Weightlifting 101 - Raw Strength & Power

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Week 1, Day 1 9
Week 1, Day 2 13
Week 1, Day 3 16
Week 1, Day 4 19
Week 1, Day 5 22
Week 2, Day 1 24
Week 2, Day 2 28
Week 2, Day 3 31
Week 2, Day 4 34
Week 2, Day 5 36
Week 3, Day 1 39
Week 3, Day 2 43
Week 3, Day 3 47
Week 3, Day 4 50
Week 3, Day 5 52
Week 4, Day 1 55
Week 4, Day 2 58
Week 4, Day 3 61
Week 4, Day 4 64
Week 4, Day 5 66
Week 5, Day 1 68
Week 5, Day 2 71
Week 5, Day 3 74

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Week 5, Day 4 77
Week 5, Day 5 79
Week 6, Day 1 81
Week 6, Day 2 85
Week 6, Day 3 88
Week 6, Day 4 91
Week 6, Day 5 94
Week 7, Day 1 96
Week 7, Day 2 99
Week 7, Day 3 102
Week 7, Day 4 105
Week 7, Day 5 108
Week 8, Day 1 111
Week 8, Day 2 114
Week 8, Day 3 117
Week 8, Day 4 119
Week 8, Day 5 122
Week 9, Day 1 124
Week 9, Day 2 127
Week 9, Day 3 130
Week 9, Day 4 133
Week 9, Day 5 136
Week 10, Day 1 139
Week 10, Day 2 142
Week 10, Day 3 145
Week 10, Day 4 147
Week 10, Day 5 150
Week 11, Day 1 153
Week 11, Day 2 156
Week 11, Day 3 159

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Week 11, Day 4 161
Week 11, Day 5 163
Week 12, Day 1 166
Week 12, Day 2 169
Week 12, Day 3 170
Week 12, Day 4 173
Week 12, Day 5 176

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Technical Max 180
No-Rep Rules 181
Wave-loading 182
The Weightlifting 101 Snatch Warm-Up 184
The Weightlifting 101 Low Hang Snatch Warm-Up 187
The Weightlifting 101 Hang Snatch Warm-Up 190
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Snatch Warm-Up 193
The Weightlifting 101 Power Snatch Warm-Up 196
The Weightlifting 101 Low Hang Power Snatch Warm-Up 199
The Weightlifting 101 Hang Power Snatch Warm-Up 202
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Power Snatch Warm-Up 204
The Weightlifting 101 Clean & Jerk Warm-Up #1 207
The Weightlifting 101 Clean & Jerk Warm-Up #2 210
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Clean & Jerk Warm-Up #2 213
The Weightlifting 101 Hang Clean & Jerk Warm-Up 216
The Weightlifting 101 Clean Warm-Up 219
The Weightlifting 101 Low Hang Clean Warm-Up 222
The Weightlifting 101 Hang Clean Warm-Up 225
The Weightlifting 101 Power Clean Warm-Up 228
The Weightlifting 101 Low Hang Power Clean Warm-Up 231
The Weightlifting 101 Hang Power Clean Warm-Up 234
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Power Clean Warm-Up 237
The Weightlifting 101 Power Clean + Power Jerk Warm-Up 240
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Power Clean + Power Jerk Warm-Up 242
The Weightlifting 101 Power Clean + Split Jerk Warm-Up 245
The Weightlifting 101 Split Jerk Warm-Up 248
The Weightlifting 101 Cluster Warm-Up 250

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The Weightlifting 101 Hang Cluster Warm-Up 253
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Power Cluster Warm-Up 256
The Weightlifting 101 Touch and Go Hang Power Cluster Warm-Up 258

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Welcome to Raw Strength & Power

Before throwing your hat into the ring and starting the first session, I want to take the time to welcome you onboard the Weightlifting 101 Online
Program. It’s good to have you onboard! There are a few important things to know before you get started.

First, this program is not a miracle cure that will make you automatically better at weightlifting. It has the potential to make you better, but you need to
put in the work, which requires more than just slavically following the program. You can have two people following the same program and one of them
making more progress than the other, not due to innate differences in physical talent, but because one is training harder and more conscientiously
than the other. Don’t be an ant; think.

Second, this is a 12-week cycle with the objective of developing an all-around stronger and more powerful athlete. Each week consists of five training
sessions, and each session can and should be completed in less than two hours. If it takes more than that, it’s because you are talking and resting too
much. Remember that you only make progress from the work you put in - and the quality of that work - you don’t get better merely by subscribing to a
program or showing up at the gym! Rest days are recommended after Day 2 and Day 5.

Third, the weightlifting part of this program is split into two blocks. The first block has a duration of six weeks with the majority of the sessions being
high in volume and medium in intensity. The second block has a duration of five weeks with the majority of the sessions being medium in volume and
high in intensity. In between the two blocks is a one-week deload phase where both the volume and intensity will be fairly low. All olympic lifts in the
program are performed exclusively as power versions and are often paired with plyometric exercises to develop explosiveness.

Fourth, the strength part consists of separate cycles in back squat, deadlift, strict press and bench press, with back squat being the top priority among
the four. The back squat is the number one exercise for building strength and power and will be featured before the other lifts in many of the training
sessions contained in this program.
Besides the specific exercises for raw strength and weightlifting, a substantial part of the program involves accessory work for grip, core and back.
These three components are important pieces of the puzzle when building overall strength and should not be neglected

Fifth, the use of a belt is allowed, but because your midline is what keeps everything together and it needs to develop alongside everything else, it’s
strongly recommended that you only use the belt at 90+ percentage of your 1RM or at personal record attempts in sets of exercises of multiple reps.

Example A: Do three power snatch singles at 90-95% of your 1RM.

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Example B: Find your 5RM in push press. If your PR is 100kg you can then use the belt at 90kg and above.

Sixth, a good set of straps is indispensable for a weightlifter because it reduces the wear and tear on the hands and also makes the technical
execution of certain lifts such as pulls a lot easier. If you don’t already have a pair, go out and buy some or make them yourself.

Seventh, the exercise descriptions and instructional videos are there for a reason and it’s highly recommended that you read the program thoroughly
and watch the videos before the training starts and then write up the session on the whiteboard, put the phone away and get to work. Don’t let life
outside the gym distract you from the work inside the gym.

Feel free to contact me at info@weightlifting101.co if you have any questions and be sure to tag me on Instagram as @weightlifting_101, so I can
follow your progress. I will repost the best videos.

Train hard!

/Erik, Weightlifting 101.

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Week 1, Day 1 – Power Snatch, Back Squat, Push Press, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

3 Strict Muscle Snatch from 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout,
Hips (v1) barbell. between sets. pause for three seconds, and then lower it slowly
back to the hips while keeping the legs straight
and the upper body vertical throughout the entire

4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

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5a Power Snatch Find your 1RM power Do one set every two Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
snatch. minutes when going for without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
your 1RM and then switch deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
3 x 3 reps at 75% of your to three minutes for the top position after having showed control for at
1RM power snatch. sets of triples. Both the least one second with your legs completely
3 x 3 reps at 80% of your three power snatches and straight.
1RM power snatch. the three reps of high box
jumps must be completed
within the three minute

5b High Box Jumps Do three high box jumps Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
after each set of power developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
snatch triples. as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
not to fall and hurt your shins.

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6 Bottom Position Complex 10 reps of each movement:

Air Squat
Single Knee Touch
Double Knee Touch
Knee Push
Arm Reach

Rest for ten seconds in the bottom position after

each movement.

If you can't do the complex unbroken, the goal

should be to do the complex in as few sets as
possible with as little rest as possible.

7 Back Squat 3 x 5 reps at 70% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

8 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

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9 Push Press Find your 8RM. Then 3 x 8 Do one set every three The push press is not just an excellent exercise
reps at 75% of your 8RM. minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

10 Barbell Sidebends Accumulate 100 sidebends Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
with an empty barbell with upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
the goal of going unbroken. but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
forward or losing your upright posture.

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Week 1, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v1) 60 seconds of Let one elbow come up as the other one comes
uninterrupted work. down with the goal of opening up the front rack.
You can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, widening the grip or rotating the upper
body as the elbow comes up.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

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4a Power Clean Find your 1RM. Do one set every two Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
minutes when going for to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
3 x 3 reps at 75% of your your 1RM and then switch deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
1RM. to three minutes for the kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
3 x 3 reps at 80% of your sets of triples. Both the the chest.
1RM. three power cleans and the Drop the bar from the top position after showing
three reps of high box control for at least one second with your legs
jumps must be completed completely straight.
within the three minute

4b High Box Jumps Do three high box jumps Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
after each set of power developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
clean triples. as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
not to fall and hurt your shins.

5 Shoulder Dislocations 3 x 10 reps with a PVC Rest for one minute Hold a PVC pipe in front of you with the hands in a
pipe. between sets. wide grip. Slowly reach the arms overhead and
then back behind you while keeping the arms
straight and then bring it back in front again.
Narrow the grip after each rep, but focus on
accumulating quality reps by keeping the grip a bit
too wide than a bit too narrow.

6 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 90% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
3 x 5 reps at 80% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of five.

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7 Lu Raises 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Hold a plate or dumbbell in each hand and lift your
between sets. arms laterally up and over your head while
keeping the arms straight.

8 Seated Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Tilt your upper body forward so that the chest
between sets. approaches the knees and lift your arms above a
horizontal angle.

9 Wide Grip Tempo Pull Ups 5 x 3-5 reps. Do one set every two The arms have to be completely straight in the
Tempo: 30X0. minutes. bottom, the chin has to touch the bar in the top
and with strict adherence to the prescribed

10 Biceps Curl 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Keep the wrists straight and do every rep with full
between sets. extension in the bottom while pushing the elbows
forward in the top to fully engage the biceps.

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Week 1, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow Complex 10 reps of each movement:

1. Hip Flow.
2. No Hands Hip Flow.
3. Pigeon Stretch.
4. Lunge.

3 Full Grip Front Squats (v1) 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position while keeping the
bar in the palm of the hands instead of in the
fingertips. Pause for three seconds in the top
position with the legs straight and the upper body
vertical and regain the grip in case you lost it.

4 Front Squat 5 x 3 reps at 70% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

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5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

6 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

7 Deadlift with Reset and 5 x 5 reps at 75% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

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8 Barbell Roll-Outs 5 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Barbell roll-outs are meant to strengthen your
between sets. midline, but lat strength and shoulder stability is
required for full range of motion. Whatever the
limiting factor is for you, accumulating quality
reps will improve it. If you need to scale, do it by
reducing the range of motion. If doing it from the
knees is not challenging enough, you need to do it

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Week 1, Day 4 – Power Jerk, Strict Press, Dip, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Shoulder Dislocations 3 x 10 reps with a PVC Rest for one minute Hold a PVC pipe in front of you with the hands in a
pipe. between sets. wide grip. Slowly reach the arms overhead and
then back behind you while keeping the arms
straight and then bring it back in front again.
Narrow the grip after each rep, but focus on
accumulating quality reps by keeping the grip a bit
too wide than a bit too narrow.

3 Paused Power Jerk 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
barbell. between sets. possible position, you have to pause for three
seconds immediately without any positional
changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

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4 Power Jerk Find your 1RM. Rest for two minutes If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
between sets. without the hook, which gives you better
On the minute for 5 connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
minutes: 2 reps at 75% of press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
your 1RM. Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

5 Seated Front Rack Strict 5-3-2-2-3-5 reps at AHAFA. Rest for two minutes In a strict press, you would normally lower the
Press Tempo: 31X0. between sets. elbows in order to press more effectively from the
upper body, but in this version, you have to
maintain a full grip and keep the exact same front
rack position as you would in a split jerk. This
might make it more difficult and result in a
corresponding drop in weight, but it's excellent for
flexibility and positioning.

6 Dips 3 x max reps. Do one set every two Do all reps with full range of motion by getting the
minutes. upper arm below a horizontal angle in the bottom
and straightening the arms completely in the top.

7 Front Rack Hold Build to a max 10 sec hold Do one set every three Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
over the course of 4-5 sets. minutes or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
full duration of the set.

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8a Pinch Walk with Plates 5 rounds not for time: Go directly from pinch walk Walk slowly while holding the plates in the
10 meters pinch walk w. 2 x to farmers walk. fingertips.
15/10 kg plates +
20 meters farmers walk w.
2 x 32/24 kg KBs.

8b Farmers Walk with Rest for 30-60 seconds Walk slowly while holding the kettlebell in a firm
Kettlebells between rounds. grip in each hand.

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Week 1, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom Position of Squat Accumulate 10 minutes. Rest as needed between The bottom position has to be deep and relaxed
sets, but make sure that with the toes in the ground and the knees in line
the rest doesn't exceed the with the direction of the toes, but not pushed in or
time spent in the bottom out.

3 Barbell Rotations 20 reps with an empty Rotate the barbell from side to side from a narrow
barbell. stance while stepping forward with the opposite
foot from the rotating side of the barbell.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
five rep back squat at 80% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
be done as sets of five. all times.

5 Snatch Grip Monkey 10 unbroken reps with an Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
Fuckers empty barbell. starting position of the snatch and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

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6 Snatch Pull 3 x 3 reps at 100% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power snatch. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Touch and Go Snatch Pulls 1 x +10 reps at 100% of Lower the bar slowly and precisely from the hips
your 1RM power snatch. to the floor in order to be in the correct starting
position when the plates touch.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

8 Clean Pull 3 x 3 reps at 100% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

9 Supinated Bent over Barbell 4 x 15 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two Keep the upper body in an almost horizontal angle
Rows minutes. while pulling the elbows not up, but back and into
the hips to engage the lats. Supinated means that
the palm of the hands should be facing away from

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Week 2, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 10 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom Position Complex 10 reps of each movement:

Air Squat
Single Knee Touch
Double Knee Touch
Knee Push
Arm Reach

Rest for ten seconds in the bottom position after

each movement.

If you can't do the complex unbroken, the goal

should be to do the complex in as few sets as
possible with as little rest as possible.

3 Duck Walk 2 x 5 meters. The five Rest for one minute Walk in your bottom position with the chest up
meters must be done between sets. and the lower back straight.
unbroken, which means
that you are not allowed to
stop or to stand up.

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4 Barbell Duck Walk 2 x 5 meters with an empty Rest for one minute Walk in your bottom position with a barbell on
barbell. between sets. your back while keeping the chest up and the
lower back straight.
The five meters must be
done unbroken, which
means that you are not
allowed to stop or to stand

5 Back Squat 3 x 5 reps at 72.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

6 Strict Muscle Snatch from 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout
Hips (v2) barbell. between sets. and pause for three seconds, then lower it to the
chest and press it back up after making it touch.
Pause for one second before proceeding to lower
the bar slowly back to the hips while keeping the
legs straight and the upper body vertical
throughout the entire movement.

7 Snatch Grip Behind the 3 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Think of this exercise as snatch grip behind the
Neck Sots Press barbell. between sets. neck presses, but from a squat. The more flexible
you are, the deeper into the bottom position you
have to go.

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8 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

9 Power Snatch On the minute for 5 Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
minutes: 3 reps at 70% of without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
your 1RM power snatch. deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
top position after having showed control for at
One minute rest to change least one second with your legs completely
weights. straight.

On the minute for 5

minutes: 2 reps at 80% of
your 1RM power snatch.

One minute rest to change


On the minute for 5

minutes: 1 rep at 90% of
your 1RM power snatch.

10 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

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11 Push Press Find your 5RM. Then 3 x 5 Do one set every three The push press is not just an excellent exercise
reps at 80% of your 5RM. minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

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Week 2, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

3 Monkey Fuckers 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
empty barbell. between sets. starting position of the clean and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

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4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

5 Power Clean On the minute for 10 Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
minutes: 2 reps at 80% of to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
your 1RM power clean. deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
Two minutes rest to the chest.
change weights. Drop the bar from the top position after showing
control for at least one second with your legs
Every 30 seconds x 10 (5 completely straight.
minutes in total): 1 rep at
85% of your 1RM power

6 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 92.5% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
5 x 3 reps at 82.5% of your three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
1RM bench press. of triples.

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7 Barbell Front Raises 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Move the bar up and down while keeping the
between sets. arms and legs straight and the upper body
vertical. All reps should be done with great control,
so it's a good idea to start with a lighter barbell
and then go heavier if you feel comfortable.

8 Seated Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Tilt your upper body forward so that the chest
between sets. approaches the knees and lift your arms above a
horizontal angle.

9 Tempo Chin Ups 5 x 5-8 reps. Do one set every two Fully extend the arms in the bottom and get the
Tempo: 30X0. minutes. chin over the bar in the top with a strict adherence
to the prescribed tempo.

10 Dumbbell Biceps Curl 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Keep the dumbbells in a hammer curl position in
between sets. the bottom, gradually rotate them on the way up
and let the elbows come a bit forward to fully
engage the biceps.

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Week 2, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow Complex 10 reps of each movement:

1. Hip Flow.
2. No Hands Hip Flow.
3. Pigeon Stretch.
4. Lunge.

3 Full Grip Front Squats (v2) 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly, pause for three seconds in the
barbell. between sets. bottom position, stand up fast and pause for three
seconds in the top position with the legs straight
and the upper body vertical while keeping the bar
in the palm of the hands instead of in the
fingertips. Regain the grip in case you lost it.

4 Front Squat 5 x 3 reps at 72.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

31 / 259

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

6 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

7 Deadlift with Reset and 5 x 3 reps at 80% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

32 / 259

8a Barbell Sidebends 30-20-10 reps of barbell Not for time but for quality. Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
sidebends and upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
hanging knee raises. but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
forward or losing your upright posture.

8b Hanging Knee Raises Start from a position of dead hang and lift your
knees over horizontal with as little swinging back
and forth as possible.

33 / 259

Week 2, Day 4 – Power Jerk, Strict Press, Dip, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Weighted Shoulder 3 x 10 reps with a PVC pipe Rest for one minute Narrow the grip after each rep, but focus on
Dislocations + additional weight. between sets. accumulating quality reps by keeping the grip a bit
too wide than a bit too narrow. You can add
weight by sticking the PCV through a small plate.

3 Paused Power Jerk 2 x 5 reps at 30% of your Rest for one minute While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk. between sets. possible position, you have to pause for three
seconds immediately without any positional
changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

4 Power Jerk 4 reps at 60-70-75-70-60% Rest for two minutes If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
of your 1RM power jerk. between sets. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

34 / 259

5 Seated Front Rack Strict 5-3-2-2-3-5 reps at AHAFA. Rest for two minutes In a strict press, you would normally lower the
Press Tempo: 31X0. between sets. elbows in order to press more effectively from the
upper body, but in this version, you have to
maintain a full grip and keep the exact same front
rack position as you would in a split jerk. This
might make it more difficult and result in a
corresponding drop in weight, but it's excellent for
flexibility and positioning.

6 Weighted Dips 5 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two Even though the dips are now weighted, you still
minutes. need to get the full range of motion by getting the
upper arm below a horizontal angle in the bottom
and straightening the arms completely in the top.

7 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 65% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 75% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 85% of max

8a Dead Hang (without straps) 5 rounds not for time: Go directly from dead hang Breathe, relax and make yourself as long as
30 seconds dead hang + to farmers hold. possible in order to intensify the stretch. You are
30 seconds farmers hold not allowed to use straps, but still have to try to
w. 2 x 32/24 kg KBs. relax while hanging.

8b Farmers Hold with Rest for 30-60 seconds Keep your legs straight and your upper body
Kettlebells between rounds. vertical. Do not lean back or forward, and hold the
kettlebells in a firm grip.

35 / 259

Week 2, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Wall Hip Flow Accumulate 50 reps. If you are unable to go Keep the butt close to the wall and the lower back
unbroken the breaks have close to the floor while pushing one knee at a time
to be kept at a minimum. into the wall.

3 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
five rep back squat at seconds in the top position between reps while
82,5% of your 1RM. All sets keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
must be done as sets of all times.

4 Snatch Grip Monkey 10 unbroken reps with an Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
Fuckers empty barbell. starting position of the snatch and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

36 / 259

5 Snatch Pull 3 x 5 reps at 100% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power snatch. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Touch and Go Snatch Pulls 1 x +15 reps at 90% of your Lower the bar slowly and precisely from the hips
1RM power snatch. to the floor in order to be in the correct starting
position when the plates touch.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Clean Pull 3 x 5 reps at 100% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

8 Touch and Go Muscle 2 x 8 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two Keep your shoulders over the bar to avoid tilting
Cleans minutes. the upper body back in the pull phase where you
have to combine the explosive power from the
legs with aggressively using your arms to pull the
bar to the shoulders.
When lowering the bar, the plates have to touch
the floor at the same time and you need to be in a
position to start pulling immediately without any
need for positional corrections.

37 / 259

9 Supinated Bent over Barbell 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA Do one set every two Keep the upper body in an almost horizontal angle
Rows (heavier than last weeks 4 x minutes. while pulling the elbows not up, but back and into
15 reps). the hips to engage the lats. Supinated means that
the palm of the hands should be facing away from

38 / 259

Week 3, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations from 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position barbell. between sets. bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

3 Back Squat 3 x 5 reps at 75% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

4 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

39 / 259

5 Strict Muscle Snatch from 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout
Hips (v3) barbell. between sets. and pause for three seconds, then lower it to the
traps and press it back up after making it touch.
Pause for one second before proceeding to lower
the bar slowly back to the hips while keeping the
legs straight and the upper body vertical
throughout the entire movement.

6 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

40 / 259

7a Snatch Pull + Power Snatch 5 snatch pulls + 1 power Do one set every three Instead of trying to do the snatch pull explosively
snatch at 70% of your 1RM minutes. Both the set of or to pull the bar very high, think of the snatch pull
power snatch. snatch pull(s) + power as an opportunity to practice the pulling
4 snatch pulls + 1 power snatch and the three reps mechanics that you then have to apply in the
snatch at 75% of your 1RM of broad jumps must be power snatch.
power snatch. completed within the three Straps are allowed.
3 snatch pulls + 1 power minute window.
snatch at 80% of your 1RM
power snatch.
2 snatch pulls + 1 power
snatch at 85% of your 1RM
power snatch.
1 snatch pull + 1 power
snatch at 90% of your 1RM
power snatch.
2 snatch pulls + 1 power
snatch at 85% of your 1RM
power snatch.
3 snatch pulls + 1 power
snatch at 80% of your 1RM
power snatch.
4 snatch pulls + 1 power
snatch at 75% of your 1RM
power snatch.
5 snatch pulls + 1 power
snatch at 70% of your 1RM
power snatch.

41 / 259

7b Broad Jumps Do three broad jumps after In sets of multiple broad jumps, you shouldn't try
each set of snatch pull(s) + to jump as fast as possible, but practice taking off
power snatch. the moment you land instead of pausing first.

8 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

9 Push Press Find your 4RM. Then 3 x 4 Do one set every three The push press is not just an excellent exercise
reps at 80% of your 4RM minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
push press. overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

42 / 259

Week 3, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Kang Squat 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Start the rep by bending your legs slightly and
barbell. between sets. tilting the upper body forward with the lower back
completely straight. When you get to the point
where your lower back is about to start rounding
or if your upper body reaches a horizontal plane,
begin tilting the upper body back again while
squatting into the bottom position and pause for
three seconds before coming up in the same way
that you came down. Think of the exercise as a
hybrid between a goodmorning and a back squat.

43 / 259

4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

44 / 259

5a Power Clean + Hang Power 1 power clean + 3 hang Do one set every three Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
Clean power cleans at 70% of minutes. Both the set of to avoid leaning back, and gradually catch the bar
your 1RM power clean. power clean + hang power deeper as it gets heavier without the bar ever
clean(s) and the three reps landing or sliding down to the chest.
1 power clean + 2 hang of high box jumps must be Take the bar down and reset at the thighs after
power cleans at 80% of completed within the three the power clean instead of either bouncing or
your 1RM power clean. minute window. dropping it.

1 power clean + 1 hang

power clean at 85% of your
1RM power clean.

x 3 (9 sets in total).

Do one set at 70%, one set

at 80% and finally one set
at 85%. Repeat this three
times. This structure is
called "wave-loading" and a
detailed explanation can be
found in the appendix.

5b High Box Jumps Do three high box jumps Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
after each set of power developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
clean + hang power as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
clean(s). rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
not to fall and hurt your shins.

45 / 259

6 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 95% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
5 x 3 reps at 85% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of triples.

7 Wide Grip Barbell Front 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Use the snatch grip, but without the hook, and
Raises between sets. move the bar from hips to overhead while keeping
the arms and legs straight and the upper body
vertical. All reps should be done with great control,
so it's a good idea to start with a lighter barbell
and then go heavier if you feel comfortable.

8 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Imagine that you have a thin metal wire going
between sets. through your ears, and that you need to make the
dumbbells touch it by moving them away from
your body with the arms slightly bent.

9 Tempo Pull Ups 5 x 4-8 reps. Do one set every two Fully extend the arms in the bottom and get the
Tempo: 30X0. minutes. chin over the bar in the top with a strict adherence
to the prescribed tempo.

10 Alternating Dumbbell 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute Keep the dumbbell in a hammer curl position in
Biceps Curl arm). between sets. the bottom, gradually rotate it on the way up and
let the elbow come a bit forward to fully engage
the biceps. You have to completely finish the rep
on one arm before you begin the next rep on the
other arm.

46 / 259

Week 3, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v1) 60 seconds of Let one elbow come up as the other one comes
uninterrupted work. down with the goal of opening up the front rack.
You can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, widening the grip or rotating the upper
body as the elbow comes up.

3 Full Grip Front Squats (v3) 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly into the bottom position, stand
barbell. between sets. halfway up, squat back down into the bottom
position and then stand all the way up without
pausing. Pause for one strong second in the top
position with your legs straight and the upper
body vertical and be sure to regain the grip in case
you lost it.

4 Front Squat 5 x 3 reps at 75% of your Do one set every third Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minute. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

47 / 259

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

6 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

7 Deadlift with Reset and 5 x 1 reps at 85% of your Do one set every three The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

48 / 259

8 Chinese Plank 90-60-30 unbroken Rest for 1-2 minutes Keep your body straight as an arrow by squeezing
seconds chinese plank. between sets. the butt and engaging the lower back and
Add weight every set if hamstrings. If it’s too easy, you can make it more
possible. difficult by putting a plate on your stomach.

49 / 259

Week 3, Day 4 – Power Jerk, Strict Press, Dip, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Weighted Shoulder 3 x 10 reps with a PVC pipe Rest for one minute Narrow the grip after each rep, but focus on
Dislocations + additional weight. between sets. accumulating quality reps by keeping the grip a bit
too wide than a bit too narrow. You can add
weight by sticking the PCV through a small plate.

3 Paused Power Jerk 2 x 5 reps at 30% of your Rest for one minute While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk. between sets. possible position, you have to pause for three
seconds immediately without any positional
changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

4 Power Jerk 3 reps at 65-75-80-75-65% Rest for two minutes If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
of your 1RM power jerk. between sets. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

50 / 259

5 Seated Front Rack Strict 5-3-2-2-3-5 reps at AHAFA. Rest for two minutes In a strict press, you would normally lower the
Press Tempo: 31X0. between sets. elbows in order to press more effectively from the
upper body, but in this version, you have to
maintain a full grip and keep the exact same front
rack position as you would in a split jerk. This
might make it more difficult and result in a
corresponding drop in weight, but it's excellent for
flexibility and positioning.

6 Weighted Dips 5 x 3 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two Even though the dips are now weighted, you still
minutes. need to get the full range of motion by getting the
upper arm below a horizontal angle in the bottom
and straightening the arms completely in the top.

7 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 70% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 80% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 90% of max

8a Barbell Wrist Curls 5 rounds not for time: Go directly from barbell Use a narrow grip while keeping the elbows close
10 barbell wrist curls + wrist curls to reverse and get the full range of motion in the wrists.
10 reverse barbell wrist barbell wrist curls.

8b Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls Rest for 30-60 seconds Use a narrow grip while keeping the elbows close
between rounds. and get the full range of motion by curling the
wrists higher than the line of the forearms.

51 / 259

Week 3, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Wall Split Accumulate 5 minutes. Rest as needed between Lie down on your back with your butt close to the
sets, but make sure that wall without arching the lower back. Extend your
the rest doesn't exceed the legs out to either side while keeping them straight
time spent in the bottom and feel the stretch.

3 No Hands Hip Flow Accumulate 30 reps. If you are unable to go Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
unbroken the breaks have side without the hands ever touching the floor for
to be kept at a minimum. support. Do it slowly and focus on moving the
lower body while keeping the upper body as static
as possible. Keeping the upper body static will
help to isolate the hips, which is the point of the
whole exercise.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
five rep back squat at 85% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
be done as sets of five. all times.

52 / 259

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

6 Snatch Pull 3 x 3 reps at 110% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power snatch. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Clean Pull 3 x 3 reps at 110% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

8 Strict Snatch Pulls from 3 x 10 reps at 40% of your Do one set every three Pull the bar from hips to chest while keeping the
Hips 1RM power snatch. minutes. legs straight and the upper body vertical. This is
STRICT work and not meant to feel easy.

9 Standing Close Grip Upright 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Pull the bar to the collar bones using a very
Row between sets. narrow grip, while making sure that the elbows
are always higher than the hands.

53 / 259

10 Supinated Bent over Barbell 5 x 6 reps at AHAFA Do one set every two Keep the upper body in an almost horizontal angle
Rows (heavier than last weeks 5 x minutes. while pulling the elbows not up, but back and into
10 reps). the hips to engage the lats. Supinated means that
the palm of the hands should be facing away from

54 / 259

Week 4, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Duck Walk 2 x 5 meters. The five Rest for one minute Walk in your bottom position with the chest up
meters must be done between sets. and the lower back straight.
unbroken, which means
that you are not allowed to
stop or to stand up.

3 Barbell Duck Walk 2 x 5 meters with an empty Rest for one minute Walk in your bottom position with a barbell on
barbell. The five meters between sets. your back while keeping the chest up and the
must be done unbroken, lower back straight.
which means that you are
not allowed to stop or to
stand up.

4 Back Squat 4 x 4 reps at 77.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

55 / 259

5 Strict Muscle Snatch from 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout
Hips (v2) barbell. completing the set. and pause for three seconds, then lower it to the
chest and press it back up after making it touch.
Pause for one second before proceeding to lower
the bar slowly back to the hips while keeping the
legs straight and the upper body vertical
throughout the entire movement.

6 Snatch Grip Behind the 3 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Think of this exercise as snatch grip behind the
Neck Sots Press barbell. between sets. neck presses, but from a squat. The more flexible
you are, the deeper into the bottom position you
have to go.

7 The Weightlifting 101 Hang Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Hang Snatch Pull.
B. Hang Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Hang Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

56 / 259

8a Hang Power Snatch 5 x 2 reps at 80% of your Do one set every three Keep the bar glued to the body, both when you
1RM power snatch. minutes. Both the set of lower it and pull it back up, while pressing the
hang power snatch doubles knees out and keeping the upper body more
Then find your 1RM hang and the three reps of vertical than you would in a power snatch from
power snatch. seated box jumps must be the floor.
completed within the three Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
minute window. Switch to without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
one set every two minutes deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
when going for your 1RM. top position after having showed control for at
least one second with your legs completely
Straps are allowed.

8b Seated Box Jumps Do three seated box jumps Sit on a bench with a box in front of you. Start the
after each set of hang movement by slowly coming forward and proceed
power snatch doubles. to jumping up on the box.

9 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

10 Push Press Find your 3RM. Do one set every three The push press is not just an excellent exercise
Then 3 x 3 reps at 80% of minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
your 3RM. overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

57 / 259

Week 4, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Rest for one minute after Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. completing the set. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

3 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Rest for one minute after Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. completing the set. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Monkey Fuckers 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
empty barbell. between sets. starting position of the clean and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

58 / 259

5 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

6a Clean Pull + Power Clean 5 x 3 clean pulls + 1 power Do one set every three Instead of trying to do the clean pull explosively or
clean at 70% of your 1RM minutes. Both the set of to pull the bar very high, think of it as an
power clean. clean pull(s) + power clean opportunity to practice the pulling mechanics that
and the five seated box you have to apply in the power clean.
5 x 1 clean pull + 1 power jumps must be completed
clean at 80% of your 1RM within the three minute
power clean. window.

6b Seated Box Jumps Do five seated box jumps Sit on a bench with a box in front of you. Start the
after each set of clean movement by slowly coming forward and proceed
pull(s) + power clean. to jumping up on the box.

7 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 97.5% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
5 x 3 reps at 87.5% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of triples.

59 / 259

8 Lu Raises 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Hold a plate or dumbbell in each hand and lift your
between sets. arms laterally up and over your head while
keeping the arms straight.

9 Seated Dumbbell Lateral 4 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Imagine that you have a thin metal wire going
Raises between sets. through your ears, and that you need to make the
dumbbells touch it by moving them away from
your body with the arms slightly bent.

10 Chin Ups 3 x max reps. Do one set every two Fully extend the arms in the bottom, get the chin
minutes. over the bar in the top, and use a narrow
supinated grip with the palms facing you.

11 Alternating Dumbbell 5 x 20 reps at AHAFA (10 Rest for one minute Keep the dumbbell in a hammer curl position in
Biceps Curl each arm). between sets. the bottom, gradually rotate it on the way up and
let the elbow come a bit forward to fully engage
the biceps. You have to completely finish the rep
on one arm before you begin the next rep on the
other arm.

60 / 259

Week 4, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow Complex 10 reps of each movement:

1. Hip Flow.
2. No Hands Hip Flow.
3. Pigeon Stretch.
4. Lunge.

3 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

4 Front Squat 5 x 3 reps at 77.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

61 / 259

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

6 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

7 Deadlift with Reset and 4 x 5 reps at 80% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

62 / 259

8 Hanging Leg Raises 5 x max reps. Do one set every two Be straight as an arrow in the bottom and lift your
minutes. legs as high as you can without bending your legs
or swinging back and forth. It's better to reduce
the range of motion than to sacrifice the strict
quality of the movement.

63 / 259

Week 4, Day 4 – Power Jerk, Strict Press, Triceps Extension, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Shoulder Flexion Stretch Accumulate 2 minutes. Rest as needed between Let the knees and toes touch the floor while the
sets, but make sure that hands are on a bench in front of you and then
the rest doesn't exceed the press your head through your arms and towards
time spent in the bottom the floor.

3 Paused Power Jerk 2 x 5 reps at 30% of your Rest for one minute While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk. between sets. possible position, you have to pause for three
seconds immediately without any positional
changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

4 Power Jerk 2 reps at 70-80-85-80-70% Rest for two minutes If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
of your 1RM power jerk. between sets. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

64 / 259

5 Seated Front Rack Strict 5-3-2-2-3-5 reps at AHAFA. Rest for two minutes In a strict press, you would normally lower the
Press Tempo: 31X0. between sets. elbows in order to press more effectively from the
upper body, but in this version, you have to
maintain a full grip and keep the exact same front
rack position as you would in a split jerk. This
might make it more difficult and result in a
corresponding drop in weight, but it's excellent for
flexibility and positioning.

6 Single Arm Dumbbell 4 x 12 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after Do the exercise standing, slowly and with full
Triceps Extensions arm). doing a set on each arm. range of motion by trying to get the lowest part of
the dumbbell to softly touch the top of the spine in
the bottom and then straighten the arm
completely in the top.

7 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 75% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 85% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 95% of max

8a Dead Hang from Fingertips 10 rounds not for time: Go directly from dead hang Breathe, relax and make yourself as long as
10 seconds dead hang f. f. fingertips to pinch walk. possible to intensify the stretch while hanging in
fingertips + 10 meters the fingertips, not in the palm of the hand or by
pinch walk w. 2 x 15/10 kg using straps.

8b Pinch Walk with Plates Rest for 30-60 seconds Walk slowly while holding the plates in the
between rounds. fingertips.

65 / 259

Week 4, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom of Jefferson Curl Accumulate 2 minutes with Rest as needed between Keep the legs completely straight but relaxed
Hold an empty barbell. sets, but make sure that (especially the quads) and round every part of
the rest doesn't exceed the your spine while pressing the chest towards your
time spent in the bottom knees and looking back between your legs.

3 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
five rep back squat at seconds in the top position between reps while
87,5% of your 1RM. All sets keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
must be done as sets of all times.

66 / 259

5 Snatch Pull 3 x 5 reps at 110% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power snatch. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Clean Pull 3 x 5 reps at 110% of your Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Strict Snatch Pulls from 3 x 5 reps at 40% of your Do one set every two Pull the bar from hips to chest while keeping the
Hips 1RM power snatch. minutes. legs straight and the upper body vertical. This is
STRICT work and not meant to feel easy.

8 Standing Close Grip Upright 3 x 5 reps at AHAFA (go Rest for one minute Pull the bar to the collar bones using a very
Row heavier than last weeks 3 x between sets. narrow grip, while making sure that the elbows
8 reps). are always higher than the hands.

9 Chest Supported Dumbbell 4 x 15 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two Do the rows with your chest resting on a bench
Rows minutes. and a dumbbell in each hand. Keep the elbows
close to the body so you feel the tension in the

67 / 259

Week 5, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom Position of Squat Accumulate 5 minutes. Rest as needed between The bottom position has to be deep and relaxed
sets, but make sure that with the toes in the ground and the knees in line
the rest doesn't exceed the with the direction of the toes, but not pushed in or
time spent in the bottom out.

3 Kang Squat Accumulate 20 reps with If you are unable to go Start the rep by bending your legs slightly and
an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have tilting the upper body forward with the lower back
to be kept at a minimum. completely straight. When you get to the point
where your lower back is about to start rounding
or if your upper body reaches a horizontal plane,
begin tilting the upper body back again while
squatting into the bottom position and pause for
three seconds before coming up in the same way
that you came down. Think of the exercise as a
hybrid between a goodmorning and a back squat.

68 / 259

4 Back Squat 4 x 4 reps at 80% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM Back Squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

5 Overhead Elbow Rotations 20 unbroken reps with an Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
empty barbell. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

6 Strict Muscle Snatch from 3 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout
Hips (v3) barbell. completing the set. and pause for three seconds, then lower it to the
traps and press it back up after making it touch.
Pause for one second before proceeding to lower
the bar slowly back to the hips while keeping the
legs straight and the upper body vertical
throughout the entire movement.

7 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

69 / 259

8a Power Snatch with Pause 10 x 1 at 80% of your 1RM Do one set every three Pull slowly from the floor, pause for three seconds
Below Knee power snatch. minutes. Both the set of with the bar below the knees and without moving
paused power snatch at all, and then proceed with the rest of the lift.
below the knees and the
five reps of high box jumps
must be completed within
the three minute window.

8b High Box Jumps Five high box jumps after Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
each set of paused power developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
snatch below the knees. as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
not to fall and hurt your shins.

9 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

10 Push Press Find your 2RM. Do one set every two The push press is not just an excellent exercise
Then 3 x 2 reps at 80% of minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
your 2RM. overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

70 / 259

Week 5, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v1) 60 seconds of Let one elbow come up as the other one comes
uninterrupted work. down with the goal of opening up the front rack.
You can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, widening the grip or rotating the upper
body as the elbow comes up.

3 Monkey Fuckers 10 unbroken reps with an Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
empty barbell. starting position of the clean and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

71 / 259

4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

5 Power Clean 5 x 5 reps at 80% of your Do one set every three Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
1RM power clean. minutes. to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
Rest for 10 seconds kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
between reps. the chest.
Drop the bar from the top position after showing
control for at least one second with your legs
completely straight.

6 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 92.5% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
3 x 5 reps at 82.5% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of five.

7 Lu Raises 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Hold a plate or dumbbell in each hand and lift your
between sets. arms laterally up and over your head while
keeping the arms straight.

72 / 259

8 Bent over Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Keep the legs slightly bent and the upper body
between sets. horizontal while lifting your arms up, out and over
the line of your upper body.

9 Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 x max reps. Do one set every two Use a wide grip, keep the arms completely
minutes. straight in the bottom, and make the chin touch
the bar in the top.

10 Alternating Hammer Curls 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute Keep the legs straight and the upper body vertical
arm). between sets. at all times. Do all reps with full range of motion
so that the arms are straight in the bottom and
the top of the dumbbell touches, or gets close to,
your front delt in the top while keeping the
hammer position at all times. Completely finish
the rep on one arm before you begin the next rep
on the other arm.

11 Preacher Curl 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Use a narrow grip with the palms supinated, keep
between sets. the elbows close and do all reps with full range of
motion, so that the arms are almost straight in the
bottom, and the bar almost touches the forehead
in the top.

73 / 259

Week 5, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Full Grip Front Squats (v1) 1 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
barbell. completing the set. pause in the bottom position while keeping the
bar in the palm of the hands instead of in the
fingertips. Pause for three seconds in the top
position with the legs straight and the upper body
vertical and regain the grip in case you lost it.

4 Full Grip Front Squats (v2) 1 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Squat down slowly, pause for three seconds in the
barbell. completing the set. bottom position, stand up fast and pause for three
seconds in the top position with the legs straight
and the upper body vertical while keeping the bar
in the palm of the hands instead of in the
fingertips. Regain the grip in case you lost it.

74 / 259

5 Front Squat 6 x 2 reps at 80% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

6 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

7 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

75 / 259

8 Deadlift with Reset and 4 x 3 reps at 85% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

9 Floor Leg Raises Accumulate 100 reps. If you are unable to go Watch the instructional video and take note of the
unbroken the breaks have how the legs stay bent and both the butt and
to be kept at a minimum. lower back leave the floor when pushing the legs

76 / 259

Week 5, Day 4 – Power Jerk, Push Press, Sandbag Carry, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Shoulder Flexion Stretch Accumulate 3 minutes. If you are unable to go Let the knees and toes touch the floor while the
unbroken the breaks have hands are on a bench in front of you and then
to be kept at a minimum. press your head through your arms and towards
the floor.

3 Paused Power Jerk 2 x 5 reps at 30% of your Rest for one minute While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk. between sets. possible position, you have to pause for three
seconds immediately without any positional
changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

4 Power Jerk On the minute for 10 If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
minutes: 1 rep at 80-85% of without the hook, which gives you better
your 1RM power jerk. connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

77 / 259

5 Push Press with Eccentric 3 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every three Lower the bar very slowly from the lockout to the
Overload 3 x 3 reps at AHAFA minutes. shoulders while gradually positioning the elbows
(heavier than the 3 x 5 and the head so that you are ready to drive into
reps). the next rep without the need of positional
Tempo: 80X0. changes in the front rack.

7a Sandbag Carry in Bear Hug 400 meters. For quality. Walk at a steady pace with the sandbag on the
stomach, rather than on the chest, and in a hand
over hand/bear hug position.

7b Sandbag Shoulder Carry 400 meters. For quality. Walk at a steady pace with the sandbag on the
shoulder and the opposite arm hanging relaxed by
your side. Drop the bag and change sides when
you have walked half the distance.

7c Sandbag Carry in Bear Hug 400 meters. For quality. Walk at a steady pace with the sandbag on the
stomach, rather than on the chest, and in a hand
over hand/bear hug position.

8 Hex Hold Max attempt hex hold with Rest as needed between Watch the instructional video and notice how
a 10/8 kg dumbbell in each sets. Mike grabs the dumbbell with all fingers while
hand. keeping his entire body straight as an arrow.

Then 3 x 50% of max hold.

78 / 259

Week 5, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

3 Jefferson Rotations Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side without it
an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have touching the floor while being in the bottom of a
to be kept at a minimum. jefferson curl.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
five rep back squat at 90% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
be done as sets of five. all times.

79 / 259

5 Snatch Pull 7-5-3-5-7 reps at Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
100-110-120-110-100% of minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
your 1RM power snatch. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Clean Pull 3-2-1 reps at 105-115-125% Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
of your 1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Strict Snatch Pulls from 2 x 10 reps at 45% of your Do one set every three Pull the bar from hips to chest while keeping the
Hips 1RM power snatch. minutes. legs straight and the upper body vertical. This is
STRICT work and not meant to feel easy.

8 Chest Supported Dumbbell 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA Do one set every two Do the rows with your chest resting on a bench
Rows (heavier than last weeks 4 x minutes. and a dumbbell in each hand. Keep the elbows
15 reps). close to the body so you feel the tension in the

80 / 259

Week 6, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom Position Complex 10 reps of each movement:

Air Squat
Single Knee Touch
Double Knee Touch
Knee Push
Arm Reach

Rest for ten seconds in the bottom position after

each movement.

If you can't do the complex unbroken, the goal

should be to do the complex in as few sets as
possible with as little rest as possible.

3 Barbell Cossack Squat 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down on one leg, while keeping the
barbell. between sets. opposite leg straight, and gradually turn the foot
to switch the stretch from inner thigh and groin to
the hamstrings. Switch sides after completing a

81 / 259

4 Back Squat 4 x 4 reps at 82.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

5 Overhead Elbow Rotations 20 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
empty barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

6 Strict Muscle Snatch from 3 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Pull the bar slowly from the hips to the lockout,
Hips (v1) barbell. completing a set. pause for three seconds, and then lower it slowly
back to the hips while keeping the legs straight
and the upper body vertical throughout the entire

7 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

82 / 259

8 Power Snatch 2 reps at 80% of your 1RM Do one set every two Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
power snatch. minutes. without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
1 rep at 85% of your 1RM deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
power snatch. top position after having showed control for at
1 rep at 90% of your 1RM least one second with your legs completely
power snatch. straight.
x 3 (9 sets in total).

Do one set at 80%, one set

at 85% and finally one set
at 90%. Repeat this three
times. This structure is
called "wave-loading" and a
detailed explanation can be
found in the appendix.

9 Paused Push Press 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two Pause for three seconds in the lockout with the
1RM push press. minutes. heels and toes in the ground for balance.

10 Push Press Find your 1RM. Do one set every two The push press is not just an excellent exercise
minutes. for building strength for all other shoulder to
overhead movements, but is also an opportunity
to practice the technique of the dip- and drive.
Practice doing the dip slowly so that the bar
doesn't crash on you and fully drive the bar
overhead by extending both legs and toes without
sliding back.

83 / 259

11 Touch and Go Push Press One set of max reps at 80% "Touch and go" means that you are not allowed to
of your 1RM. rest with the bar on the shoulders, but have to go
directly into the next rep. Show control in the top
position with your legs straight before initiating
the takedown.

84 / 259

Week 6, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Monkey Fuckers 10 unbroken reps with an Move from the bottom of a jefferson curl into the
empty barbell. starting position of the clean and back again to
complete one rep. Pause for three seconds in
both end-positions.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

85 / 259

4 Power Clean 2 reps at 80% of your 1RM Do one set every two Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
power clean. minutes. to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
1 rep at 85% of your 1RM kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
power clean. the chest.
Drop the bar from the top position after showing
1 rep at 90% of your 1RM control for at least one second with your legs
power clean. completely straight.

x 3 (9 sets in total).

Do one set at 80%, one set

at 85% and finally one set
at 90%. Repeat this three
times. This structure is
called "wave-loading" and a
detailed explanation can be
found in the appendix.

5 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 95% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
5 x 3 reps at 85% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of triples.

6 Barbell Front Raises 4 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Move the bar up and down while keeping the
between sets. arms and legs straight and the upper body
vertical. All reps should be done with great control,
so it's a good idea to start with a lighter barbell
and then go heavier if you feel comfortable.

86 / 259

7 Seated Dumbbell Lateral 4 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Imagine that you have a thin metal wire going
Raises between sets. through your ears, and that you need to make the
dumbbells touch it by moving them away from
your body with the arms slightly bent.

8 Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 x max reps. Do one set every two Use a wide grip, keep the arms completely
minutes. straight in the bottom, and make the chin touch
the bar in the top.

9 Seated Alternating 5 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute Do every rep with full range of motion while
Dumbbell Biceps Curl arm). between sets. keeping the upper body vertical instead of tilting
back and forth. Completely finish the rep on one
arm before you begin the next rep on the other

10 Seated Concentrated 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after Use a setup that allows you straighten the arm in
Dumbbell Curl arm). doing a set on each arm. the bottom without the dumbbell touching the
floor and do all reps controlled both on the way up
and on the way down.

87 / 259

Week 6, Day 3 – Front Squat, Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow Complex 10 reps of each movement:

1. Hip Flow.
2. No Hands Hip Flow.
3. Pigeon Stretch.
4. Lunge.

3 Zombie Squats 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
on the shoulders and the arms held in front of you
like a zombie.

4 Front Squat 6 x 2 reps at 82.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

88 / 259

6 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. between sets. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
while pushing your hips back.

7 Deadlift with Reset and 4 x 1 rep at 90% of your Do one set every three The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

8a Barbell Sidebends 3 rounds not for time: Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
50 unbroken barbell upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
sidebends with an empty but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
barbell + 20 sit-ups. forward or losing your upright posture.

89 / 259

8b Sit-Ups Do 20 sit-ups after each set Lie down on the floor with the heels, butt and back
of barbell sidebends. touching and the arms crossed over your chest
and start doing old school crunches.

90 / 259

Week 6, Day 4 – Jerk, Push Press, Triceps Extension, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Dead Hang (without straps) Accumulate 90 seconds. Rest as needed between Breathe, relax and make yourself as long as
sets, but make sure that possible in order to intensify the stretch. You are
the rest doesn't exceed the not allowed to use straps, but still have to try to
time spend in the bottom relax while hanging.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Split Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Jerk Warm-Up seconds. A. Split Walks.
B. Split Jumps.
C. Bodyweight Split Jerk.
D. Front Split Presses.
E. Paused Split Jerk.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 5 reps. A, B and C is

done with bodyweight and D and E with an empty

91 / 259

4 Power Jerk + Split Jerk 5 sets of 3 power jerks + 1 Rest for two minutes Use jerk blocks if they are available to you and
split jerk at 65-70% of your between sets. drop the bar after each rep. If you don't have jerk
1RM power jerk. blocks, you'll have to do it from rack, take the bar
down between reps and only drop after the last
rep in a set, if at all.

5 Push Press with Eccentric 3 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every fourth Lower the bar very slowly from the lockout to the
Overload 3 x 3 reps at AHAFA minutes. shoulders while gradually positioning the elbows
(heavier than the 3 x 5 and the head so that you are ready to drive into
reps). the next rep without the need of positional
changes in the front rack.
Tempo: 80X0.

6 Lying Barbell Triceps 4 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Lower the bar slowly to the forehead and fully
Extensions between sets. extend the arms in the top. Generally speaking,
you want to keep the elbows somewhat pressed
in to engage your triceps more. That can get really
hard for the elbow joint, so you have to find a
compromise where you feel the triceps working
without it being too painful in the elbows.

7 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 70% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 80% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 90% of max

92 / 259

8 Hex Hold 5 x 50% of max hex hold Rest as needed between Watch the instructional video and notice how
from last week. sets. Mike grabs the dumbbell with all fingers while
keeping his entire body straight as an arrow.

93 / 259

Week 6, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom Position of Squat Accumulate 5 minutes. Rest as needed between The bottom position has to be deep and relaxed
sets, but make sure that with the toes in the ground and the knees in line
the rest doesn't exceed the with the direction of the toes, but not pushed in or
time spent in the bottom out.

3 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
back squat triple at 92,5% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
triples. all times.

4 Snatch Pull 5-3-1-3-5 reps at Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
110-120-130-120-110% of minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
your 1RM power snatch. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

94 / 259

5 Clean Pull 3-2-1 reps at 110-120-130% Do one set every three Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
of your 1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Strict Snatch Pulls from 3 x 5 reps at 40% of your Do one set every two Pull the bar from hips to chest while keeping the
Hips 1RM power snatch. minutes. legs straight and the upper body vertical. This is
STRICT work and not meant to feel easy.

7 Chest Supported Dumbbell 6 x 6 reps at AHAFA Do one set every two Do the rows with your chest resting on a bench
Rows (heavier than last weeks 5 x minutes. and a dumbbell in each hand. Keep the elbows
10 reps). close to the body so you feel the tension in the

95 / 259

Week 7, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Snatch Grip Strict Press, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations from Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
to be kept at a minimum. don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

3 Back Squat 4 x 4 reps at 85% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

4 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

96 / 259

5 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

6 Muscle Snatch 5 x 5 reps at 45% of your Rest for two minutes View this exercise as one long pull from the floor
1RM power snatch. between sets. to over head - stay over the bar as long as
possible and don't lean back.

7a Paused Power Snatch 5 x 2 reps with a three Do one set every three Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
seconds pause in the catch minutes. Both the set of without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
position at 60% of your paused power snatch deeper as it gets heavier and pause for three
1RM power snatch. doubles and the five reps of seconds in the catch position before standing up
jumping back squats must and dropping the bar from the top. It's important
be completed within the to pause immediately when you catch the bar
three minute window. without first making any positional corrections.

7b Jumping Back Squats Do five jumping back Squat into the bottom position and jump as high
squats with an empty as you can with the bar on the back while keeping
barbell after each set of a solid, narrow grip so that you are always in
paused power snatch control of the bar.

8 Behind the Neck Snatch 4 x 6 reps at AHAFA. Rest for two minutes Keep a full grip on the bar so that you can
Grip Strict Press between sets. maintain strong, straight wrists when pressing the
bar overhead. Engage your midline to avoid
arching the lower back and pause for one second
in the lockout before slowly lowering the bar to
the traps.

97 / 259

9 Barbell Sidebends 20 sec on / 20 sec off for Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
4-6 minutes. upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
forward or losing your upright posture.

98 / 259

Week 7, Day 2 – Power Clean, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Muscle Clean from Mid- 10 unbroken rep with an Find the starting position with the bar at the shin
Shin empty barbell. bones. Bend your legs while keeping the butt low,
the chest high and the lower back straight, and
make sure that the bar gets contact with the
thighs in the pull phase before it gets to the

4 Muscle Clean 5 x 5 reps at 45% of your Rest for two minutes Keep the barbell close by using your arms and
1RM power clean. between sets. traps, and finish with a fast turnover of the

99 / 259

5a Paused Power Clean 5 x 2 reps with a three Do one set every three Pause for three seconds in the catch position. The
seconds pause in the catch minutes. Both the set of catch can gradually get deeper as it gets heavier,
position at 60% of your paused power clean but the bar should be kept on the shoulders and
1RM power clean. doubles and the five reps of not land or slide down the chest.
jumping back squats must
be completed within the
three minute window.

5b Jumping Back Squats Do five jumping back Squat into the bottom position and jump as high
squats with an empty as you can with the bar on the back while keeping
barbell after each set of a solid, narrow grip so that you are always in
paused power clean control of the bar.

6 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 97.5% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when going for slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
5 x 3 reps at 87.5% of your your 1RM and then switch bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. to three minutes for the demonstrated in the top.
sets of triples.

7 Alternating Dumbbell Front 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute Keep the legs straight and the upper body vertical.
Raises arm). between sets. One arm at a time, lift the dumbbell up until it
breaks horizontal, but with some rotation, so that
the little finger, and thereby the outer part of the
dumbbell, comes higher than the inside does.

8 Seated Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Tilt your upper body forward so that the chest
between sets. approaches the knees and lift your arms above a
horizontal angle.

100 / 259

9 Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every two The arms have to be completely straight in the
minutes. bottom, the chin has to touch the bar in the top,
and the fact that it's weighted doesn't change that
one bit. You can add weight by using a dip belt,
holding a dumbbell between your feet or legs or
another similar solution.

10 Preacher Curl 5 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Use a narrow grip with the palms supinated, keep
between sets. the elbows close and do all reps with full range of
motion, so that the arms are almost straight in the
bottom, and the bar almost touches the forehead
in the top.

101 / 259

Week 7, Day 3 – Front Squat, Push Press, Romanian Deadlift, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Behind the Neck Full Grip 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
Front Squats barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
behind the neck and with the elbows pushed up
and pointing forward. You can make it more or
less difficult by experimenting with keeping the
bar in the fingertips, in the palm of your hands,
adding the hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Front Squat 6 x 2 reps at 85% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

102 / 259

5 Jerk Grip Overhead Shrugs 20 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
using your jerk grip.

6 Push Press with Eccentric 3 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every fourth Lower the bar very slowly from the lockout to the
Overload 3 x 3 reps at AHAFA minutes. shoulders while gradually positioning the elbows
(heavier than the 3 x 5 and the head so that you are ready to drive into
reps). the next rep without the need of positional
changes in the front rack.
Tempo: 80X0.

7 Good Mornings 2 x 10 reps with an empty Do one set every three Keep your legs slightly bent, the lower back
barbell. minutes or faster. completely flat and the chin tucked so that the
2 x 10 reps at 20% of your entire spine is aligned and feel the stretch in the
1RM deadlift. hamstrings as you tilt the upper body forward
2 x 8 reps at 25% of your while pushing your hips back.
1RM deadlift.

8 Romanian Deadlift 5 x 12 reps at 35% of your Do one set every three With the legs slightly bent and kept in the same
1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. angle and the lower back straight and the chin
tucked to keep the spine aligned, lower the bar
towards the floor by tilting the upper body forward
and feel the stretch in the hamstrings. The degree
of flexibility in your hamstrings determines the
range of motion, and it's important that you don't
start rounding the lower back in order to increase

103 / 259

9a Hanging Leg Raises 20-15-10-5 reps of hanging For time, but with good Be straight as an arrow in the bottom and lift your
leg raises + floor leg raises. form on all reps. legs as high as you can without bending your legs
or swinging back and forth. It's better to reduce
the range of motion than to sacrifice the strict
quality of the movement.

9b Floor Leg Raises Watch the instructional video and take note of the
how the legs stay bent and both the butt and
lower back leave the floor when pushing the legs

104 / 259

Week 7, Day 4 – Jerk, Front Rack Hold, Triceps Extension, Push Up, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Overhead Shrugs 20 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
with the wrists straight, the elbows internally
rotated, and avoiding that the bar moves back and

3 The Weightlifting 101 Split Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Jerk Warm-Up seconds. A. Split Walks.
B. Split Jumps.
C. Bodyweight Split Jerk.
D. Front Split Presses.
E. Paused Split Jerk.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 5 reps. A, B and C is

done with bodyweight and D and E with an empty

105 / 259

4 Power Jerk + Split Jerk 5 sets of 2 power jerks + 1 Rest for two minutes Use jerk blocks if they are available to you and
split jerk at 70-75% of your between sets. drop the bar after each rep. If you don't have jerk
1RM power jerk. blocks, you'll have to do it from rack, take the bar
down between reps and only drop after the last
rep in a set, if at all.

5 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 75% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 85% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 95% of max

6 Lying Barbell Triceps 4 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Lower the bar slowly to the forehead and fully
Extensions between sets. extend the arms in the top. Generally speaking,
you want to keep the elbows somewhat pressed
in to engage your triceps more. That can get really
hard for the elbow joint, so you have to find a
compromise where you feel the triceps working
without it being too painful in the elbows.

7 Ring Push Ups 20 sec on / 40 sec off x 8 Keep the elbows close to the body and get the full
minutes. range of motion by letting the rings come out in
the bottom to make room for the upper body and
So you do ring push ups for by locking out in the top with external rotation.
20 seconds, then rest for
40 seconds, then repeat 8

106 / 259

8 Suitcase Carry with 3 rounds not for time: Walk at a steady pace with a firm grip on the
Kettlebell 1 minute suitcase carry kettlebell in one hand and the opposite arm
(left hand) w. 32/24 kg KB. hanging relaxed by your side.
- 30 seconds rest.
1 minute suitcase carry
(right hand) w. 32/24 kg
- 30 seconds rest.

107 / 259

Week 7, Day 5 – Back Squat, Snatch Pull, Clean Pull, Rows.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side with the hands on the floor for support. Do it
slowly and focus on moving the lower body while
keeping the upper body as static as possible.
Keeping the upper body static will help to isolate
the hips, which is the point of the whole exercise.

3 Wall Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Keep the butt close to the wall and the lower back
close to the floor while pushing one knee at a time
into the wall.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
back squat triple at 95% of seconds in the top position between reps while
your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
triples. all times.

108 / 259

5 No Heels Klokov Hip Pulls 3 x 5 reps at 50% of your Do one set every two Keep the bar in the hips, tilt the upper body
1RM power snatch. minutes. forward with the legs slightly bent, pull the bar to
the chest and go directly into the next rep as the
bar comes down instead of resetting.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3 reps at 80% of your Do one set every two Pull the bar to the chest or higher. As you do that,
1RM power snatch. minutes. make sure that the elbows are coming up, not
back, and that they are higher than the hands.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

7 Clean Pull 5 x 3 reps at 80% of your Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
1RM power clean. minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

8 Bent over Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after In order to engage your lats effectively, it's
arm). doing a set on each arm. important that you focus on pulling the elbows
both back and up instead of merely bending the
arms and pulling the dumbells to the chest. If you
feel the lats working during the set, you are doing
it right; if not, you are doing it wrong.

109 / 259

9 Snatch Grip Bent over 20-15-10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after In most row variations, the main cue is to pull the
Barbell Rows each set. bar back into the hips with the elbows to isolate
the lats, but this particular variation is different.
Keep the bar under the knees, but without it
touching the floor during the set, and put your
upper back to work by pulling the bar somewhere
between the belly button and solar plexus.

110 / 259

Week 8, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Push Press, Snatch Pull, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations from Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
to be kept at a minimum. don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

3 Back Squat 5 x 3 reps at 87.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

4 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

111 / 259

5 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

6 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

7 Snatch Pull + Power Snatch Find your daily max in the Do one set every two Instead of trying to do the snatch pull explosively
+ Hang Power Snatch complex. Then 5 sets of minutes. or to pull the bar very high, think of the snatch pull
the same complex at 80% as an opportunity to practice the pulling
of your daily max. mechanics that you then have to apply in the
other lifts.
Reset in the starting position after the snatch pull,
take the bar down to the hips after the power
snatch (no dropping), and drop the bar to the floor
in the hang power snatch after showing control
from the top position.
Straps are allowed.

112 / 259

8 Push Press with Eccentric 3 x 5 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every fourth Lower the bar very slowly from the lockout to the
Overload 3 x 3 reps at AHAFA minutes. shoulders while gradually positioning the elbows
(heavier than the 3 x 5 and the head so that you are ready to drive into
reps). the next rep without the need of positional
changes in the front rack.
Tempo: 80X0.

9 Snatch Pull Find your 5RM in snatch Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
pulls, but keep your chest minutes until you reach position and through the pull and get the full
up so it doesn't turn into a 80% of your 1RM snatch extension by extending the entire body, including
deadlift. and then switch to one set getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
every three minutes. body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

10 Barbell Backward Crawls 20 sec on / 20 sec off x 4-6 With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
minutes. motion backwards in big circles while keeping the
upper body vertical so you can feel your core

113 / 259

Week 8, Day 2 – Power Clean, Clean Pull, Bench Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Muscle Clean from Mid- 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Find the starting position with the bar at the shin
Shin barbell. between sets. bones. Bend your legs while keeping the butt low,
the chest high and the lower back straight, and
make sure that the bar gets contact with the
thighs in the pull phase before it gets to the

114 / 259

4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

5 Power Clean + Hang Power 10 sets of 1 power clean + Do one set every 90 Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
Clean 1 hang power clean at 85% seconds. to avoid leaning back, and gradually catch the bar
of your 1RM power clean. deeper as it gets heavier without the bar ever
landing or sliding down to the chest.
Take the bar down and reset at the thighs after
the power clean instead of either bouncing or
dropping it.

6 Clean Pull 4-3-2-1 clean pulls at Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
85-90-95-100% of your minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
1RM power clean. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

115 / 259

7 Bench Press 1 x max unbroken reps at Do one set every three Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
100% of your 1RM bench minutes. slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
press. bottom, but with control and balance
5 x 3 reps at 90% of your demonstrated in the top.
1RM bench press.

8 Wide Grip Barbell Front 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after Use the snatch grip, but without the hook, and
Raises each set. move the bar from hips to overhead while keeping
the arms and legs straight and the upper body
vertical. All reps should be done with great control,
so it's a good idea to start with a lighter barbell
and then go heavier if you feel comfortable.

9 Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 3 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every three The arms have to be completely straight in the
minutes. bottom, the chin has to touch the bar in the top,
and the fact that it's weighted doesn't change that
one bit. You can add weight by using a dip belt,
holding a dumbbell between your feet or legs or
another similar solution.

10 Biceps Curl 4 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after Keep the wrists straight and do every rep with full
each set. extension in the bottom while pushing the elbows
forward in the top to fully engage the biceps.

116 / 259

Week 8, Day 3 – Front Squat, Plyometrics, Core, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Behind the Neck Full Grip 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute after Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
Front Squats barbell. each set. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
behind the neck and with the elbows pushed up
and pointing forward. You can make it more or
less difficult by experimenting with keeping the
bar in the fingertips, in the palm of your hands,
adding the hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Front Squat 6 x 2 reps at 87.5% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

117 / 259

6 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

7 High Box Jumps 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute after Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
each set. developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
Do them with a rebound. as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
No stepping down. Make rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
sure you don't set the box not to fall and hurt your shins.
too high.

8 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute after Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges each set. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

9 Chinese Plank 5 x 60 seconds. Add weight Rest for one minute after Keep your body straight as an arrow by squeezing
if possible. each set. the butt and engaging the lower back and
hamstrings. If it’s too easy, you can make it more
difficult by putting a plate on your stomach.

10 Pinch Walk with Plates Accumulate 100 meters of Rest as needed between Walk slowly while holding the plates in the
pinch walk in as few sets sets. fingertips.
as possible w. 2 x 15/10 kg

118 / 259

Week 8, Day 4 – Deadlift, Dip, Rows, Front Rack Hold.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Bottom of Jefferson Curl Accumulate 2 minutes with Rest as needed between Keep the legs completely straight but relaxed
Hold an empty barbell. sets, but make sure that (especially the quads) and round every part of
the rest doesn't exceed the your spine while pressing the chest towards your
time spend in the bottom knees and looking back between your legs.

119 / 259

3 Deadlift with Reset and 3 x 5 reps at 85% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

4 Weighted Dips 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA. Do one set every three Even though the dips are now weighted, you still
minutes. need to get the full range of motion by getting the
upper arm below a horizontal angle in the bottom
and straightening the arms completely in the top.

120 / 259

5 Bent over Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after In order to engage your lats effectively, it's
arm). doing a set on each arm. important that you focus on pulling the elbows
both back and up instead of merely bending the
arms and pulling the dumbells to the chest. If you
feel the lats working during the set, you are doing
it right; if not, you are doing it wrong.

6 Snatch Grip Bent over 15-12-8 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute In most row variations, the main cue is to pull the
Barbell Rows between sets. bar back into the hips with the elbows to isolate
the lats, but this particular variation is different.
Keep the bar under the knees, but without it
touching the floor during the set, and put your
upper back to work by pulling the bar somewhere
between the belly button and solar plexus.

7 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 80% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between sets or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 90% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 100% of max

121 / 259

Week 8, Day 5 – Back Squat, Power Jerk, Plyometrics.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Wall Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Keep the butt close to the wall and the lower back
close to the floor while pushing one knee at a time
into the wall.

3 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
back squat double at 97,5% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
be doubles. all times.

4 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

122 / 259

5 Paused Power Jerk 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk with a minutes. possible position, you have to pause for three
three seconds pause in the seconds immediately without any positional
catch position. changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

6 Power Jerk Find your 3RM in power Do one set every three If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
jerk. Then 8 singles at the minutes when going for without the hook, which gives you better
same weight as your 3RM. your 3RM and then switch connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
to every two minutes for press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
the sets of singles. Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

7 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

8 Broad Jump Singles 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Jump as far as possible, but be in good balance
between sets. when you land.

9 Barbell Jumping Lunges 3 x 8 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Use a narrow grip to keep the barbell in place
barbell. between sets. when you jump. Alternate your landing between
having the right and left foot forward every time
you land.

123 / 259

Week 9, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Snatch Pull, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from a narrow
an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have stance while stepping forward with the opposite
to be kept at a minimum. foot from the rotating side of the barbell.

3 Barbell Rotations from Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
to be kept at a minimum. don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

4 Back Squat 5 x 3 reps at 90% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM back squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

124 / 259

5 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

6 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

7 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

8a Power Snatch 1 power snatch at 90% of Do one set every minute. Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
your 1RM power snatch. Alternate between the two without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
exercises for a total of 14 deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
minutes. top position after having showed control for at
least one second with your legs completely

125 / 259

8b Snatch Pull 3 snatch pulls at 110% of Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
your 1RM power snatch. position and through the pull and get the full
extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

9 Barbell Forward Crawls 20 sec on / 20 sec off x 4-6 With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
minutes. motion forwards in big circles while keeping the
upper body both vertical so you can feel your core

126 / 259

Week 9, Day 2 – Power Clean, Clean Pull, Strict Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Hang Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:
Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Hang Clean Pull.
B. Hang Muscle Clean.
C. Hang Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset from a position where the legs are straight,
the upper body vertical and the arms relaxed,
instead of rushing from one rep to the next. You
are allowed to drop after the last lift in a set.

127 / 259

4 Hang Power Clean 10 hang power clean Do one set every two Don't just pull the bar high, but combine it with
doubles at 80-90% of your minutes. speed under the bar and precision in the catch
1RM power clean. position. The catch can gradually get deeper as it
All sets at 80% count and gets heavier, but the bar should be kept on the
you should only increase shoulders and not land or slide down the chest.
the weight if it feels easy
and your technique is on

5 Clean Pull 4-3-2-1 reps at 5kg heavier Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
on every set from last minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
week. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Jerk Grip Overhead Shrugs 25 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
using your jerk grip.

7 Strict Press Find your 1RM. Do one set every three Keep a full grip on the bar so that you can press
5 x 1 at 87.5% of your 1RM minutes or faster. more effectively from the upper body. Make sure
strict press. that the entire foot, including both the toes and
3 x 7 reps at 70% of your heels, is in the floor for balance. Engage your
1RM strict press. midline to avoid any excessive arching of the
lower back.
Tempo: 20X0.

128 / 259

8 Incline Chest Supported 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after Keep the arms straight and relaxed in the bottom
Dumbbell Front Raises each set. with the upper body pressed against the bench,
and then pull your arms out and up until they are
aligned with the rest of the upper body.

9 Incline Chest Supported 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after Keep the arms straight and relaxed in the bottom
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises each set. with the upper body pressed against the bench,
and then pull your arms out and up until they
break horizontal.

10 Dumbbell Triceps 3 x 15 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after Keep the upper arm in the same horizontal plane
Kickbacks arm). doing a set on each arm. the whole time and put the triceps to work by
moving only the forearm and dumbbell.

11 Wide Grip Behind the Neck 4 x max reps. Do one set every two Fully extend the arms in the bottom and make the
Pull Ups minutes. back of the head touch the bar in the top using a
wide grip.

129 / 259

Week 9, Day 3 – Front Squat, Bench Press, Plyometrics, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Behind the Neck Full Grip 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
Front Squats barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
behind the neck and with the elbows pushed up
and pointing forward. You can make it more or
less difficult by experimenting with keeping the
bar in the fingertips, in the palm of your hands,
adding the hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Front Squat 6 x 2 reps at 90% of your Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
1RM front squat. minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

130 / 259

5 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 95% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
3 x 5 reps at 82.5% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of five reps.

6 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

7 High Knees Jump 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Combine jumping as high as possible with pulling
between sets. your knees towards your chest, but be ready to
jump again immediately when you land.

8 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute after Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges doing a set on each leg. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

9a Barbell Roll-Outs 10 rounds not for time: Barbell roll-outs are meant to strengthen your
5 barbell roll-outs + 10 midline, but lat strength and shoulder stability is
seconds hanging L-sit. required for full range of motion. Whatever the
limiting factor is for you, accumulating quality
reps will improve it. If you need to scale, do it by
reducing the range of motion. If doing it from the
knees is not challenging enough, you need to do it

131 / 259

9b Hanging L-sit Keep your arms relaxed, the upper body vertical
and the legs straight and horizontal in front of

132 / 259

Week 9, Day 4 – Deadlift, Rows, Sandbag Carry, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

3 Kang Squat 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Start the rep by bending your legs slightly and
barbell. between sets. tilting the upper body forward with the lower back
completely straight. When you get to the point
where your lower back is about to start rounding
or if your upper body reaches a horizontal plane,
begin tilting the upper body back again while
squatting into the bottom position and pause for
three seconds before coming up in the same way
that you came down. Think of the exercise as a
hybrid between a goodmorning and a back squat.

133 / 259

4 Deadlift with Reset and 3 x 3 reps at 90% of your Do one set every five The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes or faster. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

5 Bent over Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after In order to engage your lats effectively, it's
arm). doing a set on each arm. important that you focus on pulling the elbows
both back and up instead of merely bending the
arms and pulling the dumbells to the chest. If you
feel the lats working during the set, you are doing
it right; if not, you are doing it wrong.

134 / 259

6 Snatch Grip Bent over 12-8-5 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute after In most row variations, the main cue is to pull the
Barbell Rows each set. bar back into the hips with the elbows to isolate
the lats, but this particular variation is different.
Keep the bar under the knees, but without it
touching the floor during the set, and put your
upper back to work by pulling the bar somewhere
between the belly button and solar plexus.

7a Sandbag Overhead Carry 10-20-30-40-30-20-10 Walk at a steady pace with the sandbag overhead.
seconds: Try to get a good position from the start to avoid
Sandbag Overhead Carry making any adjustments during the walk.
Farmers Hold with 32/24
kg KB's

7b Farmers Hold with 10-20-30-40-30-20-10 Keep your legs straight and your upper body
Kettlebells seconds: vertical. Do not lean back or forward, and hold the
Sandbag Overhead Carry kettlebells in a firm grip.
Farmers Hold with 32/24
kg KB's

135 / 259

Week 9, Day 5 – Back Squat, Power Jerk, Plyometrics.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 No Hands Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side without the hands ever touching the floor for
support. Do it slowly and focus on moving the
lower body while keeping the upper body as static
as possible. Keeping the upper body static will
help to isolate the hips, which is the point of the
whole exercise.

3 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every five Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, build to a minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
back squat double at 100% seconds in the top position between reps while
of your 1RM. All sets must keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
doubles. all times.

136 / 259

4 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

5 Paused Power Jerk 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk with a minutes. possible position, you have to pause for three
three seconds pause in the seconds immediately without any positional
catch position. changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

6 Power Jerk 3 x 3 reps at 80% of last Do one set every three If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
weeks 3RM. minutes. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

137 / 259

7 Touch and Go Power Jerk 2 x 10 reps at 60-70% of Rest for two minutes "Touch and go" means that you are not allowed to
last weeks 3RM. Do the between sets. rest with the bar on the shoulders but have to go
first set at 60% and only directly into the next rep. Show control in the top
increase the weight if it position with your legs straight before initiating
feels easy and the the takedown. It's a very common mistake for
technique is on point. The people to let the toes leave the floor, which shifts
sets have to be unbroken the balance back to the heels and is detrimental
and you can rest with the for good balance. Keep the toes in the floor
bar overhead, but not on throughout the entire set.
the shoulders.

8 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

9 Jumping Back Squats 3 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat into the bottom position and jump as high
barbell. between sets. as you can with the bar on the back while keeping
a solid, narrow grip so that you are always in
control of the bar.

10 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges between sets. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

138 / 259

Week 10, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Snatch Pull, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from a narrow
an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have stance while stepping forward with the opposite
to be kept at a minimum. foot from the rotating side of the barbell.

3 Barbell Rotations from Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
to be kept at a minimum. don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

4 Back Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, find a daily minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
max in back squat singles, seconds in the top position between reps while
but without going to failure. keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.
Then 2 x 2 reps at 90% of
today's single.

139 / 259

5 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

6 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

7 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

140 / 259

8 Power Snatch 2 reps at 80% of your 1RM Do one set every two Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
power snatch. minutes. without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
1 rep at 85% of your 1RM deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
power snatch. top position after having showed control for at
1 rep at 90% of your 1RM least one second with your legs completely
power snatch. straight.

x 3 (9 sets in total).

Do one set at 80%, one set

at 85% and finally one set
at 90%. Repeat this three
times. This structure is
called "wave-loading" and a
detailed explanation can be
found in the appendix.

9 Snatch Pull Find your 3RM in snatch Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
pulls, but don't go heavier minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
than 130% of your 1RM extension by extending the entire body, including
snatch. getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

10 Barbell Sidebends 20 sec on / 20 sec off x 4-6 Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
minutes. upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
forward or losing your upright posture.

141 / 259

Week 10, Day 2 – Power Clean, Clean Pull, Strict Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

142 / 259

4 Power Clean 2 reps at 80% of your 1RM Do one set every two Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
power clean. minutes. to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
1 rep at 85% of your 1RM deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
power clean. kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
1 rep at 90% of your 1RM the chest.
power clean. Drop the bar from the top position after showing
control for at least one second with your legs
x 3 (9 sets in total). completely straight.

Do one set at 80%, one set

at 85% and finally one set
at 90%. Repeat this three
times. This structure is
called "wave-loading" and a
detailed explanation can be
found in the appendix.

5 Clean Pull 4-3-2-1 reps at 5kg heavier Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
on every set from last minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
week. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Jerk Grip Overhead Shrugs 25 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
using your jerk grip.

143 / 259

7 Strict Press 8 x 1 rep at 90% of your Do one set every two Keep a full grip on the bar so that you can press
1RM strict press. minutes when doing the more effectively from the upper body. Make sure
3 x 5 reps at 75% of your singles and then switch to that the entire foot, including both the toes and
1RM strict press. three minutes for the sets heels, is in the floor for balance. Engage your
of five reps. midline to avoid any excessive arching of the
Tempo: 20X0. lower back.

8 Incline Chest Supported 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Keep the arms straight and relaxed in the bottom
Dumbbell Front Raises between sets. with the upper body pressed against the bench,
and then pull your arms out and up until they are
aligned with the rest of the upper body.

9 Incline Chest Supported 3 x 8 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Keep the arms straight and relaxed in the bottom
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises between sets. with the upper body pressed against the bench,
and then pull your arms out and up until they
break horizontal.

10 Lying Barbell Triceps 3 x 12 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Lower the bar slowly to the forehead and fully
Extensions between sets. extend the arms in the top. Generally speaking,
you want to keep the elbows somewhat pressed
in to engage your triceps more. That can get really
hard for the elbow joint, so you have to find a
compromise where you feel the triceps working
without it being too painful in the elbows.

11 Wide Grip Behind the Neck 4 x max reps. Do one set every two Fully extend the arms in the bottom and make the
Pull Ups minutes. back of the head touch the bar in the top using a
wide grip.

144 / 259

Week 10, Day 3 – Front Squat, Bench Press, Plyometrics, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Behind the Neck Full Grip 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
Front Squats barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
behind the neck and with the elbows pushed up
and pointing forward. You can make it more or
less difficult by experimenting with keeping the
bar in the fingertips, in the palm of your hands,
adding the hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Front Squat In at least five, but no more Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
than seven sets, find a daily minutes. in the bottom position, and pause for three
max in front squat singles, seconds in the top position while engaging your
but without going to failure. midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.
Then 2 x 2 reps at 90% of
today's single.

145 / 259

5 Bench Press 1 x 1 rep at 97.5% of your Do one set every two Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
1RM bench press. minutes when doing slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
5 x 3 reps at 85% of your singles and then switch to bottom, but with control and balance
1RM bench press. three minutes for the sets demonstrated in the top.
of triples.

6 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

7 Lateral PVC Jumps 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Place a PVC pipe between two benches, jump
between sets. over it laterally without any turning or twisting in
the air and be ready to take off into the next jump
the very moment you land.

8 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute after Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges doing a set on each leg. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

9 Weighted Sit-Ups 4 x 15 weighted sit-ups at Rest for one minute Hold a dumbbell on your chest or behind the neck
AHAFA. between sets. and lock your feet. Keep constant tension in the
abs without giving the muscles a break at any
time, for instance by resting on the floor or sitting
too upright at the top of the rep.

146 / 259

Week 10, Day 4 – Deadlift, Rows, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Kang Squat 2 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Start the rep by bending your legs slightly and
barbell. between sets. tilting the upper body forward with the lower back
completely straight. When you get to the point
where your lower back is about to start rounding
or if your upper body reaches a horizontal plane,
begin tilting the upper body back again while
squatting into the bottom position and pause for
three seconds before coming up in the same way
that you came down. Think of the exercise as a
hybrid between a goodmorning and a back squat.

147 / 259

3 Deadlift with Reset and 3 x 1 rep at 95% of your Do one set every three The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip 1RM deadlift. minutes. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

4 Supinated Bent over Barbell Find your 10RM. Then 2 Do one set every three Keep the upper body in an almost horizontal angle
Rows sets of +10 reps at 80% of minutes. while pulling the elbows not up, but back and into
your 10RM. the hips to engage the lats. Supinated means that
the palm of the hands should be facing away from

148 / 259

5 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 80% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between rounds or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 90% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 100% of max

6a Barbell Wrist Curls 10 barbell wrist curls and Use a narrow grip while keeping the elbows close
then directly into maximum and get the full range of motion in the wrists.
duration dead hang
followed by two minutes
rest and repeated for a
total of four rounds.

6b Dead Hang (without straps) Breathe, relax and make yourself as long as
possible in order to intensify the stretch. You are
not allowed to use straps, but still have to try to
relax while hanging.

149 / 259

Week 10, Day 5 – Back Squat, Power Jerk, Plyometrics.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 No Hands Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side without the hands ever touching the floor for
support. Do it slowly and focus on moving the
lower body while keeping the upper body as static
as possible. Keeping the upper body static will
help to isolate the hips, which is the point of the
whole exercise.

3 Back Squat Find your 1RM back squat. Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

150 / 259

4 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

5 Paused Power Jerk 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk with a minutes. possible position, you have to pause for three
three seconds pause in the seconds immediately without any positional
catch position. changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

6 Power Jerk Find your 2RM in power Do one set every three If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
jerk. Then 5 x 1 rep at 90% minutes when finding your without the hook, which gives you better
of your 2RM. 2RM and then switch to connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
two minutes for the sets of press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
singles. Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

7 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

151 / 259

8 Seated Box Jumps 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Sit on a bench with a box in front of you. Start the
between sets. movement by slowly coming forward and proceed
to jumping up on the box.

9 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges between sets. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

152 / 259

Week 11, Day 1 – Back Squat, Power Snatch, Snatch Pull, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Barbell Rotations Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from a narrow
an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have stance while stepping forward with the opposite
to be kept at a minimum. foot from the rotating side of the barbell.

3 Barbell Rotations from Accumulate 30 reps with If you are unable to go Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position an empty barbell. unbroken the breaks have bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
to be kept at a minimum. don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

4 Back Squat Find your 1RM. Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

153 / 259

5 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

6 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

7 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

8 Power Snatch 3 x 1 rep at 90-95% of your Do one set every two Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
1RM power snatch. Do the minutes. without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
first set at 90% and only deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
increase the weight if it top position after having showed control for at
feels easy and the least one second with your legs completely
technique is on point. straight.

154 / 259

9 Snatch Pull Find your 1RM in snatch Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
pulls, but don't go heavier minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
than 140% of your 1RM extension by extending the entire body, including
snatch. getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

10a Barbell Forward Crawls 5 unbroken sets with an With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
empty barbell: motion forwards in big circles while keeping the
10 Barbell Forward Crawls upper body both vertical so you can feel your core
10 Barbell Backward working.
10 Barbell Sidebends

10b Barbell Backward Crawls 5 unbroken sets with an With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
empty barbell: motion backwards in big circles while keeping the
10 Barbell Forward Crawls upper body vertical so you can feel your core
10 Barbell Backward working.
10 Barbell Sidebends

10c Barbell Sidebends 5 unbroken sets with an Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
empty barbell: upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
10 Barbell Forward Crawls but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
10 Barbell Backward forward or losing your upright posture.
10 Barbell Sidebends

155 / 259

Week 11, Day 2 – Power Clean, Clean Pull, Strict Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

156 / 259

4 Power Clean 3 x 3 reps at 70-75% of Do one set every three Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
your 1RM power clean. minutes in the sets of to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
2 x 2 reps at 80-85% of triples and then switch to deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
your 1RM power clean. one set every two minutes kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
1 x 1 rep at 90-95% of your for the doubles and the last the chest.
1RM power clean. single. Drop the bar from the top position after showing
control for at least one second with your legs
completely straight.

5 Clean Pull 4-3-2-1 rep at 5kg heavier Do one set every two Keep the shoulders over the bar in the starting
on every set from last minutes. position and through the pull and get the full
week. extension by extending the entire body, including
getting up on the toes, while keeping the upper
body vertical instead of opening up the hips and
tilting the upper body back.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

6 Jerk Grip Overhead Shrugs 25 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
using your jerk grip.

7 Strict Press 8 x 1 rep at 92,5% of your Do one set every two Keep a full grip on the bar so that you can press
1RM strict press. minutes in the singles and more effectively from the upper body. Make sure
3 x 3 reps at 80% of your then switch to one set that the entire foot, including both the toes and
1RM strict press. every three minutes for the heels, is in the floor for balance. Engage your
sets of triples. midline to avoid any excessive arching of the
Tempo: 20X0. lower back.

157 / 259

8 Lu Raises 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Hold a plate or dumbbell in each hand and lift your
between sets. arms laterally up and over your head while
keeping the arms straight.

9 Seated Alternating 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute Sit on a bench with the upper body vertical. One
Dumbbell Front Raises hand). between sets. arm at a time, lift the dumbbell up until it breaks
horizontal, but with some rotation, so that the little
finger, and thereby the outer part of the dumbbell,
comes higher than the inside does.

10 Seated Ring Pull Ups 4 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Hang from a pair of rings with the butt just off the
between sets. floor, your feet in front of you on a box with the
upper body vertical and pull your shoulders to the
rings without leaning back.

158 / 259

Week 11, Day 3 – Front Squat, Bench Press, Plyometrics, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 Behind the Neck Full Grip 2 x 5 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat down slowly and stand up fast without a
Front Squats barbell. between sets. pause in the bottom position with the bar resting
behind the neck and with the elbows pushed up
and pointing forward. You can make it more or
less difficult by experimenting with keeping the
bar in the fingertips, in the palm of your hands,
adding the hookgrip, or widening the grip.

4 Front Squat Find your 1RM front squat Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
without going to failure. minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position while engaging your
midline to avoid any arching of the lower back.

159 / 259

5 Bench Press 1 x max unbroken reps at Do one set every three Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
105% of your 1RM bench minutes. slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
press. bottom, but with control and balance
Then 5 x 3 reps at 87.5% of demonstrated in the top.
your 1RM.

6 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

7 High Box Jumps 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Jump up, step down. This exercise is for
between sets. developing explosiveness with the goal of creating
as much force as possible on every jump. Don't
rush it, but focus on quality and be very careful
not to fall and hurt your shins.

8 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute after Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges doing a set on each leg. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

9 Weighted Sit-Ups 4 x 15 weighted sit-ups at Rest for one minute Hold a dumbbell on your chest or behind the neck
AHAFA. between sets. and lock your feet. Keep constant tension in the
abs without giving the muscles a break at any
time, for instance by resting on the floor or sitting
too upright at the top of the rep.

160 / 259

Week 11, Day 4 – Rows, Triceps Extension, Front Rack Hold, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Pronated Bent over Barbell Find your 5RM. Then two Do one set every two Use a shoulder width pronated grip with your legs
Rows sets of +5 reps at 80% of minutes. slightly bent. The upper body should be tilted over
your 5RM. the bar in an almost horizontal plane and the
lower back flat with the chin tucked so that the
spine is aligned. Pull the barbell towards your
chest without changing the angle of the upper
body and keep the elbows close to the body to
engage the lats.

3 Barbell Triceps Extensions 4 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Lower the bar behind your head and straighten
between sets. the arms completely in the top using a narrow

4 Single Arm Dumbbell 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA (each Rest for one minute after Do the exercise standing, slowly and with full
Triceps Extensions arm). doing a set on each arm. range of motion by trying to get the lowest part of
the dumbbell to softly touch the top of the spine in
the bottom and then straighten the arm
completely in the top.

161 / 259

5 Front Rack Hold 10 sec at 85% of max Rest for three minutes Get a good grip on the bar, place it comfortably on
weight. between rounds or faster. the shoulders the first time to avoid making any
10 sec at 95% of max corrections and stand straight as an arrow for the
weight. full duration of the set.
10 sec at 105% of max

6a Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls 10 reverse barbell wrist Use a narrow grip while keeping the elbows close
curls and then directly into and get the full range of motion by curling the
max hex hold followed by wrists higher than the line of the forearms.
two minutes rest and
repeated for a total of four

6b Hex Hold Watch the instructional video and notice how

Mike grabs the dumbbell with all fingers while
keeping his entire body straight as an arrow.

162 / 259

Week 11, Day 5 – Back Squat, Power Jerk, Plyometrics.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side with the hands on the floor for support. Do it
slowly and focus on moving the lower body while
keeping the upper body as static as possible.
Keeping the upper body static will help to isolate
the hips, which is the point of the whole exercise.

3 Back Squat Find your 1RM. Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

4 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

163 / 259

5 Paused Power Jerk 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk with a minutes. possible position, you have to pause for three
three seconds pause in the seconds immediately without any positional
catch position. changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

6 Power Jerk 3 x 2 reps at 80% of last Do one set every two If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
weeks 2RM. minutes. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

7 Touch and Go Power Jerk 10 reps at 65-70% of last "Touch and go" means that you are not allowed to
weeks 2RM. The set has to rest with the bar on the shoulders but have to go
be unbroken and you can directly into the next rep. Show control in the top
rest with the bar overhead, position with your legs straight before initiating
but not on the shoulders. the takedown. It's a very common mistake for
people to let the toes leave the floor, which shifts
the balance back to the heels and is detrimental
for good balance. Keep the toes in the floor
throughout the entire set.

8 "Dynamic Warm-Up: Calf 2 rounds not for time: Take the warmup seriously in order to reduce the
Raises + Jumping Air 15 calf raises + 10 jumping risk of injury, which is particularly important in
Squats + Box Jumps" air squats + 5 box jumps. plyometrics.

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9 Jumping Back Squats 3 x 10 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Squat into the bottom position and jump as high
barbell. between sets. as you can with the bar on the back while keeping
a solid, narrow grip so that you are always in
control of the bar.

10 Bodyweight Jumping 3 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Jump as high as you can from the bottom of a
Lunges between sets. lunge and change position in the air so that you
land with the opposite leg forward and ready to
jump again.

165 / 259

Week 12, Day 1 – Power Snatch, Snatch, Back Squat, Core.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Overhead Elbow Rotations 2 x 20 reps with an empty Rest for one minute Isolate the elbows and rotate them slowly back
barbell. between sets. and forth while keeping the wrists straight, the
shoulders relaxed and the bar in the same
position overhead.

3 Empty Barbell Complex: 5 Two unbroken sets. Rest for one minute Each set is done with an empty barbell, performed
Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 between sets. unbroken and with one exercise following the next
Snatch Grip Behind the without putting the bar down.
Neck Push Press + 5
Overhead Squats

4 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Snatch Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Snatch Pull.
B. Muscle Snatch.
C. Paused Power Snatch.
D. Paused Deep Power Snatch.
E. Paused Snatch.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM snatch.

166 / 259

5 Power Snatch Find your 1RM power Do one set every two Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
snatch. When you reach minutes. without swinging, but then gradually catch the bar
max then continue to add deeper as it gets heavier. Drop the bar from the
weight and find your 1RM top position after having showed control for at
snatch. least one second with your legs completely
Then 2 x 2 power snatches
at 85-90% of your 1RM
power snatch.

6 Barbell Rotations from 20 reps with an empty Rotate the barbell from side to side from the
Bottom Position barbell. bottom position. Keep the reps controlled so you
don't end up hurting your lower back, and make
sure that you maintain good posture while
rotating. Unless you are very flexible, you
shouldn't expect the same range of motion as
when doing it standing.

7 Back Squat Build to 85% of your 1RM Rest for two minutes Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
Do one set every two Squat between sets. in the bottom position, and pause for three
down slowly, stand up fast seconds in the top position between reps while
without a for a single. keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

8 Snatch High Pulls 4 x 3 reps at 55% of your Rest for two minutes Pull the bar to the chest or higher. As you do that,
1RM power snatch. between sets. make sure that the elbows are coming up, not
back, and that they are higher than the hands.
Straps are allowed and recommended.

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9a Barbell Forward Crawls 1 min Barbell Forward With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
Crawls motion forwards in big circles while keeping the
1 min Barbell Backward upper body both vertical so you can feel your core
Crawls working.
1 min Barbell Sidebends

Use an empty barbell and

go unbroken for all 3

9b Barbell Backward Crawls 1 min Barbell Forward With the barbell on your back, move in a crawling
Crawls motion backwards in big circles while keeping the
1 min Barbell Backward upper body vertical so you can feel your core
Crawls working.
1 min Barbell Sidebends

Use an empty barbell and

go unbroken for all 3

9c Barbell Sidebends 1 min Barbell Forward Lower the bar from side to side by bending your
Crawls upper body while pushing the opposite hip out,
1 min Barbell Backward but get the range of motion laterally without tilting
Crawls forward or losing your upright posture.
1 min Barbell Sidebends

Use an empty barbell and

go unbroken for all 3

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Week 12, Day 2 – Rest Day or Active Recovery.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Active Recovery Free of choice if you want a An active recovery session is not meant to be
rest day or do today's hard but is intended to prepare you adequately for
active recovery: upcoming training. You need to get the blood
flowing and to get sweaty, but you are not
On the minute for 24 supposed to get exhausted or sore from it.
1) Easy bike
2) Barbell Yoga

2a Barbell Yoga Unbroken. 60 seconds. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2b Assault Bike Easy pace. 60 seconds. Think of your entire body as one unit and use both
the legs and upper body to generate power in a
nice flow.

3 Horizontal GHD Sit-Ups 20 seconds on / 40 Instead of going all the way down and touching
seconds off for a total of the floor with the hands, lower yourself
6-8 rounds. horizontally to the floor and keep the tension in
the abs at all times.

169 / 259

Week 12, Day 3 – Power Clean, Strict Press, Bodybuilding.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v3) 60 seconds of Place the bar behind the neck and lift both elbows
uninterrupted work. up simultaneously to open up the front rack. You
can make it more or less difficult by
experimenting with keeping the bar in the
fingertips, in the palm of your hands, adding the
hookgrip, or widening the grip.

3 The Weightlifting 101 Do one set every 90 The routine is as follows:

Power Clean Warm-Up seconds. A. No Heels Clean Pull.
B. Muscle Clean.
C. Paused Power Clean.

Do each exercise for 2 sets of 3 reps at 30% of

your 1RM clean & jerk. Take the bar down and
reset in the starting position after each rep
without dropping except for the last lift in a set.

170 / 259

4 Power Clean Find your 1RM. Do one set every two Keep your shoulders over the bar in the pull phase
minutes. to avoid leaning back. The catch can gradually get
deeper as it gets heavier, but the bar should be
kept on the shoulders and not land or slide down
the chest.
Drop the bar from the top position after showing
control for at least one second with your legs
completely straight.

5 Jerk Grip Overhead Shrugs 25 unbroken reps with an Lift your shoulders slowly up towards the ears
empty barbell. and down again while maintaining a good lockout
using your jerk grip.

6 Strict Press Find your 1RM in strict Do one set every two Keep a full grip on the bar so that you can press
press from rack. minutes. more effectively from the upper body. Make sure
that the entire foot, including both the toes and
heels, is in the floor for balance. Engage your
midline to avoid any excessive arching of the
lower back.

7 Seated Dumbbell Strict 3 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Get the full range of motion by getting the bottom
Press between sets. of the inside of the dumbbell to touch the
shoulder in the bottom of the movement and by
locking out the arms in the top. Engage your
midline to avoid arching the lower back.

8 Face Pulls 3 x 30 reps. Rest for one minute Pull a resistance band towards your face in a
between sets. controlled motion with your hands shoulder width
apart, palms facing down and your elbows high.

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9 Weighted Dips Find your 3RM. Do one set every three Even though the dips are now weighted, you still
minutes or faster. need to get the full range of motion by getting the
upper arm below a horizontal angle in the bottom
and straightening the arms completely in the top.

10 Seated Ring Pull Ups 5 x 10 reps. Rest for one minute Hang from a pair of rings with the butt just off the
between sets. floor, your feet in front of you on a box with the
upper body vertical and pull your shoulders to the
rings without leaning back.

11 Seated Alternating 4 x 10 reps at AHAFA. Rest for one minute Do every rep with full range of motion while
Dumbbell Biceps Curl between sets. keeping the upper body vertical instead of tilting
back and forth. Completely finish the rep on one
arm before you begin the next rep on the other

172 / 259

Week 12, Day 4 – Back Squat, Bench Press, 10-1.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side with the hands on the floor for support. Do it
slowly and focus on moving the lower body while
keeping the upper body as static as possible.
Keeping the upper body static will help to isolate
the hips, which is the point of the whole exercise.

3 No Hands Hip Flow 20 unbroken reps. Sit on the floor and move your knees from side to
side without the hands ever touching the floor for
support. Do it slowly and focus on moving the
lower body while keeping the upper body as static
as possible. Keeping the upper body static will
help to isolate the hips, which is the point of the
whole exercise.

4 Back Squat Find your 1RM. Do one set every three Squat down slowly, stand up fast without a pause
minutes or faster. in the bottom position, and pause for three
seconds in the top position between reps while
keeping both the heels and toes in the ground at
all times.

173 / 259

5 Shoulder Dislocations 2 x 10 reps with a PVC Rest for one minute Hold a PVC pipe in front of you with the hands in a
pipe. between sets. wide grip. Slowly reach the arms overhead and
then back behind you while keeping the arms
straight and then bring it back in front again.
Narrow the grip after each rep, but focus on
accumulating quality reps by keeping the grip a bit
too wide than a bit too narrow.

6 Bench Press Find your 1RM. Do one set every three Don't slam the bar into your chest, but lower it
minutes. slowly and press it up fast without pausing in the
bottom, but with control and balance
demonstrated in the top.

7 10-1 10-1 reps not for time, but First do 10 reps of the prescribed exercise(s), then
for quality. 9, 8, etc.

7a Pronated Bent over Barbell AHAFA. Do all sets Use a shoulder width pronated grip with your legs
Rows unbroken. slightly bent. The upper body should be tilted over
the bar in an almost horizontal plane and the
lower back flat with the chin tucked so that the
spine is aligned. Pull the barbell towards your
chest without changing the angle of the upper
body and keep the elbows close to the body to
engage the lats.

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7b Weighted GHD Hip- Only add weight if you are You need to use a setup that allows for the hips
Extensions able to do all the sets and upper body to move freely up and down
unbroken, but don't make it holding a plate on your chest or an empty bar
too hard. If you do add behind the neck. In the bottom, the upper body
weight, it should be the has to be vertical and in the top, you need to break
same through all the sets. horizontal.
If you went too heavy,
however, you can go down
in weight, but you are not
supposed to add more
weight as the reps in each
set decrease.

7c Chin Ups Break up the sets as Fully extend the arms in the bottom, get the chin
needed. over the bar in the top, and use a narrow
supinated grip with the palms facing you.

175 / 259

Week 12, Day 5 – Power Jerk, Deadlift, Grip.

Set Exercise/ Video Sets/ Reps/ Load Timing Description

1 Barbell Yoga 5 minutes unbroken. Stretch, move and mobilise with an empty barbell
without putting it down at any point. Look for
positions restricted by sore muscles or a lack of
flexibility and hammer away.

2 Front Rack Opener (v2) 60 seconds of Keep a full clean grip on the bar, which means
uninterrupted work. that it has to be placed in the palm of the hands
instead of the fingertips. This can include the
hook if you already have good front rack flexibility.
Push the elbows as high as possible without
losing the grip, and then lower the elbows to
regain the grip in case you lost it to complete the

3 Paused Power Jerk 3 x 5 reps at 30% of your Do one set every two While the goal is to catch the bar in the best
1RM power jerk with a minutes. possible position, you have to pause for three
three seconds pause in the seconds immediately without any positional
catch position. changes. If you realize while counting that the
position could be better in one way or the other,
it's on the next rep or the next set that the change
has to be made.

176 / 259

4 Power Jerk Find your 1RM. Do one set every two If you are sufficiently flexible, try using a full grip
minutes. without the hook, which gives you better
connection with the bar and allow for a stronger
press from the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Always keep in mind that it's the legs more than
anything else that are the real generators of

5 Jefferson Curls 10 unbroken reps with an Rest for one minute Slowly move the bar towards the floor and draw
empty barbell. between sets. your chest to your knees by rounding the entire
upper body while keeping the legs straight. Pause
in the bottom and then come up again slowly.

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6 Deadlift with Reset and Find your 1RM. Do one set every three The main purpose of deadlifts in the context of
Mixed Grip minutes. weightlifting is to make the lower back stronger
from a rigid position, which means that your lower
back needs to be straight and strong in the
starting position. You are only allowed to round a
little bit as it gets heavier, but not very much.
Many people are only able to pull heavy from the
floor by sacrificing the straight lower back and
rounding right from the start, which will indeed
make them stronger at pulling from the floor with
a round back, but what we are looking for is to
increase the strength with proper form.
The mixed grip tends to be stronger than the
double overhand, with or without the hook, so to
avoid the grip being the limiting factor, we are
going to use that. If you have a really strong grip
and prefer to use double overhand, you are
allowed. Lower the bar from the top without
dropping and reset from the floor.

7 Touch and Go Deadlift One set of max reps at 80% Lower the bar in a controlled fashion and maintain
of your 1RM. good posture in the upper body. Both plates
should touch the floor at the same time without
any smashing into the floor. Once the plates
touch the floor, start pulling immediately without
the need for any positional corrections.

178 / 259

8 Dead Hang from Fingertips Max effort. Two minutes rest after Breathe, relax and make yourself as long as
completing the set. possible to intensify the stretch while hanging in
the fingertips, not in the palm of the hand or by
using straps.

9 Pinch Hold with Plates Max effort with 2 x 15/10kg Two minutes rest after Watch the instructional video and notice how
plates. completing the set. Mike is grabbing the plates with the fingertips
while keeping his entire body straight as an arrow.

10 Farmers Hold with Max effort with 2 x 32/24kg The end. Keep your legs straight and your upper body
Kettlebells kettlebells. vertical. Do not lean back or forward, and hold the
kettlebells in a firm grip.

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When the warm-up is over and you begin to increase the weight, it is paramount that you maintain good technique. Good technique allows you to lift
heavier weights and at the same time it reduces the risk of injury. To become a great technician, it is of key importance that you abstain from bad
technical lifts altogether, regardless of the weight. Every time you execute a good technical lift, you take a step towards becoming a better technician
and every time you execute a lift poorly, you take a step in the opposite direction. It’s really as simple as that.
Each lift plays an important role in reinforcing either good or bad technique. The goal is to always be technical, whatever the weight.

Throughout this program, when you start increasing the weight to find, say, your 8RM push press, the goal is not to go as heavy as possible, but to go
as heavy as possible within a framework of good technique. If that results in a reduction in weight, it is simply a sensible short term sacrifice for a
greater long term gain.

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An important component to Weightlifting 101 in both the online programs and the real life coaching is a strict adherence to correct technique, which
shines through in the “No-Rep Rules”. The rules state that if you execute a lift poorly, it doesn’t count. In addition, if the incorrectly executed rep was
part of a set of multiple reps, then the entire set is no-repped and has to be performed again. If you fail a lift outright below 90% of your 1RM, you have
to do ten down-ups before you may continue lifting.

What are the main mistakes to avoid?

(1) Taking a step forward or back in the overhead squat portion of the snatch or any variations thereof. For example, if you take a step forward in a
power snatch that would also be a no-rep even though it’s neither a snatch nor a full overhead squat.
(2) Missing the bounce in the clean or stepping forward or back in the front squat portion of the lift.
(3) Forgetting to re-grip when going from the clean into the jerk. Some people don’t regrip at all in the clean & jerk and if that is the case for you then
the rule of course doesn’t apply. (4) Recovering the feet in the wrong order in the split or losing your balance altogether and running around all over the

Holding yourself to a higher standard can be difficult in the beginning and frustrating at times, but there are no shortcuts to technical mastery.

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To ensure that the sets are done in the correct order, it is important to understand the concept of “waves”. A wave consists of multiple sets of the
same exercise, but with variation of either the rep-scheme, loading, or both.

The following is a classic example:

3 waves of:
3 reps at 75% of your 1RM split jerk.
2 reps at 80% of your 1RM split jerk.
1 rep at 85% of your 1RM Split Jerk.

First do a set of triples at 75%, then a set of doubles at 80% and finally a single rep at 85% to complete the first wave. In this example, three sets make
up one wave. Drop down from 85% to 75% to begin the second wave.

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AHAFA stands for "as heavy as form allows". This means that you have to go as heavy as you can, but without the technique coming apart. The goal is
to stop before that happens instead of finishing with a few bad sets. You should know your limit and avoid stepping over it.

183 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the muscle snatch, the catch position of the paused power snatch and paused deep power snatch, and in
the bottom position of the paused snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down without dropping and reset in the starting position. You are only allowed to
drop the bar after the last rep.

In the paused power snatches, paused deep power snatches and paused snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by
the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count.
Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you do touch and go reps instead of resetting in the starting position, the entire
set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then

184 / 259

results in a jump forward.

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted

Muscle Snatch
For women in particular, the muscle snatches can be a lot more physically challenging than the other exercises, and if the weight is too heavy, it’s
impossible to practice the technique effectively.

While you have to keep the big plates in order to get the right starting position from the floor, you can change the bar to a lighter one if you have one at
your disposal and judge it to be necessary.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Paused Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

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If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

Paused Deep Power Snatch

In this version, the catch has to be deeper, but everything else stays the same. You make the catch deeper by getting the butt closer to the floor while
trying to keep the upper body vertical. You might not be able to avoid it tilting forward, and that's alright, but you have to try and limit the extent of it.

It’s important to catch the bar sufficiently deep, without making any positional changes, so that you can start counting to three immediately. If you feel
that you are a bit too high, a bit too low, or too narrow or wide on the feet, take note of it and try to correct it on the following rep, but wherever you
catch the bar that’s where you have to stay while counting.

Paused Snatch
When going from a power snatch to a deep power snatch or from a deep power snatch to a snatch, it’s important not to reduce the length of the pull
phase in order to catch the bar deeper. The goal is to have the same pull phase in all three lifts, regardless of where you catch the bar, but you can and
should reduce the power output, which is exactly what will allow you to catch the bar low despite finishing the pull.

If you can catch the bar in your bottom position, you can immediately start counting to three, but if you catch it higher, you first have to ride it into the
bottom position before starting to count.

The bottom position should be as deep as possible while trying to keep the lower back straight. It’s a common mistake to not squat all the way down
when the weight is light, but you need to get strong, stable and confident in the deepest position, which you'll need when it gets heavy.

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In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the low hang position, the bar has to get visibly below the knees, and the depth should come from gradually bending the legs instead of keeping
them almost straight and tilting the upper body more over the bar.

Use an empty barbell for the entire warm-up.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the low hang muscle snatch, the catch position of the paused low hang power snatch and paused low hang
deep power snatch, and in the bottom position of the paused low hang snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but don't rush it. Take the bar down and reset at the hips.

In the paused power snatches, paused deep power snatches and paused snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by
the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count.
Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or lower the bar too much with the result that one or more plate(s) touch(es) the
floor, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

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No Heels Low Hang Snatch Pulls
When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact.

Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Low Hang Muscle Snatch

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Paused Low Hang Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to

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this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

Paused Low Hang Deep Power Snatch

In this version, the catch has to be deeper, but everything else stays the same. You make the catch deeper by getting the butt closer to the floor while
trying to keep the upper body vertical. You might not be able to avoid it tilting forward, and that's alright, but you have to try and limit the extent of it.

It’s important to catch the bar sufficiently deep, without making any positional changes, so that you can start counting to three immediately. If you feel
that you are a bit too high, a bit too low, or too narrow or wide on the feet, take note of it and try to correct it on the following rep, but wherever you
catch the bar that’s where you have to stay while counting.

Paused Low Hang Snatch

When going from a power snatch to a deep power snatch or from a deep power snatch to a snatch, it’s important not to reduce the length of the pull
phase in order to catch the bar deeper. The goal is to have the same pull phase in all three lifts, regardless of where you catch the bar, but you can and
should reduce the power output, which is exactly what will allow you to catch the bar low despite finishing the pull.

If you can catch the bar in your bottom position, you can immediately start counting to three, but if you catch it higher, you first have to ride it into the
bottom position before starting to count.

The bottom position should be as deep as possible while trying to keep the lower back straight. It’s a common mistake to not squat all the way down
when the weight is light, but you need to get strong, stable and confident in the deepest position, which you'll need when it gets heavy.

189 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use an empty barbell for the entire warm-up.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the hang muscle snatch, the catch position of the paused hang power snatch and paused deep hang power
snatch, and in the bottom position of the paused hang snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down and reset at the hips.

In the paused power snatches, paused deep power snatches and paused snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by
the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count.
Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you do touch and go reps instead of resetting at the hips, the entire set is
cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Hang Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

190 / 259

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted

Hang Muscle Snatch

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Paused Hang Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

191 / 259

Paused Hang Deep Power Snatch
In this version, the catch has to be deeper, but everything else stays the same. You make the catch deeper by getting the butt closer to the floor while
trying to keep the upper body vertical. You might not be able to avoid it tilting forward, and that's alright, but you have to try and limit the extent of it.

It’s important to catch the bar sufficiently deep, without making any positional changes, so that you can start counting to three immediately. If you feel
that you are a bit too high, a bit too low, or too narrow or wide on the feet, take note of it and try to correct it on the following rep, but wherever you
catch the bar that’s where you have to stay while counting.

Paused Hang Snatch

When going from a power snatch to a deep power snatch or from a deep power snatch to a snatch, it’s important not to reduce the length of the pull
phase in order to catch the bar deeper. The goal is to have the same pull phase in all three lifts, regardless of where you catch the bar, but you can and
should reduce the power output, which is exactly what will allow you to catch the bar low despite finishing the pull.

If you can catch the bar in your bottom position, you can immediately start counting to three, but if you catch it higher, you first have to ride it into the
bottom position before starting to count.

The bottom position should be as deep as possible while trying to keep the lower back straight. It’s a common mistake to not squat all the way down
when the weight is light, but you need to get strong, stable and confident in the deepest position, which you'll need when it gets heavy.

192 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the muscle snatch, the catch position of the paused power snatch and paused deep power snatch, and in
the bottom position of the paused snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps unbroken in an unbroken set and as touch and go. Take the bar down, reset at the hips and lower the bar precisely so that you are in a
perfect starting position the moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You are only allowed to drop the
bar after the last rep.

In the paused tng power snatches, paused tng deep power snatches and paused tng snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with
the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does
not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you forget to do a rep as touch and go and instead pause on the floor, the
entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Touch and Go Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different

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approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted

Touch and Go Muscle Snatch

For women in particular, the muscle snatches can be a lot more physically challenging than the other exercises, and if the weight is too heavy, it’s
impossible to practice the technique effectively.

While you have to keep the big plates in order to get the right starting position from the floor, you can change the bar to a lighter one if you have one at
your disposal and judge it to be necessary.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Touch and Go Paused Power Snatch

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

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Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

Touch and Go Paused Deep Power Snatch

In this version, the catch has to be deeper, but everything else stays the same. You make the catch deeper by getting the butt closer to the floor while
trying to keep the upper body vertical. You might not be able to avoid it tilting forward, and that's alright, but you have to try and limit the extent of it.

It’s important to catch the bar sufficiently deep, without making any positional changes, so that you can start counting to three immediately. If you feel
that you are a bit too high, a bit too low, or too narrow or wide on the feet, take note of it and try to correct it on the following rep, but wherever you
catch the bar that’s where you have to stay while counting.

Touch and Go Paused Snatch

When going from a power snatch to a deep power snatch or from a deep power snatch to a snatch, it’s important not to reduce the length of the pull
phase in order to catch the bar deeper. The goal is to have the same pull phase in all three lifts, regardless of where you catch the bar, but you can and
should reduce the power output, which is exactly what will allow you to catch the bar low despite finishing the pull.

If you can catch the bar in your bottom position, you can immediately start counting to three, but if you catch it higher, you first have to ride it into the
bottom position before starting to count.

The bottom position should be as deep as possible while trying to keep the lower back straight. It’s a common mistake to not squat all the way down
when the weight is light, but you need to get strong, stable and confident in the deepest position, which you'll need when it gets heavy.

195 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the muscle snatch and in the catch position of the paused power snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down without dropping and reset in the starting position. You are only allowed to
drop the bar after the last rep.

In the paused power snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out
your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid
it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you do touch and go reps instead of resetting in the starting position, the entire
set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

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This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted

Muscle Snatch
For women in particular, the muscle snatches can be a lot more physically challenging than the other exercises, and if the weight is too heavy, it’s
impossible to practice the technique effectively.

While you have to keep the big plates in order to get the right starting position from the floor, you can change the bar to a lighter one if you have one at
your disposal and judge it to be necessary.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Paused Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

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If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

198 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the low hang position, the bar has to get visibly below the knees, and the depth should come from gradually bending the legs instead of keeping
them almost straight and tilting the upper body more over the bar.

Use an empty barbell for the entire warm-up.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the low hang muscle snatch and the catch position of the paused low hang power snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but don't rush it. Take the bar down and reset at the hips.

In the paused power snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out
your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it.
Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or lower the bar too much with the result that one or more plate(s) touch(es) the
floor, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Low Hang Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different

199 / 259

approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact.

Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Low Hang Muscle Snatch

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Low Hang Paused Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

200 / 259

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the low hang power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure
to pull it high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

201 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use an empty barbell for the entire warm-up.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the hang muscle snatch and in the catch position of the paused hang power snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down and reset at the hips.

In the paused hang power snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump
out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to
avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you do touch and go reps instead of resetting at the hips, the entire set is
cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Hang Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then
results in a jump forward.

202 / 259

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted

Hang Muscle Snatch

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the hang snatch pulls. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length and not the
direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Hang Paused Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

203 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come and provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better than

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout of the muscle snatch and in the catch position of the paused power snatch.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps unbroken in an unbroken set and as touch and go. Take the bar down, reset at the hips and lower the bar precisely so that you are in a
perfect starting position the moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You are only allowed to drop the
bar after the last rep.

In the paused tng power snatches, you have to draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump
out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to
avoid it. Check the line from the top position and not from the catch position.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you forget to do a rep as touch and go and instead pause on the floor, the
entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Heels Touch and Go Snatch Pulls

When you do a snatch pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up, we take a different
approach. A very common and detrimental technical error is to open up the hips too much, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward, which then

204 / 259

results in a jump forward.

This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by keeping the heels in the ground we are
taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the heels leave the floor.

The bar must touch the sweet spot in either the hips or the top of the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is
contact, but only of where the contact happens to be. The contact should be the bar sliding over the hips without a sound, bang or any pain resulting
from the impact.

Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows pointing up instead of back, and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Touch and Go Muscle Snatch

For women in particular, the muscle snatches can be a lot more physically challenging than the other exercises, and if the weight is too heavy, it’s
impossible to practice the technique effectively. While you have to keep the big plates in order to get the right starting position from the floor, you can
change the bar to a lighter one if you have one at your disposal and judge it to be necessary.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but this is not an invitation to push the hips forward or to tilt the upper body
back. The direction of the pull should be the same in both the snatch pull and the muscle snatch. Getting up on the toes should only affect the length
and not the direction of the pull.

Pause for three seconds in the lockout and make sure that each foot, with both the toes and heels, is fully grounded on the floor while counting.

Touch and Go Paused Power Snatch

Draw a straight line with chalk. Start with the toes by the line and then stay by the line when you jump out your feet in order to catch the bar. If you
jump forward, the lift is no-repped and does not count. Jumping slightly back is acceptable, but try to avoid it. Check the line from the top position and
not from the catch position.

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in overhead squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep, and pause for three seconds in the catch before standing up and taking the bar down. If you prefer to use the same
stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump.

205 / 259

The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet
grounded throughout the lift.

Furthermore, it is a common mistake to catch the bar too low in the power snatch and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull. Be sure to pull it
high and catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward.

206 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean, in the catch position of the paused power clean and the paused clean, and in the split
of all paused split jerks.

Do one full rep and then take the bar down to reset in the starting position from the floor. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep. Finish
all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, especially when the front squat is added, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the
grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip
can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to
the paused split jerks where you should keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the clean variations “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase,
but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical
instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, do touch and go reps instead of
resetting in the starting position, recover the feet in the wrong order when moving from the split to parallel in the paused split jerks, or if you lose your
balance and have to move a foot to regain it or start running around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you
outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

207 / 259

Muscle Clean + Paused Split Jerk
Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are
bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

While you need to keep the full grip including the hook in the muscle clean and all other clean variations in the warm-up, remember that you have to
release the hook before initiating the jerk.

Paused Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

In general, your starting position not just in the paused power clean, but also in the paused clean and clean, should be narrower than your catch
position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the
catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only
exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded
throughout the lift.

From the split you have to check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to correct it without
moving your foot. You do that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out, you’ll also have to
correct that before starting the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up and only do the
counting from the correct split position.

However, in weightlifting things are often interrelated and a good rule of thumb is that “the better the dip-and drive is the better the split will be.” It is
therefore important that you keep your upper body straight as an arrow in the front rack, before initiating the dip- and drive. In order to maintain that
angle, you have to be able to move the toes in your shoes, which ensures that your balance is sufficiently back on the heels, and you should almost
feel that the upper body is slightly tilted back. As you start bending the legs, it’s important to keep the upper body in the same vertical angle instead of
tilting it forward, which will result in the bar being propelled forward rather than up.

208 / 259

Paused Clean + Paused Split Jerk
The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to go
directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

No matter how tired you get during the warm-up, it’s important that your technique stays the same, and if it changes it should only be for the better.
This also applies to the height of the catch position of the paused power cleans, paused cleans and cleans, and for the the depth of the split in the
paused split jerks. The catch position in all the clean variations should be the same whether or not it’s the first, second or third rep, and the split should
be relatively high on all reps, too, in order to ensure that you get the full leg-drive in the dip-and drive phase.

Clean + Paused Split Jerk

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best.

Now that you are doing the full clean & jerk, it doesn’t suffice to do the two components of the lifts correctly, however, it’s also important that you
transition effortlessly from the clean into the front rack position, so that you are fully ready for the jerk without having to make any positional changes
first. You have to be serious about this part during the warm-up as it gets progressively more important with the weight increasing, but at the same
time harder to practice. Get it right now so that you know how to do it later when it really counts.

209 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean, in the catch position of the paused power clean and the paused clean, and in the split
of all paused split jerks.

First do all the cleans and then all the jerks in a set. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep. Finish all sets of an exercise before moving
on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, especially when the front squat is added, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the
grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip
can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to
the paused split jerks where you should keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the clean variations “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase,
but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical
instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, do touch and go reps instead of
resetting in the starting position, recover the feet in the wrong order when moving from the split to parallel in the paused split jerks, or if you lose your
balance and have to move a foot to regain it or start running around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you
outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

210 / 259

Muscle Clean + Paused Split Jerk
Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are
bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

While you need to keep the full grip including the hook in the muscle clean and all other clean variations in the warm-up, remember that you have to
release the hook before initiating the jerk.

Paused Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

In general, your starting position not just in the paused power clean, but also in the paused clean and clean, should be narrower than your catch
position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the
catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only
exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded
throughout the lift.
From the split you have to check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to correct it without
moving your foot. You do that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out, you’ll also have to
correct that before starting the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up and only do the
counting from the correct split position.

However, in weightlifting things are often interrelated and a good rule of thumb is that “the better the dip-and drive is the better the split will be.” It is
therefore important that you keep your upper body straight as an arrow in the front rack, before initiating the dip- and drive. In order to maintain that
angle, you have to be able to move the toes in your shoes, which ensures that your balance is sufficiently back on the heels, and you should almost
feel that the upper body is slightly tilted back. As you start bending the legs, it’s important to keep the upper body in the same vertical angle instead of
tilting it forward, which will result in the bar being propelled forward rather than up.

211 / 259

Paused Clean + Paused Split Jerk
The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to go
directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

No matter how tired you get during the warm-up, it’s important that your technique stays the same, and if it changes it should only be for the better.
This also applies to the height of the catch position of the paused power cleans, paused cleans and cleans, and for the the depth of the split in the
paused split jerks. The catch position in all the clean variations should be the same whether or not it’s the first, second or third rep, and the split should
be relatively high on all reps, too, in order to ensure that you get the full leg-drive in the dip-and drive phase.

Clean + Paused Split Jerk

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best.

Now that you are first doing all the cleans and then all the split jerks, instead of doing one full lift at the time, it’s important that you are taking the bar
down both efficiently and safely in both lifts. With the weight increasing you’ll easily end up wasting a lot of energy if you are not good at taking the bar
down in the cleans, but in the split jerks it’s outright dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Remember that it’s here in the warm-up, that you
really have to practice and try to get it right, so that you can maintain good technique with the weight increasing.

212 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.
Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean, in the catch position of the paused power clean and the paused clean, and in the split
of all paused split jerks.
First do all the cleans in an unbroken set as touch and go where you patiently take the bar down and reset on the thighs and focus on lowering the bar
precisely, so that you are in a perfect starting position the moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You
likewise have to do the jerks in an unbroken set of touch and go. Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, especially when the front squat is added, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the
grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip
can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to
the paused split jerks where you should keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the clean variations “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase,
but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical
instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, forget to do touch and go reps
and instead pause in the starting position or in the front rack, recover the feet in the wrong order when moving from the split to parallel in the paused
split jerks, or if you lose your balance and have to move a foot to regain it or start running around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must
be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

213 / 259

Muscle Clean + Paused Split Jerk
Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward both when lowering the bar to the floor and when pulling the bar from the starting
position to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and
closer to vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are
bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

While you need to keep the full grip including the hook in the muscle clean and all other clean variations in the warm-up, remember that you have to
release the hook before initiating the jerk.

When you take the bar down from the lockout to the shoulders after the first jerk, you have to receive it in the bottom of the dip, so that you are ready
to immediately continue with the drive. Be careful not to make the bottom of the dip too low, as that makes it very difficult to maintain good posture
and drive explosively from the legs in the drive. Maintain balance by making sure that both the toes and the heels are solidly grounded and that your
upper body is in a vertical angle, neither tilted back or forwards, which also plays a decisive role in propelling the bar in the right direction in the drive

Paused Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

In general, your starting position not just in the paused power clean, but also in the paused clean and clean, should be narrower than your catch
position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the
catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only
exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded
throughout the lift.

From the split you have to check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to correct it without
moving your foot. You do that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out, you’ll also have to
correct that before starting the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up and only do the
counting from the correct split position.

214 / 259

Paused Clean + Paused Split Jerk
The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to go
directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

No matter how tired you get during the warm-up, it’s important that your technique stays the same, and if it changes it should only be for the better.
This also applies to the height of the catch position of the paused power cleans, paused cleans and cleans, and for the the depth of the split in the
paused split jerks. The catch position in all the clean variations should be the same whether or not it’s the first, second or third rep, and the split should
be relatively high on all reps, too, in order to ensure that you get the full leg-drive in the dip-and drive phase.

Clean + Paused Split Jerk

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best.

Now that you are doing all the reps as touch and go, it’s important that you are taking the bar down both efficiently and safely in both lifts. With the
weight increasing you’ll easily end up wasting a lot of energy if you are not good at taking the bar down in the cleans, but in the split jerks it’s outright
dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Remember that it’s here in the warm-up, that you really have to practice and try to get it right, so that
you can maintain good technique with the weight increasing.

215 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Do one full lift, take the bar down
and then reset at the thighs. For the hang position, the bar is not allowed to ever touch the knee caps or be lowered beyond that point.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the hang muscle clean, in the catch position of the paused hang power cleans and paused hang cleans,
and in the split of all paused split jerks.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, especially when the front squat is added, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the
grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip
can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to
the paused split jerks where you should keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the clean variations “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase,
but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical
instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the hang clean, recover the feet in the wrong
order when moving from the split to parallel in the paused split jerks, if you lose your balance and have to move a foot to regain it or start running
around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

Hang Muscle Clean + Paused Split Jerk

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward both when lowering the bar towards the knees and when pulling it back to the

216 / 259

sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical,
but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Think of the hang muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the
legs are bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a hang muscle clean, but a hang power clean.

While you need to keep the full grip including the hook in the hang muscle clean and all other hang clean variations in the warm-up, remember that you
have to release the hook before initiating the jerk.

Paused Hang Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

In general, your starting position not just in the paused hang power clean, but also in the paused hang clean and hang clean, should be narrower than
your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds
in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only
exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded
throughout the lift.

From the split you have to check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to correct it without
moving your foot. You do that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out, you’ll also have to
correct that before starting the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up and only do the
counting from the correct split position.

However, in weightlifting things are often interrelated and a good rule of thumb is that “the better the dip-and drive is the better the split will be.” It is
therefore important that you keep your upper body straight as an arrow in the front rack, before initiating the dip- and drive. In order to maintain that
angle, you have to be able to move the toes in your shoes, which ensures that your balance is sufficiently back on the heels, and you should almost
feel that the upper body is slightly tilted back. As you start bending the legs, it’s important to keep the upper body in the same vertical angle instead of
tilting it forward, which will result in the bar being propelled forward rather than up.

Paused Hang Clean + Paused Split Jerk

The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused hang power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to
go directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

217 / 259

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

No matter how tired you get during the warm-up, it’s important that your technique stays the same, and if it changes it should only be for the better.
This also applies to the height of the catch position of the paused hang power cleans, paused hang cleans and hang cleans, and for the the depth of
the split in the paused split jerks. The catch position in all the clean variations should be the same whether or not it’s the first, second or third rep, and
the split should be relatively high on all reps, too, in order to ensure that you get the full leg-drive in the dip-and drive phase.

Hang Clean + Paused Split Jerk

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the hang clean as a
hang power clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper
and deeper, but at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best.

Now that you are doing the full hang clean & jerk, it doesn’t suffice to do the two components of the lifts correctly, however, it’s also important that you
transition effortlessly from the hang clean into the front rack position, so that you are fully ready for the jerk without having to make any positional
changes first. You have to be serious about this part during the warm-up as it gets progressively more important with the weight increasing, but at the
same time harder to practice. Get it right now so that you know how to do it later when it really counts.

218 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans and paused cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, or do touch and go reps instead
of resetting in the starting position, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before

No Feet Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,

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which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by
keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans, power cleans and cleans, where the
grip is much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the
grip, but it should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Muscle Clean
Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you have to use the arms aggressively in order to pull
the bar quiickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than high elbows, but it’s important to get the timing
right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

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Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and
catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
down without first having to make any positional changes first.

Paused Clean
The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to go
directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best. Pull it high, catch it somewhere in the front squat phase
and ride it down immediately yet smoothly.

To find the best possible posture, you need to puff the chest up, lift your chin and look either straight ahead or slightly up in the starting position and
then, though the entire lift, you are not allowed to tuck the chin or to look down.

221 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the low hang position, the bar has to get visibly below the knees, and the depth should come from gradually bending the legs instead of keeping
them almost straight and tilting the upper body more over the bar.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans and paused cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. Do all reps in an unbroken set, but don't rush it. Take the bar down and reset at the thighs.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, or lower the bar too much with
the result that one or more plate(s) touch(es) the floor, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten
down-ups before continuing.

Low Hang No Feet Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.

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A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,
which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by
keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans, power cleans and cleans, where the
grip is much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the
grip, but it should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Low Hang Muscle Clean

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the floor and when pulling the bar
from the low hang position to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change
and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed both when lowering the bar towards the floor and in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you
have to use the arms aggressively in order to pull the bar quickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than
high elbows, but it’s important to get the timing right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Low Hang Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

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Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and
catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
down without first having to make any positional changes first.

Low Hang Paused Clean

The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused low hang power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have
to go directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

Low Hang Clean

To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best. Pull it high, catch it somewhere in the front squat phase
and ride it down immediately yet smoothly.

To find the best possible posture, you need to puff the chest up, lift your chin and look either straight ahead or slightly up both when lowering the bar,
but especially when you reach the low hang position and start pulling it up again. You are not allowed to tuck the chin or to look down.

224 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the hang position, the bar is not allowed to ever touch the knee caps or be lowered beyond that point.
Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans and paused cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down and reset at the

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, or step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the clean, the entire set is cancelled and
must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

Hang No Feet Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,
which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by

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keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans, power cleans and cleans, where the
grip is much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the
grip, but it should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Hang Muscle Clean

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the knees and when pulling the bar
to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to
vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed both when lowering the bar and in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you have to use the
arms aggressively in order to pull the bar quickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than high elbows,
but it’s important to get the timing right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Hang Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and

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catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
down without first having to make any positional changes first.

Hang Paused Clean

The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused low hang power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have
to go directly into a front squat without first extending the legs.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

Hang Clean
To avoid the bar crashing on you and making the front squat much harder than it needs to be, it’s paramount that you think of the clean as a power
clean into a front squat, but with the pause in the catch eliminated. As the weight increases, you should gradually catch the bar deeper and deeper, but
at no point do you want to simply try to pull the bar high, catch it low and hope for the best. Pull it high, catch it somewhere in the front squat phase
and ride it down immediately yet smoothly.

To find the best possible posture, you need to puff the chest up, lift your chin and look either straight ahead or slightly up both when lowering the bar,
but especially when you reach bottom of the hang position and start pulling it up again. You are not allowed to tuck the chin or to look down.

227 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position, or do touch and go reps instead of resetting in the starting position, the
entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Feet Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,
which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by

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keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans and power cleans, where the grip is
much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the grip, but it
should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Muscle Clean
Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you have to use the arms aggressively in order to pull
the bar quiickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than high elbows, but it’s important to get the timing
right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and

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catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
deeper with the weight increasing, but without ever going below parallel, of course.

230 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the low hang position, the bar has to get visibly below the knees, and the depth should come from gradually bending the legs instead of keeping
them almost straight and tilting the upper body more over the bar.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. Do all reps in an unbroken set, but don't rush it. Take the bar down and reset at the thighs.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position, or lower the bar too much with the result that one or more plate(s)
touch(es) the floor, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Feet Low Hang Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,

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which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by
keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans, power cleans and cleans, where the
grip is much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the
grip, but it should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Low Hang Muscle Clean

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the floor and when pulling the bar
from the low hang position to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change
and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed both when lowering the bar towards the floor and in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you
have to use the arms aggressively in order to pull the bar quickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than
high elbows, but it’s important to get the timing right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Low Hang Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

232 / 259

Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and
catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
deeper with the weight increasing, but without ever going below parallel, of course.

233 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

For the hang position, the bar is not allowed to ever touch the knee caps or be lowered beyond that point.
Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. Do all reps in an unbroken set, but not as touch and go. Take the bar down and reset at the

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a
lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

No Feet Hang Clean Pulls

When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,
which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by

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keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans, power cleans and cleans, where the
grip is much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the
grip, but it should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Hang Muscle Clean

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the knees and when pulling the bar
back to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and
closer to vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed both when lowering the bar towards and in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you have to
use the arms aggressively in order to pull the bar quickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than high
elbows, but it’s important to get the timing right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Hang Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and

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catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
deeper with the weight increasing, but without ever going below parallel, of course.

236 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come and provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better than

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power cleans.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

Do all reps unbroken in an unbroken set and as touch and go. Take the bar down, reset at the thighs and lower the bar precisely so that you are in a
perfect starting position the moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You are only allowed to drop the
bar after the last rep.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category using the line is not necessary although it can still be beneficial as it is not uncommon to move
the feet by mistake, especially at heavier weights, even when trying to keep it bolted.

No-rep Rules
If you lose your balance by taking a step forward or back in any lift, or if you forget to do a rep as touch and go and instead pause on the floor, the
entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

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No Feet Touch and Go Clean Pulls
When you do a clean pull, you normally have to get up on the toes to get the full extension, but in this particular warm-up we take a different approach.
A very common and detrimental technical error is to push the thighs forward in order to reach the bar, to lean back, and to swing the bar forward,
which then results in a jump forward. This technical error is not strictly dependent on getting up on the toes, but it does make it a lot more likely so by
keeping the heels in the ground we are taking an indirect route to correcting the problem. Keep the feet in the ground the entire time; do not let the
heels leave the floor.

In the snatch, you need the bar to get contact in the hips because of the wide grip. In clean pulls, muscle cleans and power cleans, where the grip is
much more narrow, you should make contact at a lower point. The exact point of contact depends on how you are built and the width of the grip, but it
should be around the middle or top of the thighs, not in the hips.

The bar must touch the sweet spot on the thighs on every single rep. It shouldn't be a question of whether or not there is contact, but only of where the
contact happens to be; and when it does happen, it should be a smooth slide without a sound, bang or any pain resulting from it.
Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows always staying higher than the hands and make sure that your upper body is vertical instead of tilted back.

Touch and Go Muscle Clean

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

Your arms should be long and relaxed both when lowering the bar to the floor and in the pull phase, but after getting contact on the thighs, you have to
use the arms aggressively in order to pull the bar quiickly to the front rack. In the muscle clean, aggressive arms are much more important than high
elbows, but it’s important to get the timing right so that you don’t end up doing an early arm-pull.

To get the full extension in the pull, you now have to get up on your toes, but only in the pull phase. When the bar gets to the shoulders, your entire foot,
from heel to toes, needs to be in the ground for optimal balance.

Touch and Go Paused Power Clean

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch

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position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

Furthermore, it is common to catch the bar too low in the power clean and thereby neglecting the full length of the pull so be sure to pull it high and
catch it high without any leaning back or jumping forward. The catch position should be a high front squat position, so that you will be able to squat
down without first having to make any positional changes first.

239 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power clean and paused power jerk.

First do all reps in a set of the clean variation before doing the paused power jerks and finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to the paused power jerks where you should
keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase of the power
clean and in the drive phase of the power jerk, but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you
don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position of either the power clean or the power jerk, or do touch and go reps
instead of resetting in the starting position, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups
before continuing.

Muscle Clean + Paused Power Jerk

Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are

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bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

While you have to maintain a full grip on the bar including the hook in the muscle clean, you have to change the grip before the paused power jerk, so
that it stays in the palm of the hand instead of slipping into the finger tips, but without using the hook grip. Apply this rule throughout the warm-up so
that you never do the paused power jerks with the hook.

Paused Power Clean + Paused Power Jerk

To ensure that you finish the pull phase of the power clean and especially the leg drive in the dip- and drive phase of the power jerk, you need to focus
on catching the bar high in both lifts. It’s a very common mistake to catch the bar too low, despite the weight being so easy that you could easily do

Besides catching the bar high, it’s also very important to be in good balance in the catch position by making sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes,
is solidly grounded, instead of standing too far back on the heels, which is both a common and at the same time very detrimental mistake balance
wise. However, it’s not just in the catch position that the entire foot has to be grounded, but also when standing up after the pause and here, moreso
that in the catch position itself in fact, it’s common to lift the toes and shift the balance back to the heels.

Power Clean + Paused Power Jerk

In general, the starting position of the power clean and the dip- and drive position of the power jerk should should be narrower than your catch
position, which in turn should be the same or a little bit wider than in front squats and this goes for both lifts. While it’s common to jump too wide in
the power clean many people also have a tendency of catching the bar too narrow in the power jerk.
By jumping too wide in the power clean, you make it very difficult, if not impossible, to catch the bar deeper with the weight increasing, and by catching
the bar in too narrow a stance in the power jerk, you likewise make it very hard to catch the bar deeper because it puts tremendous requirements on
your lower body flexibility, especially the ankles. For those reasons it’s important that you focus on catching the bar in the best possible stance,
especially in terms of width, in both lifts, and that you gradually start catching the bar deeper with the weight increasing instead of just going wider and

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

241 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean and in the catch position of the paused power clean and paused power jerk.

Do one full rep, take the bar down to the shoulders, then to the thighs and lower the bar precisely so that you are in a perfect starting position the
moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep. Finish
all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to the paused power jerks where you should
keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase of the power
clean and in the drive phase of the power jerk, but are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you
don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position of either the power clean or the power jerk,, or if you forget to do a rep as
touch and go and instead pause on the floor, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups
before continuing.

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Tng Muscle Clean + Tng Paused Power Jerk
Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are
bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

While you have to maintain a full grip on the bar including the hook in the muscle clean, you have to change the grip before the paused power jerk, so
that it stays in the palm of the hand instead of slipping into the finger tips, but without using the hook grip. Apply this rule throughout the warm-up so
that you never do the paused power jerks with the hook.

Tng Paused Power Clean + Tng Paused Power Jerk

To ensure that you finish the pull phase of the power clean and especially the leg drive in the dip- and drive phase of the power jerk, you need to focus
on catching the bar high in both lifts. It’s a very common mistake to catch the bar too low, despite the weight being so easy that you could easily do

Besides catching the bar high, it’s also very important to be in good balance in the catch position by making sure that the entire foot, from heel to toes,
is solidly grounded, instead of standing too far back on the heels, which is both a common and at the same time very detrimental mistake balance
wise. However, it’s not just in the catch position that the entire foot has to be grounded, but also when standing up after the pause and here, moreso
that in the catch position itself in fact, it’s common to lift the toes and shift the balance back to the heels.

Tng Power Clean + Tng Paused Power Jerk

In general, the starting position of the power clean and the dip- and drive position of the power jerk should should be narrower than your catch
position, which in turn should be the same or a little bit wider than in front squats and this goes for both lifts. While it’s common to jump too wide in
the power clean many people also have a tendency of catching the bar too narrow in the power jerk.
By jumping too wide in the power clean, you make it very difficult, if not impossible, to catch the bar deeper with the weight increasing, and by catching
the bar in too narrow a stance in the power jerk, you likewise make it very hard to catch the bar deeper because it puts tremendous requirements on
your lower body flexibility, especially the ankles. For those reasons it’s important that you focus on catching the bar in the best possible stance,
especially in terms of width, in both lifts, and that you gradually start catching the bar deeper with the weight increasing instead of just going wider and

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to
this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the

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244 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Pause for three seconds in the top position of the muscle clean, in the catch position of the paused power clean and in the split of all paused split

Do one full rep and then take the bar down to reset in the starting position from the floor. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep. Finish
all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, all the clean variations have to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook. This rule only applies to the clean variations, however, but not to the paused split jerks where you should
keep a full grip on the bar, but without the hook.

Some people prefer to do the power clean “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in both the pull phase, but
are not consciously trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions
concerning moving ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back when standing up from the catch position of the power clean, do touch and go reps instead of resetting in the
starting position, recover the feet in the wrong order when moving from the split to parallel in the paused split jerks, or if you lose your balance and
have to move a foot to regain it or start running around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift,
you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

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Muscle Clean + Paused Split Jerk
Think of the muscle clean as one long pull where the legs have to be completely straight, but relaxed when the bar gets to the shoulders. If the legs are
bend, even if it’s only slightly, then, strictly speaking, it’s not a muscle clean, but a power clean.

In the front rack, before initiating the dip- and drive, your body should be straight as an arrow. In order to maintain that angle, you have to be able to
move the toes in your shoes, which ensures that your balance is sufficiently back on the heels, and you should almost feel that the upper body is
slightly tilted back. As you start bending the legs, it’s important to keep the upper body in the same vertical angle instead of tilting it forward, which will
result in the bar being propelled forward rather than up.

Paused Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

To ensure that you finish the pull phase of the power clean and especially the leg drive in the dip- and drive phase of the paused split jerk, you need to
focus on catching the bar high not just in the power clean, but also in the split. It’s a very common mistake to catch the bar too low, despite the weight
being so easy that you could easily do otherwise.

Furthermore, from the split you have to check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to
correct it without moving your foot. You do that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out,
you’ll also have to correct that before starting the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up
and only do the counting from the correct split position as that will make it easier for the body and brain to remember where it is supposed to land.

Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

In general, the starting position of the power clean should should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same or a little bit
wider than in front squats.

In the split jerk, you typically want the toes to be turned slightly out and to press the knees in that direction in the dip- and drive so they align with the
toes as it helps to keep the upper body in the correct angle. The width of the stance in the dip- and drive should roughly correlate with the width of the
split, so that you are not excessively narrowing or widening when moving from one position to another.

If you prefer to use the same stance in both the stating- and catch position of the power clean, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The
only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded

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throughout the lift.

247 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come, but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

In the front split presses and the paused split jerks, you can use a lighter bar if you deem it necessary to maintain balance and good technique.

Pause for three seconds in the split of all bodyweight exercises and in the paused split jerks, and in the front rack and lockout in the front split presses.
One important aspect of this warm-up is to start accumulating a lot of time in the best possible split. Take it seriously and it will pay of in the long run.

Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

No-rep Rules
If you recover the feet in the wrong order when moving from the split to parallel in any of the five exercises, or if you lose your balance and have to
move a foot to regain it or start running around all over the place, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have
to do ten down-ups before continuing.

Split Walks
Walk into the split in two precise steps, pause for three seconds and then recover the feet in two steps. Each step you take has to be done with the
utmost precision, so that you don't have to make any corrections in the split or after having recovered the feet.

When you get to the split, before counting to three, you have to make sure that your shinbone is vertical and that the front foot points forward instead
of being turned either in or out. Make any needed corrections, count to three, and try not to repeat the mistake again.

It's important to step in the right order. When you walk into the split, you have to move the front foot first and then the back foot. When you recover the
feet, it’s again the front foot, which is first pushed back from the split and then the back foot comes up after which the feet should be perfectly parallel.

Split Jumps
You start the set by walking into the split in two precise steps and then check your shinbone and front foot just like in the split walks. From the split
you have to do five short, hard jumps with a three second pause in the split on each rep. Each jump counts as one rep.

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It is crucial that you start in the correct split and land in exactly that position after each jump. It’s very common to make the split either longer or
shorter for every jump, or allowing the front foot to turn in or the shinbone to tilt forward, but that’s exactly what shouldn't happen.

Check your shinbone and the front foot every time you land. If the shinbone is tilted forward, you have to correct it without moving your foot. You do
that by moving the knee back until you reach a vertical angle If the front foot has turned either in or out, you’ll also have to correct that before starting
the count. While any positional mistakes should be avoided at all cost, it is important that you end up and only do the counting from the correct split
position as that will make it easier for the body and brain to remember where it is supposed to land.

Bodyweight Split Jerks

The goal now is to land in exactly the same split as you have been practicing up to this point. The better the dip and drive, the better the split will be.
Make sure that the dip is done slowly and that you extend the legs, not the hips, before jumping into the split.
Remember to recover the feet in the correct order.

Front Split Presses

Walk into the split in two precise steps with the bar overhead using a full grip, but without the hook. Lower the bar slowly from the lockout to the front
rack, pause for three seconds, press it back overhead and pause for three seconds to complete one rep.

On the last rep, you have to recover the feet with the bar overhead, not on the shoulders.

Paused Split Jerk

Pause for three seconds in the split before recovering the feet. It's very important that you land in exactly the same split as practiced in all the previous

In the front rack, before initiating the dip- and drive, your body should be straight as an arrow. In order to maintain that angle, you have to be able to
move the toes in your shoes, which ensures that your balance is sufficiently back on the heels, and you should almost feel that the upper body is
slightly tilted back. As you start bending the legs, it’s important to keep the upper body in the same vertical angle instead of tilting it forward, which will
result in the bar being propelled forward rather than up.

249 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.
Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Do one full lift and then take the bar down and reset in the starting position. Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, there entire warm-up has to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the cluster or do touch and go reps instead
of resetting in the starting position, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before

Muscle Clean + Push Press

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.
From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

To get the full extension in the pull phase of the muscle clean and in the drive phase of the push press, you have to get up on your toes, but make sure

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that your entire foot, from heel to toes, is in the ground for optimal balance when the bar gets to the shoulders and overhead.

Paused Power Cluster

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

The catch position has to be the same as the bottom of the dip in a push press, so that you are in a perfect position to drive the bar overhead. If you
catch the bar either too high or too low, it’s not possible to use the legs optimally to drive the bar overhead. Furthermore, instead of keeping the elbows
high, which is common in a power clean and especially in a squat clean, you want to elbows to be somewhat low, which will allow you to use your
chest, shoulders and triceps more effectively for pressing the bar overhead.

Paused Cluster
The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to go
directly into a front squat and finish by driving the bar all the way overhead.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

Keep the elbows high enough to not get anywhere near the knees in the bottom position, but low enough to use them effectively in the push press part
of the lift.

The pause in the catch position is now eliminated and the only pause left is in the top position where you have to show control for a few seconds
before dropping- or taking the bar down. When you get the locout, it’s very important that your legs are completely straight, but relaxed and that your
entire foot is grounded for optimal balance.

The single most important thing to realize in the cluster, however, is that you’ll almost always end up failing in the press, so in order to postpone it as

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much as possible, you have to get a perfect bounce out of the bottom position and drive up as fast as you can. This will help you to propel the bar
higher and allow for more weight on the bar.

252 / 259

In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.

Do one full lift, take the bar down to your shoulders and then the thighs and reset from there. Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, there entire warm-up has to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you miss the bounce out of the bottom position, step either forward or back in the front squat portion of the cluster or do touch and go reps instead
of resetting at the thighs, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the knees and when pulling the bar
to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to
vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

To get the full extension in the pull phase of the muscle clean and in the drive phase of the push press, you have to get up on your toes, but make sure
that your entire foot, from heel to toes, is in the ground for optimal balance when the bar gets to the shoulders and overhead.

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Paused Power Cluster
In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

The catch position has to be the same as the bottom of the dip in a push press, so that you are in a perfect position to drive the bar overhead. If you
catch the bar either too high or too low, it’s not possible to use the legs optimally to drive the bar overhead. Furthermore, instead of keeping the elbows
high, which is common in a power clean and especially in a squat clean, you want to elbows to be somewhat low, which will allow you to use your
chest, shoulders and triceps more effectively for pressing the bar overhead.

Paused Hang Cluster

The first part of the lift is exactly what you did before, namely a paused hang power clean, but after the three seconds pause in the catch, you have to
go directly into a front squat and finish by driving the bar all the way overhead.

In the front squat, you have to squat down slowly and stand up fast without pausing in the bottom position. You don't want to squat down so slowly
that you are making it needlessly hard for yourself, but it also shouldn’t be so fast that the bar leaves the shoulders on the way down, crashes on you
in any way, or you end up losing your posture in the bottom position. A good rule of thumb is to stand up faster than you went down.

Keep the elbows high enough to not get anywhere near the knees in the bottom position, but low enough to use them effectively in the push press part
of the lift.

Hang Cluster
The pause in the catch position is now eliminated and the only pause left is in the top position where you have to show control for a few seconds
before dropping- or taking the bar down. When you get the locout, it’s very important that your legs are completely straight, but relaxed and that your
entire foot is grounded for optimal balance.

The single most important thing to realize in the hang cluster, however, is that you’ll almost always end up failing in the press, so in order to postpone
it as much as possible, you have to get a perfect bounce out of the bottom position and drive up as fast as you can. This will help you to propel the bar

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higher and allow for more weight on the bar.

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In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.
Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Do one full rep, take the bar down to the shoulders, then to the thighs and lower the bar precisely so that you are in a perfect starting position the
moment the plates touch the floor (and they should do so simultaneoulsy in each side). You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep. Finish
all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, there entire warm-up has to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position, and especially
when the front squat is added, is a real struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip
and let the bar slide into the fingertips. Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can
vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back at any point during the lift, if you forget to do a rep as touch and go and instead pause on the floor, or if you get the
lockout with the legs bend instead of being straight, the entire set is cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten
down-ups before continuing.

Tng Muscle Clean + Push Press

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when pulling the bar from the starting position to the sweet-spot on the thighs.

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From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to vertical, but at no point during the
lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

To get the full extension in the pull phase of the muscle clean and in the drive phase of the push press, you have to get up on your toes, but make sure
that your entire foot, from heel to toes, is in the ground for optimal balance when the bar gets to the shoulders and overhead.

Tng Paused Power Cluster

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

The catch position has to be the same as the bottom of the dip in a push press, so that you are in a perfect position to drive the bar overhead. If you
catch the bar either too high or too low, it’s not possible to use the legs optimally to drive the bar overhead. Furthermore, instead of keeping the elbows
high, which is common in a power clean and especially in a squat clean, you want to elbows to be somewhat low, which will allow you to use your
chest, shoulders and triceps more effectively for pressing the bar overhead.

Tng Power Cluster

The pause in the catch position is now eliminated and the only pause left is in the top position where you have to show control for a few seconds
before dropping- or taking the bar down. When you get the locout, it’s very important that your legs are completely straight, but relaxed and that your
entire foot is grounded for optimal balance.

The single most important thing to realize in the power cluster, however, is that you’ll almost always end up failing in the press, so in order to postpone
it as much as possible, you have to catch the bar perfectly and drive aggressively up from there. This will help you to propel the bar higher and allow
for more weight on the bar.

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In preparation for any heavy lifting session, you need to not just get your body warm, but also do a series of lifts to get into the technical rhythm. This
warm-up will get your entire body warm for what's to come but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your technique and make it better
than ever.
Use competition sized plates to practice the normal starting position, even if you need to use a lighter barbell in order to do so.

Do one full rep, take the bar down to the shoulders, then to the thighs and reset from there. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the last rep.
Finish all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next.

In order to improve your front rack flexibility, there entire warm-up has to be done with a full grip, meaning bar in the palm of the hands instead of in
the finger tips, and with the hook-grip. This is a very simple and effective method, but there is one important caveat. Some people are so stiff that
stubbornly applying this method will get them injured before making them flexible. If maintaining the hook-grip in the front rack position is a real
struggle, you just have to let it go, but still keep a full grip. If that, too, is a struggle, you’ll have to loosen the grip and let the bar slide into the fingertips.
Over time, one warm-up and training session at a time, your grip should gradually improve. While the grip can vary in the front rack, all lifts have to be
started with a full grip, including the hook.

Some people prefer to do the lift “bolted”, which means that they can get up on the toes to get the full extension in the pull, but are not consciously
trying to jump in or out. If you belong in that category that's fine and then you don't have to worry about the technical instructions concerning moving
ones feet.

No-rep Rules
If you step either forward or back at any point during the lift, or if you get the lockout with the legs bend instead of being straight, the entire set is
cancelled and must be done again. If you outright fail a lift, you have to do ten down-ups before continuing.

Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press

Keep you shoulders over the bar and your upper body tilted forward when lowering the bar from the thighs towards the knees and when pulling the bar
to the sweet-spot on the thighs. From the sweet-spot to the front rack, the angle of the upper body will gradually change and get closer and closer to
vertical, but at no point during the lift should you be leaning back. This is very important.

To get the full extension in the pull phase of the muscle clean and in the drive phase of the push press, you have to get up on your toes, but make sure

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that your entire foot, from heel to toes, is in the ground for optimal balance when the bar gets to the shoulders and overhead.

Paused Hang Power Cluster

In general, your starting position should be narrower than your catch position, which in turn should be the same as in front squats. Move your feet
from narrow to wide on every rep and pause for three seconds in the catch. If you prefer to use the same stance in both the starting- and catch
position, you can do that, but you still need to do the jump. The only exception to this rule is if you are consciously doing it bolted, as described in the
introduction, in which case you have to keep your feet grounded throughout the lift.

The catch position has to be the same as the bottom of the dip in a push press, so that you are in a perfect position to drive the bar overhead. If you
catch the bar either too high or too low, it’s not possible to use the legs optimally to drive the bar overhead. Furthermore, instead of keeping the elbows
high, which is common in a power clean and especially in a squat clean, you want to elbows to be somewhat low, which will allow you to use your
chest, shoulders and triceps more effectively for pressing the bar overhead.

Hang Power Cluster

The pause in the catch position is now eliminated and the only pause left is in the top position where you have to show control for a few seconds
before dropping- or taking the bar down. When you get the locout, it’s very important that your legs are completely straight, but relaxed and that your
entire foot is grounded for optimal balance.

The single most important thing to realize in the tng hang power cluster, however, is that you’ll almost always end up failing in the press, so in order to
postpone it as much as possible, you have to catch the bar perfectly and drive aggressively up from there. This will help you to propel the bar higher
and allow for more weight on the bar.

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