscuits of sample-1 contain 4.6% moisture, 2.9% crude fiber, 460Kcal energy and 14.8% protein, 20.1% fat, 55.4%
carbohydrate, 2.2% ash. But the Sample-2 and 3 biscuits contains 4.5% moisture, 3.5% crude fiber, 457 Kcal energy and
14.6% protein, 19.9% fat, 55.2% carbohydrate, 2.3% ash and 4.7% moisture, 4.1% crude fiber, 449 Kcal energy and 14.9%
protein, 19.3% fat, 54.6% carbohydrate, 2.4% ash respectively. It was noted that the quality characteristics were improved
due to incorporation of acceptable level of Tulshi and Moringa leaves at certain proportion. The organoleptic test showed
that the addition of both Tulshi and Moringa leaves at 1% was more acceptable comparing with all quality characteristics.
Keywords: Herbal Biscuit, Holy Basil, Moringa, Dietary Fiber, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Organoleptic Test,
Nutritive Value, Hedonic Scale
the body but does not increase fecal bulk. Soluble fiber maximum transport capacity; altered pH profile; and, with
helps maintain a healthy cholesterol level, normalize blood long-term treatment, altered intestinal morphology [10].
sugar levels in diabetics and may even help reduce blood Dietary fiber is considered as an important and essential
pressure. Pectins and gums are examples of soluble fibers, component of diet and fiber obtained from various sources
and they are also found in herbs like Tulshi (Ocimum has been successfully incorporated in the food products
sanctum), Moringa Leaves (Moringa oleifera), beans, oat with significant results. In recent years several types of
bran, psyllium husks, Apple, Apricot, Carrots, Yams and breakfast cereals containing high amount of bran has been
some fruits and vegetables[4,5]. developed and marketed as it helps in weight control and
Dietary fiber is essentially intact within the plant matrix, play a key role in reducing colon cancer. Enhancement of
and the enzymes within the human digestive tract are fiber content in snack foods, beverages, spices, sauces,
unable to hydrolyze or break it down. Dietary fiber is made frozen foods, meat products and other foods has also been
up of three varying components. The largest component investigated. Health benefits of dietary fiber indicate that
consists of polysaccharides, or plant fibers such as bran; dietary fiber may give protection against cardiovascular
pectins from fruits and vegetables; various gums; and beta- diseases, diabetes and obesity [11].
glucans from oats and rye [5]. The second-largest There are many sources of dietary fiber such as fruits,
component is lignin, composed of polyphenylpropane vegetables and less commonly used cereals such as barley,
molecules and present in very small amounts in the diet. which are potential sources of dietary fiber supplements
Lignin is found in stalks and stems. The final component is and herbs like Tulshi (Ocimum sanctum) and Moringa
made up of resistant starches and non-digestible (Moringa oleifera).
oligosaccharides [6]. These are naturally occurring parts of Ocimum sanctum traditionally used since the times of
fiber that resist digestion in the upper digestive tract yet ancient civilization in Bangladesh and called as the “Queen
feed and stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the of Herbs”. The unique chemistry of Tulsi is highly complex.
lower digestive tract. Resistant starches and Tulsi contains hundreds of beneficial compounds known as
oligosaccharides are sometimes added to food as isolated phyto-chemicals. Working together, these compounds
ingredients (e.g., polydextrose) and occur naturally in possess strong antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral,
legumes, various fruits and vegetables, seeds and grains [5]. adaptogenic, and immune enhancing properties that
Many observational studies have found an association promote general health and support the body's natural
between high-fiber food consumption and reduced risk of defense against stress and diseases [12]. It contains 7.0%
type II diabetes. Dietary fiber is thought to play a vital role eugenol, carvacrol (3%) and eugenol-methyl ether (20%). It
in reducing overall risk by helping to normalize also contains caryophyllin, ursolic acid, rosmaric acid,
postprandial glucose response and decrease insulin thymol, methyl chavicol, citral, carvacrol, β-caryophyllene.
concentration and overall insulin requirements. Higher It has been observed that eugenol and the essential oils
intakes (13–16 g/dy in one study and as much as 30–50 possessed membrane stabilizing properties on
g/dy in a different study) from whole-food sources in synaptosomes, erythrocytes and the mast cells which
particular, cereal fiber—have been consistently associated account for the therapeutic potentials of Tulsi in
with lower risk of type II diabetes and improved insulin management of neurological, inflammatory and allergic
sensitivity[7]. disorders. It was also pharmacologically evaluated and
The American Dietetic Association states that 30 to 50 found to reduce raised blood sugar, cholesterol and
g/day of fiber from whole food sources consistently assists triglyceride levels and activities of GPT, GOT, LDH and
in lowering blood glucose concentrations [8]. Dietary fiber alkaline phosphatase in blood serum and thereby it is
has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in individuals therapeutically used as cardioprotective, antidiabetic,
with type II diabetes [9] hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic agent [13].
The suggested benefits of increased intake of fiber Modern scientific research offers impressive evidence that
include not only the reduction in postprandial rise in blood Tulsi reduces stress, enhances stamina, relieves inflammation,
glucose concentration but also lower basal glucose lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, protects against
concentration, enhanced sensitivity to insulin, and lower radiation, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers, improves
cholesterol level. The soluble fibers, e.g., guar and pectin, digestion and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and
increase intestinal transit time [4]. Whereas the insoluble other nutrients. Tulsi is especially effective in supporting the
fibers such as wheat bran and whole grain decrease the heart, blood vessels, liver and lungs and also regulates blood
intestinal transit time and increase intestinal bulk. Studies pressure and blood sugar [12].
with D-xylose have shown that the glucose-lowering effects Moringa (Moringa spp.) belongs to a monogenetic
may be a consequence of decreased rate of carbohydrate family, the Moringaceae. Moringa oleifera is also known as
absorption rather than increased total glucose utilization or “Miracle Tree”. Moringa oleifera has a host of other
suppression of hepatic glucose production [3]. The possible country specific vernacular names, an indication of the
effects of fiber within the small intestine include changes in significance of the tree around the world. It is a small fast-
mixing, motility, and convection; intraluminal digestion growing ornamental tree originally belongs to India.
rates; thickness of the unstirred layer; inhibition of Various varieties of Moringa oleifera have been developed
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2014; 3(4): 246-250 248
to meet the tastes of local populations. Cited as one of the for preparation of biscuits according to above stated recipe.
world’s most useful plants, Moringa leaves are edible and Sieve the refined wheat flour and other dry ingredients and
are of high nutritive value. It is consumed throughout Asian were mixed together to obtain a uniform blend. Vegetable
countries. It is a cosmopolitan tropical drought tolerant tree, oil, sugar was mixed together to obtain sweetened
available throughout the year and is documented in eastern shortening cream. Then slowly mixed dry flour was added
allopathic medicine to possess various pharmacological to shortening cream with addition of water to prepare
actions, such as analgesic, antihypertensive activity, and dough. The dough was prepared by manual kneading of all
anti-inflammatory effects [14, 15, 16]. the dry and liquid ingredients to attain uniformity with
A study evaluates the effects on taking tea prepared from desirable visco-elastic characteristics. When dough was
Moringa oleifera Lam. on blood sugar levels in humans. ready it was kept for 10-15 minutes as it is and then used
The results point to the benefit of using Moringa oleifera for sheeting, sheets were made by rolling balls of dough on
Lam. tea in the management of hyperglycemia [17]. wooden platform. These sheets were cut by hand operated
Biscuits are ideal for their nutritive value, palatability, metal dye, arranged on olive oil coated tray and were kept
compactness and convenience [18]. Having low moisture for baking. Baking takes place in three successive stages in
content than cakes and bread, biscuits are generally safer electric oven. In the beginning structural changes take place
from microbiological spoilage and have long shelf-life [19]. due to heating of dough. In second stage greatest loss of
The present investigation was planned to develop a product moisture take place. In third stage the color of biscuit
with high fiber content and low caloric value. changes to typical light brown color of finished biscuit.
Biscuits have always been one of the most popular and Each lot requires 25-30 minutes at 160 o C for baking.
appealing food products due to its superior nutritional,
sensorial and textural characteristics, ready to eat 2.3. Organoleptic or Sensory Quality Analysis
convenience as well as cost competitiveness [20]. The sensory evaluation of prepared herbal biscuits was
Nowadays, emphasis is on healthy Biscuits with low carried out by a 15 member panel comprising of outdoor
glycemic index, more protein and will increase the dietary diabetic patients from BIRDEM Hospital Dhaka. The panel
fiber intake, high resistant starch and decrease in calorie members were requested in measuring the terms identifying
and carbohydrates of baked goods. Herbal Biscuits are sensory characteristics and in use of the score. Judgments
made by incorporation of Tulshi and Moringa leaves in a were made through rating products on a five point Hedonic
mixture of whole wheat flour, wheat flours, sugar powder, Scale with corresponding descriptive terms ranging from 5
vegetable oil (soybean), dalda, baking powder, skim milk ‘like extremely’ to 1 ‘dislike extremely’.
powder, egg white, iodized salt, and other general
ingredients. 2.4. Biochemical Quality Analysis
All these ingredients will impart characteristic colors,
texture and nutritional value which may be favorable in All the samples were subjected to chemical quality
bakery products, recipes and other food products. The assessment. Moisture was determined by oven-drying method,
composite flours are advantages to the developing countries Ash was determined by incineration method, Fat was
because the flour could reduce wheat imports and increased determined by soxhlet appratus method, Protein by Kjeldahl
the potential use of locally grown crop. method and Crude fiber by AOAC – 1995 method [21].
obtained the highest score for its color after that sample-1 The wide variation in the quality parameter of biscuits can
obtained second highest score than sample-2 and 3. Color be attributed to the manufacturing conditions type of raw
of biscuits depends on the color quality of ingredients. material used. The mean score of texture were 4.40 ± 0.74,
4.20 ± 0.56, 4.05 ± 0.14, 3.25 ± 0.75 respectively shows in
3.3. Flavor and Smell Acceptability the Table 2. Texture of sample-1 was very much liked (>4)
The flavor and smell of the products depends on the by the judges.
volatile constituents of raw material. The flavor mean score 3.5. Overall Taste Acceptability
were 3.73 ± 0.80, 3.53 ± 0.70, 4.13 ± 0.56, 3.73 ± 0.65 of
normal, sample-1, sample-2, sample-3 respectively shows Taste is also influenced by the quality of the raw
in the Table 2. In the flavor and smell acceptability test materials used in the processing of biscuits. The mean taste
showed that sample-2like (>3 to <4) by the judges and they score of biscuits were 4.46 ± 0.63, 4.43 ± 0.53, 4.03 ± 0.43,
also like sample-1. 4.14 ± 0.57 respectively shown in the Table-2. In taste
acceptability test, Hedonic scale showed that the sample-1
3.4. Texture Acceptability biscuit was more acceptable comparing with all quality
Texture of the biscuits depends mainly upon the rate of characteristics by the judge.
development of the dough and the proportion of sugar used.
Table 3. Nutritive values of different biscuit sample.
3.6. Nutritional Quality Assessment protein, 20.1% fat, 55% carbohydrate, 2.2% ash. Similarly
the nutrient contents of sample-2 (20g Tulshi+ 10g Moringa)
Table 3 states that, Nutrient contents of normal biscuits and the proximate composition of the sample-2 biscuits
that was estimated by using different analytical methods. Per contain 4.5% moisture, 3.5% crude fiber, 457 Kcal energy
100 gm (normal biscuits) of product contain 4.8% moisture, and 14.6% protein, 19.9% fat, 55% carbohydrate, 2.3% ash.
2.3% crude fiber, 14.7% protein, 19.5% fat, 56.1% The nutrient contents of sample-3 (30g Tulshi+ 30g Moringa)
carbohydrate, 2.1% ash and 458 Kcal Energy. But after and the proximate composition of the sample-3 biscuits
incorporating of Tulshi and Moringa leaves the nutritive contain 4.7% moisture, 4.1% crude fiber, 449 Kcal energy
values were improved. Table-2 also shows the nutrient and 14.9% protein, 19.3% fat, 54% carbohydrate, 2.3% ash.
contents of sample-1 (10g Tulshi + 10g Moringa) and the Above nutritional quality assessment concludes that Sample
proximate composition of the sample-1 biscuits are 4.6% 1 biscuit is comgtm nparatively better than other sample.
moisture, 2.9% crude fiber, 460 Kcal energy and 14.8%
Table 1. Recipe for different biscuit sample.
Table 2. Comparison of the different organoleptic quality parameters (Sensory evaluation) of biscuits.
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