Annex G 2 Capacity Development Agenda For Barangays

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Attachment 3-B: Capacity Development Requirements for Barangays



Province: BATANGAS
City/Municipality: CITY OF TANAUAN



Implementation Details
Priority Capacity
Functions/ Target Barangay Funding Requirements Source of
Development Expected Output Funding
Services Official/Personnel Timeframe Technical
Intervention Source
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Support
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Agricultural Support Appointment of Clerk with Appointed Clerk wit IT

Punong Barangay 3 weeks 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 none Barangay
Services IT background background

Development of Barangay Updarted Brgy. City Agriculture
2 months 5,000 Barangay
Agriculturral Data Base Agricultural Database Office

Orientation on Distribution Attended/Conducted

System of Planting Orientation on City Agriculture
Materials Distribution System of 1 month 5,000 5,000 Barangay
Planting Materials
1. Orientation on
Distribution System of Kagawad Chairman on Orientation on 1 month 15,000 15,000
City Agriculture
Planting Materials Committee on Agriculture Distribution System of Office
and Livelihood, Barangay Planting Materials
Agricultural Support Secretary
Kagawad Chairman on
Committee on Agriculture
and Livelihood, Barangay
Agricultural Support Secretary Attended/Conducted
Services 1. Orientation on
Orientation on City Agriculture
Prevenetion and Control 1 month 15,000 Barangay
Prevenetion and Control Office
of Plant Disease
of Plant Disease
1. Orientation on Soil Orientation on Soil
City Agriculture
Conservation Projects and Conservation Projects 1 week 10,000 Barangay
Soil Resource Utilization and Soil Resource
Kagawad Chairman on
1. Orientation on Water Committee on Provincial
Orientation on Water 1 day 10,000 Barangay
Resources Utilization Agriculture , Barangayy Irrigation office
Resources Utilization
Knowledge and Learning
Punong Barangay;
Development of Barangay Kagawad Chairman on Updated Brgy. City Agriculture
2 months 10,000 Barangay
Agriculturral Data Base Committee on Agriculture Agricultural Database Office
and Livelihood, Brgy.
Agricultural Support
1. Establishment of Secretary Established Monitoring
Monitoring and Reporting and Reporting System for City Agriculture
3 weeks 15,000 15,000 Barangay
System for Seed Farms Seed Farms and Office
and Seedling Nurseries Seedling Nurseries

Management System

Establishment of Established Monitoring

Monitoring and Reporting and Reporting System for City Agriculture
2 weeks 5,000 Barangay
System for Distibution of Distibution of Planting Office
Planting Materials Materials

2. Establishment of Established Monitoring

Monitoring and Reporting and Reporting System for City Agriculture
3 weeks 15,000 15,000 Barangay
System for Distibution of Distibution of Planting Office
Planting Materials Materials
Punong Barangay;
3. Establishment of Kagawad Chairman on Established Reporting
Agricultural Support
Reporting System for Committee on Agriculture System for Prevention City Agriculture
Services 1 month 36,000 Barangay
Prevention and Control of and Livelihood, Brgy. and Control of Plan Office
Plan Disease Secretary Disease
Establlished Monitoring
2. Establlishment of
System on Soil
Monitoring System on Soil City Agriculture
Conservation Projects 1 month 10,000 Barangay
Conservation Projects and Office
and Soil Resource
Soil Resource Utilization
2. Establlishment of
Establlished Monitoring
Monitoring System on Provincial
System on Water 1 month 10,000 Barangay
Water Resources Irrigation Office
Resources Utilization

Enabling Policies
Punong Barangay,
2. Enactment of Sangguniang Barangay,
Enacted Ordinance for
Agricultural Support Ordinance for Prevention Kagawad Chairman
Prevention and Control of 1 week 10,000 none Barangay
Services and Control of Plant on Committee on
Plant Diseases
Diseases Agriculture and Livelihood,
Baranagy Secretary


4. Establishment of Punong Barangay, Establsihed partnership

partnership with NGOs Sangguniang Barangay, thru MOA/MOU /with
Agricultural Support and POs in advocacy Kagawad Chairman NGOs and POs in City Agricultural
1 month 15,000 Barangay
Services campaings on prevention on Committee on advocacy campaings on Office
and control of Plant Agriculture and Livelihood, prevention and control of
Diseases Baranagy Secretary Plant Diseases

Hiring/ appointing of one
One (1) utility person
(1) utility person who will
hired to assist in MRF 1 week 24,000 24,000 24,000 none Barangay
be assigned in the MRF
Environmental Operations
Punong Barangay
Management system
One (1)Bantay Gubat
Hiring/ appointing of one
hired toconduct and
(1) person who will be 1 week 36,000 36,000 36,000 none Barangay
monitor activities in
assigned as Bantay Gubat
communal forest.

Capacity Development on
Capacity Development on
Operation and 3 days 20,000 CENRO Barangay
Operation and
Management of MRF
Management of MRF
Punong Barangay;
Environmental Kagawad Chairman on
Management system Committee on
Punong Barangay; Attended/
Environmental 2. Capabality Kagawad Chairman on ConductedCapabality
Management system Development Activities on Committee on Development Activities 3 days 30,000 CENRO Barangay
Integrated Social Forestry Environment on Integrated Social
Forestry Management
Funding to purchase a Barangay/
Purchased a piece of City Government
piece of land that will 1 year 5M Tanauan City
land for tree parks of Tanauan
convert to tree parks Government

Knowledge and Learning

Management system

Management System4. Conduct of Monitoring Conducted Monitoring

and Evaluation Activities Punong Barangay; and Evaluation Activities 25000
Kagawad Chairman on 1 year 36,000 36,000 none Barangay
Environmental on Itegrated Social on Itegrated Social 36,000
Forestry Program Committee on Forestry Program
Management system Environment

Enabling Policies

Enactment of Ordinance Ordinance on Waste

1 week
on Waste Management Management

1. Enactment of
Enacted Ordinace on
Ordinance on Integrated
Integrated Social Forestry
Social Forestry
Punong Barangay; Managemennt (or if with
Managemennt (or if with
Environmental Kagawad Chairman on ordinance "Strict
ordinance "Strict 1week
Management system Committee on enforcement of existing
enforcement of existing
Environment ordinace on Integrated
ordinace on Integrated
Social Forestry
Social Forestry

1. Enactment of
Ordinance for
Ordinance for
Establishment of Tree 1 week
Establishment of Tree
Parks and Greenbelts
Parks and Greenbelts

Functional Barangay Functional Barangay
Ecological and Solid Ecological and Solid
1 week 24,000 24,000 24,000 none Barangay
Waste Management Waste Management
Committee Punong Barangay; Committee
Environmental Kagawad Chairman on
Forge partnership with
Management system Committee on MOA with Junk shop
Junk Shops thru a MOA
3. Formulation of Formulated Integrated
Integrated Social Forestry Social Forestry 3 days 20,000 none Barangay
Management Plan Management Plan


1. Capacity building on
Punong Barangay; Capacity building on City
Maintenance of barangay
Infrastructure Services Kagawad Chairman on Maintenance of barangay 3 days 80,000 80,000 80,000 Planning/Engine Barangay
roads and bridges, and
Infrastructure roads and bridges, and ering Office
water supply system
water supply system

Knowledge and Learning

Management System

Enabling Policies
2. Inclusion in the Appropriations Ordinance
Appropriations Ordinance with inclision of funding
Procurement of for Procurement
Punong Barangay;
equipments, supplies and equipments, supplies and
Infrastructure Services Kagawad Chairman on 1 day
materials for the materials for the
Maintenance of barangay Maintenance of barangay
roads and bridges, and roads and bridges, and
water supply system water supply system

2 Enactment of
Appropriations of Appropriations of
Maintenance of Peace
Ordinance with budget Sangguniang Barangay, Ordinance with budget
and Order and Social 1 day
inclusion for Purchase of Barangay Tanod inclusion for Purchase of
euipment and supplies euipment and supplies


Hiring of Additional BHW Hired Additional BHW 1 week 30,000 30,000 30,000 none Barangay
Health and Nutrition
Punong Barangay
Appointing 1 utility Appointed 1 utility 1 week 24,000 24,000 24,000 none Barangay

Punong Barangay;
1. Issuance of Executive Kagawad Chairman on Executive Order
Social Welfare Services Order creating Family, Women, Elderly designating Barangay 1 day
PDAO/designating PDAO and Social Services, PDAO


2 Training on Health For
Training on Health For All
All and Effective Health 3 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
and Effective Health care
care Delivery Service
Delivery Service
3. Seminar on the
Seminar on the
importance of health
importance of health 3 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
advocacy, nutrition and
advocacy, nutrition and
4. Training on Effective
Training on Effective
COVID-19 Response and
COVID-19 Response and 1 day 10,000 CHO Barangay
Contact Tracing at the
Contact Tracing at the
Barangay Level
Barangay Level
Punong Barangay; Attended/Conducted
5. Seminar on crafting Kagawad Chairman on Seminar on crafting 3 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
Health and Nutrition health sensitive policies Health and Sanitation, health sensitive policies
Services Barangay Health Workers,
Barangay Nutrition Attended/Conducted
1. Orienation on Dengue Scholar Capacity Development on
1 day 10,000 10,000 10,000 CHO Barangay
Prevention Program Sexual and Reproductive
1. Capacity Development
Capacity Development on
on Sexual and 3 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
Online Sexual
Reproductive Health
2. Capacity Development
Conducted Traning on
on Online Sexual 3 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
Online Sexual Explitation
1. Orientation on
Orientation on 1 day 10,000 10,000 10,000 CHO Barangay
Immunization Program
Immunization Program
1. Capacity Development
Capacity Development on
on Sexual and 2 days 10,000 CHO Barangay
Online Sexual
Reproductive Health
2. Capacity Development
Conducted Traning on
on Online Sexual 3 days 10,000 10,000 10,000 CHO Barangay
Online Sexual Explitation
1. Training on
Conducted/ attended
Katarungang 3 days 50,000 City Government Barangay
Capacity Building on KP
Maintenance of Peace Conducted/ attended
and Order and Social 2. LTIA Enhancement Lupong Tagapamayapa LTIA Enhancement 3 days 50,000 City Government Barangay
Justice Training Training
capacity Development for
capacity development for 1 day 10,000 10,000 City Government Barangay
and Order and Social

1 Capacity Development Conducted/attended

Activities for BPATs Capacity Development 1 day 10,000 10,000 10,000 City Government Barangay
Activities for BPATs

Conduct of Seminar on
Punong Barangay; Seminar on Child 3 days 30,000 30,000 30,000 CSWD Barangay
Child Friendly Governance
Kagawad Chairman on Friendly Governance
Social Welfare Services
Family, Women, Elderly
and Social Services Conducted/ Attended
2. Capability Development
Capability Development 1 day 10,000 CSWD Barangay
Activities for PDAO
Activity for PDAO
Conducted/ Attended
Youth and Development 1. Orientation on Juvenile
Sangguniang Kabataan Orientation on Juvenile 3 days 80,000 CSWD Barangay
Services Deliquent Law
Deliquent Law
Knowledge and Learning
Punong Barangay;
8. Development of an Kagawad Chairman on Developed integrated
Health and Nutrition integrated barangay Health and Sanitation, barangay database
1 week 24,000 CHO Barangay
Services database system and Barangay Health Workers, system and online health
online health records Barangay Nutrition records

Management System
Punong Barangay;
Kagawad Chairman on
6. Stray dogs catching Established Stray dogs
Health and Nutrition Health and Sanitation,
Program and referral catching Program and 1week 5,000 5,000 5,000 City Vet./CHO Barangay
Services Barangay Health Workers,
system referral system
Barangay Nutrition

Enabling Policies
1. Enactment of
Appropriations of
Appropriations of
Ordinance with budget
Ordinance with budget
inclusion for the conduct 1week
inclusion for the conduct
of Health Advocacy
of Health Advocacy

Punong Barangay;
Kagawad Chairman on
Health and Nutrition Health and Sanitation,
Services Barangay Health Workers,
Barangay Nutrition
2. Enactment of Punong Barangay;
Appropriations of Kagawad Chairman on
Health and Nutrition Ordinance with budget Health and Sanitation, Formulated Work and
Services Barangay Health Workers, Finacial Plan for RPRH 1 day
inclusion for Purchase of
Barangay Nutrition Law
misting equipment and
supplies Scholar

2. Enactment of
Appropriations of
Formulated Work and
Ordinance with budget
Financial Plan for RPRH 3 days
inclusion for Purchase of
misting equipment ans
1. Passage of SB
SB Resolution Identifying
Resolution Identifying the
the location/site of the
location/site of the 1 day
Barangay Information
Barangay Information and
Punong Barangay, and Reading Center
Reading Center
Kagawad Chairman on
Education Services 2. Enactment of Education, Daycare Appropriations of
Appropriations of Worker Ordinance with budget
Ordinance with budget
inclusion for Purchase of 3 days
inclusion for Purchase of
books and reading
books and reading

2. Enactment of an Ordinance Establishment

Youth and Ordinance Establishment of Referral System for
Sangguniang Kabataan 1 day
Development Services of Referral System for CICL and Juvenile
CICL and Juvenile Deliquent

2. Formulation of Work Punong Barangay;

Health and Nutrition RPRH Annual Work and
and Finacial Plan for Kagawad Chairman on Financial Plan 1 day
RPRH Law Health and Sanitation,
Barangay Health Workers,
2. Formulation of Work Barangay Nutrition
Scholar RPRH Annual Work and
and Finacial Plan for 1 day 10,000 CHO Barangay
Financial Plan

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay
Date Sept.
Capacity 28, 2021
Development DateContent:
Requirements Sept. 28, 2021 DateSept. 28, 2021

[1] Refers to functions and services devolved to barangays under Section 17 of the LGC and other relevant laws.

[2] Strategies mapped out to enhance the ability of the LGU to achieve its desired performance/state/condition.
[3] Beneficiaries of the intervention.

[4] Refers to a plan, program, system, process, or people trained.

[5] Refers to the duration of the capacity development intervention within the three-year time frame of the current leadership.
[6] Refers to the estimated cost/budget required for capacity development interventions per year if applicable.
Refers to internal or external stakeholders who can provide the necessary coaching/mentoring/technical assistance in the delivery of the
capacity development intervention.
[8] Refers to the source of financing for the capacity development intervention.

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