E3sconf Iconnect2023 04012
E3sconf Iconnect2023 04012
E3sconf Iconnect2023 04012
1 Introduction
The increase in world population requires improved production to provide food in all
areas, especially in agriculture. However, there are instances when demand and supply are
not balanced. Improving agricultural output still faces significant challenges in managing
and retaining personnel and capital. A superior choice for enhancing food production,
resource management, and labour is smart farming. The increase in world population
requires improved production to provide food in all areas, especially in agriculture. However,
at certain times, supply and Demand won't equal supply. Improving agricultural output still
faces significant challenges in managing and retaining personnel and capital. A superior
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
strategy for boosting food production, resource management, and labour is smart farming.
The IoT based farming system helps the farmer to monitor various parameters in his field
such as humidity, temperature, and soil moisture using certain sensors [1]. Farmers can use
certain sensors to monitor various conditions in the field, such as soil moisture, temperature,
and humidity, using an IoT based farming system [2]. Even when far from their fields,
farmers can use the web or mobile app to track all sensor information. One of the essential
tasks of farmers is to water their crops. By monitoring sensor parameters and managing the
pump motor from the mobile app, they can decide whether to water crops or delay watering.
2 Literature survey
An introduction relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), its use in agriculture to improve
productivity and quality by reducing costs is provided. The sensors used in the architecture
are briefly discussed and the data transfer process from the agricultural domain to the central
system is explained [3-4]. The advantages of the recommendation system are included. In
addition, open research issues, challenges, and the future of IoT in agriculture are also
highlighted. G.Suciu et.al[5-6] proposed the concept is basically developed based on an idea,
in which many things or objects - such as Arduino, sensors, GSM models, LCD screens, etc.,
are connected to the Internet. Each object has a different address and can interact with other
elements. Things or objects that cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal. Build
a smart agricultural monitoring system that can collect important agricultural data and send it
to an IoT platform called Thing speak in real time, where the data can be recorded and
analyzed [7]. Data is recorded on Thing speak in a graphical format, a botanist or farmer
with reasonable knowledge can analyze the data (from anywhere in the world) to make
changes sensitive to the resources provided (for crops) to achieve productivity High caliber.
P. Padalalu et.al [12] explains an emerging technological idea known as "Smart Agriculture"
refers to the collection of data from numerous small to large-scale agricultural fields as well
as the surrounding environment utilizing sophisticated electronic sensors. Local experts and
farmers examine the data collected to make short- and long-term predictions regarding
weather patterns, soil fertility, the quality of the present crop, and how much water will be
required for the crop. subsequent weeks, months, etc.
3 Problem statement
An introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) is given, along with information on how
technology might be used in agriculture to increase production and quality while cutting
costs [8]. A brief discussion of the sensors utilized in the design is followed by an
explanation of how data is sent from the agricultural area to the central system. The
advantages of the recommendation system are included [9]. In addition, open research issues,
challenges, and the future of IoT in agriculture are also highlighted. This concept is basically
developed based on an idea, where there are many things or objects - like Arduino, sensor,
GSM model, LCD screen, etc., connected to the internet. Each object has a different address
and can interact with other elements [10].
4 Product design
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a common visual depiction of how information moves
through a system. The right number of system needs can be graphically represented by a
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
clear and precise DFD. It demonstrates how information enters and exits a network, what
alters information, and where information It demonstrates how information enters and exits
the system, what modifies the data, and where it is kept [11].
Different soil parameters, temperature, soil moisture, and then moisture are detected by
different sensors and the obtained value is stored in the IBM cloud. Arduino UNO is used as
a processing unit that processes data obtained from sensors and weather data from the
Weather API [15-16]. NODE-RED is used as a programming tool to write hardware,
software, and APIs. The MQTT protocol is followed for communication. All collected data
is made available to users through a mobile application developed with the help of MIT app
inventors [17]. The user can decide, through an app, whether to water the plants based on the
sensor's values. Using the app,they can operate the motor switch remotely.The above
processes are briefly explained as a block diagram in the Fig 1.Technical Architecture [18].
IOT Device is connected with the IBM Watson Platform which contains the unique
username and passkey which are used to access the node points in the node red platform as
in (Connections made in the preferred website of Node red) and send information from the
web UI to the app controlled by the user as represented in Fig.1 Technical Architecture.
5 Existing system
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
Several enabling technologies, including as wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, big
data, embedded systems, protocols, and architectural frameworks, provide as a solid basis
for the present Internet of Things methodologies. Internet, search engines, online services,
communication-enabling protocols, and security mechanisms. Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN) It is composed of a number of interconnected sensors and nodes that may monitor
different types of data.
6 Proposed system
To solve farmers' problems such as lack of modernization and mechanization. Invest in
agricultural productivity and improve production, help them. respond to climate change and
soil erosion. An app and a device are introduced to know various data remotely on their land
where they can schedule certain events for a month or a day. It also provides
recommendations to users based on the crops they have grown. Farmers can monitor and
control their land, and make suggestions for the next crop and improve yields. It's a
subscription model in which users pay for their Internet services for support. Reach
customers through referrals, resellers and third-party apps. Our products are extensible with
our devices (additional modules) as well as with third party devices. Ability to provide
different functions in an application like generating reports etc.
Cattle farming can also be optimized with IoT technologies. Internet of Things devices
allows each animal to be tracked and tracked individually, in terms of health and location.
To optimize beef production, farmers can tailor the nutrition of individual animals, as well as
monitor animal welfare and identify potential outbreaks. This would be helpful by allowing
sick animals to be separated from the herd before the problem spreads, to treat the animal
before its condition worsens. This helps farmers reduce costs for veterinarians and routine
checkups. It may, however, also be a new instrument for advancing other emerging or well-
liked agricultural practices, such as organic farming, family farming (complicated or
confined spaces, livestock and/or specific crops, maintaining certain kinds or attributes, etc.),
and promoting extremely transparent agriculture.
6.3 Functions
Smart Agriculture solutions provide an integrated IOT platform in agriculture that allows
farmers to use sensors, smart gateways, and monitoring systems to collect information and
control various parameters on the site. their camps and analyze the data in a timely manner.
Smart farming includes the application of sensors and automated irrigation practices that can
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
help monitor soil, soil temperature, and humidity. To provide an efficient decision support
system using a wireless sensor network that manages various farm operations and provides
farmers with useful information related to the agricultural sector. It is based on four areas,
namely monitoring, control, prediction, and logic.
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
Basic and advanced control system for connected devices in the field for the process of
automation system with control buttons and sliders for automation. Customers can control
processes and equipment at their discretion. In order to collect data for analysis, In remote
sensing, sensors are used, such as weather stations installed on farms. They watch for
changes in plants' shape, size, light, moisture, and temperature. To determine weather
patterns in fields and nurture the proper crops, sensors collect data on humidity, temperature,
precipitation, humidity, and dew detection. The amount of water required for irrigation and
the most profitable type of farming is controlled in part by the soil's acidity or drainage
capability. Analysis of the soil quality also aids in determining the farm's dry area and
nutritional value.
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
A remote control system can help operate the valves in the irrigation system on a schedule.
Irrigation of remote farm properties can be particularly cumbersome and laborious. It is
confusing when the valves are actuated and whether the ideal amount of water has been
delivered. For situations where a quick response is required, manual valve activation is not
always possible. Thus, remote monitoring and control of irrigation systems, generators or
wind turbines, or any other motorized equipment becomes the next logical step.There are
various solutions for monitoring engine statistics and starting or stopping the engine. When
the customer chooses to start or stop the engine, the program transmits a signal to the unit
within seconds via the mobile phone system. Submersible gravity sensors or ultrasonic
sensors can monitor the levels of tanks, lakes, wells, and different types of liquid storage
such as fuel and compost. The volume of the product figures depends on the shape of the
reservoir or lake after a certain time. It transmits alarms based on different conditions
E3S Web of Conferences 399, 04012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339904012
Smart farming needs the internet all the time. The rural part of most developing countries
does not meet this requirement. Also, the internet connection is slower. Smart farming-based
equipment requires farmers to understand and learn how to use technology. This is a big
challenge for the large-scale adoption of smart agriculture in all countries.
Farmers can greatly benefit from an IoT-based smart farming system. Agriculture is affected
by a lack of irrigation water. Climatic factors such as humidity, temperature, and humidity
can be adjusted for local environmental variables. The technology also detects animal
encroachment, a major cause of crop failure. This technology facilitates irrigation planning
based on field data and climate source records. This helps the farmer decide whether to
irrigate or not. A permanent Internet connection is required for continuous monitoring of
sensor data. This can also be overcome by using another GSM device for the mobile
application. Thanks to GSM, text messages can be sent to farmers' phones.A smart farm
monitoring system can be used as a farm's destiny item. It will be a relief for farmers as it
will ease the burden of manual efforts. A soil moisture filter has been built and the mission
offers the possibility of examining the dominant structures, from the perspective of their
characteristics and disadvantages. The specified utility can be used to turn on/off sprinklers
based on soil moisture, thereby automating irrigation engineering, one of the most time-
consuming activities in agriculture. Farming is one of the most demanding hobbies. The
device uses statistics from the soil moisture sensor to irrigate the soil.
In the current project, we have implemented a project that can protect and maintain culture.
In this project, the farmer monitors and controls the field remotely. In the future, we may add
or update some more things to this project. We can create several more models of the same
project so that the farmer has the overall information. We can update this project with the
solar mechanism. So, the power supply of the electric poles can be replaced by solar panels.
It reduces the cost of power lines. It will be a one-time investment. We can add solar fence
technology to this project. We can use GSM technology for this project so farmers can
receive information directly at home by SMS. This helps farmers get information if there is a
problem with the internet. We can add camera functionality so farmers can monitor their
fields in real time. This helps prevent theft.
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