Augmented Reality Browser Android Applic
Augmented Reality Browser Android Applic
Augmented Reality Browser Android Applic
Abstract - Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging that the visualization of the virtual objects, the virtual
approach in experimentation, in which the real world is elements, or information are linked to the localization and
real world orientation.
enhanced by computer-generated data linked to
specific places or activities. That is, augmented reality Augmented reality browser enables to overlay and mix
allows digital content can overlaid and mixed perfectly digital content with the real world. In addition to that, 2D
with our perceptions of the real world. Therefore, in and 3D virtual objects, digital data assets (video and audio
this paper we propose an augmented reality system for files and graphical data), textual information and tactile
mobile devices, which enables to enrichment the information can be converted into real-world perception
by users of augmented reality browser applications.
content of books and printed magazines by
superimposing virtual objects, allowing increasing the The current features of mobile devices male possible the
user knowledge according to its environment. The implementation of browser applications for augmented
system can be implemented on mobile devices with reality. Among these features include high resolution
touch screen, such as smart-phones and tablets based touch screens, cameras and Internet connection devices or
on the Android platform wifi networks and the movement capture and localization
sensors needed (like GPS, accelerometers, compasses,
Key Words: Augmented Reality, mobile devices, etc.). These sensors have works over the classification of
mobile browser applications of augmented reality, i.e.
virtual object. applications based on object recognition or GPS-based
location applications. In both cases applications use these
features of the mobile device to virtual objects.
The development of augmented reality browser
Augmented Reality android applications contain applications for mobile devices is complex or hard due to
technology that allows superimposing virtual computer some factors. On the one hand, the processing and storage
graphics into the real world. Augmented reality opposite capacity through different memory types affects directly
to virtual reality, the AR interface allows the users see the the augmented reality system. On the other hand, the type
real world at the same time see virtual objects attached to of the method used for capture the image and processing
places and real world objects. As processing power for the image to be analysed, on which subsequently a virtual
mobile phones increase, we are beginning to see more of image is store on the cloud.
these types of applications. They represent the future for
AR and the days of the marker are numbered. Whereas We propose an augmented reality browser system for
hyper linking solutions enable the user to quickly go to a mobile devices based on visual image recognition.
web page, natural-feature tracking enables the user to Augmented reality approach consists of the super position
interact with the content. Therefore the main objective of of virtual reality objects over the real world object which
an augmented reality system is to the perception and is seen through a mobile camera, the one which feed
user's interaction with the real world through directly the mobile screen of the mobile phone. First, it
complement the real world with virtual objects in 3D from must identification of the object in the real world through
real world, which appear to coexist in the same space that camera and mobile device screen. Then the virtual object
the objects of the real world. According to Azuma, to track. Search on store database match with database
define an Augmented reality browser application, three afterwards, the show is augmented with virtual objects.
main features have to be considered. First is combination Augmented reality application process requires the
of real world elements and the virtual environment, estimation of the coordinates from the object in the real
second is the elements must be interactive in real-time
and last one which are to be recorded on 3D; this means,
© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 1117
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
world in 2D or 3D model, for accurate position of objects required images data, by application client side, in these
for augmented reality application. images will apply augmented reality techniques. The
browser application selects and recognize the specific
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS area, in which is going to put the virtualization content.
After load the image and select the recognition, the Web
Augmented reality browser application system for mobile application uses the API and stores the image, the
devices proposed is focused on the recognition of printed recognized area and their characteristics, inside the
images from any books and any magazines. In where the Content based image retrieval system.
tasks of object recognition and tracking of this object on
the mobile device screen is divided into the task execution When the image and its characteristics are stored in the
on the server-side means cloud storage and client-side, database, then the mobile application sends the extracted
respectively. The capabilities and performance of client- features of the image (captured by the mobile camera) to
server approach based networking technologies are Content-based image retrieval system using the API
demonstrated with a prototype using the Android techniques. This System processes the features received,
platform, which is available to augment virtual objects, and then searches it on the store database. Then, when
that is, the covers or front pages from books or selected searching is complete, sends the results to mobile devices
magazines. with digital content with augmented reality, in where it
will on the book or magazine by virtualization. The
The server side database is composed by thousands of definition of the framework is through the layers allowing
reference points this data point match with database, each layer to working independently. This enables a scale
which are tracked using a pattern recognize images from and compatible against other augmented reality browser
photo collections media, to perform this function is systems, such Kooaba. To achieve this proper
implemented the algorithm SURF. To improve functionality, every layer has to include a set of
performance in real time augmented reality browser configurations that allow integration with external layers.
system, it incorporates a method proposed, which The Web application was built using the Java Script
improves the time of geometric verification for matching programming language. This software application extracts
characteristics of the identified objects those objects will the features from the image content. Next, these features
later be augmented reality. In addition, tracking of the are sent through an interactive application based on AJAX.
objects on the virtualization from client side is based on a
multimodal combination of visualization features and The mobile application is an augmented reality browser
measurements of mobile sensors. application developed with the Java programming
language, using the Android SDK and OpenCV 2.5 (Open
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Source Computer Vision) libraries. OpenCV is an open
source library and software that contains more than 500
The browser architecture contains 4 layers: algorithms optimized to analyse image, and video content.
This mobile client application contains the necessary
1) Mobile applications, functionalities to recognize an object inside the image,
2) Web applications, insert the digital content over that object, and tracks the
3) Web Rest API, and object.
4) Content-based image retrieval systems
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client side the following:
standards are used, allowing creating services and mobile without divisions, the real world with augmented reality
applications that can be used by any device that objects.
understands HTTP protocol. In the second layer of the
system they implementation of the Content-based image REFERENCES
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