Oumh1203 English For Written Communication
Oumh1203 English For Written Communication
Oumh1203 English For Written Communication
1. Answer in English.
6. This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course.
This assignment consists of TWO parts: Part I (comprised of THREE (3) tasks) and Part II.
The purpose of this assignment is to expose students to proper essay writing skills and
introduce them to the step-by-step guide to writing an essay.
The current changes in the Malaysian education system will have a major impact on the
preparation of Malaysian students for the future.
Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
You should also read the following online article for background information on the essay
The planning and writing of your essay are divided into THREE (3) tasks:
The first initial stage of writing an essay is the Pre-Writing stage, where you brainstorm, list
your ideas and prepare any type of drafts for the essay.
Task Requirements:
1. Prepare an outline with a thesis statement. You can opt for the Sample Outline Format
below or prepare your outline.
2. The thesis statement must include your stand on the main focus of the paper and the
(list of) main points in the main body.
3. The outline should be written according to the format of an essay: introduction, body
and conclusion.
4. The outline must list the points that discuss the topic given. These points must be
arranged in a logical and coherent order to show a good flow of ideas.
- Introduction to the topic
- *Thesis Statement
I. Point 1
A. Supporting Detail
i. Example
a) Sub-example (if any)
II. Point 2
A. Supporting Detail
i. Example
a) Sub-example (if any)
(same structure for Point 3 and so on)
-The conclusion of the essay
*one or two sentences that summarise the main point, main idea, or main message of your
(5 Marks)
Interview at least SIX (6) people (parents, teachers, family members, friends etc) to gather
information about the essay topic by asking the following questions.
1) Do you agree or disagree with the Dual Language Programme (2016) in Malaysian
2) Why or why not?
3) Evaluate the following causes to show which has the greatest impact on preparing
Malaysian students for the future. (1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest)
a. Parents
b. Teachers
c. Friends
d. DLP or any other MOE programmes
e. Others: (specify)
4) Explain briefly the above evaluation.
You will need to prepare a table to describe the findings of the interview. Refer to the
following template with an example in the first column.
Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6
Agree or √
Disagree with
Brief reasons Easier to
terms and
Causes for
a. Parents 5
b. Teachers 3
c. Friends 4
d. MOE prog 2
e. Others: 1
(specify) (ownself)
Brief Parents
Explanation spending
time with
children can
help them
prepare for
the future
Submit the completed table and use the findings of this table to support your essay in
Task 3.
(10 Marks)
TASK 3 - ESSAY (25%)
Write an argumentative essay between 2,000 words and 2,500 words on the given topic.
Task Requirements:
1. The content of your essay must resemble the essay outline in Task 1 and must be
supported with at least, 2 or 3 examples from Task 2.
2. The same thesis statement in the outline should be presented in the introductory
paragraph of the essay.
3. The essay must also consider a refutation paragraph to critically discuss the given topic.
4. Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieving cohesion and coherence. Note
that marks will be deducted for incorrect essay types.
5. Avoid plagiarism. You must support your essay with at least TWO (2) pieces of evidence
from current and related literature (2020 – 2024). Use the latest APA (7 th edition) format
for in-text citations and the reference list. The TWO (2) references must be from
different sources: journals, credible websites, books, magazines and newspapers.
6. Remember to refer to Topics: 3, 4 and 5 of the OUMH 1203 Module.
(40 Marks)
Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:
1. What's your go-to strategy for overcoming writer's block when tackling an essay?
Share examples.
2. Read the comic strip below and discuss what adjustments or additions you would
suggest to improve the existing essay grading rubrics.
(10 Marks)
1 3 Essay Outline Details are placed in an Details are placed in an Some details are not
Format outline format and the outline format, but how supported and this
way they are presented they are presented distracts the organisation
1.0 Many details are not No proper 4
effectively makes the sometimes makes the of the outline.
logical or incorrectly outline
outline very interesting outline less interesting.
Missing support
or details.
The details are written in
paragraphs or essay
3 Thesis Statement A comprehensively A good thesis statement A thesis statement that A thesis statement that
written thesis that could be clearer and requires a list of points. is poorly written or
statement. more comprehensive. wrongly written.
0.25 No thesis 1
2 3 Evidence collected All requirements of the All requirements of the Only half of the Limited evidence of
task are successfully task are met. The table requirements of the task preparing answers for
met. The table presented 6 data but are met. The table the task. The table
0.75 No evidence 3
presented 6 or more might not be successfully presented 6 data in a presented less than 6
was provided.
data successfully. done. moderate organisation. data.
A brief Comprehensive and well A good explanation is A moderate explanation A poor explanation is No explanation
3 explanation of DLP presented in the presented in the column. is presented in the presented in the column. is presented in
column. column. the column.
0.75 3
3 Evaluation of Clear evaluation and A good evaluation and Clear evaluation and An incomplete No evaluation
causes for impact Comprehensive and well explanation is presented moderate explanation are evaluation of a poor or explanation
and a brief presented in the in the column. presented in the column. explanation is presented is presented in
1.0 4
explanation column. in the column. the column.
2 2 Introduction The introduction very
clearly states the thesis
statement and previews
0.5 The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear The 2
the structure of the
states the thesis the thesis statement but introduction to the main introduction
statement and previews does not adequately topic or structure of the presents no
the structure of the paper. preview the structure of paper or an incorrect purpose.
the paper. type of essay.
Fully addresses the Adequately addresses the Generally writes about There is little attempt to
stand for or against the stand for or against the for or against of the write about for or
chosen topic. chosen topic. chosen topic but with NO against of the chosen
2 Content: 1.5 A weak attempt 6
clear stand. topic but with NO clear
to argue for or at addressing
Explanations and claims Some explanations and stand.
against: the written
are very comprehensive, claims may not be The development of
The current question.
coherent and organised arranged logically and explanations and claims is The organisation of
changes in the OR
logically. coherently. adequate. explanations and claims
Malaysian Writing is
lack clarity and may lead
education system heavily
The arguments for and The arguments for and The arguments for and to confusion.
will have a major plagiarised.
against are supported by against are supported by against are somewhat
impact on the
authentic, clear and clear and appropriate supported by a few Lack of arguments for
preparation of
appropriate examples in examples in the Malaysian examples in the and against in the
Malaysian students
the Malaysian context. context. Malaysian context. Malaysian context.
for the future.
An excellent attempt to A good attempt to discuss A moderate attempt to There are many concerns
discuss points all points throughout the discuss points. about plagiarism
throughout the paragraphs. evidence.
Refutation 1.5 Three or more main Three or more main points Three or more main Less than three main Missing main
Organisation points are well- are present points, but all points, points. 6
developed with but may lack detail and lack development. with poor development Absent idea
supporting details. development in Refutation of development
Refutation paragraph(s) one or two. Refutation paragraph(s) missing ideas. and refutation.
acknowledges the paragraph(s) and/or vague The refutation is missing OR
opposing view and acknowledges the or vague. Writing is
summarizes their main opposing view but OR heavily
points. doesn’t summarize points. There are many concerns plagiarised.
about plagiarism
2 Conclusion 0.5 The conclusion skillfully The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is a weak The conclusion 2
reinforces the thesis and recognisable and ties up recognisable but does not or incorrect type of is out of topic /
gives closure to the almost all the loose ends. tie up several loose ends. essay. unrecognisable.
2 Language is excellent Language is satisfactory
with hardly any errors in with some errors in
grammar, lexical choice grammar, lexical choice
Language/ 1.0 Frequent errors in Very frequent errors in Errors in 4
and punctuation. and punctuation, which do
grammar, lexical choice grammar, lexical choice grammar,
not seriously impede
and punctuation, may and punctuation that lexical choice
understanding and clarity.
impede understanding seriously impair and punctuation
and clarity. understanding and are too
Good organisation.
Excellent organisation. clarity. Poor organisation frequent and
Organisation Moderate organisation. severe, making
it highly difficult
to understand
the message.
There are many concerns
about plagiarism
evidence, thus the
language and sentence
skills are not clear.
A reference of more A reference of 2 relevant A reference of 2 articles, A reference of fewer No articles are
than 2 relevant articles articles and all are from but not necessarily than 2 articles, but all used as
and all are from different sources. relevant, or not from from the same source. references.
3 References 1.25 5
different sources. different sources.
Most of the references are References are References are
All the references are effectively used, correctly References are inappropriately/unclearl not
effectively used, cited and correctly listed sometimes not effectively y incorporated. incorporated or
correctly cited and in the reference list used, and/or correctly incorporated
correctly listed in the according to APA style. cited and/or correctly Missing inclusion of the inappropriately.
reference list according listed in the reference list evidence in Task 2.
to APA style. Coherent inclusion of the according to APA style.
evidence in Task 2.
Successful and coherent There is inclusion of the
inclusion of the evidence evidence in Task 2.
in Task 2.
Total 10 40
*QN = Question Number
good, appropriate, good, appropriate, relevant, comments are somewhat submitted. OR All posts done past the
relevant, meaningful, and meaningful, and respectful. good, appropriate, are done in one day. assignment
respectful. Postings reflect meaningful and OR None of the timeline.
Postings reflect active participation within the respectful. comments is good and OR No postings
participation within the assignment timeline. Postings show relatively relevant. given as proof of
assignment timeline. short participation time. OR Comments are participation in
short responses that the discussion
are not substantial or
meaningful. Minimum
effort (e.g. “I agree
with Tina”)
Note: This course also requires students to complete the Online Activity (10%) in MyInspire as part of the assignment total of 60%. The Online Activity can be accessed in E
lesson 5 and E lesson 10.
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