Convertible Bond
Convertible Bond
Convertible Bond
and Loans
Course Objectives
Understand the capital stack, Comprehend the market dynamics Identify who issues these types
high-yield bonds, sub-debt and of each of these asset types of debt instruments and why
loans as investments
Capital is the amount of money that the company has invested in it. The capital stack identifies the
priority of claims on a company’s assets.
Low Risk
Low Return
Senior Debt
Subordinated Debt
High Risk
High Return
Capital is the amount of money that the company has invested in it. The capital stack identifies the
priority of claims on a company’s assets.
Low Risk
Low Return
Senior Debt
High-Yield Bonds
Subordinated Debt
High Risk
High Return
Capital is the amount of money that the company has invested in it. The capital stack identifies the
priority of claims on a company’s assets.
Low Risk
Low Return
Senior Debt
Subordinated Loans
Bank Capital
High Risk
High Return
High-yield bonds (or speculative bonds) are bonds that are rated below investment grade.
Moody’s <Baa3 <BBB- Fitch <BBB-
& Poor’s
High-Yield Bond Risk Investment Grade
Corporate Finance Institute®
Introduction to High-Yield Bonds
1890 1989
Railroads Black Friday
RJR Nabisco Takeover by KKR
Low Interest Tight Credit
Rates Spreads
Diversification Benefits
US high-yield bond markets are the most
developed and liquid.
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Sources: Bank of America Merrill Lynch as of 31 December 2016; Securities Industry and
Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) as of 2014
Corporate Finance Institute®
High-Yield Bond Markets
Downward Creep of
Credit Ratings
Bloomberg Essentials
B- to B+
High-yield bonds are great diversification measures from other asset classes as they are only
moderately correlated with other assets in the long-term.
High-yield bonds are great diversification measures from other asset classes as they are only
moderately correlated with other assets in the long-term.
01 Leverage and higher risk means that their higher yields and coupons offer
a buffer to movements in the underlying term structure of interest rates.
Asset-Backed Debt Load
Foreign Security (ABS)
Governments Special Purpose Earnings
Vehicles (SPVs)
Banks Cash Flow
Most bond offerings are sold privately, thus they are made via confidential offerings to qualified
banks and accredited investors.
Investment bankers work with debt Draft a prospectus and meet lead
capital markets (DCM) investors to provide “price-talk”.
• DCM staff give the issuer advice about currency, tenor, and structure
• Anchor investors are provided “price-talk”, which gives them an idea of the deal’s yield
Most bond offerings are sold privately, thus they are made via confidential offerings to qualified
banks and accredited investors.
Investment bankers work with debt Draft a prospectus and meet lead
capital markets (DCM) investors to provide “price-talk”.
Most bond offerings are sold privately, thus they are made via confidential offerings to qualified
banks and accredited investors.
Investment bankers work with debt Draft a prospectus and meet lead
capital markets (DCM) investors to provide “price-talk”.
Investors also like to invest in high-yield bonds via primary issuances, as issuers and arrangers
will allow some room for the price to appreciate in the secondary market.
The bond prospectus outlines all the terms and conditions of the high-yield bond.
Offering/Preliminary Final
Prospectus Prospectus
Different types of high-yield bonds have been invented to satisfy the needs of investors.
Not callable
Smaller in Size Shorter Maturity Call Protection Year 5 Callable at par + 50% coupon (104.5%)
(~$1–1.5Bn) (10 years or less) (~5 Years)
Different types of high-yield bonds have been invented to satisfy the needs of investors.
Smaller average Technically denoted Call premiums after Expires 3-4 years Issuer can avoid call
ticket size as “high-yield notes” first call date after bond issue structure issue
Extendible/Reset Bonds
Given that high-yield bonds are generally riskier than investment grade bonds, the investment decision
process should be extra rigorous.
04. 05.
Adjust portfolio over
Monitor company
economic and
and industry news
market cycles
There are three major risks and concerns when investing in high-yield bonds.
2019: 5%
1.3% 14%
2018 2008
There are three major risks and concerns when investing in high-yield bonds.
Default Deterioration/ Covenants
Covenants are the most important thing to look at when buying high-yield bonds.
Covenants are the most important thing to look at when buying high-yield bonds.
01 Protecting the rights of the bondholder by not allowing more undue leverage.
03 Ensuring that the form and structure of the company and debt remains in
Positive Negative
Covenants Covenants
Financial Non-Financial
Covenants Covenants
Must provide annually audited Must provide specific financial Must achieve a certain
financial statements information such as aged threshold in certain financial
receivable analysis ratios
Must ensure facilities and Must perform regular Must provide management
factories are in good working maintenance of capital assets accounts
Cannot change business Cannot sell assets without Cannot enter certain
ownership corresponding loan types of leases
Trade on spreads to government bonds or swaps curves
Grade Bonds
Trade on cash basis
Bid Offer
100.250 101.000
Are all bonds the same currency?
Are all the bonds the same seniority and rating?
Do these bonds have the same
covenant packages?
Are there material differences in the liquidity
of these issues?
Are there material differences in the liquidity
of these issues?
Are there new issues that are coming out
in this sector?
An issuer offers to buy back outstanding
bonds, usually at a premium. The issuer
pays a fee to an investment bank to find
holders who are willing to sell back bonds.
Issuers buyback debt to reduce interest
costs, increase flexibility, or gain profits.
An issuer wishes to make changes to the
existing bondholder agreement and offers
bondholders a one-time payment to do so.
An issuer offers to buy back outstanding
bonds, usually at a premium. The issuer
01 Is the tender price close to the market or
does it provide a more favorable premium?
holders who are willing to sell back bonds.
Is the incentive fee or payment substantial
Issuers buyback debt to reduce interest enough?
costs, increase flexibility, or gain profits.
An issuer wishes to make changes to the
existing bondholder agreement and offers
03 If you do not tender or consent, will it impact
the price or liquidity of your own position?
bondholders a one-time payment to do so.
Tenders Restructurings
An issuer offers to buy back outstanding Optionality is no longer in the hand of the
bonds, usually at a premium. The issuer bondholder and the bonds are effectively
pays a fee to an investment bank to find defaulted.
holders who are willing to sell back bonds.
Issuers buyback debt to reduce interest The bondholder and issuer must negotiate
costs, increase flexibility, or gain profits. a new form of the bond or some way to
pay back the debt.
An issuer wishes to make changes to the
existing bondholder agreement and offers
bondholders a one-time payment to do so.
LAS VEGAS, Feb. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- MGM Resorts International (the "Company") (NYSE: MGM) announced
today that it has commenced cash tender offers (the "Tender Offers") to purchase up to $750,000,000 in aggregate
principal amount.
Title of CUSIP Aggregate Tender Cap Acceptance Tender Offer Early Total
Security Nos./ISIN Principal Priority Consideration Tender Consideration
Amount Level Premium
5.750% 552953 CE9 $1000,000,000 $325,000,000 1 $1,110.00 $30.00 $1,140.00
Senior Notes US552953CE90
due 2025
5.500% 552953 CF6 $1,000,000,000 $325,000,000 2 $1,100.00 $30.00 $1,130.00
Senior Notes US552953CF65
due 2027
4.625% 552953 CD1 $500,000,000 $100,000,000 3 $1,050.00 $30.00 $1,080.00
Senior Notes US552953CD18
due 2025
SÃO PAULO, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Yaborã Indústria Aeronáutica S.A. (the "Yaborã"), which is currently a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Embraer S.A. ("Embraer"), hereby announces the receipt of the Requisite Consents (as
defined below) in connection with its solicitation (the "Consent Solicitation") of consents ("Consents") of the Holders
(as defined below) of the following series notes (the "Notes"):
Title of Security CUSIP and ISIN Nos. Outstanding Principal Amount Consent Fee^(1)
Prices tend to collapse around the same cash price level across maturities.
January 2019
Chapter 11 bankruptcy
declared by PCG (Pacific Gas &
December 2019
December 2019
Market expects recovery via government
Bonds still trading above par bailout in the long run.
without accrued interest
An index is a basket of representative financial instruments. Thus, a high-yield bond index is a basket
of high-yield bonds.
1. As a performance target
Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives between two parties that act like an
insurance policy. A CDS allows the buyer to protect themselves from potential default by a specific
issuer for a fixed period of time.
CDS Buyer CDS Seller
Present defaulted bond
Receives entire par Receives periodic
value of bond in the payments to cover
case of default Par value of bond defaults.
CDS markets are usually illiquid for small, higher-risk speculative grade bonds.
100 – 23 = 77bps
77bps x 5 years = 385bps
77bps x 5 years = 3.85%
• Old series continue to trade and constituents may change between series
• The index provides a way for investors to be long or short a basket of high-yield
bond names
• Investors can use the CDX to hedge their portfolio of high-yield names by longing
protection in sub-indexes offered by the CDX
Trade on % Basis
Trade on % Basis
Cash Bond:
89.239 plus
accrued interest
Upfront fee of the
difference between
89.239 and 100.00,
discounted to today
Subordinated debenture bonds (sub debt) represent claims on the cashflow and assets of a company.
Sub debt ranks further down the capital structure than senior debt.
Low Risk
Low Return
Senior Debt
Higher interest rate than senior debt Subordinated Debt
Subordinated debenture bonds (sub debt) represent claims on the cashflow and assets of a company.
Sub debt ranks further down the capital structure than senior debt.
Low Risk
Low Return
Why Issue Sub Debt?
Senior Debt
01 Maximize shareholder value
03 Maintain flexibility
High Risk
High Return
Subordinated debenture bonds (sub debt) represent claims on the cashflow and assets of a company.
Sub debt ranks further down the capital structure than senior debt.
Low Risk
Low Return
Why Issue Sub Debt?
Senior Debt
01 Regulation
02 Funding arbitrage
Subordinated Debt
The company pledges a The company and lender There are multiple
specific asset against a agree that the debt is companies in the
debt obligation behind the payment of company tree, with some
other obligations subordinate to others
Subordinated High-Yield
Debt Bond
The market size of corporate sub debt is significantly smaller than bank sub debt.
USD $769Bn
The two main issuers of sub debt are corporates and banks.
Corporates Banks
Optimize balance sheet Required by regulations
Though classified differently, sub debt for corporates and banks serve the same purpose. It acts as a
buffer between senior debt holders and equity holders.
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Standards for…
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Basel III
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Tier 2
Tier 1
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
The most efficient and certain source of bank capital is issuing bank sub debt.
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Risk-Weighted Assets
Assets on a bank’s balance sheet are weighted by risk.
Basel Accords • US treasuries are considered “zero-weight” risk assets
• Corporate debt below BB- ratings are 150% weight risk assets
Tier 2 (T2)
CET1 + AT1 + T2 Due to come into
Non-CoCo Sub Debt ≥ 8% RWA
Low-Trigger CoCos effect after 2022
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Minimum original maturity of 5 years.
03 No step-up coupons.
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
CoCo 02
Triggers occur if the issuing bank’s capital falls below a
pre-determined fraction of RWA.
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Impose principal losses on creditors during distress
outside bankruptcy process.
The Basel Accords are recommended banking regulations that are set by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS).
Currency: USD
Trades on
dollar price
The key risks of sub debt are similar to the key risks of high-yield bonds.
The key risks of sub debt are similar to the key risks of high-yield bonds.
The key risks of sub debt are similar to the key risks of high-yield bonds.
Leveraged loans are loans issued by high-yield or lower-rated entities that already have a significant debt
load or have some history of financial distress.
Depending on transaction sizes, multiple banks may arrange the loan (origination) and then sell down
parts of the loans to other banks and institutional investors (syndication).
Leveraged loans are loans issued by high-yield or lower-rated entities that already have a significant debt
load or have some history of financial distress.
Depending on transaction sizes, multiple banks may arrange the loan (origination) and then sell down
parts of the loans to other banks and institutional investors (syndication).
Leveraged loans are loans issued by high-yield or lower-rated entities that already have a significant debt
load or have some history of financial distress.
USD$ Billions
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sources: LCD, an offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence; S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index
European USA
Leveraged Loans Leveraged Loans
€181Bn $1.7Trn $600bn
54% YoY
Dec 2018 Dec 2019
Sources: LCD, an offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence; S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index
Many new institutional investors are moving into the leveraged loan market.
RWA considerations are forcing banks to hold onto fewer leveraged loans. Additionally, banks have realized
that syndicated loans are less expensive and more efficient to maintain.
Arranging Bank(s)
A CLO is an asset-backed security issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) whose sole purpose is to hold
and administer the portfolio of leveraged loans it acquires.
Senior Tranche
Holds senior Mezzanine
secured loans
Tranche (Mezz)
Issues bonds to
finance loan
Capital Structure
of CLOs
A CLO is an asset-backed security issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) whose sole purpose is to hold
and administer the portfolio of leveraged loans it acquires.
Senior Tranche
Interest Mezzanine
Payments Tranche (Mezz)
Capital Structure
of CLOs
A CLO is an asset-backed security issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) whose sole purpose is to hold
and administer the portfolio of leveraged loans it acquires.
A CLO is an asset-backed security issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) whose sole purpose is to hold
and administer the portfolio of leveraged loans it acquires.
Senior Tranche
Capital Structure
of CLOs
A CLO is an asset-backed security issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) whose sole purpose is to hold
and administer the portfolio of leveraged loans it acquires.
Senior Tranche
LIBOR + 90bps
LIBOR + 150bps
Interest Mezzanine
Payments Tranche (Mezz)
LIBOR + 350bps
Capital Structure
of CLOs
Once a loan issuer has settled on the structure of the loan, they would pick a bank or group of lenders
to arrange the loan. The issuer may solicit bids from different arrangers.
Other Banks
Anchor investors are informally approached to gauge appetite for the credit. The arranging bank will
also prepare a confidential information memorandum (IM) to qualified banks and investors.
Underwritten Best-Efforts
Club Deal
Deal Syndication
In an underwritten deal the arrangers guarantee the entire amount committed, then syndicate the
In a best-efforts syndication, the arranger group commits to underwrite less than the entire amount
of the loan.
In a club deal, a smaller loan is pre-marketed to a group of relationship lenders. This is done to maintain
relationships with all banks by avoiding favoring a single bank.
Bank A
Used by the
borrower/issuer to
Company A
maintain relationships
Bank B
with multiple lenders
$90 Million
Bank C
Maximum: depends
on industry, credit, Floating rate
and market
2nd Lien
Revolver Term Loan Bridge Financing
Term Loan
2nd Lien
Revolver Term Loan Bridge Financing
Term Loan
05 Fees are paid on drawn (margin) and undrawn (commitment fee) part of the facility
2nd Lien
Revolver Term Loan Bridge Financing
Term Loan
2nd Lien
Revolver Term Loan Bridge Financing
Term Loan
01 Similar to term loans with 2nd priority claim on collateral; second priority after
secured financing/1st lien term loans
02 Have less restrictive covenant packages than regular term loans; trade at a
wider spread than 1st lien counterparts
2nd Lien
Revolver Term Loan Bridge Financing
Term Loan
03 Increasing/step-up interest rates if the loan is not repaid or taken out as expected
Risk 03 Increased participation of non-bank lenders.
Risk 03 Rating agencies provide an assessment but banks also have
internal risk management departments.
01 Concerned with the issuer’s capital stack and how payments fit
into their “waterfall”.
Risk 02 The further down an investor is on the capital stack, the less
seniority they have for receiving payments and collections.
Default Risk 03 Assessed by looking at whether the loan is secured and at
the borrower’s other obligations.
Many banks have origination, trading, and distribution teams that help originate, buy, and sell loans in
primary markets. After deals have closed, these teams shift to trading in the secondary market.
Assignment Participation
Many banks have origination, trading, and distribution teams that help originate, buy, and sell loans in
primary markets. After deals have closed, these teams shift to trading in the secondary market.
• If credit fundamentals of the company, sector, or industry Price: 101 101 – 100 25 bps
improve, loans may trade tighter than the specified spread =
4 per yr
Face Value: 100
• Price of the loan will adjust based on market spreads Spread: L + 200
Actual spread to call
Maturity: 4 years is 175bps.
• Spreads are tied to performance grids and adjust based on
different financial criteria
Technical Payment
Default Default
Technical defaults occur when an issuer fails to meet a provision of the loan agreement.
• Issuer fails to meet covenant test • Lenders accelerate the loan and
force issuer into bankruptcy
• Issuer fails to meet reporting
requirements • Lenders and issuer agree on
amendment to waive violation
• Issuer commit other non-payment
related violations
• Usually pre-set period of time (e.g. • Lenders can accelerate or call the
30 days) for issuer to cure the loan
default (“cure period”)
As loans become more mainstream, they can cause indirect shocks that impact broader financial
When issuers face default, they may choose to restructure their debt formally by entering
bankruptcy protection, or informally with lenders and creditors.
A borrower takes on a new loan at better terms than before
to pay off existing debt that is more expensive or restrictive.
Lenders do not want borrowers to walk away from debt as they would prefer to get something back,
rather than nothing.
Restructured $650MM
of leveraged loans into
equity under chapter 11
Distressed Loans
Deeply Distressed
Distressed Loans