Plane :
The difference between the personality of a person who got good grades / The difference between
the personality of a person who didn t get good grades
Definition :
Success is the state or condition of meeting a specific set of expectations. It may be seen as
the opposite of failure. Success criteria depend on the context, and may be related to a
specific observer or belief system. One person may consider success what another person
considers failure, especially in cases of direct competition or a zero-sum game*
- Barak Obama
-Bill Gates….
The difference between the personality of a person who got good grades /
The difference between the personality of a person who didn t get good
grades :
- A man who got good grades he has a confidence self against the other people ‘s who don’t
have good grades they can t communicated with the other s people s
- He is smart because his brain always work and think either the other people ‘s who don’t
have good grades their brain it doesn’t always work
Conclusion :
Success is not about education only , it's more likly about your passions , your ambitions .
The success if you see it in your mind , if you belivied in your hearth , if you have the courage
to speak it , if you have the courage to owon it and the desire to work for it ; you can bring it
in to your reality .
If you hate the hard work you will not achive your dreams .
Man , don't be an average person , be a hard working person in you school to be in good
But academic excellence is not always able to create success
But this idea ngatively affect society because children will not have the desie to study.