Addendum To Draft 2024 ISP
Addendum To Draft 2024 ISP
Addendum To Draft 2024 ISP
AEMO publishes this Addendum to the Draft 2024 ISP in accordance with clause 5.22.13 of the National Electricity Rules
(Rules). This publication is generally based on information available to AEMO as at 12 April 2024 unless otherwise indicated.
AEMO has made reasonable efforts to ensure the quality of the information in this publication but cannot guarantee that
information, forecasts and assumptions are accurate, complete or appropriate for your circumstances.
Modelling work performed as part of preparing this publication inherently requires assumptions about future behaviours and
market interactions, which may result in forecasts that deviate from future conditions. There will usually be differences
between estimated and actual results, because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, and those
differences may be material.
This publication does not include all of the information that an investor, participant or potential participant in the national
electricity market might require, and does not amount to a recommendation of any investment.
Anyone proposing to use the information in this publication (which includes information and forecasts from third parties)
should independently verify its accuracy, completeness and suitability for purpose, and obtain independent and specific
advice from appropriate experts.
Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, AEMO and its officers, employees and consultants involved in the
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• make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the
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• are not liable (whether by reason of negligence or otherwise) for any statements, opinions, information or other matters
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© 2024 Australian Energy Market Operator Limited. The material in this publication may be used in accordance with the
copyright permissions on AEMO’s website.
AEMO acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing
connection to land, waters and culture. We pay respect to Elders past and present.
1 Introduction 4
Table 1 List of sensitivities in the Draft 2024 ISP 8
Table 2 Consultant scenario mapping for CER11 12
Table 3 CSIRO table of assumed proportions of tariffs and subsequent battery storage operating
modes by scenario 12
Table 4 GEM table of assumed proportions of battery storage operating modes by scenario 12
Table 5 Policies by jurisdiction as they apply to REZs in the Draft 2024 ISP 15
Figure 1 The ISP process 6
1 Introduction
AEMO has prepared this report in response to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER’s) “transparency review
report”1 of the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP)2. This section provides an overview of this report, invites
stakeholders to provide written feedback, and notes the process to develop the 2024 ISP.
In 2020, reforms to the National Electricity Rules (NER) and the National Electricity Law (NEL) converted AEMO’s
ISP into an actionable strategic plan. As part of this, the AER is required to review the adequacy of AEMO’s
explanations of the derivation of key inputs and assumptions, and how key inputs and assumptions influenced
outcomes in the Draft ISP3.
Overall, the AER’s Transparency Review of AEMO’s Draft 2024 ISP (“transparency review report”) concluded that
“AEMO has adequately explained most of its inputs and assumptions, and how they contribute to the draft ISP
In addition, the transparency review report identified several aspects of the Draft 2024 ISP where AEMO could
better explain how key inputs and assumptions contributed to the Draft 2024 ISP outcomes. AEMO provides
further explanatory material on these matters in this Addendum, as follows:
AEMO has consulted with stakeholders on the Draft 2024 ISP. AEMO now invites stakeholders to provide written
submissions giving feedback on the content of this Addendum. Submissions should be provided in PDF format to by 5pm (AEST), Friday 3 May 2024.
Where possible, submissions should provide evidence and information to support any views or claims that are put
forward. AEMO will publish submissions on its website, subject to materiality and confidentiality requirements4.
Please identify any parts of your submission that you wish to remain confidential and explain why.
NER 5.22.13(a).
This is consistent with AEMO’s obligations under section 54 of the National Electricity Law.
This Addendum is published to support the Draft 2024 ISP. Figure 1 displays the process to develop the 2024 ISP,
including publications and consultations required under the ISP regulatory framework.
Forecasting Best
ISP Timetable
Practice Guidelines
Preliminary inputs,
assumptions and Notice of
scenarios consultation on ISP
Draft IASR
Engagement with
Consumer Panel
Modelling non-network
Report on IASR
IASR Addendum
AEMO Publication HERE
Activity Consumer Panel
Consultation consultation for Draft ISP Addendum
Report on Draft ISP
actionable projects
AER Publication
TNSP Publication
Modelling Consultation
Consumer Panel
Completed Non-network
ISP consultation for new
Not required actionable projects
In progress
Not started
“The draft 2024 ISP explored three scenarios: step change, progressive change and green energy exports
scenarios. It assessed the resilience of the [optimal development path] by applying a number of alternative
assumptions to the step change scenario through sensitivity analysis. Further, much of the output in the draft ISP
and its appendices is only presented for the step change scenario, despite the progressive change scenario
having similar weighting.”
We expect AEMO to provide details … for any sensitivity analysis undertaken for scenarios other than the step
change scenario, or explain the reasons for why it has not undertaken this additional analysis.”
AEMO’s response
The AER’s Cost Benefit Analysis Guidelines5 provide AEMO with flexibility over how it undertakes sensitivity
testing and how many sensitivities to test in the ISP. The guidelines also recommend that AEMO should, in
deciding how many sensitivities to test, recognise the risk assessment already undertaken through scenario
analysis and the resource cost of additional modelling runs. The Draft 2024 ISP includes a number of sensitivities
on Step Change alone, as well as on Step Change and other scenarios.
To select which sensitivity analysis to apply to each scenario for the Draft 2024 ISP, AEMO applied the same
principles used to develop the scenario collection. These principles, as outlined in the 2023 Inputs, Assumptions
and Scenarios Report (IASR) 6, ensure that the sensitivities are sound and that they provide additional insights to
the core scenarios. As such, AEMO tested each sensitivity and its application to scenario(s) to consider if it was:
• Internally consistent – The underpinning assumptions in a scenario (with a sensitivity applied to the scenario)
must form a cohesive picture in relation to each other.
• Plausible – The potential future described by a scenario narrative (with a sensitivity applied to the scenario)
could come to pass.
• Distinctive – Individual scenarios (with sensitivities applied to them) must be distinctive enough to provide
value to AEMO and stakeholders.
• Broad – The scenario set (with sensitivities applied to them) covers the breadth of possible futures.
• Useful – The scenarios (with sensitivities applied to them) explore the risks of over- and under-investment.
When deciding on sensitivity application to scenarios, AEMO also considered scenario weightings and core
scenario outcomes. Ultimately the results of the Draft ISP modelling allowed for a decision to be made about the
optimal development path (ODP) using the weighted net market benefit results, meaning that fewer sensitivity
analyses were needed to fully assess the robustness of the ODP. That is, AEMO decided that undertaking a higher
number of sensitivities on the most likely scenario would provide a fuller assessment of the robustness of the ODP
than fewer sensitivities on all scenarios7.
Finally, AEMO considered modelling timeline constraints when deciding how much analysis to prepare and report
on for the Draft 2024 ISP. Results of the full sensitivity analysis are presented in Appendix 2, Appendix 6, and the
Draft 2024 ISP generation and storage outlook files. Other appendices presented Step Change results only, to
allow for provision of a deeper analysis on the most likely scenario while also keeping content size and modelling
timelines manageable.
Table 1 below presents the list of sensitivity analyses and explains why each was applied to certain scenarios and
not others. AEMO is considering exploring additional sensitivities in the final 2024 ISP, based on stakeholder
feedback received through the Draft 2024 ISP consultation.
Rapid Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact of bringing forward decarbonisation of the National Electricity
Decarbonisation Market (NEM) by applying a carbon budget to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C consistent with
Green Energy Exports.
The scenario settings for Progressive Change are not internally consistent with a rapid amount of
action linked to a 1.5°C temperature rise limitation, as the Progressive Change scenario is
underpinned in its scenario settings by a narrative of a slower rate of transition to net zero
emissions, limiting temperature increases to 2.6°C by the end of the century. Therefore, applying a
Rapid Decarbonisation sensitivity to the Progressive Change scenario would not be internally
As a Rapid Decarbonisation sensitivity uses the carbon budget from the Green Energy Exports
scenario, a Rapid Decarbonisation sensitivity to the Green Energy Exports would not be distinct nor
provide additional value to the ISP assessment.
Reduced Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact of lower levels of energy efficiency investments8 compared to
Energy what is forecast in the Step Change scenario.
Efficiency The total efficiency savings applied to the electricity consumption forecast for this sensitivity already
follows a similar trajectory to the forecast applied to the Progressive Change scenario for most of
the modelling horizon. This large similarity in the energy efficiency saving assumptions does not
make a Reduced Energy Efficiency sensitivity to the Progressive Change scenario sufficiently
distinct from the Progressive Change scenario itself. Therefore, it would not provide additional
insight in evaluating the robustness of the ODP.
The Green Energy Exports scenario requires significant rapid transformation of the energy system
to align with limiting temperature rises to 1.5°C by the end of the century, including reliance on
energy efficiency savings to achieve this transformation. Limiting the amount of energy efficiency
further would increase energy consumption, which is already significantly higher in this scenario
compared to all others. As such, AEMO considered there would be limited value in assessing even
higher levels of energy consumption for this book-end scenario, and so decided not to apply this
sensitivity to Green Energy Exports.
All the sensitivities in the Draft 2024 ISP were applied to the Step Change scenario, which was identified through extensive stakeholder
engagement as the most likely scenario.
Figures 31 and 32 of the 2023 IASR provide a comparison of the energy savings trajectories applied. At
Electrification Step Change This sensitivity explores the role of biomethane in a world where industrial electrification is delayed
Alternatives and deferred relative to Step Change. This sensitivity to the Step Change scenario as a result
features lower electricity consumption.
An Electrification Alternatives sensitivity to the Progressive Change scenario does not provide a
distinctive future as the level of electrification in the Progressive Change scenario is already broadly
aligned to that in Electrification Alternatives sensitivity to the Step Change scenario, particularly
over the outlook period to the 2040s.
The Green Energy Exports includes a strong level of electrification to support decarbonisation
efforts, as well as significantly higher levels of biomethane use (and much earlier deployment) than
the other scenarios in the collection. As such it was considered that applying an Electrification
Alternatives sensitivity to this scenario could be internally inconsistent with the rest of the scenario
settings and as such was not prioritised for the Draft 2024 ISP.
Constrained Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact of supply chain restrictions and limited workforce availability, by
Supply Chains assuming a delay for delivery of transmission augmentation projects and a capped rate of new
generation and storage development across the NEM, to understand the risks posed by supply
chain constraints.
The annual build of new renewable energy build under the Progressive Change scenario is
4.6 gigawatts (GW) until 2029-30 which is similar to the NEM-wide annual build limit applied to this
sensitivity. AEMO considers that a Constrained Supply Chains sensitivity to the Progressive Change
scenario does not provide a sufficiently distinct narrative to that of the Progressive Change scenario
and therefore does not provide additional value to the assessment.
For Green Energy Exports, a future with delays in infrastructure development is internally
inconsistent with the scenario narrative that reflects a rapid pace of decarbonisation activity, hence
it is not considered.
Reduced Social Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact if social licence risks are not adequately addressed. The
Licence outcomes of the modelling demonstrated the resilience of the ODP to this sensitivity when applied
to Step Change.
Appendix 8 of the Draft 2024 ISP provides an overview of the topic and seeks feedback on
opportunities to better integrate social licence consideration in the capacity outlook models.
Separately, AEMO published the principles and parameters applied to develop the social licence
sensitivity in the IASR Addendum9. AEMO engaged with the Advisory Council on Social Licence
and the ISP Consumer Panel to develop these principles and parameters.
As this is the first time the ISP has considered analysis of reduced social licence, AEMO deemed it
appropriate to only implement it on the Step Change scenario. This is because of modelling
timelines, the fact that this is a novel sensitivity, and because AEMO does not currently hold specific
data about social licence and community acceptance as it relates to individual projects across the
NEM throughout the ISP planning horizon.
Higher Discount Step Change This sensitivity is applied to all scenarios.
Rate Progressive
Green Energy
Development of Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact of treating Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project in North
Pioneer- Progressive Queensland as an anticipated project.
Burdekin Change Because the Green Energy Exports scenario has medium and deep storage capacity development
Pumped Hydro as high as the capacity of the pumped hydro of interest, a Pioneer-Burdekin sensitivity to the Green
Project Energy Exports is not considered sufficiently distinct from the Green Energy Exports scenario.
Development of Step Change This sensitivity explores the impact of treating the Cethana Pumped Hydro Project in Tasmania as
Cethana an anticipated project.
Pumped Hydro The sensitivity was not part of the proposed list of sensitivities in the 2023 IASR and it is only
Project implemented to assess the impact of this project on the actionability of Project Marinus.
The sensitivity is not applied to Progressive Change and Green Energy Exports because the
development of the two stages of Project Marinus is optimal within the actionable window in the
least-cost DP for these scenarios.
Transmission Step Change This sensitivity is applied to all scenarios.
cost uncertainty Progressive
Green Energy
“Appendix 2 of the draft 2024 ISP identifies that in the longer term existing, committed, and anticipated battery
solutions will reach their own point of retirement and renewal of these assets may not be needed if the scale of
CER and CER orchestration is achieved. The draft ISP also identifies varying levels of CER orchestration across
the three scenarios assessed. However, we expect AEMO to provide details on the underlying assumptions of
CER orchestration as forecast across the different scenarios.
We also note that AEMO has not explained how or whether the cost of these assumptions were modelled. AEMO
notes that, without significant policy changes and increased social licence, a high level of orchestration is not
possible … We therefore expect AEMO to provide further explanation on these matters …”
AEMO’s response
AEMO assumes that a degree of CER ‘orchestration’ will occur in the NEM, which is varied by scenario and
consistent with each scenario’s narrative. CER orchestration refers to technical and commercial integration of
consumer battery storage into the power system, synonymous with the establishment of virtual power plants
• Design, in consultation with stakeholders, of scenarios that explored a range of consumer engagement for VPP
and demand-side participation in the NEM. The range is evident in the scenario narratives, and levels of
engagement and participation are set out in Table 4 of the 2023 IASR.
• Consultants (CSIRO and Green Energy Markets, or GEM) prepared forecasts for anticipated CER adoption that
aligned with these levels, considering:
– PV and battery forecasts10, which are based on their payback to the consumer.
– The assumed level of VPP incentives that a consumer will be exposed to in each scenario, and its relative
attractiveness and effectiveness to encourage orchestrated battery solutions to be preferred by consumers
rather than more passive consumer investments.
AEMO selected CER orchestration projections for use in each of its scenarios by taking a blend of the consultants’
forecasts. The selection was made based on alignment with scenario narratives, retention of appropriate forecast
relativities between scenarios, and suitability in reflecting the uncertainty inherent in long-term forecasts. The
underlying assumptions to inform these projections are shown below as follows:
For modelling purposes, AEMO and its consultants treat residential and commercial battery storages as optional add-ons for distributed
photovoltaics (PV), rather than stand-alone technologies.
• Table 2 shows the mapping of consultant forecasts for each of AEMO’s scenarios 11,
• Table 3 shows CSIRO’s assumed proportions of battery storage operating modes, including for VPPs, and
• Table 4 shows GEM’s assumed proportions of battery storage operating modes, including for VPPs.
Table 3 CSIRO table of assumed proportions of tariffs and subsequent battery storage operating modes by
Table 4 GEM table of assumed proportions of battery storage operating modes by scenario13
Reproduced from Table 18 in AEMO’s 2023 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report at
Reproduced from Table 4-2 in CSIRO’s report available here:
GEM’s figures are not explicitly stated in their report, but are summarised in Table 4 for comparison with the CSIRO figures
AEMO’s resulting CER orchestration projections that applied in the Draft 2024 ISP are subsequently reported in
the 'Aggregated energy storages' worksheet of the 2023 Inputs and Assumptions Workbook that was published
alongside the 2023 IASR14. The proportion of VPPs in operation can be calculated by dividing the 'Aggregated
energy storages' worksheet values by the 'Embedded energy storages' worksheet values. All stages of the
process, including scenario design, the consultants’ work, the blending and results, were consulted on and
determined through the IASR process, considering stakeholder feedback.
The CER capacity forecasts and the energy outcomes from these resources across three different scenarios,
including 18 different candidate development paths (CDPs) for each scenario, can be found in the Draft 2024 ISP
Generation and Storage Outlook workbooks15. Further information can be found in the Draft 2024 ISP Appendix 4
(System Operability), which shows the evolution of CER and its impact on demand profiles16.
Regarding the modelling of CER costs, AEMO notes that the direct cost of CER investments to consumers was
considered in the development of the CER uptake forecasts. In these forecasts, as conducted by each of the
respective consultants, CER investments have regard to the relative costs and anticipated payback of each device,
considering consumer incentives assumed in each scenario, including tariff settings and additional revenue that
may be offered to VPP customers. Each consultant report describes the forecasting methodology that considers
the interaction of costs and benefits to each consumer’s purchasing decision.
The Draft ISP has then taken the CER forecasts as an input to the Draft ISP modelling process. The Draft 2024 ISP
notes the role of government support in enabling high levels of orchestration, for example in Section 8.3 of the
Draft 2024 ISP as well as in Appendix A8 Social Licence 17. To provide additional information regarding the overall
value of orchestration of CER and what the alternative investments to orchestration would be, the final 2024 ISP
will include the results of a ‘Low CER Orchestration’ sensitivity exploring the impacts on the NEM outlook should
high levels of orchestration not be achieved.
At; see zip files for each of the three
scenarios, with options to view the CER modelling results for 18 different CDPs and one counterfactual.
See page 9, at
“Appendix 3 of the draft 2024 ISP presents information about the development of renewable energy zones (REZ)
in the NEM. While we note that this development is largely underpinned by state-based frameworks, as noted in
the IASR, the outlook in each jurisdiction is not consistently related back to the planning documents, legislation
and ministerial orders in each jurisdiction. As an example, the draft ISP notes the Victorian offshore wind targets,
however, the Queensland SuperGrid Infrastructure Blueprint and Queensland REZ Roadmap are not mentioned
and treated as options.
It is also not clear in the draft ISP how the development paths relate to these state-based policy commitments. For
• The offshore wind target of the Victorian government results in 9 GW of generation capacity, but the offshore
zones in all other states have no modelled generation capacity despite significant resources and progress on
• For NSW, the reported Illawarra REZ generation capacity does not match the REZ network capacity declared
by the NSW Energy Minister despite a mechanism to directly support its development through the auction of
long-term energy service agreements to generators and storage operators under the Electricity Infrastructure
Investment Act 2020 (NSW).
• In Queensland, the draft ISP identifies a concentration of capacity in a few REZs, where the REZ Roadmap
identifies multiple smaller rather than larger capacity zones.”
We expect AEMO to show how the draft ISP modelling results align with the policy commitments in each
jurisdiction, including the overall size of zones, the flexibility of the timing of infrastructure delivery and the rate of
capacity increase.
AEMO’s response
In determining power system needs18 and how the ISP would contribute to achieving the National Electricity
Objective, AEMO considers:
• Jurisdictional policies that meet, or that it anticipates will meet by the time of the publication of the final ISP, the
public policy clause criteria19 that determine which environmental or energy policies AEMO must consider, and
NER 5.22.3
NER 5.22.3(b)(2)
Policies are considered as inputs to the ISP modelling, usually as over-arching emission limits or generation
development requirements, or transmission options to be considered. Only committed or anticipated projects are
included consistent with specific timings across all scenarios in the Draft ISP modelling. This means requirements
for new generation and transmission are optimised across the modelling timeframe to meet the over-arching
policy requirements, and ultimately the Draft ISP treats most generation, storage and transmission as an output
from the model, not a strictly enforced input.
Table 5 provides a listing of the jurisdictional policies applied in the Draft 2024 ISP as they relate to REZ
outcomes. A complete list of all policies, with further details and discussion, is also included in section 3.1 of the
2023 IASR21. The table is followed by specific commentary on the Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland
matters raised by the AER.
Table 5 Policies by jurisdiction as they apply to REZs in the Draft 2024 ISP
Policies by jurisdiction Draft 2024 ISP modelling and results (Step Change scenario)
Australian Government
• Emission reduction of 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 and Emission reduction targets are explicitly modelled, results show these
net zero by 2050 under the Climate Change Act (2022) being met.
• Complementing the 2030 emissions target is the Federal NEM Renewable energy targets are explicitly modelled, results show
Government’s commitment to achieve an 82% share of share of renewable generation by 2030 is 82%.
renewable generation by 2030, announced in the Powering
Australia Plan.
• Offshore renewable energy zones as declared by the Zone locations and resource quantities calculated and modelled using the
Commonwealth Government for potential development Commonwealth consultation outcomes22 as candidate zones where
(only geographic areas are declared, no targets are offshore wind can be developed for Gippsland Coast, Hunter Coast,
legislated). Current zones declared are for Gippsland, Portland Coast, Illawarra Coast and North Tasmania Coast. An additional
Hunter, Southern Ocean, Illawarra and Bass Strait. candidate zone was modelled in the South East South Australia Coast due
to developer interest at the time.
• Announcements made under the Rewiring the Nation Impacts of concessional finance not included explicitly, consistent with
framework to support transmission infrastructure. AEMO’s ISP Methodology consultation completed in March 2023.
• New South Wales REZs as declared by the New South REZs declared in New South Wales modelled as per the published
Wales Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (NSW geographic locations, including Central West Orana, New England, South
EII Act). West New South Wales, Hunter and Illawarra. Additional REZs as per
earlier ISP definitions maintained in the modelling.
• Emission reduction targets of 50% by 2030 and net zero by Emission reduction targets are explicitly modelled, results show these
2050 (legislation is pending). being met.
• New renewable generation that can produce the same Modelled as a total New South Wales target of 33,600 GWh per year by
electricity as 8 GW in New England REZ, 3 GW in Central- 2029-30. Results show 55,468 GWh from eligible VRE in 2029-30 A.
West Orana REZ, and 1 GW elsewhere by end of 2029
under the New South Wales Electricity Infrastructure
Investment Act 2020 (NSW EII Act).
• Target of 2 GW of deep storage by 2030 under the NSW EII Target explicitly modelled, results show 2 GW in 2030.
Policies by jurisdiction Draft 2024 ISP modelling and results (Step Change scenario)
• Treatment of offshore renewable energy zones as declared No New South Wales targets are specified for offshore wind. Offshore
by the Commonwealth Government off the New South wind can be selected by the model in the Hunter Coast and Illawarra
Wales coast. Coast offshore zones if this is part of the least-cost solution. No offshore
wind developed in results.
• Consideration of various transmission development options Network options considered are consistent with the EnergyCo Network
under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, including Investment Strategy options. Network options for Central West Orana are
Renewable Energy Zone network infrastructure projects and modelled as Anticipated, while upgrades for other New South Wales REZs
priority transmission infrastructure projects (PTIPs) under are not forced in, but selected by the model if optimal.
the NSW EII Act.
• Waratah Super Battery System Integrity Protection Scheme Both included in the modelling.
will be treated as a committed project, and Central-West
Orana Transmission Project will be treated as an anticipated
Queensland Government
• REZ proposals as per the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan Proposed Queensland REZ connection node locations taken into account
REZ (QREZ) Roadmap. in aligning network limits and REZ network upgrade options. REZ
resource limits modelled as per existing ISP Queensland REZ definitions.
• Expansion of the Queensland Renewable Energy Target QRET explicitly modelled, results show 82% by 2030, 89% by 2032, and
(QRET) to 50% by 2030, 70% by 2032, and 80% by 2035 105% by 2035.
under the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP);
legislation is under consultation.
• Development of Borumba Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Borumba Pumped Hydro Energy Storage is an anticipated project in all
(PHES – now classified as an Anticipated project under modelling.
AEMOs’ generation commitment criteria).
• Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project is not yet
classified as anticipated, and instead pumped hydro energy
storage 24-hour capacity in Central Queensland can be
developed up to Pioneer-Burdekin’s size as part of the ISP
optimisation methodology.
• Consideration of various transmission development options The SuperGrid infrastructure projects have been considered as upgrade
and QREZ infrastructure, as described in the SuperGrid options. Network options are not forced in, but selected by the model if
Infrastructure Blueprint and QREZ Roadmap. optimal.
• CopperString 2032 will be treated as an Anticipated project
with the Townsville to Hughenden connection being Included as an anticipated project in all modelling.
modelled quantitively as a REZ network expansion.
Victorian Government
• Treatment of REZs in Victoria consistent with the VicGrid VicGrid notes the ISP identification of candidate REZs in Victoria. REZs
Renewable Energy Zones Development Plan Directions are not legislated in Victoria. REZs are modelled as per the IASR locations
paper. and sizes.
• Target of emissions reduction of 28-33% below 2005 levels Emission reduction targets are explicitly modelled, results show these
by 2025, 50% by 2030, 75-80% by 2035 and net zero by being met.
2050 under Victoria’s Climate Change Act 2017; and the net
zero emission target by 2045 that is intended to be
• Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) of 40% by 2025, VRET explicitly modelled, results show 52% by 2025, 80% by 2030, 99%
50% by 2030 under the Renewable Energy (Jobs and by 2035.
Investment) Act 2017, and intentions to update VRET with
65% of the state’s generation to come from VRE by 2030
and 95% by 2035.
• Storage target of 2.6 GW by 2030 and 6.3 GW by 2035 Implemented as a trajectory as laid out in the 2023 Inputs and
(legislation is pending). Assumptions Workbook (targets are met in modelling results).
• Offshore wind targets for Victoria of 2 GW by 2032, 4 GW by Offshore wind targets explicitly modelled. Offshore wind can be selected
2035, and 9 GW by 2040 as stated in the Offshore Wind by the model in the Gippsland Coast and Portland Coast offshore zones to
Policy Directions Paper and Implementation Strategy meet these targets.
Statements One and Two (legislation is pending), and Results show 2 GW in 2032, 4 GW in 2035, and 9 GW in 2040 across both
treatment of offshore renewable energy zones as declared offshore zones.
by the Commonwealth Government off the Victoria coast
Policies by jurisdiction Draft 2024 ISP modelling and results (Step Change scenario)
• Consideration of various transmission development options, AEMO has co-ordinated developments with VicGrid on REZ
including coordinating the planning and development of developments. Network options are not forced in, but selected by the
REZs through VicGrid, supported by the National Electricity model if optimal.
(Victoria) Act 2005 (NEVA).
• The Western Renewables Link and the Mortlake Turn-in are Both included in the modelling as Anticipated projects
treated as Anticipated projects
• Treatment of offshore renewable energy for South Australia No South Australian targets are specified for offshore wind. Offshore wind
based on Commonwealth Government consultation for a can be selected by the model in the South East South Australia Coast
potential declaration for the Southern Ocean off both offshore zone if this is an optimal outcome. No offshore wind developed in
Victorian and South Australian coast. . results. AEMO notes that the Commonwealth Government’s declaration
for the Southern Ocean, made in March 2024 after the release of the
Draft 2024 ISP and following consultation by the government, included a
declaration off the Victorian coast but not the South Australian coast. An
additional candidate zone was modelled in the South East South Australia
Coast due to developer interest at the time.
• Establishing hydrogen production and hydrogen-fuelled The output from a 250 MW electrolyser project is included in the
power generation and hydrogen storage capacity in South hydrogen production forecasts for each scenario. A 200 MW hydrogen
Australia’s Whyalla region as per the Hydrogen Jobs Plan. fuelled generator is also incorporated into the model.
Tasmanian Government
• REZ options in Tasmania in accordance with the process Although there are no legislated REZs in Tasmania, ReCFIT as the REZ
being delivered by the Renewables, Climate and Future coordinator for Tasmania has nominated the North West REZ to be the
Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) body as REZ Coordinator for first region to be explored for the development of a REZ in that state.
Tasmania. REZs are modelled as per the IASR locations and sizes, with North West
REZ options included as options for the model to select, consistent with
joint planning between AEMO and TasNetworks.
• Target of 150% of consumption by 2030 (on 2020 levels) Modelled as a Tasmanian target of 15,750 GWh by 2030, and 21,000
and 200% by 2040 under the Energy Co-ordination and GWh by 2040. Results show 18,994 GWh by 2030, and 23,883 GWh by
Planning Amendment (Tasmanian Renewable Energy 2040B
Target) Act 2020.
• Battery of the Nation (BOTN) will be considered as a Included as an option (results show 371 MW of pumped hydro being built
generation development option. by 2052).
• Treatment of offshore renewable energy zones as declared No Tasmania targets are specified for offshore wind. Offshore wind can
by the Commonwealth Government off the coast of be selected by the model in the North Tasmania Coast offshore zone if
Tasmania. this is an optimal outcome. No offshore wind developed in results.
A. Modelled as a total New South Wales target of 33,600 GWh per year by 2029-30.
B. Modelled as a Tasmanian target of 15,750 GWh by 2030, and 21,000 GWh by 2040.
Regarding the jurisdictionally specific matters raised by the AER, AEMO provides the following information:
• Offshore wind treatment outside of Victoria. Only Victoria has an explicit policy target for developing
offshore wind capacity that is enforced in the modelling, as its target for offshore wind development is in the
process of being legislated for by the Climate Change and Energy Legislation Amendment (Renewable Energy
and Storage Targets) Bill 2023, and supported by the Offshore Wind Energy Implementation Statements. Due
to the higher relative cost of offshore wind generation, the Draft ISP modelling has not utilised offshore wind in
other regions. This is an economic outcome of the ISP modelling.
• Alignment with New South Wales Government REZ capacities. AEMO notes that:
– The Illawarra REZ in the ISP has a REZ transmission limit of 1,000 megawatts (MW), which is the same as
the declared network capacity for this REZ.
– The ISP has ensured generation capacity requirements in New South Wales (as per the Electricity
Infrastructure Investment Act 2020) are modelled as a requirement for 33,600 gigawatt hours (GWh) from
variable renewable energy (VRE) by 2029-30 within New South Wales. Although the capacities are specified
in a number of REZs in the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020, the generation constructed and
operated under Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) are not required to be located in those
REZs, or any REZ if the project demonstrates “outstanding merit”, nor to match the capacities specified. As
such, generation plantings across REZs in the ISP model is an optimised outcome (subject to constraints),
and no set amount is forced into specific REZs as that is not a required element of the New South Wales
– Where LTESAs have been awarded, these are incorporated into the model. It is noted the Illawarra REZ
does not yet have any LTESAs awarded for generation or storage; the declaration of the REZ only notes that
these agreements can be used.
– As this REZ has a very small land area, the largest nearby renewable resource is the adjacent offshore wind
zone, which is not yet seen to be economic in comparison to the other REZ resources available.
– AEMO continues to work with the Queensland Government and Powerlink to ensure alignment of the ISP
modelled REZ outcomes with the Queensland REZ Roadmap. Currently the proposed Queensland
Renewable Energy Zones (QREZs) are detailed as nodes for renewable generation to connect to the
electrical network, and do not include a geographical area or resource potential such as that used in the ISP
REZ modelling. ISP REZ modelling for Queensland has been defined in a way that is appropriate for
representing the resource limits in the ISP modelling.
– While the ISP REZ definitions may not exactly reflect the currently proposed QREZ node locations, the
assumptions on new VRE connection locations within the ISP REZ definitions do closely align. Network limits
and upgrade options have been a matter of close consultation with Powerlink to ensure close alignment
with the proposed Queensland SuperGrid. The SuperGrid North and SuperGrid South 500 kilovolts (kV)
upgrade options are included as sub-regional upgrade options (see CQ-NQ Option 2, and SQ-CQ
Option 5).
– As proposed REZ developments become approved and finalised in the Queensland region, these will also
be reflected in subsequent ISPs.
Finally, AEMO notes that the timing for transmission network investments and capacity requirements in the ODP
are generally outputs of the modelling process, except for committed or anticipated projects. For all other network
augmentations, the modelling takes into account advice relating to network investment lead times, and required
generation capacity as an outcome of the various policy commitments. AEMO uses the earliest in-service dates for
each upgrade option as advised by the jurisdictional planning body to inform decisions on actionable timing for
transmission projects.
“In Appendix 3 of the draft 2024 ISP, REZs are reported in terms of installed wind and solar generation capacity.
Except for pumped storage, the published data does not cover the localisation of grid-scale storage in renewable
energy zones. There is significant evidence that many new projects include battery storage 23 , and established
state24 and Commonwealth policies25 promote investment in firming infrastructure. This includes tenders
completed in 2023 for long-term energy services contracts for firming infrastructure and long duration storage.
We expect AEMO to explain in an addendum to the draft ISP how or whether storage and firming capacity was
included in the modelling, and its impact on the capacity and energy generation in each REZ.”
AEMO’s response
AEMO models existing, committed and anticipated storage and firming capacity in the relevant REZs so the impact
on REZ transmission limits and congestion can be determined. The mapping of this storage capacity to REZs is
detailed in the 2023 Inputs and Assumptions Workbook.
Where LTESAs have been awarded, these are incorporated into the model in a similar manner to committed and
anticipated projects, and mapped to REZs if required.
Where jurisdictional policies considered by AEMO26 contain a requirement for new storage developments, these
policies are also modelled to ensure the level of storage/firming specified is included in the regional storage
developments. These may not be mapped to specific REZs, because they are still future projects that do not have
a defined location.
The ISP generally performs market modelling of new storage or firming capacity candidates allocated on a sub-
regional basis, and not to individual REZs. This was consulted on in the ISP Methodology, where it is stated that it
is not currently computationally tractable to model new storage options in all REZs. This is due to the significant
increase in modelling complexity and runtime requirements to undertake a more granular level of optimisation if
done at the REZ level, and could result in a reduction in the level of sensitivity analysis that could be undertaken.
AEMO has struck a balance between these two aspects by generally modelling storage at a sub-regional rather
than REZ level.
AEMO, NEM Generation Information October 2023, November 2023 at
Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (NSW).
Further detail is provided in Section 4.
As REZ network upgrades are progressed after the publication of the final 2024 ISP, whether through a regulatory
investment test for transmission (RIT-T) process or by government action, there may still be a need to consider
non-network options like battery energy storage systems (BESS) to reduce congestion, delay network expenditure
or reduce overall cost of any network upgrades.
“AEMO forecasts that approximately $8 billion is required by 2039−40 for system strength remediation (under the
step change scenario) … AEMO states that this cost estimate may be an upper bound, as it is based on
synchronous condenser technology, and over time alternative technologies, such as grid-forming inverters may
become commercially viable at scale.
In its ISP Methodology, AEMO sets out how the ISP will assess requirements for power system security services.
For system strength, AEMO calculates the synchronous three phase fault level from the market modelling outputs
and forecasts the investments required to both operate the network and to connect inverter-based resources.
While AEMO transparently sets out how system security remediation services are forecast from a set of market
modelling outputs, it is not clear how or whether the draft 2024 ISP market modelling and ODP has been
iteratively informed by, and updated to reflect, system security remediation costs.
We expect AEMO to further explain how or whether the selection of the ODP is informed by the forecast of system
security remediation costs.”
AEMO’s response
AEMO has confirmed with the AER that this matter refers specifically to system strength. System strength is one of
six power system security services that are evaluated in the preparation of the ISP, as outlined in the ISP
Methodology. System strength requirements in the NEM are expressed as two distinct components – a forecast of
minimum required three phase fault levels, and an optimised forecast of future inverter-based investment.
• Include the incremental system strength costs associated with connecting new inverter-based generation, and
• Do not include the system strength costs related to operating the network, and
For the costs associated with delivering system strength to support sufficient investment for an optimised forecast
of future inverter-based generation investment, the ISP modelling applies an incremental cost approach to
effectively penalise modelling decisions that would increase system strength costs. These penalty costs are based
on pro-rata synchronous condenser costs as an economic proxy for meeting system strength requirements. These
values are applied in two ways depending on the appropriate driver of the need:
• As an outcome of new inverter-based generation connections in weaker parts of the grid – remediation costs
for new generation developments.
– For future inverter-based generation projects built in locations where available system strength is low, the
ISP modelling applies an incremental system strength remediation cost to the build of each new wind or
solar project planted nearby. These costs are specified as $/MW of increased generation capacity. The base
values for these system strength connection costs were consulted on through the 2023 IASR process and
are recorded in the “Connection cost” worksheet of the Inputs and Assumptions Workbook27. Remediation
costs are applied to the generation build cost for each megawatt of new wind and solar generation planted
in the REZ.
• As a component of new REZ development projects – remediation costs for REZ network expansions.
– REZ system strength remediation costs in electrically strong parts of the grid (where existing system
strength availability is likely sufficient to support a reasonable quantity of new connections) have been
modelled either explicitly (where the REZ augmentation scope includes system strength assets), or through
an incremental REZ expansion cost that reflects growing system strength needs. These costs are specified
as $/MW of increased network capacity. The base values for these system strength connection costs are
presented in the “REZ Augmentation Options” worksheet of the Inputs and Assumptions Workbook28.
AEMO does not include the costs associated with meeting the minimum required three phase fault levels in the
ISP (i.e., the system strength required to operate the network). This system strength has traditionally come from
large synchronous generators (i.e., coal and gas-fired generation), which will reduce in operation over time. In ISP
modelling, the reduced operation of coal and gas generation is largely driven by carbon budgets. A set of unit
commitment constraints are described in the Inputs and Assumptions Workbook29, these are designed to reflect
operational security needs for some synchronous generators to remain online. These constraints are consistent
within each scenario, and are reduced over time to reflect delivery of alternative security services by the network
businesses. As such, the cost of replacing this system strength is common across development paths, and is
cancelled out when evaluating the optimal development path (i.e., under any development path for a given
scenario, the system strength costs for operating the network will be similar).
The ISP modelling assumes that minimum fault current requirements will continue to be met through the system
strength framework30, including the delivery of location-specific options across the NEM under reliability corrective
The 2023 IASR web page shows the workbook as consulted on in July 2023, at
consultations/2023-inputs-assumptions-and-scenarios-consultation. The Draft 2024 ISP web page shows the workbook as applied to prepare
the draft ISP, at
The 2023 IASR web page shows the workbook as consulted on in July 2023, at
consultations/2023-inputs-assumptions-and-scenarios-consultation. The Draft 2024 ISP web page shows the workbook as applied to prepare
the draft ISP, at
The 2023 IASR web page shows the workbook as consulted on in July 2023, at
consultations/2023-inputs-assumptions-and-scenarios-consultation. The Draft 2024 ISP web page shows the workbook as applied to prepare
the draft ISP, at
AEMO notes that the use of synchronous three phase fault level projections in Appendix 7 of the Draft 2024 ISP was used to identify
potential future shortfalls against existing minimum requirements as an indicator only.
action regulatory investment tests for transmission (RIT-Ts). These RIT-Ts will be undertaken by transmission
network service providers outside of the ISP actionability framework 31.
While adding an iterative refinement process to the ISP modelling treatment of system strength costs could
improve the accuracy of the estimate, AEMO considers that it would not drive material changes in the candidate
development paths or ODP. This is because meeting system strength needs is a mandatory requirement across all
futures and is largely driven by non-negotiables in the model, such as synchronous generation retirements, the
need to supply consumer demand, and renewable generation investments driven by long-term policy objectives.
The current approach balances these drivers by minimising the system strength requirements themselves (as
represented by the proxy synchronous condenser costs), while not adding additional complexity to the ISP
modelling process. AEMO is considering future ISP enhancements that would include iteration and power system
analysis to represent system security investment options (including for system strength) to allow the ISP to
provide more complete information on the expected total system costs.
AEMO notes that the use of synchronous three phase fault level projections in Appendix 7 of the Draft 2024 ISP was used to identify
potential future shortfalls against existing minimum requirements as an indicator only.